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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 23. 1CCX OFF FOR POLE If JAPANESE AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER - PlilflS TO VISIT ilER FllTIIER- . i R8IIIP- Wffe of German Count and Favorite at Imperial Court Contem- j plates Trip to America Her Mother Was a Prussian Walter Wellman in Norway Com- TO ACCOMMODATE THOSE WHO CANNOT GET .HERE DURING WORKING HOURS OUR STORE WILL' REMAIN-OPEN 1 FOR BUSINESS TILL-ATE-THISEVENING. : - , , v plating Preparations Jor j -Northern Dash. , , Baroness Aoki'sHonorable Career. DIFFICULT PROBLEMS fr' ,wm m pe trr-?" One Week From Tonight Ends This Sale IT HAS BEEN UNPRECEDENTED IN THE ANNALS OF FURNITURE SELLING IN PORTLAND. IT HAS HAD NO COUNTERPART SINCE THE: FIRST ESTABLISHMENT OF ITS KIND OPENEDITS" I-.-.-..'.' : V'V-, -DOORS JNTHIS CITY. , ,! :- FACED BY EXPLORER iV.--' o Must Keep Near Earth md B Able to Withstand Polar Breeiea Will Drag Tapering Line of ?teel From Balloon for Anchor. 1 j ; , IS Open Tromoe. Norway, June 2.. -For the second time within a down year Wal ter Wellman. t ha American explorer, U here completing preparations- Jar a tiaan Into the polar region, "which Ilea at the ' verv rates of this far northern town. K all goes well another week or ao will see the little "party-of-tnirepia Ajner Iraoa ready for their alrahlp flight over ' the Arctic seas, with the north pole a a their aoat : The Norwegiane ere taking- the keen- eat Intereat In the Wellman expedition, Aerial navigation ir new to them, but -Arctic exploration la not." They view the American adventure kindly enough, but at the earn a time the Norwegians re true to tbelr Idol, and their idol in Arctlo work.' naturally enough, la the gallant Dr. Nansen. The popularity of Itr. Nanaen la verv creat among hla ountrvmen. and they look upon Mr. Wellman aa a dangerous competitor of their favorite In the race for the pole. Hie laat majority hnnrver unite In the eentlment that if NorwelTnTroan not have the honor of winning the pole then may It be an American. .. - ,." "r -'--jratt-tothiooaaa.r; ' . . air, Wallman la putting the finishing touches to hla preparatlona with the name feeling that he began the work. He haa the aame faith In the feasibility of hie plana, while at the aame time he appreciates all the difficulties and dan gers of the project. . Two problems era uppermost In hla project. First, the vertical stability or hla alrahlp. aa effected by heat, cold aide rone end ballaMl aeeond. the-pwa- ibtllty of eocceaofal anchorage during high winds. A- balloon la nereaaaruy s very delicately balanced Instrument. A ray of sunshine, a puff of cold or warn' wind. touch- nf damp mist causes the balloon to rtae or. full. It la most essential In a protracted voyage to keep the balloon at aa even height This the heavy guide rope does. Trall . Ing along the ground or in the sea, it keeps the balloon down, since, when the Irehlp has a tendency 'to rise. It has to lift snore and more of the weight of the rope. ' On the other hand, as the balloon descends.. It Is .relieved of the weight. The guide rope la also of some service In steering the unstable craft, and for thla purpose Andres used sev eral ropes. " - ' ' ' TaZeep Hear I! arts. Aeeoedlng o-Mr-Wellman's plans 1la strship' la at no time to be out ef touch with the surface of the earth. - A smooth, tapering line of ateel la to drag Its lower end over the Ice. keep the ship at a fairly stable height 1&0 to tCO feet) and maintain, under ordinary conditions, the vertical stability of the craft. Then there are other factors In volved in the problem of vertical sta bility. There may be an .accumulation of frost, snow,' sleet or moisture upon the airship amounting to several bun dieds of nniinrta lnjjnJiniir or so. In operation . the motor , U coMiimlhfTOW at the rate, perhaps, or boo to i.woo ; pounds. In It hours.. The alrahlp may "lose a considerable pert of Its ascen sional force through cold and loss of gas at the very time .when, instead of dropping weight 'to correspond through consumption of frasellne, it Is actually gaining weight, through - accumulation of frost and snow. - Again the reverse may be true a considerable gain of "volumer end-ttft-foree st the, jrery Jlme the motors are rapidly reducing the weight of the cargo. ; - lf-Ji,:'-:: ;; tin 5 ':. if.'),'-' s i -x v. f : m UTS f: , f. r k-m - .'JfcC .... : . e. Countess von Hatzfeldt. Daughter of Japanese Ambassador to America. BRONCHO BUSTING ON c ; FOURTH AT HEPPNER nwsrtit TWsualck te Tse foerasl.t Heppner, Or., June it.-Heppner will celebrate the Fourth of July quite ex tensively this year., A large program of sports and contests has been ar- . ranged, among which will be the riding f wild horses and a roping and tying contest, ' Some expert horsemen will ooaapeU In theae rnntetts.A jrle Is also offered to the party bringing In The . hardest bucklng. bronco. L, Excursion trains will be run ht here from outside towns and a large crowd and good time is expected. . MONSTER GUNSON HEW; WARSHIPS I " ' i. aaiai saasBssssjsssssassa RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL -rTarf Zrfw leaf Time Bona Trip Tick eta Baat Tia O. m. ft M. - Summer excuralon rates. Bale dates . June IS. IS. July t, 1, August V. . . September S, 10. - Rate from Portland to Chicago, f 71.40; to Bt. Louis. $17.60; Kansas City, Omahfc and St Faul, $(0; Denver, Sa. For Information In reference to rates and particulars ask C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington . atreelJL -i'orU&nd. HEPPNER BRANCH-TO WAVE OIL BURNERS nml fiDertsl fferrlre.l . Borirri, June 23. IIunna.Cbuntess VoH Hatzfeldt. daughter of the .Viscount Sluso Aoki, Japan's first ambassador to America, contemplates visiting'' her father while he occupies his . present .Important diplomatic post. ZC Ths countess, whose husband Is an omoer In the Imperial Pruaslan Guard, is a great favorite In the polltfio-mlll-tary circles of the capital. The 'mother of the countess waa the Baroness von Rahden, the widow of a German cavalry itin h m " r-' i1 Vlif;ffirVjjTklL and In her . appearance she offera , a charming blending of the' two - races. From her "mother,''' the Countess" von tiatsfeldt gets a certain German cast of features, while her hair, eyes and I to 1900 full minister of foreign affairs. somewhat diminutive stature show the Japanese descent. -- ., . Baroness von Hatxfcldt has been edu cated In the best Berlin schools. Is a charming hostess, a musician of talent and a yariedjingulet. ; . ' ' The wife of Japan's' first ambassador to "the United States,' the Viscountess Aokl. Is by birth the Prussian Baronesa von Rahden, who married Viscount Aokl I when he was the mikado's minister at BerllnT where- he spentmany-1 rears. The-family to which she belongs Is an ancient one, allied to many of the great houses of the German aristocracy, land the announcement of her engagement nearly a quarter of a century ago created a; great sensation, it being the first Instance of a Kuropean woman of rank and title becoming the wife of a Japanese, "or, for that matter, of any oriental - Viscount ' Aokl has had a long and honorable political ' career. - In 1873 he was secretary to the Japanese legation afBerUnrafreTwiira becoming mtttter j at the German capital. From 18M to 1SS0 hewas VIce-mlnisteiT ofToreIgn affairs, and from 1S8 to 1891 and 18S t Selling NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN THIS BAILIWICKWE ARETNOT DOING SO BECAUSE WE LIKE THE7 ... !iV y - EXCITEMENT, BUT -; : the Supreme Court Commanded Us to Vacate One-half of Our Building HENCE WE WERE FORCED INTO THIS SACRIFICE OF FURNITURE. RANGES, HEATINO STOVES EVERYTHING USED IN FURNISHING OFFICE. HOTEL, RESTAURANT, MODEST HOME OR MANSION, HEREj WAS AN. IMMENSE QUANTITY OF IT, BUT WE EXPECT THAT BY. ONE WEEK FROMljO ' ;. ;'.-TNighT-WB SHALL HAVE ACCOMPLISHED OUR OBJECT, - V r r . , ; The Home Furnishers 172-174 FIRST STREET 'He has been- twice minister to Ger many and "once to England. . He is at present a member of the privy council of the1 empire, haa the highest apaneae decoration, that of. the first class of the Order of the Rising -Bun. and stands In the -first - rank -of - Japanese, diplomats, outranking Mr. Takahlra. - and .even Baron HayashV th Japanese minister to London. In fact, ,he Is one of the most eminent-of, Japan's publlo men.' ; Battleships Michigan and South Carolina to Each Have Eight "T"Twerve-lnch Cannons. ; BIDS ARE OPENED FOR CpNSTRUCTION OF BOATS Vessels to Displace Sixteen Thousand Tons, Be" Four Hundred and Fifty Feet Lyig, Eighty Feet Wide-and Heavily' Armored.'-' J" '" ' ''':: ' Heppner, Or., June St. The oil tank being constructed by the O. R. A N. Co. at this, place la nearly done. It will have a capacity of 210.900 anllons. . Oil I ahlns, which , burners will be "hi upeTailotrroI Ihejlhelr Irtar trips hot morr-thairt,t00 branch In . about , three weeks. 1 tons, will be 4&0 feet long,, with an ex- "' (Jounwt- gpeclsl,,) . Washington. . D. C, . June 28. The navy dnpartment ' haa made public the chief' characteristlca of the. battleships Michigan and South Carolina, bids for the construction - of -wmcii--were opened- today. , The, .new- Dattle- must aispiacs STATEMENT. OF THE CONDITION OF ' ", The United States National Bank , .-' l OF PORTLAND. OREGON.: ' " . ' , '.' " AT CALL OF COMPTROLLER, JCNE 1; lf0. ' ' ' ' " '; i i i i i i ii i i I, , '. ASSST. " " ;.'.' '-', - ' : XX1BTXXTXBB. Ixwns and discounts. . . t Z.S71.4 T.&3 V.- 8. bonds to secure eleeiilatlen - AJ9J)00.0 a. ana oxner. Danes and premiums 4I.11.I7" Real estate C.T1T.ZS Oince furniture and fix- - turea ' 4.100.09 Rank building 121.000.99- Money on call In New Tork .w.uu,'. 190.000.99 Cash and due - from ' Capitid . VSurplus .TrCIrculStlon' thanks TVtal ( , ... 2.118.211. It and undivided ... . y S00.000.09 Dividends wnpald ... deposits 255.804. 01 .4.0U- , 14( 09 . (.Ttt.Ssl.17 IT.014.061.20 ' Attest correct:' ..Total ... 11,01 1.OH.20 J.-C. AINHWORTH. president. ' - treme lreadth 'at . the waterllne -of to" feet Inches. The armament plana call for a main battery of eight 12-Inch breech-loading tiflea and two submerged torpedo tubes, while the secondary bat tery is to consist of 23 3-lnch rspid-flre guns, two ; 3-pounder : semi-automatic guns,' eight 1-pounder semi-automatics, two 3-Inch field pieces, and four ma chine guns' of '.10 caliber. 'The 12-Inch guns, of which the new ships will carry twice aa mans as are uu ' board any. American vessel now-In 'commission or building, are to be mounted la pklrs. In four electrically --controlled '. elliptical turrets, each with an arc of fire of 270 degrees, two turrets being forward and two aft. 'The guns of the secondary battery will be ptaced in commanding positions and are to have large unob structed arcs of fire.- The torpedo tubes will be Installed forward. . - The South Carolina and 'Michigan will be-protected -by-a waterllne- beHr-tf armor that will vary In thickness from It to S inches in some sections, from It to 10 Inches In some, . and from 11 to t inches in. other sections. The am munition will fee - carried. In magazines and shellrooms so placed that one half of the total supply will be carried for ward and the othexhalf af C-LXThe handling-rooms' will - be .Isolated from the turrets, theIt and 1-lntfi smmunK tlon and the torpedo and warheads to be transported on trolley! and tracks -fitted In the magaslnes, handling-rooms, pas sages and shellrooms. , 1 . 7 Ths engines of -the new battleships are to have a combined Indicated-horsepower of 14.500, each engine to be: in a separate watertight compartment " The 12 water-tube ."boilers. -wBIcB"kfe"' to" be fitted with superheaters, . will be in three watertight compartments, and the conU bunkers are to have a maximum ca pacity of about 2,200 tons. ' All the mam compartments below the gun dock will be provided with forced ventilation, the combined capacity .ef 1 the 17 blower being not' leas than 100,000 cubic feet per minute. The accommodations are to be sufficient to aocommodate ST of ficers and 871, men.. .'', ...-!''.. a HERE ARE THE TWO TYPES The Up-to-Dalc Kcw and the Out-oi-. Dale Old Style Refrigerator ; WE DO NOT HAVE TO POINT OUT- THE DIFFERENCE. ANY ONE CAN SEE IT. MATCHES CAN BE KEPT IN OURS AND NOT BE IN JURED. FACT IS, . . ; , ICK till. - U1-H.O Of. AO At " ' to sr eMseecs ( -a- a rt-s The Mew Style. WE HAVE THE BEST REFRIGERATOR The Old Style. 'W - . . ju- -'.r . ' J. . . v , 1 (' - - - -On the face of the earth, which our Mr. Anderson, Refrigerator Expert, quickly derhonstnte to any one who will take the trouble to investigate! In the New Herrick we have the fruition of the, scientific study of years, and while we sell the family " X. ? a. aTB W !x s" J . bbsbFA AA M V tw) a w a"k TaMwIV' fmTS wa - size ax, is tnc equai 01 any oucr soia mgn as . a ma la Ajsauiu 1 .x z iku&i . .Telephone Main r-.."'---1382 Jo So KADDDDEDgQIf Odd Fellows Temple First and Alder Sis. i. DEALER IN ALL KINDS "OF" HARDWARE, GARDEN AND CARPENTERS TOOLS AND CUTLERY. GLORIOUS FOURTH IS PLANNED THIS YEAR 1- Mptea . la JTieJ'HiraaLl.U ' Pendleton. -Or.. June 22. To all per eons living within a radius of 309 miles bt Prttdteton an opportunity la offered by the O. B.' N. to-reh thla place and return to their homes after attend ing the coming Fourth of July celebra tion, for one and one-third fare foe the round trip. , . . . Three bends. ' from Pilot Rock. Mil ton, and the'Kagles' band ef this place, will furnish the music for the celebra tion. v .' . " ; , " Caaft prises are ottered Xr the beat ODSDIFTDWG" T17AKID)S mm jii u Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping it will wear away," are drifting -towards Bright' a 4Disease,which is-kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. - mum stops irregularities,' strengthens the urinary organs and builds uf the worn-out tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy "kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver,-irregular heart action, etc If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady.- It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. ' ; How to Find Out. - Too can easily determlna if your kidneys art oat or order by getting aMe for -a hours a bottle of the urine passed apos arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-duo t sediment or. email particles float ' bout te It, yonr kidneys art diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB should be takes ,at once. -i. . , : . v Q. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Tears . . G. B. Barhant of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writeft ' M About ftmr years aga I wrote you stating that I had been entirely eared ef s severe kidney tresble by taking Use than twe bottles ef Foley's Kidney Care. It entirely stopped the brlck-dnst eedlmeat and Mia aad eympteme of kidney disease alsapaeared. I am glad te aay that . 1 1 have sever had a asters ef aay ef those symptema daring the fear ears that nave eiapeee, eaa 1 am svieemiy eurse te siay cares, ana heartily recemmeas Foley' Kidney vare so say ea eensnag Ireea kidney M bladder sroubls." . , Two Clzes, CO Cents and $1.00. SOLD L'!D riECC--r.:ED.DY i WOODARD. CLARKE CO. AND AND SKIDMORE DRUG ' CO. decorated bicycle, the finest float and the most "artlatlo plug-ugly" costume, aa wall as for the. beat exhibition of broncho ' Busting. "Tr - - ; Ths general committee on arrange ments , has served notice on all house holders that they musf clean all debris and inflammable trash from their yards and contiguous alleys in readiness for rhe Fourth, to minimise the danger from fire, ' .-y . ' - SMART SET WITNESSES7 -lWEDDING AT NEWPORT j .'. (Jonrssl Bpelsl Bertie. Newport,-. K. j 1 , June 13. Trinity church waa the acene at noon- today of the largest aikl moat notable- society wedding that has taken place In New. port In several seasons, The bride was Miss-Anita Lt Bands, "daughter of Mr. - - . . I .- ... ', and-Mre,-WHllam H. Sanda.and . the bridegroom Harold Mlnott of New. Tork. The Rev, Walter Lowrle, rector of the church, officiated.' Following the cere, mony there was a large and brilliant reception at the Bands' cottage,; Wee Bush, in Bellevue avenue. ' v ' taveUe WatkUs Xad. Ashland, Or.. June 2a. Iavelle Wat klna, a--well known and popular young woman of St Helena, died In this city Thuradayfromlubercul08l. Deceased waa it years old at the time of her demise. . .1 Cheap Rates East.' sr- On June II end2o the Canadian Pmr clflo will sell special round trip ticket to eastern tertnlnala at very low rates.. For full particulars eall on or address F. R. Johnson, F. P. A, lit Third street, rortland, Oregon. 17 i '-:T'