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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1906)
good nvn TIITG JourndXircu!itI;a Yesterday 4 Was I1 -9 ft ',. Fair and warmer tonight; Friday fair; northerly wind. , , , J ; vol. v.; no. 123: ; t.f ; izr&fQTjH & Portland, Oregon, Thursday ; eveninq. august a, i issa dighteen pages. PRICE TWO CENTS. : l?'J",A'?ZZZl wsmm. AT RUSSIAN STRONGHOLD SUBDUED IN FIGHT WITH LOSS REBELLIOUS TROOPS mmmm :,. v ,v - - . ,-;.f;r-.-- f -,.'ii..:,- . - ; - I -. Crew of Cruiser Kills Captain and Officers, Seize Ship, Raising K .llRedflag.;;;! Fotf Constantine Seized By Malcontents . S LVfto Are 8t rtrburr, Auf. 1 (BalUUn.) Th craw of th crulwr FmmJou mutl tiled today, killed their eommander and four ( the offloer. The bcttleehlp . Blav hu been ordered, tq f 14 vlnk the mutineer. . ... " Bt. Peteraburr. Au I. (Bulletin.) It ' 1 officially announoed that the mutiny at Kronatadt has been quelled for the ; time belna. The spirit of the men in . the garriaon, however. ! dansroua and ' further outbreaks are likely. Advices now . state that the ship on . which the new mutiny occurred was the Pumsyat Asoms, which has been at : Xolka on the Esthonlan eoast. The ', crews of four warships and a torpedo boat at Hans o. Finland, are also re ported to have mutinied. - - -" - Wasblnvton.' As 'I.-- (Bulletin.) ' Ambaaaador Mayer, .who la stationed at : St. Petersburg;, cables the state depart' ment that the revolt of the soldiers at ' Kronatadt has been suppressed, and that the city is . now quiet.'. Ambassador Meyer declares "that the report of the mutiny aboard the Russian warship is . denied. "-.' i - . . ' . Moenal soaolal aWrrtn f v Bt. Peterabuzav Aua. 2, Sailors and 7 soldiers at Kronatadt have mutinied and Serious flchtlnr ia in progress there. The mutineers seised Port Conetantine. but after a sharp battle wore dlslodtad -with th toss of .10 man and compelled to surrender. Many others were wound e4 Some of the mutineers escaped by steamer to Finland. The wires to Kron stadt have ag-aln been cut. causlna; the " s;ra vest fears f a recurrence of dlsor ders and serious trUMe. In the battle which took plane tnis " morntna the loyalists suffered heavily, . Admiral Beklemlseff being among the wounded. The spirit of mutiny affects the entire fleet, and the rarablp crews ' have been landed and distributed about ' the . various forts. On account 'of thr censorship It is difficult to learn the :ttqnt.of the mutiny. - , Troops Proas Capital, rr a " Troon sent durlns? the nlcbt to kur- round Kronatadt garrison arrived there this morning, but developments remain -a mystery. One report says that four mutinous . warships from . . Helslngfors have arrived at KronstadL Ths guns ; of the fortress were trained upon them but no shot was fired. "'KrotadTlennyTrtraTed IU two hundredth birthday amid much eere ; mony. At once the great naval station and ths most flourishing commercial ' nort of Russia. It stands on a long eal rareou Island at the mouth - of - the ' ' Neva. Peter the Great took It from the . ' Swedes . In 1701 and Immediately set . about fortifying It . It protects the ap proach to St. Petersburg. Its buttresses ' are built of granite and it Is probably Impregnable. . . .. " Can Bsadp to Ilea. . . V The ImnerUl yacht Polar Star7 with : steam up is lying at the pier ' below ' Peterhof palace, which has given source . to the rumor that the esar ana ramuy ' ' are preparing for flight at a moment's notice, should signs, of disaffection i break out among the Imperial guard. . A Tlflts dlspatch.statss that the com panics of ths Samur regiment at Dee ! lagher. commanding the. Iron gate at - , Derbent have handed over the rlnglead , era of the mutiny to the Cossacks. Ths ' troops mutinied when 'word-was received of ths dissolution of the douma. officers , were Imprisoned and . publlo buildings surrounded by guards of their own se ' lection. '-... '..;.;.....'.','',.'' t ; Reports from Vlborg, ' said to eome from a semi-official source, are to ths effect that the Russian fleet whloh has been stationed at .Hango, Finland, has mutinied and is now on Its way' to 'Sveaborg to aid the mutineers there. i The reports state that while some of the , officers were overpowered, many others .voluntarily Joined ths matiheers. - Berlin. Aug. t. A.- ferry o Vistula ' river sank near Wilnawo today. Thirty are drowned. KHAKI KNEE RANTS ::,WEDDING COSTUMES BRIDE 1 . (Joarnal SpeeUl "err lee.) , Reno, NeV.,.Aug- J. Miss Vermillion Dewltt of Sen Francisco became the bride of . Chief Forest Ranger Harry ' Warr at Carson City yesterday In an --: unusual ceremony. Both -were-dressed ; exactly alike,- In sank! knee pants; long 1 riding boots, rough huntlkg oats ami men's shirts. ....''.!....-... Judge -Murphy of ' the ' district court ' performed the Ceremony, afteY Which. 1 '. followed by a curious crows, ths coupls --went e the-hotel for- dinner. Their dining was sn disturbed, however, by . the banter to which they were subjected Spirit of Sc!d!zrsctICrc. stedt Ccu:es Fecr of l!cre Kutties in Hecrfctare; Forced ; to : Surrender By. Troops teVtaSSBTO 1 SawaW ,ii aaiai, , .. I is aiaiajaasss Mutineers; Reported Completely Subdued arid & ! State Thatr Rebels Hold Forts c: Copenhagen. ' Aug. I. (Bulletin. ) A Helslngfors dispatch dated at J p. m. states that , the mutineers at Sveaborg are completely- subdued ' end ' quiet Is gradually being restored. The state has proposed the formation ef volunteer proteotlon corps to preserve order. ' i - Jesrsal liMtlal tmce.t ' ''' tslatngfoia. Finland, Aug 1 mutineers have - gained control of the whole Sveaborg .. fortress except the 1 aland a of Bandham and llhrakea. The explosion of a magaslns at Ugushelmen Island killed 40 mutineers. Loyal troops lost heavily in the fighting, which still continues. . The battleships Caarovltoli and ths cruisers Alva and Bogatyr are bombarding the fortress with apparently little effect Rumors are current that the crews of the warships have mu tinied. Other reports stste thst two Islands are a blase and t.OOt mutineers are on the point of Surrender, as they ere -practically , without ammunition or Members of the Finnish Red Ousrds. who were on the Islands with ths mutt ROOSEVELT RUSHES TO : i . DEFENSE OF FAVORITE (lew sal tp-etal ervlee.) Oyster Bay, S. Y Aug. . A denial was made this morning of - the story printed charging General Wood with drawing two salaries Philippines army pay and that as civil governor. COUNTESS ANNA GETS 7 ONE OF HERICHILDREN Uenrsal BseeUt sTice.l ' Parts, Aug. 1. A , private agreement reached between the Count and Countess do Castellans stipulates that at least one of the children shall remain with the mother at all times. . V r AND GROOM -sw-swsssss-iBweSBSjswsBS-sss r . i 4 . - - ' ' ' ' av - that they left in disgust before the meal was completed. . i , The bridegroom was discharged 'from the Flortston Mills some time ago be cause ho divulged Inside Information as to why the .Truckee river was being fouled, . with refuse from paper mills, the problem Involved in a suit, now pending In the federal courts. He wse a. member of Roosevelt's company lo Cubs, and one the tatter's visit to ths west msds himself known to the presi dent who promised to do somsthlng for him. f Hie appointment as. chief ranger, with headquarters at Tahoe, followed a few o,. , .4 k ED Rebels in Control of the Capture: Fortress Vith Exception; oflsland. ( seers yesterday-afternoon,-wero-placed under arrest hero last night aa they landed from the boat in which they mad the passage serosa ths harbor. The arrests caused some sxoltement. out no disorders followed. i Despite ths faot that the strike com mlttee called a general strike and ths labor agitators are attempting: to incite an uprising here, Helslngfors i almost a normal appearsnoa. People gathsr upon the streets and watch the clouds of smoks arising about Sveaborg ana listen to the bombardment, but there. Is a lack of disorders. All - publlo places ware closed - last night and the ssnaie has Issued special orders to all governors to adopt meas ures to maintain order and peace and ins regular lorces are being strength. ened by civilians, r- - - - - Working in conjunction with ths spe cial labor agitators, who are trying to incite an uprising of the peasants, ths revoiutionarlos of -Finland have Issued an appeal to the troops to support the people in a ngnt ror liberty and, ahlp of land. . . , ROCKEFELLER'S RETURN j CUTS PRICE OF OIL (Annul Special errtee.) - Cleveland. O.. Aug. . The Standard Oil company announced another cut In cruae oil or 1 cents east and I cents ml, making a cut of cents In ths east and 4 cents In the west this week. Kscess receipts Is alleged ,- to be the oause of ths reductions. FOUR DEAD, TWO r WOUNDED IN BATTLE Jeeraal Sp-etai gartie-.l i - Lexington. Ky Aug. t. Four were killed and two were wounded In a bat tle between the shsrlfTs posse and mem bers of the Hall-Martin gang of feudists at Sandllok, Knott County,. today.- Ths Martins were entrenched and attacked the posse, which was trying to make ar rests. . .,; , , .. , ( '. u7Z -rnUtssi-e Cousin xniaA, ' ' - -- Uearnal eaeelat Sec ilea. iT" -?r Vienna,' Aug. . Walter Frledlsndera, eousln of Joseph Pulltser, was killed by falling over a precipice while descend ing the' Braunnlngiinken. r a. Lu L rrte O -1'' Covering a wide range of Human Interest t , The t - L ITYVCrV JllD'IfiC't? spl-ndidk triamphs of medicine end surgery; disloy- r:'E;v.;r; body-guard 'fashions,- health' and- ; .beauty hints for women; where pauperslive in purple luxury ; ihe greatest' ship in the world; W; J.' Bryan fishing in the Sea of Galilee ; wonderful discovery of a French girl ; games, puzzles ' iand stories for boys and girls and the col- "t "Tf ' Q redunniesand all the news p(.the M4 mHM 4 r: r. n ijanvt',r,.'j.rv'i titvxi tutra '.''.; w: :'' -.SjS-a aall Tl ( tm mt sisag isVl i aissWl laSsa Ism,sC . - H!3aJlXX I r ) .tt4 A-Cq Wr nnii .miii mi oo,.,t,..Q,f,).j.utii The Pictures Show Emma Kildow in r , fore . the Mil TO STEAL CITY'S GOLD Plot to Rob City; Treasurer's Vaults of Forty Thousand Dollars Frustrated By Janitor s Presence of Mine - That cracksmen planned a robbery of the "city' treasury snd that an attempt last bight was frustrated by th p res- en oe of polios on duty at the dty hall all night la the belief of the men who guard the city's gold. ' '. Over- $40,009 would havarbeen the reward - or Dan aits naa tney roDoea me eity treasurer's office last night ' There Is no doubt of ths presence) In Portland of men daring enough to com mit any crime when so large a prise Is Lat stake. The Italian who held up a number of saloons has shown unpleas ant evidences of his cool nerve. 'No confederate of his has yst appeared, but It seems probable that other men just aa bold as he are here seeking "plants. " . '.'I'm sura something' of the kind has been in the air for some time," says John Qulnton. city 'hall policemen, who for several days has never been fsr away from his shotgun, which rests In s convenient corner ready for service at a moment's warning. : . What caused the flurry last evening was ths presence of two men who acted In a auspicious msnnsr about, ths city hall. As ths council mst last .night ImmonSf ths Janitor of the building-. could not go home for dinner and con sequently soon after -1 o'clock started down town for a meal. -. - -. Just outside ths entrance ho was ac costed by the two men, who, after ply (Will TO BE HELD YEAR Man'?WH6 .Turned. .State's Evidence :Jri: Murder Trial Cannot; Be Given His LibertylUntil j February--WilI Have Served a Year " - . ii While Henry Rassman wag promised his release if he would turn state's evi dence against his partner, D. C- Kelly, known as "Tattoo" Kelly, he wUl not be released from the county jail until next February. ... Rsssmsn and Kelly were both accused of the murder of Thomas Fleming at the Centennial hotel, hear the North Pacific Lumber mill, on the evening of December It. 101. It developed st ths trial of Kelly that he and Rassman had entered the hotel bar and com manded the men r-.ialde to throw up their hands. All obeyed except Flem ing, who started to run. The robbers shot at him; . ths bullet striking htm in ths arm.' Flaming went outside sUd' secured a club.-and when. Rassman . and Kelly started out struck ons of them on ths head. They shot Fleming through the door and ho died . several days -later. Rasimsn and-Kelly each stated .that the other bad done the shooting.. Ths district attorney found It neces sary, in order to obtain evtdenoe to se cure a convlotlon. to promts Kasaman that Jis would not -be prosecuted if he eeeeeeeeeeer ii ii ii ti ii n Bed and Emma and Her Slaters Ba- Accident. ; . ." . ' ' ' and Aid of Police ' tng him ( with . aevsral . commonplace questions about the museum and the building, led up to more Important busi ness. - He was asked how. ths troasurt ers offloe was guarded and whether any policemen were on duty all night . Simmons was on his guard Instantly and scrutinised, the men oaref ully. To day their descriptions have been fur nished the deteetiveo and an effort will be msde to And them. Turning back Into the building Sim mons told the watchman to be careful The police station was communicated with and two officers of the first night rsiier ordered .to the city hall. . They remained until -midnight when two men of the second relief took their places. There was no untoward movement about' the building all night" but ae the council was In session the city hall was open to the publlo and It was an assy mattsr for anyons to learn how many men were on duty and where they were stationsa. Chief Qritsmaeher took a look around and- mads sure that every preoeutlon aa-ainst a surprise had been taken by tne policemen on guard. snna71aTibeVfcani ' It is an unusual circumstance for 140.- 000 to remain in the treasurer's vaults all night' Yesterday the majority of - - (Continued en Pegs Two.) ' ' - - -y ' . . 1 would turn state's evidence. Rassman testified for the prosecution that Kelly had fired ths shot that killed Fleming and on February II of this jresr a Jury In the clroult court found Kelly guilty of murder in the second degree and he was sentenced to Imprisonment for life. ' man Beta Meld. . .. Because Kelly's attorneya may appeal to the supreme court at any time within a year after the pssslng of sentence, Rassman Is being held In the oounjy Jail so be may testify .again If ths ap peal la taken and a nsw trial granted Kelly, a .. . - - j . . . - -f-. . .'. . f t . It has been plsnnsd to ship Rassman out of the state on a easing vsssel whsn he in- released. , and while th dis trict attorney intends to keep the agree ment he wss forced to In the Interest of Justice,. Rsssmsn will have served more than year In the county Jail by the' time he la released and he will not go wholly-Unpunished for having par; ticlpated In a robbery that led to mur der. .'.;,,:- , 4 ; It Is said that Rassman and Kelly sc oured only about tit from ths bar at the Centennial hotel. , ' 1 1 t - N OUmal ; t "CAR DID IT," DECLARES BABY S WIIEfl INJURED Littl Emma Kildow Picked Up in Street Bruised and Bleed ing by Her Mother and May Not Survive Carmen Deny "They Struck Child."; f-rrhr-cardid n." . . : jraese were the first words uttsred by little Kmma Kildow apoa regaining con sciousness after being picked UP from beside the streetcar, track in front of her homo last night " Darkness had not yst fallen and the 1-year-old baby girl pointed an accusing nngsr at a Woodlawn oar which was rapidly speeding toward town. The accident occurred at about o'clock last night. The tiny victim was ths youngest dsughter of Jacob Kildow, a blacksmith, who resides at (It Union avenue. Presumably the projecting stsp of ths flying car had struck the babe In the back of the head, hurling her un conscious to the side of the track, i The motorman did not stop to learn what damage had ' been done, but spsd on, msklng no report of the accident when he arrived at the company offices. Za Serious Oomdttion. Today ths child Is in a semi-con scious condition, surrounded by anxious relatives and solloltlous neighbors.. Bhe is Injured internally, concussion of the brain Is imminent and - her Ufa is despaired of. :' No one saw The accident unless it was sseabypeTSOTie on thecar. end it is quite possible that the motorman did not see It, and that he le guilty of nothing more . than . gross ' carelessnsss in not keeping a lookout ahead. - But ths child was seen so shortly before and so soon afterward that-the neighbors admit ef no . possibility of ths child having been hurt in any other way. Little Emma was playing with the Lenhardt.. ohUdren, who reside Just across th street. Her e-year-old slstsr, Susie, was with her, but crossed the street for home, meeting her mother In the hall, where (tie Utter was on, her way to call her children. Where's KmmaT" asksd ths mother. . .""Aoroas ths street,, answered Busle. "Call her quick, before the next car com along. Ah. there goes the ear! I'll call her before the nest one somes." , If other rinds Baby ZaJweeL . Mrs; Kildow arrived on the porch to see her child lying prone besMs the track. . She rushed frantically Into the street, picked up the bab and cried out that It had been killed. A -moment later the eblld opened her -What aid it r sskea tne motner. -"The car did It," snswSred th child, Dolntina a chubby . finger down the track, then vomited a quantity of blood. Mrs. Kildow declares thst ths motor- man did not ring the gong. Otherwise shs would havo heard it. Mrs. Len hardt, who was sitting on her porch with a number of visitors, la also posi tive that the gong wss not rung. Shs declares thst no other vehicle passed at about that tlms and that ths child could not have been hurt esoept by the ear. - She also gsve ths Information that the street wss light' end .that the (Continued n Peg Two.) LIVED EIGHT YEARS . .; ' ' VITH WIFE WITHOUT SAYING WORD TO HER (Jo-treat Special Servke.) San Francisco, Aug. . U For eight years Adolph Dlttman, one of the- bwn ere ef the California brewery, has not spoken to his -wife-Louis. Just that long ago ho vowed never more would he utter a word to the woman he had married. He kept ; hie promise and, driven to dlstrs'otlon. at living la the Same house with a maa who pre-servsd self-imposed silence, shs told ths story to-. Jndge -Ore ham yesterday end waa granted divorce on th (round ef cruelty, f ; ...... ;.. .... . , j FRAfjlCHiSE s-sawseaswswswawHpjswaS V Revocation of Fourth' Street Permit Is De feated by Dogged Ma jority of Council v City Fathers Refute tQ Aot in 1 Spite of Fact . That Stubborn Battle Is Fought by Vaughn Attempt Made to Prevent Him From Speaking. .''. ' ',; ry ; Evsry move of a determined end aer. ' sistent minority to take the first steps toward revoking the -perpetual" fran chise of the Southern Padflo on Fourth street was blocked by a dogged major-' Ity of the council last sight. f ' -It ' was a hopeless fight for - Council--man .Vaughn, tor It was evident from th first that the bulk of the oouncU wouldn't do a thing toward abating the nuisance of puffing, engines and block--adsd streets. - A. t sw minutes after th session began a train was heard pounding Its way up Fourth street toward the city haH. Just before the noise became deafening Mayor Lane suggestsd to Mr. Vaughn that it would be good tlms for him to . talk . on th franchls subject. Vaughn, nothing . daunted, rose . and spoke vehemently. He spok at th ton of his big voios, but only word or two filtered through the confusion. The health . and polio committee members had presented a resolution ' against any speeches by members or ' constituents.. but It had not been adopt ed. . This wse - evidently aimed at , ' Vaughn, who had declared his inten--tlon of Speaking on ths Fourth street franchise subject. Nevertheless, h got . th floor a fsw minutss after the train spisods. Vaughn Spas Irs ZOs TBOnd. "This mattsr has been kept eulet for months, but I Intend to speak on the subject now," said he. Spm eight or ' nine months ago I prepared aa ordi nance revoking the franchise of the Southern Paclfio on Fourth street. It came before the council bscked by a f petlUotrwhOse like wss never presented here before, representing as it did mil- . lions of property, not only on Fourth street, but all over ths city. The ordi nance was referred to the Judiciary com mittee, and there It has remained ever since. ,-'.'- "The railroad company was asked t prepare a brief setting forth Its aid if th case. This wss done without de- ley, but still no aotion on fh ordinance has been taken. I have asksd the com mittee to make a report of eome kind upon -It favorably If thsy eould, unfa- . vorably If thsy couldn't; but they have declined to do anything It alL Mr. Mas ters, the chairman of the committee, save he hasn't found tlms to read the brlaf of the railway company." ' ' Str. Masters In Ooaf areas. ' During aU this tlms, Mr. Masters, .'. having abandoned bis desk, was sitting in a spectator's chair between W. D. Fenton and C. O. Sutherland, both con nected with the law department of th Harrlmaa lines. - Th trio . frequently conferred. . "This should not slumber forever In the Judiciary committee, your honor." continued Mr. Vaughn, "and to get th matter before the council I move that It be taken from the Judiciary commit tee and laid before th council." The vote n this question was: Tse Kellaher, Rushlight. Vaughn. No As- . nand. Balding, Bennett. Gray, Masters. Manefee. Preston, . Sharkey, -. Shepherd, Wallace, Wills. Absent Dunning. Then Bennett, moved by Some kindly . . Impulse, moved thst the Judlolery eon mlttee be given two weeks to maks a... report on th ordinance. This proposi tion mad Bennett snd Wills ehsng ' their votes . to yes. but it stiU stood -to I. The XHttmans. who ars wealthy ft ? mans, were married In lit. For a I" t time their life was a happy en. II children same to the home and th was nothing U disturb ths family rsw tlona , - On night rMttmsn, who Is ssit t -his Wlfs JlO possees well-devemr temper, became enrssed.. 1 e toil I wife thst never eg. In wou.J he to her. lie has ert his promise t; sit these years, slthoush, ss s? fled. Ir stfwiji l"e doubtless to re""'"! ae t:i sttu her li-r i . . , .