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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING.' FEBRUARY 7. 1007. LANE SHARPLY REPLIES . TO SHEPHERD'S REMARKS Declares Councilman Made Ohe Sided Statement as ;to .'Mayor's Vetoes- c " APPROVED VACATIONS ONLY WHEN REASONABLE Ivivcutlve ik-fend Hi lje-r to ',; Council, Scoring "' It for . living ' . Away'. rorrty of lVorte Without '" Sllnlifwie Coniwnutlou to City. . I'urtland. tb. 7.-. To., the KOitor ' . Ttirre published by . Mr, George i 8lictlierrt. a member of the city council. ; a number of days wl a communication which was In the nature of a reply to certain criticisms which lutd-been made try me -tit reintttm K-WBt ssiuna, grants and vaculloti of public property, notably 'street,-, for which the city ' . -Lad .Tecelved ',' practically ' ; nothing of ." value In return. ' ' ' . - - , In hia communication Mr. Shepherd ... sets tip' the contention' that It cotnea ' with ili grace for me t. indulge in such criticisms for the reason that with the exception of three I have approved of . ll such vacation mf street which have been raadV-by th city council sine ', I liavo been mayor of .thl city. In proof of hi assertion he has submitted the ' following list of. parts, of .-street .so .-.vacated which have not been -vetoed by - me: part of Terrace Drive, Abcr-'-.' n'thy street. Twentieth street. Carter .uVTwtit-fifUi-UBtntl Kenne dy's addition, an alley' tn. Central AI blna, blocks J to P. GreenWay, and parta , of eight streets vacated to th Portland -and Seattle. Railway company for ter- inlnal purposes. " ; . - ., Attempt to Discredit. ' 'V " - As a' matter of fact, and by way of . comparison with the above list, h state that of all the ordinance va cating street which have been passed 1iy -tneTrTBent city council t have re toed only those vacating part of Cole street. Lent tract, and part of Hull -street. It is apparent that it 1 the purpose .0 Mr. Shepherd to discredit "me in what I have said, in the past, or .what I way say in the future. In th way. of criticism of the conduct of this and other city council in respect to the giving away of public streets to . private i tise. . In my messager-to th city council -whe4n-l rfertd-to--tlilavuhJect and - to which his communication 1 a, reply. I sild that "Street after street had been vaoatfd by this and other city coun cils" "rights, grant and franchise ha v been scattered broadcast-tnter-csts corporate and Interest private, and " all manner of scheme of high or low . "degree of merit where the promoter has beta possessed of enough of the wherewithal .to set up a dinner to the repreNentative of the people have been hIiIc to secure -possession of grants, for periods along the pathway of- time from one- year 1n length to the tast-nrtleatone . of eternity, with th ptiople'a Interest in the same coolly et aside to do as ' 'best they . might." '-. ,; Mr. Shepherd In his reply Jtiu that lilsi statement are merely a relation of "fucts" which are of-"record"- and are , Kivcn that the public may. Judge and decide for itself a to the degree of -responsibility which is to b affixed to the clcy council and myself In respect to such mutters, and ' are given without prejudice concerning, the same. Upon its .face this statement 1 fair; In It relation of -facta" as they are set forth by him Trom the "records" and In par allel, they would be undiaputable-eif , they were true, but Inasmuch.. they are true lri but a smU part only and unfair in all. it is different, v : r Only ft Half Statement. '-.-On t(i one hand - Mr. Shepherd ha carefully Selected- such "fact" only a would make a showing such as he wished to make, while upon the ether hand he quite as carefully ha failed to mention' others of equal Importance, end by so doing ha made out hts case. The' other "facts." however, which are also or record, the suppressed "facts" J Charcoal Stops Gas un Your btomach Wonderful Ahftortiing rower of Char coal When Taken in th Form of -Stuart' (liurcoal Jiozfiigcs. that the vacation "of a prt of Abcrnethy street wn made for- h-aon that it wa located upon a hillside ton steep for teams to travel nd was rroel by a steam railway on heavy grade and a ten-Toot strip w reserved for a stair way for people ou foot, who alone can use it. - ' ' : That . Carter street and , Tweo4ilh street were vacated for lying cross sav tlon of hillsides, too steep tolravel for anyone except people on.' foot for whom strip ten reel wide was re served for stairway, and with th hop that sometime in the futur con tour roadways might be built, and the hills lying hack of on city no longer from which. Mr. Shepherd has so- In-1 in that respect, ami geniously winnowed j those which he wished to us have much bearing upon - the subject, and I feel it my duty to "t them forth.- J By .way of parenthesis. I would av in a general way coiieerirtn-g the "facts' - -which are of "record" a he term them and upon -which he seems to set much store, that if he had consulted me be fore publishing them I would have ad vised him as to th necessity of using .caution in dnsllng with the city's reo- . ords and to handle them a bit gingerly if In search , of real and "actual" facts, upon which to base a statement, such records being somewhat elusive in that respect and a" very sieve as It were in tli wa y of the retention of the same. . , v r,... suaat on fxehl .;''f ?-'--,' It is to be noted In th first plase fliat he has nothing to say concerning . the Inrger number -of valuable street franchise and' other concessioqs, which ' htive been fronted away in the past, by this and other city counclbnwwlilth was , .one of the moat important matter of puhlle Interest to which I referredV-hey " apparently ' for some reason' having es caped hlH notice. Vet millions of dol lars have been - made out of thm--thnugh not bT the people. r . It is also to be noted that the "rec ords" save him no bint as to the reasons for such vacation when as a ' matter ; of fact there were everal which wer valid a I will show. A a sef'.er of the truth a -It exist of record, Mr. Shepherd seems to be ttoublw with some .visual defect of con Hlderable Importance, else lie would have . discovered that, the vacation of Ken nedy's Addition wa granted for th rittKon that the streets in that addition .lid. not conform to the street adjacent thereto end that u new plat would Mv in he. made to cause them to so con form to such streets, and that the city was to that extent the gainer and not a loser by such vac Hon, lie, would -Jilso have discovered thst In the vmiatton t blocko. J -ts P. eeen msy. city of Portland in return received a strip of imia ten leer. J(jer In aren tlinn tiat hlch it vacated. M would also have tlisiottred ost In the case or the alley In tVntrsi Alblna, the city had already received an equivalent of Innd from the street front of uc nvorwrty in exchange for uch alley. '"That In the vacation of a part of Twen. lv. fifth street such varition wa ms.le for the sole purpose of stralght eivlng out tli etrvet lines, and 1iat ex ;n tly the sums amount of land on otii snle of the street wa exchanged for on th other. -, , - -.4 '" Ksasoa fer TaoaUon. That .the :.vacatioa of n part of 5'er I'iim- applied 10 a wedge-ahaned !, .( of Ihikt not over a half of a block mi, hi" i wiiii h had a street on each of it four etI'-s and another through the in, .i.Mt. II." latter of which was vacated a matter f no moment to the city od ef jm-ucC to lh owner of the land; be checker-boarded, with unsightly deep scars acros their face to mar -tiieir beauty. These are facta In relation-to the va. cations of some of -the streets men tioned by him,, to which Mr.- Shepherd for some reason dti not consider1 It worth his while to call attention Inhis published statement of comparison, and they ar not rightfully t b classed with the rich picking such a Hull street. 1 - '' ' ' A' to " Terminal -rji In respect . to the varation of part of-ight street to - the Portland Seattle Railway company for terminal purpose. I am iulo willing to concede that : I should . have vetoed it for the lack of a "common user" clause In the ordinance, to .the value of which, 1 re gret to say I was not alive at that lime-i-nor seemingly was Mr. Shepherd. n respect - to . the number of ordi nance vacating .streets or which h states Just three have been vetoed by me, namely, part of Cole street, Lent tract, and part of .Hull street, I have to say . that hs Is-equally in error as he was in hts -statement , concerning he others.' - In addition to vetoing the Tacation of ; -ptirt f-Oo1e--t reet. int tract, and part of Mull street. I have vetoed th vacation of a part of Baker street- a -strip off : Fourteenth street, two ttrlp off ' Tenth stijret, one on Jefferson street, a corner on Sixth street, and the deep gash in the penin sula which cut across IS street -and leave thm 100 feet tip In the air to be forever bridged, all but one of which vacations, by the wty, were passed over mywror Some of these street concessions are In "the 'congested district of the city where property ha it greatest value, where the grades are easy and - the streets already paved, and Where street line do not conflict or need straighten ing and for which he city, has received nothing in return,, but ha been pun ished wantonly of which bo waa Rware, yet made no mention. .. , ....... lit. ,uv,.i- About That Banquet.- '. : MrvvShepBerdjErya that . mjr lanBtlHge to the city council in my communica tion upon the vacalionof Hull street was "discourteous - and undiplomatic" and It may have been, and If so. by way of explanation, I will say that at dif ferent times 1 Imve asked that greater care be exercised in parting with" the rights of the public to its street and Anally I asked for it again in the Hull street message, and. Incidentally I men tioned the 'blow out" at which all of the movable decorations In the shape nf a toy railway such as cars, engine and railway track had been Joyously and hilariously confiscated by the rep resentative of the people as . befitted the occasion, us being about the only thing tangible whlcn had been received In- return so far as- whs known and .my reference to that affair was not, 1 am sorry to say, appreciated as much as I had hoped that it would be. , - I will frankly confess that I am at somewhat of a loss for the exact terms which should govern in addressing' a body of public Officials, th majority of whom, while holding office will te narlously hang on to a lot of "annual passes" from hostile corporations in the face of insult publicly administered by the donor of such "passes'; nor Just what are th expressions, of proper courtesy in the use of -language which It is necessary to extend to meet -the refined tast and delicate' sense of dis crimination la such matter of that other person who iu addition, will al low himself at the same time- to .he carried upon the payrolls of the city and a hostile ' corporation, and quit likely I erred. In the particular, selec tion of term which should haveriieen used and if so why I am much to blame TBIAX. PACXAOB HIT TMXTX. Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, ab sorbs lue times It own volume of gas. Whcr doe the g g tot ' it is Just absorbed and there Is left a pure, fresh, sweet atmosphere, free from all Im purities and germs,- That's wlmt tisppen. in your stomach when you take one or- two of Stmirt's Charcoal Ixixengea, the most powerful purifier sclcnco has yet discovered. - You belch gas In company some times, by accident, greatly to your own humiliation. That Is because there la a great amount of ga being formed in jyour stomach by fermenting food.-Your Stomacn I noi Olgesiill your f 'm ir.. erly. Oa 1 inevitable. Whenever this happens, - Just tske one or two of Stu art'a Cliurcoal Ioscngea right after eat ing, j.nd you will be surprised,, how quickly they will ct. No more Imlnh Inga; no more, our risings. Eat all you i want and wliat you want, and 'then If there is any ga going to be formed, one of these wonderful little absorbers, a Stuart Charcoal Lrtisenge, wilt tuke care of all th ma. ' , . And IC WTIT do mnrr-lhiin that, Rvrrr particle .of Impurity in your stomach and' Intestine Is going -to -be carried away by the charcoal, r No one seems to know 'Why it does this, but it does, and does It - wonderfully. . You notice he difference In your appetite, general good feeling, and In the purity of your blood, right away. . . , . You'll have no more bad tasto In your mouth or bad breath, either from drink ing, eatltyr or smoking. Other people will notice- your bad breath quicker than you , will yourself. Muks c your breath pur, fresh -and weet,-bo-when you talk to others you won t - disgust them. Just one or two Stuart Charcoal I,oenges. will ..make, your breath sweet, and muk you . f .cl better all over, tor it. You can eat all the onion and odorous foods you want, and no one can tell the difference. - ,'.-, - Besides, charcoal is the best laxative known. You can take a whole boxful and no harm will result. It is s, won derfully easy regulator. V - And then. too. -It filter your bloods very partlclS of poison or impurity In your blood I destroyed, and you begin I to TP"1" M't aiftnnn n your face criticism of those who do not hesitate to Jugglo with "facts" in making up a statement adverse to an opponent. Re spectfully, HARRY LANE. Mayor. . t Long CrpiX KWti. "' (RpeehU DUpatck to Th Joernsl.) Long Creek, Or.. Feb. 7. At the city elect tori held yesterday at this place the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mayor. Frank Kah ler;councllmen, J. W. Caidwel. W, H. Crowley. , Joe Llnder and J. A.. Moor; treasurer. H. -II. Davis; recorder. Jesse H. Allen; marshal. John Crowley. ' first thing your clenr. complexion. Stuart s Charcoal Loienges are made from pure willow charcoal, and Just a little honey ia put in to make them pal atable, but not too sweet. V They will , work wonder ; In . your stomach, wnd mske -you --feel fine and fresh. Your -Wood and breath will-be purified, v r ; . We want to prove all this to yon. so Just send for a free sample-today. Then fter you jrer-ltnnd Ttse It,--yon -wilt like them so well that you will go to your druggist nd- get . a ISc box of these Stuart' Charcoal Loxengea. Send us your name aud address to day and we will et once send you by mall a sample package free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., It 8tuart Bulldlfig. iJMarshall, Ailchlgan. r. I -r-s. , LIST OF GRADUATES FROM : SEVEN SCHOOLS i . 1 . V " m. tm Bar raara All small broken and odd lots of winter stock from the Great Challenge Sale must go $4.95 "Overcoats. $1.35 $4.50 lines. 75c - Broken lots o-f ; Men's , $10-rto lSjtSuits or' For odd sizs in Pants from : our udual $2 to For new shapes in $2 to $3.50 Hats .in 4 soft and - strfF," odd sizes, black7 browrrand -fawn. ' , For broken lines of ' Men's 10c to 20c plain and' fancy; 6c Sox. 2c 5c 2c I i PA - For Men's $1 and $1.25 ' OUv Canvas Leggings - - For Men's 10c Wash Four in-Hands. ' ' . - . ---- '--' -'' ;'-,' J2L" For ""sample Suspenders, worti up to 50c., F6r mussed 10c to 25c inen Handkerchiefs. $1:49 ; F o r, M e n's a n d Women's ' Shoes, in Work or dress, from '$2.50 to $3 ' lines., :;'':'.'''' .. f.:.-- ; AQ- For 5 dd pairs of : utj Men's and Women's . finest Dress Shoes, hand sewed ; patent calf,vici kid, etc., values -lip Jo. $5.50. $1.19 For M.i s s e s'and Young L a d i e s' School and Dress Shoes, aty kinds ;.. ot leathers, sizes up to 2,-values up to $3.00. ; . QCr For Ladies' $2.00 Sandals Uw.and Oxfords, patent and '. kid, hand turned soles. LADIES' SECTION 50c - $5.00. For all kinds of odd Shirtwaists," values up to- AZc Vr Ladies' $1 Union Suits 99c Gowns. 'yc" ,,"v"V ;.f;' " : '. 5c ForLadie&LOO-Gorsets- : 75c For Ladies' $2.00 Umbrellas - 9c For Ladies 25crHose 9c For Ghildren's.20c Uoc -Hc'For best 25e Oil Cloth . - 4c For all kinds rlOc , cakes Soap 6c For all kinds J 0c -Toi leJJPaper. QC For Ladies Cloaks, tydmjQ Coats ".. and Suits, wort Ij, up to $25, 28 in the lot. Q C-For1-"all-vlhe'odd -p.Ot) Skirts -from .$5.00 to . $12.50 lines. At 25c on .the - $1.00 ' 1 000 remnants - of -Table-:Lmeri Towels Underwear, Sheets, etc. Those Who Have Completed Public School Course With the Midwinter Term. The" names of the graduates from seven public grammar schools, delayed In reaching the. city superintendent's office, are as follows: I Shattuclt Melhlor P. AmachefT' Eve lyn Carlson, Em 1 1 P. Coleman, ioe De Boest. Isaac IH-llar. Millard Gambell, Ehs Ooldsmlth, Bertha Goldstein, Louis Onldstone, Qrace E. Cloorlnll. Nora C. Ktllfeather, . Florian IJnkluter. Marv Newman, Pearl, Mldelman, Elsie M. SchmeerFrank ' Colin Smith,' Sam N. Taylor! Ruth L. Underwood. Kffle Vogol. Coioma M. Wagnon, Dorothy E. Walton. Kathertne K. Warner, Fay WIlliRm. Carrie Ethel Wise, ' , son, -Frances Lewellen. Helen Mclntyrn. Jess Raupach, Thomas 'Steele,' Elna Silluka, Eva Jbomaaoa - Hawthorne-J-Ed-ard Alstock. Henrv Berg, Eva Boscow, Burt Bnrdkk, Wil liam Carlisle, Hazel Ialey, George Den holm. Ruth Deering, Frances Ehrlick, Tom Finnlgan. Reginald Fox, Clyde Graham, Leland Jones, Zilla Iewls, Wil liam 1-ottmsn. Eleanor Palmer, Clarensa Pederson, Louise Rover, Ruth Btypo. Theodore Thobum. ' - ' Hunnyslde Zula May Andross, Ernest A. Attix. Vera M. Cooper, Ralph Pcan, Edna M, Doyle, Steel Gebbie. Anna M. Illckok, KenJI Kido. Dorothy M. Mai cheater, Ruth Minar, William I. Moar, Walter T. Mountain, William J. Rich mond, Jean L. Robertson, Stanley Rog ers. Kdgar L. Roth, Helena Earle Scott. Harold ' Avery Smith, Rita M. Snook, Mary I. Talt, Harriet E. Van Natta, Ivan G. Wllaon, Myrtle I. Wilson, Paul Wins low. Dorothy Wyreh Phillip W. WyreL George W. Cox, Henry G. HardaM. - North Central Fred Barber, Jessie A. Borland, Charles N. Darling, Beatrice Doty, Lorna, Ganong, Vera,-M.Iarrlng- ton, Everett Larry,, Hani Metcalf, loulse M. Quilllam. Ruth . Rontledge, Earleen E. Smith, Bess 8treet, Vera U. Beckett, Ellen M. , Borqulst. Walter L. Davis, Ruth Eyman. Teddi ; Guerin, Frank I , Herbert, Elisabeth McGaw, Robert J. Pollack, Lucille Reeder, Lit-i-lll Shepherd, Grace Sprague, Helen R. Weber, Gertrude Wharton. . v, -Highland FTank -O. Shaw. .Eileen roy K. Hill, Ellis C. Madden, Myrtle K. Stilrwell, George Bender, Benni H. Rob ertson, Edward McAfee, Carmen Allison, Clarence Sprague, Charles Flegal, Anna Brill, Hettie Raker.- Arthur Erickson. Cora B. Sloat, Hasel Olmstead. Woodlawn Ctark Burgard, Julia Cey ait., Lillian Cuff, George Keep. Athol Kelly, Curtis Sheldon, Cheater Stipe. ' Milwauklo Country ,Ciub. 'Eastern and California race. Tak 811 wood and Oregon City car at First and Aider. .,- "SfiANAfiAN'S" . The People's favorite Trading Place Offers the following favors v , fOR tRIDAY BARGAIN SINKERS 1 2 MICE, Welch's Genuine INVENTORY SALE starts tomorrow, in - which the Boys' Clothing is to be sold at just ft PRICE Boy $5.00 Suits Sale Boys' $3.50 Suits Sale .- .. . '.-- ' . -.,'.. , Boys' $2.50 Suits Boys' $2.00. Suits Sale Sale $2.50 $ 1 .25 $ l.OO Ask for a Stamp, , Book Vlien' filled , it .1 worth 12.00. We give Gold Hind Trudifig Stamps. For 98c Ladies '..Gray or Navy ; Capcd . Mackintoshes For98c lLadies' Long Flannelette of Jap ., ..: Kimonos . ' For$l,29 Ladies' Blatk Persian I Lamb Neck Scarfs ',, A Rare Chance to L'ay Babies' Drfssg ' ... White. N a I n o ci k PCo4 K0W trimmed with Swiss i.. . embroidery, lac - ndf I.0 stitching.' Dalnty$3.C0 1.50 brighXm f Jf 50 98c -at these prices: - D9C Children's white . and colored Bcar- -sttin -Cnps thst- were Jfco are '-fw only . .;.39 Children' popular Bearskin j "Polos" ... '......'. 25 e enr Special Tain la Celsbrated - Corset and Corset Waist. Thompsons - glova-fitttng Corwts, broken sies. long- and short, regular II 00 and fl.2S vuliio. Special. P. D. Corsets," whte," only broken sise, ij.oo and la.oo values.- Spe- rll i ..)V.50 Warticr' Corset Waist and J. It. Corset, reg.ili.o and It.f r, vsiiies, broken sise. Special --..-69? It la not too early to took to your , SUMMLRX UNfiXR . ;;, WEeAR NEXDS - Bay ' thm now at WlnUr Xednoed i , v. ., ...,' ... Frio, f .. TPSUAirTX VVSXSWXAB. .' Toadies' all-silk Itnlon Suits, summer weight, reg. $7.60. Special. ladles' summer merino Union Hun. reg. $4.. Hpeclal ...X39 I.H.iie - ninck Ttglits, lisle thread anil silk, reg IS 00, $4. AO snd $7.60. ' Spe cial ... 1.29, ' f 2.29 and f ,98 I.sdlen' fleece-lined l.'nlon Units, ecru and gray, reg. SOc. t)pecial.39 Agents for! Mceall's I Patterns - Subscribe- ' for , ' McCall' Magar.lnc, only 30c a year. If called for each month, -, THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS (ANAflAN'S mo Third St. JBP New Spring Dress Materials Are arriving dally a Raster will be very esrly this year. Come and see the . prettynew conceits . priced a follows: -.'-' 38-ln. Hairline Check and Fluid in ell new light tint for prlng,vonly, per yafd'', .CO 4j-ln.Fanamu, fancy end plsln, in shnde you have not seen before, per yard ............)...., w . 85 r.-1n. fannmas In broken plaid ef fects; very new and, charming, per .yard 1 ,OQ riidsy ravor la th Dept. 1 JURNISHINGS Men' black seamles Bocks..,.. 5 Men' fancy colored Handkerchiefs, t wo 'for . ...................... Children's School tTmhrella. V ,.JI5 llun a 10c Neckties.-. ,,.,15 Hoys' black wofff Bweters. . . . .39e Men's Japonette Handkerchiefs, col ored border .................. .ti Mm' black and Whit strip work Sliirts . , 39 SOME, MEN'S SUITS - 'A PRICE, Men's $10 Suits Sale ! . v $ 5.6o Men's $15 Suits -Sale. , . . $ 7. SO Men's $20 SuitsSale . . .. . $14.75 Men's $25 Suits Sale . . . . . $ I S.7& Men's $30 Suits Sale . . , . $24.75 IF NOT RIGHT WELCH MAKLS IT RIGHT MORRISON J - : I -ft