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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 7, ' 1007. 12 GIIAHGES T.1ADE III PIGSKIN CODE- Lengthening of Came Wat an ; Alteration That Was Uftan ' mouly Approved. PROVISION MADE FOR -L AN ADDITIONAL OFFICIAL IatrrcollegUto Athletic j Committee Is Putting; To Great Fight !; Against the Seml-ProfeMloB! JJrlef Items in Every line of Sport. ; 'V'.; V" . "nr Manhattan. . . '' , .?.. . VArb . vwk T Thi . hanaes . 'which have been made In the football vules at tha recent meeting of, tha Amer ican intercollegiate football rules com mittee are good so far as they go, but -v iharesr some . things . which . might Kara been dona which would have fur ther I m Droved the name. ' One of these o missions la the failure to mak: pro visions for tha playing off of a tie. A ao-result game, is alwmye unsatis factory to both player and epeetatore, and It would eeem that It would be ey JOr XIIW Wllisavi n ... - to avoid thla. Perhapa they will attend " to thla at aoraa future time. Fverv nhaae of the fame, front a leg islative atandpolnt, waa dlacuaaed by tha committee, and all tha change approved will later be put In codified form and a complete aet of rulee published. Thla "matter his been referred to a" sub-com mittee consisting of Messrs. , Campy Dennis and Bell, which -will later report to a larger committee. Three changea of note were made. la the first chance, the time of the came waa lengthened 10 minutes, t minutes being added to each half, which will ' vnalr tntlirm nnlM Consist Of tWO DlST- Ing periods of 35 minute each. In tha recona cnange mi pvnajiy m am not of an unsuccessful forward pass, in stead of the loaa of the ball, will be the first and second downs, Tha other change relates to tha of flclala and distri butes the jurisdiction, of play among a field umpire, line umpire and referee. Two umpires have figured in games, but their appointment was optional with tha competing teams. The new legis lation makes tb eervieea of , two um pires obligatory In ail contests, and des ignates tha territory over which each shall preside. . Tba right to decide many points of play formerly vested In tha referee has been transferred to tha field umpire. , Professor tu M. Dennla ' of Cornell, chairman of the committee, seemed to voice the sentiments of his fellow com- " mitteemcn when ho said: . "Football, under the new rules, proved a success and oar committee eoald - improve the game as now played la only few tea- tures." - -" e . e e - .". . The semi-professional oollege athlete mttst go. The . Intercollegiate Athletlo association of the United Btatea has spoken and It means business. - For tha purpose of formulating plana fer the suppression of all forma of pro fessionalism a committee of three was appointed, consisting of Dr. Heathering ton of Missouri, Professor St John of Oberton and Professor Bevier of Rut gers. They will report to the assocla- uvn av t va ni uiwwwm. - . - The committeemen believe that tha primary causa of violations of amateur rules la summer baseball, and they pro pose to wage a ; vigorous campaign gainst that form of sport In the east. Many of the semi-professional abuses existing In college sport tha executive committee attribute to Ignorance -of amateur rules rather than wilful trans gressions. . ;..- - .... ,. a, e e Tha University of Pennsylvania may end a track team to compete at the Olymple games in London next year. Trainer Mlka Murphy la enthusiaatlo for it, and tha athletlo committee now lias tha matter under consideration. - f rOlf) A srtaftn the) ClOSG " ef tha .coming season. Murphy retains a strong list of athletes to do battle agalnat tha pick, of all nations In tha that Penn will earn world-wide laurels la sport. - .... There will be a great race Jn tha -yard event at the Pastime Athletlo club meet February The entrants for tha race, axe: EH. B. Parsons of Ysle and the New Tork A. C. Harry I HlUmaa of the New Tork A. CL. Melvln W. Sheppard of .the Irish-American A. C and Paul Pilgrim 'of tba New Tork A. C With -such class of men la the race tha present Indoor record of 1 minute and. It seconds, now held by Parsons, will stand a good chance to be lowered. Tha New . Tork, AthleUe eiub haa caused consternation i among ' its active athletlo members by doubling Its tnl tlatlon fee. $200.; There la a pathetic aide to M propo sition. It -comes .from tha athletes.' When a star of the cinder path, tha field or tba water outlives his point-winning, club-advertising usefulness, be ' gets a little note front the secretary something tike this. . ' . ' . "Dear fllr I have the honor to Inform you that ' at the last meeting of the board of governors yotir name waa transferred from the athletlo to the resident membership list, and your Slot Initiation and 189 for first semi-annual dues is now due." .Many of the old-time stars will be compelled to dron out .-.. , e ! e e ' t 1 Because no phenomenal rime . was made at Onnond last week, it is not to be taken for granted that the limit of Kneed has been reached by the automo bile. There were various reasons why the old marks should "Withstand the on slaughts of the drivers. One was the condition of tha course, which waa not nearly aa good as It wsa last year. This was the principal factor. Another was Iho sbserice'of some of the world's greatest drivers.' whose presence would lisve gone a long way toward stimulat ing competition. . Then, 'again, it waa evident enrly that interest. In this tour nament wj larvlng. It was not adver tised as tirretof'ire. and waa allowed to atand on lis own reputation to a. large stent. -. .' . '; .-. Italdwia lUidl Ry. I r 1 ( Jaersal ' ree1t enr1ej ) Ottawa, Ont.. Feh. '7.--Matty Baldwin ef Boston and Jack Ryan of Brooklyn, after finishing their work of preps ra tion, appear to be in fine shape for deciding their claims to relative, su premacy In their It-round contest to be i ui.'d si-toss the river tonight. Fred Cliltllt-k ' of this city has been-decided upon aa the referee of the contest. niea Onred la Sis e tartee Day. Palo oiNTWrXT Is rmtvst Is eeee ssy r. , li,),mf, HKn4. llleeelsg er Pmtni1lii j la te 14 v er awswy ntaaear. - eoa, . . - , .- " .- H " PORTLAND .ROi'laS ClUB REBUILD AT OSCE President Wilbur Saya That the Loss of the House Wilt Not Affect Season's Plans. ; While the ' Portland Rowing club's property waa floating down" the Willam ette river yesterday, President Ralph Wilbur and hla associates in the club were discussing plans for the rebuild ing of their home. - The rapid rise of the Willamette on Tuesday created auf flcient fear on tha Part of the oarsmen to have them move oat the boats and canoes to a place of safety, so that the clubhouse, the landings, and the house for the pleasure craft were what went down the river. The loss Is estimated between l,ooo and fS.OOO. - . ' In speaking of the clubs -plans in is morning, Mr. -Wilbur said: "The rowing club owns our lots and has 150 feet river rront. wnne ne riuDnouae nas gone I think that we will be able to construct a home upon the bank of tha river Instead of on the water, as before. for about ft.000. That will afford us sufficient -mecommodatlon. Floats will be built aa before,' but will not be con neeted with the clubhouse proper. Tbe directors will bold a meeting tomorrow evening for the purpose of taking Im mediate action. I feel certain that whatever regattas and races ' we - bad planned for tbe coming season will be carried out on schedule tlme. - laTERSCHQLASTIC HANDBALL LEAGUE IS FOm ..'V'-?'-'': Local Academicians.; Arrange Schedule Of Contests With - Festive Rubber Ball. Aa Interacholaatlo handball tourna ment haa ' been formed by Portland academy, ' Portland High school,-Hill Military academy, Columbia university and - Allen Preparatory school, h The tournament -will Include singles and doubles." All games are to be played la Multnomah court and a black hard rub ber ball le-to be used. Week day games are to be played at 4 p. m. and Satur day games at t p. no. --All games not played within one hour of tbe schedule to be declared forfeited. Tn schedule follows. Singles February tt. Hill vs. Colum bia; February tt, Allen vs. High sohooU February IS, "P. Ar vs. High school; March t. Allen' vs. Columbia; March a. Hill va. P. A: March 7, Allen vs. P. A, Hill vs. High school: March t. Hill vs. Allen, P. A. vs. Columbia, High school va. Columbia. .; '. .; . Doubles Hill va. Allen. P. A. vs. High school; Allen vs. Columbia, P. A. vs. Hill; High sohool vs. Allen, Hill vs. Columbia; HiU va. High school, P. A. va - Columbia; High school vs. Colum bia, P, A. va. Allen. WHITMAN FIVE RETURNS FROM SUCCESSFULTRIP - (ftperUl tMspateh t The JoereaLt ' Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. . The Whitman basketball team has returned after an absence of a week. On their trip they played alx hard games, win nlng four and losing two. The scores of the respectivs contests were aa fol lows: Whitman 12, Colfax ; Whitman II, uonsaga college '24; Whitman It, Spokane High 22; Whitman S2, Spokane Amateur Athletlo club 27; Whitman 22, University of Idaho 2 ; Whitman 24, Washington State oollege 17. Ot tbe two games that were-lost the first was played In tbe Spokane High school gymnasium. In which tha floor Is not standard alia and is interfered with by posts, so that tba visiting team was not used to tha unfavorable condl- tlona. On account of storm-bound trains tha boys could not get to Mos cow ss expected and so had to drive there from Colfax and play In the aft ernoon after their trip. . Considering these unfavorable factors tha team is not tha least discouraged '- over tha wilt be played with tha W. S, C team, which will coma down here from Pull man. '..,-. v ' MULTNOMAH MIDGETS . 1 j-,WIN AT BASKETBALL The Multnomah Midgets defeated tha Jewish . Boys Endeavor society basket ball team .last night in the Multnomah gymnasium by the score of 7 to 4. Tbe Jewish boys defeated the Midgets a week ago by the score of II to t. Last night a game evened up mutters and tbe teams will play in tha Multnomah gymnasium next week to demonstrate which Is the better. Last night's game waa fast, but the- Midgets were the faster and threw more baskets.. There was no admission to ths game and a fair crowd saw tha contest. Tha line- up-- , Midgets : J. B. 8. George .OIsen. .Forward. .Louie penver Willie Btepp.. .Forward. , ...Jake Cohen Dell ,Handlon. .. Center; . . . . , .Till Nig Will Topeey. .. .Guard. . .Harry' Fisher Lewie, Thomas, Tad Stllles.. .Guard....... M. Sit ski ATKINSON ELKS ARE . BEATEN BY THE CUBS The Atkinson Elks were defeated by the Oregon .Cubs on Tuesday by the score of to 1. Tha game was very fast on Oregon's part. Tbe stars of the gams were George filater and Albert Bishop. Harold Hoff also played a good game et third base. - George Olsen, who pitched for the Atkinson., waa knocked ail over tha field, but good sup port helped him Out. Tba lineup: - - . Cuba. . ,.v Elks. Bishop ...C. ............ Fox Slater.? Wiley..... .p. .... Olaon Chrlstsnseu ss. ........ ... Rosy Nugen ,.. ,fb. Smith Wiley'.. lb..,...".. Hockslry Hoff lb Carr Michael .,... ...,.cf. ........ Robston Heney . ,." ...If.,,.,. Rattenbury Hlberg .......... .rf Carter Umpire, Mr. -.Duffy;- -i-aoorer,- Mr. Walh. , fi ;r-, , ;;,, GREAT DANE "COUNT" . . POISONED BY ARSENIC The dog poisoner Is busy again In Pnrtlsnd. Last night "Count," a mag nlncent tlreat Dane owned by James C. Levins, died from the efforts of arsenic pplsoplng. . JTount" was a Utter brother of Dr. J. c7 Zan's champion "Lier and was one of tbe handsomest Danes ever aeon In Portland. .Good tea and coffee ar none. Schil ling Best. -' FOOTBALL PLAYER FOR .PRESIDEfif George W. McMillan lis Slated for the Head of the Multno V ; man Club. '.' ELECTldN WILL BE " 11 ON NEXT TUESDAY Five Directors Will Be Cho.rn at Annual Meeting, , the Candidates Being H. C. Campbell, E. Frank, J. It. Roses, E. Morgan, McMillan. It may be stated on the most reliable autnorlty that tha next president of tha Multnomah Amateur Athletic club will be George W. McMillan. . Thia fact, while It haa been talked about In the club for some time. Is made publtc for tha. flrat time today, 'The annual eleo George W- McMillan, Who la Slated (or the Presidency of the Multno- 1 mah Clubv - - tlon of the club will be held next Tues day, when live, directors' will' be chosen for tha term of two years. Tha nomi nating eommlttee two weeks ago se lected as candidates George W. McMil lan. H. C Campbell, Bdgar Frank, Ed ward Morgan and J. R. Rogers, and" as soon aa these namea were- announced there waa a chorus of approval from club members. Mr. McMillan la already a member of the board of dlrectora and la one of tha hardest workers and best posted 'men in the Institution. No toot ball man on tha Paotflo coast is better known than George McMillan, and hla work for tha Multnomah .team during the past nine years has been, one of great, sacrifice, . . As manager, coach and captain of the winged M" eleven, at different times and . during certain yeara he . held tha three positions, he performed splendid service in the interest ot the sport and of tha club financially. While still within tha yeara that permit a man to indulge in. football, tennis, sprinting, handball and other athletlo feata, Mr. McMillan may be rightfully-called the "grand old football warrior. . At present Mr. McMillan is working for the children's playground scheme and from reports at hand It looks as if tha .matter would bo pushed to a suc cessful issue without dlfnoulty.. - . Tha two elementa la tha club ath letlo and conservative -both of which work harmoniously together In the in terest of the integrity of tba institu tion, appear to be unanimous in picking Mr. Mc.fc.ilan for president.' . KORTHVESTERN LEAGUE HAS BEEH-STARTED President Lucas and Directors Organize a Circuit Com : prised of Six Cities. 1 Special THunatrk ts Tbe Journal.) Seattle - Feb. 7. The Northwestern Baseball league was launched yester day In this city. Tha circuit will be made up of alx clubs Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Butte, Grey's Harbor and Vancouver, B. C. It was decided to open the aeason on April It and to close on October I.- yor ' good1", work, the salary of President Lucas was raised, from (1.800 to 12,100. . No salary limit was fixed by the league. ' The new AY rectors are: Butte, Hubs Hall; Seattle, D.-E. ..Dugdale; Spokane, EJ. K. Jutnn; Tacoma, George Shreeder; Gray'a Har bor, W. R. MacFarlane; Vancouver, J. W. Evans. 7.'. t REDS ARE TOO FAST FOR THE WHITE MEN (Special Dispatch te Tbe lesrsal ), Oregon City, Feb. 1. The Reds and Whites played" a - game of basketball Tuesday, at ths Barclay High , school. The feature ot tha game waa the ex cellent playing on tha part of Long, making a total of 13 points. The line up; ' Reds Roberts, . center; Telford, forward: Jackson, guard, and.Caruthera, guard. - Whites Grout, center; Long, forward; Strohmeyer, forward; Gillette, guard, aod Waldron, guard. The score was 21 to 11 In favor of ths Reds. . 1 The next big event on the pugllistle calendar will be the fight between Honey - Mellody of Boston and Willie Lewla of-New Tork for- the welter, weight championship. . Tha mill Is slat ed to take place before one of the Rhode Island cluba next Monday night ! ,. I - '-. - J OSTEOPATHY $10.00 Per Month ! Klrkevllle Infirma ry of Osteopathy, room II Grand The atre building, Wash ington and Park. Dr. 8ommf, grad aate In medicine and osteopathy and formerly professor at tha Still College tof Osteopathy, manager. tie co;.;i:;g sejsso:i Manager Smith Has Signed an Aggregation of Real Lively -Baseball Performers. . While tha local managers and play, era on amateur teams tiave been worry ing over the aituation In baseball and have been hustling for financial back ing, Harry K. Braith of the Bratnard company has been quietly gathering around him for thla season's campaign a bunch of clever youngsters who will give a good account of themselves be fore the season wanes. Ills team will be known as the Brmlnards and uni forms of navy blue and white have been ordered. Practice will be commenced at soon aa the "weather permits. Mr. Smith is an old-timer at the game. having been engaged continuously aa a -promoter, manager and player since the eighties. lie has tbe envious record of having managed 11 championship teams and has brought -out several players who are now traveling In fast profes sional company. He is a strong ad herent ot organised baseball and will apply for a franchise In ths city league if one Is formed. Of his players sev eral played upon the Powers Blues and helped to win 21 - of the 12 games played by that team In 190S. - The oth ers were prominent East Portland play, era. All have had from three to four season's - experience in fast - company. The personnel: Shea and Kelt, catchers; Kotteman and Strelt. pitchers;' Lodell, Myers, Turk and McKlwaln, infield; W. Morrow. Reed, Kennedy, Magness and Tauscher, outfield. Any team wish ing practice game will address Harry K. 8mtth, 122 'Grand avenue. , HUESTON WILL DEFEND POOL CHAMPIONSHIP (Jeorod Bpectst Berries.) New York, Feb, 7. Thomas Hueston of St. Louis, who recently acquired the world'a championship ' pool honors by defeating Jerome Keogh In Buffalo, la to defend hla title against Edward Dawson In a series" of "matches beginning here tonight. ' - If. Hueston is successful against. Dawson ho will play a- return match with Keogh. The latter claimed that he. was 111' when he met Hueaton before and not In the best of shape, and ha Is desirous of a chance to regain his loat laurel's. The contest between Hues ton and Dawson Is scheduled to con tinue three nights. It has attracted considerable Interest amongthe devo tees of ths game. . . . . , .. .y. .. , , ; SKEE PERFORMERS v. GATHER AT ASHLAND (Joerntl Special inrlM.)' .'...'.' . Ashland, Wis., Feb. 7. Devotees of winter sports sre here from far and near to. participate in the gaeet tourna ment opened today under the auspices of. the National Skee association. ..The program covera two days, tha opening event being a long distance race, 15 miles across country. The events of tomorrow, which will be the big day of the tourney, will open in the morning with a dog race.- Tha akea Jumping will take place In the afternoon and will bo participated in' by nearly all tha well- known, akea Jumpers la ths northweat ' - v SPORTING GOSSIP Arrangements are well under "way for tha big Carllsls-Syracuse track meet to be held la Elmira in May. . ' Joe Gsns. ' tha lightweight champion. la playing to packed houses In every city be visits. ... e. e r ' Extensive alterations and Improve ments are in progress at several ot the Long Islond race tracks and every in dication points to a great racing sea son about New Tork this summer. v . ';; i ;. ',. " ; Habe Ferris thinks that ha waa un justly treated by tha Boston Americans last season when he waa suspended for his scrap with Jack Hsyden. Ferris says that he expects to hold, out for soma time before signing a contract. Frank Bancroft, who haa Just started on hla - seventeenth year aa business manager for tha Cincinnati ball club, la to yeara of age and the liveliest man in the business, ' . e e . - Nearly all of last year's playera have signed for this season with tha Blr- Jtnlngham club, champions of tha South ern league. - . - E. W. Dlckerson, manager of Harry Lewis, the pugilist, would like to break into baseball aa president of ("minor league. ,- e .' It Is said that Manager nark Grif fith of tbe New Tork Highlanders is not trying to rush matters In signing his playera He believes in giving them plenty 9 time lo-imn. 11 over. .. t Not less than to, and probably more than ?t, of the best skee Jumpers In the country, many of whom have won fame In their native land, will contest for honors at the annual meet of tha Na tional Skee association, which la to be gin today at Aahland, Wisconsin. Ths program of events will cover two days. Thomas Hueston, who recently ac quired the world a championship pool honors by defeating Jerome Keough la Buffalo, is to contest for the champion ship with Edward Dawson. Ths tour nament is to open tonight In New Tork. ft Hueston 4m returned the victor he will probably play a return match with Keogn. ; . . Ths Texas baseball league haa been organised with a circuit made up of Dallas, Fort Worth, Galveston", Hous ton, Temple, Waco, San Antonio and Austin. The season will open April 20 and close September t. ' -. .. : . ; ;, , . ' BUI Pspke, the Illinois miner who haa recently come to the front In pugi lism, wilt engage in a 10-round bout next week with Carl Anderson of Ham mond, Indiana.- Tha fight" will take place at Spring Valley, Illinois. Catcher Lou Crlger and Pitcher "Cy" Toung, the star battery of the Boston Aertcans, have signed their contracts for tha coming aeason. ,' , s . e . Tha University of Chicago football eleven la trying to arrange for an East ern gams thla fall. ' . ..... . - '.. The Virginia State League of Base ball Cluba holds Its annual meeting In Richmond today. It Ja likely tht Jake Wells will -be reelected -tor the- presi dency and will accept. e The undnrgradustes of Harvard are pinning a good deal of faith on tha be lief that President Roosevelt, when ha visits tha Cambridge insUtutlon tha NEW BOOKS FOR THE nUBRARY. BOOKS XXD READING. ; Brahdes On Reading. . ' PHILOSOPHT AND ETHICS. Crelghton Counsel for the Toung. Hyslop Borderland of Physical Rei search. . Mather Counsels of a Worldly God- motner. . RELIGION. " ' ' Waters A Toung Man's Religion and wis jratnera Faith. ' ' ; SOCIOLOGY. Dougherty Electoral Syatem of tha United States. Grose Aliens or Americans? (For ward mission study courses.) Malory La Morte d'Artbur; ed. by Gollancs. National Consumers' League. Child Labor Legislation. 104. ' xvevinson A Modern Slavery: Journey In Portuguese West Africa. Sawyer Teutonio Legends In . the Nlbelungenlied and ths Nlbelungen King.' t V Trine In the Fire of the Heart Wlllard City-Government for Toung Feopie. , . . , , r- V..:..; 8C1ENCE. Bonney Volcanoes; Their Structure and Significance. Bowdltch American Practical Navi gator Revised Under the Direction of the L. 8. Bureau of Equipment, HOS. Canada.' Mines Branch. Department of the Interior Report of tha Commis sion Appointed to Investigate the Zine Resources of British. Columbia, ltot. Heoehaw Mountain Wild Flowera of America, 1 000. - - ....... Morsel-Mars and Ita Mystery. ltOt. Ulke Modern Electrolytic Copper Ha rming, 190t. - ... : x. USEFUL- ARTS. ;. Babcock & Wilcox Co. Forged , Steel Water-tube Marine Boilers, 108. Brown Industrial Poultry-keeping, ltoo, ed. t. . Crawshaw Problems la Furniture- making, HOC---, -. - Hodgson PractlcaT' Stone-cutter and Mason's Assistant, 10. . lies Inventors at Work, l0t. - Mensch Architects' and Engineers' Handbook of Reinforced Concrete Con struction 1004. State and Territorial Health Officers and V. B. Publlo Health and Marina Hospital . Service Tranaactlona at tha third Annual Conference, ltOf. ' ;.t l.:.:L AMUSEMENTS. '.'- Busxaoott Complete American and Canadian- Sportsman's Encyclopaedia of Valuable Inatruction.--;-2Illl'' - i FINB ARTS., - . ' ; v . Brahms Recollections - ot -- Johannea Brahma, by Albert Dietrich and J. V. Wldmana. "Hobaon Porcelain, Oriental, Conti nental and British. . , TRAVEL.' AND DESCRIPTION. Aubln Morocco of today. . -Bacon Our Houseboat on the Nile. -Bent Ruined Cities of. Mashonaland. - Dearmer Highways and Byways In Normandy. : '- v-,-,: - V BISTORT. ".; . ' Flska Discovery and Colonisation of North America. Headlam Story of Nuremburg, Me diaeval Towna) Rhodes History of the United States trOm the Compromise ot 1180, y. I-T, 1.U.-187T. - BIOORAPHT. . . ' Churchill Lord R. H. B. Lord Ran dolph Churchill, by Lord Roaebery. Danton, O. J. Life of Dan ton, by A. H. Beealy. " - - ; . ...... FICTION, -"; 1 ' Crawford Lady of Roma. ' ' ' Gates Biography of a Prairie Olrl. Phlllpotta aV Bennett Doubloons. . Phlllpotta Knock at a Venture.,. ' Rofalfs Woman In the Alcove, sy Anna Katherlne Green. Sage Dlstrlot Attorney. " " Smith Off tha Highway. BURGLARS AT CANBY PARTIAL TO CUTLERY (BpeeUI Dhseteb te Te faarasM Canby, Or Feb. 7. Tbe thieves who robbed the . hardware store of Andy Kocher hero Tueaday night secured about $71 worth of pocket knives, ra cers and shaving brushes. . The thieves broke- a pane . of glaas out of a back window and entered, but went . out through - the back door, which bolted on the inside. pjntlre mrm at mim slven te the Attm I ferent towns up and down tha Una. - At I Oregon City a man waa taken off the freight train which lay Just In front of tba store waiting for a passenger train to paas. Tha robbery waa discovered a few minutes ater tbla freight train pulled out for Oregon City, 1 ' It ia. supposed that the - thief was frightened out of the. store by Jr. Patch, ths cletk, -who cams Into tha atoro with a lantern a few minutes be fore o'clock. . STALNAKER RESIGNS ' ) FROM ALBANY COMMAND (Smetal Mspatck te The JesrasLt ' Albany, Or., Feb. 7. Lieutenant Olln B. Stalnaker, In command of Company O, Third infantry, O. N. G-. haa ten dered hla resignation and has received orders to turn the command of tha com pany over to Lieutenant Quincy - E. Propat. Tha company haa no captain and will now have but one officer. Lieutenant Stalnakerglves as a rea son for resigning the demands of busi ness, and also that tba- men have failed to respond te drills and calla for duty as regularly aa desired, making It a hopeless task and a grind to keep tha command in shape to meet the require ments of tha stats officiate and tha war department. . Newfoundland Legislature. (Journal Special Berries.) St. Johns. N. F., Feb. 7. Tba New foundland legislature convened in regu lar session today. The consideration of matters relating to rallwaya, flnancee and ship subsidies promises to make the session one of more than ordinary In terest and importance. . . Sunday School Workers Mfeet. . Heppner, Or., "-Feb. T. The" annual Sunday schooL convention of Morrow county win be held at lone February 7 and I. There will probably be an afternoon session on the eighth.- State Field Worker Charles A. Phippa will be present and assist In the convention. latter part of thla month,' win sty pub licly - and privately some things that ill help tneir side or me case in the present turmoil over Intercollegiate athletics. V . - BRIEF SPORT ITEMS ' . ; ,c .... . : Word cornea from Australia that the greatly touted Bill Squires will soon be In this country ready for . challenges from every" man In "hla class: -- - On Saturday afternoon the Portland Hunt club members will hold a closed paper chase. Tha hares for tha event are Miss Flanders and Frank Robert son, , . --. M : " : - it-1 . ' '...-. - 1 . ' : ; .: I . SPECIAL in Black, with embroidered fig ures7stf ipesrehecksand - plain colors in various shades. Of Special per pair . . CpcriAI An exceptionally JrLLIrtL fine line of Men's : Fancy Stiff Shirts in neat stripes eand figures, dark and light ei Jfects.wopalrs of cuffs tomatch with eachTshirt7CjI . ' XA Special v;V7:?Vrr;' f. PRom Compare Our Prices PVwTOvOt Boilimj Meats ; . 4f Shoulder Roasts ...J...7f Shoulder Steak, ........ 7 f Round Steak .. . .'. . .ltyf Loin Steak . ... . . . ....10. Porterhouse Steak ..12y2f Prime Ribs :. . . ... . . . . .10f Hamburger ......... .,8 Mutton Stew ....... .5 : Mutton Chops .........10 Loin Mutton 12xAt " Leg Mutton...... ;.V. 15 ' Pork" Chops 12 WE KEEP- OUR WORD Delicious in quality and flavor PuiteiI Every Ingredient the choicest : 5c; per loaf i. f i ar -v i New thins in Fancy Cakes at our down- town Store. 145 .Third St. 4 An Embarrassnient. ; Tha princes de Montglyon . of Paris, who has coma to America to exhibit ber beautiful, and famoua eolliea at several kennel shows, said at a dinner In New Tork, apropos of an embarrassment: "That reminds ma of a story they have been telling lately about Queen Alexan dra of England. "The Guards' band was playing on the terrace at Windsor Castle during lunch eon and the Queen was so ploa,sd with a lively march that ahe sent a maid Of honor to Inquire what It was. 'Tba maid, of honor blushed deeply as ahe answered on her return: ' - - - " "Corae where the boose ! cheaper,' your majesty,"' . .v 10 0 d oze n Men's " Fancy Half Hose ,A - Pork Loin ... ... ... 7.15 Salt Pork -V. .. . . ... .12 Pigs Feet .... .... . . . . .5 Pigs Head i...;.7...5f Veal Boil .......... ....8 f Veal Breast . . . . 10f Veal Chops .... .. '..12$ Veal Leg .......... 12 Kidneys.. . ....5$ Liver ;...5a tj ) Ox Tail .5 NO JrIOT AIR ' JUST PLAIN PRICES . OUR PRICES are RIGHT; At ad Crocert ndTEL EATON fcoa. Koaajaov awo wtit ?aik m. NEW Raneaesielr farntabed. leesstlr sanimed. reproof, s.e BilnatM' wilt from heart ef ahopplrr mt4 bualaeae eiatrlet. all lar. alrr. eetaMe rnosM. stesa feeeted. thetiir lights, telephone In eaeh partaaest fta. Lars ertlers. tminflns. aanhln(, arrlttns, ladlra rseeptlen parlors. Haoa nsiiij br nail or telanhone. , rrlvate emslVos aMais tralss sd Maaiaera, Rooms $1.00 to $3.00 a Day i oiai s.taa w OommmiaJ Moa. A. AaJHIkOVO. yroprlatae. . , 7 t .