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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1906)
TII2 OREGON DAILY JOUEIJAL, PORTLAND. ' MONDAY ' CVr.;iKO AUGUST 13. i::r FiiEl LOSE: LIVES Davinport. Picnic Party Drowned " In Swirling Waters of th Z.L.t-fx Spokane River, f OUR CO TO DEATH :'-Si : ; ATTEMPTING RESCUE i Vo Women and .Three Men, Prom. ' ineat Washington People, Are Vic , tJms-But Ont t Body Hat Bean Recover f Friend.' ':. i'J; -5 "' " -4SmcU1 Mssatek te TW Jeansl) Spokane, Wulu Aug. II Five , cltl f . Davenport. Washington. war K fa-owned yeatardey while bathing In the i'lpokaae river, II Dili aortheast of .. Davenport Foar sacrificed thalr Uvaa ' while Irvine to halo others escape. . i- Tha crowd waa on an outfit and tha ' woman wara bathing. litw Jones want i ' rat too far beyond her dapth aad Mra i Bergett waded out to help, har. Both ., straggled la tha watar and Mr. Bergett reahed ont to aid thorn. Tha swirling . waters randarad htm belpleaa. Mr. In - man waa . alao - aucked . under. Roy 4 Howard and Mark Paulina took boreee ; and atarted out. Pauline' a horse would o( so but Howard'a animal want aa tar aa It ooald etaad up, than threw ta '.' rider Into tha etream. Howard struck out for shore . but tha whirlpool took 1 v klaa . under. ; Tha bod? of Mra. Bergett 1 waa recovered floating On top of , tha , woircpeoi di , ma , outer aaoiat aia- .. appeared. s -j. j - -..- ', . Tha victims were: Mlaa Winnie Jonaa, aged II. aa employe ef tha auditor a , ; office; A. U Bergett, aged 40. a black- smith, who leaves two children; Mra. l" A. L. Bergett, , aged. ft. who waa chaperoning tha party; Boy Howard, v aged II, an employe of the auditor's ;: office, and A. U Inman. aged t, chief :rk of. the eeaaty auditor. . railing in their afforta to dislodge tha . bodies by exploding dynamite, tha elti pans of Davenport ara making an effort aa get direr from Spofcaa or Seattle. ; ' - PEOPLE DIE (Continued from Page One.) ' ' woman or child baring nerve enough to etand up for his or her righta. Justice ' Oayaor himeelf la aaid to bare been one of the pasaengera thrown out of a ear. Between 10,000 and It.OO passengers were compelled to walk long distance . 'Many had paid a second faro willingly but deaerted tha a tailed ears after tbay v had ramalnadeaoMonaaa for hours. ' What thee- taetlca and delay will , eoet the two eompaalaa through tha loaa of future patronage by. the dlaguatad . victims of tha outrage will never be reckoned. There can be oountad up, a however, the coat la dollara and eents to tha corporations from damage suit ."r Instituted bv those thrown off th Bare. The Brooklyn Rapid Transit compear :. ' made probably 110.000 today by It ea . tortloa. : Prospective duuu anita win "aay thousand, sad such suit will aeep up ail aammar until tha corpora : w tloa adharaa to .the law ,. .; ... ; taerm Bafase e Wee Oara. ; '. : While the palloa had acted during the - , mmr mij to prevent oieoraer, they to ; night took command aad for a time kept the care moving eo rapidly that the Inspectors could not eject the pas- - sengers. . UMr, however, tha motor . . men declined to move tha ears. Tbay ' also took Into custody Dow I. Smith, ST- Sanaral aupertntendant of the Brooklyn . ; , Rapid Transit company, oa tha charge extracting trafflo by refualng to - allow ' the cars to proceed . to Coney Island. Division Superiatendant Deris waa arreated latsr on tha aamo charge. Tha Brooklyn Rapid Transit oom , panya stalled cars moved at 4 o'clock , this morning, after 1 hours' continuous i rioting. -, Superintendent Mayberry paid from -. hia own pocket the farea of 1,00 paa aengera who alept la the cars aad re , fused to be ejected or submit te the ' Payment of a second fare to Conrr Ie land. Tha courts bad decided thfProad had no right to collect a eecond fare. atlsens organised today to fight In court for tha alngla fare to Coney Island. . . . DIME NOVEL VICTIM , HELD TO GRAND JURY . ,H. W. Oumbert. the dime-novel-' reading youth, who waa arreated oa a charge of eteallng a horae and buggy , from Lauder'a atable at 11 Front street, was bound over to the circuit ' court this morning by Judge Cameron. Bis bonds -were fixed at tl,e0, in de fault of which he waa turned ever te -the aherllf. . A Great Automobile Story : Possibly the best short story of the month certainly ih e greatest automobile fiction-story we have ever read is V Three Speeds Forward'' . by Lloyd ; Osbourne author of the "Motor- 'maniacs" you know. ' : ; " f A fascinating tale of boldness " and love-interesting to all lovers;. 'v doubly so to lovers of motoring. ; for auoust. : f The Great Fiction Number coiiEJivy RjtmnG i - iMtltMl SAYS FORECASTER BEALS Last Night's Shower Not an In dication That Wet Season . Hat Begun. : ' - District Forecaster Kdward A. Beale la of tha opinion that tha rale that fell last night will have te be aufflcient for a few days to come, because the Indl catlona are not pointing te ahowara A few dropa may fall. now and than but prolonged rains are not in the wind at present, declares the weather man. . , No on complained of the rain that fell laat night. It waa the first moisture to aettle the duat In 44 days and every body waa aching' for something better than- the spasmodic sprinkling cans. While the precipitation waa aufflcient to lay the dust on the atreets and waan the leave of the shade trees it waa not aa heavy here as In eastern Washington and - Northern Idaho. ; Mr. Beala says that tha area of rala waa confined to tha .northern part of ' Oregon. , eastern Waahington and northern Idaho, the eouthera part of the Willamette valley getting very little benefit of tha moisture. , ... "The rain waa hardly heavy enough te have much affect Upon the forest fires, aald Mr. Beala, "but It did much to clarify tha atmosphere, and for that wa abould be thankful. . Thla waa tha first ahower worthy of mention since June II, but the dry apall waa not tha longest In tha history of tha weather bureau.' . CLOUDBURST WASHES V f OUT 0; R. & N. TRACK (BptMal mspateh to Tss Joanul.) Prlnoeton,' Or.. Aug. II. A cloudburst in. a caayon lata yea ) terday, afternoon one and a half ) miles eaat of tha North Fork in the Blue mountalna damaged the w - track. causing west-bound freight No. IS to ditch eight ears. . One hundred and tiny w yards of track materially dam- w aged and 100 men at work repair- ) ' ing same. No passenger train w has- been through from the eaat alnee Sunday morning and No. d) I, eaat bound, waa held her and ) 4 ' turned back at 11 o'clock laat d night. No. went through thla morning and will make a trans- w : fer at tha damaged plaoa to take . ) . passengers on eaat from tha w 4 . other end. No. 1, a west-bound . ' train, expected here ahortly after noon today.. v?- - After eevaral daya of intensely ) warm weather In eastern Oregon. registering lit la Pendleton, a heavy thunder storm broke, an 'late In tha afternoon Sunday and another late Sunday night. The rain eama down- In torrents, w d. being the heaviest rala of the summer. The wheat la very lit- e tie injured. w ' 1 SCOTTY KEPT WHITE (Continued From Pag One.) he had and Intended to uaa It Ha palled a buelnees-Uke piece of artfllary out ef hia pocket and I grabbed It, and' we had quite a little scrap, but I Anally got ina weapon. -, White miscalled m a little. Inti mating that I waa a Your-flushsr. and other things, but I let him talk and Joshed him back, giving him soma ad- rice about how to kill a man la proper shape and stuck the sua la my pocket. " : THAW AS A MASHER. Arrested far Seadlag ta a ain Afte Me Was dearest Special gerviee.) PltUburg. Pa.. Aug. It. It developed today that three months after hie mar riage to Mlaa Neablt. Harry K. Thaw diligently pursued every pretty feminine race and form that caught his fancy. One case is a matter of police court record, for Thaw waa arrested for dis orderly conduct while he and Mlaa Nea blt were living at Wndhurst with his mother. - L Thaw one day aaw a pretty girl sit ting on the veranda of' an humble home and bribed a boy to tell him her name. He proceeded to writ not, algnad "Teur Adorer," to th girl, and when they were ananaaered began Inclosing money, beginning with $1 aad going aa high ae $10. Tha girl turned the aotaa and money over to her father, who notified tha po lice and a trap waa laid for Thaw. The girl waa told to writ a note, making an appointment Thaw got thla, kept th tryst and found tha police waiting for him. Whan taken before the police judge Thaw waa recognised and let oft with a light Una BOtinillOllE IS Stockrooms of Rosenblatt A V Co. - Ransacked by ; v Bold Burglars. GOODS ARE RECOVERED BY CITY DETECTIVES Thieves Enter Through Transom and Deliberately Pick Out Good They Desire, Not' Entering the ' Mala Storeroom NcTClue to Robbers. Another dating burglary In tha mer cantile district waa reported to tha po lice thla morning. The stockroom of Sam ' Roaenblatt A ; Co.. in the Aliaky building at Third; and Morrison atreeta, waa thoroughly rnnaacked - by thiev aoma time between the closing hour Saturday night and thla morning, and goods that may aggregate several hun dred dollar la value were carried away. Tha crime gives every evidence of hav ing been perpetrated by criminals thor oughly familiar with tha Interior ar rangements of the premises and experts in their line. Notwithstanding 'the ract that there waa uethlng to hinder them from plundering the store, the thlevee confined their operations entirely to the stockroom, no doubt fearing tha rlak of detection if they ventured down atalre. Tha atartllng discovery of the crime waa made thla morning when 'the es tablishment waa opened for business, The clerks upon eutertng saw nothing to Indicate that th plaoa had been -vis ited by thieves, stock clerk, upon going" upstairs, , found - that -the goods he alwaya kept la systematic order were atrewn .about the floor. Without making further Investigation ha rushed downatalrs and notified Mr. Roaenblatt. Tha police were at once apprised of ' the crime-- and Detective Carpenter detailed oa the case. ' Base Tkroagh rraasem. ' On the second floor of the Aliaky building directly over their -store Rosen-' blatt Co. maintain Ave stockrooms. Tha rooma are numbered from 111 te 112, inclusive, and are protected only by glass doors and t ran soma A ouraery examination showed that tha crooka had .forced the transom over the door to the room numbered 111, and in thla manner effected an entrance. A atalr way leada to the stockroom from the etore below, making It - exceptionally eaay for any one entering the rooma to Pilfer the establishment without re course to forcing one of the etreet doora. Apparently content with the va riety of tha plunder Offered In the re serve atock, nothing was disturbed la the store. Is Bee and Bobbery. This Is the second time that Rosen blatt 4k Co. have been tha victims of burglars. - Thieves 'entered the place laat winter and, after breaking open a showcase, carried away tha contents. -Mra B. W. Shaver, tha landlady of the Aliaky building, did not hear or no tice anything that would lead bar to believe that burglara ware at work al most at the entrance to har apartmenta. She' states that last winter tha lock to on. of th. door. to th. stockroom had , been partly loosened and reported the matter to Mr. Roaenblatt at the time. On another eccaalea . thieve a ored to fore th transom over the eama door, but could not break tha catch and ware forced . to abandon their attempt to plunder the place. Detective Carpenter la assiduously working on ths easel but has been un able to secure a clue that would toad to the apprehension of the culprits. Aa aoon as tha Inventory of : the atolen goods Is prepared tha author! tlea will notify all of the police departmente on tha coast to be on the watch for the disposal of tha booty. Tha polio in cline to th theory that a wagon was used te haul away tha plunder and are making aa Investigation along that line. Oeoda Are Beeoietad. AH of the goods stolen were recovered ahortly before noon today by Detective Vaughn In several boaea aaad for de positing trash la front of Pantagee theatre. It la tha theory of the police that th thief either feared detection and used this method Of disposing of his plunder, or the goods wers placed la the boaea until auch a- time as they could be removed without danger. It has been discovered that tha thieves disabled the elevator in th Aliaky building, aa tha operator found thla morning that tha counter weight cable had been loosened. He alao made the sensational discovery that tha electric light wlrea by tha slds of tha cage had been torn from their fastenings. It may have been the Intention of th erooks to burn a hole through th iron elevator door separating the etore from th ele vator with electricity SAN FRAHCISCO TO APPEAL TO THE KAISER - Grand Jury Prepare' Statement Asking Wilhelm to Make Ger ! man Companies Pay. ' (SpeHal TMssateb te The JoaratL) Saa Francisco, Aug. IS. The grand Jury la preparing te deal directly with Kaiser Wilhelm la tha hope that ha will aid In bringing to time some of the German companies that refuse to pay policy-holders. - These companies , are aeeklng loopholes In the law la aa ef fort to evade payment. The lawe of thla state cannot reach them, tnaamuch ae their assets are, for the moat part, la Germany. Some time age tha kataar volunteered the - etate ment that he would make an' example of any Oerraan compantee that did not do tha fair thing. ; Since then he has been etlent. An appeal will be drawn -ue In legal form and signed by 1 member of the Jury and by Judge Graham, tha preald Ing Judge .Attached will be a careful review of the situation. If the kaiser Ignores the document no harm will be don and com other mean will be triad to make tha German oompanlee pay. MARINE FIREMEN SAY. THEIR FOOD WAS BAD ion w r ...-. (Journal Special asrrlee.) ' Xiondon, Aug. II. Nine firemen on the steamer Mlnnetonka were arreated today upoa the arrival of the ehlp The firemen aald their food wae bad. It la charged they deliberately allowed the Area to die, so that the shipowners lost 11.00 by delay. The ebargea were aa auatalaed U eeurt . .' ... - v - ' ', rV .:'s- '., Ir If llftlrl I. I..JULU Lii.JIL . ;iDi:jfi2AE:i Commission Appointed' by, Pops . Makes Report That Upsets Long-Held Theories. J eael Sseetol Serrlsal New Tork, Aug. 11 That Mooes wrote tha saered books known as the Penta teuch, but that they were not wholly Inspired, is the gist. of tha report of the pontifical Bible commission appointed by Pop Plus X, ahortly arter nia accession. . The report has Just been translated aad sent te Biblical sc hoi are throughout the country. . Tha faot that the commission, while strongly upholding the moaalo author- sMp of the pentateuch. aaa admitted they werenot wholly, inspired. Is con sidered a departure which not many years ago would have created a aenaa- tion among conservative scholastic of the Cathollo church. i DEATH COMES LIKE A FLASH ' ..f -' ' '" . ' Coattauad from Page One.) were vlalbly affaetad by the death of their comrade, and J. - at Sutherland, one of tha linemen, wept bitterly. In dlsouaalng the eaaa he announced hia Intention of realgnlng from th employ of the company aad returning to . Saa Francisco. ws take our lives in our hands every time we climb a pole," said Sutherland. . Tbe.wlres are atrung la sues a manner and the insulation is so poor that you never know whan yen are going to meet death." V LINEMEN AROUSED. ' May Ask People a join ta etalalaf If the Council . continues Its "1st ' 'air be"- attitude on tha -ordinance providing ror an eieetrtoai inspector, the mem ber of th Brotherhood of Electrical Workers will .put the paaaage of this measure up to the people ef the city by rerereaaunt. It la tha plan to aire tha eleotrlcal In spector authority over wire an poles aa weij as over inside work. The death ef Wallace Sberred this morning aroused every electrical worker aad every .'lineman in particular. The inside workers have been trying te get th electrical inspector ordinance passed. tor m long time. The linemen, who form a seoerat anion, on wno also Delong to the broth erhood, have been framing up an or- ameace under which the wires must be ao placed oa the polee that a line man may so the dangerous lined as aoon aa ha ascends, in almost every city the erosaarm carrying the "hot stuff the high-power wires is Mint. ed a different color from tha other arms. Har there ta no such roteotiem. Every pole presents a different tangle or wires. - Few foremen of tha Port. land General Electric company can tall oaactly what wliea carry naAna-orbus current, consequently It ta Impossible for them to warn a man what wires to avoid wnea climbing a pole. Attorney Frank Freeman drawing o the ordinance for the line men and aa soon aa ha returns to the city It le expected that this will be In-1 iroaucea to tne council. This measure will be put la aa f "Tt 'iZ,'. measure. Th erdlnanoa requiring wlrea to go underground Is ef eouroe favored by tha linemen, but they realise that several yeara will elapse before thla drastic change can be accomplished, and that It will net affect tha territory onf siae tne nre limits in any event They declare, however, that safe ar rangement of wires on the poles Is ab- anlutelv nMMiarv. Not only have four linemen been trlllA In .-M V... A I been severely burned, they say. -it looks as- tnoagn'w must pass it nn tn the nennla hv raf.Mn4..m. m.tA member of the committee from th In side worker whloh haa been before the council wava and means mnmlttM m number of times today. Tf we do that there Is little doubt how the peo- nl will vntA TELL DIFFERENT STORY. sTnpeaiaaaadsats Beater Oompaay See All la Xta rower te Protect T.laemea. Tha story told by F. O. Sykes and Harry Bladen, respectively, general su perintendent and superintendent of transmission" department of the llnaa for tha Portland Railway. Light A I power company, differs widely from that of the linemen. They maintain atoutlr that Ih. jMtmnanv la J.I.. 1 ...r.".!.!!..',.!:"?! In Its power to protect ths linemen and that auch accidents as havs occurred, and especially the on this morning, were due solely to the carelessness of ths linemen who' lost their Uvea. "There was a , tranamtsalon-boa on one aid of tha pole which ' Bherrod climbed." aald Mr. Sykes.. "Trom the corners of this box there extend sd two wire reaching to the croaaarm. If tha man had gone up th pole en th aid which waa not encumbered by the box. he would have bean in ao danger, and I thought that was what he was going to do. Instead, he climbed up and over the box, and la getting around It touched th wire with his knee. 'Twenty-three hundred volt Is not s high voltage, and there la comparatively Ilttl danger m working about such wlrea. la a newer to the charge that the foremen old not know themselves what wlrea ware safe and what deadly. Mr. men T bid T written insertion. . . . "fl . 1 Jr,''??".,rtr t0 Sykea and Mr. Bladen aald that tha fore- ...... m vny MW "It 1. at. axiom In electrical working wr J,n,u you aow wnai ii is, - sara ar, Dynes, "a man la taught to consider every wire deadly men JZd'menVJ men aaad men up poles without know- ing what sort ef wires they contain, wa can i neip ic .-. Mr. Sykes said furthermore that In a k.M .. v .w. - a--.-.: 7iaK -ri- '-Ta'w " ' ,n" " wvuia nTi per fected a system of wiring which' would make It comparatively safe for even the most stupid lineman. Th company has been working on this system for a yea? When It la completed, -the high voltage wires win no placed on the highest miuinnl wl t H atkaa rln.lnal Ml. the ande of the lower eroaearma and only low voltage wires oa the lowest arm. By thla means tha workman may gat up a pole to the htgheat wlrea wlth- out danger of encountering any heavy currents. Except on tha top eroeaarm no wlrea are te be strung near the poles. Mr. Byges said tne company was will' ing to pain, orosearma carrying high- ' "''"' "" not con- alder thla necessary f the wlrea did not 'VTTw VT V0'U' M dW th9 w,r Which killed Bherrod. Tsa as aet- PI a petty loktar sat fa I To. 1 aalise ran wateh rrhe fearaal . t r I . I t t-. Ilh v&g f otrrTTrrnra ootAJrr I ' . HELP BlRCMIKFS BEFORE WE :MOVE--';V;?-V:" These are interesting days at this store interest ing for you" because your; doUar will buy: a third to a half mpre than ever fbre. y They are inter esting for us because they, mark the dosing of to store and the opening of- a new and better onei All summer and early fall apparel for men, women and children has been reduced in price ten to fifty pet cent-' Besides these liberal reductions bur credit man will" be glad to "Charge itM and you can ' pay a little at a time. We charge nothing extra for credit accommodations. , . TRUNKS, BAGS, tSUITCASES Indoded in this sale is our complete line of Trunks, Handbags and Suitcases. Think of anything in this line you would like visit this store and youll find it, so comprehensive I is this stock.- Prices? WelV no one ever attempted to sell better goods for less. Terms 50c to v . V .. . $1 a Week Eastern Ontfitring; Co. Ol IN THE BAKK VRECKIH6 CASE Police Sfl.V SOCletV DamS Can ThrOW Some Ugtlt On the .!- .t cen.lan4 l VIIIIIW VI wiie.wiw. I ' llfl gn.rltl nerviee.l I Chicago, Aug., . II. Assistant United Statae Attorney Olsen tolay applied for l.rtititiAfl henoh warrajita imlnit ner- eona alleged to nave paea conneciea with the wrecking ef the Milwaukee Avenue bank.. Olsaa says "Wa are lntereeted Juat now 1n the relatione of President Btenaland and some women prominent la Chicago and elsewhere. - It la poaatble that one of these women eaa throw soma light on tha ex ."7.LLV,"l!:7i tensive forgeries. She may even be In- Police are searching the Btenaland mansion for tha alleged aecret room In Wmcn DHU.JBUU mmf vm Hiuuwii which evidenc. may be eonceall. which Btenaland may be hidden or In Probably tha depositors and stock- holders will loaa between 1200.000 and 300,000 more than waa estimated, be cause of additional forged notea round In the Milwaukee Avenue bank today. GEER LOOMS UP - (Continued from Page One.) . competitor foa the nomination for gov ernor. Goer was defeated by a plurality ef only MS votes, and It la the general opinion among politicians that If hia campaign had been conducted with th same vigor displayed by hia competltora ha would have distanced all of them by a considerable margin. Goer's total vote in th primaries waa 11.113; Withycombe' vote waa 14.17. In Multnomah county Oeer lad Withy- oombe by 1,77 vote. It Is the belief of 'aome of the Repub- oaa polltlclana that Senator Fulton la not very , favorably inclined toward w. AIA D V.- . ww, . u.v..- i iivr. .nun of personal feeling remains from tha ....l..l i I.A. V. 1 . ::":. ,'.2"..,' mJLr weeke the chief obaUcle In the many weeka th chief obstacle In the way of Fulton'a success. Be that as it may, there aeema reason to believe that r ta not now ',n, ehoics ,yM Mn.othir. un the otnar nana it is entirely pros able that no appointment will be made umu wariy jm mna vnn until early next year and Gear will than have "friends at court" whose Influence may turn the scales In bla favor. It la wall known that Fulton has been aerl- " !. mor-" " w e enoics "aLd't? Thom w, ."' and that ha haa considered tha advis ability of allowing Patterson to remain in office until the political sklea have "-'"" Friendly to Oeev. Soon after th next session of con gress opens F. W. Mulkey will doubt- leea go te Waahington aa Oregon'o aen- a tor for ths short term. . A few weeka later he will be succeeded by Jonathan Bourne, aa aeaator , for the full . six years term. Both Mulkey and Bourne ore believed to be friendly to deer's candidacy, and If ne appointment has been made by th Urn they reach tha national capital their Influence will nrobahlv Tm anerted In behalf of "Tall Timothv." ' It 'mav anvs an aasv solution of an ambarraaalna crohlem for. Fulton to J allow i Mulkey or1 Sourae to same th ABLE . I bast i f 71 ttxzi cctt YOURSELF TO Make a little journey to this store tomorrow and see for yourself the wonderful bargains we offer Th 8toc Where Your -Credit It Washington and Tenth BLACK EAGLE COAL mom EAST F. B. Jones & Co. W9 M. Lager Pass. LllMSCM ClfCMANal BUIUMM 7 ,-0 7.CD First Life Inaiyance Company OrganJied in Qregori Has Lower Guaranteed Premium i- Reliable Men Desired, as Representatives . ' - next collector ef customs, for It would be Impossible for him to recommend any one of tha preaent candidates without causing aerloua dlssatlafactton. Shelley" clalma rest chiefly on- his support of Fulton for senator In the aesston of IfOI. weatgata baaea hia demand Tor the place on the fact that he la chair man of the Republican etata. central committee; an argument which would be materially stronger If ha had suc ceeded In electing the party's candidate for governor. Malcolm counts largely on hia fraternal sfflllatlona.' No one of the three can be entirely overlooked wiinouc tne aanger of arousing . an tagonists, yet no one ef them le of commanding strength,-- . , . It seems safe to ear that tha office will not ba filled by a new appointee far aoma montna to come, aad in th mean time oeera hopes are growing dally. There are aaaay Want Ads la sodave rearaat that win Interest yon. BUSINESS We have two good business large store with basement at ton. Another, suitable for a branch bakery or confec tionery store, at Oibbs and Front streets with living rooms. Low" rent with long leases. Gevurtz & Sons . 173-175 First Street r ... THESE Oood ; . Streets PES DE11VUED 181 E Water Street THaaaWkxoaVr. Rates Than Any Other Company SEVEHTEEH PEOPLE HURT LOS AKGELES: -: - (Jearsal Special lervlee.) ' Is Angeles, Aug. II Two electric ears of the Los Angeles Xedondo line crashed together head oa this morn ing on -a urva Juat outside the eity llmlta . The incoming ear was heavily loaded with people returning from the beach. Tha care teleaooped and IT pas-; aengera were injured, two or three of whom are likely te die. ' " , The accident was due to the faot that ' ears were dlapatched by telephone and the orders were misunderstood. A field of oats near Independence . yielded 70 bueheleenacr OPENINGS locations for rentw One is a Seventeenth and Washing 219-227 YamhUl St. rirr ) TT MFE (( 7a