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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1907)
L fled Tho r,Iu::c Supp!c:;;::il. Willi Tho Smuhy Journal Proves to Do a Very Populfr Feature A: Copy 'of Ti:3 Sunday Supplement Costs Only 5 Cents Tho Daily and Sunday Journal Is Only 15 Cents a WeekOrder It Phone GOOD EVE1U v-- THE WEATHER. ' Rain or gnow tonight and Tues day; fresh southerly winds. '-.'. VOL. V. NO. 282. i - " Many Parts of the City Are Cut .Off From Communication . By Telephone and .-jyjf.Ra'ii Facilities. ; " . storm, and gr$at dancer hu been don , to tha atraet railway alsctiio Ushtlnc. ' ara down In avery aectlon of tha city and tha danirar of bolng alvctrocutad Ell . MA5- TANGLE -OF -WIRES ' . " - - ' ! ' - ' to iid l; ? . - ,. -r-ivi , - . -' ... 1 .1 - . - I i v - t- " i ' 1 ' - , I prompt peopla to taka to atreets whera V . tha overhead nettinr of . wire la tha leant dense. ' ? Several horses Were atrtcken dead bf -. stepping. on' live wires but," s6 Tar as reported, no human lives were lost. . though poles and wires came down tn , ahowera and covered aome of the.prom r Inent - thorouf hferea. - A- large , te'e crushed In the porch roof at 374 Irfa bea street and vre-dowa-a tarca-aoe. tlort of tha fencing. The pole. snapped . . la three placea, . k : : r ; . . . . -. mtrm Caa riM ITy. ' ..' Street' car traffto was totally dls , rupteWor several hours and It mar ba lata at night before anything Ilka ree . 'iilar aervloa la reeumed. C J. Frank--i. lla-of the PortUnd Railway. Light Power company aaya that tha aaat fll vision of tha company's car service la Buffering wont, tha power having had rtd be ghnt dff ahortty- toeforanoon - because of the many broken wires. . - (Continued on Page Three.) EIRHTH IIIBIIR u4i:iuii in uuuun IH THAW CASE Charles Newton, Retired Busi- "ness Man, Accepted New Panel of undred Then Drawn ? Thaw Obstreperous. ; (Joermil Bperial guvtte.t New York. Jan. 28. Charles Newton, retired bualnasa man, waa accepted aa tha eighth juror In tha Thaw trial at 11 o'clock today. new panel of a hun dred talesmen was than drawn. Mae MacKensle, who attended again with Evelyn Thaw, denied that aha had caused any trouble in tha Thaw family. Evelyn Thaw then appeared, despite tha orders of her physlclana that aha rest, and keep quiet. The countess of Tar mouth waa In court thla morning, aa were her mother and brother Edward.- . Thaw la fed Temper. ' Thaw waa not In a pleasant frame of mind yesterday and It ia thought ha waa displeased at reading tn tha morning papers that hia counsel had planned to plead that when ha ahot Stanford White ha had paresis," " - Tbew'e own Idea la that he waa Justi fied In killing White, and ha objects trongly to any auggestion that ne waa s lasane. Ha would not talk to ' anyone when the time came for tha usual Sunday service ; of tha Protestant Episcopal church, which ha has been In tha habit of attending and at which he had Joined In tha alnglng. He stayed In his cell and even refused to go out ' and taka 'Ala .usual exerclae. Another thing that annoyed Thaw was . tha publication of a atory that hla wife would 4e tha flrat wltnesa called by pint riot Attorney Jerome for tha proee cutlon. Also, ha waa not pleased with the report that tha countess of Tar mouth might aall for Europe before tha trial waa over. Her husband Is aald to be very 111, but the countesa haa "again denied that aha la going away ba . for Thaw'a Jrlal la finished. . , , BettUur am Trial. Betting In tha clubs, saloons, cafea . and about, town on tha result of tha 1 Thaw trial la becoming lively, and tha manner In which some persona here who ara known aa "wise" and profea-J atonal gamDiera are putting up tneir money, la mystifying, especially when . it la considered that tha jury haa not yet been selected. Even money Is being offered in all amounts that Harry Thaw will not be convicted, thua giving tha benefit In rasa of a disagreement to those who are forcing tha betting. Although there a nothing tangible on which to base an opinion the conviction end "looks good" to a large number of persona However, tha manner In which money on the other end la being put out and the confident air of tha lawyers have deterred many persona who otherwise would risk their money, on tha result. -v- rallan 0.i&I.JRAIl;IS Plow . Sent Out Today Expected to Dig Passenger Train Out of Deep Drift Near; Multnomah Falls Wires. Down to East. Tha unparalleled . disaster of a paa- aenger train snowed in St mtlea eaat of Portland la today's storm record at tha office of M. J. Buckley, general superin tendent of tha O. R. Nr Co. -Mr. Buckley lilmaelf' la-eomewhere between thla city and the bllaaard-bound train. bucking snow and trying to get bla trains Into operation without - use of telegraph wires), .all wire communication having been destroyed by tha storm. . A.snewplow waa rigged at tha Alblna yarde and dispatched about noon. today to Mjjltnomah Falls,- to. rescue passen aer train No. I. Thla train la aald to be stuck' In snowdrift 16 feet deep. It la tha aeoond holdup of No. within 11 houra. Lst evening at tunnel No. t, 77 mllea east of Portland, a rock slide blockud the track and held the train until a o'clock thla morning. The track waa finally cleared at that point and the train proceeded laboriously toward Portland, bucking snowdiif ta that were piling up rapidly from a driv ing storm that had started during the night. When tha train reached Mult nomah Faflr It mat tha heaviest snow drifts on the, line. . Repeated efforts were made ta 'force a way through, but In vain. Tha locomotive's outer works at length became. ao. packed with .Ice (Continued on Page Three.) PUEBLO INDIAN VrNS LOVE OF. DENVER GIRL Miss Arnold's Dusky Sweetheart, Chavarria, Made Chief of Tribe In New Mexico. ' (Journal t pedal lames.) Denver. Col.. Jan. 18. Mlsa Cora Ar nold, a, wealthy young woman , of thla city, who la engaged to marry Albino Chavarria, a Pueblo Indian, haa re ceived word that her lover haa . been elected chief of hla tribe at Espanola, New. Mexico. She expressed pleasure and - aald that - though--opposition -still existed to her engagement, she hoped for the beat. " ' " The rouraa of 1 love has not run smootltly for tha Indian chief and hie Denver sweetheart They first met when Chavarria waa brought hare with hla tribe aa a carnival attraction. Added to hla magnificent physique, tha Santa Clara brave haa enjoyed unusual edu cational advantages. He-Is a eultured redskin and - affects tha - white man s dress when In the white man's country. Mine Arnold, who, with a sister, owns the Colonade apartments here, found In .he handsome red&kln her soiil'd afUnlty. They ( became engaged, but friends In terfered With thett plans. Questions of religion also, have aome bearing on the postponement of the wedding. 1 . sWWsslsajirftlBaalss .mM'M4iLMmlmA' CLOCKED IfJ SflOW fell 3 Journal Circulation 1 PORTLAND," OREGON. MONDAY EVENING, T JANUARY ES IBDaEAEi s . '.I. x -r-vj '; s. ., .... 5 :- . f Troa Blocks Tract at Fifth and JeffarBon.1 . ; Partial Confession by Arrested Fire Captain Will Help Fed- : 11 eral Officers In R -"Others of Gang. After: going through ' tha aweating procesa several times, Archie Turnbull, captain of chemical company No. 1 of the fire department, who waa arrested Saturday night .for complicity in tha postofflce robberies baa made a par tlal confession of bla part In the Crimea Just what datalla Turnbull rave to tho -authorities haa not been given out, but It ta evident that enough evidence haa already been gathered from Turnbull to convict tha gang that ia now In Jail.' Turnbull haa been" raging In anger aver since hla arrest and bla answers to tha officers who were aweating him were sharp and full of vlndlctlvenees. At flrat he protested hla Innocence ab solutely, but -Assistant United States District Attorney James Cola, who haa charge "of the case, had ao much evi dence of the workings of tha gang at band that Turnbull was at last made to tell part of what ha knows of tha affair. That ba will tell all ba knows Is considered oertaln by tha author! tlea who will Indulge him In further "sweats" until ha reveals every link of tha chain that la needed to encompass tha arrested men. v May Sea Wife Vow., 1 ' Turnbull's wife and mother were -at Mr. Cola'a office thla morning to visit tha arrested man, but were not allowed to sea him. Arrangements ware made, however, ao that they could have a talk with Turnbull In Mr. Cola'a office thla afternoon. " ......... The wife and mother ara nearly fran tic with grief over the arrest of Tarn bull and cannot believe him guilty of oomplloity in crlmea committed by one of tha worst set Of burgiara and safe- blew ers that aver operated on tha Pa cific coaat. i ' i . Charlee Kumelln of tha Arm of Ashley and Rumelln, the Stark atreet bankere, waa at Mr. Cole's office to tell what ba knows concerning' tha ' offer ' of tha stamps to his arm by TunrbulL ' What ha told tha officials was not made pub lic Rumelln waa at tha poetoflloe build ing in consultation with Mr, Cole. Mr. Camp,- Mr. - Rlchea and - Mr. Clement, poatofflco inspectors, twice thla morn ing. ' - . .. question anamp oser.' Several weeks ago Rumelln ' Visited Postmaater Mlnto In regard to tha pur chase of atampa at leea than face value. He asked Mr. Minto if there waa a law against such buying. Mr. Minto re plied that ha knew of none, but that ba would at onca become auspicious ox a man who would buy or aell atampa at Icaa than their value. Upon question ing Mr. Kumelln, Mr. Mlnto says that the banker told htm that a friend had asked him to ascertain from Mr. Mlnto aa to the legality of purchasing atampa at leaa than their real value. Mr. Mlnto Continued oa Ftf Two. r. : fKUMYGO: NOTCH L017ERYET Mr. Beals Cannot See Immediate Relief in Sight Phenomenon Caused by High Temperature When Rain Forms, i District Forecaater Edward A. Beale stated at : noon today that - Indications favor cold weather It any change in tha temperature occurs at all ... Thla will intenalfy the serlousnaaa of the situation, aa the Ice on the trees and wires will increase.. Tha only hope for an early relief from further dam age .la a higher temperature. - Tha ther mometer haa .registered tl degveea-all of today and to thla fact la dua tha etrange phenomenon. - v Mr. Beala aaya tha Ice storm or-silver thaw la caused by a high tempera ture . tn . the altitude where tha rain forma said a low temperature near the ground. Had the temperature varied two or three degreea either way It would have been either a snow or a rain Storm. Should tha temperature fall this evening, aa seems likely, tha result will probably ba snow. The percentage of humidity reached tha 7 point mark at noon, ahowlng th atmosphere unusually heavily charged with moisture. ' The' atrm extends throughout tha Willamette valley and over a large por tion of. tha state of Washington. Tha upper valley is having a regular rain storm, while towards tha north In the vicinity of Chehalla. ' anow la falling: Tha wind haa been from tha eaat since shortly before midnight, whan tha atom commenced. WANTED HIS SPIRIT MADE . CHURCH TRUSTElT Mr. Deffenbaugh Gave Large Sum to Congregation With ' , J, Peculiar String to It, , . (Joeraal Sceetal aervlee.). I Kokotno. Indn Jan. . The filing of the will of George W. Deffenbaugh. one of tha wealthiest eltlxens of this coun ty, and tha conteat of bla beira against tha Swedenborglan church have devel oped tha fact that Deffenbaugh'a will, which gave tha church $50,000, contained a etrange provision that hla spirit was to ba elected a member of tha board of trusteea to attend all Ita meeting The will glvea details for tha govern ment of the church and appoints two of the teetator'a aona on the board of trus tees, of which hla spirit is to bee mem ber. . , . - - Tha ' will la being contested by hia children on the ground that Deffenbaugh waa insane. . ..... Shot Coast Art illoryman. (Jonrnal Special Service.) Washington, D. C. Jan. St. William S. Wlreberger, One Hundred and Fourth company. Coast Artillery, ahot Private Qorney. Seventeenth Const Artillery, in a sajpon near Fort Washington,. Ind., sod escaped, , . , . . : ' , - . 28, 1007 TWELVE PAGES. EMPEROR SENT. THIS PHOTOGRAPH TO NOTABLES ON -HIS- BIRTHDAY- -- ?0. V , J ' V 'i '; : f - . ' I ;. . -s .a- . ! ' -'-:'.'- . '''.-.'- $:.'," f. "i is; J U t:mr:'-i NX V-JKWixl-rfy l i '' ? I ' " ' - '.--. . ' .-. -W -f ., ' . ', - - u Thla la the lateat photograph' of the kaiser, and the one for which he shows tho most liking.' He sent cop lee of it with his autograph to. many rnlera on hla birthday. Among those who received it was Charle-, magna-Tower, United Statea amoaaaador at Berlin. ... - ' Tha kaiser's birthday waa celebrated on Sunday by tha populace throughout the country. -The emperor, -accompanied by members of the'.. Imperial family, appeared on the streets and waa cheered enthusiastically. Emperor William today issued an ordinance that henceforth penaltlea for leea majeste will only be Inflicted -upon thorn persons who commit -the offense with premeditation and evil intent and not on those who do It through Ignorance. " In Rome a te deum waa celebrated Jn honor of tha emperor's birth day, tha ceremony having been authorised by the Vatican. , BRIBERY AD F Interstate Commerce! Commls . sion Says Standard Oil Knifes . Competitors, Debauches ' Inspectors --J.i Waahlngton, Jan. . Tba most ter rlfio arraignment of tha Standard Oil oompany yet made by any public or pri vate investigator waa filed today with congress by tha Interstate commerce commission. The charges against tha Standard Oil company ara of monopoli sation, knifing competitors, discrimina tion., falsa pretensee. fraud, bribery, corruption of tha praaa and debauchery of etate Inspectors.-". Tha report completely overshadows that by Commissioner Garfield last May. It aaya:- - -v "The Standard Oil company paya tha employes of the Independent companies for information aa to tha bualness of Ita competitors, followa every barrel of In dependent oil to its destination, buys advertising apace in tha newspapera and fill a It -with reading matter prepared by Ita own paid agents. ' . - "Every facility la given tha Standard OH company by tha railways-" While not accepting ' rebatee - th - company nevertheless anjnys secret rates contain ing all tha elemente of Illegal rates. - "Tha ruin of competltora ia a distinct part of tha Standard's policy. This company at one time, it not now. de voted a special fund to corruption. It largely monopolises tha handling of ell, from' tha. well to tha consumer. The operation of fake Independent companies Is one of the most effective methoda of eliminating competition. "It may become necessary for th government. In order to right existing wrongs and to- prevent' others, to fix In tha first instance rates and to regulate the transportation of Ml. It may be found necessary to disassociate trana portatloo trom production,' , PRICE J TWO rrn Vv :-Vi: Y-.r, 'v ; i--- 1; V. . -' ' ;:- .- - '.,,"', . ': v-.-..; , . 4. , . . : XXX:.x,'y. Y- 1 .' 7. ra' "4'.; J' i "t- 'V' ;":."''. ' .: -' - -. .. , . .. : - ; - BAILEY IKVESTIGATlOn IS LIKELY TO BE SERIOUS . ' ,-. . . . .. , Former Employes of the Waters V Pierce Oil Company Will '.Testify. - . (Joarnal Special Service.) Austin, Tex., Jan. It. Joseph TJI Bai ley la aenator. but ba haa not been cleared of tha stain and oil taint. Tha legislative investigation will be con tinued, and the Grueta. father and son, formerly connected with tha Watera Pierce oompany, will ba the star wit nesses. Tha Grueta are here, and had a conference with Chairman O'Neill, who aaya that unless H. Clsy Pierce, of tha Waters-Pierce Oil company. The Week's Record THE, JOURNAL LLADS IN CIRCULATION AND ADVERTISING . The Journal meets tha pubtlo want for a paper that Will faithfully serve the public, interest. - The approval of the public oomea to The Journal In Increased support. In both circulation and advertising. Tha circulation records of The Journal are open to tha Inspection of interested advertisers, who ara Invited to Inform themselves as to the quantity and quality of Journal circulation. , " n , ; The Advertising Record For tha past week, ending tha s?th inatant. tha volume of advertising for tha three Portland papers waa' as follows: y':' '---7: "T'-T' Journal. OregonUnT Telegram. . . .-.....T. y Issues. " -7 issues." 6 Issues. Local Display, inches . . . ......... 5970 Foreiga Display, Inches .......... 849 Classified and Real Estate, inches. . 2377 Readers, inches 44 Total, Inches The above plain figurea show that The Journal led the Or ' the week by H inches and the Telegram by l.lta lm-hee. The e 1-n supremacy of The Journal is attributable to the circulation rn n . The Jourual, which has a larger circulation In Portland aa I or any other dally paper. Jounir.1 Willi i. I-lain 7173 CENTS, l.SZaSUMPwSS LIVES LOS! II! ( J.Jj CHINA Three Hundred Miners Killed It . " . " Germany and FranceSix . y " 1 Men Burned to Death In r - - Chicago Others Hurt. ' . t V . XJooraal Special Servtee.) . Hnngkang. -JajUr A- terrific raliw Hgrm la . in progress. '- Tha city is) flooded, a Hundreds of Chinese . have beea . drawned.lis. L" ' ' " -Tha harbor ia covered with the wreck- age of.runka. ' : Many steamers wire cut adrlft'wAen) theatorm waa. at Its height. V - MINE HORROR Awful Accident Caused by Exploalont la German Co4 . . .1 (Joerna) Special Service.) .Brlinr Jan t. Tha bodies of ll miners killed by ran "explosion" Xa a coar mine at Rhoden, near Essen, have been recovered. It la feared that lla still entombed In tha mine have Derlshed. Twenty-five . injured, ere In the hospital, of whom several will probably die. . FRENCH MINERS DIE Twmrr Vnfortnnatea Fall V'lctlma to Deadly Fire Damp. . (Jooroat Special Servtee.) '.' Paris, Jan. 18. It la reported that ! minora were killed by a firedamp explo- sion that: occurred today in the Llevatt colliery, near Lille. ' FIREMEN PERISH j Entire Company Burled - Boneath Falling Walls fat Buffalo. Uearsal Serial Servtfe.1 ; Buffalo, N. Y.. Jan. J 8. All tha mem bers of on fire company were burled under a falling wall of tha Columbia building on Seneoa atreet thla morn ing. Tha building waa valued at half a million.'. v , . FATAL EXPLOSION 81. Perish InstanUjr and Many Aral Injured Near Chicago. ' Uearsal Special Service.) . Chicago. Jan. IS. Six men. ara dead. 11 are injured, acme- 'fatally, and two ara missing aa results of tha explosion of tho Armour company's ammonia tank plant at tho stock yarda thla morning. Pumea rising from the broken tanks ut terly prevented any attempt to resoue victims of the accident. wonld coma to Texaa voluntarily to ap pear before the committee and avail himself of legislative dispensation from arrest for any reported pending Indictments- against Mr. Pierce in Travis county, th committee would send a committee of two members to any pain in tha United Statea to- aea Mr. Pierce and get his testimony. In thst event Bens tor Bailey and attorneys for botht sides would accompany tha committee. 4521 V.Z 1223 717 2812 1 63 9240 71 n ': ' r - :7 7 1