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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY IS, 1ZZ7. .H0LY.H0WLEBS EXCHANGE SWATS AND Talker of Garbled Tongues Offers His Face to a Sinner and Latter ' Hits Him In the Eye Newspaper Man Is Invited to . - r : : : ) Establish a Sheet in Paradise. . . , V 1 offered my eye to the sinner an the alnner struck It. . I offered the other eye to the alnner end he struck It also. J offered my whole self to the alnner. and he kicked me In the anklea the very, part .of the body which makes person who has not received bla pente eost feel like fighting.- But I had re , celved my pentecost and I did not want fight. - - . . . "No. I took the blows, and J would not-return them',"' aad am tllng in the calm strength of knowledce that he could, were ho In the exercise of alnful sinews, have returned three-fold every , blow be received. Apostle Brown bal anced, himself for a eeoond upon hta tight ankle, s t "Brother Brown, the meeting- la about to open," Interposed a sinner. "Let'a go 'Inside and see how things are done at 3S Second street. , But. by the war. do you really mean to aay that you allowed a man to. black both your eyea aad klok you on the ankles?". - , 4a .', Sets sot' to th asy.,., " T "I do, ' brother alnner.' My friend 'who Is a alnner and who la a smell man, rebuked me for Joining the tongues. I old him I wlahed to lead him to the Lord and he smote mo upon the eye." "You didn't hit baokrv Inquired the ulniisr with' ."wlstfufgaso at the armTrarenr ffdrtTthe Seal" of the beaaf which have a propelling power wfftgplanTeq uponthoTbrow onheuhlon 10 pounds to the square Inch. .,'"Nl brother. I did not; the spirit In me. .1 said to the sinful brother: Mod forgivo you.1 . . "And the alnner struck agalnf"! "Ke did, and ho asked mo "how I liked thatr I said to him la reply CHory be to Ood.' " . --. "You didn't over feel," ventured the frlnner, "like returning the swatr ' "No, brother, no. The aln was- out and the spirit waa In me, and when I got that kick la the ankles,. a kick that -when I was In sin would have made me whip three men, t almply said. Halle lujah f I took those -blows painfully. Kaa ASTSB1 WE ARB SPARKS PRtCES " IP -1 Sli I fSSh BURSTER BRpW'N. I -1 rJ r ALL WINTER 6ooDT NoW HAVE THE? "HURRY OUT" TAG ON THEM, RADICAL REDUCTIONS PREVAIL ALL THROUGH ' THE MANY DEPARTMENTS." REMEMBER; : THIS IS THE "QUALITY STORE' WHICH MEANS THE VERY BEST IN EACH LINE. . AND, LET US ADD,. YOUR CREPITUS AS GOOD AS YOUR. CASH. -MORE THAN. THIS; WE'VE ATREE-PRESENT TOR-ALL or OUR PATRONS DURING THIS AFTER- ) HOLIDAY SALE. OUR 22 HANDSOME SHOW WINDOWS TELL MORE or THE STORY NOTE THEIR ATTRACTIVENESS -THE BARGAINS THEY HOLD. JUST A ; MENTION or A VERY TEW or THE . V, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. ; ; : ' BAGS, HEAVY TWILL, NEATLY STAMPED " READY TO EMBROIDER, SIZE 16X26 INCHES, WITH DRAW STRING; REGULAR ' 30C VALUE, ON SPECIAL SALE, TUES- t DAY AT, EACH ,...v... ......... ...... ..... J 5C (SEE THEM IN WINDOW TWENTY-ONE) " BERRY SETS; r PIECES, 'or-HANDSOME PRESSED GLASS, REGULAR 65C VALUE, -ON SPECIAL SALE WEDNESDAY,SET..3 5C (SEE THEM IN WINDOW TWENTY-TWO) LADIES' WAISTS, or MERCERIZED COT TON, IN. PRETTY PLAID AND PoLKA-DoT fPATTERNS,VALUES UP To $3. 50, EXTRA SPECIAL, ON SALE WEDNESDAY AT', CHOICE..:..; -:,.:..$ 120 (SEE THEM IN WINDOW TWENfY-THREE) TAILOR-MADE SUITS, 'COATS, SKIRTS, rURS, WAISTS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, -NECKWEAR AND OTHER LINES ALL ' . SPECIALLY 1 REDUCED v DURING THE CLEARANCE SALE. Eastern Outfitting Co, -: ; Washington fiiiTOii wilai t JEER PAPERS My eyes were blackened and shins pained, but I forgave the blows and felt no desire to strike back." , "Brother Brown." said the sinner, "when you aay you had no desire to strike back, you may be considered a eondemnable liar." .:.' "Brother stnaer," said Brother Brown Impressively, ."If I were la a atatd of aln as you are now I would give you an unmerciful awat for making, that re mark.". -.'.-.,.-.----- " - ."; Jboea of Cheek," ."' "Tou have an awful amount of cheek to come around to me and aak me about our religion after the way you have written us up!" exclaimed Mrs. Belle Crawford, a leader of the tangled tongues, when a reporter asked her for aomo pertlculare about her sect yeater- day. Xu have misrepresented us en tirely." - -- v "in what way, -Mrs. Crawford V was asked. . "The meetings have been re ported Just as they happened and the speeches and the conversations Just-as they, occurred." "There was no need of reporting the epeeehea and conversations. People do not need to know anything about tbem. We are from the - angel; . The seal of death la on our foreheads. That la dif laborer In Ban" Francisco.' Bu the seal 01 ins aevii is upon your "Tou might tell me, Mrs. Crawford. why tho seal has been placed upon me. and for the sake of humanity, how It may bo removed." v ..-..v.- ... - v- "Oh, brother, by joining ouf party. Come, brother, and get your Pentecost! Through us sinners get their reward." ."But. Mrs. Crawford, sinners may get their reward only through the unknown tongues, and I have not beard them spoken at the altar." "But you have heard them at the meetings. Come, brother and be saved." "Cohonsa le maao lea ami" was the iBASTHBsT Cllimill COnTPAirT re solved that we: ark still: haweriivc away: at. REDUCING' OUrVSTOCK.. STILL flAKIVC THE FLY OJTOF OU R. and;Tehth I ovi biiiii ii tool salute which Slater Byrle Hansen, ef Dallus offered to another alater. "You are looking better than I have ever seen vou," added Bister Hansen after the salutation. Auumber Oftbe' listeners requested Sister Hansen to make some more remarks In the tangled tongues, but this she was expressly forbidden to do by her brother, Kraest S. Hansen, of Salem. "She will -talk again when the spirit moves her," said Hansen. "Until then she . cannot be moved to talk In the unknown ton rues by human Invitation.' "We can heal aa In the daya of the apostles," declared Mrs. Crawford, I restored the sight of, one man who bad lost his aye." "Why don't 'you restore tho leg of that fellow who Is kicking his wooden peg In time with your spoelT" gruffly asJcea a alnner. "Mrs. Crawford did not make any re ply, but a well-dressed Pentecoater po litely Informed the gruff alnner that the gentleman with the wooden leg waa seeking his Pentecost and waa obtaining It by kicking vigorously for It Further more,' If the Inquisitor did not like the explanation he could step outside, and If he did not feel able to step outside the Pentecoater, would aaalat him to the sidewalk, "That a the way to treat blasphemers Isn't Itr asked the Pentecoater of a reporter. "It la If you can make It good," .waa ue repiy. ; Sape In' Paradise. "We should Ilka to have you on our paper up In Paradise," said Apostle Brown to n reporter. 'Tea, brother, said the apostle, laying his hand affec tionately upon the newspaperman a shoulder, "we want' you for managing editor. You can choose your - staff here on earth.-. You can take them with you. . All you need Is your Pentecost, and I think we shall bo able to get that for you before you leave" i - - extorter. JJ3To hea gone . be fore." . "It has" been" troddenA said " Mrs. Crawford's voice from a distance. "The Lord pays the way. The court ordered my little girl oat of the state. The father sent a check for f II for her fare to Oakland, and a man to cars for bar on the way." t r ; - . -- - - "Did ahe hear what we were sayingf asked the reporter of the apostle. "She hears all things. She Is gifted with speech and other powers." "Does she know that tho til and the escort were sent by ber husband 7" "That Is as It may be," interrupted another apostle. X oan talk. In tho unknown tongu I know not how It Is," said Apostle Hansen, a youth ef. !. . "I am called upon to apeak by the spirit, and when the spirit-stops met from speaking, I don't speak. My tongue seems to refuse to work. . I talk with other men gifted with, the powers and they understand me. The newspapers can't Interpret correctly." 9 "Speak a little In tho- tangled tongues,", was requested. 'I can't now," said Apostle Hansen. "I would like to, but the spirit does not move mo. at present." PICKETS GET MORE KEH TO JOIN STRIKERS Trouble Is Narrowly Averted, However, When Men Urge ,4 -Loyal Motorman. "1 X1rans; of union . pickets, several working; carmen and a half doaesj po licemen caused a bit of excitement at Second and Waahlntton " streets last evenlnc. - Clubs were swung virorously by the police, revolvers were flashed by non-unlonlsta and the strikers suc ceeded hi wlnntnr over three recruits. Tho Incident e"rew out ef tho work of a rant; of about 40 pickets, who left the carmen s headquarters shortly beroro T o'clock. At Second and Washington several oars were boarded and tho plat form men urced to leave their posts. Two men Quit an Alberta ear and one left his place on a Russell-Shaver Tier, and for a few minutes the crossing waa blockaded.. . The pickets swarmed on . Itie waiting ears..: One motorman named Cottar swung ' hta crank at the head of a picket named Colllne and. the latter grappled him. Others Joined In the melee, and had not a bunch of policemen arrived it Is pos sible that some one would have been hurt.- Aa It was. Colltna waa roughly handled by the policemen. , - Sxtra Ken meedy. The blockade was broken by Superin tendent Palmer, who had been apprised that trouble was brewing and wee reedy with "extra men to move the 'rolling atock. The whole day . relief, whloh had been held at police headquarters since I o'olock In expectation of trou ble, waa rushed to the acene and un ceremoniously broke up the, crowd. The atrlkera were highly elated with their measure of euccese. - They declare that In all 11 carmen quit the company and joined the union. Manager Fuller, on the other hand, stated last night that ao far ha haa loat but SO of hla regular, employee on account of the strike. ' The whole number of platform men he put at. 70. Boon after the demonstration as Sec ond and Washington a railroad torpedo waa exploded at second and Alder and the loud report caused some more ex citement. .. ." 1 CARUSO'S FRIENDS L RESENT A BURLESQUE , (Hearst News by Lensest tested Wire.) ' New Tork. Jan. ; H.--8lgnor Caruso not long ago waa fined 110 for alleged liberty with women In the Central Park monkey house, and today hla country man, Nicholas de Tenadl waa fined the same amount for resenting a burlesque of the famous tenor-at the Oothara theater In Harlem by throwing decayed egga. Led by do Tenadl, over a acore of Caruso's Italian admirers went to the theater last night and when Ber nard .Gerard, made up like Caruso, gave hla Imitation of tho noted alnger, the atage acene representing a monkey house, dosens of odoroua egga were hurled at him. Several of the eggs hit Gerard and exploded. The performance waa atopped and de Tenadl waa ar rested. . ' ' TWO PERISH IN WRECK ' ON COLUMBUS SOUTHERN (PnblkhsT Press by special Leassd Wire.) Clrclevllle, Ohio, Jin. 11.- A mixed panaenger and freight train on the Co lumbus Southern railroad crashed through the bridge -wnlch spana Salt creek, near Haynea. Ohio, this anernoon at 4 o'olock. , Two of the orew ware drowned and the paasengers saved themselves . by - swimming out of the Creek. Engineer Robert crane and Fire man George Juatlee of Laurelvllte went down with the engine, and before they were afile X6 crawl out of the eab were drowned. , The paasenger ooachss slid Into the creek right aide up and tne oc cupants ware able te aersmble out aad wim to shore.. . k . mm&M Oil E riO LONGER Wife Gets Divorce, Alimony and Care of Children by Decree r of Judge Sears. BOTH WELL KNOWN ON OTHER SIDE OF SEA Husband, a Noted Artist Who ft tar lied London Society Girl, Is Now Accused of Calling Her Washer woman Divorced One Before. Becauee her husband called her washerwoman. Mrs. Gertrude May Max Meyer, daughter of an English noble man, believed that ahe waa justified la eulpg bar artist , husband for dlvoroe. Mrs. Max Meyer told the story of her troublea to Circuit Judge Sears yester day afternoon and ahe auooeeded In making the Judge aee things her-way, The divorce- was granted, with $31 s month alimony and the custody of the cnuiaren. ..Mrs. Gertrude May Max Meyer la a daughter of the. late lrd Justice Wllla of the king's bench, who for many years held that exalted position In tho PrltlatL.Ju.cllclary. ,.Eut . Is .one.. pjL the many desoendants of the noted Wills house and svery month of ber life she Is said to receive a remittance of $40 from the family estate. Her husband, by the by, la not so Insignificant a peraonage himself. He la Louis Rich ard Max Meyer, a descendant of a cul tured German family and known In Portland as one of the best portrait painters on the Paclflo coast. So well established la the reputation ef Louis Richard Max Meyer that he was given the contra ot for painting the portrait of Governor Chamberlain, whloh now adorns the eapltol at Salem. . -' Wife Former Society Belle. ' The Mas Meyere met In London some 10 years ago, when Louts Richard was an ambitious young artist and when Gertrude May was a bells of an exclu sive social set. They were married In till, sailing soon afterward for Amer ica. Both were proud and high strung and family troubles soon arose. Four children were bora,. but In. 1101 there is a divorce. Mrs. Max Meyer re- aided In Taooma several years, living on - her Inoome from England. Then there was a reconciliation aad the two were reunited by Justice Reld of Port land Deoember 27r l0i. The second term of married life waa more stormy than the. first. While the artist was chastising one of the 'chil dren last August the wife Intervened and received ai blow on the arm from the switch.- For this offense the hus band waa arrested and oompelled to ap pear In the police court. He declared that the blow was accidental, the court believed him and he was discharged. Picketed Xla More. After that there was no more living together for the Max . Meyers. The husband swore be had been so humiliat ed that he could not klaa and make up. An understanding was reached and Max Meyer paid hla wife a atlpend on the tenth of every rnonthiPn January x. however, ahe ran out of cash. " She -called at her husband's store, the "Art Emporium' at 141 Alder street, and made a scene. Taking up a position In the center of the store the wife Is said to have cried out tragi oally to the crowd of customers: "Ladies, this Is my husband.- He re fuses to support me." . - When aaked while on the stand yes terday to describe In what way . her husband , bad- been cruel to her, the plaintiff hesitated for a moment, then cried out: ... "He ealled me a washerwoman" LASSO DROWNING CHIRESE FROM WATERY GRAVE Floods Cut Off Rail Communlca i tion Between Monterey and -San Francisco. : (Beant Kewe by Leacett. Leased Wire.) Paclflo Grove. Cal.i Jan. II. Five Chlneee who were attempting to escape from the floods In the lowlands In Sa linas velley bad their boat upset In the eddy and were found, almost exhausted, clinging to the willows. They were res cued by vaqueroa. who threw their las soes over them an hauled then to the ahore near the railroad bridge. One of the men died subsequently from expos ure. Just sf tor the resoue, a relief train from Paclflo Grove, with a boat and boat's crew, reached the scene, but their services were no longer needed. The floods In the lowlands cut off all railroad coenmunlcatlon between Monte- Deafness and Catarrh Cured By "ACTINA" Nlnety-flve per -cent of all caaee of deafueas brought to our attention la the result of cbronlo catarrh of the throat ana miaaio ear. The air passages ..become clogged by catarrhal de posits, atopprag tb ac tion of the vibratory bones. TJntll these de posits . are removed a cure la Impossible. The inner ear cannot be reached by probing or spraying, hence the In ability of specialists to always aive rellnf. That tTr"-l 'here Is a aclentlflo cure f Jss for most forms of deaf ness and catarrh is dem onstrated every dnv bV the ueeef "Aotina" treet.I mem. i tie vapor current generated by "Actina" panses through the Eustachian tubes into the middle ear, removing the cstarrnai ' obstructions as it passes through the tubes, end loosens up the hones (hammer, snvll and stirrup) in the Inner ear, making them reepond to the slightest vibration of sound. ,"Ao- tlna" has seldom rauea to atop ringing nolsea in -the nead We have known people troubled with this distressing symptom for years to be completely cured In a few weeks by thla wonderful Invention. "Ac Una" also ouree la grippe,-aethme. bronchitis, sore throat, weak lungs, colds and headache and all other troublea that are directly or In directly due to catarrh. "Actlna" Is sent on- triat peetpeid.--Write ue about your esse, we will give free advice and punitive proof of cure. A valuable book. Professor Wllson'a I OA-pa xe Trea tise on Disease, Free. . Addreae Actlna Appliance Co., Dept. dbC, Ill-Ill Walnut ot Kansas City, Mo. y . ' Imisj.. Si i ,1 Ol Guaranteed -' uV.,.;v-:;-:v- r v;"'; -v.'1 "Food and ' jf v ' Drugs Act J:" "fc-e y fcp alum 80s loo. SV ; JAvVi" - I; ; o few fcoaranw.r-cne,1 C- Ss ; f lfTOW Hi f rT-" r 7"" 7 1 " fy JCmntmkii. I nl M M A 11 1 : , VMS MOST asssjovaaj , 9 Sv s 1 IM III 111 ult U 3 v SATmsATrvU. TOtslO. Ml 1Q v I ll M It St f M Vit F B.00-UK'VtMSJ MMIMI U JT Uftfl ' " . ' I If I fg - I V; 61 U ll i clhoodCo., lb .tkiii-i--ii (lll ll 1 ApHh-mrim, I I J III vi i zi, ur, u 0. a I . - I . -v.. . 1 Mi v Till j n I . .MIL- ::U U :, A positive , specific for all troubles of the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. Its fame has spread around the world. It is endorsed by physicians, by druggists, and best of all, by the thousands of people whom it has cured. "Cures scrofula, eczema, all eruptions and humors, indigestion, dyspepsia, rheumatism. catarrh, kidney and liver difficulties and all troubles arising from or promoted by impure blood or a low condition of the system.-- Its merits, its substantiated claims, its -curesr entitle-it-to-your- perfect- confidence. Buy a bottle and begin to take it today. Onarantaed under the Food sad Drag Aet. JaaeM,rjos. Xe. tH rey and Paclflo Grove and San Francis co. Passengera were , landed In Salinas City instead. There was a rusn of wa ter from Arroyo Seco and Upper Sa lines, flooding thousands of acres on the Mora Co Jo and contiguous ranches, making huge(lagoona of beet and potato fields and drowning cattle. The main structure of the new rail road bridge la uninjured, but some of the trestle work in th approach was Impassable. A large force of men wore buay this morning on repairs, and this evening trains are again running. The unusually heavy ralnrall, about fifteen Inches, for the eeasoa to' date, will prove of Immense benefit te tne coun try. . For eeventeen years there has been no suoh thorough saturation. All this month is a month of bargains --You will always pays to trade at the big store in the low 364 to 370 East Morrison Street The Home of Low Trices I OUR SALB PRtCB. $34.00 Begularly sella on .the Weet, "side for 141. Exactly Ilka cut; made of the best of Quartered Oak. finished In the latest early English. "We have JnsT received a ablpment of Buffeta and China Cloaeta, and want you to aee them. .., -.- mm APOSTOLIC LIGHT WILL "SHINE FROM PORTLAND Salem, Or., Jan, 1 1. Rev. M. X It yea, pastor of the Anostotle mission In this olty and publisher of the Apoatolls Light, official organ of that sect, will move hta printing plant te Portland and will publish hla paper from that olty. Mr. Ryan oa December 11 obtained she power of writing in unknown languages, but still writes In pure, virile English for his publloaUoa. - -. "The work ef the mission here In Sa lem Is te be continued." said be. "Work ers from Von Angeles will bo here later." :; . C ewe and Easy Terms We have placed on sale today a very handsome Library Table Finished in the early English style, the regular value of which is $30.00; yet we will sell 1 it at Dutch . Auction that is, to reduce the price $1.00 each - day till soldr Price tomorrow, Monday, $20.00.' "WatchTlhisV You may get a bargain. Dutch Auction It depends not upon what we say, but upon what the people who have used it say, for its reputation and its record. " - SjirOfltilbS Sr,p.aifl'" In" table . form. Have Identically " the same) ourattre properties. Sold by all druggists or mailed on ' receipt of prion, SI, by O. I. Hood Oo., Lowell, Mass. PLAN TO BUILD TUNNEL UNDER ENGLISH CHANNEL . (Hatnt Howe ay Leagaet Leased WtreJ . Paris, Jan. It. Plans for the pleroing of a channel tunnel progresses apace and it will be matter of a few months before work will actually be ootnmenoed. If the consent of the British pari lament oaa be obtained, The engineers who will undertake the work are moot optlmlstlo as te Its re sults, ehlefly en account ef the even ness of the ground through whieb. they have to bore. Among the strata under lying the ehannel la one ef chalk e 10 yards In thicks rent district ; BALI PRICE, 024.OO Rnruler selling ri"lce, 'l.'il. ectly like cut; ginna f ' ends, flnlhi in 1' lin: maile of W you it n'H ' trn corn 1 rricinc In I k.I f! 1 Sa 1 p-1 ' I iT,-WriLW ( jp;"7T.-;- :. E lid trtrd