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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15. 1CS7. 15 BEACH EXPECTS TO BE AO ANGEL Make . Confidants of Fellow : If i Senators, Who Greet His A Hope With Laughter. SENATE KILLS BLUE ; - ' . ; " UW WITH CAY, HA! HA! IUilry Thought It Would Pat the ''..'( Heavy Burden of Wood Chopping on the I'nfortunate Wires of the . . Members. . '"' ,, ' , i " (B a Staff Correspondent.) . Salem. Or.. Feb. When th drastic blue law. ' th Kay Sunday rest bill. : passed Into oblivion in th senata yta- twayfternoon.--niTiT 'Of the aenator "-y at h r.v.n) fff the I measure and tha bseoules war marked by a, varied dlaplay of wit. Tba bill waa read the third time before it waa voted on by tha annates When Reading Clerk Motter. was about half through Senator Malarkay waa recognised. : ' "If thla bill becomea a law we eoold : do nothing on Sunday but eat." be ald. "I think tha law la too stringent, and I move that It be Indefinitely postponed." ."No one but angela could live In Ore gon If thla bill were to paaa," aaid Sen ator Beach. "And while I expect to be ' an angel some day".." '.. .'' .'.- "The time Is far away, Senator," Inter. "nosed rrealdcnt Haloes, amid laughter, and Beach aat dowru. . ,,' --'- V '. Senator Xodsoa Boae. ; "1 think this la one of the most ao ' comodatlng "bills we '.bare., seen this session," he declared. "One can chooaa "any sum" be wants In the way of a fine. Mere la a penalty of $5. another of 125, one of f to. and so on up to $100. But I do not believe I will support It on that account." , .-' ' Senator Bailey alao had a uSBeatlea "to offer. "".""". "This bill seems to have a merit that Tiaa not occurred to some of the aena tors."h aaid. "Men who hava to split wood on Sundays would be prohibited from doing It. and they would have to turn that duty over- to tneir- 'wives. Since the wood would have to be split during the week, many of us could thus avoid an unpleasant cnore.- -. Senator "VVhealdon rebuked the sen tora who made merry over the bill, saying he considered It too serious subject for jest., Ha admitted that the kill was drastic, but thought-the edit- "T cation committee might have eliminated some of the more stringent feature and amended the bill ao that it would be a deelrable law. - 1 SenatorKay explained that he had ln ,. traduced the bill by request, and though It was his own measure be thought It '. too drastic for him to support. When i the vote on the indefinite postpone 1 ment of tha bill was taken, the motion ? waa carried without a alssentlnf vote, ilYsSolH II KYI.A V? MUK UWT-Wr --al WW X n-UiAf Mil 'M J.-' Haselwood's. always popular with Portlanders, has much strengthened Ita bold on tha public by Instituting Its own bakery ao that now all the delicious pies, cakes, doughnuts, -etc. aerved bare can be ordered with the satisfactory as suraoce thta they are strictly Vhome made." At JIaselwood's they are leav ing nothing undone .to please the pub lic and the publie expresses Its appre ciation dally by flocking to. thla at tractive and reatrul resort in numoers that Oil 'every nook and corner. The vlnea wreathing tha interior are always fresh And the birds sing as sweetly as If In their native homes. A little 1-year- old baby . oaused quite "a. stir among those lunching there recently, by lml tatlng bird's not so perfectly that tba bird answered back every baby not. Every" oftritoppedW"1tstenTwhito-the Unued to call back In aweet response until its mother to the regret of every one stopped the child. Oadsby's have Just issusd their mid winter issue of "Qadaby's Home News,' attractive little sheet giving some very Interesting Ideas on- prevailing fashions In furniture. And tha .whya and wherefores thereof. A very charming short story of an' old furniture bunt. "A Tale of an Antique Sofa," opens the megaxlne. It la mailed to the patrons of the bouse, and can be bad on appll oatlojL..j. u...- v .... ;., ., . . .... SLOT MILLS SILENT -; V IN LIDDED CHEHALIS i - ,, '"" rSneflal fMn-ietrs, to Tee Jooreal.1 ' ' Cbehalis. Wuh., Feb. .11. The lid v baa been put on in cbehalis so far as ' slot machines are concerned.- For months both the money-paying machines and the merchandise, machines bave flourished undisturbed, but this week their -click Is not heard. A prospective j rsld. Jy. the sheriff under warrants which-a eltlsen offered to swesr out through the office of tha county attor : ney la the eaitae of the removal of the machines. , When the conversation re - gardlng the subject waa on It was heard by a saloon keeper, who tipped off the proposed raid and as consequence the ' machines vanished In the night and ' there were no arreat. . i . . i ' .' CONGRESS MIGHT BAR THAW FROM THE MAILS ' J-reel Hpeetkl Serrlee.) : Washington, Feb. IB. A concurrent resolntion has been offered in the house authorising the president to bar from tha malls all newspapers printing re volting details of the jrhawtrlat and trials of similar' casesT 7- The. Needlecraft Shop on Washington street is a center of growing interest to womankind, the afternoon embroidery class proving a great drawing card. Here from X till e every afternoon, on the bright, well-lighted upper- gallery, a score or more of . women and girls gather, and under two expert instruct ors, lesrn all the modern embroidery stitches. , Saturday afternoon is re served for the school girls, who are fascinated with their initiation Into the needleeraft art. Mrs. White, -the enter prising proprietor of thla unique estab lishment, ha mad the classroom at tractive in toft-green tones and com fortable chairs are provided. She takes great -pleasure in promoting skill la em broidery and makes no charge for the lessons when materials are purchased from her shop. All Interested are wel come. The designs in lingerie, ahlrt waists,' linen suits and baby clothes were never ao dainty, or so artistically worked out; aa at present, many com binations of stitches making a beautt-1 ful effect. , . SAD r; IISTORY OF 1118 DEFEAT Kuropatkln Says Russia t Was .' Beaten by . incompetency ' and Disobedience. . JAPANESE DISCIPLINE - AND PATRIOTISM STRONG Commander of the Czar's Force la ' Manchuria Give to the World tha lleaaons for Ilia Overwhelming Pinasters in the Field. r : " ' : George A. Smith, former manager of the Columbia Phonograph company, who left a abort time ago to take charge of the business of the Splnoxa Phonograph company, located at Mexico City, Mexico; writes his successor, A. Glenn, that be finds the climate delightful, with orange and palm trees replacing Oregon Cedars. He sends greetings to all bis old friends. The - Spinoza - Phonograph company has the exclusive sgency for the Columbia phonographs throughout the republic of Mexico, and under Mn Smith's efficient management they will doubtless soon be beard - under every palm tree, collecting wondering groups of ' brown-skinned natives. A. - Glenn, who succeeded Mr. Smith as manager of the Portland office, baa been many years with the company. A. B. Stelnbach at Co. have received tbelr spring stock of men's waist coats. and tbey certainly are the nobbiest thing 'or men imported in many a day. The corner dlaplay window givea the public ample opportunity to paaa on these beautiful garments, and the ver dict la bound to be a favorable one. They come in dove grays, tans, fawna, pearl grays, stripes, shadow "plaids and checks all in a new fashionable cut that promises to make the masculine sett ss proud as the proverbial peacock. Mr. Stelnbach la expected home from eaat In a week or 10 days. the 'Friendship Tribute. : ' From the Chicago Tribune. Nan I wonder if that' a real dia mond that Kitty'a wearing on her finger. Do you know who the, young man 1st Fan I don't know of any young man. but I know It's a real diamond. I hap pened- in-when she -waa buying Jt c . .' .. (Joeraal Special ferries.) St. Petersburg. Feb. 16. The causes of the overwhelming defeat of Russia In her war. with Japan bave In an . of ficial way reached the public, which, notwithstanding the efforts of the gov- ernment to supurris the book, liaa last got bold of General Kuropatkln's hlstorv of the Kusso-Japanese affair. Kuropatkln's three bulky volumes do not tall anvtklnsr new: the facts set forth had been -told before and' had" received tbelr comment and criticism; the work is notable aa the protest of great general against tha criminal stu pidity, cowardice, unprepareonees an Insubordination that marked the Bus- alan prosecution of the war. General Kurooatkln aums us by aay Ing "If Russia had been united and ready to make the sacrifices' necessary to. safeguard her dignity and Integrity, the -valiant Russian army would bava striven tin the foe was aubdued.' ' The Mukden volume opens with sketch of the early events of the war. and shows that there were divided coun ts from the outset over the defenses of Port Arthur. " ' ' :-1 "-"""" ":" Kuropatkln shows how his efforts to realise this were checkmated by the de ficiencies of the army and the lack of transport and artillery horses, dwelling on the details given In order to show the utter Inadequacy Of the Manchurlan army to cope with the situation. '- Bassla .Beatea Xarly. Kuropatkln admits that,' had General Kurokl grasped a critical position on the - Russian east I front. . which 1 "fortu nately for us bs did not, ie could have seised Laio Yank a early a tha begin ning of June." . Of the Manchurlan retreat.. Kuropat kln says the Japanese had the larger force, better equipped, better drilled and with better officer and more patriot- Ism. General BUderling tactics at Liao Tang are severely criticised. His troops are described aa raw, . Inexperienced and untruatworthy and mat with constant failure. . General "Orloff fore of lt,009 men simply bolted the -field in wild disorder and a splendid position was lost. vl - What waa lacking throughout the fighting at Liao Tang. Kwropatkln say. was "greater effort on th part or tne troops and more capable handling ty their leaders." -Ot the retreat from Llao ' Tang to Mukden It is said th Russian gave way to panic; th poata at Mukden were victim to fear. .. ...,,. "It li regrettable." aaya Kuropatkln, "that a fortnight before the commence ment of Our advance the chancea of success were overturned by certain or der of Grlppenberg. which revealed to the enemy the nature of our intended movement." " , Defeat Foreordalaea. . Of the reverse at Sandepu, be aaya, the affair could not bava ended other wise: no study had been made of th ground, th artillery wasted Ita ammu nition, and Stackleburg disobeyed or ders. General Grlppenbdrg was worse than useless a detriment, old, deaf, low, he wasted th lives of 10,000 men doing nothing. In speaking of Kaul bare, the historian says that general disobeyed orders. " Kuropatkln takes much of the blame for the- Mukden defeat; he did not Insist strongly enough, on a proper re serve for the decisive movement. .- Re ports from bom had much to do with discouraging th army. v . The' work baa created sensation her and courtmartlals are sure to fol low. ". . ' f. v L10ST HATED II liitUID Lord Clanrlcarde Bears Distress J Ing Title, and May Lose Con trol of His Estates. PARLIAMENT TO CONSIDER BILL TO EJECT HIM Remarkable Proceeding promised by the British Government to De prive Despised and Absent Land lord of Bis Vast Holdings. I '-(Jonraal gseelsl Serrlea.) London, Feb. 15. Th x extraordinary announcement waa mad to parliament by Secretary for Ireland Blrrell that he would at one Introduce-a hill to dnpriv of the management of his eatatea Lord anilcarde. TIinioeEBSled man in" Ireland." The secretary said his lord ship was unable, through Incompetency, to manage th property, that a commis sion would bo especially appointed to look after It for tb beat Interests of owner and tenant, and declared that Clanrlcarde' administration has been ahocklna. Hubert George da Burgh Canning, Vis count Burke of Clanmorrta, county Mayo, Baron DunkelUn, county Galway. Earl of Clanrlcarde of Ireland. Baron Corner- hUi of th United Kingdom and Mar quis of Clanrlcarde is now li years old. He Is a confirmed bachelor. Many of his titles will die with him. Tb Mar quis of 811 go, hi first cousin, will in herit soma of th property and lesser titles. He has not been In Ireland for two score years. s'b fear the ven geance of the people he has racked and evicted. For years efforts- have been made to have a commission appointed to administer the affair of hi estate, but thi la th first time that success baa been promised. Clanrlcarde, or ''Clan-rack-rent." aa he la unpopularly called. Is hardly known to his peers;-he lives a rather lonely life in London, surround ed by a collection of works of art that has hardly aa equal her. He dresses shabbily, has a mania for skating, and baa been' threatened with- death 'many time '.-.; .- - Only on two occasion In the history of Ireland have bills been introduced in parliament to deprive men ot tbelr pos sessions. One affected Viscount Strang ford, Dean of Down, In 17M; tha other took from th crippled, dumb idiot.. Sir John Parnell, tb right to succeed to his ; father- estate. -r- - GENERAL -BREAUI VAXSTS, SIZST SPELLS, XAVOS AITS . , rxxi un xcm. - 1 - Conditions Whioa Sr. Williams' rink mils, the Great Blood Tonio, Have Been Curing- for Tear. There la no more perplexing trouble for a physician to treat-than-deblllty oases, especially in women, in wnicn there Is no acute disease but In which the patient every clay sinks lower and lower deaplte changes of medicine and similar experiments. That Dr. William Pink Pills will restore health under these conditions Is no speculation, but th fact haa been proved in hundreds of cases lmt lar to that of Mrs. Sarah Ramsey ot lOOtv St John street, Litchfield, IlL She says: ' , "I never felt well after my first child waa born. J bad a gnawing pain In my stomach and could not bold my food down. My head ached a great deal and sometime th pain went all through my body. I bad dtssy- apella so that I could not stand and seemed to be half blinded with pain. These spells would often last . for over an hour. My blood seemed to be in a very poorcohdttl6n"ahd"myhandr ana-feet war like icw. X eemea to 00 growing weaker and weaker and Could not get around to do my work in the houae. I was extremely nervoua and tba leaat excitement would bring on a dlxxy apell. . . . . ' ' '- -! "For a number of years I was under a doctor's car but seemed to get no better. I bad beard about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and X began to take them. I soon felt better and gained in weight and strength. . My nerves are strong now and. I, am a well woman in every way." . ' '- .. ' Dr. Williams Pink Pills sre a great discovery for suffering women. They are unequaled aa a blood builder and tool and have for years been curing anaemia, rheumatlam. after-effects of th grip and fevers and such nervous diseases as neuralgia, -nervous bead aches, dlsxlnesap 8LV Vitus' dano and even partial paralysis ana, locomotor ataxia. : Dr. Winiams' Pink Pills ara old by all druggist or will be sent, post-paid. on receipt of price, i cent per box. six boxes for $2.60, by tbs Dr.. Williams Medicine" company. Schenectady," N. T. A booklet of valuable Information, en titled "Plain Talks to Women," free to any woman Interested. TO BAR REPUDIATORS ; , OUT OF OKLAHOMA ;vt,,', (Jooraal Special Service.) Guthrie, Okla., Feb. li. A proposition Is 'before the constitutional convention to bar from tha atate the O insurance companies falling to pay tbelr losses at Sao- Francisco. r :r ; 'nil -. . Our Company is modern in its methods and. substantial in its organization modern be, cause it employs the latest and most approved systems in the care of its. business, and sub stantial by reason of its conservatism in all of : its transactions and the absence of any and. all .speculation in its investments j f , j " Th6se. having money. to place' at interest,' whether for a . short or long time, in large or ' small sums; having property interests requir- ; trustee paving any: other business to be cared , for, will receive careful and courteous consid-v; ' eration by the . . "--Vv" . V:'". Merchants i Investment 247 Washinston Street: ,' - Capital Fully Paid $150,000.00 - s J. FRANK WATSON. V: . 1 President: R.L. DURHAM..JViceJresident i2 W. H. FEAR... , Secretary ; S. C CATCHING.. .Assistant Secretary p. W. T. MUELLHAUPT. : .......,Cashier 7'r::i i "Ow 'ru: v JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY DEST : Tmt errea treoek Canned .Allen A Lewis' Best Brsnd. On. Every; Dollar on all ...-'. . . .'. , stasia. A ' kJ - .: ' ,:r;: UNTIL AFTER STOCK TAKING1 SAY, BUY THAT SEWIINO MACHINE AT ONCE I LWe arc having a special sale on our strictly high grade,absolutely modern ; '. $(55 DRQR HEAD SEWING MACHINES a sewine machine of this one's value sold as low as double this price before. Sewiner machine houses would nSr-l it for a penny less man $ua. cut we employ no special salesmen, ao no canvassing;, buy direct irom,the manufacturers and at manufacturer's jobbing rates. , This is why we sell this machine at the price we do. ' I I KAPPFRY LARGEST RETAIL HARDWARE STORE IN OREGOW ; C : i : t i - v -: 130 FIRST STREET, NEXT TO 0. yt. P. WAITING ROOM, RUNNING -THROUGH TO 129 FRONT ST There never was ell sell We have contracted for 1800 o these great steel ranges for , the year 1907, for -we nave jongsinco betted their mtntsand the range-buying - public hear- praises of the-"Eclipse" sung upon every side. They will -sell easily , with the ; liberal terms we offer. Dont worrv over an old stove when vou can secure t hich class steel : range' for tJ(h TTTTT m wm mw l Ab . i - . r k ."' 1 r We kill take your stove and make liberal, allowance in part payment of a range. A" range is more comfortable to cook-upon during the summer for the reason that the asbestos , walls retain the heat about the oven, while in the castiron stove the heat radiates, warming the kitchen to an uncomfortable de- gree. . , I , 1 0rtfef Tow - Now! v. i Tl For Iiiflli Tl 1 CInss Machines 7jelLtbisanti-trust machine under a 10-year guar antee. .They are made especially for us by a manu facturer not in the sewing .machine trust. . We cut out all jobbers' profits and sell it on a close margin. ' The people obtain, a first class machine at less than . half 'price..'-, :.., . .' v -:: -v, : $1.00 DOWN : , 50c A week: .' Secures this high-class machine and all attach-"; ments go FREE. ' ' You'll sav the cost in dressmakers' bills, and Instead of paying f 60 ' YOU PAY BUT MONEY BACK IP YOU'RE NOT PLEASED WITH IT. We Do a Mall Order Bnslness Send for Free Illustrated Catalog 1, I 1 I. I I M THE FOLDINO KIND FOR USE ON STREET CARS. - ; ; 60 STYLES to- chqose fromy and youll not find w " the equal of these dainty little beauties In Port land. They are of the latest spring, '07, styles. Prices from ... .. SI Doivn 50clVcek 173-175 First Street GBVULRT & SONS r . Chcpsi Orders Filled 219-227 Yamhill St