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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21, 1908. C wunoars inuimm PalUg.. .......... . . I III I " ....."A Backakor'a Iwira1 ..'t1 I.rle .......The Heritage nvuv i i "tilt Is Idaho' HiriUii at the Hi" TaudefUle - The Inventory of the beoke la the publlo library hu been finished and the Institution will be open today, after being closed for two day. ' This brief closing la an annual affair at tbs library nd la mada for tha purpoaa of airing the trustees accurate Information aa to tha amount of loaa auatalnad by waar .and tear In- tha- year closed. ' Parhap thoaa who mtaaad tha use of tha library moat, were tha children, but their de partment will be opened again today. Tha laat Friday atory before Chrlatma la announced for thla afternoon at 4 'clock. . Miss laom, librarian, will re aume her duties, after having been confined to her home several daya by Illness. r.. J ' Poatmaater Mlnto announced today that parsons living In the following dis trict win eeeure their Sunday mall -at tatton F. 121 Flandera street; All weat on Ankenv atreet ta Seventh; Seventh, aouth to Oak; Oak, weat to Park; Park, aouth to Stark; north of Stark atreet .ta .Twelfths Twelfths-Berth- to -Burnslde: weat on Burnalde to Fourteenth; weat of Fourteenth to Morrison, and all north of Morrlaon. The uaaal Sunday morn ing houra will be obaarved at tha saw atat I on, from 10 to 11 o'clock. . Japanese orange tree, now loaded with fruit, pal ma and fern baJla, make ' dellahtful Chrlatmaa presents. Nothing could poaalbly be prettier than ona of xneae beautiful treea. What an at fraction they are to a room. And the palma are In moat vlgoroue growth, well . rared for and In excellent condition. The fern balla are handsome, too, and make charming room ornaments. A aala ... of theae treaaurea la now In progreaa at i. i. Butler's aeed atore, 1(1 Front , atreet, between Taroblll and Taylor, Osteopaths of tha atata will aak tha . leglalatura to provide for the appolnt- , ment ol a board of .examlnera empow ared to examine all candldatea for li cense to practice oateopathy In the '" atate and decide upon their fltneaa.1 It la dealred that there ahall be five" of the examiner a and that tha llcenae fee ahall b placed at 110. All practltlonera ahall be eon-pel ltd to aubmtt to . the Judgment of the board after March 1, 107. J. w. Pear, ona of tha proprletora of tha Globe Realty Inveatmant oom- ttanv. who haa . been mlaalnar alnce he waa -Injured by an automobile last Tqaa'plotrfc at 1 p. m. day. and for whom tha police were yea' terday aaked to search, waa located by Ma brother thla morning It tha houae of a friend. He haa been ataylng at tha latter place to recover from the acalp wounda received In tha aocldent and bad neglected to notify hie relatives. ' Do not be dtaguated becauee otbera advertlae fake aalea auch aa SZS aulta for l.4. After lnveatlgatlng those mlarepresentatlona go to - tha reliable, , well-known merchant who haa dona bus . neca In thla city for II yeara on aquare' deallnea only. It la John Dellar. giving street. There you will find good mer chandise offered exactly at half price of what It la worth. 1 ' ' Deputy District Attorney - Qua ' C - Moaer and -wife. H. I Keats. Mrs. Moaer'a brother(rand Mrs. Terry, a alater : of Mrs. Moaer. will leave tomorrow . night for aouthern California. . They ' go to San Francisco by train and will tour the aouthern part of California in -an automobile. Deputy Moaer expects " to return to Portland by the time the - clreuljoujrconyeneajorjh.aanuJU'r , term. , , . , . Xmaa Gifts Silk initial fcandker , chiefa, fancy arm bands, suspenders, neckties, ti nnd 50 centa. We save you from 11.10 to IS on a man'a ault or overcoat of the very lateat style. We ava you from centa to II. (0 on a pair of shoes, panta or a hat.1 John iellar. 111-1 ii Ftrat atreet, south weat corner , YamhllL Don't worry about what to give for a present Have ona of thoaa plcturea you prlxa bo much framed artistic, or cure one of tha many moderate priced ready framed plcturea Sanborn, Vail Co.. 170 Flrat atreet, are ahowlng - new plcturea and framea In great va riety. ' : . - Chrlatmaa Treea. Nice 1 evergreen 'Christmas trees, 0 to 10 feet, 71 cents to 11 each. Mistletoe and Oregon grape, fine bunchea II centa. and 10 centa each. . Phone ua your order at once for any delivery dealred. Portland Seed Co., Front and TamhUl streets, - Rabbi Jonah B. Wise wilt apeak to night on "Zlon Remembered." at Tem ple Beth Israel. Twelfth' and Main streeta Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock Rabbi Wise will speak on "The Pentateuch at Law." The services to night will be held at I o'clock. v Articles of Incorporation of tha Ore gon Diamond Coal, Mining 4k Develop ment company were Sled la tha office of the county clerk thla morning by W. Hutching. M. Mattaon. C. R. Lew thwalte, C A. Hoy and S. W. Reder. Capital Block, 1100,000. . Hon. Tleorge H. Williams will ad dress the eighth annual melting of the Oregon Historical society, December IB, on "Tha Judicial History of Oregon from 1 SSI to 1180." The meeting will be held In tha council chamber at the city bail t o'clock. Donations of dinners for tha needy poor have been asked from tha public by tha Inatttuta club, which la con ducted In connection with tha Men'a Resort.-About 10 famlllea will have to be supplied thla year and tha club F.V.DALTES & COMPANY MAIN 165 ... INVITO YOUR . INQUIMES Fon PRINTING f; no tn streets wlahea to sand each a Christmas din ner. These are put up In boxes and distributed where., they are moat . de served. Fifteen of these boxea bava al ready been secured and tha club la aeek Ing tha remaining II from tha publlo. Beoauae of the generous reaponse to an appeal for clothing for children. - the Club'a euperlntendent eaysJhatmsjlZ- aw .oauoren -win now o aoia io v tend tha Chrlatmaa celebration at the resort, Saturday night. Christmas Presents. why not give a .nice palm or rare plant T Everyone like them and they are living ramem brancea. i Wa have a large aasortmsnt from 75o to 17.60. Wa deliver them. Portland Seed Co, corner Front -and Tamhill streets. ; Tha M. E. church South will hold lta Christmas entertainment Sunday even lng in Forestera' hall. -171 H Second atreet. - A literary and mualcal program will be rendered. This entertainment will be free and tha publlo Jm, invited, I A short atory and a true one. We give you tha beat values In pictures framed and unframed In the city, look over tha plcturea in tha picture depart ment and be convinced. Sanborn, Vail Co.. 170 Flrat afreet. " It would Interest' you to look through ths framed picture department and aea how beautifully and attractive tha new pictures are and at auch a price lit- tleneaa. Sanborn, Vail Jk Co., 170 Flrat street, Art Idea of lncomoxallo -ol Oluaaat aV Cevers were filed In the office of the county clerk thla morning by Joseph Closest. Arthur H. Devers and Emlle Closset Jr. Capital stock150,000. Do not mis! this opportunity George Jabour Co, 141 Washington street great holiday oriental rug and lace sale now on, per cent reductions. Tha new January magaslnea. - Tha new January magaalnea.' Tha new January magaslnea. At Carl Jones" 4th and Washington. Japan bazaar, f ( Sixth atreet closing out at below coat of Japaneae fancy rhlna and novelties, at your own price. Coma early before all sold. ' Don't forget to get a bottle of nloa perfume for her. All the popular odora at Albert Berni's drug store, 211 Wash' Ington street.-. B. L. Woodworth, mnfr. mounts. Complete line of Beveling, atamptng and !tt Morrison street of photo cardboard. embossing. Elegant handbaga, purees and card' cases for ths ladles at Albert Berni's drug store. III Washington street Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Washougal and way landlnga dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington-atroat S. 8. Tosemlte" for San Francisco, Sundsy, December II. Fare 111 and II. W. A. Baker, agent Oak street dock. Main l0. . Safety rasors and shaving outfits at Albert Berm s drug store. 111 Washing ton street . Woman's Exchange. Ill Tenth atreet lunch 11:10 to 2; bualneaa men's-lunch. . : . wf i - Acme OH Co. sells ths best safety coal 111 and fine gasoline. i-nmm .. i Toilet and manicure acta at Albert Bernl'a drug store, 111 Washington st 'Tor Quality. Quantity and Quloknesa, go to Morris restaurant ' Dr. E. C Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam, "Publlo stenographer, Phona Paclflo OS.' The Play -Br-JoftwsrarTtfcCuIIey. At the Hetllg last night "The Tan kea Consul" girls gaily kicked up their heels and warbled tuneful songs, and Harry Short with his blase demeanor and his wobbly legs caused laughter. The train which brought the company to Portland didn't get Into the city lim its until time for the curtain to go up, and as a result tha curtain did not go up until 0:10 o'clock. Tha audience waited calmly and with no demonstra tion of Impatience. And because they behaved so nicely. Short was funnier and the girls prettier and tha songs mora melodious and "Tha Tankee Con suP pleased again, as It did wnon It made lta first . visit to Portland leas than a year ago. ' There Is no plot to "The Tankee Con sul" beyond tha fact that ths comedian wants to marry the character, woman widow because -she haa half a million. In distributing the songs, the authors and composer evidently forgot to tell ua whether be got the half million or not. and-wa don't cars. Widowo and half millions fada Into Insignificance when "The Daya of Old" la warbled. and pale slightly - when wa hear "The Ban Domingo Maid." while they dis appear entirely from view and good luck to them when tha moaqulto dance la In active operation. There lan't any excuse for having a plot anyway, when everything elae In a comlo opera goea correctly. ' "The Tankee Consul" may not ba tha best comlo opera In tha world, 'but put It down In yor family record that It'a the beat one that haa been In Portland ao far thla aeaaon. The chorua can elng on m' oath I awear it! - Tha girls are really sited up properly and are good looking and of good parts. . This Is a combination that Is no less' than phenomenal and I hear you crying me a liar, but It is true. Go and see and then apologise. Tha costumes haven't tha dust of an hundred yeara upon them many, many coatumaa wa aea out here tn Jim Hill s country. The scenery I nuii an tne paini sera pea "PTT and you can really ten wnat It is supposed to represent . That's tha truth, too, re markable aa it may aeem. And If all real Tankee consuls have tha wit and cleverness and tactfulnees ef -Harry-Short -It'a -no wonder Old Olory fluttera wherever, aha pleases. Also, before I pause, let It ba said that there Is In the second act a vocal turn by the gentlemen of the company entitled "Wa Coma of Cast! Ulan Blood" that makes ua respect that blood if they do. The gentlemen of (he com pany. Instead of gathering In the center of the stage and rolling their ayea In agony while they give voice to agonis ing discords, stand la tha center of the stage and don't make themselves hid eous, and sing really sing Just as -eaay! That's another sensation. Thla raving over "Tha Tankee Con sul" la not overdrawn. Aa I aald before. It Isn't tha best comlo opera in the world far from It but It la a satisfy. Ing eomle opera aad It gives yon your money'a worth, and what mora have you the nerve to sakT It is rarely, you know, that a show really gives you your money's worth. This ona does. There la ona thing that anyone who knowa tha least about the-Stase-fiannet-tlp-mjt recognise that is tna commendable dis cipline evident , Tha company : must have stage manager who runs things. There waa no detestable side playon the part of the chorua, no looso roasts on ths audience on ths part of tha come dians tha players were, content to take what the authors or tha bill had given them and do their beat w. It, and for thla wa arc truly thankful to tha John P. 8 locum company, wrtloh aent out the production, and to tha man they hired to take It out ' ' v "Tha Tankee Consul" will warbls and make fun and please at tha Helllg to night tomorrow matinee and tomorrow night NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY. ; PHILOSOPHY. Adamson Development af Philosophy. I vols. .- - Modern . Alexander Moral Order and Progress, aa.- .' , Chapln Vital Questions. Fanahawa Liquor Legislation ta tha umtea stales and Canada. , RELIGION. Gardner Conflict ... of Dutlea, and Other Eesays. Helps to the Study of the Bible. Mellone .Leeders of Religious Thought in tna Nineteenth Century. SOCIOLOGY. Carney How ta Buy and Sail Real Estate. .. - . , Dllke Brltlah Empire. Haydn Book of Dignities, ad, I Lewis Essay on tha Government af Dependencies. - Lowell Government and Parties tn Continental Europe, - Maenac&usatta Bureau of Labor Lot Ton Manufactures IniMaeaaehueetta and the Southern Btatea.' How to Buy .Life Insuranoa. ' Parsons and Albertson Railways, the xrusts ana tna people. Wray Jean Mitchell's SchoeL PH2LOLOOT. Ann New Practical Orammar ef tha Dutch Language, ad. T. Hatsfald and Darmeatater Dlatlen. nalre Oanaral da la Langua Fraacalas. I vols. Smith and Othere International Eng lish and French Dictionary, new edition, I vola. v - Sweet Short Hlatorlcal Englleh Gram mar, Sweet Student' Dictionary af Anglo. Victor German Pronunciation,' ad. a. SCIENCE. Sachs History ef Botany (1830-1110). rev. aa. Schillings Flashlights In tha Junga. ios. . USEFUL ARTS. Arrowsmlth Paperhanger'g Compan ion, not. . - Htrametwright San Francisco's Earth' quake and Fire, If 00. " . Pitman Short Course In Shorthand. FINE ARTS. ., : Brandon and Brandon Analysis at Gothlo Architecture, 1 vola. Busbnell Chinese Art I vola Hasluck Practical Draughtsmsn's worg. noi. McCaskey Franklla Square Song Col lection, Noa, 1-1. Reynolds Joshua Reynolds, par Er nest Chesnsau. Wagner Gotterdammerung; English and German worda and muslo. Wagner Melstsrslgger von Nurnbergl English and German worda and mualo. Wagner Paralfal: English and Ger man words and mualo. Wagner Daa Rhatngold; English and German words and music. Wagner Siegfried; English and Oar- man words and music. Warner Die Walknre: Knrllah and 1 1 narmeo woiUB aim musin. ' . AMUSEMENTS. Holder Life In tha Open; Sport in Southern California.- -Shoemaker-4-Cholee Dialogue. ' LITERATURE, . Raymond Melody In Speech. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION, Becke Notes From My , South Sea Log. Bourgade Paraguay, tha Land . and People. Firth Geographical Memoirs Upon Upper California,-! 141. KJhgaton and Frith Notable Voyagers From Columbus to Nansen, new ad. McConnel Western Characters, 111 I, ' HISTORT. -' Allcrcft and Harden History ef tha Early Prlnciplate. Fox History ef tha Early Part af tha Reign of Jamea n. BIOORAPHT. Fawcett Mra. M. O. Five Famous Frenchwomen. ' Jones, T. L. From tha Gold Mine to tha Pulpit ' i . Lincoln. Abraham Llaooln. the Law yer, by F, T. Hia FICTION. Gordon Tha Doctor, by Ralph Con nor (pseud.). - Llllencrants Vlnland Champions. Mitchell Silent War. - FRENCH AND ITALIAN BOOKS.' . Alfleri Prose a Poeaia Scelta. Flamlnl Varla; Pagine dl Crltioa d'Arte. Fogasxaro Piccolo Mondo Antloo. Goldonl Com media Scelta. Goldonl La Locandlara. Mansonl I Promessl BposL Pelllco Prose a Tragedta. Radius II Romania Delia Fortune, dl Neera (pseud.). Sand Nanon. Serao All "Erta Santlnellat Serao II Paess dl Cuccagna. Serao Buor Olovanha Delia Croea. Taaso La Gerusalemms LI be rata. . The library will ba closed entirely for the purpose of Inventory Wednesday and Thursday, December 19 and 10. SOUVENIR PLAYING CARDS Issued by Great sTorthara Railway. Tha Great Northern railway and Great Northern . Steamship companies have lasued a new edition of playing card. They- are printed on exception ally flna stock and are better earda for the price asked , than, can ba had else where. The advertising, conalattng of the trademark, la worked Into an ori ental design sod s confined entirely to the back of the card. The steamship card Is ths mors elaborate of the two and Is finished with gilt edges. Great Northern railway cards II centa par pack. Steamahlp cards II cents par pack. Mailed to any address on receipt of price, A. L. CRAIG. .. Paaaanger Trafflo Manager, Bt Paul, Minn. HILLSBORO'S TAX LEVY CITY PARK TAX NEXT . (Dseefal DHuatrb te Ts Jpersal.) ' Hlllaboro. Or., Deo. 11. The city council baa levied a H -mill tax for general ' purposes on- a valuation, of 1(00.000 and will meet tonight for the purpose of purchasing a city park and levying a special lax to pay for and maintain It It Is considered thet a levy of IH mills for two years will be sufficient , VATICAN PROTESTS. XOURSE OF FRANCE . - . (Jearael Bsertal erVe. Rims, Deo. 11. The Vatican baa lav sued a note of protest against the course of the French government wrjfh has been? forwsrded to all the papaf repre aentatlvea abroad. Including tha apoo tolla delegates. A summary af the note Open Evenings-- Portland's Greatest "ToylcnC-Toys, Bc!b, Gdz.zz:3 1 -7. Housecoats And Snoidng Jackets Mens House 'Coat and Smoking Jackets, in every new, pretty style and ma-.- terial;, immense assortment, at prices ranging from, each $4.50 up to ?T5 On the Second Floor. Mens. Terry Cloth Bath Robes at each $2.50 ta 10 Men's fine Lounging Robes', at prices ranging from, each $4 up to ...... ...,....f2 Boys' Bath and Lounging Robes in all-wool fancy hlanketins? materials. best patterns Men's Fancy Vests in all the -J? gt7le H- rrip -'Men's Tuxedo and Dress Suits, newest fashions and materials, on sale at the lowest prices. Novelties in boys' apparel, latest matsiials and fashions. In reefers, overcoats, aulta,. waists, etc., etc. Second floor. Toung Men'a Clothing. . "Pendleton" Indian Robes $6.05 Ea. Great Holiday Sale of 200 "Pendleton" Indian Blankets en ideal Xmas gift for man or woman. Beautitul new patterns ana coionngs; sinning coior tomuiMiiom, wj Blanket all wool and selling regularly at $7 each; choice today and tomorrow st, each Great Holiday Sale of Furs The AauRkal KoUday Fw Hale la of importaaoe to ovary wosaass tn wsa, Tsr Ooata, Fur atoarfa, SJeta, OhUdrea's Beta at about half wjiaa yon are asked . - Great Christmas Sale Gut Glass, Silverw're China, Chafing Dishes 5-o'clock Teas, Etc. Cut'GlaM Bowis rery handsome cut; special, eachf $ 6.50 CUT GLASS BOWLS, special ? 8.12 $11.00 CUT GLASS BOWLS, ipecUl 9 8.42 $15.50 CUT GLASS BOWLS. srjecUl $11.98 Special lot of Wine Sets decanter and six glasses. Very handsome sets large assortment to choose from. Crockery Department, Basement at, set: $ 9.50 SETS ON SALE AT, EACH $7.59 $12.50 SETS ON SALE AT, EACH $9.98 i;-m; will ba publiehed In the Osaarvatora Romano tomorrow, Tha note protaata primarily that the rights of religion have been outraged by tha French government's preventing tha head of tha church from communi cating with tha French hierarchy by the expulsion from Francs or Monsijnor. Montagntnl. who waa aecretary of tha papal nunciature at Pari a ... Tha note doea not touch upon tha in violability of tha archlvea of tha nuncia ture at Parle, aa tha authorltlee on in ternational law do not agree In tha mat ter. : HOOD RIVER FLOODS DAMAGE DITCH COMPANY (Siwrlal Wtrttrt te Te JesraaL) " Itoort River. Or.. Dec. Jl. A bla; flood . euhad out the bridge of tha Farm ers' Irrigating company, entailing a loas of 11,000 to the company.. Thla Is the 1 moot- Imo- h a prlfls-anss ooen oe TstreTed In ths past few weeks. The brldse will hsvs to oa reouui. aa n cariiPS tha flume of the dltrh. company across the west fork of Hood river. Ths wster In, Hood river Is higher than It haa been at any, time tnis season ana mors tSnubls Is anticipated. A nan an ssaXy Waat Saw ta tedajns femnal that wlU taSerart yea $3.00 Rugs on Sale at $1.90 Each $4.50 Rugs on Sale at Q3o93 Each Great special holiday" sale of ,200 Body 'Brussels Rugs in - the very best designs and : colorings; large assortment . to select from; size 27x54 inches. Regular $3.00 val ues, on-sale today and to- na0crhro.r....t:..51.98 200 Wilton Rugs, in rich Oriental designs and color ings, size 27x54 inches: large variety. Regular $4.50 values, on , CtO QC' sale at ....... Voo7. ledil ,,saln i of WKL (Uton velvet ttugs. x at .a- m a s inches rery best patterns and colorings; large assort ment Regular $2.75 values, on sale at each ....1.57 Great Xmas bargains in Sofa Pillows, Lace Curtains. Crwo Covers, Bonne Ferames, Trunks and Traveling Bags, Blankets and Com forters, Toys, Dolls, etc Third Floor. ' , mM the exclusive Fas Isoro, Woman's Fur Boarfs of blended French : coner, new tour-ln-haad offsets, with frlnga on bottom and double strip or white aonay, satln-Uned. fS.2S Blended. French aonay Foar-ln-Hand Scarfs, double fur ends, fringe trimmed; great values at S13.4S Isabella opossum Neck Boarfs and liver mlnka mada up In long duster boa and 4-ln-haad effeots, double fur. fringe-trimmed, great val....fS.45 Women's and Misses Fur Sets, all kinds of skins, all atylea. Beat vaiuea at from f 18 to 038 Siberian gray equlrrel Scarfs and 4 -ln-hand Ties at. eaoh....$T to S12.50 Mink Btoles, Soarfs and Muffs, at tha special low prloe-of . .. .S20 to 865 Jap Mlnk,"Tea,beTIs, Bable" Coney at, apeclal f 3 to fin Great apeolal sale of women's near seal Jackets. This season'a bast styles, plain coats and fancy blouse elf eote; also box aoata; collar, euffa and revere of beaver, mink, gray and sable equlr rel, river mink, Jap mink; fanoy girdle and buttona to match; lined with Skin ner'a satin ItB Costa, mil. ' II IS Coats. MO-So. 135 Coats, aat.4. ' . IIS Costa, 9VTM. 131 Costa, S3140. ' HI Coats, DIM 140 Coats, g39.M. Coata, SoeOO. 171 Coata, $SS.4o. II Seeond Floor. Nickel-plated sorted styles! $10.00 values, Tea Strainers, - $1.60 values, iKSA The BeIII Theatre 2T TONIOffT, TOMORROW ITIOHT, SriCIAL-PRICB MATINRB TOMOEKOW. Tb MmlralOalr Srca. "THE TAJTKII COHSOX." Wltk Barn Saert aad as emlleat eMisaay. SI. 7 Re. Hoc; gaUerr, toe, tc Matlsee Prices tse t Si. , Beats Sew selling at HclMf Theatre. w'iX HeUlg Theatr. JSTi XX AS ATTXaCnOX sa., atea.. Tom., V.l. Mckta. Dee. SS-444 ftUtlaM Xawe Atinma. . tin HXIX TO THS IOOIAI." The t'osMKlr Hit ef the Seam. PIJCTS Artemoea aad NIM: lewer oew. nmt lMt S row.. 1 SO; Uat S rows SI. lUlcoor. Srat 4 rewa. l; art S rewa, TS; last rw. HAe. Oallerf. Sec. SBc. Botte, I7 SO. fi. Sats aclllng far BBs-asesMat at BUlf laeatre. The Grand Mr. as Vrs. Perklaa Jlaaer. The Three Belsess. ' Terr aad BeaMs. ies Selsieat. Saaeakaait. CkevartoL SaXTWAT JUield Xeff. SOOTS." . Pantacs Theatre Foartk Si k Sta. TTA1TWTTX titrjTT Lr, IV -T t. CTTT,." ths rova'stajioiAsa. thx xeoau. LA MAS ,W. I. POLLARD. LEO WHITS I THE BlOOSArK. Prfoar.a 4allr at !... T.SO aa4 S B. SI. rafithra"a Sixli; Admlaalna, IOr rf.4 mis. Sort Ihn, V. Take aaf aeat at weaa aa eMtlaeae lit TBS ceata. $6.05 Xmas Sale of Silk Hosiery 1,000 pairs of women's spun silk Hose, cotton' foot, beautifully fashion- . ed; red, blue, pink, white, black, lavender, gray and as- 51.05 Women's fine quality silk I Hosiery "Onyx" brand; cotton foot or silk foot; black only; all sizes. Women's extra fine qual ity black silk Hose, lace ' boot and allover lace ef fects, beautiful patterns; sizes Byi and$Unly-. $1.98 Women's extra quality silk ingrain Hose, French foot, full fashioned, black only; all sizes, $.100 and $3.50 ral- CO A ues, St.... ePaVeTf Beautiful effects in em broidered silk ' Hose; large variety, at prices ranging from, per pair, S00. . 510:00 Plecea 75c and 80c German China 7-piece Salad sTQ. Sets, on sale at this special price, set .... J7C Special lot of Five o'Clock Teakettles, wroughtiron stand; pretty model; regular $5.00 OA values, at this special price,-each ,..yJi7U Special lot of Five o'Clock Teas, wrought iron stands; assorted styles; regular $3.50 tj 74 values, at this special low price, each.. epeWee, O Coffee Machines, 3-plnt size; as- nickel and copper; tt ffQff on sale at, each Fancy covered Chafing Dish, medium 8? QfF . size; best burner; regular $7 JO vals.. Vaf iC Special lot of Coffee Machine Trays, CO Qft beaded edge; on sale, special, each.. veWe r sj Chafing Dish Trays, regular $2 values, each.. 81.62 Silver-plated Cracker Jars, opal glass, silver or nickel cover; best $2.50 values, at, each.... 8 1.88 Fiekle Casters, silver-plated stands, C 1 QQ $2.50 values, at this low price, each,, v ebony finish handle; on sale at, each 51.27 Silver-plated Bread Trays, sstin Ol fff finish, $1.52 values, on sale at, each..)! s VC Silver-plated Coffee Sets, 4-pc; reg- fj 1 f BP ular $13.50 value, on sale at, set., y 1 1 a 1 V Baker Theatre or,rfAXH OEORCI t. SAKBR. Minim.' (he Baker Tkaatre Steak Cmmb, Tsalgkt. All Weak, autleee Satnnlar ol BsUtfe Seaeall'a Great CcdwIt Surraaa, "A BACRELOX'S BOMAXCeT3 Beeattfal aad Coatlr rndoetlca. l ader XHtee- tloa ef Mr. - Joes Salnpolie. Svanlaf Prlrea, T Sfie. BOe Mala, lie, SSe. Tealskt, Plane Nlskt ETrron Haa Oaaace Sa Draw tw Plane, Mast Weak "TrllBy." BMPIRB TMBATRB 1IT. .. Mlltoe W. Samta. Maaasae. - Platag the Eaatars Statr-Havus Boad Aftractwea. AS ThM Weak H. Ckaabertela's Oraat Waatm M.WIraoia, "OUT IX IDAHO. " Canrlaff trakxd av'ktmf bmachoe, broBrfce enalm aaa but mwr wue waet rarara. Strnns eeatpanr. Mathwaa Wed 8atr3iy. Rrsvlar Eetplre prtrae Bockinf kraockoe at S and T ' edneaday asa deck p. st. aisittoe neat w Attntatlaa "Tke aWle ef Vasea." STAR THEATRE Weak ef The IT. Phase Mala 1400. Oeatsaar Preaeata -THE HERITAGE OF TEE BED" hfattaaee Taasdare, Tkorartaja, Sataraara sad Boa daa at B. aa.) prtrae o and at S lSrpnsaa lOe, tot aa sac. CYRIC THEATRE . wrtx Btorxxrxe ioxmxs it. ' Ceatha's Imaxirtal riar as rive Acta, "FAUST" Wa ol'a v- fm H a. Baahi a a ka t t t ' s Store Carving Sets VToday 02.11 Per Set In . the big Basement Store today, a special lot of 100 3-piece Carving Sets ' in case; good steel and . ban dies. Best values in town at this low price, per set,.VV. 1 A Cat Glass Dishes At$1.19Ecch "Onsile" In'thg-flassrnent: Special sale today of 150 S and 6-inch Cut Glass Jelly Dishes, with and without , handles; assorted patterns; regular $1.50 and $175 val ues, on sale at this low price, each CI IQ take advantage v Xmas Sale of JevcIry,Psncy Goods. Toilet Sets. Novelties -place sterling attvar Totlst Seta brush, comb and mir ror; reyular l.l value, at aat 87.88 Sterling silver top Puff Jars, cut class baas; ree-ular Sl.BS valaea, . on sale, at, eeweh .............818 Peart hsndlo Gold ' Pans, la plush boxea, at, eaoh. .984 S-plaea Xbonold Toflat Bats, .silver mounted: very pretty styles; rearular It values. est 81.88 Larg-e variety Traneh Briar . Pipes, en sals at, aaoh.88a) llo and 40a peart top Hatplaa, all colors, at. each 88a) tl.AO Bash Pins, beantlful styles, on sale at, eaok.68e Bpaclal lot of faney aThavtns; Sets, at this low prtoa, ; aat 68e Nickel Top Powder Jare, aaoh ' ..t 88a) terllna stiver Bonven'.r Spoons, on sale at. ea. ,24e pft.ld fsnoy Dlai XTsslon Clocks, on sale at. a.81.88 liver-plated Shaving Sate, mug- and brush,, la a taiuov . case; on sals, , special, at ..f2JI8 1 II oxidised allvar doth Brushes, at, each... .81. T9 Children's faney Work Boxes, with three handkerchiefs, thlmbls, thread, pins, hooka and ayes, needles, etc; arrest values ............... .284t Silver-plated Jewel-Boxoa with silk lining; 14.60 to ISO. values, on sale at ..H OTT 11.10 eterllng allvar ' moon ted Brush and Comb, at ..884 Hardwood ' and gold-framed Triplicate Mirrors; 11.10 to ' 11.10 valuss, on aala at H OPP Imitation Leather Boxes, for collars and euffa, (lovaa and photos: great value at. 22a) Oxidised sUvsr Toilet Sots, S places, brush, comb and mir ror; values to IS, at.. 81.98 Ribbon Watoh Fob, with gold filled trlramlnga and si er ne ts; I.I0 vaiuea, on aala at 81.88 Great special aata of Gold clocks perfeot tbaakoapara, and guaranteed hot to tarnish. On aala, at, saahl XoO-l.TS vmlnoa a esw81-88 fl.50 valaea, om solo ae. 81.88 S3 JO valaea, am sola asT82.6& la.OO valnes, o seje aTTf 3T5g Qreat apeolal lot of factor Chrlatmaa Stationery, suit able for holiday ajtfte; val uss to ll.Ti a box; at, par box 88a) Valuss up te lie for, box. 494) tie HoUy Pspetertea for. 18a) Postcard Album a, g-eouine leather oovers; hold 400 to 00 cards; 14.00 ,to l.l voj a vH OPP OAKS RINK TONIGHT Ladies' Night i 1. 1 Every lad . attending: ths Oaks. Rink tonight will b admitted and- iurnished ' a pair of skates free. S'i: TI UEIGIiT. I FAIRS AN"-' r" PHYSICIAN t: ' horn snt FREE .-i-P '-'.r- ti