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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1906)
t - J- GOOD GVEKIIIG ; " ( .'-MWf Journal Circuit VOL. V.' NO. 139. Sl!0!ii! -K'fv':: AHE IDS STATEMENT.OF M iiCTLY II017 VALUABLE PUBLIC FRANCHISES ARE Directs Letter to Auditor Devlin Declaring 'Companies Operating Unr Tranchises " Granted Before -Charter Affected the Same as Those Operating Under Later Priviliges : ' : Acting under a provision of th city charter, Mayor Lan ha undertaken to compel every holder of a publio rran ehlee In Portland to file -with the elty auditor quarterly reports of all receipts and. expenditures.' If the mayor suc ceeds In his effort the people of Port land will at least have an opportunity to Judge accurately of the value of these franchises and of the profits which hare resulted to the holders. Up to the pres ent time the provision of the charter un der which the mayor Is proceeding; has been practically a dead letter, -no .effort baring been made hitherto to enforce It. , Among the corporations which will be compelled.' If the mayor's interpretation f the charter la correct, to giro such accounting f their profits are the Port land Railway, Light at Power company, the - ga . company, th.iaJ?njrni panlea, the Southern Paclnc, tne . WIN lunette Valley Traction god, the United Railways company. .' There'll no quest I on that holder of franchises granted since : the present charter Went Into effect can be com pelled to make a Quarterly accounting to the city. Thonly doubt la a to holders of franchise whloh wore- en acted prior to . the enactment wf the present charter. The question Involved Is of the greatest consequence to the public-as well as to the corporations concerned, .and the -"action taken by Mayor Lan promises to precipitate. a great legal struggle. s rv- As the Initial step In the oampalgn Mayor Lane addressed the following let ter this morning to City Auditor Per lln: : i ,.'- - ; -.'-.c . "Thomas CV Devlin, City Auditor Tar Sir: Section tt of the charter of the city of Portland provide that every grantee or bolder of a franchise 'from the city rendering service to bo paid for wholly or In part by the users of such service shall keen, full and' -accurate bonks -of account,-make quarterly re ports In writing to the auditor, further requiring such reports to contain an ac curate statement In summarised form and detail of receipts and expenditures, and statement of assets and debts and such other Information as the- audltOT may require. . . "From an examination of this section 1 am of the opinion that these require-1 ments apply as well to holders of fran chise granted before thf enactment of the, charter' a to those after, and beg to suggest, therefore, that you will have the hearty cooperation of the exec utive branch of the city government in securing from the holders of all fran chise now 'operating In the city de tailed statements In such' form as may fully exhibit the facts which the public hare an Interest In knowing. ' v "Kindly adrlee me of uch , step. you take In the matter and call upon me freely for: any assistance. I can rend en Very truly. ' HARRY LANE, Mayor.- , Question Considered Before. ,.. The matter " was . brought up ' under Judge William' administration. -The mayor, the auditor and the city attor ney put their heads togtthev to see whether the charter provision could be N e wr H am psh i re Fire of Manchester,;? N." H., Suspends Busipess on Pacific Coast to Let '4 X v Conditions' Readjust .TKemselves. ; : (learasl tperlsl serrlc.) ' San Francisco, Aug. 10. The agent of' the . New Hsmpshlr Fire Insurance company of Manchester, New Hamp shire, stated today that th company's suspension on the Psclfle coast was due , to the desire to let unsettled conditions readjust themsefves before taking any further liability. - The statement say that ' the company's Ban Francisco liabilities will be settled for about It Is not thought by the officials of the company that they will be attached, as was the property In New Tork yes k , tenia r of the Transatlantic company of Hamburg, the trust fund on deposit .. with the New Tork Insurance superln- Undent, - amounting to ovsr ftOO.OOO, "having been attached by ,the policy holder ; j , " ', At a meeting of the stockholders of , the California Insurance company - It was formally resolved to pay all losses THE PEOPLE made to apply to companies to whom franchises granted before the passage of the new charter as well as to those after the charter went Into effect. T r ' Judge William decided that section It of the charter did not give the auditor the right to make, such a demand upon the street railway companies and others, who were operating under franchises passed under the new charter. - After a number of conference : between these officials and members of the executive board the matter was dropped. In -the opinion of some prominent at' torneya. however, the conclusion reached by Judge Williams was a mistaken one. and It la said that the charter provision eaa bo enforced against every holder of a public franchise In Portland.' t - Sine the franchise was granted the Honrs Telephone couipauj, however, tt has been taken up again, a tt was seen the . charter provision, would apply, di rectly to this corporation. There can be no question but that- tha Home Tele phono company will be obliged to make reports of its receipts and expenditure. . This wut lr apply to .tne united Railway and Willamette Valley Traction companies, legal Tigbt ,A to the other companies, they will undoubtedly oppose legal objections and pass the matter up to the courts for an opinion as to the meaning of the c bar ter section. ' Following Is the section under which Mayor Lane has taken the initiative: flection . aTvery grantee or holder of a franchise from the city 'rendering service to bo paid for wholly or in part by the users of such servlo shall keep full and correct books of account and make stated -quarterly report in writ Ing tor the auditor, which shall contain an accurate statement in summarised form, as wall as In detail, of all celpts from all sources, and all ex penditures for all purposes, - together with a full statement of aU-assets and debts, as well as such other information as to the costs and profits of said serv ice and the flnanolal condition of such grantee aa the auditor may require. Such -reports shall be public records and a summary thereof shaUbe printed aa a - part- of th artauar report of the mayor, and the auditor may Inspect or examine,, or. cause to be - Inspected . or examined, at all reasonable hours, any and alt books -of account and vouchers of such grantee.- Such books of account shall be kept and such reports mad in accordance with forms and methods pre scribed by the auditor, and. so far as practicable,' shall - be. uniform : for all grantees snd holders of franchises. Every failure or neglect on the part of the grantee or holder of a franchise under this charter to keep books of ac count or to make reports under this sec tion, shall authorise, tha city to declare a - forfeiture of touch - franchise; and every such failure or neglect shall also be deemed a misdemeanor and the coun cil of the city of Portland may- by ordi nance provide", for ' the punishment - of every such violation, failure or negleot. (Continued on Peg Two. ) In full." Ths company resumed active business 1 than a year before the conflagration and had not accumulated sufficient sssets to cover the liabilities, which confronted It In the burned dis trict x . ; Ths directors, however, determined that the - stockholders should be as sessed sufficiently to make up the en tire amount needed. The stockholders ratified this action. Five assessments ntuat be levied. Two have already been ordered. Claims against v th 'company aggregate l.ltl.00. It was unani mously sgreed to pay on a dollar for dollar baste, Including those losses whloh are more or less traceable to the earthquake. Of the net losses, amounting- to t.i 121.000.. 71l,s has already been paid on the basis of 100 cents on the dollar. Many of th stockholders are among th prominent bankers and merchant of 8aa Francisco, v,, . ,' ,.. , PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, "AUGUST "M 1 V t . .. ft .. , - i y - f .... ! WILL START A FIGHT AGAIUST : t W 0IL1E HOVELS LavvCProhibiting -:Thelr. Sal to Be Enforced by Portland Au : thoritiee Statute - Place ; Stringent Restrictions on Traf fic of Literature of Crime. . Section llll, Bellinger a Cot- ton's Code "If any person sells, lends, gives away, or shows, or . . has in his possession with the e- intent to sell, or give away. or.4 to.'abow, xr .advertises or otner- 4 k . wise orrers ror loan, girt, aai. . 4 or' distribution, .to any -minor 4 child, 'any book, pamphlet,- maga- ' A . dne. newspaper, or other printed -4 paper devoted to the publication. 4) i or principally made up of crtml- e--counts or criminal deeds or plo- d d - tures, and stories or deeds . or .bloodshed, lust, or crime;' or-If 4 . say. person exhibit upon any,- .street or . highway, or-ln-any-, e .other 'place. within the viewof any minor child, any book, maga-,- ' alna, newspaper, writing, paper, 4 e ploture. drawing, photograph, - or e - other rartlola or- articles within e e i the descriptions of articles -men- . tloned in the Bret and second 4 subdivisions of -this . section, or 4 anyof them, upon - eonvlotlon w thereof he shall be punished by 4 .imprisonment In the penitentiary not lea than on year nor more ' than three year, or by a fine not ' e 4 -less -than I500-. nor . mora, thn4) 11.(00.' A a result of th sensational' deeds of .Thomas Reeves and Hugh Saxon, who murdered aged William Powell near Cot- tag Grove Sunday -evening, a crusade 1 to be inaugurated' In1 Portland against the selling of "dime novels", by the va rious bookstora and newsstands in this city. u. Both Reeves and Saxon d eels re that they have ' been reading the "yellow backs" for a year or more and .it wa due to their Influence that they acquired swdeslro for' glory as desperadoes and started out. ' on ;;their careecof .crtma, Tbelr exploits were of. less' than 41 hours' duration and they are now In jail at- Eugene awaiting trial on th charge of murder In the first degree. t The district attorney's office and th various ministers of the city will be the prime movers In the crusade against th ale of vlclou literature. TMy will be -materially aasisted by tha dlsoovery (Hi morning of a section of the eode of Ore gon which strictly prohibits- th sale of such books, imposing a penitentiary sen tence upon those who ar guilty. . - Law Will B BafOToed. - From th district attorney's office to day It Was announced that vigorous action would be taken at once to, see that the law with reference to the aale of crimson literature I strictly enforced. The matter will be thoroughly Inveatl gated and prosecutions will be begun at once. It I annotmeed. Several ministers have Joined heartily In tha. endeavor to rid the city of at leaet one of the most destructive In fluence for Portland's youths and will preach upon the oubjaot Sunday. ,. They have agreed not only to arouse a much enthusiasm as polhle In the crusade, but to render, personal asststsnoa. In providing evidence against thou who are a-ullty. "I hare not nd an opportunity to go": OFF FOR THE KLAMATH FALLS REGION 5 - Portland Excursionist, at Depot DEATH TRAP IV jp.. fJIIOSI OF DUG Wiiliam-Henry Hicks Bond Whoin Cold Blood Murdered Charles Daly at Boise ? in Order U to Possess LatteOr Wife, Pays Penalty of the Crime Dead Within Six Minutes (serial Usaatefe te Tse Imssl t Boise, Ida-, Aug. 10. William Henry Hloka Bond, who murdered In cold blood Charles Daly, an employe of the - Bole uas company, in th latter bom .on the night. of October t, 10 4, paid. the death penalty " at th penitentiary grounda. at. 0:11 o'clock this morning. But -St wltneaaea were, permitted- to be present; Including representative of th press, offlelala, counsel and religion adviser. Adjutant Hawk of th Salvation Army. . At' fret' o'clock Warden Whitney went to the cell of th condemned man and read th death warrant. Bond stood in the-door-of the cell - while the warrant was -read. He looked extremely pale, but - composed. He did not appear - to hear tha words of the warden or realise the Import until th clo, when a nerv ou it witching at th ,-corner of hi le ee ' 'sjf .' a ' ; Ike :j olored Magfaziiie Wlth th Sunday paper Is here to stay-not because of the color alone, but becaua th high grade of art mployed to produce the .section h ' mad It necessary that ther should ,b a corresponding Improvement "In th matter. Some of th best writers In the world ar contributing to Th Sunday Journal' magaam.' Tolstoi and Bryan ar th leaders for '. Sunday:' experts writ on politic, labor,, fashion, art, travel ana history. '.Th "funnjea., whloh are a never-faling source of pleasure to old and ; young,' are funnier than ever .and, ea'n be found only in w eeeeeeeeeeees eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AUSTRIAir OFFICERS" I' 0AMBLED OFF GIRLS i -liieuonoiiiil ' -(Joeraal Sperlat gervke.) New Tork,' Aug. 10. A cabl to T th Sun from Berlin says: "A I gambling caa la 'tha garrison i town , of Diense, Lorraine. - will come . up. , before . court-martial August IT. ' This is a case In 1 whloh a number of Bavarian of ficers. Including the son of Duke Cart Theodore of Bavaria Is In- volved. .' " Trh' fact "aav com to light.' Ball, for instance, were given by the club at which the guests war practically unclothe and which. In caaea of last re sort, women : gamblers were . the take. There Is great excite ment over the raee In military, art 'and theatrical , elrcle In aouth A Oermsny." , 10, 1C3.- SIXTEEN PAGES. ' r 5 i' , Prior to Departar This Motziinc. t SPRUNG 111 mouth and jerking of the muscles Indi cated th strain under which he was bearing the ordeal. . Adjutant Hawk was than admitted to the ' cell a 'few minutes to administer consolation to the condemned man..- ' ICarok to OaOowa, ' - At a few minutes past o'clock the death' march to the gallows began. With a-guard on either side Bond approached and ascended to .the platform unaided. hi nana ana rest were pinioned with leather - strap buckled tightly ground them. -Warden-Whitney asked if be had anything to eay,"- In a Ann voice Bond said: Tarn guilty of the crime and de serve punishment, but -not alone am I guilty; don't tnlnk I am not brave; 1 (Continued on Psge Twelve.) .'' .. ',-. Xlie Sunclay Journal e eeeeeS NATIVE 170:.:EN ARE-. STUBBED TO DEATH BY-BERUAfi TROOPS " (learaal Bpsetal gerrle.) ' ' Berlin. Aug. 10. Th Rheln ohr Ztetung publlahe a lstter . from a German soldier who Is serving la '. South Africa, .; which When scouting on evening our I party, consisting of 14 men and ' an officer, captured five native . women.' : It was not considered advisable to shoot them, as there were known to be too black In th neighborhood.. .At last a sol dier surge sted they be bayoneted. ..Tha officer -forthwith gave orders to that effect and llv of u stood -In front of the women and five behind ' and stabbed them to death." ) i- ; PRICE TWO "1 PLAN TO FIGHT LUR TRUST iaciTy Capitalists Organize to Purchase Output of Canadian Mill and ( Ship It to' Ruined City in Brrt Ish; Steamers, Pay Duty; and SeW It at Small Profit. ; - 8pedsl Dispatch L The Jonraat) . San Francisco. Aug. 10. Th tight ening grip of . the lumber trust may be reiaxea in Ban -Francisco, a number of local capitalists have organised to fight the . lumber gougers, - Th plan Is to buy great quantities of lumber In Brit lab Columbia, carry it to thla port In British vessels, pay th duty and aell it la open market at ar reasonable profit, thus making money for the men who will buck ,th trust' and at. th same time confeVMng a k'M th people of this city.- Among th men reported as leader In this syndicate are Thomas Magee, the real estate dealer, and James D. Phelan, banker and capitalist Phelan and Ma ge are aotlv members of th relief corporation, . which has already forced the trust to redue prices from It to t par thousand. Magee, as chairman of the building committee, announced that he would buy material for the proposed homes for. refugees wherever- he could get it the cheapest This threat ' so frightened th trust - that it promptly cut tha prices almost to what they were a month after the fir. .. Wall denying that h wa connected with the syndicate organised to break the lumber truat, Phelan said: "Aa I understand It, the plan la to contract for th entire output of a Brit ish Columbia mllL The lumber will then b carried to San Francisco la British vessels, because the trust has all ths American vessel cornered." BIG OCEAN LINER , ; BROOKLYN ASHORE New Tork. Aug. .10. A cabl meaaag announces that : th liner-Brooklyn is ashore in Port Asor Islands. - Females; Not;Pr6duct ot; Idle, Rib, But Original i Dominating forcejariUseless as a - ' .Vermiform V " . .-. , . (JMraU BpeHal BervM.t fhlr.av iii i rt a rtmm a naa belief on the part of erring man that thsi first chanter of nenesla mv Kim ascendancy over woman. Professor W. I. Thoma of th chair of sociology at th University of Chicago baa arisen to explain that th rib story will not pass muster,' but must, take It place along With Jonart and the whale. Woman, Insist th profsor, waa not originally Intended as ' . mer. com panion to man. - She did not spring into being a th net product of a useless rib to pleas her master, but ahe wa first created a th master, the dominating fore and the superior- before whloh man appeared aa uselesa as vermiform appendix, ...... . . . . . CENTS. JiaSmlcLl OFF TO GIVE IT A a A a. D I B . a as a aa 8 ft a ssk a rui ly Dullness iiien uo-; part for Southern Ore gonto Spend Vacation Looking at Country Will Be Royally Entertained by Citizens of Klamath Falls- Side Trips to Places-of Interest Will Be Made and Trout Lured From Klamath Lake. v About 40 Portland business men left over, tha Southern Pacific this morning for Klamath Pans for a six dars out Ing and Jolly good time. Th people of Klamath Falle promise A hearty wel come and the vacation will be spent in fishing trip and excursion about tha ' country . . , , -. Th party is personaHy conducted by William McMurrar, general passenger Mwt-Df-m 0.-R. N. and Boo them" Paolfla - Among th name are those of many men of wealth and commercial prominence. Though It waa not in tended to be strlotlv a stag party, no wives were to be seen when the excur sionists lined op for a photograph. . a telegram was received last night from Frank Ira White stating that atl arrangement, -had been completed for entertaining the vlaltor at Klamath Fall a At Keno a committee from the Klamath Palls chamber of commerce will meet the train. Sunday there will be an excursion to Klamath lake and on Monday a trip to Merrill. Tues day the party will return to Klamath Falls. Fishing wlU be th attracttv port of th. week. Klamath lake Is said to be teeming with fine trout and the Portlanders will vie with one another In hooking th beauties and then telling about thorn afterward. Th party occupied two Pullman car. -which war attached to th regular :! morning train. - Re turning they will arrive here August-10 at T:1S in th morning. Th special x curslon rate, .however, will remain In effect nine days longer and some of th excursionists will stay th entire If day. Some of those listed aa among the party are: . . Charlea H. McCrum. C Schwuerdt man, a. Haymaker, C. C.-Chapman. T. W. Lead better. H. I Plttock. W. C Lawrence, S. W. Thompson. D. 8. He- . ter, C. M. Idleman, A. J. Jonea. R. Mo Murpfiy, M. D. Wisdom, W. D. Devalnar. Mrs. Devainey, R. U ' Poutch, Mrs. ' Foutcn."D. M. - Hamilton, . T. O. Hagnev F. E. Manchester. D. B. Mikl. C P. Bishop, Torn Rlchardaon, A. A. Mora, Annand, C M. HyKii. jenerson Myers. Dr. E. B. Baker, H. N. Btarr, a. B. Manler. C. K. Hdg. Thoma P. Clark, W. N. Wynn. . J. P. Crowley. J.- B.-Flnnegan - J. A.- Harrison,- Jar - Smith. C. 8. Nicklln. J. T. Peters. Wil liam McMurray, J, M. Scott W. M. Kll- ' llngaworth. R. F.i- Whltnay, Oeorge Weatherbe. .. ;-' -.- JOHNSON WINS VICTORS IN STREETCAR FIGHT ''.;"' (Jnerasl flperlal Bervke.) . Cleveland. Aug. 1. Judge Lawrence today refused to grant an Injunction re quiring Mayor Johnson to replace th tracks of, the street railway he tor np. t Appendix ' . r There ar aotn startling things, Pre feasor Thoma ay. ln th American Journal of Hoclology. Oman first -meatlcatad th animals, beginning with man. Primeval man did not want tn tay at horn. The middle and higher claaaee have now reduced woman to parasitism. Morality Is worked out In the school of experience; It I mala. Falling In love I really meditated tr woman. Man doe th courting. t t ah controls the process. Wan la t , ear mark for woman. "Women who les.l fsst lives ft t die; the "pare that kills' onlv s i a- prorea ef evolution. Vvomn have led faat Uvea make unrr good wives. Education Is a r. woman's secondary position, Tha article bag cause J a t Sit . .Continued aa. Pag TwalvaJ . -.1 .r.;V,