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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1906)
OIL TffiS NOT BUILT fire at Portsmouth ; Reveals Fact That City Ht- Ordinance Was : When Tanks'Were Constructed 4 . V "r Tha fir serty Sunday morning at the ' tank of th Union Oil company demon strated Mrirtl thing. Om of the "was, that In th construction of tb om on rwti-toH ordlnano granting th Union OU company pr -mlloirto-1ootr -thlr-tak t Porta- - mouth ha not bn foil o wad relative to providing - an ambankmant around th tank 'of aufflolant capaoltr to hold th - contents. Anothar thing demonstrated wa th necessity of anothar fir boat, and one with a ataal hull, for in th ell fir th Sreboat Oeerg H. William : " caught fir ' and would have been da trrd but for th heroic work of It :v CTWW.,,- '.!.-..,-. Prom th tlm th flr started until It had burn ad itself out there waa con atant danger ' to surrounding property ' beoauee U ambankmant aurroundlng th tank wa not sufnelsntly larg to hold th oil that flowed from th burn Ing ressrvolr. ' Thl overflow not only ran Into th slough leading to th larg " ' plant of th Peninsula Lumbar . eon ' ; pany, but th rolum wa ao graat that , it flowad ovaf th railroad track along . th front of th ell work and want out . on th rivr. It waa thl overflow go , ' ing on th rtvar that aat Or to th : firaboat Qaorg H. WUliama -. It waa. Chief Holdan and five of hi man had narrow escape and but for tha prompt action of th chlaf th flrboat would hT Man. destroyed. ' ,,.-- Special Ordlraaaa Pia. C .' M ' Whn- th Union Oil company-wa ' glvn permission to locate It tanks at QETOUf.YOUR FURS -Did you ever know auoh waalSaf iTAc tha day that you war born? Cold enough for skatingIt J froaaa all th corn. Icicla s-hsnglng from both man and Woman' china, , SHppry atraat responsible for heap of . 4 . QnlxJiappr house. pprgpplra th on of our Snuggled up to hot maehlna all day jvai hks a mcuM Xaap aa Warm a pis. thy do. from morning until night; OK this laundry work delightful whan r - tb marsury'a oat of sights - . ; Our wagon fly around th town a fleet - aa any Bird, - , Each drivar singing Ilka a lark hi gay motion atlrrad; Happy because happlnaa thy bring t . every home. . , . Though frost and snow and ffllssards f , '. . blow from Foduak up to Mom. . THE Union LAUNDRY1 Not Com pi ied ; ith Portamoath a special ordinance . waa passed by th city council, on May, 104, and approved two days latar by th mayor, providing under ; what eon dltlntia -ha Ml . ta,nhj cauldha an lo cated. The manner of construction pro vided by. the ordlnanoa.waa aa. follows "Bald tank or tanks shall be con structed of steel of substantial work manshlp and placed upon a firm, solid foundation and shall b provided with a ventilating . pipe of not leas than two and on half Inches in diameter, Inside measure! provided that no oil shall b stored in tanka between - th railroad, which crosses aaid alto, and th Wil lamette river, and that on th portion of aaid land where tanka are located an earth embankment shall, on or be fore on year from th pasaag of this oratnanoe, be made and maintained around aad tank of sufficient strength ana mo insias or wnien snan ce or our Solent capacity to hold th combined content of all tanka located therein, nd the top of which ambankmant ahall be above th axtrem high water mark ot saia nvr.- .. .. ambaakmeat Hot Proper. ' Evidently all th provision of thl ordinance waa followed In the eonatmo tion of th oil tanka .ezoept that relat ing to th building of the embankment. That the banks surrounding th tanks were not large enough to hold th oil In th tanka was evident aeon after th flr . etaxted. rtr Chief Holden also points out this defect and sera that much of th effort of th crew of tb nreboat was devoted to fighting the oil that flowed over the embankment. In addition to thl th construction of th banks waa a menace. They are held In plaoa by a wooden bulkhead and hi waa arlre almost from the start and became so flimsy that the firemen could not throw any water on It for fear of bor ing through It and opening the sand em bankment, which would hav 'let out the oil that was confined. , "'"-:, OU Otertowed. -Tha large tank detroyd had a ca pacity of iT.Ooe barrels of ell. yet at the time of the wror according -ta-tho figures of th company' o 91 cars, only MO barrels -waa la the tank, or about on slith of its capacity, as th em bankment waa notof sufficient eapaolty to hold ,0 barrala It requires no vivid Imagination to ptotur what would hav been th consequence If th tank had beea filled to It eapaolty or even one hal& ' So small was tha embankment that the burning ell earn over Ita highest point, that along th waterfront, and this was several hours after th flr started and moon of th oil that had been In th tank had gone' up la amok and flame. flr, said: . Tho embankment surround Ing tha on tanks wa not Sufficiently targe to bold th burning oil. If tnare had been more ell In the tanks I do not ee how th plant of tha Peninsula Lumber company could have been eaved. Not only would it have gone, but tha burning fluid would bava: gone on down to th drydock and ' other nlacea alona the river. In addition to thl th oil would hare gone out on th rivr In a grLJrotemeandJBoatlna;; around on top of the water as it ooea. would nav menaced ahtppinr and Ttrer front property for mllea. - ; - ' Then wo got tbero we put out three line of hose. Tb oil at tnat xim waa boiling all around th tank and It was running over la vrai place It was Impossible and would have been fool hardy to nut any water instae uv em, bankment. That would have only raised the oil higher and caused a great er vrflow. v "My first thought was of the tank ears. They were smoking hot when w got the first stream on them and th water biased as It fall on th bot Iron sides. Ws cooled them off until they were pulled out of the way. - All the time I kept my eyo on th embankment.- Every now and than a stream ijliiIjI juiim twmv tlia Ttrvm. ihl. TlU I V wTmWlW. w - occurred I had my men cut It Off and flrtv tt back. I -could not -bora-dlracu ly Into these running paths of flames for I feared that If I did tn stream would bore through th bulkhead, make an opening In the sand embankment and scatter a burning trail everywnere. oil man Into BOougk. -That tha ambankmant waa too email van to accommodate the oil even whan not boiling wa evident, for despite our efforts to cut off the streams of fire the oil ran down into, m aiougn. It cam down there In such quantities that tha permanent boom the Peninsula Lumber company has across us siougu was not sufficient to confine It It Jumped this boom and waa making to ward th mill whan I advisea tne tnrow tag across of another boom. A larger one was hastily rigged and thrown across and this held th burning oil at th upper end of the slough. If ths tanks had beea anywner near run this boom would not hav been suffi cient to confine the oil and It would hav surely drifted down to th plant of th Peninsula Lumber company. "While we were busy at the w end 1 looked aaound and eaw that oil wa starting over th south embank ment . Before I bad taken two steps It waa coming over the bank and across the railroad tracks like a river. Be fore I had taken two more step it wa down on th rtvar, Tb firaboat wa my- only thought Z. ran out on ths pier to tell the men to cut loose and back out Into ths river.' Th oil beat, m in reaching thg buat and suddenly-1 found myself out on th pier surrounded by flames.-- - . .... ... . Xrireboa Backs Out. T. yelled to th erew to cut loos and without waiting alo unoouple hosa or heave off llnea. but cutting both with fcxaa, ; they backed out Into th river. AthydWor could , . th flames around ma parted, tne ooai anra. Th men on board worked with a wilt with the small hose and . drove the flames back, otherwle tn -boat today would 'hav- bean- wreck.- That one fir shews tha neeeeslty of another fire boat and one with hull constructed of steel. .. ..v.: -.-...''. ".;.; "After t aw th firaboat back out th five or six men with me looked around for a way to eacapa. On part of tha gang had a line of hoee under the treetle and they had been driven out by 'the oil pouring over the' embank ment I ' wee on the trestle and they a sort pf peninsula along tbm front of the slough. Jumping down from the wharf to this, mtle strip ef land the men all , gathered . together and walked oat on' this strip and down to safety at the. lumber mllL W had to abandon everything. We loet between fOO and ISO feetj of hosa and I lost my flr aervlo eot but wo were thankful w got out of tbatvplao aa w did.. "Th fir has taught swvaral lessons but one of Jmpprtanca is that tha em bankmanta around the oil tanks Should b mad as large as th ordtnano pro vMes ana even larger, zor when th on boils it will run over a very high bank. This waa demonstrated early tn - the fir, long before any graat part of th side of th tank had oavad In. The tanks (should bo set well down In the ground and the embankment built of sand ao It Can readily ahaorb tha oil and If any bulkheads are used tn bold Ing th Band they ahould be of aton ffr iM?nsyet fid yiftt EASTERN EXCURSION RATES fair I , Angus t, s, and 10. On th above data tha Great North. eta Railway win have on sale tickets ta Chicago ana return ai rate of tTl.ta liouia ana return .ou, hi. paol, Mln weapella and Dulo Uv Superlot-e Won m City and return. 110. Ticket first class, good going via tha Great North ern, returning same or any direct route. stopover allowed. For tickets, sleeping- car reeervairana or any aaaitlonal In formation call on or addreea H. Diokaon. a P. a T. A. 1U Third etreet Portland. Th Dallas Will Celebrate. The Dalles, Oregon, will hold a am. star Fourth of July celebration this year. ., As aa Inducement for this and other celebrations that day th O. R. dt N. co. will sell one and on third fare tickets Julr L S and 4 with final limit July . . :.. The aeal Batata Ootomaa or ni Joamal are tates-arttag to buyer and eUar allka. ENORMOUSi DIVIDENDS TO SHMEHOLDERS! JLlmltod Allotmnt of Stock: Now Offrd U Pr Cnt auaranteed.' Will Pay Civr 30 ";."y ;; . Pr Cent Whn Stores Are Btabllmhed n-nt. ' ' - ; f:;, ' ' 1 . - v: OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Col. T. B. Fuller, President (ExCalifornla Bank, Commi- Captain E. E. Csine, Director sioner). .. ' ; VZ:''" .: '- ',-'-. -- Seattfe, Wash.). .iHonTruiiiaa ReevevSeew andJ of California). -t- , - - WDVam Crocker, Director (3an Fifty Stores Now Being Established on . the 'Pacific Coast ,Wbo Can PACIFIC SYNDICATE STOR2C 3., Irnr: HEAD OFFICE: Union Savings Bank Ecililn;, Oilland, CaL , ) tzil ' SEES BIG FUTURE FOR COAST New-Yofk Banker Declarer Mi nates Know,, What Northwest Will Do Next Ten Years. ARE PREPARING! FOR ' :;; IT TODAY. HE SAYS den Are Looking Ahead and Rsal iin( Padfio Northwest , Wm : B Moat Productlv Sectloa Sootu! ready, not for today or tomorrow, but for 10. years fronv today on tha PaclOc eoasV They see at th end of that time a tonnag doable that iof th present la and out of Pacific ookat porta, unless soma world-wide oatastrophe oheok the wonderful tide of commerce,' . said a Now Tork banker after making a tour of the Pacific coast cities. He said that before ha earn west bs waa .amaaed at th burst of transcon tinental railroad building toward th Pa lfl coast He oould not see how ths Milwaukee, th Northwestern, th Cana dian Northern, the Grand Trunk Paelflo, th Western Padfio, ths-sTsnsas City, Mexico A Orient, all more or less gea- utns projects to reach, tha coast, had any real Justification, Now he 'eon that these big main arteries of transconti nental traffic will be wonderful earners TP 3 OS' tv a A tvt A 4m tz?rs Influence Capital : Share of Profita tnd Cilery to An Uncqadcd Offer A set of our famous Ul False TEETH for $10. Painless extracting free with thle offer. Exam ination and consultation free. . Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Extracting, tt cents .... VI3IL DI109.S Dentist A CarUla Cur for Tlrta, Hot, keUn DO MOT AOOtPT A SUBSTITUTE. of money when th plan - ef thelr bulldsra are completed. Be saidi taatsjaao eT BofuXtAioMi "In th past It years th population of th coast eitlee baa Increased 108 per ra ene can see what -wuna-ta sis of them 1 yeara from now. -1 have no doubt that Boa ton. Baltimore, and Philadelphia will be behind tne leader of the Paelflo eoest within tnat time, measured by their eoonomlo Im portaooa aa factors in our national com mercial Ufa Oould, the Rockefellers, Hafrtraan. Hill. Barling and Hughltt eee th!evBlf Wilfred Laurler doubtless also saw. It when he staked his political fu ture on th Orand Trunk Padfio. bar -changed my-aalad about faa Paelflo coast I had known that the Milwaukee bad to build to aave Itself. and that th Oould road' natural an tagonism toward Its neighbor would lead tt to go through. But tha rest of tha transcontinental projects seemed foolish. I knew that the Canadian Pa cific had worked It years to gat It earnings np to I7.I0S per mile. Cam Bee tha Beaeoa. -Only sight year ago I had seen the Santa Fa, Union Paolfla. and Northern Paelflo bom ing out of ths bands of re ceivers, and that only th Huntington prid had saved th Southern Padfio from the earn fate. I oould not sea, and there are thousands of others who aannot see, that the last six or awven years' growth - Justified ' anyuung ilka practical duplication of existing tranaw WANTED ' n 9 WABXXBOVTOJr. Opea Hub or it Ft Aailieea. Aua B. uue-ui, teSoy.Xl.- RATES IIM Oold Crown.. ......... f5.f l.0 Oold Crown 3.6 J tiaee Plate i.O- 111.60 Plates i.....i.. FUltnga, up from... ....... ..M.Sa-J -Work On areata cd. BomTrDatalPatrlcrir" gal'BlosTlaBa-StOpp." y-OV'aaet portaUon facUltlea, .' Stnca looking a tha ooaat cities. I can eee good res eon for It all. and mora. Tha present ralta road building ta only a beginning of ait era that will gridiron tb Paolfla aorta west witA tilroada. :. - . Special Sleeper for Elks, ; On Saturday morning. July 14, fhd d R. 4 N. Co. will ran a peoIal atandi ard aleeper, Portland to Denver, by the way of Huntington ana union nemo for the Kike, account th annual eoa- ventloa of tb grand lodge at lks -a Denver. July IT, IS and 11 ''-"''r '': - v. :-' (Capitalist and Ship Owner, ; . w ..).,.-'- ; Francisco). , ' . - Hiht r. :- lire CJaf Holden, la peak-a U war on UtU strip of land that makaa ,4