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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POKTLAWD. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5. ltM. Town Topics Wanted, servant girls, good wages. Read the Help Wanted, Female, col umns under Journal classifieds. The Journal agency st ItUm has been transferred to Ruasell U. Brooks, feajal quarter! at Capitol Drug Store, 404 Mite street, phone Main 10TI, and all changes, new subacrlptlona and com plalnU will receive prompt attention. TOSlOHrs fitt:::::: Bmptr, teF!:::::: Pa stages . . Oraad . . The Millionaire Tramp" "Escaped "tea Bondage" "Menta Orlsto" Vaudeville Vaudeville Ktnsls Veach. who left Portland Au gust 11 for his old borne In Osage City. Kansas, died there last Monday accord ing to word received here yesterday. He was taken ill at Colorado Springs and gradually declined. Deceased waa aged 74 years. Ha leaves two married daughters here, Mrs. C. B. Collins snd Mrs. C. H. Preacott, and Mrs. tJUy Green at Osage City, who accompanied him on the trip from this city Rabbi Jonah Wise of Chattanooga, Tennessee, who will temporarily fill the Rlplt of Temple Bath Israel, reached rtland last night and was welcomed by Rabbi Btsphen 8. Wise and a com mittee from Bsth Israel congregation. He has taken apartments at the Hill hotel. Tonight Rabbi Wise will preach at Temple Beth Iarasl. The subject of his first sermon will be "The Mantle of Elijah." Butts and overcoats of the very latest style. Hats, pants, ablrta, shoes, full line of underwear. Big stock of blan kets, comforters, trunks and ault oases St St par cant laaa In price In comparison other stores' prices. We guarantee) our goods satisfactory. John Del Lar, Ill Ill First street, corner Yamhill, and 61 66 North Third street, corner Davis. Of tbs 10 men who took the examina tion before the state board of barber ex aminers this week 4 passed, and 14 meat wait until the January meeting to try it again. Today the examiners are Inspecting the sanitary feature of bar ber shops. H. M. Hawortha license was revoked because he refused to have hie card renewed. Plant Bulbs Now. Nothing win Im prove the appearance of your yard and home so much as a nice bed of flower ing bulbs. They are so effective. Our Importation of French, Holland, Chinese and Japanese bufba are in. New cata logue tells all. Call or phone Main 471. Portland Seed Co., Front and Yamhill streets, The last local baseball game of the season will be between the Schlllers and TrunkTnakera, at Recreation Park next Sunday. The batteries will be, Schlllers Blobole and Slavln; Trunk makers Taylor and Antotne. Citric Improvement. Don't litter your street with wood. Burn coal. We de liver It In your basement. Independent Coal A Ice company, successor to Holmes Coal A Ice company. FIRST JURY TRIAL III ST. JOHNS Dafandant in Assault and Bat tery Case) Demands It and Gets It. LITTLE COURTROOM 18 CROWDED WITH PEOPLE Attorneys Carry on Verbal Battle, After Which Jury Retires and Finds the Defendant Guilty aa Charged and Ha Is Fined. Tour Dyes Examined Free. We are Still selling eyeglaaees at 11.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger A Co.. Jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth street. We correct all defects of vision, and if you need the servlceo of a doctor we frankly tall you so. Dr. Oeorge Ruben- ateln, reliable optician. Ill 4th St. We serve the beat noon lunch In Portland for St oente, at the new Scott restaurant. Seventh and Anksoy. Grill room service at popular prices. ' Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy payments; II down. 60c a weak. Don't go without a good timepiece. Metsger A Co., Ill Sixth street. Tbs first Jury trial svar held in St. Johns occupied the attention of Re corder Tborndyks'a court yesterday and the day before. The caption of the case was Ths City of St. Johns va. Harry French, charged wltb assault and bat tery on the person of W. 1 Bachelor in Louis Richards' cafe. The affray took place September 10. but French, like "Brer Rabbit," laid low, until Jast Friday, when be ventured Into the peninsula city to see his family Sleuth Breederson, St. Johns' chief of police, bearing of bis presence In town, pounced upon him and marched him to the city's be stile, where he remained until Saturday afternoon, when he gave bond for his appearance the following Wednesday. . When arraigned before the recorder French pleaded not guilty and stating that he could not get a fair trial before his honor, demanded a jury. The court promptly Informed him that as a matter of Judicial courtaay he would grant the request, but that It would first be neces sary for the defense to plank down ! to pay the Jurymen In case of a convic tion. French put up the money, ths Jury was summoned from ths bystanders and the trial was on. The prosecution was represented by City Attorney Greene, asalsted by Attor ney Perkins. For the defense there ap peared Lawyers Parker and John Jeffrey, the latter from Portland. The case was hotly contested from start to finish. About three hours was consumed In taking testimony, whils ths re mainder of Wednesday and moat of yes terday was taken bp by the four at torneys, each delivering an exhaustive legal argument. At the cloas of ths srgumenta the Jury retired and after deliberating four hours returned a ver dict of guilty aa charged. A fine of III and coats waa assessed, amounting to about ISO. The defendant appealed the case to the circuit court, giving a 1300 bond. The little municipal courtroom, where the trial was hsld, waa packed with spectator a throughout the two days of ths contest. Recorder Thorndyke says that has the room been large enough there would have been an audience., of not less than 100 Interested listeners. The civil suit of B. J. Hufford va. the city of St. Johns, scheduled for trial next Tuesday In the circuit court, will be watched with much Interest by those favoring the extensive street Improve ment progrsm recently inaugurated on the lower peninsula. A petition signed by every resident on Modoc street, ex cept the' plaintiff in this suit, was pre sented to the council asking that the street be widened and improved. An ordinance ordering the Improvement waa passes and vlewera appointed to I determine the damage that would b , sustained by Hufford. The viewere re ported that the benefits he would re- Ee from the Improvement would over e the damage to bis property and al d him no compensation. Hufford appealed to the circuit court City At torney Greene will represent St. Johns In the trial next Tuesday. Swimming pool. Steam and tub ments for ladles. S07 Third, between Taylor and Salmon. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone Blast 7ls. Woman's Exchange. Ill Tenth Street, lunch 11:10 to S; business men's lunch. Wllholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wal lace, Agt . Ill Sd St. Tel. Pacific 111. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris' restaurant. Solicitors wanted. ISI Lumber exchange. Free wood, 11th and Wash. Sts. Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. Free wood. 11th and Wash. Sts. Building A permit for a two-story frame build ing to be used as a dance hall has been Issued to Murphy A Clark. Washington street between Twenty-first end Twenty third Is ths situations of the structure snd Its cost Is given as 117.000. Othsr permits have been Issued as follows: W. W. Ayers, two one-story dwellings. East Taylor between Eaat Thirty-seventh and Seat Thirty-eighth, cost, 4S0 each; Oeorge Walklngton, one-story dwelling, McClung corner Uni versity, coet, 1500; J. W. Baker, tear down and excavate. Waehlngton between Eleventh and Twelfth, coet. 11,700; Too Tick company, repalre. Second between Waehlngton and Alder, coat, ISO; J. H. Mouhe, two-story dwelling, Broadway between East Eighteenth and Bast Nine teenth, cost, 11.000; Russell A Blyth, two-story dwelling. Thurman corner Rugby, cost, 11.000; W. Wtckllns, one story dwelling, Eaat Salmon between Bast Thirty-eighth and East Thlrty nlnth, cost, 11,100. A Hell Box Prints call ths box used to hold the wortvont type a hall box. W use ours frequently. Whan type be comes worn wa consign it without ceremony. Cfood printing can be done only from new type. We use new type and good judgment the result: good printing. 2 Phones-Both Mam 166 F.W. BALTES & COMPANY FIRST e OAK. STREETS The Brooklyn Republican club has met with numerous obstacles In Its ef fort to bring about the proposed cele bration of the completion of the Brooklyn engine-house snd the letting of the contract for the big trunk sewer to run through that district. The orig inal plan of the club was to held ths celebration at on early data In Septem ber. bu for various reasons It has been postponed from time to time. Now the committee of arrangements announces that ths affair will come off without fall In the new engine-house on ths evening of October 18. A meeting will be held tomorrow evening at the home of M. a Orlffln. Its Clinton street. when the program will be completed Mayor Lane and other city officials have promlaed to be present at the celebration and respond to toasts William son, a former member of the faculty or the Swedish college at Rock Island, Illinois, who died at ths home of his brothsr, H. M. Williamson, on East Twenty-sixth street, waa held at 10:10 o'clock this morning from ths Imraan uel Swedish Evangelical Lutheran church. Nineteenth and Irving streets. The la wing of the 11 -inch watsr main along Eaat Seventh street, from Market to Alder, and along Alder to connect with the main on Grand avenue, has been finished except a short stretch on Bast Alder. This Is regarded as an Important connection from the fact that the territory through which it runs is rapidly filling up with manufacturing plants. Bev. George B. Van Waters of St. David's Episcopal church. Bast Twelfth snd Belmont streets, reached Portland this morning from Chicago, and will occupy hie pulpit nest Sunday. He went eaat to atend the consecration of Bishop Scaddlhg. Dr. Van Waters' mother ac companied him weet and will make Portland her home during the winter. Thomas A. Cofer, 7SI Williams ave nue, died Wednesday morning at Good Samaritan hospital, following an opera tion for Intestinal trouble. Mr. Cofer was a member of the firm of Cofer A Sons, ths well-known ATblna business house. Hs hsd beenln Portland about one year and waa very popular among his business asaoclatee on the eaat aide. A NEW DEPARTURE The Cost of ly asdnsed by the Heretofore It has been the custom Of funersl directors to make charges for sll Incidentals connected with a funeral. Tbe Edward Holmsn Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July 1, 1101, will depert from thle old custom. When the casket Is furnished by us its cost will include all charges, such as conveying the remains to odr chapel, outside bos, embalming, hearse to cemetery and all services whloh may be required of us except clothing, cemetery and carriages. Ahus effecting a saving of III to 7f on each funeral. THE BDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK ING COMPANY, 10 Third street corner Salmon. Wa Are Sola rVsrtlaad Age-nia tor tha "Oatarmoor" Patent imc Felt MsTttreaaea "WHiasBe-tte" Sawing Merfsaa-I5 Hosesi aa Prtoaa From $16.00 to $33.00 sUcfa Tmafca and TravaMng sU-ga-Tho Largaat and Boat Stock hi the Ctty-Ttsjrd Floor CotngJata Lima of "Peajnaolar" StoVha, Stool Itanget and Heatara buhe Batmatn The Meier & Frank Store Men s Suits $15 to $35 Men's Overcoats Em I & W m BBm Mm m ' aaaaaanak. - S f "", I llH R ggggggj essW-5- r sBbbHbbSbMbsI i t anv $10 to $35 Our display of Men's Suks for Fall and Winter wear is second to none in the city Every new fashion and material, every prominant manufacturer is represnt4yi---Clchini' of style and quality, beau tifully' made up and finished with the best linings and findings Stcin-Bloch's clothing for smartly dressed men; Hart 8chaffner Marx's fashionable clothing; L. Adler' Bros, k Co.'s matchless, ready-to-wear apparel; The Washington Ca's satisfactory factory clothing Prices range all the way from $la to $U, which means a saving of 8f per cent on what you are asked at the exxharivc clothing store Overcoats A complete showing of Fall and Winter Overcoats in all the latest styles Plain or fancy weaves in Box Coats, f-length or full lengths- Very beat makes in exceptionally large assortment and at prices from $10.00 to $85.00 Headquarters for Priestley's Cravenette Raincoats for men and young men Blacks, grays, tana and fancy worsteds in all sues Prices range all the way from $10 up to $35 a garment Clothing Department Second Floor. Men's Hats Men's Fall-and Winter Headgear Derbys and Soft Felts in all the newest blocks blacks, tans each. B boys and girls ; all the best colors, all sizes, on safe at oO each. Complete line of Boys Hats and Caps. and grays at prices ranging from 81.50 to $5.00 Jest values in lam university Caps for Boys' Clothing The Best Values in the City2d Floor Our Second-Floor Clothing Store is ready to supply every need in Boys' Apparel at the very lowest prices) Suits and Overcoats in every good style and material, suXgadjtrjStote these special values Boys' Suits with Norfolk Jackets and Yoke, knickerbocker trousers, fancy cheviots, fancy tweeds, stripes and plaids ; ages 7 to 15 years; great values at J'laJU Boys' Cordttroy Suits, ages 6 to 16 years, made with belt coats and knickerbocker trousers; handsome as well as durable gd sTa suit, well tailored; great value 'WJJ Boys' Reefers in all the very latest novelties, red with velvet collar and cuffs, shepherd plaids with velvet collar and cuffs ; tans and blues, silk or satin lined, all ages ; great assortment in all grades at prices from 85.00 to $12.50 each. Second floor. ' Boys "Combination" Suits, two suits in one, made with belt coat and one pair knickerbocker trousers and one pair straight trou sers ; material of gray or brown fancy cheviots ; ages f asa 7 to 15 years; best suit ever offered at the price, suit. .ePsW Boys' Overcoats, Raincoats, Rubber Capes, etc., Second floor. A year's subscription o the American Boy given free with every purchase of Boys' Suit or Overcoat to the amount of $5.00 or over at regular price. STEAMSHIP COMPANY BUYS PHOTOGRAPHS Oeorge M. Lee. local agent of the Pa cific Coast Steamship company, reports that his company has purchased the large and valuable collection of platee and prlnta of Alaskan scenes, collected by F. La Roche, Seattle's pioneer pho tographer, who le bow retiring from business. There ere over 1,100 of these platee, which were procured by Mr. La Roche during SO tripe to the Is shan country. Many of them are of the Muir glacier, the face of which was broken by an earthquake in ISM, and can never be duplicated. The Pacific Coaat Steamship company will use -the La Roche photographs In giving a wide publicity to southeastern Alaska. They will be taken to tha company' a head quarters at San Francisco, where they will be at tha disposal of magazines, authors or lecturers. NEWPORT AND YAQUINA BAY Buexesr Baearaioa riokets etui on The dates of sals of summer excur sion tickets to Newport snd Taqulna bay have been extended to October IS, with a final return limit ef October SI, which will enable those who have not alrsedy been to this delightful resort to teke the outing at the reduced rate of fered during the summer. Full partlcu lara In regard to rates, etc., by calling at City Ticket Office. Third and Waeh lngton streets, Portland. MilwaukFe Country Club. Bestern end California rsoae. Take Sellweeel and Oregon City ears at First snd Alder. Cartwrigkt &? Warncrs ZJ TRADE JlJ) MARK CgP woo- Wool Unde rweir for Men MADE IN ENGLAND GUARANTEED UNSHRINKABLE Csrtwngkt 4V Warner's Guarantee Backed by Our Own Is Absoluts snd Free From Reservation Rob mson o. Hotel Par km. Building; Didn't Hurt a Bit ML THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 323 WASHINGTON STREET oosuran or man rtne Bs Teeth, warranted to fit or no pay B5.00 Flexible Fleeh-Oolored FSaSee SUO.OO SS-SL S)oU Orowas B3.S0 tS-K. Bridge Work B3.BO Porcelain Crow BS.BO aiss A 13-rear protective guarantee with all work. Cone and take adTantaga ef ear tall reductions. Save 7 our teeth and jour money. Ones evsnluge sad Bandars Home 5avinfs Dank Begin saving your money by opening s Savings Account with ns and nave the ase of one of our New Home Savings Banks. They are neat, attractive and convenient. Call snd gst one. We pay 4 per cent on time certificates, current rites on Savings Accounts, receive de posits subject to check, care for estates snd do a gencrsi bank ing and trust business. Merchants Investment and Trust Co. 247 WASHINGTON STREET POB.TLA.MD, OS Capital $150,000.00 J. Frank Watson President R. L. Durham. . .Vice-President1 W. H. Pear Secretary S. C. Catching. .Asst. Secretary lets sad 1 l.lHsr Til .slue fhese Washington neuig i neairt Mata , S;Jo,?loek Ntgbt la Augustas Thomas' Coras dr. eduoatios or MR. Pipy.' KVKNINO I'HICKS--Ix,T Soor. 11.80. ! bslreay, SI. Tic. tee; gsUery, Site aad MATINEE PRICES SSe to SI. Seata Now gelllns at Uelllg Theatre. i SEAT SALE TOMORROW BOX OPTICS BBIUO THSATEB. lth ssd Weehlnstoe. Tat Qreat Character Comedy. We Have Made to slwsys give The beet value for money received In anything we sell In our line of hardware, cutlery or tools. When you buy from ue you gst the 'beet that Is manufactured. We keep a line of ready mixed palnta that will be found very convenient ror the house keeper. Avery & Co. CHECKERS EVENING PRICES Lower Floor. Bret IS rows, S3. 00; last S rows. 11.80. Balconr. Brat torn rowa, 11.80: asxt tea rows. $100; last See iwwst-Sse. Bstlre Osllery. Sue. MATINEE PRICES Lower teee, $1.80. SI; bsleoay. II. Toe. 80c; gauery. SOe. HS1LIO THEATRE MONDAY. TCESOAT. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER S. t. 10. HEILIG THEATRE SfNDA Y NIGHT. OCTOBER T, ILLUSTRATED TALK Russo-Japanese War GREGG ! SHORTHAND Xasiest to Learn Best When Learned Taught in Four Fifths of the Best Business Colleges in the United States. THAT SHOULD RECOMMEND IT Day and Night SCHOOL ALL THa TIME OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON fy TENTH STS) PORTLAND. ORE H BeantUallr located in Portland. Oregea. oners aassrpssssd Iscilitiee lor the cul ture aed educatios ol yeaag women. Special epportaoitlea In Bask. Art. Language and Liter Blare. Wall eqvlppcd Pbrakal and Chemical Lab oratories. Herbarium aad Mineral Cabinet. The largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary in the PaciSg Northwest, it enjoys a national reputation lor t as serting the beat physics), menta! and moral traige ktg and developing true wonanhoed. "quips socially and educationally lor the most nailed station. Confer Academic and Collegiate Degrees by State Authority. Interference with convictions ol non Catholic isscrspnlouslr avoided. Academy b) Ideelly located, amid inspiring scenic sdvss eagee. Social opportunities such as are available Ss so other city es the Coast. Building Isrge aad commodious well lighted, heated snd ventilated: dormitories and private room supplied with all modern ceases lOBces. The Institution Is liberal aed pregreestve wttboat sacrhVisg the character aad Itsdnsias ef age sad achlsiegsset Teraag SarlsaaOory riferasc reestred. Writs is booklet Board and tuition SlSOpsg seer. Address Sister Sspetiee. St. Mary Acsasssy PORTLAND. OREGON. U.S.A. BY TATSUYA SATO War Correspondent Japanese Trade Journal. Graduate To to College. PRICES SO and See. BAKER THEATRE Phone Main 1807. Geo. L. Baker. Maaagee. OREGON THEATRE CO., LESSEE. Tonight -All Thle Week Matisse Satarday. The Baker Stock Company la tteyt s8craarngMrlltlcal Pares, The greatest satire es polities ever writ tea. Tea esn't afford to miss ft. Evening prices. SSc Sac. See, Mstlaees. lgc. JSc. Next Week. -"The Gey Lard Qoei." EMPIRE THEATRE Twelfth aad Morrison. Milton W. Seanua. Mar. Psoas Mstn 11T. Maylag OnjJitRoj Attractions. The Celebrated Comedy Drama. "A MILLION ATAE TRAMP." Bright. Clever. New Pell ef Us to-Date f SMctaltlea. Night Prices 18c. See. See. SOe. Usttsoos. 10c. 18c. Sec. Nest attraction "1'ncl Josh Perkins." ' THE STAR Week of Oct. 1. I'hooe ALLEN STOCK COMPANY PRRSBWT8 THE COURT Or MO STS CRISTO ' with speck KneAara cents. Evsry evening at 8:11 o'clock: seises. 10. SO sad 90 cent. Sests can be secured by shews far both aftersooa sad evening pel nsm Mat sees. Special Elaborate Scenery and Erreeia. ices Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturday anlays ai t Me p. m.. prises. 10 and SO LYRIC THEATER WEEK BEGINWINO OCTOSBB 1ST. Bs ass tinsel Heart Stagy. "Escaped From Bondage" Is Poar Acts. TheGrand LEW Pi gktty Laughs Mmate. Herbert Brisks Co. Was f Oct lei, I g7re onlQhsatsl LXZR. I at..... w.iaT wZXT Sraa glee if Prices Mstlaees. 10e Is sH easts sates! Sees. Evenings. Sob.. 10c. SOe. Box easts c rt.frw'yff tiTTt 'frti ? ft a PAINTAQE8 The Two Birds. The Sis St, Lsess. Smith aad XUte. Baby May. gasui-HsIssa light. Sharp Odessa Bros. Jeaa WBesB. ret lass lasses daily at I SO. 7:80 aad p. m Ceatlawssa Uday Aamisstoo. inc a no jdc. OS lea, see: utsass snd children take any ssat at week day mati nees tor Me. FREE ! MsBvinf Picture TBsTBTIAB BfTJSMOR SCTJ TtSTT ABO ABJ3 sTaTIS' THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL Corner Bast Twelfth ead Salmon streets Prepares pupils for colleges and technical ec hoots. Slsth year begins September THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL aatf jaAjr a. Other IClacnllsneooa SublscU. Kvery svenlng 7 o'clock. Bl lag the eMfiSi CORNER MORRISON AND THIRD. Changs of Frogram Weekly. HAJ1RT 8HL. MAN, General Advertleer WE MOVE TO 88 Sixth St vsr easy y be a TT sae satoCassa aad ye w; a purchass frc extrsraely low swt la halt Man Sins: &