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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
4 - i - . . .- V , . ... . - ' " r - A , " V - - f f - J e- w - , ( ' ? T " t ' ' Thurad ; i.esh gouthrt ly bre. .V c. ,V ; . TV t-p- . ' , .- , ' . '.'. " .' , , . ' J ' ' . . I " . P " J - . . " ' K J PORTLAND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 18. ,1906. FOURTEEN PAGES. price two ; cents. rYY. VOL. V. NO. 1C3, 4 ' 1 I i M . rJ 4A ij 4.J IRE !E?ED Civil Service Commis l sion Says" Men CertP : :fied rto by Dodge as Competent -Are Not t ;; ?. Xti; , Decides Al! Employes Must Take , Examination to Show Whether "" They Are Worthy of the Po--: sitions They Hold Money Be--' lng. Wasted. V ''ii ; Barr eanaur of th msttaoda of th wmtr department la implied In the fee .- tloa of the elvtl aerrlce eommlaatoa, .which this morning, decided that the ' rflen oertlfiod to m competent br Fraak T. Dodre. ruperlntendent of the wnur t department; erf not capable of filling their position, and that they must take ' aa examination, which will be a real teat of their abilities. , wen and -eanlkera -held last month was thrown out. aad not only the aew men - who aourht places ta the water depart lent through the examination, but the men who. have been doing this work na Ottr wperlatoadeat Dods. mas take aa examination soon to be held. . ' - SecreUry Mcpherson made a report n hta investigations tnto the manner la which water meters are being laid ta house service pipes py toe tappers em ployed by Mr. Dodge. --;".: "' i- - gays Koaey Is Was. - ' - According to the lnformaUoa he ob . talned, an average of t cents la n .IseceesarUy : expended every .meter Installed ' This Is for material which absolutely - nnneceesary. - Unnecessary Jogs add to the material - bill. .- - - One thousand aew meter have'Juet been purchased by the . water board. Scores of these have already been ta ataiiea. - - ..., ..r.. --.-- If the same methods found by Mr. If cPherson are followed oa all . these l.eao meters , with aa average anaeces eery expense of It eeata..Just tTt will have beea expended by the city Which Is se much money, thrown, away. The t material consists of nipples, piping and stopcocks. . - " -s r T A. O. ,RasMtght.nBrTecnmemaaB-aBr a plumber: C Oliver, head -rrapector la the water department, aad B. J. Gray, . east side foreman, formed the examin ing board at the examination e tapper, ' metermea aad caulkers held last month. : They found that. the. method of C O. , Murphjr, who has beea In charge of the ' meter gangs, were wrong end .that ma ' tertal was being wasted. They se re . ported t Mr. Dodge, end. this .report , came into the hands of the civil servhte commission. Grsy and Oliver, 'theugh Indirectly under Dodge, signed the re port criticising Murphy. - , j ." , .... gar aTorphy Is Ioomseasat ' . " The commission has now held that Murphy, though in charge of the work " of Installing meters for some time. Is himself not competent to-do the work f the men supposed ta. be anoer his (Continued en Page Two.) v RAILROAD EUTERS GREAT GOLD CE1P From All Over the Desert Miners Art Catheringto Cefebrate th . : Arrival of the First Traia at Coldfield- Clark VVIns Race f. 1 iOther tines (Jnarnal goertal Service.) ' ' ; Is Angelea, 8pt. 11 From aft over the -desert Minors are gathering at Beatty, Nevarfp. in 'the heart of the gold mines, to celebrate the arrival of the first train. Bnnator Clark has won the race of the railroad magnates. One of hie gtanfi Salt Lake englnee will go shrieking front Las Vegas through the famous Bull hog region next we It The first train wilt be the signs! for a mining rush such as -the world has never seen since the dorrs ef '4. '' -These gold-mad rushers must be fed Uorilfngmen Far Better Oil - (Joeirira frpeMrlsiC London, gept. U.Th worltingman Is better off In England than In Ami-rlea. That Is the aaeertlon oy, n Kennedy, the well-known writer.. No . ... - I I. 4 mnHltlnn. In hath oountrles sver spurred here. - Kennedy hue just returo.l t rom a long trip In America, wtier lie onre wnrki hi a . "1 T 1 ' ' ' run the L '. ' love syndicate lfrst Zsella Brown, the Xor End-cgte Widow Under Arrest: Below Id- t Crerory ABen, Sculptor, fiance of a . . . . . . . . 4mm rouKbt tnc iouaers. ; oaetcnea RobseveltvOrders the DesMomesttOyHav - Uproar When .t:-.r. '. .:J! ,5.:- . . (Jearaat gpeetal servtee.) "' a Washington. Sept. 11. The cruiser Denver, it Is announced today, ordered to Havana, should arrive late today or tomorrow. The gunboat Marietta, now at -Canto Domingo has. been ordered te Clenfuegoeu The orders were Issued by the president from Oyster - Bay. The Des Moines, will await orders at Key West. ; ..- w .There Is much activity in the state, navy aad war departments oa account ef the Cuba attuatlo,' Major B. T. Uulii, a trusted officer of the military secretary's office, ha started for Hav ana oa a "month's leave of absence to attend to private Interests.- It .Is thoughthat the government means te have tile army officer present ta ease ef trouble.''-. ; : :..-. r .'-, ; The Dsnrer left- New London, Con necticut ea September: i. under orders to Follow. from outside points and there lie bust nees opportunity for California, mer chants. - Close at Senator Clark's heels two ether railroads are racing to gst Into the gold country. Owing to ths peculiar location ef Bull lrrog the tracks will be at the very mouth. ,.ef some big gold producers. The toot of the first engine means the death ef the old desert . romanre. Already the eld freighters are pulling out for ths new gold camps. Ths doeert mule la soon to be relegated to oblivion. : ...... y country under the sun to live lnv The time Is coming at last when' ths truth Is beginning' ti be revealed and the statements of Secretary Shaw and his (trowd-of boostnrs will he exposed." When - everything is reckoned up, Kennedy maintains- that, the working man here get 40 par cent more for his labor than in America. He points out. tort, thnt In Amilt' there Is no law of hiivir,. r' . ... -ii,.n for Injury, such ii f . .i 1., . 1. , - -471. ;nt " " "' ' " ' T ' " '"7"r : widow Arrested fou ,::y-,: :-r-ixwwmV ' xtra. Brown-- uanrnter; iWBo- my . i f . " .)-. aow in Kaio. Denver.4 Marietta j arid News. Is-Broken vi -, - -. . r to stop at Norfolk. Two days later orders bw wireless were given . her to go to Havana, at fall speed, which she proceeded to . do without stopping ea this, coast-i y y , . , .,; y" ' Advices from Havana say ' that ' ths city la In aa eproejv the people having beard . that -the United . States- bss ordered ; three . ships her and. it Is rumored that the whole fleet ,1s coming. Insurgent are . recruiting la th etty." Reports are. constantly .coming ef rebel successes. Msny believe thst President Faltn t unable ta cop with, the situa tion. ....... ... Ths situation at Havana' la "', worse then sine the outbreaks begs. Many want. Intervention and ethers strenu ously oppose- It American ship are eertalw to complicate matters. . The feeling Is genera 1 that there will be no peace until America, restore it. JL representative of leading English Arm with, large Intereet In Cuba, who was Interviewed today, expressed seri ous apprehension st the. latest develop menta there, ; Th Cubs Cigar- com' pany says that It believes .that trade will be crippled for several years unless order -1 quickly restored. . The com pany's only hope In that the American government will Intervene Its fear Is chiefly due t the fact .last fighting Is In th eetm newly owrr with' tobacco. The Ubor supply has-vanished. - -- - Managers of ths railway ' chiefly owned by English- capital are not much afraid of- thel consequences, but expreee astonishment that - the - uprising has taken on .suctr's serious phase. ' . PEASANTS IM URAL CO; , r . FORCIBLY RESIST TAX ; V . t (Xotirnal fliwrlel 8rvlre.l " . Bt. Petersburg. Sept. li. Feasants fn the Ural district are offering' armed resistance to the collection - of taxes. Troops have been ordered to th dis trict. Social democrats have been no tified that ther wilt not be permitted to hold the oonventlon called to meet oasLy ' ' ' SAKO'.'ELSKI IS T0 ' "Pr V SUPPRESS TERRORISTS : .. v- (, - -j, .ft : ' : f Jnerna! Nperful iervlcei) v - St. Peterehurg, Bpt 12. Ths. easr has appointed General Sakomelskl com mander of th Fifth army oorps, wltH headquarters at Warsaw, and ordered bins to suppress ths terrorists. . Tons Vrlsoaera Killed, . (Joernil Swire.) , St. Peterstturg. np. 1?. Fotir prison, era In Msrdln lafl wars killed and 14 wounded by the guards during an at tempt La osuupe . . m , ....... frenzied finance " '.' LOVE SYIIDICATE TallilfnG COLIPAflY Mr. Izella' Browrv'e; Residence t Rafdedby, Police and , Widow VArretted, ; Charged With Felony V Embezzlement Accused . of , Hewing to Float Coal Stock, -, (JhW Bperter ferries.) New Tork. Rept, 11. Every day sees new development, ta. th ease against the, -love syndicate,"'.' run by "widows," recently raided by federal authorities. Th women are accused of, havtng prao tloed their arts and oh arms to Iurs many thousand from admirer who proposed matrimony and to have an loaded much bogus stock on arc en t would-be flancos. . Tangible proof ef fraud ha resulted la th arrest ef several of th pretty women, alleged confederate of Mrs. Twill Brown, copartner with Mrs. Bin F. Verrault t the notorious tovw syndi cate. ' T - - - - ' Vew Chaxge ef Felony. '-Th new charges of felony 11 In th sale ef Boston1 and Nova Scott coal stock, by which means. It I estimated, hundred ware . fleeced and many of them- ruined. ; 1 .' ;" - - " ' The Bostoft Nova Reoti Coal- om pany, with office st No. (2 Broadway, wss- promoted by Georg A Tien Mason, a brother of lira. Brown. It Is charged with being a fake concern, yet well known, names appeared, to: the efflolal records of th company as its officers. Ths anherhe, while an ultimate fail ure, wss for. a Jtlme successful, in. that huge block of stock were- sold snd muoh money thus obtained. But the concern wee short lived, the stockhold ers' -demand for dividends resulting la its quick collapse. , . ' ' Bald a Bealdeae. - Mrs. Brown la in the Tombs charged with grand larceny. T-v, a, ami. . T f rtn mnA. Vnva EnnllH 1 .H.irf tn th. n 4 .Continued oa- Pate Xhree. PROHOTED BOGUS BYMlSmUTTERFWmEm wui he STOLE FOIIf Fly-By-Nightl Friends Go With . Adversity, i Mother to Sell Prop erty to Aid Son; ' . 3. . Though nlght-tlm friends have de serted him and those on .whom he lavished money - with smaslng prodi gality have turned away. Bernard O. Velguth, the defaulting clerk- of the Portland Qas company, still haa en friend who has corns to tvlm in his dis tress. . . It Is bis widowed mother, Mrs. Marie Velguth, 4S4 Easr Fifteenth street, who has made overture to sacrtfloe ber borne, to sell ber Interest la a -small farm near Hood River, to release all her possessions la order that aha may shield ber son from punishment. The frenzied young man who wild career of extravagance startled even the most pronounced "rounders" for time Is deserted by th multitude of parasite ami beneflctartss of his tberts. Mrs. Nad en e Nichols,, th butterfly deity at whose shrine hr paid constant and maddened devotion, has renounced her lovet saying . that an never . really eared, .that he was ao more to ber thaa another and that, fodeed, she was never mora. than slightly acquainted with the rrum CWa-!rrTprr3sr-"."K! Loon cars and hangerson at - saloons and cafe Who drank with him and at with hiro offering a faint imltatioa of flattery, and Immediately af Ur hi de par tor wagering on the length of time that would elape before his employers "got wis,"- are wisely ' aaylng "I told yon so." None tried to see him' while la Jail, aad not on has mad an effort to aid hint at this time. v i . . Bat th sudde exposar of th young man' crimes had. hardly, reached the pnblio before hi mother waa planning a way whereby ah might shield aad aid he son. 8b was assisted by th young man' brother and ether relatives, who expressed a Willingness to aid hla ta any way they may. - It waa proposed that th deficit U th fund of th gas company be mad good.- and) proceeding, against the young man dropped. : The proffer met with little encouragement, however, on th part of either of the official of th gas company or th dis trict attorney office, . . . .T Drop wreswtlov , ' - It m imposIbl si this tlm.t-de termlne Just exactly the amount ef the shortage t th seen pa y, say gas com pany ef flolals. 80 far ther I no dispo sition on- the part of th company to drop th prosecution. It Is a distress lag affair and all sympathise with the mother aad the t family, bug go far as the young man himself is concerned, taeto seers e . to -e a oopoeial reason why he will not be punished for his misdoings. District Attorney Manning refused' to admit that overture bad beea made to him to cess the prosecution ha - case the shortage 1m made good by th rela tive and frlende of the young clerk. He declared, however, that he knew a reason why the young man should not be mad to suffer for his crime. , "I have not been informed If mien g proposition ha been made," he said to day.- . "But th Information agates the young man ha been prepared and signed and he ha been, arrested. So It i our doty t- conduct the prosecution and I really se no- reason why It should not b conducted. - - '' f Th mother ef th defaulting clerk la prostrated over the affair. . YOUNG WOMAN FOUND UNCONSCIOUS IN CHICAGO (Jonrael fUI - . Chicago, Sept 11. JA young, woman, stsgantly dressed and wearing diamonds, and carrying money, alt of which, was untouched was found onoonenlou at Blxty-first street ' and Champlaln ave nue, this city, this morning. She wss taken to St. Bernard hospital. . hi- a few moments consciousness waa re stored. She gave the name ef Gledya Tleroe. living in the neighborhood. It I said that eh ha been deserted by her husband, a rich Ran Franciscan.. .- EIGHT TRAINMEN DEAD v, IN GEORGIA COLLISION ' f Jnereet neeUI SerrV.) Rlnggnld,. Os.r Sept. 13. A bad WrerV occurred en the Weerern AHnrr mod this morning - Engineer W. A Fihsr sod seven other trainmen wo .. killed. Ths dlenet.r wxe a coli orders' caused the wreck. Ja 4 Bernard O. Velguth'e dally I1r- e 4 lng expenses which he himself 4 ' gsve to representative of the 4 district attorney's offlo rep re - 4 e sent a t per cent intereet on a d fortune of ever a third of a mil- 4 4 : lion dollar. Such princely ex- w 4 . pendltorea y be practiced for 4 . moniha, be saya' Hla dally ex 4 ' penees wsret - a . Riot machines - ..moo- Horse and buggy , 1.10 -Automobile . ..nnwr . .Ideals ..,, 444 ,...' Ifl.0 Incidental . .............. . err- .-,,,-. e total, per day ITT.iO e ' - 1 ,' i . Before Attachment for Fair Divorcee,. Gas Clerk Was Enamored of Beautiful Wurse Further IrrSestlgatlorl Into th habita and methods ef young Velguth, who was employed for Me per month a clerk In the office of the Portland Oa company aad spent between ISO and 17 per- day for several months, reveal an alluring life 'of profligacy which would dassle even the dreams f Portland" wildest aight revelers. T Deputy District Attorney Heney be made a partial confession of the manner In which he spsnt th large sum which he stole from th company. Offloera and others who hare investi gated the young man's scarlet career are convinced that . he only gambled occasionally though formerly addicted to th habit and that he did not drink excessively. . Hi lavish . expenditure were chiefly In th form ef .entertain ment for hi fern! friends. -His ef fort la that line, however, were con fined larrelr to m akin a himself inter est lng to Mr. Nadla Nichols, th beau tiful divorce from Ran Franotsco, who wn the beneficiary f gin from him of fabulous value, y . . : .- Previous to hi maddened adoration for bar b Waa enamored of a beautiful nurse, wh is now in another etty. While her ah wa engaged a the as sistant ef a prominent ph relets. To a woman of. the nether world en Seventh street be wa attentive for a tint and spent large suras for win and presents for both. Those experiences, however. preceded hi ardent devotion t the Ran Francisco woman, who declare she Is greatly mortified at the publication ef her photograph. (Continued en Pag Three. , ( nn ri nT OtlLY girl REFUSES 825,000 FOR SWEETIIEAHT BatrdTew Vouth Dacl.rie to Surrandaf Pratty CM to Drokar Yo :' i - Makes Six Offara for Him ' to Drop ' Out Monay I'"'. " ' toothing to Her Loyo.;. - i '- ........ . r-mmmmwmmmhM M ' (Jearaet tpertat aWeVe.' ' ' Hw Torn, Rept 1J. Frederic' Klley. a ruddy cheeked youth of 9, private secretary to W. R. Collins, trustee of th KqulUbl Life Assurance society, was mad hi sixth offer today by Wan street broker to give op hie atten tion toy hi sweetheart. Clam Thiol of Brooklyn. The broker in a telegram offered the young man flg.OO if he would deelst lw hi attention to- bis l-yer-eld fiancee, who- 1 a stenogra pher employed br John N. Ryan, also a broker for the Equitable, whose, office adjoins that of Collin Toung Kiley plainly . showed perturbation today, when It wa mad known that th his tory of th latest 1 1JMOv offer had become public i 4 .ii. 1 Llurd'er oi a President Dm ':. ') Jo a Fcvi Drops of Ihiur. ' . (Joernal gperlel gerrl-e.) ChlcagOk Sept. II. A few drops Of henbane, sdmlnlstered to a sick women lo rreepfirt, Illlnola. bv a doctor's error :m. y.Kra before, I'd to the ssaaastna t n of Jimee A. Oerfleld and the euc- Ion of C'hlr A. Arthur preel- -it of the fnll-.l fitet-e. This b'f 1 . X I- ' ' I il l. i I,.V;;:"y..-,,, ..: - -l-'yyyy AbletoTakeThousands By Clever Manipula tion of : Adding Ma chines a,nd Stubs "How did hs ever do Itr - This I th Oft-repeated duration of . th day. , .-. "By what means wa an Mo-a-month clerk able to steal lls.OOt from hi em ployers before being discovered T ' Th secret lsy la a manipulation of th adding machine, aocordi.ig to Man ager Pabst of the: Portland Gas com pany. Adding maohlnea never lie ex cept when operated by liars. In this case Bernard Velguth operated the add ing machine, and by a clever manipula tion known only to experts be is sup posed to have footed np the ledger to tal so as to hide his dally thefts. . - Velguth occupied the position In th gag company's office known aa receiv ing teller. It was his business to meet the consumer at the paying window, receive th money, sign a receipt and plaoe the stub on file for the bookkeep ers to enter the amount upon the books later. . The bill, be It understood. I made out on a piece of paper which consists of two sections. When the bill IS paid the two sections are detached, one go ing to the consumer aa his receipt and the other, the stub, being kept by the company aa Its record of the payment. Mow Xe Took the Honey. 1 'Whenever the receiving teller wanted t put some extra cash in his pocksts he would drop the stubs along with the money, thus leaving always a bal ance between th cash and th stub total. But this was not enough. Cus tomer who are not marked paid en the book srs sent a second bill and their voice are . immediately beard ta pro test. - ' - - - - To prevent thl difficulty the" smooth: young financier went boldly to the ledger and marked a paid th account which had been paid.- being guided br hi -stab In doing sow Another dim ewlty. still lay ahead. The ledger re ceipts must b mad t tally with th ease receipt Knowing dollar for dol lar the amount which he had stolen during the month, when Velguth went to- th adding machine to figure up the monthly totals, he knew, that ber was master of the situation. The ledrer figures 'wer called off by one ef the bookkeepers, Velguth tapped them off aad. by manipulating ths machine, he made the total less than It should be. the difference being th exact amount of hi stealing (Continued on Pag Three.) I bar been hounded and bothered." said h, "off and sn by th man who want m to give an Mis Thlel, and ther tm more behind the affair than ( can tell at present. J will say thnt, 1 25. SOO, -la "no Inducement for me to gtv up my sweetheart. It I nothing compared to ber love,' Clara Thlel le exceedingly pretty, nt is an aooomptlahed swimmer, ghe and Kiley are ensaged. She t much vt.l that th matter has been made puMM. "I met the man who hss been follow, lng me so essldiHMiely about a y- ago," she sntu, "but havs never b-!j out. with him. He ha propose mir. rlag to me, but X bay always ref ill him." Norton, sleter of Che''-' the aeneeeln. "My hrotfief C" true, ci n r-f K nclul'-i.r r B- I !