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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
"Ti:" CHACON DAILY JOURNAL. POirTLAND, THURSDAY - EVENING. NOVEMBER 3. 18C3. - LETTER RECEIVED --FR0L1 lilDfc All Goods Purchased Friday orf Credit Accounts Will Be Charged on December Bills SIMIM3to "-e Different Store 1 1 1 11 1 -.-.. . , ' " - L Hop Band Gets Newt of Its - Ward in School Near " ; ". Calcutta. MONEY SENT FOR 7SEWiG MACHINE India Girls Wonder at Ita Myetertoua ..f- Power and Ask Many Questions . Concerning Its Manufacture and " WorkWedding; at the School. ' ... There are about 1,0 ptrioni tn Fort- ;land Intereated In Hop school, oria inated and maintained throush the ef- 'forts of Mrs. Bukhoda Banarjee. Th school ta located at 170 Ixwr Circular read, Caloutta, India, and. during the stay of Mra. Banarjee in America last summer was taken under the wing of the Church of the Naaarena of Los An- 'gelea, California. : , There is a Banarjee circle tn this city, however, presided over by lira. Abigail Scott Dunlway, and an Inde pendent band of persons, mostly chil dren, organised by Miss Hasel Har dcourt of 804 East Thirty-first street likewise Interested In Hope school and its children inmates snd students. ' The .latter Is officially known as the Oshl (Hope) band, and sine last April has sent more than $75 In. money, and at '3east a third as much In clothing to the management of the school. It Is edu cating a girl, Hnrldasal, for the station of medical missionary, and last week - -sent Its charge some .handsome Christ mas presents. Theee were packed in a 'bos expressed to the school by Mra E. jO. Eaton and others. . -L..... Xoney for Sewlag Mechlae, 1 tast September the band sent money . ;tk Calcutta to pay for a sewing ma chine for the school. In acknowledging the receipt of this useful gift, Mrs. B. C Avetoom, an English lady, wife of 'an English barrister. In charge of the Institution, say In a letter just re ceived: - : ' 't- "Tour letter containing money'for the sewing machine, likewise for the main tenance of Horl, arrived safely, and we are going to buy the machine next week. I have told the girls that i it was a Christmas present from your band, and 'hjr- hops to b able id operata it by -that time. It will be a wonderful mys tery to them, and I expect they will ask many funny questions as to how It can sew. I teU them that w shall teach only -those whose hand needlework Is good, so they are very busy perfecting "themselves and seeing who can make the finest stitches. ' , ' "Tour Utile girl Is quit well, though not very strong. 8h Is a remarkable child, far beyond her years (eight) In knowledge. -The says Our American friends ars all too good to us, aren't theyr She doe lor her Bible ao much and Is slwsys picking out nice texts and passagea. . The olher week eh came to me with Coloaslans 111:11-17, and said: Are not tnos verses lovsiyr ; Bhs found them all by hersoir ' . .. Weddla as th School. "2 J1 "Mr. Biswas, who accompanied Mra 'Banarjee to America and was with her In Portland, will be married on Novem , her t to Mrs. BanarJeWa.daughter. Neru, so we are to have soma excitement In - ,t h school. Both- M re, Baoarjee and Mr. Biswas and Neru are very busy. ' Neru is such a beautiful character. She will make a lovely wife. . .';'' i f'l hepe to see juu'all wltlitn a few months, for I shall apend next May and June In America. I bop to visit Eng land In April, and then I have a great .deslr to see all I can of our kind Amer- Iran friends and helpers.--r3 "Kindly remember . Sister .Banarjee, Brother Biswas snd bride and all pf ui to our dear friends In Portland. - . . "Very sincerely yours, (Mrs.) E. C AVETOOM." 'HERE'S A SOLUTIOrl TO THE TRUST PROBLEM : A Little Story of Interest That Telle Facte; Heretofore the Secret of Financiers. Th many article written daring re cent months and th general preas dta-"'- eusslon of "Trust Flnsnc" has brought about" conditions indicating that th ' public are deeply considering facta her-- tofor th secret of the financiers. With a full knowledge, by th people, of methods of finance, th actual earn ing power of money and the true source of legitimate profit, present conditions - and th accumulation of auch enormous wealth, by a few, would be Impossible. Ths Stock Exchange, hsndllng what Is termed "our standard stocks'" Is each one simply a receiving teller for th trust. Every share of these stocks pur. chased lends so much additional power . to the trust, and the public are now cos- nlsant of th fsct that such stocks are not an investment. '-, If th funds of all small Investors -y went directly Into the upbuilding and con . structlon Of new enterprises and th de . velopment of th natural resources of ""thr eartlClhswrwouldr b oh such thing as financial magnates, it la iru that 1 th money of th Investor does go Into such channels, but It goes indirectly, and th man who Invests It makes the .profit Th public is tsught , aot to , make such Investments, that a aafe in vestment for them Is in ths Inflated storks of th trust paying 4 to I per cent per annum. A little booklet entitled "Something to Bet Tou Thinking." being Issued by the Pacific Coast Securities compsny of this city, Is worth the time and considers tlon of snyon interested la matters of finance. Th subject Is well handled and th booklet contains many things tbst Justi fies its title. - ' ' ShmwD IT LI The Christmas money wtil: go this page won't prompt you to share in the savings offered in the store's loith GRAND riiiuRi cLvlluui i bilt - The Things Rflen VJant HERE FRIDAY AT PRICES LESS THAN MEN 4 . ARE WONT TO PAY . Sixth St Annex First Floor. The women "of America are better buyers and bet ter economists than men. The average woman has better tsste thn an average man, and she will make a dollar do more work than the "run" of male folk. It is complimentary to the intelligence of men that they are at last finding out this great truth, and many are now following the example set em by their wiser sisters, wives and mothers, and coming here for their toggery. W have often offered ex ceptional values to men, but seldom ever better than those of Friday. Read of the examples manv more there are which go tinprinted: ; Men's $1.50 Kid Gloves for $1.05 Men's Kid Cloves in a good medium weight, in tans and brownsj a - splendid $1.50 value. Special Economy Sale jPce. the pair T... .. $ Men's $1.50 Golf Shirts for $1.05 Men's Golf Shirts in the newest effects, with attached or detached cuffs; our $1.50 valued-Special Economy Sale Price,. each . $1.05 Men's $5.00 Bath Robes for $3.95 Men's Bath " Robes in Terry cloth, in a beautiful design of blue and pink; a grvSt $5.00 value. Special Economy Sale Price, each ...$3.95 Two Days' Selling of Silks for Half I A grand opportunity for silk buyers opens tomor row in the Annex first floor, continuing through 'Saturday. . ;y -) v , ' j'v-V New FancySilks for Half Pretty fancy silks iii -checks,- ripesrnearfiguTes7changeabl-an-Tln colors, both light and dark effects and all new 'weaves and shades from which to make your se lection. These silks are suitable for making suits, waists and for trimmings and fancy work. Our regular $1.25 value. Special for' Friday and Satur dayat. the yard .................. Women's "3 Muslin Gowns : for $1.23 Tha $1.75 Kind. , An attractive special br ilw fgarnrs fin tuutur j-ow's feminine buyers In the Undermuslin alon- .Annex Second Floor. Ladies' fine Muslin Night Gowns, yoke of rows of embroidery insertons be tween clusters of tucks; high, medium or low neck and long sleeves, edged, with fine embroidery; regular $175 value. Spe cial .......... ......f 1.583 A TEMPTING TRIO OF SPECIAL8 i Among theMosierf Stocks ; First Floor. : . Products of the world's famous factories; splendid" wearing, dependable hosiery in seasonable weights for women snd children's wear. Special Friday: Women's 35c Hose for 23c Medium weight black cotton Hose, seamless foot, fashioned ankle, double sole; regular value 35c Special, pair 23 Women'a 50c Hosa 40c Fine ribbed black cashmere Hose, seamless foot;-regular value 50c SP'fjf'f pair " Children' 35c Hosa 23c Children's winter weight black cotton Hose, finished foot, double kfiee, heel and toe; regular value 35c Special, pair.. A3f Big Values for Housewives Tomorrow BATTLESHIP VERMONT HAS TRIAL TOMORROW V ... tfrarsil BperUI Berries.) ' Boston, Mass.. Nov. I J. When th Mm l0 AO-ton battleshln Vermont ar- . rlvea today or tomorrow at th Charles: , - town navy yard from th For River shipyards, where eh was built, she will be immediately floated Into th new ' dry dock to he Ireaned and painted and otherwise put In trim for her stand ardisation tests. Th 'trials will tak plac over the usual sours off th Main eosst Th battleship Kansas, a sister to th Vermont, will be siverr her tests' about tha seme time. Th Ken MS Is du to arrive her early next week from Camden, N. J wher all traa sunt, - i ,! . ' r2 On Third Floor Take Elevator Speciala in CUT ' GLASS AND HOME NaKUS '$6.75 Bowl K50 8-mchI cut ' reg. value $6.75.' Special. f4.60 $0.00 -Bowl $425 8-inch Bowl, Libbey's new' cutting; regular , 1... tA nn ttj.2K 14 SO Bowl $2.95 S-inch cut glass Bowl: regular value $4.50. . Special ...f2.95 Mount Hood Plaques A splendid souvenir; regular value 25c Special .....lO Little remembrances for tneHdlldayr at our bargain counter at. ...& 10a, lBa, 25a, 35 and 60V Coal Oil Heaters Latest smokeless devices, nickel finished, guaranteed. Medium size. Special.. SJ3.00 Large sire. Special ..',..$4.50 $1.25 5-gal. galvanized faucet Oil Can. Special. T5 Our line of Holiday Goods is complete. Early selections most satisfactory. Bargain Magnets in Leather Wares-Annex, 1st Floor - Women's $3.00 Leather Hand Bags $2.15-rFine 'quality grain leather Hand Bags;, this season's style; leather lined, fitted with card case, new style all stitched leather handles, best catches, in black ' only; regular value $3.00. Special... ...$2.15 $125 Card Cases, 98c New novelty Card Cases in Japan leather; a variety of designs and colorings to choose from: pearl button clasp, silk lined; reg ular value $1.25. Special v........:....;,;.. Music Rolls at On Fourth Off All our fine seal,, walrus and alligator leather mimic rolls. Special, -Fridsy only. atf. ,...ONE FOURTH OFF V. k Mighty Convention of Marvelous Values Await Tomorrovs Buyers ; ? The Women's Apparel Salons, Second Floor - r : A plain, straight, practical talk on how to secure some of the most re markable bargams ever offered by this great clothing stor for -women. , On how to dress tastefully and richly at economical outlay. And we re going to let tha prices do tha talking. Read tha printed news carefully, think it over, and coma tomorrow; see the garments themselves, and real iae that it is easily possible to dress In aristocratic garbing at slight cost if you buy here. , - ' l1.-,-' Choose From Our Splendid Stock of Any Raincoat in the House, Values trim $22.50 to $42.50 -Ott A surpassing line of superior garments, all built in masterly workman ship and beautifully finished in those eleganfatyle touches for-which the: ' OLDS, WUKTMAM OC JWlrlVJ gjannenis arc lamuui. v"wt "iu -"- vention matchless anywhere on the coast, from an assortment which em - braces all the fashionable plaids, checks and stripes so much in favor this season with smart dressers. In black and ail the newest and correct col orings; a range that includes reds, browns, grays in dark and light shades tans, greens, smoke grays and the changeable effects in taffetas, in reds, blues, greens and browns. Every coat built in latest model by the foremost manufacturing tailors Jn America . Any coat in the house, for Friday and Saturday at ONE FOURTH OFF the regular prices. New Arrivals In Those Dainty China Silk Slips tor Wear Over Ungerle These in all thedelicate tints as well as nlain black. iong or snorx siccvc. 57:50 and"$8.50 lYaltfng"Sftiffs W.75 -seven-gored styles; plaited, full circular or c-uneed. iD pl in k Kk, grays, othfes and light and dark blue mixtures. Plaited and paneled el fctsull round walking lengths, turned with trPPings,smart braids or daihty folds. As above told. $7.50, $8.50 values. Special Friday. $4.T5 Wonderful ValuesnzSHkzEetti pav to foTfhe 18:50 Skirts Silken Beauties A collection of aristocracy in petticoat creation. aintv their rusUing, shimmering elegance, Everv conceivable ?i?T coloring. Extra quality of heavy, nch taffetas in light blues and HvVr Says, pinks, lavenders. Alice blues, navy, dark greens, reds, al mond browns, tan salmons, etc. in the plain effects and pChangeables in orettv blues and reds. Also lovely plaids in reds ana black and white, anf stripes inray and white. Accordion plaited styles with graduated fiances ranging Vrom 7js to 14 inches in width, with juby pla'tingj Srwiri4-inch flounce with a four-inch accordion phuted ruffle and -JWr gatherect ruffles joined. Some have a four-inch accordion plaited rntfle'with a peeping from underneath, and all have dust ruffles of the rf1s-taf-Fet.P.ifts. Absolutely the greatest bargain, ever if-Z eril"Come and see H tney-retioi ' t- iiTTn city Special for Friday and Saturday, at .............. ........v"w Rousing Millinery Sensation 1,Q00 Handsome Hats, Values to $7.50 Chose Friday at $2A9 A grand finale to the No vember 1 millinery season of ,1906. ... The wind-up of tre mendous, record breaking ' selling. We've gathered a thousand bars in one- great, Jrrand bargain convention or Friday selling, all amart ly trimmed in newest effects and all leading, fashionable shapes and popular styles. Every wanted shade and col or scheme is represented. All are new. fresh from their nest in the box their maker .fTy placed them in gems from V'; their casket astonisnmg V' i values I Worth up to $7.50. . Special, Friday, at FRIDAY'S DRESS GOODS BUYERS GET THE $1.00 Plaid Suitings for 78c Annex First Floor, Fifth Street " About 325 yards of Wool Plaid Suitings, 56 inches wide and adaptable for making coats and tailored suits.' A splendid $1.00 value Special for Friday and Saturday at, the yard... ....T8a 49 BARGAINS- FOR FOLK WHO ARE -Furnishing Bedrooms Homefltting Shops-Fourthr Floor.' $2.00 Cotton Blankets for $1J Cotton Fleece Blankets! 11-4 sixe, and good quality; our $2;00 values. Special Economy Sale price, pair. ...f 1.38 $14.00 Lace . Bed Seta. $9.50 Ruffled Lace Bed Sets, trimmed with Renaissance lace edge, with insertion corners and center-piece; very handsome; our $14.00 value. Special Economy - Sale price, the set T ......$9.50 Underwear: Worth While Bargains is ;..' Women's Knit-Wear Aisles 1st Floor. Women's $1.25 Union Suits, 89c White Cotton Union Suits, slightly fleeced, long sleeves, ankle length, regular value $1.25special ............ Women's M.00 Vests, or Tights, 77c White Swiss Ribbed Merino Vests or Tights vests with long sleeves, ankle-length Tights; regular value - $ 1 00. Special, each "f 1 Buy the Challies Tomorrow Domestic Aisle 1st Floor. . 35c Wool Challies, 25c 3,000 yards Wool Challies,. ' a nice assortment of patterns to select from, suit able for kimonos, wrappers and houne dresses: regular value J5c Special, a yard 38 Children's Toques Pay 57c Instead of 75c Baby-to-Miss Shops. Second Floor. Thoroughfare Aisle, near big Elevator. Children's fine Wool Toques, with large silk tsssel and fancy borders; colors navy, red, brown, green. . and black. "Regular 75c value; special at Ta 19c for Pretty Cushion Tops Worth 35c and 50c Each. A special Friday bargain. Select now for Christ-" mas giving. A little economy here and there makes the Christmas money do double duty. Art Needlecrait Salons 2nd Floor Annex Lithograph Cushion Tops in very pretty colorings and many designs: no embroidering necessary. Regular 50c and 35c values; special at .......19a Rjbbons and Embroideries BECKON WITH MAGNETIC VALUES . : Firat Floor. 35c to 50c Ribbons for 25c Fancy Cushion Ribbons also Satin Taffeta and Fancy Check Ribbons a splendid selection and our 35c to 50c values. Spe cial Economy Sale Price, the yard ,.35 'BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERIES PRICED FOR RAPID SELLING - - Fine Nainsook snd Swiss Embroidery Edgings snd Insertions, beautiful Flouncings and Allovers to be sold at great reductions to make room for the holi day goods that are arriving daily. We have divided them into five big lots with prices ss follows: Lot No. 1 Our 18c to 25c values. Special, yd.. 12 Lot No. 2 Our 35c to 45c va!ues.Special, yd..25e Lot No. 3-Our 50c to 75c values. Special, yd..39e LofTNb. 4 Our $1.00varaer1Speeialryar4ev3 Lot No 5 pur $1.25 to $1.50 val. Special, yd.. 891 Neckfixings and Laces IN THE SALE SPECIAL FRIDAY ' Firat Floor. Ladies' Silk Neck Ruffs, Worth from $5.00 to $15.00, for $2.50 Ladies' Silk Neck Ruffs, in white, black and pink and black with white; slightly mussed from handling; values from $5.00 to $15.00. Special Econ- , omy Safe Price ....$2.50 Venise Lace Bands and Applique for 39c Beautiful Venise Lace Bands and Applique in the fine net ef fects and tn very attractive patterns; all this sea son's goods; our 50c, 65c and 75c values. Special Economy Sale Price, the yard S9a ' Lace Applique Worth $1X0 for 48c Another lot of fine Venise Lace Applique; very pretty, and our $1 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the yard. .48 Beautiful Mechlin and Valenciennes Laces and In sertions in great variety of patterns. Priced at. the yard, from Q to 25) ANOTHER IMPORTANT SALE OF ' Ladies' Fabric Gloves . , First Floor. Ladies' Long Gloves, worth $1J5 for 75c Ladies' lisle and silk gloves, in 12 button lengths; tn black, white, gray, biscuit and mode our. $1.25 value. -Special Economy-Sale price, the pair REINFORCEMENTS HAVE ARRIVED TO STRENGTHEN THAT -4i Monster Sale of a $10,000 Overstock in Fine Shoes : , Annex First Floor Sixth Street.- WONDERFUL VALUES FOR MEN AND WOMEN .-, - ' Read th story a . $10,000 over- ' stock in tha shoe store to be re-' duced this -week! Unmatchable bargains in men's and women'a footwear, j Drastic; cutting: among the men'a shoes I High arrsde - - makes- including thef nroducts of Ed- : win iClapp - it Son,; Hurley Bros., MacUon- aid & Kiley, Slater & MorriL Florsbeim & Co. all among .the world'a greatest and best shoemakers manufacturers who make and sell only high grade footwear. These fine, aristocratic shoes will be of 'fered Friday and Saturday at the prices of the me dium, ordinary grades. Shoes Worth to $7 at $3.89 Men'a Shoo Values to $6.00 for ' $3.89 Men's Shoes, made by Florsheim & Co., an immense , assortment in patent and dull leathers, button or lace, bluch er or "regular -cut,-swing or straight lasts, plain or tip toe, both black and tan shoes in the showing; your choice of any style; value to $6.00. Special sale price, pair..... $3.89, Women's Shoes, Valuee to $6.00, for $39 1300 pairs of Women's Shoes, made by Laird, Schober & Co., Wright Peters, Haitahan & Sons. Dut- --tenhofer & Sons- and others: equally as well known and pop ular. These shoes are all new, , . stylish goods, made in all leath- . era, blucher or regular cut, bat - ton or lace, lasts ot all kinds, high, medium or low heels, .all sizes; values to $6.00. Special sale price, the pair...... $3.89 Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes for $3 .89 About 4,000 pairs of Men's Shoes, made by Hurley . Bros.; splendid shoes, all of them,made 4n-patent-Ieathersr either button or lace, dress or street styUs, a Lronst-.cQirplete assortment, including 20 differ- ent style lasts and patterns; our $5.00 and $6.00 values. Special sale price, the pair $3.89 Men'a Shoo Values to $7X0 for $3 J9 3.500 oaira of .Men's Fine Shoes, in patent and dull leathers, with "1 light or heavy soles; an assortment of all kinds of . shoes, including regular and broken lines, all so good that you will nave no doubt of their splendid value and down-to-dateness; values in the lot to $7.00. Special sale price, the pair $3.89 Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes for $2.981,000 pairs of Men's Shoes in patent colt leathers,' in blucher, or regular cut, button or lace; a fine assortment, in cluding 15 styles in shoes worth from $3.50 to $4.00. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair $2.9S Women's Shoes. Values to $4.00, for $3.196,000 : pairs of Women's Shoes, in patents, demi-glaxe, vici kid and velour calf, in blucher or regular cat, but ton or lace, welt or hand-turned soles; all desirable and stylish shoes; values to $4.00. -Special Econo my Sale Price, the pair ....,$3.19 Shoes for Both Boys and Girla at Special Economy : Sale Prices. , ., Jewelry Specials ; Firat Floor Annex.. S5c Pearl Bead Neck Chains 23c Fine quality Im ported Pearl Bead Neck Chains, graduated beads, evenly strung with catch; reg. value 35c Sp1..23 Sterling Silver Brush and Comb Sets for Baby, 79c Baby Brush and Comb Sets, sterling Silver han dles, best quality, fittings, in white lined boxes; val ues at $1.00 and $1.50. Special. T9e) Pretty New Scarf Pine at 49e Scarf Pins in a great variety of designs, fancy and odd shapes, signet and stone set; our regular 65c and 75c ' Special.... 49 65c Gold Plata Photo Frames 45c Fine French gold plate Photo Frames in a variety of shapes and sizes, with adjustable easel backs; regular 65c rne Bpeeiai" viT,-.' .. .4ftf Bargain " From Small Wares Aisles. TOILET GOODS, STATIONERY SUNDRIES, "NOTIONS- . 15 Items in Everyday Use at a Special Friday ' Price First Floor. 25c oz. fine imported French Perfumes; Special. tOf '$1.50 real ebony solid back: Hair Brushes; sp'l.,93i 25c glass jar Sachet Powder; special 15 75c extra heavy quality hard rubber Dressing Combs; special ,.49 5c cake Meadow Sweet Toilet Soap; special 2'4V Of dOZCft asaaaaaaaawaa Box fancy noily decorated line writing raper; special ..2 50c fancy back gilt edge Playing Cards; special 3fa 10c ruled ink Writing Tablet: special ......T 25c box choice linen cloth finish Writing Psj,rj special ...1 35c packageof 100 fancy decorated crrpe p'r Napkins; sorrial ' Nickel Tinned Coat Hangers: special.... 75c fine fancy mounted shell back Co- ; ( . 35c pair plain shell Side ComM; r White Basting Cottotk Nos. 4) t . ' three spools for ...... .'. 15c bes quality ball snd " ' -jpecial, dozen - A- ::; A'.