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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
f OLDS, WORTMAN & KING OLDS, WORT MAN & KING OLDS, WORTMAN & KING -THE DIFFERENT STORE"-- -FETE LYAUTOMHEr- FIFTH, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS t , r j i A Harvest of Good Merchandise and Great Values THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY BVENTWO, OCTOBER, tt, lBOfl, Home titters Who've Curtains or -Portieres to Buy Will read this ftbod news of special sav ings with interest and respond prompt ly. The reduc tions are drastic, the bargains remarkable. Take elevator to Fourth Floor. Special Saie of Tapestry Portieres Fine Tapeatry Pcieres, in ors in stnpes and figures; a two pairs of a kind. Our $2.75 value special at. Our $3.00 value special at, Our $3.25 value special at, Oar $5.00 value special at, Our $5.50 value special at. Our $7.00 value special at, Onr $7.50 value speciaT at. Our $8.00 value special at, Our $9.00 value special at, Our $10.50 value special at, Our $11.00 value special at. Our $12.00 Value special at, Our $13.50 value spedal at, Our $17.50 value special at, handsome combinations of col- big selection, but only one or the the the the the the the the the the the the the the pair.. . pair. . . pair . i . pair... pair. . . pair. . . pair. . , pair.. . pair. . . pair. . , pair. . . pair. . , pair.. pair.. ...a. a)l.M a.4e S.TO 5.eo 95.95 6.70 57.85 59.75 910. 15 . 13.15 Special Sale Linen Scrim Curtains Very Pretty Linen Scrim Curtains, in ecru, with plain cen ter and delicate linen lace insertion and Wee edge to match. Some are finished with elegant heavy hand-made , lace. Twenty different patterns in the showing. Our $4.50 value special at, the pair , Our $5.00 value special at, the pair 53.78 Our $10.00 value special at, the pair -f J 5 Our $15.00 valoe special at, the pair Xrli5 Our $ia00 valne special at, the pair Our $20.00 value special at, the pair X4.95 Our $23.00 value special at, the pair 517.86 Our $32.00 value special at, the pair ...f 54.99 Minor Notes in Notion Bargains Small Wares Shops First Floor. 60c Chamois Skins of fine quality, large sice, apecial at 559 35c Imported Tooth Brushes in assorted styles; special at. 159 15c Transparent Glycerine Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in box; special at. the box ..tjv..10e 7c Toilet Paper, fine tissue, in rolls. 8-ounce size; aaecial at. .49 10c Can Violet Perfumed Talcum Powder, special at...... ..5 Odd lot of fine box Writing Paper, assorted shape; Values to 35c; rpecial at, the box 9 Fine Ruled Ink Writing Tablets, note size; speciaKat 59 10c Pencil Boxes, with lock and key, for schoofW; special . J9 Net Shopping Bags, special 159 Beat Black and Nickel-plated Safety Pins, all aises; one dozen on card; special at, the card.' 59 5c Darning Needle, assorted sizes, 10 needles on card; special at, the card 5c Linen Thread, 100-yard spools, for heavy sewing; in all sizes; special at , ....89 10c Silk Binding Ribbon, all colors; special at, the piece T9 Awaits the Mid-Week Shopper at This Store SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Are Drastically Underprked Fifth Street Annex First Floor The newest foreign and domestic weaves are assembled here in this most unusual offering, the story will not permit of more detail. .We affix a condensed list of the bargains: Space allowed for In the Silk Section Special Sate of Rich, Beautiful, 85c Taffeta Silks at 61 c Fifth Street Annex First Floor One of the most remarkable values offered this season by any western Silk store. The silk are all new as the morn ing, very smart weaves and in all wanted colorings. Nineteen-inch width, every exquisite shade represented, em bracing ivory, white, cream and black. All pure silk, the best regular 85c value shown in Portland. Silk buyers who take advantage of this sale will make a saving on each yard of 18 cents. Be aure to see these silks tomorrow"" the sale lasts through one more day only at the spccial 'price of, yard ...... O I C Another Important Sale This, of Black Taffetas Our Splendid $1.35 Silks at 92c Yard This offer holds good through Wednesday and Thursday'only the quantity is limited to 1,200 yards less today's selline. for the sale opened this mornine. Ine fabrics are yard wide. Warranted Black Taffeta, a special purchase made by our buyer of silks, Mr. King, now in New York. This is the same sHk offered by other stores at $1.60 the yard, but our price is $1.35 regular. Tuesday, Wednesday Oa and Thursday we say special, the yard . 4C Dress Goods Store Offers Extraordinary Values 79c Portland's Foremost Read the detail : The special pricings' last through Wednesday. The fabrics constituting the monster offerings are all the new, smart, down-to-date stuffs that fashionable dressers are calling for daily, and embrace all the newest, most favored colorings and charming patterns for autumn and winter months, as well as the rich and ultra-stylish blacks. Read the detail : Best regular $1.00 values. Special at, yard T9e I Best regular $1.50 values. Special at, yard SI. 19 Best regular, $1.25 values. Special at, yard 98 I Best regular $1.75 values. Special at, yard $1.39 Also 35 pieces of handsome new imported plaid Suitings in all the newest conceits and beautiful novelty plaid weaves and color combinations; an extra good $1.00 suiting, special tor Wednesday at, yard... By request of a host of the store's dress goods buyers, who for some reason or another couldn't arrange to share in last week's, offering, we continue for Wednesday the sale of Black Dress Goods at One-Halt Price Refined and exclusive-looking stuffs that good dressers will appreciate. And think of it ! Ultra-fashionable fab rics in a sweeping sale of colossal values at HALF PRICE. Read the detail: Silk and Wool Novelty Black Dress Goods 4. Imported French Goods, the Best Fabrics for Dressy Wear Money Can Bay $2.00 regular grade for, the yard. 1.00 I $3.60 regular grade for, the yard .. ..fl.75 $2.50 regular grade for, the yard 81.25 $4.00 regular grade for, the yard ..?2.00 $3.00 regular grade for, the yard .....$1.50 HALF PRICE I HALF PRICE! Children's Winter Coats $2.27 Second Floor, Thoroughfare Aisle. Children's All-Wool Winter Coats of neat doth, with double row of fancy buttons and large cape, trimmed with three rows of fancy braids; colors embrace tans, browns, navy and red; agea from 1 to 6 years; regular price $3.25; special at.. 5 2.87 Ladies' Linen Collars Ladies' Linen Collars Worth 15c for 9c Ladies' pretty white linen collars, with hemstitched edge; our 15c value; apecial aale price, each 99 Bath and Kimono Flannels Domestic Aisle First Floor. Bath Robe Flannels 21c A line of heavy flannels for Bath Robes and Kimonos, in light and dark colors; apecial at. yard 519 New Plaid Flannels for Waists and Dresses at, the yard 599, 559, 759 and 51.99 e - e - e Rare Ribbon Bargain 50c Plain and Fancy Ribbons 25c A lot of plain and fancy Rib bons, some in embroidered and dotted effects; values up to 50c; special price, the yard av m MM s scsr M gsTsWawo . r ss i ir?i m k W ' it W aV 1 aft usx&y kStorr1nJeX Umbrella Buyers Frst Floor Special Prices That Create Stirring Values Ladies' $5.00 SHk Umbrellas 3JS Ladies' all silk Umbrellas in assorted colors, with fancy coU orded oorder; every one guaran teed to be fast color. All have natural box-wood handles, with steel rod and paragon frame. Best $5 value; special sale price 'S lien's Silk Umbrellas, Worth 5100 lor men s nne sua um brellas, with tape edge border, have steel rod and paragon e . - m fgry4mn irame wun iancy ourni lvqry 'liftJr 5, handles, stiver and gold trimmed. r Wr i If r tent .1 . o :i i II 1 1 1 'r f sasj 1 Mm u J.w tsjim. gymti " mW T isWWli rf r Piece-Dmrl Taffeta UnlmlbL with all-steel rods and natural tt wooa nanaies, in rrincess or op- V era crook. Great values at 'I HnSl- 91.JB9 and fiW ' 1 UMW M :m.L A Splendid Showing of Men's Um brellas with plain and fancy han dles, priced at 95.59 and 55.59 .vonieii'i Knit Underwear and Hosiery First Floor-Pay Less Than Usual Tomorrow Women's 75c Vests or Tights 50c White Swiss ribbed cotton Vesta or Tights, good winter weight, long sleeve vesta, ankle length tights; regular value 75c; spedal, each 599 Women'a $1.25 Silk Vests 97c White Viga silk Vests, pink and blue, long sleeves, medium weight, very elastic; regular value $L25; special 9T Women's $3.00 811k Tights $2 .39 Cream and black silk Tights, ankle-length; medium weight; regular value $3.00apeg Women's 65c Union Suits 49c Cream and natural color cotton Union Suita, long sleeves, ankle length, slightly fleeced; reg ular value 65c; special ..........599 Women's 75c Vests or Pants 55o Natural wool plaited Vests or Pants; regular value 75c; apecial ...........559 Women'a $1.25 Union Softs 95c "Merode" cream color cotton Union Suita, medium weight, high neck, short sleeves; regular value $L25; special J Special tomorrow in the Hosiery Shops, a lively trio of worth-while values in women's good hosiery. Women's 50c Hose 38c Black cotton Hose, ribbed top, fleece lined, finished foot; regular value 50c; special, pair. .... .589 Women'a 55c Hose 50c Extra fine high-grade black, soft lisle hose, with Maco cotton sole, imported; regular value 85c: spedaL pair 599 Women'a 50c Hose 35c A special line of black cotton Hose with embroidered boots; regular value 50c; special, pair., 599 ZZ"sn Petticoats $1.27 Annan Second Floor. Women's Good, Serviceable Petticoats, "built" from a splendid quality of black aatine; in a variety of flounce effects; best regular $2.00 valuea; special tomorrow, at f 1.5T Men's Furnishings Special Values: Sixth Street Annex. First Floor. INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS FOR THE MASCULINE READER THAT POINT THE PATH TO SA VINOS. Men's $1-50 Golf Shirts $1.05 A line of Men's Golf Shirts in rlain bhie Oxfords, aatin striped Madras and fancy effects; pair cuffs; regular value $1.50 -special gl.05 Men's $1.25 Underwear 97c Men's medium weight Derby ribbed worsted Underwear, in tan, pink, blue and natural: beat $L25 value; apecial, garment 9T9 Men's 20c Hosiery I2c A line of men's -winter weight fast black, seamless, cotton Hose one of the beat wearera; reg ular value 20c special, pdr 15 1-59 Men's 10c Handkerchiefs 5c Men's hemstitched Handkerchiefs, in plain white and fancy colored borders; regular value 10c: apecial 59 HEW SCHEDULE IS MADE PUBLIC Southern Paciifc to Give Much Better Train Service to Valley People. Official announcement la form of cir culars was Issued yeeterday by the pas .aencer department of the Southern Pacific- oompany"s Oreg;on lines of chances of paeeenser train schedules and atarUn of new trains, offectlve October 25, by which It Is proposed to give very much better service to the people of the terri tory tributary to Albany. Brownsville, BUverton, Springfield, WendUng, Tall man, Mount Ana-ol, Woodburn. Forest Orove, Sheridan and Intermediate vwtf ntsi The officials of the passenger depart ment have been in conference wun ine operating department and train ecjied uSss and service have been worked out The new program will Involve the run ning of three more passenger trains than formerly. General Passenger 'Agent McMurray mild: "We are trying to give the people as near ae possible the service they desire, keeping within reasonable bounds as to operating expenses and revenue. The new schedules that go Into effect Octo ber it may need eome slight revSslon. Whatever changes are necessary will be msde as soon as we are satisfied the service can be Improved," ffeet of Slew Schedule. Under the new schedules passengers from, the Sheridan and Foreat Orove branches can reach Portland in the morning in ttree to catch the Southern Pacific's California train or the O. R. St N. Chicago train. Step on' the through train they desire to take at the anion station, and have breakfast en route. Jt also enahtea them to catch the O. R. A N. local tu The Dalles and Biggs, at a. m.. or the Northern Pad f to train to Seattle and Tscoma at :. Boiled down, the schedules will be aa follows: Trains will leave Portland at 7am for Carvallls; 4J0 p. as. fori Sheridan: 11 s. m. and :i0'p. m for Forest Orove. Trains oemlng toward fortune will leave CotvaUls at VJm p. m.; Sheridan. 1 a. m.; Forest Orove, :36 a. m. and 1:S0 p. m.; Springfield. 6:20 a. m.; Woodburn, t:10 a. m. A paaaenger train dally will be run be tween Woodburn and BUverton. to con nect for Portland. Two trains will be uporaiea. aaiiy except srauoay imwm Lebanon and Albany to connect for Portland. The Cottage Orove local, which will give connection to Portland for these trains, will arrive at Portland at 11 In stead of lO.-tl a. m. Passengers will have until 4:11 p. m. to trade In Port land. It will be a change that should prove of great benefit to the retail and wholesale trade of thle city, as the business men and general public of the valley will be able to eome to Portland and transact their business and return home the same day. Be tween many of the ' points mentioned the train service heretofore has been such that three days were required for the trip. General Passenger Agent Mc Murray Is receiving many compliments for the Improved schedules. DEPUTY CLERKS (Continued from Page One.) have only to maintain order in the court rooms, take charge of Juries when they are deliberating- on some ease and run errands for the Judges We get only two weeks" vacation a year, while the bailiffs get two months' vacation every summer and while court la In essslon do nothing but alt around most of the time. "We are not objecting because the old mea's salaries were raised, but we think we are not treated fairly when we have to continue to do the work we are doing without any Increase. Be sides thle department Is mors poorly paid than any other department of the city or county government. Deputy sheriffs get $11 a month more than we do. The elty auditor's fores geta from IIS to Sto a month 'more than we do. Sslarles In the county assessor's office are from 116 to lit a month higher than ouraf County Clerk Fields Is of the opinion that hie men ought to be paid more than they are getting. An Inspection of the records disclosed t he-fact that the re ceipts of the elerk's office have In creased from ais,isi m lsei to la l0 while the expenses have de creased from 146.67 to 111.27s. 'The Increase In receipts Indicates ths lncreeee of business and In the amount of work done by the deputies." said Mr. Fields. "I have the same num ber of deputies now that were 5am In 1101. With my boys working ilka slaves taking ears of all this work I think tt la aa outrage that they should have to work for smaller salaries than the bailiffs Of the court receive." Mr. Fields la powerless to raise the wages of hie men, as the compensation of eight of them la fixed by law, while the county court indicates the amount of wagee of the remainder. "If a bailiff Is worth $80 a month, a clerk la worth f HO a month," de clared Commissioner Ldghtner when aaked about it. "We have had the mat ter of raising the salaries of the clerks under advisement for some time, but do not know what we will do. If the clerks present a petition to us for In creased salaries we will consider It. This muoh is certain. If ths bailiffs are entitled CO Increased salaries, Mr. Fields' deputies are alao entitled to It. "We can get all the bailiffs needed in any court for 1(0 a month, and Just se efficient men as any that are now In the circuit court I think the pay of the bailiffs ought not to have been raised. It means unnecessary expense to the county." Commissioner Barnes appeared to en tertain the same views on the subject that LJghtner does. The olerka stated that a request to the county court for en Increase in salaries will be made today. CUBES ALL ILLS (Continued From Page One) UNION MEN (Continued from Pags Cms.) Issues upon Which their Interests do not conflict The committee which drew up the resolutions for the local central body oonslsted of T. M. Leabo, W. McKenzle, P. McDonald and Delegate Fredericks. The launching of the new party la a direct result or the new potior adopted by President Compere of the American Federation of Labor. la the letters sent Index" mesas the power of the blood to destroy obnoxious germs, a: Wright's discovery consists in his method of giving ths blood necessary to do ths work Of destruction. Wright said Inoculation with dead and not liv ing germs of the disease gtvee the blood newer to destroy the living senna . Thus In ths caso of typhoid fever the patient Is vaccinated with dead typhoid germs His discovery goes further. By ths aid of a great series of ehsrts founded upon experiments, he ehowed how It is possible for a physician Im mediately after such Inoculation of the patients to see If the "Opsonic" power of the bloed has been Increased, and so regulate the treatment with great accuracy. The etretlns r owsJ ta say othee Oeegea sewsgaawa. Allan T. M. Lesbo, a Member of the Com mittee Which Drew Up the Resolu tions Calling for a Union Labor Party Convention. out by tbe stats executive beard parts of President Oomper'e circular letter of July tt are quoted, aa follows: "We recommend that central bodies and local unions proceed without delay, by the election of delegates to meet In ooafereaea, to formulate plana to far ther the interests of this movement, and In accordance with the plan herein out lined, at the proper time and la the proper manner, nominate Candida tea who will unqueaUonably stand far the enactment lata law of labor and prog ressive measures." Aad further, "Whenever both parties (meaning the two leading political parties) Ignore labor's legislative de mands, a straight labor candidate should be nominated so honest mea may have the opportunity In exercising thslr franchise to vote according to their conscience, instead of being com pelled either to refrain from voting of to vote for the candidate aad the party they most in their innermost souls despise." GOVERNOR MEAD IS HEARD AT WOODLAND (Sperisl Dlip.trh to The JearaaL) Woodland, Wash.. Oct. tt. The sec ond gun of the campaign was fired here last night when Governor Albert E. Mead and Bon. T. D. Rockwell of Spokane made two stirring speeches In behalf of the Republican principles. Governor Meed is a fluent speaker. possesses a pleasing personality and a keen, logical delivery, and his speech teemed with timely aad forceable ar guments. His reception was most grat ifying to all, and Woodland extended bar best efforts to make hie brief stay a pleasant One. Mr. Rockwell, who Is a prominent eeet elder, mads a stirring party speech, aad was warmly received. Tbe different county candidates were out In full force, end greet Interest le being manifested by an. The removal of the county seat from Ifalsras to Kelso was one of the side Issues that waa generously discussed. The audience was very appreciative and generous with applause, end was kept in good humor by the witty re partee of the speakers. The hall was filled to its capacity, and steading room waa at a premium. CONSIDINE CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTING BRIBE Mssetrs te Tee Vanoouvsr. 9 C. Oct. 21. A Hon was sprung at a special meeting of the city council lest night when Building Inspector Captain MeSpadden, who refuaed to grant a permit to John ConsldTne for aa Orphsum theatre la thle Olty, slated that Architect White way had approached him and said that he would get a few hundred dotlare If he granted the permit. The council decided that Consldlne l-must comply with the .reflations ha- SEND IN YOUR BID QUICK As Much or as Little as You Please ir Your Bid b Highest the Piano Is Yours Every Cent of the Proceeds Goes to THE Y. M. C. A. BUILDING FUND The Eilers Piano offer consisting of five magnificent instru ments, which have been donated outright by the Eilers Piano House has been extended until November 6, in accordance with the re quest of the Y. M. C. A. Building Committee. These Pianos become tbe property of the five highest bidders, and every penny received for them goes to one of the meet worthy objects ever placed before the' good people of Portland. Look these pianos over, in the warerooms of the Eilers Piano House, select the one which you would prefer, offer whatever you think you can afford and send your bid in, accompanied with 10 cents, to S. L. N. Oilman, S5S Washington street. Bid as often aa you like, but each bid must be accompanied by 10 cents. But be quick. Telephone Exchange 23 if you want further in formation. And do it at once! fore he eaa secure the permit. The Orphsum theatre waa recently over hauled at oonsldersble cost, but the building Inspector condemned the the atre aa unsafe. The council appointed a commission of architects to Inquire Into the ease. Whlteway was a mem ber of this commission, and It Is al leged he attempted to bribe the Inspector. George Hartley, -who waa arrested Saturday night by Detective Price on a warrant charging him with tbe larceny UK WGQ 1IUIU 4. - OIWHUS, I Judge Cameron yesterday and bound over to await the action of the grand jury, with bonds fixed at 11.000. ACCUSED OF SELLING WORTHLESS MINE STOCK Chicago, ry Bwehaell hetd te the barged WHS 1 ae the re- Oot 1A Henr Miller s federal grand Jury today ca stag the malle to defraud suit of the examination of the Ta eases Chiapas Trading company, a SO claiming to do a Mg business la which It M allege eSBwSeOas SS SjpBjj -