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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1907)
JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING.. JANUARY 7, 1007. CITIZEHS DELMND lorn Topics J ' Portlant Agents for Eutt trick Pa'terrts and Publications and 'he Delineator Cnstom Shade at d Drapery Wot k C i Specialty Best MVerial and. Workmanship Lowest Prices Third Floor THE OREGON DAILY REFEREiIDUr.1 TOKIOUri AKTJBEKZTt. IT'"1 feakar "raod fciaplr ...... I jrl Btar..,., , .Bclmmaiin ruins Concert ., OiJ UrUWUmrt'' ,, , VautTlll "Tilly Olwio" "Harbor Ubu" ..."The Llule Muiiater" There Is a bouncing baby boy at th horn of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lincoln ' Hart He arrived last nlght.The father la an actor and newspaper man and to mother, formerly Mlaa Brandt, waa formerly a member of , tba Columbia Theatre Stock company. ' , Cough and cold a are prevalent throughout the country at preaent. but can be apeedlly relieved and cured by Kenyon'a v-ough and Cold Cure! that old, reliable remedy prepared and- aold by Albert BertU, the druggist. 138 Waah Ington a treat. ; ;. . ; For medical use, 4 ful quart national Monogram pure rye or bourbon whiskey, ' packed in plain box, express paid, $ National Wine company, ' Fifth and , Stark, Portland, Or. v ) The funeral of Thomaa Colllnaon waa held yesterday afternoon at hie home, 468 Eaat Fourteenth ' atreet North, under tb auspices of the Trav. elera Protective association, . Steamer Jeaale Harklns for Camas, -Waabougal and way. landing dally ex oept Sunday. Lava Waahlngton street dock at t p. m. . Reliable hot -water bag and fountain -yrinea.jLtm(derteprlo at Albert Bernl'a drug store. Hi WeahingtOB atreet ' ' , WORKING PEOPLE . WAGEEARMRS Wt Invite you to ope a sav- ' lugs account with as. One Dollar Will do to begin with, re calving which we give yo a . bank book, and tie , entry made thoracis by tba teller Ja s ft reoelpt for your money. . xhtxkxst asanrg a ohob mill an la oomponnded , anally at tba rate of 4 If yon live In the city and 1 aaanot or do bo wish tooome " r to tan bank writ n or tele- - phone Main 16 and onr repre sentetlve will oall aad yon . may open your savings ao eoant without leaving; yoojr own home. Write for onr booklet, "Banking by Mail." OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS .:; 7 BANK . , :' SixtD and Washington Sti. PORILANJ, OREGON Want to Pass on All Matters Per taining to Granting of Fran chisee to Corporations. MANY BIG CONCERNS INVADING ST, JOHNS Every, Effort Will Be Made to Pre rent Council From Granting Franchise to Pacific Bute Com pany for Long Tlmo at Small Sam Dr. W. J.' Howard, chronlo diseases, electricity and aleotrlo light treatment, Commonwealth building, Sixth street. ' Electropodes. worn in the shoes, keep the feet warm, II pair, of Albert Bern!, druggist, tit. Washington atreet, ' Wllholt mineral' weter and aalte. Bl -J.-Wallaoe-AtHi t Jtti. Pan. 166. ' Woman's Exchange. 1S Tenth atreet. lunch 11:30 to I; buaineaa men a lunoh. Acme Oil Co, sells the beat aafety coal 11 and On gasoline. Phone Eaat 7S. : hour a. tn. and 1 p. m. - ; 1 he Plav I m .Tvtua A11efAtia HllOV. 'mm Iw ttiat wwnantfn AnmhlT CMd Heidelberg." which th Baker atock company preaented to crowded house yesterday afternoon and laat night. Those who have seen It. never tiro of it charming eptrlt of life that la young, and those who have never ae'n It be fore are enraptured with the sweet f mjwinj Ilia ..uiir. i it jim .ivif a.uw. A story of student life, of college day, always awakena a sympathetlo response, but few revive sweet mem orlea aa doea the story of Karl Heln rich's days at the old German univer sity town. Its charm la always fresh. .Karl - Helnrlch. heir-apparent, es cape the seclusion of court life and ia sent, to Heidelberg for a year under the care of bis old tutor. Dr.. Juttner, who himself has fond recollections of bis Heidelberg daya. The prince finds student life . decidedly more exciting than his former existence st the castle, and under the tutorare of Dr. Juttner learns many thinga that were not In cluded In th curriculum. ' The Illness 01 nis uncie suuaeiur call him to the regency and he die- covers mat nis nmn nae own uniuo, aa has the heart of the charming peas ant girl of Ruder" Inn. Memories of the old days clini to rum so tumuirn- ouaiy tna erier-w ii- throne he makea a sudden visit to Hei delberg, only to find many changes. John Salnpolla playa Karl Helnrlch. He mlnglea the imperial air, of the prince with a alncere desire of the young man to be one of the students with th cle-rer deftness that la char acterlatle of all hla work. i - I Mlaa Lillian Lawrence makes a charming character of Kathie. the peas ant girl who helpa her uncle to wait upon the atudenta at Ruder'a Inn... ' 9 he draws from the part all of the charm ing pathos It posseasee. A Luta. vain and eecentrie valet to the prince, Donald Bowie makea an even greater aucceas than he did In the same part at the Columbia two yea re ago. William Dills wins the love end sympathy of the entire audience by bla portrayal of dear old Dr. Juttner, th prince's tutor. . William- Harris, sa Ruder, the Inn keeper: Mrs. Oleaaon, as Fran Ruder; Howard Rusaell. the leader of the student corpa; jamee uieason. aa nei Jerman. the waiter, and Maribel Sey mour, as the old rrandaunt, bring out all there la to their parts. - There were big audiences at both per formanoea yesterday. "Old Heidelberg" will be the bill at the Baker during the week. ' .. 1 ' New Kind of Show. 1 : -"THlle Olson," at the Empire yester day. Introduced a new kind of show to Portland, and there waa atandlng room only it both the afternoon and evening performances. There have been many funny shows with mala descendants of the Norseman sa heroes, but "Time" is the first feminine person to head a dIit In which th 8wedJsh dialect la uaed to convey Ua memory to the audi The scene of .the play Is laid In Mln neiota, where, it . la ald, there , are many Swede ant) Norwegian. The play happy mixture of city melo drama and country omedy.- Ml Ade laide Harlan, aa Tilly, present a vivid portrayal of th Scandinavian girl, who man gee always to be at the right place nt th right, time to thwart the dia bolical denlgna of th villain. Pad- Marvin and Zeke, the farm hand. EDGAR B IS COM BACK TO PbRTLAKD Will Be Again Seen as Leading Man at Baker Theatre With in One MoTith. , thin a month Edgar Baume, on of th pioit popular actors who ever ap peared In tfila city, will return to Port land to become leading man. for ' the Ba ker stock company. He ts scheduled to Edgar Baume. make his reappearance In Portland Feb ruary J. . - - Mr. Baume first came to Portland In the summer of 1904 aa leading man of the Columbia stock- company. In the same company were Catherine Countlsa, Roe Eytlnge, Loula Brandt, Donald Bowles, th Barnard and William Dill. H continued aa leading man under -th management of Welch, A. H. Ballard and Oeorg L. Baker. i - When Manager Baker organised hla company for the apectal summer season, Mr. Baume returned to Portland, again playing leada and adding greatly to his popularity. At the close of the com pany's en eon In July he left for New Tork, where he was leading support to Arnold Daly In "Man and Superman." . Mr. Baume naa a wide number ' of friend and admirer In tbla ctty, who are delighted with the announcement of hla return. F.V.BALTES frOOMPAr.Y MAIN 105 INVITE YOUR IflQUIRlES FOR PRINTING FIRST AND OAK STREETS LAST WEEK'S WEATHER IN HEPPNER DISTRICT Heppner, Or., Jan. T. The weather at this place waa very, changeable laat week. The Brat of the week It was rather cold, with several very light falls of snow. On Wednesday and Thursday there was a strong south wind blowing, with rain at Intervals. Thurs day nlffht there was more enow and rain. .Friday the day waa fair with the aun shining warm. Saturday there were two or three Inches of snow and It waa till anowlnc. There has been no dam age from water or cold weather In thla aectlon. While thla snow meana that it will be necessary to feed aheep and Other atock. the graaa being covered. It will be a good thing for th wheat and the country in general. ' Bast Side Department. . '- ' : In . view of recent development and resulting consequence In the municipal affaire of their larger neighbor and the pending telephone franchise, a atrong sentiment for self protection against self-seeking corporations is being crys tallised among tb citizen of St. Johns. The small nucleus of citizens which at . f irat waa alone In lta demands' for a ref erendum In ail matters where the dis posal of streets and other public hold ings were Involved, ha now grown to greater proportion, and before the new charter ts confirmed a vigoroua effort la to be made to have auch a provision In corporated in th document. : The swinTftcking-companyirbund- ing a 12,090.000 plant In St. Johns, J. J. Hill Is building a terminal line through the limits of what la soon to be the greater 8C Johns, a plant is now planned for th weat aide of .the river-at St. John; that will nulls the waste of the big mills for the manufacture of alcohol and. turpentine, another packing plant may choose a site on the peninsula, all of which sooner, or later la to bs a part of the city of St. Johns, and the wealthy Weyerhaeuser company will build a mill at 8t Johns that will employ 5,000 men. Citizen Consider Tutore."" " 7 Palmer W. Hlnman, mayor of fit Johna, aald In a recent Interview: "We have to take the future into considera tion." - In thla he expressed the general feeling on the peninsula, -for the CRM sens of that section are living on the future of the peninsula, and Mr. Hlnman further reflects this feeling when he says: 1 believe there will be ft big city here." . Just now the citlsens are contemplat ing the adoption of a charter that Is be ing revised now for the third time. To morrow evening the'councll will meet to consider the granting of a franchise to the Pacific States Telephone company. The announcement that $100 a year for tl years, would be asked from the com pany almoat created a panic In St Johns, and any such move would probably dis credit the enacting body with the popu lace of St. Johna ao suddenly aa to dis qualify them for any further usefulness aa legislators In that bailiwick. How ever, since the announcement the author ity for the statement cannot be found. Kay Be Election Issue. Th sentiment In the council, strength ened by this feeling. among the leading citlsens, will probably be atrbng enough tor keep off the telephone company and the result will probably be that . the franchise may yet be an" laeue In the city electlona In April. Interesting de velopments are sure to iU the result, whatever th Immediate outcome la, aa Ihla la an example of a municipality that la bound to be ft corporation town In the future. A provision will alao be placed In the new charter to make lt Impossible for one holding ft federal position to also na- msyor or at. jonna. , c Established 105? . "' '. y . : : : : : : : : - : The great money-saving event ia now in progress The Annual January Clearance Sale offers more and better bar- gains than any merchandising event of the year Phenomenal -valuee in new, up-to-date wearing apparel for women, men and children as well as household effects of every description in every department will be found wonderful values in high-grade merchandise and as. always, our assortments by far the largest and best in the city Phone Exchange 4 Great s Clearance ;;; Sa Cloaks, Salts Wals t Sk rts'-" Costumes, Wrapt Furs. Pett coats Children's Apparel Millinery, Bonnets . Men's Clothing You -hi' Clothing Boys' Clothing Art Cools, Pictures Muslin Underwear Silverware - ; Cut Class Carving Sets ' I nfant Wear , Flannel Gowns -Ka t Wear o Pyrography Goods Veilings, Notions' Buttons, Shoes Slippers, Etc., Etc." Clocks, Watches Tab! s,' Bed L nens Silks, Dress Goods Laces, Embroideries Chafing Dishes 5 o'clock Teas Granite ware Dress Trimmings" Handkerchiefs . Hosiery, Underwear Fl nne's. Linens Cotton Goods .Wash Fabrica L- Notions, Sheets Pillow Cases SmaU Wares. Men's Furn shngs . G oves, R'bbons Brass and Copper Novelties Fancy Vases -Men's Underwear -Umbrellas Leather Goods Trunks. Bags L Books, Stationery' JUwelry , " Fancy Goods -" t Women's Neckwear Rubber Goods Toilet Articles ; ? - Laco Crrta'ns ? ';, Groceries, Stoves Ranges ' ,'" Curtain Materials Blankets. Comforts Portieres , Conch Covers j , Femmes II-ll Sllkolines Tapestries Toys. Dolls. Games Fancy China : Glassware ; - -' Kitchen Goods " Lamps, Cutlery LEtc, Ktc Entire Stock of CloaksV Suits Waists. Millinerya Etc, Greatly Redaced mo Melanin ;B 50,000-Pieces-Mtislin 150,000 pieces of dainty, new lingerie in this great January "White Fair" the - newest and prettiest . pieces America produces splendid r bargains matchless assortments attractive styles every , garment well made and finished and of 'full aizeUndermuslina that will delight,the careful buyer every ,well-known . maker is represented-Gowns, Corset Covers,' Skirts, 'Drawers, Chemise, Sets, Etc., Etc. Mountains of new, snowy-white Undergarments at special .Janu ary prices Mail Order will receive our prompt and careful attention Send for our new illustrated catalogue AjnrftcitsxrTau The Mount Tabor Improvement a socistlon -will- meet tonight,- Instead of next Monday evening. The change waa made because of Immediate considera tion of park,1 light and water questions that must be settled. The directors of the Toung Men's club of St. Mary's parish will meet tonight tor discuss the revised plans for their clubhouse. The architect has made ft few Changes on the suggestion' of th building committee and theae will be Inspected tonight by the director. Th Mount Scott Improvement asso ciation meets this evening to consider the annexation question, which wlU be presented' by ft committee from - the Woodstock -organisation. The theatre proposition will alao be formally Intro duced and Indorsement of the project asked. , - i MontavtUft United Artisans Installed officers Saturday night and combined ft supper with the ceremony. The officers Installed were: Master artisan, O. A, Stevens; secretary, J. W, 'Mills; treas urer, Mrs. J. W. Mills. Rev. I. D, Driver's services at Sunny aid are gaining popularity every day. He addressed two large con are sat I on a yesterday and the aervlcea will continue throughout th week. . pleased the audlenoe Immensely , ss "rube" characters. Special features of the performance were epeclaltlea In tra duced by Coste. Master Falkner, Morry Long and Miss Harlan. -- "Tilly Olson" will run through the en tire week and will likely draw big audi ences.' The house waa packed at both performances yesterday. EVANGELISTS PREACH AT EMMANUEL CHURCH At th Emmanuel Baptist church laat evening an attentlvo audience gathered to hear the . "chapel car evangelist,." Rev. and Mra. Hermlston. Mr. Herml ton gav on of her characteristic ad dresses on "Now." Mrs. Hermlston ssld In part: "Now la the day of salvation. The wis mn have said that there la ft time for everything and some things must be done st the right time or they can never be done at all. Now la the day of decision." The services will continue each even ing and on Mondsy the church will hold the annual meeting. Baptism service will be held thla werk. Many convert have already announced their decision to llv ft better life. Tea is a clvllltcr; good tea Is. Schil ling' BC THIS IS THE NIGHT OF THE GREAT RECITAL The Schumann-Helnk Bong, recital at the Hetllg theatre tonight will call forth Portland' moat -distinguished audience. There haa never bean ft musical event which ha aroused so much Intorest and enthusiasm aa th coming of th world's most eminent contralto, and a Schumann-Helnk herself Is In most glorious voice, as. In fact, ahe always is, and has arranged a msgnlflcent program, tonight's recital will be ft history maker. Mme. Schumann-Helnk sang In Seattle Saturday night to an enormous house, packed from cellar to dome, with people In the top gallery In full dress, and the boxes occupied by the Sound ctty's muslo lovers. The recital here to night will begin at quarter past , and the gallery doors will be open at 7:30. , TONIOHT 8:13 SCHUMANN-HEINK Exnja thiat!. purer ...m. . W. OALLEBT ADMISSION 11.00 . DOORS OPEN T:80 t. U. Carriages. 10:10. whu$, The rieWThealrrT Tuesday sad Wednesday Nlchts. Jsat aad . The Irish Cemedlaa aad lager, . AIXEir DOOM.- la Joe llarphy' ras "KERRY GOW" .. Pries ts te U Beats New Sellmg, -nr BaXer Theatre VJZ? m - W 9A.feat UaftftM. Th rsvlamed Baker Theatre Steak Osssyaay. Klehard Msmrirld's Great Sue ens, OLD HKIDELBMO." A aart seeatiral plar or stndeat nr m me eld world. Productloa Pomp'?- uirecuge Mr. Joh Italnpolls. Msimee oaii. Best Wesk-Llserty Hall.'' . llorrot Empire Tbeare ' nv Mlltim W. Seeman. Maaifer. Playing Onlr 8tlr-Havll Bastere Bosd MOWS. tn Portlsnd. Tba Oreat lwIIh Plslert Ooeaedy. 'TILLT OLBO."u With adelald Harln ss "TUir." Maiiaese Wed. sa ast. K'vl'"r ?'")r''t.'' - Best Attrmotlo "At Crlsyle I STAR .THEATRE Waak mt laaaary . Phase Vala . TBI I aLiVS 8TOOC COMPANY PES8BNTS Made ranKies by Miss Maede Adam. iwiin Tbandara. Rstardars sad Snadars st I 0; prieee lOe sad T7 vralDS St :io; pricw . - wn arats for U performances y Mala B40. . LYRIC THEATRE : wzex Bionrroo jutuabw . ..... Great MetodranatM "HARBOR LIGHTS" nw mtnem on., from 10 a. ai. t 10 B. Seats caa be reserved by phone: Mala Don't think that piles can't be cured. Thousands of obstinate caaea have been cured by Doan'a Ointment iO cents at any drug atore. Milwaukee Country Club. Eastern and California races. Take Cell wood and Oregon City ear at First and Alder t-i - - '---! - -'I - ' Ji-1! LI J-J SCII The Great Prlma-Donna Hcilig theatre Toni The beautiful Btelnway piano, with its wealth of tone. Is Mme. Schumann Helnk's favorite; i Tbla superb piano will be on exhibit tion at "The House of-Quallty," corner of Sixth and Morrison streets, Tues day afternoon. . Sherman, Clay & Co. , rami wat bbauii, . The Grand Jrrasroaefcable aadavtlle, THE LEFFSX TEI0, Oraateat Ooaaedy Oa th tag. CWa. X. MaPeaald, BeM. Bagera aad teats Mselatssh. Cartel toa aad Bodges. isles Barren. Bastes X arsis' Beff. Oraadlseope. HeMBBES&GO, 135 fifth St. Cor. Alder FURS J. P. Fhgemann. : Manager Great Reduction Sale Of fur Craicaeatft, Sets, Bluff a, Boaa, Ties, etn, is now In progress. W have sot aaade slltfht rednotlons, bat tn every ease have saad ft big eat." Tb follow. Lag ax ft few of the many bargains we Off STI . ' Japanese Mink 4-ln-hand Tlea. Regular pric $11.60. Sale price. .... .fS.BO Mink Asoot Tie. Regular price 18.50. . Sale price..-.. ....... . .... ,..5.00 : Natural Gray Siberian "Squirrel Scarf, double tab ends. Regular price ft (10.00 Sale price S6.60 Sable Squirrel Sets. Regular price ti7.le. Bale price. ... . .. . .. 922.50 Mink Bets In all of the leading atyles from f 05 flown to..........,.f40 This la the seaaon for tepairlae and odslifia fare. W esut now rive yon prompt and efa cleat ervioe in shift line of work. LARGE PURSE FOR IRISH MOVEMENT Meeting Held by Kettle Nets for Home Mule Cause. Thomas M. Kettle, the youngest mem ber of the Irish National party In par liament, addressed ft crowl of Irish American and others In Merrill's hall yeaterday afternoon. At the conclusion Of the meeting, of which his stirring address waa th principal feature, a resolution warmly indorsing Irish home rule and the policy of the National party was adopted. J. Hennessy Murphy,-president of the local lrlsh-Amerlcan union, and P, II. iyArcy of Balem alao spoke, Dr. An drew C Smith acted as chairman. Subscriptions to th fund for obtain- f I " OAKS RINK lLxtra Special TONIGHT Society Night ADMISSION FREX , ill sJfht to skate. ' ' SUOTBXO BOBAT. ..' Aa ft special courtesy the admlssloa will be free en tbla Booiety Xlg-ht ftnft skatea only , 25) OAKS RINK This weather ought to help na sen onr last few handled ef these fftJBOUft .. -'-f-'- ' $3.50 AlR llGnt '.'nEATERSvV.; -AT - - Ws made theae stoves ourselves). BTHOW them to be ABSOLUTS!. T PCftnCT, aad the greatest stove barraln eve en ore to the people of thi city, knunbci, just few hundred left. up, before the are all aom TACTOBT AB9 SAXXSBOOV 271 First Street - ; - Bear Jefferson. """" On account of the cold weather, will be open from a. m. to t p. m. Always Buy Always uuy CMttir Collars V FuU Shrunk. THtv bow V oaaea so ouesa" Bsre'LINOOORD" tio en hattoabeles, 1 tDat manre parrfof aa a-.r oraaa. oao. . tea a oov. si.siie tsev, a. v.' ANTroa?o ' "paMe VukOTtaraaML' Ina home rule legislation for Ireland. Nearly One Thousand Dollars dismounting to nearly $1,000, war taken ' l mt Ika rlni. nf the maetlna. Regarding present-day conditions In Ireland. Mr. Kettl said: "Twenty-nv year ago, under Tn ant Rlghta,' th holder of land had no legal rights and his property could be wrested from htm on the slightest prov ocation. Todny two fifths of the 20,000. 000 acre in Ireland are under th aole ownership and control of tenant farm er. Of th 620,000 occupier of land. 160,000 are owner. Th landlords are being eliminated. Where landlordism I not already dead In Ireland, It la under sentence of death. Ten years from to day landlordism will only be of Interest to museums aa political antiquity, while the landlords of former times will be found onl on the reservation where monument ahoull-feVereoted bearing thai Inscription:" 'Last ' Survivors of the I Irish Landlord. An Animal of Prey, Now Extinct.' Parliamentary agitation, accomplished this liberation of the Irish j farmer. y "Por years the county government 1 was carried about In the vest pockets of the landlords and every oncer was either nominated by the landlords or consisted of the' landlords themselves., In 18S ft bill waa passed giving ft sys tem of county government almost a democratic and sweeping as that enjoyed In thla country. The jurisdiction of the county 'councils la, o( course, limited, but the members are elented through a very oemocraUo. machinery. In fsct. the last 11 yeara has seen aa sweeping a revolution In Ireland as the bloody French revolution. " pref.rred I'm Allrn ii LewU' U 1 C