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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1906)
--iV . ... eSwete-fe" -SaaBI r TBI 31 GOOD EVENING Journal Circulation THE WEATHER. Fair and cooler tonight; Friday fair; northwest winds. 25566 VOL V. NO. 176. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, EVENING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1906. EIGHfEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. nJni'nrT'gm YOUNG VELGUTH ELOPES WITH NADINE NICHOLS GILDED YOUTH WEDS WOMAN IN THE CASE TAKES AUTO TRIP TO OREGON CITY TO GET LICENSE County Judge Dimick Performs Mar riage Ceremony and Couple Imme diately Returns i lil: 1 1 aU.a. tar nui 1101 Says Deputy District Attorney Under the names of Oscar Velguth and Grace Nichols, Bernard O. Vel guth, the defaulting clerk of the Port land Gas company, and Mrs. Nadine Nichols, the San Francisco divorcee, who is aaid to h ave lured hint to his destruction, were married by County Judge Dimick .at Oregon City this moaning. They made the trip from Portland in an automobile. The wedding is said to have been planned by the young man's friends in the hope of mitigatiighij punish ment. It is stated by the district at torney, however, that the wedding will in no way interfere with the trial and prosecution of the defaulting clerk. ni.r fr tarn nrr-ima n t a healria t h .Ull.UI . 11 a nun; . oil'-- i , ui, ll'U , ( A Portland this morning, sped along the river road to Oregon City, and stopped In front of the residence- of Rev. Fattier Hlldebrsnd On of the occupants was a beautiful young woman, attired in an elegant lace waist and dark traveling- skirt, over which was a ions automobile coat of black and white plaid. She wore a stylish hst wrth a heavy automobile veil, which almost hid from view the large brown eyes and comely features that might have been quickly recognised by readers of Portland newspaper. She occupied the rear seat In the car and beside her aat a young man, devot edly Attentive to his companion. He wore a light-colored overcoat and- a light broad-brimmed hat. Marriage License Procured. The driver of the car steered straight for the courthouse on his arrival In Oregon City, and the two occupants alighted on reaching It. They hurried Into the office of the county clerk and a marriage license was laaued to Oaear Velguth and Grace Nichols. The young man was visibly nervous, and his hand shook in affixing his signature. ' Possessed of the proper documents they hurried in the car to the real dance of -Father Hlldebrand. The father was at . mass and would flbt be dis turbed. Then the big car with, the anxious couple quickly sought County i Judge u. B. mmlck. who performed the ceremony. C. ML Crosson. the chauf feur, was the only witness. ' Immediately after the brief ceremony! pinurnwa, im party siartea oacK to Portland. On reaching Oswego they letf the car and found a telephone of fice. Judge Dimick was called up and urgently requested te observe the great est secrecy In regard to the wedding he had lust performed. He promised to CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE ACTS Entire Membership Plans to Meet Friday and Join in Effort to Further Improvements at Mouth of Columbia River The entire membership of the Port land chamber of commerce, numbering bout 100 of the lesdlng business men of the city, has been called upon to join in an effort to further Immediately the Improvements under way on the Colum bia river and at Its mouth. A general meeting of the chamber was called to daty for Friday afternoon, September It, at 1:30 o'clock. In the chamber au ditorium. The call la made, pursuant to the by laws of the chamber. In response to a petition signed by 10 members J. N. Toad, Henry Hahn. I.. A. Lewis, Walter A. Ooea, M. J. Kinney, Northwestern tmor company, uao rneae, novelty Manufacturing company, A. H. Devers, Lewis Lewis, Edward Newbegln and S. at afeara. The petition is to Presi dent R. R. Hoge and Is In the following language: "We. the undersigned members of Use chamber of commerce, respectfully to Portland in Motor Ca r a.z aiup rrosecuuun, comply with the request, but the facts of the romantic event were already In possession of The Journal. Speed Back to Portland. Lieavlng the telephone station at Oe r-ego the party sped rapidly along the river road, over which they i traveled in an opposite direction a short time before, until they Anally reached Portland. On the outskirts of the city the driver left the main road and fol lowed t somewhat devious route through numerous streets of South Portland. 'tie big car With the bride anilaysoaaa whirled briskly down Corbett street for a short distance, then turned into less-frequented route. Efforts to fel low the car In Ita course through a maae of streets ware futile, though there are those who claim te have aeen the party alight at the home of the groom's mother, Mr. Btarle vel guth, 431 East Fifteenth street. Sad of Startling Bomanos. . The marriage of Bernard Oaear Vel guth and Oraoa Nadine Nichols is the culmination of the startling romance that was begun several months ago when the beautiful San Francisco di vorcee arrived in Portland to visit an aunt. At the time of the startling ex posure of his theft of approximately 15.000 from the Portland Gas com pany, where be was employed as clerk at a salary of ISO per month, aha dls avowed her love, claiming that be was no more ts her than any other. But apparently she did not mean the avowed rejection, for she met him fre quently when the stifling sensation had somewhat abated, and their love was renewed. They have been seen together Irequently since Velguth arrest - and subsequent release on bonds. . Tester-, day afternoon they were among --the promenaders on Waahlngton street . until September 10 velguth. the groom In the romantic wedding cere mony that was performed at Oregon City this morning, was employed as clerk in the office of the Portland Oaa company, Fifth and Yamhill streets. HI position corresponded to that of receiving teller, requiring him to ac cept payment of gas bills, for which he Issued company receipts. Arrest. At the close 3f business September 10 he wae quietly arrested by a private detective aa he waa leaving the office. For two weeka previous the Plnkertone had been conducting a quiet investiga tion of the young man's affairs, and the private detective waa called upon to perform the arrest as the result of their Investigations. It was learned that Velguth, by a (Continued on Page Five.) request Of Its r you to call a general meeting members to consider ways and means to forward speedy construction and completion of Improvements under control of the general government now In course of construction on the Co lumbia river at Ita mouth." So critical la the situation at the Jetty, and so vitally important Is the whole aeries of Columbia river Improve ments to the state of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho and the city of Port land, that it la believed to be Impera tive that some aggressive stepa be taken by the business men of this city. What these steps should be la the ques tion of paramount Importance to hst discussed at Friday s meeting. It le urged that this meeting Is one of the most Important In the history 'of the open river movement. The time la here for action. The Portland chamber of commerce Is regarded aa the organisa tion that should lead the movement. BK ' vassal BBS f YS3 v Mrs. Bernard O. Velguth, Nee Nadine Nichols. SON'S TROUBLES BRING MOTHER NEAR TO 6RAVE Mrs, Marie Velguth Seriously III and Hopes for Her Recovery Have Almost Bean Abandoned Fears Alleged Embezzler Will Kill Himself. At her home, 414 East Fifteenth street, Mrs. Marie Velguth. mother of the ex-clerk who waa married at Oregon City this morning to Mrs. Nadine Nich ols, la aald to be dangerously 111. Hopes for her recovery have almost been abandoned. It la said. She la suffering from a severe mal ady, augmented by the troubles of ber i. Her daughter, the young man'e sister, la also ill. Mrs. Velguth'e condition today is said to be extremely critical aa the result of her anxiety over the sudden disappear ance of her son this morning. Ska feared that he had committed suicide, and It waa not until an early hour this after noon that her fears ward appsaasd Since the exposure of his startling crimes, Bernard Velguth has suffered greatly with Insomnia. He ia aaid to have slept but litUe since hia arrest, and has grown morose and despondent. He has frequently threatened to end his troubles by nulrlde. Members of the Velguth family were greatly alarmed this morning on learn ing of the disappearance of Bernard. Unknown to any of the family he left the house at an early hour and left o explanation of his absenee. Fears that he had Anally carried his threats of suicide Into execution rose quickly and the' mother's anxiety, is said to have caused a change for the worse In her condition. Arthur Velguth. a brother of the de faulting clerk, left at once In search of the missing youth. Learning that the yoeng man had left this city for Ore gon City, he boarded a car and pro ceeded at once to that town. He fully expected a realisation of his mother's fears, he said, and that he would And his brother's corpse. Meanwhile other members of the family began a search in this city. No trace of the young man was found, though It was at last learned that he had gone to Oregon City and that Arthur Velguth waa In pursuit. He arrived at Oregon City .at it o'clock. A few minutes later ha learned of hie brother's marriage to Mrs. Oraoa Nadine Nichols. Fool. "He Is simply a damned feol.V aald Arthur, as he harried to catch a car to return to Portland. My mothers condition Is extremely critical," he aald. 'and we have grave doubta as to her recovery. Her condi tion waa not Improved by the anxiety she has suffered this morning aa the result of Ben'a mysterious disappear ance. My sister Is also ill, though her condition la not regarded as serious aa that of my mother. We were greatly surprised this morning when It wae learned that Ban waa not at home. He was there last night and we knew he slept there, so you can Imagine our sur prise asjd alarm to discover that he waa net at home this morning 'We feared that he had committed eulclde, but instead of finding him dead, I have learned that he Is married." Arthur Velguth boarded the 12 10 ear for Portland. Efforts te learn the nature of the Interview with hla brother, on his return to Portland were futile. th Tlottaa of Wreak. (Jon rail Special fterriet.) Danville, 111.. Sept. 17. Bra. Dollle Waldemar died thla morning as a result of the Injnrlee aha received yesterday Her death makes the seventh among the victims of too wreck. MAYOR WILL MAKE ROADS OBEY LAWS They Must Live Up to Provisions of Their Franchises, Declares Chief Executive i Outlines His Policy Regarding Fourth Street Matter end Ad dresses Determined Communi cation to Council Setting Forth His Views and Purpose. "I am here to look after the Inter eats of the city and If any railway Is not living up t.. the provisions of its franehlse 1 propose to do all I can to make them do so.' Mayor Lane thus outlined his policy regarding the valuable franolitsas held by the railroads entering Portland. At the council meeting yesterday afternoon a communication from hlra waa read which called attention to the fact that according to the franchise ordinance by which the Southern Pacific trains are operated on rourth street, the council is given almost absolute power over such operation. Hla opinion as expiessed in the com munication will undoubtedly have con siderable weight in the ultimate rep sal -lag of the Fourth -street franchise, something which la one form or another la considered a certainty. Tangbm Fight at Standstill. Vaughn's fight to Induce the council to pasa hla ordinance repealing the old ordinance granted In Kit le temporar ily at a standstill. The solid line of the dogged majority has downed every sug gestion of this kind. Annand, probably the most Influential man In the council, has been granted a leave of absence for six weeka. aad Dunning, one of the eld reliables. Is also away on a leave of ab sence. It la probable that at the next meet ing Vaughn or Rushlight will Intro duce an ordinance similar to that which Vaughn has been trying to get through. With two members of the majority ab sent. It is possible that enough mem ber will vote for the repealing ordl nanoe. "I have nothing against the Southern Pacific, and what I have aald applies Jo every other railroad as well," con tinued the mayor. "Tea, and it applies to any corporation holding a franchise. We're here to look after the lntereats of the city and to as that It gets Its rights. The people will be here and the city aa a corporation will be la ex istence long after the present officials are gone. Aa to the Southern Pacific, it simply holds franchises on some valu able public property. "The Fourth street franchise was granted to the Oregon Central railway. Whoever heard of it? Nobody but some old-timer. The ordinance contains no provision for the operation of the road under a successor or assign. Tet this franchise has changed hands several times. There le a question whether any franchise now. exists. "According to the ordinance the coun cil has such absolute power that It could allow cars to be pin on Fourth street only at night or for one hour a day. It could compel the cars to be operated only by gasoline, by electricity or by steam. "I rather think the council will take up my suggestion.' Another subject which Mayor Lane has brought before the council ia a gen eral terminal for all the roada entering Portland. "What do wa care for their fighter" eaked the mayor. "Fights between rival railroads are nothing to the city. This was s reference to the eejramble for terminal facilities the Hanimaa sys tem on one side aad the Hill system on the other. Each system haa asked that atreeta be vacated for terminal yards to be used by their ears alone. Only Oast Tssaalssl "This city must hsve only one termi nal." declares the mayor, "we can't have oars hauled all over the city, Interfering with trafflo all the time. If that was allowed, freight would have to be hauled from first one elde of the river and then from the other. I havO suggested to the council that tta members see what can be done toward getting the railways to agree to combine their terminal yards. This Is simply for the beat Interests of the 7city." The mayor's message te the council yesterday follows. To the Honorable City Counffl Gentle men: In view of the fact that a dif ference of opinion seems to exist In rela tion to the respective rights of the. city of Portland, and the railroad company now operating a railroad upon Fourth street In this city, I take the liberty to call your attention to ordinance No. its. which Is an ordinance authorising and permitting the Oregon Central Railroad company of Portland. Oregon, to lay a railway track, ana run cars along the center of Fourth street In this city, which ordinance wae passed by the city. coimcll December tO. IMS. In tespect to this ordinance I wleh to eay. that It contains no provisions by (Continued on Page Three.) GULF COAST SWEPT BY BIG TIDAL WAVE AUTOMOBILE BRIDE. gfl jBSBSSSl' Mrs. Rudolph Becker, WED BY L16HT OF THE MOON Rudolph Becker Jr. and Emma Bisner Smith of Vancouver, Washington, Principals in Romantic Open Air Wedding A romantic moonlight wedding took place on the river rood near, Vancouver. Waahlngton, Tuesday evening. In which Rudolph Becker Jr. of thla city and Emma Bisner Smith of Vancouver were the principals. With a preacher, a few friends and realtives. they want In a touring car to Lovaspawn. on the Co lumbia river, about six miles from Van couver, and there the ceremony was performed. - The party left Portland lo Becker's big automobile Tuesday afternoon at 9 o'clock. In the party were Mr. and Mra. E. T. Rush ton and Mrs. R. Becker, ADVOCATES EXTERMINATION OF NEGRO RACE Governor Vardaman Says That Fifteenth Amendment Must Be Repealed for South. (Joornal Special Service Columbus. Sept. 17. In replying to the question: "How can such spectacles as that presented at Atlanta now be avoided, and how can a thinking people of the country help the south In the set tlement of the great question." Oovernor Vardaman of Mississippi telegraphetl to the Columbua Dispatch that it would be easy to prevent such things in the south If the fifteenth amendment to the constitution waa repealed and the four teenth so changed aa to permit south ern people to legislate for the negro as to his moral aad Intellectual require ments. "The white man's civilisation," aaya Oovernor Vardaman. "cannot be suited to the low-browed, veneered, semi-savage negro. When you undertake the teak, you demoralise' the white man and spoil the negro. The white man will not consent to a social equality with the negro, and If it la necessary to pre vent It the whole negro race will be ex terminated." NO CLASS DISTINCTION FOR RUSSIAN PEASANTS (Journal Special Jerries.) at Petersburg. Sept. 17. Official ac tion by the ministry thla afternoon re moves all class llatlncUon under which the peasants have . labored. It raises them to a s tit us equal to all other classes. Premier Stolypln le respon sible for this drastic reform. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAFFIC RESUME (Joaraal SWtsI ServtSM Redding. OSl Sept. 17 Te t was cleared of (he Southern Paei I Nee Emms Bisnsr Smith. the groom's mother, of this elty. In Vancouver they were Joined by the bride, her parents, Mr. and Mra. Bis ner, and Rev. Mr. Teat man. The wedding waa performed at o'clock In the evening aojS later a din ner was served at the home of the bride's parents. They are now at home to their friends at the Carleton, 466 Alder street, Portland. Both the bride and groom hare many friends in this city and Vancouver. Mr. Becker Is a son of the late Rudolph Becker, while Mrs. Becker waa regarded aa one of the handsomest young women of the Waahlngton city. WORKERS IN RUINS BURIED UNDER WALLS San Francisco. Sept. 17. While work men were tsarina- down a wall at Kear ney and Pine streets this afternoon a wall fell, burying It workmen. One man was killed and two were badly In jured. LABOR ASKS HIGHER PAY AT PANAMA Journal Special Bsrvbe.) Panama, Kepi. 11, Following the ex ample of the engineers, every branch of skilled labor now demands higher pay THIRD TICKET IS PROBABLE Disgruntled Democrats May Place New Man in Field Arthur Brisbane Says Nomina tion of Hearst Is Triumph of Principle a a (Journal Special Serrlce.t New Tork. Sept. 17. With Hearst and Hughes chosen to lead the opposing faeces, the politicians of New York state are planning a campaign that promises to be the moet peculiar and the most interesting In the history of the state It ia reformer agalnat re former. Hearst attacked the Insurance compaales and Hughes unearthed their methods Both agree upon existing evils. The fight will be made upon methods of correction. Hearst expects to win with radical plans. Hughes re fuses to snnouuee his plans, reserving tements for the stump. is lining up Its candidates) today. The odda all nt, with two to Hearst men ex Wall street says no jMpuaitiun n ' any sta I favor Hughes at pesos rack one with few takers. inc pact bigger odds, snd i Pasty leader, showed II MILES SHORE LI DEVASTATED New Orleans Reported to Be Submerged by Storm All Wires in South Prostrated Communication Cut Off So That Extent of Damage Is Unknown Wind Blows Gale and Rain Falls in Torrents Water in Lake Pontchartrain Rises. (Journal Special Semes. New York, Sept. 27. It is report ed in Wall street that s tidal wave struck New Orleans this morning, causing great damage. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 27. Reports here say that New Orleans is under water to a depth varying from six inches to ten feet. Atlanta, G'a., Sept. 27. Western Union wire are down to New Or leans, but the last messages sent said that a hurricane was blowing up the Mississippi valley and New Orleans wss inundated. (Journal Special serrtoe.) Chicago, Sept. 27. The Illinois Central reports that it has a wire to New Orleans and has learned that there is a tidal wave along the coast for 100 miles from New Orleans. There is a slight rise in Lske Pontt chartram, but little or no damage was tJone in the city. (Journal Special Berries.) Washington. D. C, Sept. 17. The weather bureau reports that a tropica storm haa reached Louisiana and the Mississippi coast, with all the fores of a hurricane. The center 9t the storm seems to be at New Orleans, where the wind attained a velocity of 4t miles an.. hoar before the wires went down. Th . has been no communication betv ..I New Orleans and other southern cltlea since midnight, except for a few min utes, when Mobile reports that it got Mew Orleans for a moment and learned that the wind was blowing a gale aad the rain failing In torrents, while th barometer was dropping rapidly. Rumors are current that a tidal wave has overwhelmed the city. Other re ports state that the entire elty la flood ed from Inches to 10 feet with water, though there Is no confirmation of these rumors. There Is no report aa. yet eawWfl firming loss of life and property. The report of the damage to New Orleans by tidal wave Is discredited be cause the elty, while lying on flat (Continued on Page Three.) today to comment upon the ticket named or on the character of the pro ceedlngs at Buffalo. Jerome said: 1 will say nothing for the pans sot. Later ( may make my position and my views clear, but for the present. I shall give out no Statement." Jerome said that the so-call ad Albany, confereace of antl Meant I -mocraS which was to have met agin this morning, had abandoned the M another ease ten In Muffs meet again shortly at U chsirman. Kdward at. Sh Tork. v yi The possl rrisfri I sfrl iiBbbUI ier chnraotsi railroad wreck this morning and So was resumed. tie.