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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
I ' 1 "' - ' " " " " i-weg- n ' i3..lll.v..iT-j - am . tO-M IS 'for RUMMAGE ALL OVERTHE STORE.' Road this announcement carefully and learn of phenomenal :bargalnt and extrabrdlnary' value-giving, For.ten'day'we'ehall havt a-reaf, genuine Rummage Sale In'"' T TTr C m Progreselve .tore at which goodiwlll,be marked eo low that the advantage derived by buying now will be incalculable. -"A word to Jhe wife is euf ficient." ; '. BUY NOW! -Think of this InTconnection with " h Rummage Sale. :GONE FOREVER Four thing come not back: The Spoken Word, The Sped Arrow, The Neglected Opportunity.' DO'NOT, NEGLECT THIS OPPORTUNITY! Come and Rum mage to your heart's content.' Road on: ' t - . - , , , :..,' .-'v .. v -. - ' ' - ' ' " ll " , ' " " ' . ' ' . ' "' 11 WaUta in whltrn eel org. with In Mr t Ion, tuck and button -mguiar l.o and RUMMAGE Af 7 8ALE PRICE.. ..,..4yC la Wfttt Md llfini XiawBflb with lac Inaartfon, Pin tucka, yoka ana panai aizaota; nfuiw RUMMAGE no. SALE PRICE ...... .VOC Walata, alaboratalr trim mad In Valanolannaa lacaa and Inaar- tlon; ayelat ambroldarr: ragular ti.t i and 11.00 waiata. RUMMAGE "CI nft SALE PRICE. J. 4 loVO WbMa Bottod Swlaa Waiata, lataat yeka daalgna of Valanolannca, Insertion and . amDroiaerr; recuiar 14.60 raina, RUMMAGE CJ AO. SALE PRICE.. J40 a VUt OaaTaa Bala.1 Il.tO Talnaa, RUMMAGE Cl "Ih SALE PRICE...4I.4y a Haad- wad Oxford, la tan and biacn; i.oo raiuaa. - - RUMMAGE l TA : SALE PRICE... 4la V Waaiaa" TU'Bl Oxford turn aola, - cuoaa naei; iz.o vaiua. v - RUMMAGE .fl Jfk SALE PRICE... 41.4y Womra'atoot atld Blnokat Oxford 12.10 Tain.- . ., RUMMAGE Ci flQ , . SALE PRICE... I. yO Vmmi'i Tll Jtid Oxford, wait aola; -... 11.00 yaluca. RUMMAGE C f SALE PRICE... 4I4y , raaaat KM Lao Shaaai fl.TI .valuaa. . . ,:t -L:., RUMMAGE d "A SALE PRICE.... I. X4 Ail wool rone, pj; L - m . . ma trap trlmmod' an button, round or walklnr nrth; T.B0 Tataa7 RUMMAGE " 1 C I lh' SALE PRICE.. t4tOy Ail Wool Vbadow FUid SUrM, la llvbt Tar, panel front, daap flounca afltaot ' ' form ad of clreular fold; (11 ralua. RUMMAGE 4Q AQ -SALff PRICE7TPw3fv7 AM Wool etrlotlr Vallorad WalkUff - SklrtB, In Mum, - ffraya, I) lack and brown; rarular prte 11.11. RUMMAGE' , Ci 1f SALE PRICE... Mi.Oy j, , Mti riuauiia' : rJdIOrgcraFincJPronptlyccd Rcccivo Best Attcntioa ' KrrrTT- u 1 bi - All Wool Xiusfer Mxta, pans! front and oaok, pleated flounoa la all . shade ; rviuw pnem vv.vv...--f ... V'v. RUMMAGE 'Ci fid :; ; SALE PRICE. . 4X.VO ..- ilk Uvterala BMtta. alatutMfatv ' mad in ailk braid, VaJenolenne Inaer- iion, aiiK-coverea Dutton and pleat in; iv Yaiuea.-- - - t-. , JSi'KSHalfPrlcf VEILING 10.000 yard In ere pee, chiffon, mesh. bub renin. arae cnentll dot and doublo auto .retllng, beautiful pat terns ana coionnf; Kooaa worth up vt no per yam. . RUMMAGE v Ck ' SALE PRICE. 7. . ... ;.yC RUMMAGE tatdleaf OaaabrU Sklrta, beauUfuHr trim' tned in Cluny lace ' and Insertion. eluatera of tucka, torchon adaina; and insertion, wiaa nounce; ret-ular l.ll to ii.zo aurt. ' RUMMAGE ; ttf On SALE PRICE... DleOy A Dn laraa aasort ment, many different atylea, aom trimmed daintily with embroidery and tucka, aom with torehon lac and In- ertlon trimming, eto.) racular tOc. RUMMAGE . ICir, SALE PRICE. . .....yC GLOVES Ix)ps Wblta IilI Oloraa, 1 1 -but ton lnth with l eiaapa; ii.if ralua. RUMMAGE ' AO 8 ALE . PRICE. ..... y OC . Long Silk Gloves Wblta and black Bilk. It-button learth wita j eiaapa; ravuiar. , RUMMAGE tlOft SALE PRICE... PleOy Lace Mits Lone, black, all allk, la seat, attraotlT and pretty pattern; worth eaally 11. RUMMAGE eftr. SALE PRICE... ....OUC ,; Taffeta Bilk Washable, 1 Jnche wide. all. colors, elerant and lustrous; rera- lar 7io quality. - , - I RUMMAGE , r ACtn u SALE PRICE :; .... .OyC 1 MaW'HX4BlBTilieBM,; wear won ana - will not , crack, all colors; rerular prlo l(o. RUMMAGE . pa- . 8ALE PRICE .OUC WaaaaUa Ja BUka, all eolora. ! lachea wiae; regular too raiue. RUMMAGE fcTT SALE PRICE... ... ZOQ fay Waahabla Hlk, In all colors. IT inches wide; fOa quality. RUMMAGE ' . A1 ' SALE PRICE....... WC fill mmtMm IS r zz:i daily jour:iAL. rcr-TLA::D. yzduzzdav nvrrrnio. august 8. Womaa'Bx Mssa . Black lace, full ' fash ion; extra high spliced heel and toa; double sole; extra elastic top; worth lie. ... RUMMAGE in SALE PRICE......: IVC llorar lao effects ; Hermsdorff dya; worth ,41o;. while they last, ; , RUMMAGE Ortre 1 SALE PRICE. .....J5yC m Mom Black and tan, " cotton; weight, faat good quality, medium color; worth 11 He. RUMMAGE mj 8ALE PRICE. . ....... 4 C Oklldraa'g Koae Bxtra haary black . ribbed. Hermsdorff dya; double soles, treble knaea; just the stocking for the boys; worth 14c L 'RUMMAGE 1 rr SALE PRICE....... la blank and white, Talret grip; ragular loo. . RUMMAGE ct- SALE PRICE ...yC widths ta a bunch; asually sold for loo. KUMllAOE A SALE PRICE... ......t ad OhlldreBya VelTet grip: beat, grade. RUMMAGE f n- SALE PRICE. . ..... ,iy C Suuuoiteis On belt: assorted - color;, rust-proof eiaapa, t velvet grip. . - , RUMMAGE v lf SALE PRICE. . ..... ,IyC rook-Oa Boa tDM To be attached to corset; best quality rubber elaatlo; asserted eolora. RUMMAGS C I SALE PRICE... ,;.J5C Breoe easel d "Odorless"i regular price ifo. ... , SALE PRICE.. .......yC Obraoo Olasya 4 and I hooka; unbreak- aoie anoruat-proof. , RUMMAGE ix SALE PRICE ...VC lamlauaa aafsty . Ha On dosen on earo, au iaa. . . i . RUMMAGE . 2c SAT IE DDtrV ......... Xtwa Ombe Tiaa black and ' assorted colors; regular lOo cubes., .. . RUMMAGE ' SALE - PRICK. ..... . . , C vPICTUIULS AlUour 11.00, 11.11 and 11.10 Picture in gold enameled frame; 10 different view and subject. ... RUMMAGE - . SALE PRICE....... 75C ; Now for the Pit. ; The open ing of this Rummage Sale will be a gala time at the Pit -Here -you -will - find Steven uch distinct bargains that rthey wulnake-your 1reath away. Seven Surprises is no name for thiSirDolIar's worth ' of goods at . the . Pit from lc to 19c. Don't miss the Pit. , Cashier and wrap per right on the spot. No waiting for change or wrap-ping.-'- y; 111 sTaadkeroUefs--Tine Swiss embroider ed: hemstitched, all linen, lace edge,' scalloped embroidered edges, lace openwork, etc.. In hundreds of dainty and Beautiful designs and patterns; regular value to leo. RUMMAGE I A- 8ALE PRICE ....... 1UC Woaaaa'B Kaadkerohle Hemstitched. In plain white, all pure linen; regu larly sold at le each. , RUMMAGE 8ALE PRICE... ..IC aw - Mssflkai'chlefs Hemstitched. In plain white, all pur linen; regular prloe 10c ; . RUMMAGE . f- . .. SALE PRICE.. ..dC area's Xaadkerchlef a Hemstitched with fancy printed borders; regularly sold at lHo. . . RUMMAOE ' SALE PRICE...... ...C WoateaHTTaBakeToMeTJTliisLltLlied one Swiss embroidery; all linen; lace trlmmed; regular price Ma RUMMAGE my- SALE PRICE.... IZVfi rote paper lie package woven Quill note paper. RUMMAGE r SALE PRICE... .... of white- 10c "aney and ing paper and envelope; aold r ru larly at 15o and IB per box. RUMMAOE ' n SALE. PRICE....... IXC Japaaee Orepe Paper lOo rtlls of the best quality In all color. RUMMAGE "TO7rfr" - SALE PRICE ...... . C Xaad Pencils -American Lead ; Pencil . Co.' celebrated "Beats All" lo lead pencjls. . '. , f - , RUMMAGE 5 fAt Crv SALE PRICE O (Or DC aoo-Par'raoll Tablet rnular lo - kind. .. RUMMAOE SALE PRICE.... OC lOO-tUeet Ink Table r large lOe slie. RUMMAGE Krv SALE PRICE... ......OC pi A wfhnor la our Soap Section. This I Kof Wednesday, don't think thta win last all day: The Golden . Eagle Big ' Value Laundry or Bath Soap a full pound bar, full weight. , i os. guarantee a. . RUMMAGE BALK PRICE 7Bars25c Just reoeived, . but go la ' the Rum- mag Sale Just the same, an Invoice of Johnson Bros.' sml-Voreelala Baaaar Seta It pieces to the' sat; regular price 11.00. RUMMAGE - otl Af SALE PRICE... ipOey roldlmg Xiumoh Boaee - Beat kind made; waterproof; aold everywhere for ISO. RUMMAGE 8ALE. PRICE 10c ToUet Vapeo Roll of 100 sheet; never sold at leas than so, of toner at loe.. 8alepfSce7 Rolls 25c i Toilet oaas Regular 15c boxes:- hlah ly perfumed; ; aU odor;. celebrated! Armour brands. . . . , . , , . VI RUMMAOE - Ifte sale price. I yC , Black ; or 1 gray brUtlea . RUMMAGE SALE PRICE. 1$C t die 4-pleo Out Olaaa ratten Batter Seta TBC-ValUM. RUMMAGE SALE PRICE. 49c SH-Quar Agate Covered I . waya aold for leo,. . IbJ RUMMAGE SALE PRICE....... OOC Bnamellne Stove Polish) beet on earth old for To per can. RUMMAOE J - 8ALE PRICE ..4C ' Copper Bottoaa Weak BeOarai regular price No. ; RUMMAGE nOv sale price...... yyc Ixok at these prices oa Yoaaaoa eat Bagllak Bm In fancy and festooned shape. 1.1 per doa, enpg gad sauoerai Ram mag Sale Price OB lo platea; Rummage Sal Prloe. 654 Oo platea: Rummage Sale Prloe. TB i.i9 7 piaies; Kummage aaio Prloe VOf 11.10 I plat: Rummage Sale Prloe tl.QO 5 Cube Om eiebea, to fit any la burner. ' . RUMMAGE fA SALE PRICE....... 1UC mibboaa All silk ribbon, No. . 1; all color; a ribbon which aells every' where at 4e. RUMMAGE '.; tn SALE PRICE. .IC Bfevalty SUbboa) Beautiful fancy pat terns; very suitable for . neckwear. Regular 10 value.. RUMMAGE 1Af SALE PRICE. . . . . ...IrC Polka Bot Btbboaa and French pattern ribbon; 4 Inches wide; worth lie per ' yard. . RUMMAGE . SALE PRICE... lie Priestley's Oravaaette Warranted rainproof; In brown and gray plaid and herringbone atrip; II,. Inch wide; regular 11.75. RUMMAGE ' . , SALE PRICE.. Priestley's' S-laoh Oraveaetteai . In browa and gray platde and- nerrlng- bone stripes; worth.-al.zt RUMMAGE . SALE PRICE ;.90c NOTIONS Bew Bead aTeoklacea, In white, blue and black beada The Hleal fhlarla necklace from New Tork. - Be up to the mini and wear ' them. Don't wait until everybody baa them on. youra.Jlrt, , , ' : ' RUMMAGE . Or. SALE PRICE. . . . . . . ,iyC lliEntiro Comer Third end V . BOYS' SUITS Price cut In half per cant off regular prices. 11.00 Suit. v RUMMAGE RUMMAGE ' AO. SALE PRICE. . . . HOC 11.00 Suit - RUMMAGE Cl AQ SALE PRICE..,.ePl40 14.00 Suit , . ;:: . ' RUMMAGE . i nQ SALE PRICE... P l!IO 15.00 'Suit' ' " ' ' ' ' V - - i RUMMAGE "; :- Q SALE. PRICE. ,.ePZ40 7.00 Suite v -. ..o.; RUMMAGE Ci A ti SALE PRICE. . Cream-Table Hsmssk Choice pattern. . s incne wiae. RUMMAGE n SALE PRICE... ...C White Table Damask I! Inches wide RUMMAGE . . iQ- . SALE PRICE....... 4oC Wait -Par ZJaea TabU 71-lnch. Tlo value RUMMAGE - -; A SALE PRICE.. ...OUC Walt Pare Uaea Table Baaaaak 71 mcbea wide; II. IS regular. RUMMAGE nft. 8ALE PRICE.,..,.. y5C Turkey Beg Boiled ta OO TabU T iara 0 Inch wide; regular lOo value 'RUMMAGE 2n f SALE PRICE....... OC Taaoy Tt la white duck, flannel. ohevf6ta and mercerised silk; all styles and ' sis and attractive pat terna; regular, prices 11.00 and $1.10. RUMMAGE ' C1 A B SAI-ERICXpIa40-- Ham's Half oe The vary best grades: a color and pattern; regularly aold for 10c, Tie and fl.00; all marked at aama price.. , . v , RUMMAGE ', "yj SALE PRICE...... 4C MEN'S SHIR.TS ea'a . Shirt Our complete line ' of Men' Shirt. will be aold during thl Rummage Sal for one half the regu lar price and less. Thl Una includee aU, our, golf . and r negligee., ehlrte, In fancy patterna and plain, all gradea and. doslgns;. also stiff bosom whit and fancy pattern , shirts; ragular tl.OO shirts.. rummage V- r-n SALE PRICE.. .....OUC RgularXI0Juixta u RUMMAGE RUMMAGE i . aye; SALE PRICE... ....OC Regular 11.10 Shirts RUMMAGE RUMMAGE . . ct nn SALE PRICE... ePleUU Bmbrotderlea Our entire line will b -In thle Rummage Sale; embrolderlea. from 4 to Inch wide; beautiful, dainty patterna; Swlaa and nainsook edge and Insertion; 1 alloyer laoa and beaded effecte: regular value are. 17c lc and 10c v ' RUMMAGE . "'tAlZ v SALE price...;..: I4C ; Torohoa Sao for trimming; good and pretty; will return aa good aa new from the laundry: numeroua attrac tive pattern; regularly sold for lo) ' and 10c . . ; RUMMAGE . 51 ; SALE PRICE.. .....0C -A large shipment Just been received by ua; about 100 piece, all beautiful patterna. In atripe, polka dot, ringed, flowered, etc.; regular price on article la this lot are 10c, lib and 10c RUMMAGE -V SALE PRICE 11C SS inch vrld Cream Wool , Batiste regular I0o quality, RUMMAGE SALE PRICE 39c imbrotderle IT laehea wide; grand openwork patterna; em broidered edgea; regular 17c ' - RUMMAOE A. hale price;.....: lyC lt-lnoh; regular llo value. - RUMMAOE n; SALE PRICE....... IOC -inch; regular 10 value. , RUMMAOE ' f SALE PRICE.. ...... l3C SHEETS t-4 Sbeebsi reenforced 'with l.ln iM worth 'l.n0h b0"0m; "" "T. RUMMAOE s.-1 M;,' SALE PRICE....... 5C " S41 P'On quality; hemmed Regular price 71c ' " RUMMAGE . "'y-'-jem? sale price. . . ; . . .OOC V PILLOW SLIPS PUlOw Bllaat monA mii.1l.. lar price lie ' t RUMMAGE" 'vii.' SALE PRICE........ HC : ease PUlow BUpa. RUMMAGE nJ SALE price;,... latKC dSaSS Pillow SUpe; better sradc KUMMAuK " " - r-. . SALE-PRICE.,, r.r. 1 0 C : ! Bedspreads PuU Used, crocheted Bed- spreaas; xtra fine . quality; Mar aetllea pattern; good value at 11.00. : RUMMAGE v d in SALE PRICE..'.. ePlely Vaskisk Tewek 11x41 bleached Turk. lak Tnw.1. . . I a r . J RUMMAOE 19c wool, SALE PRICE. quality, RUMMAOE rummaoe , v rrr SALE PRICE......; C Ya!3 C:rc: : Preaoh kawaa- y:.'r. t ....' 'l.'.'L'.-U'i--- , ...... r .. .