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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1. HM i iBHARD WEDDED TO FL0R0D0RA BEAUTY T 1 H I RING RULE ISSUE IN COLORADO Picturesque Campaign Being Waged in Centennial State Between Four Candidates. LINDSEY PLEDGED TO DIRECT PRIMARY LAW Independent It Mskjng Headway Preacher Heads Republican Ticket, Adams the Democratic and Hay wood the Socialist. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Gebhaxd. iHm News Service. New York. Oct. 1. The announce ment of the marrlase on January 1 laat of Frederic Oebhard. millionaire club man, society man and capitalist, and Mtsa afaria L. Gamble, known on the stage as Maria Wilson, one of the origi nal Florodora sextet, created a flutter of excitement at Newport, and especi ally at Bandy Point, the home of Mr. Oebhard's favorite niece, Mrs. Reginald C. Vanderbllt. The marriage of Mr. Oebhard and the former showgirl took place at the borne of the Rev. Dr. Senry Marsh Warren, the hotel chaplain. It was the Intention of Mr. and Mrs. Oebhard to keep their marriage a secret for a year, and "the notice waa not filed with the bureau of vital statistics until August. The bride gave her age as 14 and said her maiden name waa Marie L. He His Mr. Oebhard has figured before the publto for the last SO years. Ha la now 61 years old. His first affair which got Into the papers connected li'ei saise with Miss Leonle Jerome, who afterward became Mis. Jack Leslie. It being announced that they were en gaged. Titan Oscar Wilde Introduced the young American to Mrs. JLangtry, who was at that time In the first flash of her great success upon the stage. From that day Mr. Oebhard was the alave of the Ltly, . showering presents upon her, racing his stable of horses la conjunction with her thoroughbreds and traveling In her company. The rumor that they were married was not contradicted until It had been published from one end of the country to the other. Oebhard and the sprightly Baltimore beauty, Mtas Lulu Morris, were mar ried In March, lie. They drifted apart, and the wife went to South Dakota In 101 to secure a divorce. She had al ready bean preceded by her husband, who sought a separation on the ground of deserUon. The young wife won, and Mr. Oebhard had to settle a round sum In alimony upon her. Mrs. Oebhard subsequently married Henry Clews Jr. The following year It waa reported that Miss Drlna Be Wolf, an actress, who starred In Mrs. Osborne's company four years ago, had married Mr. Oeb hard. This was unfounded. Mr. Oebhard first appeared on the turf as a racing partner of A. W. Hun ter In 1881. He owned a half Interest In Bole, who won many races for htm. He won the Great Metropolitan and Inrkev club handlcans at Jerome, the cop and champion stakes at Monmouth, and the Morrissey handicap at Saratoga and other high stakes. The Biff erases. Prom the Philadelphia Press. "I suppose you did lose a little money. Forget It! Tou ought to take things philosophically." "I always do. but It's hard to part with things philosophically." (J israel Special Service.) Denver, Colo.. Oct. II. The moat spectacular political campaign ever waged In Colorado la now at Its height. Ring rule end the domination of cor porations In politics are the chief Issues, though there are other questions figur ing In to add spice to the campaign. The fireworks of the campaign and the thing which has tended most to raise It above the ordinary level of political contests in popular Interest is the candidacy of Judge Ben B. I.indsey for the governorship on an Independent Ucket. Judge Llndsey Is pretty well known throughout the country aa the author of the Juvenile court law In Colo-1 rado, which has rormea me moaet ror similar legislation in 24 eta tea He la a foe of ring rule and talks as- freely of corruption In his own Democ ratio party aa in the opposition party. Judge Lind say desired the Democratic nomination for governor If he could secure It with out giving any pledges or promises, f ber of these red corpuscles INSOMNIA CURED vx. iliif ominD srr ds. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO Wrecked by Apoplexy so STormal Condition and Sreed When It became apparent that Senator Patterson and. his followers ware to control the state convention Judge Llnd sey refused to allow his name to go before that body. UaAsey Makes Headway) As the campaign has progressed It has become evident that the Independent The sufferer from eleeplessness too often resorts to hablt-formtng drugs in order to secure the coveted rest But sleep obtained by the use of opiates Is not refreshing and the benefit la but temporary at beat. Mrs. H. A. Fletcher of II Blodget street, Manchester, New Hampshire, is living 'evidence of the truth of this statement She says: "I received a shock of sn apopleetlo character. It was so severe that the sight of my right eye was affected, causing me to see objects double, I was confined to my bed about four weeks, at one time being told by the doctor that I could not get well. When I could leave my bed I waa In such a nervous stats that I could not sleep at night. I would gat up and alt on a ohalr until completely tired out and then go back to bed and sleep from exhaustion. "I had been under the doctor's care for six weeks when my sister, Mrs. Loveland of Everett persuaded me to try Dr. Wllllaraa' Pink Pills for Pale People. I began taking the pills with the reault that I soon experienced re lief. One night soon after taking them I lay awake only a short time and the next night I rested well. From that time I alept well every night and soon got . well and strong. I have recom mended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a num ber of times, and my niece hah taken them for weak nerves and poor blood and found them very beneficial." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a cure-all, but a blood-builder. They do one thing and they do it wall they ao tually make new blood. They cure nervous disorders because the condition of the nerves depends upon the number of red corpuscle In the blood, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Incresse the num- By this no tion on the nerves, through the blood, they have cured many severe nervous troubles, headache. neuralgia, and sciatica aa well aa diseases of the blood such- sa anaemia, rheumatism, pals and sallow complexions and many forma of weakness. All druggists sell Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills, or they will be sent voters are rallying to the Llndsey by mall postpaid, on receipt of prloe. standard in great numbers. Llndsey .0 cents per box. six boxes for by maklna his campaign nractlcally with- the Dr. Williams' Medicine company out money. He has no organisaUon and Schenectady, New Took. has refused to accept a single dollar of corporation money. If elected Judge Llndsey will go before the legislature with a demand for the enactment of a primary election law, which will take party machinery out of the hands of corporation bosses, and rid Colorado of corporatln control. He will also aak for other Important legislation affectlqg tbe Judiciary of the state. The Republicans experienced much difficulty la making up their state ticket. The names of half a dosea party leaders were mentioned in connection with the gubernatorial nomination be fore the convention met, but no one of them was desirous of entering the con test under existing conditions. Finally, when the convention met, the nomina tion went to Philip B. Stewart, a Colo rado Springs lawyer. But Mr. Stewart declined to make the race unless Wil liam H. Oabbert, chief Justice of the supreme court, who Is running for re election, withdrew feom the ticket. The objection to Judge Oabbert was bssed on the allegation that he favors cor porations. After Mr. Stewart's declina tion the Republicans finally Induced Dr. Henry A. Buchtel, chancellor of the University of Denver, to accept the nomination. a Alva Adams, the Democratic candi date. Is one of the most widely known men In Colorado politic. After having filled two terms in the governor s chaie ha was a candidate again two years STATUE TO VERDI IS UNVEILED Italians of New York City Honor Memory of Great Composer. TEN DOLLARS Is all you need to pay for your FALL SUIT If you come to the right store which is the MOYER. Examine the samples in our new windows and you will agree that ours equal the $15 suits of any other "store. RamcoatspRKSlO FIGURE OF MUSICIAN IN CARRARA MARBLE MOYER THIRD AND OAK Money for Monument Raised by Pop ular Subscription in Little Italy and Prom His Countrymen Throughout America. . (Journal Special Service.) New Tork. Oct. 12. This waa a ssla day for the Italian residents of the ago. On that occasion he defested j metropolis. The occasion was the un James H. Peabody. Republican. In the veiling of the monument to Oulsepps oontest that ensued the supreme court I Verdi, the Italian composer, which has unseated a sufficient number of Demo-1 been set un on the trlanale made bv crats in the senate to give the Kepubll-1 the Intersection of the Boulevard, Tenth cans control of that body. The senate avenue and Seventy-third street. For then seated Lieutenant-Governor Mo- weeka past the Influential leaders in Donald. It Is as a result of this turn of affairs that A dims seeks a vindica tion thla year. The effect of the Socialistic cam paign, with William D. Haywood at the "Little Italy" have been preparing for today's function, with the result that the outpouring of Italians waa the largest New York haa witnessed since the dedication of the monument to head of the ticket. Is problematical. The j America's discoverer located In Colum- Sociallsta dq not expect to elect their candidates, but they will draw votes from both the old parties. . They will have the strong backing of the Western Federation of Miners and of labor or ganisations In general. BepubUeans. (Special Dispatch to The Jsaraal.t Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 11. Republicans of the western hslf of Tennessee have rallied here In eonalderable force for the opening of the Republican campaign tonight. The Lyceum theatre has been engaged for the demonstration, which bus circle et the entrance to Central park. Added brilliance was given to the unveiling today by the presence of the officers and crew of the Italian war ship Ettore Plerahosca, which King Emmanuel sent to New Tork especially for the occasion. The speakers In cluded prominent Americans and Ital ians, brought together by the bond of their love for the great operatic genius. Another feature of the unveiling pro gram was a children's chorus of 1,000 voloea. The Verdi memorial is the work of Chevalier Paequale Civllettl. a well Cures Biliousness, Sick gf 1 I IWI gf Cleanaet the system Headactie, Sour Stom- I I Im I N I I thoroughly and clears ach, Torpid Liver and sallow complexions of Chata.tion' Laxative Fruit Syrvp pi7Le8J PROGRAM FOR CLOSING DAYS AT THE OAKS Blgnor D'Urbano haa retained hie beet musical programs for the rest of this weak, prior to the cloalng of The Oaks. The afternoon program la an unusually strong one and tonight will be exclusively a Wagner program. There are but three more days before the cloalng of The Oaks. Sunday night two beautiful flodr prises will be given at the pavilion. In the. vaudeville theatre Harry Murphy, the world's champion boy boxing won der, will be seen In a six-round oontest, and the Morrises, who are noted acro bats, foot postering artists and do light and heavy weight balancing, will b an additional feature. will consist of speeches by H. Clay known sculptor of Palermo, Sicily. The Evans, the gubernatorial candidate, and other party leaders. THESE NEAT EVERSTICK" RUBBERS YOU'LL LIKE EM NOW LET US CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Wet Weather Footwear FOR WOMEN We have the renowned "American Girl" Shoes in all leathers the durable water resisting kind that keeps the feet "dry as pow der" as well as the more delicate and dressy fTsfls makes, with heavy and medium extension soles. m9 PRICE -wsvv FOR HEN The celebrated "James Means" footwear, in box calf, velours and vici, heavy ex tension soles, in lace, Blucher and con gress, impenetrable by moist- regular dry kilns. sjj3 'RICE. BARON'S SHOE STORE "MONEY SAVERS IN FOOTWEAR 230-232 Morrison Street. Near Second monument is about If feet in height and la composed entirely or fine Carrara marble and dark-tinted granite. On top of a round granite shaft, which Is capped by a laurel wreath, stands the Imposing figure of Verdi as ha looked In the heyday of his career, The granite shaft on which the figure of the com poser stands rests on a square base of the same dark stone, and surrounding the central column are four smaller figures. In Carrara marble, representing operstlc creations of Verdi. They are "Othello." "Aide," "Falstaff and "L Forxa del Destine" The money for the monument was raised by popular subscription. Soon after the death of Verdi, on January IS, 1901. Slgnor Barsottl. the editor of an Italian newspaper, conceived the Idea of collecting a aubacrlptlon to perpetuate In marble the memory of Italy s favo rite composer and the man whose operas were loved by the whole world. Contributions poured In from all parte of the United States from Italians who recently emigrated to this country and from those who have become American cltlsena. In the and 120,000 waa sub scribed to the monument. EIGHTEEN TEACHERS IN MEDF0R0 SCHOOLS (Sax-Ill niepetcb U The Jos rail.) Medford. Or.. Oct. 11. Reports cTrcu Isted. based upon last year's statistics, give the number of teachers employed In the Medford schools as 14. This re port la at fault, as this year's work re quires the employment of 18 teachers, the four additional Instructors having been added st the first or the school year: For the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of a piano for the High school the following lyceum course will be given this season: Lulu Tyler Oatea Concert company. Midland Opera Quintet -Wei bourn, Wlsard of Electricity. Dr. John Merrtte Driver. Royal Mile Quartet. Rogers and Oiilley Reel tele Mrs. William Calvin Chilton. Shake speare Reel tela Mare, Don't think that i lies can't be cured. Thousands of obstinate cases have been cured by Doan'a Ointment. SO cents at saw true store, Select Your Coat From the Largest Assortment Coats on the Coast Saturday Extra Specials bbbbbbBbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT $30.00 Coats $18.75 $17.50 Coats a$10.00 $ 7.50 Coats $ 4.50 $25.00 Suits SATURDAY ONLY $12.50 The J. M. Acheson Co. Wholesale and Retail 131 FIFTH STREET BETWEEN ALDER AND WASHINGTON Ti.!t To out-of-town merchants: We are prepared to IX UlltW r furnish you with Coats and Suits at New York prices.