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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1907)
TIIC OREGON. -DAILY- JOURNAL, - PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING; FEBRUARY" T. 1807.- - ' OIL FINANCIER-JOINS PARIS COLONY fohce chief's affoi:itl:e:it DESPITE VETO Council Determined to Maka the Mayor Name. Permanent Head of Police. ' THE MOOT IN VALUE THE BEST III QUALITY ) 1 Goods Deliver ed Everjrwhcro Ilail Orders Promptly Filled - ; 1 a . ' : ': . v j 4 Jamei Stlllman. tbe multl-mllllonalre, New' York banker and railroad -manrpulator and one of John D. Rockefeller's' right-hand men, ' It Is stated, proposes to lire the balance of his life In Paris. He has pur- chased a handsome ho ae near the French capital. His business Inter ests in this country will be left to, the hands of his son, James Still man, Jr. In the picture at the top is shown the handsome chateau which Mr. Stlllman has bought in Paris, which he proposes to re model. Below is shown Mr. Stlllman himself and a recent picture ot Mrs. James Stlllman, Jr., the .wjfe ot his son. ,..-. . ' . CHOKES LUMBER INDUSTRY N ' (Continued froni Pate One.)v" - amount of lumber shipped out of-, the state annaally, and Industry beyond -that limitation must be throttled. Tbe railroad-people flirura that tbe .timber crop la aero for their oent, aij that- It will be better for the railroads to conserve the timber for future yeara to furnish the railroad companlae trar lie. That Is why It Is -harder for -lumber mill than for any ether shipper to ret cara. - Cinok ea the Bnstaess. The Curtis Timber company,-at Mill iv. on the CorYallla Eastern, la one of the- lateat to ahut down for lack of cars, throwlna 100 man out of employ- - ment. The Seaside Lumber Manufae turine company., ar sash and door mill employing men, haa been cloaed two ' months becauaa It could not vet-ears. The railroad figure It out that the ton- ,, nag- will, stay there unty in roaaa ' era ready to move it ana mti me ouai ness cannot (ret away. - - The Clatakanle Lumber company. ' at Clatakanle, on the Astoria Colum . bla'RIver road, baa been ahut down flv months waiting for oara. 1 The West- ""rtort Lumber company ahut down last -week and discharged 100 men becauae " It could not art cars to fill lona-stand-' ins orders on Its books.- The Weft Ore ' ion Lumber company and the Keystone Lumber -company, on the. Benson rail road, have had no cars in II months. ond lone since shut down. The Ttohnor . Lumber company and the Summit Lum - ber company have also closed their mill ' In the Clatakanle district, becauae they could not ret ear from any of the rail- roads. ' ' - - - Ships Take Xte rroduot. " 5 - The Tonrue Point Lumber- company, ehe of the largest and beat mills. on the , Columbia, would have bad to shut down long ago 'had It' not been able to ship by steamer, it coma nave uaea s.suo cars to fill orders for bualneaa that haa ''-been worked up at conalderable expense In the east, all of which has bad to be : abandoned. -1 ' -.-".. In any estimate of-the: number of cars per mile owned ty tne uregon lines of the Ham man railroad com passman lea, 'the mileage of Oregon's small rn4s should be figured In, for the feeder Imes represent jusf so much additional mlleega that. Is practically -without, cars. An a matter of fact the O. R. t N. Co. "haa less than two cara to the mile of roada It operates or ab solutely controls, under - traffic 'agree ments In Oregon.- . r , '. : v ; Oae Cat et stte.., . ' The small roads that are Without ears but depend on the Harrlman Unas, have a mileage of about. 800 ' miles. They own less than one car to the mile. The Harrlman lines get their buatness, do the bulk of the haul, and get the lar ger part of tbe pay. It haa been re garded, under these conditions, as emi nently proper end just that tbe Harrl man ilnea should furnish the cars. ; v Saalpneat stoat Kaage.' It Is when the O. R. A N. lines are compared in equipment with other rail roads of their class that the Harrlman road m Oregon 'la placed ' In the moat damning UzhL .While. the O. R. N. has been attempting to do the business of Oregon with lesa than two ears to the mils, other railroads beve l, to li cars to the mile. r , , The Houston A Texas Central,, a re mote railroad In the southwest, .has four and a half cars to the mile and - not half the' buatness that the O. R. A N. company enjoys. The Oron short Una, operating ' through a mountain pllg and comparatively unproductive re glon. hS "abont Ove care to the. nllla, which la far short of the number It need a The Harrlman A Northwestern, a little road m'lhe arid country tea . veraed by the Central racln, haa Ave cajs to the mile. The Colorado A Bout hero, a line running through the arid -southwest, haa six and one half eara to the mile. The Kansas City A Southern," operating Through a country with far . less 'natural resources than Oregon, has nine cars -to tbe mile, while the O. R. A N. Is struggling along with less than two ears to the mile to handle tbe Immense tonnage of the Columbia river basin. .--. t . ' .. - The Iowa Central, operating, through a strictly agricultural region, with -no large cities to serve, baa alx care to the mile. The Illinois Central, control of which Harrlman is said to have re cently acquired, has IS cara to the mile. The Santa Fe, a transcontinental rail road . that Is not In the class with the Union Pacific system for tonnage of fered, baa nine ears to the mile, ' sfore Business, rawer oars. ' In 189 the O. R. A N. Co., according to Ita own- report made to tbe Oregon tax commission,' had 2,7 SS. cars. In 1B0S, while tonnage had Increased - 40 per cent, - the road's - equipment had dwindled to 1,631 cars.- Today Its January laaue ef the. of tidal railway register gives the company t,t(0 freight and mlacellaneous cars, an Increase . ot but 1IJ cars In seven years. a In. tbe same period the growth of the Oregon country haa been enormous, without . any material increase of the number of freight cars furnished by the- Harrlman roads for handling the bualneaa The ststlstlcs of Portland alone a hows an overwhelming vlndlct ment of the railroad companies. Since 100 the bank . clearings of Portland have Increased from flOf.000,- 000 to I21t.400.000. The clty'e jobbing trade has grown from slOO.000,000 an nually to tlOO.000,000 ' annuf Uy. The postofflce receipts of Portland have In creased from 1161.800 In 181 to 1610,- 100 In 106. While the Harrlman roada have received the benefits' ef the enormous Increase of mall - carrying, they have practically Ignored the needs of the community for more shipping fa cilities. . . , . , i - -. ontlier Oregon' mff era. ' The car shortage on the lines of the Southern Pacific In , Oregon are even more acute, and always have been more severe ,han on the O. R. A - N. lines. The Southern. Pacific .operates 1,711 miles of Its own in this state, and con trols the trafflo'of about 800 miles In addition. -The Southern PaClfle in Ore gon Is practically i without any freight cars. II ' gets' no equipment excepting tne. raw ears that are pushed ever the Blsktyou-mountalns to It from the main system centering at San Francisco and New Orleans. . The bulk of tbe equipment . of the Southern Pacific Is needed by and -retained for the use of the Southern Pa cific's enormous bualneaa between San Francisco and the east, by which -route practically all of the export bualneaa of the . Harrlman railroad systems Is routed. - i - At the meeting of the counpJJyeater day afternoon the' ordinance making an appropriation for 2! additional pa trolmen and for Increased salaries In the police department was paaaed over the , veto of Mayor Lena ' The mayor" would not approve the ordinance becauae It "did not provide for the salary', of ; the .chief of police. Th ordinance waa amended ao as to maka thla provision, but under the amendment the salary may be paid only ' to a regularly appointed chief, and not to an acting chief, who holds the rank of captain. . The Intention of the coun cil la to force the mayor to appoint a chlet ' , . - - : - - The Southern - Pacific . Railway com pany was given permission to install safety gates ' st tbe intersection of East Flrat atreet with Beat Morrison atreet and ' Hawthorne avenue. There are street railways crgsslng at both points; When engines or trains . are about to peas the gatea will" be closed so as toxwarn pedestrians, teamsters and motormen of tbe danger. Thebunaingonttnanxe was- amended so aj to limit the height of re-enforced concrete buildings covering lesa than one quarter of a block to 101 feet, or eight stories. Buildings covering more than a quarter of a block may be built to a height of 160 feet, or 11 stories. The Offline one , prhlMtinr"blastlng t within 10 Diocas or a scnooinuse was amended so ss to reduce the limit to nine blocks. Under the er1glnal ordi nance two quarries would have been shut out of the elty. An ordlnanoe appropriating 81,800 for the purchase of a alte for an engine house on Portland Heights ..was passed. The council indorsed the amendment to the federal statutes which provides that vessels built In foreign ports and owned by American dtlsene may be registered under the laws of the United Bta tea . iv.. Who Is Metsgerf He fits your eyes for 81.00. Ill Sixth street AjruaxarxsTTS. wsS. Heillg Theatre JSTi Last PerCorauae. Toalfht. 1:1s e'elerk, ' , UABEX, iaVTSO. ' la JeraaM K. Jerome's g-Aet Corned, "Susan In Search of a Husband" Prices tl.BO to JSe. Beata Selling at Theatre. Mtk ss . HPII Ifi THP4TDC Paoee IblMU IUWIISI, Weshtastoe Me.a 1. Touieiisw Mlsht Saturday M1b .BUttnM, l:lt sstatasy T. St. w. h. oaasc Ellis jErraivs npiwrtea by sa slitter fI, la GaldasUtk's rt txmeor. "SHI STOOPS TO COVatTBJt" ' r rreww. bptsiii - aie)iixrv am ski nisjut, ssajsj - bjj $2.00. 8s Mf .w.Unf at thmtr. THEY'RE OFF! , BXAT I ALX TOXOKBOir 1 kXAW KgLAgeSB'S BIO PK0DTJOTT0 McINTYRE & HEATH , la the Muslesl ObaNdy eaeevllle Skew, THE HAM TREE fr-TCOrutee Hellig Theatre i Btatloee Wednesday. Tee., Feb. la. Prleae. Both Bight aad Katlaeei Lower floor. 11.00. SI BO: kilmnr. 11 so 81-00, TOc; gallery. TBc, BOe; boxes, iaoo. Pbeae Mets 1S0T. . Oresoa Theetre Oe, Oeo. U- Bekar. Mar. Bone of the Civat tuW Theatre SfMtr rompeny, Preeentlng All Thle ' Week B. 11. sooieraa rowerrni xncreee, , "if i wiax ma seeaery and - asttlnss Eieet Oeples ef the Orlgioel Pradaetk. Isiateaee Osit. Persmiel Dlreetlee Mr. Arthur Msekley. Matioee Set-arder. wtm WISH "Ml Mtk and rm.te. n..t. Uoertsoa. I1UCU C 1UMU C Mara lit. - Mn.TO!t W. SCAMAIt, Maoetw. Plsrtna Oslr Beetera Rned Attrsctloaa. MarJ. aeee Wedaeeiley sad Aetwdar, ' -. Tonlsht, All This Week, the Bealletle Bceale bteaadrama. - "NETTIE THE NEWSGIRL AHrare a Pnpolur raterlta Wltk the People. Begalar Empire Prleee. Beat Attrsiotias "Huaaia Bsarts.M . The Grand Taadevflle ae Lass. ROLAND ; TRAVERS UasleBlst. Tsay WUlissas ' sal Ethel" Bess, e(a sad Meok, Deretay Soldaa. ("Feel PUy") Special added at traetlea, - Beerge T. Anastraag. TU) P Tl u7 V:: Our weekly event, which means an immense savin? on roods, dependable and seasonable merchandise. Here is a list of items that for absolute worth stands . unrivaled. Our bargains cannot be duplicated. You find, no undesirable merchandise here.' , Every Hem is fresh, clean, and up-to-date. - Keep this fact before you. . - There is no juggling with prices at this store. . Our reg-. . ular prices are low. Our Bargain Friday prices have never been equaled. ' Read the specials carefully. .'Come as early as you :;, " . y ' can. NONE UNDERSEIeL US. : '- r. eeaaawewiisieeii si ! . lawasaaasw! a itmmmmmmv''mmmmt,m,mi.mimm,mmm,mmml.mi.-mm. I . asassss i " Tempting Values in Dress Good ' We are determined to keep up the wonderful interest that has been centered around these popular departments during the ; entire season by offering tomorrow THE MOST TEMPTING VALUES WE HAVE YET OFFERED. Estra! Extra! iwwat 95c -Eztral-Estra! 36- Inches ; Wl!de at An Extraordinary Offering of Guaranteed bitack-tapfeta- This is the most remarkable black silk offering we have ever made. That means that it is the most remarkable silk offering ever made in the ;city.--'.---;-;y . '" . -.."'..i: V - We have just received a great underpriced purchase of 1,500 -yards, which we place on sale tomorrow at a wonderously low price, beautiful Swiss Finished Black Taffeta Silk, all pure silk, every yard guaranteed, full 36 inches wide, extra' good quality; best $1.25 grade. Specially -i priced for this sale at 03e. ' , ..'...''; ' Every woman with a black silk want Oi should take advantage of this great V " (C offering Ind, buy tomorrow. ... J . ' Inches - i at ,.' ' , for one day only, Bargain Friday. TAFFETA SILK Kn -Fully Worth 75o DUO 19-inch Black Taffeta Silk. . beautiful TAFFETA SILK Fully Worth, 65o tDO .. Tomorrow we place on sale for the first warrantea an pure siik, xast Dtacic, per feet finish, 19 inches wide ; best 65c grade. On sale for one day only, Bar- ylCe gain . Friday, ht. .. . . .'.. . . . ... . .V.'. ' 0 v A x o 'Kecko Granite Cloth, JXh X W full 36 inches wide, col ors, cream, black, pink, blue, tan .and brown, will launder nicely, good wearing quality; best 25c grade. Un sale 10 cellent wearing quality ; never before sold for less than 75c a yard. On sale CQe for one day. only. Bargain Friday,. Os C Af nn Fancy Cloakings, full J3lt, tfUl fig inches wide,, cdrrect spring weight; good desirable colorings; regular $1.50 and $1.75 - grades. Spe cially, priced for Bargain Friday (Jg Af OKp New Novelty Suitings ?UV in a large assortment of. pretty new spring patterns, in all the best jjCalQrsJulL3aLincheawiderjusMhhing- tor, spring suits and children s ; school ; dresses; usual 60c grade. Spe- 5 p ' cially priced for Bargain Friday. OuC A ftK Fancy ' Waistings " iii a XX U OUU iarge variety 'of neat., stripes and checks, f ulrange of colors to choose from ; best . 75c grade. Specially priced for tomorrow only, ' gain Friday, at...'............... UuC THE STAR VZZt. wnx or FZUTAST , The A Ilea Stock Owpasy Preen ts ' OUT OF THE FOLD'"'. Matinees Toeedas. Tsondays. Safardajs sn4 Samlare st I: IS. Prices 10c end SOe. Seery eTenlae at S.1S. Prices 10c, Ke. SOe. Secare eeeu bf pbooe; sfala Sefra. . , .- L,YRICTHEATRI3 - . m Bxammro mtVAaT .. Tennessee's Pardncr" of efflee epee Seats caa fes n froei 10 a. n. te .ld p .au erred ar phoaei Mela desS. - The Fir said the Beer. . The late General William R. Bbafter developed, during his residence in Cali fornia, a dislike of the Chinese. - Borne time are at a dinner In San Francisco. Oeneral Shatter polnteaV to a fly In a alasa and said: "Watch a man when a fir- rets In his (lass or beer and rou can tell his na tionality. , , An American will pay, laush and or fler a fresh tlase. , . . , . "A Spaniard will par. but euletlr walk off without drinkinc the beer. "A. Frenchman will par and so. but make a tremendous fuss. -. , "An Rnsllshman will- throw awar the beer and demand a, fresh (lets tor noth Ing. - 'A. German will carefully remove the fly with, hie finger. end then drink the beer. A Russian will loss off fly.-beer and all. , - "A Chlnamaa will first rescue the fly and eat It, and then drink, the beer to m last arop. . , . FREE SKATES TO LU)IES AT OAKS RINK TOMGQT of Higrh Quality at Very Xow Prices for Friday's Sellixig' - Women's ' $3.00 ' Shoes w 1.5 - Women's . High-Grade . $2.50 and " $3.00 SAoes, in patent colt, heavy extension or -light flexible spies, exceptionally good value. ,01 CO ; Bargain Friday, pair..... ejleur -Women's $3X0 Oxfords 1.69 Women's Oxford Ties, vici kid, heavy or light soles, regularly sold , at $2.50 and $3. Special f t CQ Bargain Friday, pair. .. ,.eJIeJr Women's $3.00 Shoes f 1.95 Women's Fine $3.00 Shoes, in knit ton or lace styles, mat or kid tops, v' lisht and heavy soles, all np-to- date shape. i. Special Bar- . t 1-0 C gain Friday, per pair..... v Women's $2J0 Shoes f l.OO Full line of Women's Vici Kid Shoes, medium and heavy soles, button or lace -styles, very durable, best $2.50 -shoes. Special Bar- f flf . gain Friday ..epl.UU Women's $2.00 Slippers fl.OO -All styles of Women's Slippers, high or low heels, with or without bows, splendid $2 values, flj f A A Special Bargain Friday. ..eJJIeVW Women'n $2J0 Oxfords f l.OO Women's Oxford . Ties, in light and heavy soles, good serviceable quality, best styles, our $2.50 grades. Special price- ; CI flfl ....ysw Bargain Friday, pair. ,. ..... . .. - .. t In lien's Section - "Worsted Underwear Regular $3X0 Values f 1.50 Men's - Blue Worsted - Underwear, -in all sizes, shirts and drawers, lwelLliinihed, extension waist bands, always sold at$3.-a,n ' Special Bargain Friday ...JleUv ' -Men's Cotton Socks Regular 15c Valuta 11 Men's Black Cotton . Sox, heavy weight, extra good quality, regular 15c values. Special Bargain . .11 J Friday, per pair. .1 lv ; Men's Golf Shirts Regular $1.00 , Values 49d All -siies In Kfen's Golf Shirts, made of good quality percale, gingham, grass, cloth and madras;. all the very latest fprtng styles, exceltent $1.00 vat., Special JQr ' ' bargain Friday ..IzC- Men's Monarch Shirts Regular $U5 Values T5d 'The famous "Monarch" Shirt for -i Men, in all the latest patterns, up- . to-date designs, sold everywhere st $1.00 and 15. Special HZf . Bargain Friday iw No Sals Shirts Exchanged. THEBOBROS HAT Regular $2.50 Values 1.10 The -well-known "Robros" Hat in soft and stiff styles, all the latest Spring shades and shape;, regular $2.50 values. Special, to close, .?;.t....$i,io . Items of UniisTtal Interest in the Domestic Section Bigger bar rains than ever before. Some extraordinary under pricings for fnaay's selling. Notwithstanding the fact that our regular prices nave Deen acknowledged the lowest throughout the city, we make still greater concessions cut the prices much lower lor tnis great saie. ; Another Great 5c Sale of Standard Calicos We have just received in time for Friday's Bargain Sale 5,000 yards ot Best Standard calicos, in lengths from 10 to 20 yards, mill ends of this season's best patterns and colors, suitable for everv purpose wrappers, dresses, draperies, quilt coverings, etc. II th ere is a woman in need of good calicos for any use, sue certainly should attend this sale, tomorrow only we place on special sale Real tftc and 7c Calicos st .....i - t."V"' 5 c Outing Flannel 7e Instead of 9c Prices on cotton goods are steadily ad vancing continued ' advances are . certain. , Tomorrow we place on sale a special purchase of excellent quality . Outing Flannel, in a large assortment of patterns, in light, medium and dark colors. These goods were contracted for before the advance in prices, otherwise this special offer would .not be possible. Best 9c quality, on sale for one day only. Bar- gain Friday, at.. I C ' Curtain .Madras 14e Instead of 18c 500 ysrds of Colored Cross-Stripe Cur tain Madras, in sn extensive line of - colors, full 42 inches wide, absolutely fast colors, regular 18c quality, on sale for one day only. Bar- 11 gain Friday, at ......... T.14C Damask Towels S2 Instead of 30c Fifty dozen Damask Linen Towels, . extra heavy quality, good large size. 22x45 inches, all white and white- with red and blue bor ders, form-finished edges and knotted-fringed ends, never be fore sold for less than 30c each and excellent values at that price. On sale for one day only, Bargain Friday, - st LLC 7 Curtain Bods 7" tYtt Instead of 20c Brass Curtain Rods, extra heavy weight, extending from 30 to $4 inches,- finished with neat silvered ends, with complete fixtures, all ready to use, best 20c grade. On sale for one day only. Bargain Friday, . . 1 mum 3l rill-White Scotch lace Car- tabs, $1.50 Values at SI . 12 Pair Extraordinary OiTerinfi: About 250 pairs White Scotch Lace Cur tains on special sale tomorrow at less than manufacturer's cost Prudent . housewives will make the most of this greet offering, for they may never again Be able to buy such high-grade curtains so chesply. Well-made Curtains of White Scotch Lace, 3 yards long and 60 inches -wide,- this season's designs, in a large assortment, excellent values at regular price of $1.50 pair, specially priced for Bargain Friday! J In The Bnsy Aisle "' Friday ' Every table and counter in the center aisle will be crowded with pedal offerings in the most want- d Embroideries, Laces, Trim mings and Ribbons. Tomorrow ' " will be s day of wonderful value giving throughout the great shop ping center. . ' ' Laces. Embroideries . Special inducements for Friday only. Embroideries wonderful values. New goods, new designs -,snd exceptionally low prices. For tomorrow's selling we have divided our large line of Embroideries into ' six separate lots, with 'prices as follows: iQT-NO. 43c Values up to $1.00. "Special. . . . LOT NO. It Values up to $1.25. : A Q J Special..... t...4oC LOT NO. 3 ' Values up to 50 tents. Ck- Special....... ..i!C LOT NO. 4 Values up to 45 eents.J00r Special.. iviwU LOT NO.S Values' up to 35 cents, f A Special ......A41C LOT NO. 6- Values up to IS cents.'- bpecial , lea atet NOTIONS-Continuod i 8c Tape Measures 4d Best Standard. Tape Measures, . full 60 inches long, made with reenforced edges, regular 8c kind. Special Friday at ....,... 20c . Fancy Buttons 6 Tomor row we place on sale a great as sortment of Fancy Dress Buttons, just the thing for children's school dresses, vslues from 10c to 20c a dozen. All at one price, doz..6e Shopping Bagrs 75c Values at 4Be Soft Leather Pouch Shopping Bsgs, made with patent clasp" and drawstring, as sorted colors, regular 75c vslues. On special sale Bargain ACi Friday at 45C 15c Hairpins W Shell and Am ber Hairpins, assorted colors, good quality, regular 15c 8rae. Specially priced at, per csrd..8e Cc Laces! Laces t Laces! 150 Pieces of Torchon Lacea. in edgings and insertions, large range oi patterns, wortn to 5c Special, per yard. Bargain Friday.. 2e 200 Pieces of Oriental or Net-Ton -Laces, 4 to 6 inches wite, bands fcj matcn, regular prices 5c rid 35cl Bargain rriday, per yard ....lOel 200 Doten Pieces Valenaiennee Laces and insertions to match, in all pretty,- dainty designs, worth up to 50c bolt . Special, per yard per bolt 30e 150 Dos. Peices of Round-Thread VaL Lace, X to iy, inches wide, regularly 90c a bolt. Special fr.r Bargain Friday, petJolt ,..,.45e NOTIONS Cloth Brushes 35c Values at 3e Good quality Cloth Brushes, made with solid backs and excellent quality bris tles, best 35c values. Soeciallv priced lor one - day - only, - J J Bargain Friday, at. ..VOC Dressing Combs 35c Values at lf Rubber Dress ing Combs, extra good quality, never before sold for le than 35c. Specially priced for Bar- ip, .gain Friday at I V C Gido Con! i 25c yaluea at 14w,,',. r . made of heavy .hc!l ., .', all the hrt ffilor. r- . grades. i- ia'.ly r" day at . only, targairi i : 'J '