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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1907)
Tin: onucou cunday journal. Portland. Sunday horning, January is. icc7. V icivn-ic The funeral of the late Mra. WllUam I Murray, wife of the swimming; in tructor at the Multnomah Athletic club, waa held from Holman'a chapel yesterday afternoon and waa at tended by a larce number of friend. Iter. I Myron liooser, pastor of the j-ieaxaont r reeDvterian oiiurcn. omoi - ate at the services, which were marked wiin simplicity, as a special request made by Mrs. Murray prior - to her fleath, Mrs. Walter Reed and Miss Bou - ma uawwi sang-, h. i. uart ana iu. ju business are second to none. The air Barrett , were the pa M bearers selected , ferent branches, banking real estate, by the athletio club while the remain-1 hnkmn atnnk. ui hnn ate. are In ones who helped carry the remains ! to their last reetlnf place were Otto' Dekura, & E. . Bruna, AJ. 61ocun and ' Earl Stanton. . ntr Circle. Women of the Woodcraft, attended the funeral In ..body. ... . ... .... The People's Forum win bold It rea tilar Sunday night meeting at the Sell-Ins-Blrsch building tonight, when B. B. Seabrook. state tax oommlssloner, will deliver an address on "The Tax Ques tion.' Mr. Seabrook Is well equipped through experience ably to handle his aupiecu ana a large audience is ex- pec ted to attend.- The public Is Invited to be present and participate in tne gen- ers! discussion that always follow the reading of a paper. 1 There- will be a regular meeting of the Mount Tabor Im Dro Yemen t asso ciation at Woodmen hall. West avenue, tomorrow, at. which time the proposl- tlon to make the abutting property psy for watsr mains will be discussed. This will be a general meeting, and an Invi tation Is hereby extended to all taxpay ers of the city to be present, aa matters vt tuai" imumtanc to ihsin 1 will ts discussed. " Are you a butcher? .If aa, take nottoe That Adolph A. Dekura Supply Co 111 131 First street, la the plaoe. that can satisfy your wants. He has- a f uUTlne of butcher tools, meat racks, hard maple meat blocks, gowns, -aprons, stuff era, -easing, kploes. scales, etc Baying dU rfiuin factories and In large Quanti ties ha Is In a position to save you money. Does aave you money and treats you right . i ... '... 1r Tour Temper; 4 Call-up .1 the rnlque Tailoring Co, Main tie. and .nave them put your nam on their pressing club list. Wa can every week for suit of clothes, sponge and press it, sew en button and sow up rip and deliver It beck to yon. and air you eight shoe ahlnes a month, for fl a month. Unique Tailoring Co., tot Stark street, between Fifth and Sixth. i J.. It. Toiallnson 1 Organising a new band on tbe eaat aide with the Intention r of forming; nuenru for a band to aire eonoert la the eaat, side, parka during the coming summer. Mar Tom 11 n son Is working la conjunction with the East Side Push eluba and Otto atleeman. who led the Haydn Phllner asonlo orchestra last , season, will be the eon due tor. . : " Bums' anniversary eonoert and dance, wriderUie auspices of Clan Maclaay. '. Arlon hall, Friday, January It? A pe- eial program of Scottish song "will be ' rendered by Mrs. Walter Reed, Mrs. 1 Lulu Miller. Miss Kathleen Lawler, J. Adrian Epptng.- Professor Canrlok of Pacific college, Kewberg. and Mr. Reed's - Treble Clef club.1 Highland piping and "" dancing. Everest's orchestra. D ye knew that the doth Arm strong make are. without exception, as TKytish la cut," as perfect- In at. tlatlcally tailored as the most faatldlow ' man can wish forf His price will ' agreeably' surprise rou. If yon bar ' been paying lit to i tot your clothe . g ask Armstrong to show yon what he makes for $21 to ISO. Armstrong, tbe rtauor. ; . - , ;r.u 7 ; . Ous Lowlt, proprietor of tha. Golden Eagle department store, left last even ing for New Tork, where be expect to meet William Luts. on of 111 depart ment manager,, and . they will buy spring and summer goods. They ex pect to be east about, a month. . , Mrs. Abigail Boott Dunlway. president i on -The Necessity of Equal Right So-j ; dally, Industiially and Politically- to .. night at Alisry hsll. Third and Morri son. Everybody Invited. A discussion " will- follow.- Free admltUnoe. , " "The Little Dncbesw Company." which : wit appear at the Helllg for four night beginnlna' tonight, .reached the city yes terday, and m number of the members - attended the matinee perform an oe of Tb Saltan of Sultt." . . . 1 Signer A. De Caprio. leader 'of th " famous Lewi and Clark Administration Band and Concert company, ha opened bis studio at III Fifth street. , Phone ' Main 1423. Music furnished for ell oc ' easlona, . , , . i . Dt.W. I. Howard, rhronto dtaeasesv Jtelectrlclty and electric light treatment Commonwealth building. Sixth street . WUholt 'mineral water and salta E. . Wallace Agt., Its Id. Tel. Pao. Its. 'An enjoyable evening waa spent' by th Modern Brotherhood of America In Wlllnmett hall. January I, at which a large class of applicants were Initiated, DIAMONDS Are tbe most preclon produot of earth stable a gold and con stantly Increasing la value. W were fortunate In aeourtng a large stock of these handsome stone before tbe recent advance In the foreign market. We have them Of tha "purest ray serene," and sell them at retail on ex ceedingly email martins. . . We mount them to please our patrons, snd warrant every sale. BxeeUent Optical Department la Connection. . The GrHElTKEMPER. co: r V ' kobjusov rf. ; Lowest-Priced Jewelry' House for . (. oood." cc:.::.:o:iViALTii tqust CO. TO OPtri A!) Departments of the Institu tion Equipped and Ready for Business on Monday. . .- Tomorrow the doors of The Coramen- ; wealth Trust company will be thrown open to the business public It open- inir promise to be auspicious, aa its officers are men of experience and its ; equipment and facilities for transacting thoroughly organised and hare a liberal patronage already assured. - J. & Le Is president. B. J. Fore first rlce-oresldent. C C. Burt second vioe-presldent, H. W. ixmahoe third vloe-preeldeat. H. O. rat' teraon Mnratarr. -T II IttrvAmtun asalet ant secretary, E. M. Hosner treasurer, and W. It Dodge cashier..' The tatter gentleman was caabler for . years of a prominent eastern bank, and afterwards national bank examinee. Ia apeaXlag . of the , Commonwealth Trust eomnanr. President Leesald: "No I bank aver began . better prepared 'to handle ever branch of Its business than ( the Commonwealth Truat company. We propose te make this newest ef Port . land's financial Institutions a credit to the city, that It may- stand aa a lasting monument to the Integrity of the offi cer and directors. I feel particularly fortunate la baring associated with m men who are wide awake In business j and have made a aucoeaa of everything they hare undertaken.'' PRIMIIUIIIAT-SCIIOOL ELECTS OFFICERS Teachers of Young Scholars Re- -celve-ValuablfrSaggeslions From Expert Worker. .The primary Sunday school, union, composed -of primary work In th dif ferent Sunday schools of th city, holds Its regular meeting every Friday arter aoon at o'clock In th W. C T. C. rooms, on th sixth floor of th Oood nough building. The meeting are not only beneficial to all teacher of young children In th Sunday schools from the fact that th lesson for th next Bun day I taught and practical plan for future work discussed, but from time to time th member meet la a social way at the different homes. Th union ha been fortunate during th past three month In having Mra, Burkholder, a practical ktndergartner, present th lesson each week, and val uable euggestions from her aa to the ! manner of teaching hare been of great ' benefit to all who attended. . j Mra. , Burkholder will conduct thj didn't know which foot to stand on. lesson study for th coming quarter. ' Some of them got dlxxy and fell over A normal class conducted by Mrs. In a bean. One. rumor had it, got so Brown Is another feature of th union's frisky that he died from the effect of work. Cnder th leadership of Mrs. R. ' leaping high toward the aky. R. Steel th union baa Just closed th , While men and women wore rubber to most successful year of Its history. At keep upright, thoughtful driver pro a recent meeting, tha following officers , Tided their horse with gunaysack socks were elected to serve during th com- or shoe At first th "nags" could not Ing year: President, Mrs. ft. R. Steele t understand . the sense In having their eretary.-ltls Oodbeyj rK presioent. Mrs. Theodore Fessler, treasurer, Mra. C A. Morden., FIRST ELECTRIC SIGNS ' 4 OF KIND IN PORTLAND At th meeting ef the oouncil com mittee on streets . Friday - afternoon, permission wa granted is It. A Ounst dt Co.'s to erect ilhimlnated elgns in front ef their cigar stores as follow: On at let Third street, two at Third and Alder streets, two . at Sixth and Washington streets, two - at Seventh and - Washington street and tw at Fifth and Morrison streets. Oua Simon, manager of fh company In Portland, aald last night that each ef the lights would be l.OO candlepoweii and would flr,to klno b in Portland. Mr. Simon hinted that an application for lights for another store would soon be filed with the eoanell. Such a store, he said.' would be established by -the company,' but It waa a question as to whether th desired location could- be secured. the officer ef seven flourishing lodge In this city were Installed, followed by a banquet . This will remind yo that now 1 the time to have your hair mattresses reno vated end returned the earn day. Phone Msln 474. Tbe Portlend Curled Hair Factory, IL,' Metsger. proprietor. Tour eye examined ' free We are still aelllng eyeglasses at IL A perfect fit guaranteed. Metsger dk Cet, Jewelers and optician, 111 Sixth street Steamer Jessie Rarklns for Camaa, lougsl and way landing dally ex cept Sunday. Leave Washington street Jock at I p. m. Aem Oil Co. ells the beat safety coal M and fine gasoline. Phone East Tit. K. W,' Moore, expert photographer, Elks bulldlngr Seventh and Stark Sta Dr. O. M. Wells, residence 7(1 Beat Burnsld street Phone East 141. ' If Big shoe sale, great bargain. Mark Shoe Co., Ill Morrison street For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris restaurant. Watck Wooeter I I I I ASK FOR NEW COUNTY TO ; v BE CUT OUT OF WASCO At a. meeting at tbe Perkins last night a petition signed by a number of residents of Hood River asking that a new county b formed wa presented to Senator Whealdon and Repreaenta tlvea Hsndrick and Knowlee. - The proposed new county Is to be I known es Cascade county, with Hood River aa the county sent, ' Part of th territory of Multnomah and Wasco counties are to be taken to form Cas cade county; , . - 3 H. P. Davidson, B. R. Bradley and J. D. Jayn addressed tha Waaco county delegation en behalf of the petitioner. Bom opposition to the proposed change has been encountered at Hood River and the opposition wa represented at the conference last night No conclusions were reached by the delegation aa te what tbelr action In the matter will be. - Charles Berry's Masquerade. A special dancing party masquerade wtll be given Wednesday night at Mer rill' halt Seventh and Oak. - Ten prise. to th me"kert A grand time assured. Prasp'i full ereheatr. SKATING AND COASTING ARE: NOVElrSPORTXOF THE HOUR , ' , Icy Pavement 'To walk the down town "street last nlghCane would not bar thought that up ei the heights and out In the ub- uibs whore Ih air was crisp and light, hundreds or rather thousands of people were having th sport of their Ufa glid ing down th slippery steep on over loaded bob-eleda and making more sola than a comic opera chorus when eoane on make th startling discovery that all U well and that there la life In th old land yet - v ' j . - Coasting - was good ' la most.- of the outlying district and strange te sy no serious accidents had been reported op to a lata hoar. Tbe best coasting waa bad at Portland Helghta and large crowd-from other parts of th city went there to see th sport. Some good coasting wa had on the eaatslds In places where tha sun did not reach dur ing the day. . . . , krrery Xorse Xas Bay. '..-' : If It I true' that a day ha been set asld for every dog it must be equally trn that every horse baa a day. Tes te may nut bar been set aside for th equine for It appeared to all day w)th the horses. Tbey slid and allppel nd old "skates" skated . until they hoof thus bandaged, bet since It gave them a better understanding they soon began te appreciate the novel Invention of their masters. Vhe one great troa ble with these gunnysack socks waa that tbey wore out se quickly that tbe driver was busy half th Urn keeping them tn trim. After having been ban daged once or twice meat horses sub TliVPIay By L Z. W. ' . , .... "Music la f rosea architecture." ' So Rnskla would have aald had he beard a perfect diva tn a mammoth refriger ator singing a freestng audience late I warmth and forgetfulness. - - - Madam Schumann-Hetnk sang last night before a vast audience that filled th floor ef th drill room and leaked over Into the galleries. In spit ef the time-honored discomforts of - th big, barn-Ilk place, her return announce ment brought wut crowds ef admiring listener who ... applauded each number vocireroualy and restrained their In clination to cough and snuffle until each number was finished. That la, moot of the time they did, though the madam had te pauae several time be tween number te- give th restless audience time te settle down that ahe might snake her big numbers more f feotlve. . The program was of a more popular nature than last 'Monday's, but - th madam seemed to be tn better voice. In the aria "Ah Rend lml," from tbe opera "Mitrane," with, which ahe opened tbe program, she did eom of th beet work I have ever heard her do and showed the reason of her 'greatness on th operatic stage. The famoua and Justly popular song cycle ef "A Wo man's Love and Life" fSchuraann) truck a responsive chord In th hearts of all who knew th singer's own large heart and beautiful home life, and the audience waa more still and absolutely attentive than la any of th other num ber. . The Strauss songs were splen dldly. given as was also th dramatic "Die Jungs Konne" (Schubert) and his beautiful litany. There was more curiosity about the three song with organ accompaniment which were put last on the program. And certainly Madam Schumana- Helnk dignity of delivery snd devout ness make her a splendid Interpreter ef sacred music. "The Lord Is Mindful," aria from the St Paul ahe haa long been famous for singing, but this I th first tlms she has been heard -In the fervent "Set Still. " And the "Ave Ma ria" (Bach-Oounod) held the listener In absolute silence and awed admiration. The organ accompaniment by Edgar E. Con rtwn were played with perfection and Madam Schumann-Hal nk Inaleted on charing her ovation with him. Har old Bayley, In his violin solo and ao eompanlment' for the "Ave Maria," waa nfortunately attacked with nervous ness and could not do- himself Justice. Mis Ethel Schaal again presided at th Dlano. " ' .. The applause did not cease for a long time after Madam Schumann-Helnk had le.t th platform and had made bar re turn bow, but her program had been long and sung with few pause o that ah respsndsd to no. encores. By th way. th armory I a poor place for concerted applause and a alnger doe net realise how much she is getting. But Madam Schumann-Helnk aeemed not at all affected ,by f Til fact and bowed and smiled aa usual, though ah did shiver with . th sold and had to have her shoulder wrap brought to her. FOUR COMPANIES FILE INCORPORATION PAPERS I ... A Article of Incorporation war filed with th county clerk yesterday aa folio-si ; - Order ef Reindeers; looorperator. :, ' ' .' '" New to Rone. jected them selves to the harmless oper ation . peacefully and one . unusually bright express-wagon horse displayed eweuxii sense to htkshls hoofs sfter driving a soon a they began to come in direct contact with the toe-coated pavement ? One. poor horse, who looked more fit for . the soap factory than , anything else, took an awful elide on' the west approach to the Burnalde bridge and ha would probably be sliding- yet had not a stalwart longshoreman rushed to his aid. Th longshoreman practically picked him np la his arms and held him upright while finishing the slide ef about ! feet The horse was nearly frightened to death by the Strang ex perience and shouts arose for th rough ly clad hero. .. . , The cold spell 1 by no mean at an end. according to . District Forecaster Edward 8. Beala. Th weather map for this morning predict a fair day, con tinued cold weather and northeasterly winds. Mr. Beala stated yesterday aft ernoon that In his opinion there I not much bop of milder weather for a cou ple of day yet, now that the wind la gain from th northeast But he says, those suffering from the cold have the consolation that there la no telling what a change 'might take place it might turn warmer very suddenly and rain. XjOw Wa SS Degree. Th minimum temperature yesterday wa SI degree by th weather bureau thermometer. It waa colder ia the sub urbs that lie exposed to the wind. - If this weather continues much longer the chance are-good for a complete freese np ef the Columbia river above the mouth -of -the Willamette. Th ferry waa operated between the streetcar landing ' on the Oregon side and th Vancouver slip yesterday for a while, bat there Is no certainty of It being able te run today.--r -..-1 B. K. WrlghVTt tJ. Moss, W. a Phelp. B. K. Da via and E. A. Taylor; capital stock 12.101. ' . .,..- . Manhattan-Junction Gold Mine com pany; Incorporators. William ssartln, E. J. Godfrey and Thome King Malar: capital stock, one million hares at a par valua of II each. - Central Manhattan Gold Mine com pany, sane Incorporator, same capital atock. ., .. . Eastern Importing company; incor porators, L. Hamilton Taayer, W. R. Mcintosh and Lottl Hill; capital atock 171,000. . . INAUGURATION WILL " 7 . BE HELD ON TUESDAY 4 " ' Governor Chamberlain will be 4 inaugurated on Tuesday at 1:10 e o'clock If the joint resolution e now prepared by Senator Mullt 4 of Jackson county la adopted by d th two bouse upon their organ- 4 1st tlon. Senator Mullt an- no need last night that a would ' Introdae a resolution fixing . Tuesday at 1:S o'clock as th ) time for the Inaugural and the delivery qf the governors m- sage to th legislature. . cAmerican Restaurant GOim TaTXaU) AJTD OOVCX 'sTS. . OFZaT PAT AJTD STXaXT. : . Slans from 11 a. sa. w , xa. '. , , Chicken Broth wit. BUoe. : , . ' Hothouse ZMtaee Celery. ...10a Oram Salad, with Jlayeaaalse . - Dree slag 20) Boiled Salt Mackerel with Draws Batter . ......... .25 Triad Bsaof Clam ......... Pried XaUbnt 15r, Salmon. IM Bofled Ox Tongue) Sane MCOaa ais . 204 Pork Tndrlola, Rreaded, Tomato Sane ZB Beef Stew with Tegwtable ...... I5e Chicken Pot PI with Bnmpllmg. .2R Corn Beef Bash with Poached Xgg.lSe Pork Spare mtbe wlta awsrkraat.20 BroOed Kidney and Baooa. . . .. . .20 Cold Cora Beef with Piekled Basts. 1 P. Calv Sweetbread a U Bobert. ,25 Spaghetti and Cheese XtaUsnae. .154 Small Beef Teadertola, Maahroom gance . .................. .....254 Baked Beam with Boston Brown Bread . ., '. XBd Half Spring Chicken, Tried .40 4) Apple Sumpllags with Cream Basse . ......1S) Sid Order Apple SnmpUaar ........ Sllaed Banana and Cream log Boast Young Turkey, Cranberry Saaee and Celery 35eV Bone Bprtar Chicken with Breoe- lag . ..250 Boaet Tort with Dressing, .vrrrrr. 1B Boa Teal With Dressing. 1S Boas Mutton with Preeelsg. , .. . .1B nuiea Beef. Tan 4rery 1K4 Boaat Spring lank, Mint Saaee aad I Oreea Ties r'rwr-trrtt rmmt.XOw ' Coffee, Bread aad Better aad Totatoec wita au aaeaia. BHHOIIHBIIB PERFORfalED Improvements Now Under Way Temporarily Annoy Riders in Cars end Pedestrians. BIQ FILLS RAPIDLY BEING CONSTRUCTED Joint Committee From All East Side Improvement .1 Assoclatlona . VTIH Be'preeeat Each Locality on That , . Side of trniametU.- -. - Bast Bid Department. Improvements on . the east aid are moving steadily. The most noticeable step in recent Improvement ia the Eest Oak street fill that I now almost com pleted between Union avenue and Grand avenue. - The last few day nav seen the finishing touches put on this short stretch and It 1 now being brought up te grade. While thla work has been rolnr en. tbe treat Us for the fill above-Grand.! avenue have been completed and tha work bae progressed considerably be tween Grand avenue aad Eaat . Sixth street also. . While the work waa being accomplished oa the lower section, lit tle Inconvenience to the " traffic, ' oiv urana avenue was experienced aa the dumping oar were taken around to Union avenue from Grand avenue via . Eaat Washington aad dumped from 1 there. . Since the work haa commenced on the ' upper section liel eeenjrii snd stenne" and Fsat Wxth street some eoraolalnt la iwmlnf framt the tiatrrma a Ih. fa Aakeny line that a great deal ef delay la sometime occasioned by the string of dumper on -Grand avenue where they switch out over th trestle en Oak street. - ... H4ssrtaas Ais' Suffer. ' Beside this Inconvenience te the patron of the car line tn this vicin ity, the pedestrian have complained a good deal ' Between . Eaat Alder and East Burnalde there 1 ' no electrlo light so that at East Oak th night I truly dark. Where the fill haa been mad there I no sidewalk nor has there been for some time. While East Oak ha been brought up to grade. Grand avenue hae not and the difference hap pens to fall Just where the aldewalk should be. Workmen were endeavor Ing to right thla Inconvenience yester day, however. - j Slow pro tress I being made en th fill at Montgomery' gulch In lower i Albina. which haa caused soros Incon venience to the ear service, toe, aa all Miunrtn have Seen trmrtmtmt mm thla place to carl at the' ether end ever since th work began, a month or two age. Probably not one-fifth - of the work haa been completed up te data Tbe contract was sublet te. Schnell d company. . They tackled tha project with . wagons, which ha turned out to be elow work. They have been hauling the material from the Footer block te the ravine. - . . . j j.:Bt Bid Work TtogTsesisg. - . This week the pile ere being placed a lea for th fill from East Washington north en East Sixth. The fill that will come next is that of East Ninth across Stephen alough. Th contractor will xtend a apur from the Brooklyn line en Ellsworth street and thla fill will be made from the south end of the fllL East Ninth between Ellsworth and Haw. thorn will follow. Anxiety m again arising regarding the Grand avenue bridge serosa Sul livan's gulch. In fset. th anxiety that ha been existing regarding th contract ha never materially subsided In eplu. of the assurance to th contrary from the International - Contract company which ha th contract for putting la th bridge ever th gulch. C A. B I glow, secretary ef the East Sid Business Men's club, said last night In reference to thla matter. "Our organisation will Insist on th full ex tent - ef - th4 penalty being Imposed against the contractor If th bridge 1 not put up th contract requires." The contractors aay that th bridge will be completed eocordlng to the term of th contract, but the east alder Bay that they will have te work faster than uauaL . Joint Committee Made trp Th committee of two from each pro gressive organization which Is to meet next Monday with the exeeutrre board to mske suggestion regarding th dl vtaton of lights and fir equipment, haa been made up aa follow. C P. krvan and Dr. William DeVeny, ef the stoat svllla board ef trade; M. O. Griffin and Judge Waldemsr Seton, of tbe Brook lyn republican club: Mr. Haines and Mr. Jaeger, and aa alternate la ease ef the Incapacity of either., of these, J. J. 0Donnell end J. Wood Bmltn. of the Holladay park push club: Mr. Dickinson end O. V. Carter, of tbe Montavllla Im provement association; W. Adame end L. 3. Hicks, of the Sell wood board trade; P. J. Perklne end Mr. ooertorrer, of the Mount Tabor Improvement asso ciation; W. Frank Porter and C. Ben Rlesland. of the .Woodstock push club; C Ball and C C Grote. of the Center Addition Improvement association; w. T. Vaughn and J. T. Gregg of the Wood lawn improvement aasoelation; Oeor. p. Frank and George E. Crump, of the Kortheastem Improvement association; H. H. Newhall and Thomas Htalop. of th East Sid Improvement association, and Dan Kellaher and V. C Dunning, of tbe Eaat Sid Business Men' club. The meeting of the executive board I called for o'cloew. M on cay artsv noon, and at this time the recommenda tion mad for the distribution of lights and fire epparatu will be. made and these men from every section f th east side will be present td looc otter their Interest. Th monotony of th at side Justlc court wss broken yesterday , afternoon by a marriage service. . Thee impres sive functions occur, reeulsrly at thla court, but several weeka have Inter vened since th last one The contract ing parties In yesterday affair were Robert McKennett. of Waece eounrr, and Josephine . Grant of Multnomah. Justice Fred I Olon officiate , GOTO FRFIRHTRATE - HEARING AT SPOKANE Pidflo eeast rpreentatlTee ef rail road and shipper ar xa then na- at Spokane to attend the rate hearing: be fore the Interstate commerce commis sion, thronait waicn Bpossne win at tempt to overturn the exlstln principle of tidewater terminal ratas. The ficht is one in which every shipper and trans portation company rtolnc baslnes tn seaport cities Is vitally interested. Judge Peter T. Dtinno, emera! atter lisy of rhe Southern Paclflo at Ban Fran cisco, and Harry Jones, frelxht traffic marBr of the Bout barn Paalf lc. ware In Portland today, en route to Spokane. H. D. Lovelsnd. a prominent San Fran lace shipper, passed through th city Preparingto EnlargetheShr Staples, the Jeweler Will soon enlarge his store. January buyers ef Jewtlry and kindred lines will show wisdom in visiting this store before making purchases elsewhere. Mr. Staples win give his personal attention to you on request. . simms 162 FIRST The Little Store on the East Side of First Street Just South ' r '" of Morrison. ' x This little store does more business than many of the larger stores. . The Reason: Fine Goods at the Right Prices-.:.- as 1 1 B Oaks Elak irIDITUH 17117 tt-eSuncJaay Afternoon and Evening S P Professor Harrison will make M M J noon and evening, also every uaas RIINIC OPEN ALU' DaSt' SU1NDAY jl SPECIAL, Sunday Admission Oaks Slak d -...., . -V L 7 r- NJ 4 mimWT' ier Wi'r' V " 1 5TAIGER ' : UP-TO-DATE : ' : ' REUABLB FOOTWEAR 292 Washington Street, Just East of Fifth AUTOMOBILES HOWARD M. COVEY . - - Acwat- '. - nnci rasas' ammow, mcovosixb, eaoxuao t amo ntix " ' . XtOT 4-CTXXJTSBB OASrUAO XV STOOX. Temporary teoatlea Cla warare, Plfeseata and Aides, Fook Sang & Co. JAT TTJ CHOW2. Mar. 231 Alder SU Portland Pure. Beaatlful Jed v . i nA &Ma.i... Xland SlsAtst Klnaa -of all uwnpiiuiia in.u. or der. Americas namea engraved in Chines character en pure mum .d-luck rlnrs enxraved with tne three eanV.nal Chlaeee charactera, vtat Glory. Prosperity and Lonsevlty. Chsrire reaeonsble and orders of any desla-n promptly executed snd sent pre paid to aay part ef the United State. Mrs. Dr. Mary Kramer Nice onartere for patient. Herb and Root tnedtclnea for ail blood disease Examination free. Telephone Eaat lUt. el Mississippi Ave. Vortlaaa, Or eye a. yesterday bound for th earn place, atea representing; every jobbers' and manufecturera' association and every freight trafflo organisation oa the coaat will attend. Portland will be represent ed by L. A. lwla. I. K 1al. W. A. Meera, Philip Buehner end otbrcs. Just a Word. l-THle weeh will be th tr r to' h it dres skirts while 0"T anrnmi c"i-arr-. e sale Is lnx nn. i t r it, j Paiaia Koyai, l. , '. THE JEWELER STREET aksJazk-Jt- his first appearance this after - rugnt next, weeic at tne big i kuuc . MUSIC 18c Skates 25c 7'Vw V ' gHOEpK KEMP PRINTING . COMPANY. ' 1 , , - . . - J lir.L; . - - BOOKBINDERS & COM MERCIAL PRINTERS " ' ' ,: ; "" :;' Are Prepared to Handle , " ,Rush Orders - . Our Type Is AH New and of the Latest Faces Cut Those Who Try Us Come Again Because Pleated . r . .' PHONE MAIN ZZOO 213 SECOND STREET Jury Arrr-f. Tk Jury whl' h h 'i 1 the In the 1:0.000 dum.iKi -.ii .r ' Kuntsman arn!nt R. I I to axre ami f'r hours fli' lmrfM . , n'i;r.t. v ra. ji 'n. , ir'r" A ' r. 0 1 .