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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
AM 1 1 - SECTION TWO t , fit u v y to PAGES 17 TO 32 , : . , .. , rr , PORTLAND,-OREQON, i SUNDAY -MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1907." r.-i ; . ' . : V ...... , I, " i ' , ' - " ' 7r'i Valentines All Hew Styles Comic and, Sentimental; large, variety... ......... and up Post Card Valentines, Paper Napkins for Valentine Parties, Paper Cases iof Valentine Parties, Tally Cards for Valentine Parties, Hearts for Valentine Parties. ' mm ' . T ; pi S v Llv - ': Crs' IVnfer Dress Bargains Odds and ends sale of Girls'" Winter Dresses. Several styled to select from. Sizes from 6 to 16." Prices -ranging from $2.25 up to $14.00. Your choice now for. . . .$1.50 to $3.50 cs Iw Petticoats A splendid line of black sateen Skirts, ex tra good quality, : 9-IncTPfloawcemth-two deep tucks, finished with 3-inch dust ruffle. Reg. $1.75. CI 97 Special For Monday r only; a line- of -muslin Gowns, tucked yoke, trimmed with embroidery in sertion and edging. Reg. $1.60 CI ft ft value for .v; I vU. Anie ticari Ginghams , and Madras cloths, absolutely ; fast colors ' 10c, Irish Printed Dimities, all ; the new itriped and checked corded weaves, exquisitoEsTgi Scotch Ginghams, and Madras, a An derson's," the best in the world 25c to 75c 'the'yard.:;'x: Percales, immense assortment, all the hewestypatterns, lightEd darkxolbr-ings- 12Jc and 15c the yard. ; Silk and Cotton Mixtures,:plainnd fancy effects ; ; ; to 75c the yard 1. : mm ' ....... cmrs&Ts iwRJllY' Corset, made of fine white batiste with supporters attached. Sizes from 18 to 26; regularf price $i.25. Special price u y. 98 Cents Specials in White Goods IMPORTED MID DOMESTIC WEAVES White . Persian Jawns, tO inn i. r mr ii it. 75 White Lingerie; Batiste, 25c to . . ... . ..v.: .$0.00 Whita French'- Lawns, ' 25c to.". ... , ... . . . . . . ... . . .91.00 .White India i Linens; ' 10c to vf.. .................. 50 White. I Linen . Lawns, 40c to.. .j . , t .$3.00 . "20cTWhite to..v:..;.;. Dotted--Swisaea,25c t.......?1.00 Battenherg Linen . Squares, 18x18 inches, each . . . : . $2.00 Battenberg - Linen ""Square, 30x30 inches, each..1... $4.00 Battenberg; Linen' Squares, 36x36 inches, each. ....$5.00 Linen f Tea Cloths with Irish Poinf Lace, .each. .....?3.50 Doilies to match, each. .. .50 New-spring -sample Suits" Just arrived Etorri Newspring- Coats- just - arrived.- Short - box' tight fitting jacket effects. 'Panamas,' light coats, three-quarter Tengths, short tight fitting worsted "materials also- the-mbinaiiaa suits effects. , Tan coverts;" black-hroadcloths plain colors," stripes and deckfcv"!"",;" "6tripesand" mixtures'lnthe'tweed materials. In the Jewelry Department 35c Belt Buckles, Special for 22c eacri An. assortrnent'of. pretty Belt Buckles, in gilt and oxidized finish, in a great variety of designs; our, regular- 35c values. ' Special Monday, OOX for, . each ... ... . . . . . .i, . ... y . . . t ............ LLj "Para" Diamond Scarf Pins, Special for 35c each Gold filled Scarf PinSr-set with f-carat ''Para" diamonds, a new brilliant I manufacture stone,'nicely cut and very brilliant; our 50c values. A Special at 35 each. ,65c. values. Special jit, i j 7Qq Fine Rolled Gold Collar Buttons for 25c Set Come 4 on a card, one for front, on values. . The set, one for front, one for back and two for sleeves; good , OCJ ...V. . . ..... . L3Kj A small sample line of fine enameled and' gold filled Beauty hPinSt-w-two styles alike, marked to close OCrt ori(J CA them out quick at, the pair.......r,......Ltlb ClliU OUU Men's- Furnishing Goods Negligee Shirts, " regular price $1.00 and $1.00, . . O selling for . .. ... . .. ; . . UL Golf Shirts, new. line, cuffs at1, tached or- detach- AA able ; $2, $1.50 and . . 4 I U U Neckwearr new spring styles, bright patterns? $1.00 . SjQ Fancy Hose, the remainder of a '50c line ; closing" , them out for .. , . , . . . . . k? Underwear," 7 special -f line of natural rgrjty,- medium weight merino ;-rfegular price $1.25. Special,.;. . Win per garment ...'. I w Armbands, regular 10c C per Arc line. Special, 2 for Young Women Shoes Jhe Fall and Winter Styles The falL and winter styles of Young Women's .' Shoes have been entirely sold out and we are now -ready to show. the advanced spring styles. .. Special attention has been given, this season, to low shoes and to special 'weights in boots. We have just 'received a large shipment ofrGirls' Shoes, many of them made in Women's sizes, with low heels. We feel especially proud of our Children's stock, as there seems to be everything in it that could be; demanded. We cordially invite those who are not-acquainted "Wjth our. Shoes to come in 'and look them, over as you are bound to be con vinced that we have the' most .complete stock t hat?you have ever seen. .r-. . '.';..r..: - -. - Style 400--Young Ladies' low heel, patent kid lace Shoe, made of finest selected Rock Oak" medium extension soles, kid top. Tuxedo Blucher style. The. best of everything in this shoe, from the sole to the eyelets, (pi PA Sizes 2Vt to 7r; Price ..;..........M,0U Style 451 Young LidieVVTo'w'heeiTf ine kidT lace, Blucher style; same as above, 'VflJO TA only soft kid stock. Price. . . .. ... . .4)O0U Style B400 Young. Women's finest patent kid, button boot, hand, welt, medium extension soles, kid tops. A very neat and (5 CA dressy pattern. Sizes 2y to 7. Price. 4)0 0U Style B451 Young .Women's Boot, same as style B400, 'only made of fine kid (2 PA 4eather.-Price 3)t JU Style 650 Young Women's low heel, black kid lace Shoe, Blucher cut, made of skins se lected 'for their, good, wearing qualities. "A very popular. shoe. Sizes 2S to 7..('7 CA Price i , ...... . . . . . A)L03 Style B550 Same as above only (JJ CA button style. t Price f)L 0 U Style 551 Young Women's special low heel, kid, lace Shoe, patent tip, neat round toe. A veryJnicc selection. of leather and a satisfac tory wearer. Sizes 2l to 7. $2 19 Style 555 Same last and style as above, just a little coarser stock, but an excel-. (p OA Hent-weamghoej-Sizes-i-to-?,) I u- Women 's Knitwear Department Women's Vests Made of pure white lisle, high neck, long sleeves, neatly trimmed; regular 50c , value. Special price, per ; ; . . garment. .. . ..... . .i ... . . .v. .ODL 'Women's Vests White mercerized cotton, long 4 sleeves. a splendid $1.25 value. N Special QC pricr per garment ...... 1 . sDL ' Women's JVests-rrleayy .weight vwhite lisle, low neck, sleeves; regular $1.00 value. Spe- fJtm cial price, per garment . k . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . U C Misses Vests 'Made of white lisle, long sleeves and knee length pants ; values, up. to 35c . O Special price, per garment, all sizes, each. ..IOC y omen's Union Suits-White lisle,' high neck," long sleeves, ankle. length;-regular 75c-. PP value'. ' Special, 'per'garmeht, each' i V. . i .'. Ot5C Women's' Hose -Black' cotton," prettily embroid ered ,boots regular (50c value Special QC price, per pair . . ... i .... . ... .......... . . . ; ...... . .'. . .VUW Women's Hose Black gauze : lisle, spliced . heel,"1 double sole, French toe; regular 25cvalue. Special, - '-r .$L per' pair ' . ...... . . . . k . . . . ..... .' ....... 1 QL Children's Hose Black cotton. These are. selling, f O -per pairr from 10 to . . 10w I! 13 Bargains in Haviland China Dinner Sets Regular $28.50, 100- ' ' piece sets.- Special.. $22.50 Regular $35.00, 60 piece sets. Special. .$255 Regular $37.50, 100. i ' ' piece sets. Special.. $30.00 Regular $43.60. 100- piece sets. Special. . $30.25 Regular $49.20,-100-..-.i . piece sets. Special.. $34.25 Regular $92.15, 100 piece sets. Special.. $73.85 Regular 102.50, 117-, piece sets. Special. . $70.50 Cups and Saucers, hand decorated Special price - Vf A" t ' C.. --i ... ' J : X. U J Regular $183.75, 117 piece . sets. Spec. .$147.00 Glassware, special bargains in odd pieces. - Closing out at one-half regu- tUlf 1U1I 10c lar price Bargain Tables contain ar ticles that are selling - for less' than half of the usual price. . 5c, 10c,- 15c 1 and' .... . ;7Trrr: LuL Salad Bowls, the large Ger-' man kind. Special r price ID w Decorated Plates, 9-inch. Special , Qfj Special Bargains in Enameled Ware This is the Elite, four-coat, dark 'blue outside, i inside white, and is guaranteed for five vears. Tea Pots, regular 75c values. Special , QQqI Tea Pots, regular 85c values. Special , jQq Tea Pots, regular 95c values. Special ' Qq Tea Pots, regular $1J0 values. Spe- OAa cial price .OUt Kettles, regular 38c values. - Special )Rn price " ....... . fai4l Kettles, regular 47c values. Special O Hp price ......... .'. s. '. .....,. . . i. . . . . . 0UL Kettles, regular 57c values. Special 00p price ". .. . . ... . .. . . . v. 00L Kettles, regular 90c values. Special Q Kettles, regular $1.00 values. Spe- CtH cial price ....... 1 ...... . ... 1 ... .Q 1 1 Kettles, regular $1.75 values." Spe- I 1 A cial price . ................ . .... 0 I I U Kettles, regular $2.00 Values. Specialfi I OA price 0 1 0 If Deep Pie Plates,. regular 28c values. f Special price .... ... . .. . . . . . . .". .. . . . 1 Ob Pudding Pans,' regular 63c values. M A. Special price ,................... I. . . .4 U U Notions and Fancy Goods Side Combs, plain shell or am ber; 15c value. Special A -price, per pair ........ I ) C Bone Hair Pins, shell amber or black; one dozen on card; regular 20c. Special L Shoe Laces, best mohair; doz en in package ; all sizes ; regu lar 12c value. :: Qn Special OL Dress Buttons, fancy metal, all colors ; f two doze on card 60c- value; Special vai jf 10c Brown wood framed Pictures, landscape, figure and , sheep subjects; values- 65c. . 3C Special, each . . . ....... .OD w Whisk Brooms, double stitch ed ; value 19c. .1 A Special, each . . .:. . .'. . I UC Lot of small sized framed. Pic-' tures, assorted subjects ; values :icsh,c..'r:-... ...isc Dress Fasteners, black ' and white, snap style, all sizes ; two dozen on card ; regular 10c. value. - Special , - 1 price ......v.....;.."... C Post ; Card ' Albums, holds 100 cards, fancy- assorted covers ; value 25c' . y Specif each .'.'..;... i C Linen cloth finish fine " white Writing Paper;' box contains 60 3 sheets and 50 .envelopes; values 35c ; ; V. ? Jf)r Special, box 4Uw Large size box hotel or. family size hard wood Tooth Picks ; value-1 25c Special millinery Barg ains Velvet and Felt Hats, a.special line trimmed ( with wings,' maline, ribbon and AA flowers; values to $15.00. Special. .0UU Imported Hats, any imported hat O A A in stock goes for ........... .....0UU V Tailored Hats, the balance of our stock in i ivrr 'J ) v. 7 braids and felt; prices to $3.50. Special price I UU Caps, suitable for ladies and chil- 1fi r dren; values to $L00. Special price. . . I UL : Ostrich Feathers, black only ; val- 0 0 r ( ues to $1.30. Special 0 O C - t'i- 1 ,1' Special 1 in Leather Goods An Extraordinary Sale of Leather Bells One lot of fine calf leather shaped Belts, doilesJitcJiingfm juality-gilt-bucklethelts' come irrtanTcoTor only; our QQ regular $1.75 values. Special,. this sale, each , . . .. . . .. .... ilOC One lot of gray" kid leather One lot of fine kid leather Belts, with two-tongue spring Belts, shaped with center seam, buckle which fastens OF-" fine quality," gilt! "buckler in in back; 50c values for.v.31 Jrownonly; our 85c Qf One lot of suede leather. Belts, values for, each ....... 4 JU in blue, green, red and white, One lot of best quality kid with fancy embroidered de- leather Belts, with, fancy kid signs of gold thread, gilt buck- fcuckles, back and side slides les to match; our regular 65c to match; belts in black only; values. , Special, ... )tZn our reg. $2.50 val- ' Ct ("A each . ..,,;.. . ,..LJ L ues. Special, each ... p Visit the A rt Goods Dept. 27-inch hemstitched i squares Regular r 12cr"-Richardson V cloister embroidered ; regu- linen Handkerchiefs, cither ??::..:;.$1.69 t?e!;f ! .. 50c Narrow colored Guimps suit- Embroidered Swiss Ilandker-- able -for trimming children's chiefs, slightly soiled; regular dresses; values . to. 10c, ; 1 35c value. Special, 1 I Q for, yard It, each 1 iC Ladies' Japanese, drawn work Ladies' linen tailored Collars Collar and Cuff Sets, regular and Stocks, with and without SOcyalues for, ; . Jg tabs ; regular 35c for, Persian Bands and Braids,' in desirable shades; values to T0 85c, for, yard. . ............ -T ............. C