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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1906)
13 uMxm TODAY'S MEWS IM EVERY SPORTS Edited by j:a.horan We Are the Leading- RAMBLER BASEBALL NINE OF JBALgJ SEVERE DRUBBING FOR THE LOCALS opeciausts CORNELL FAVORITE id BOATRACE Ithaca's Crew In Splendid Trim ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS IN PORTLAND. CONSULTATION FREE - ! I' ' , . . - i V,. r ' for the Annpal Events ' v Today. ' . THOUSANDS GATHER cheek thi. oaksment? Syracuse, Pennsylvania and Geortje. - town's ' Frlenda Have" High Hopea of Their Favoritea CroSIng the Llna Firi't Tenth Annual Affair. (Journal Special lervlee.V ' Pooghkeepsle. N. Y., June 13 Ever y . thins I In readiness for the annual intercollegiate regatta. The week of ' training are over, tha crewa are a fit ''.'aa. under tha circumstances, their coaches can make them. All they ask is good, quiet water and - no favors. They'll vet the latter.' As for : tha former. Vie wind (oda will decide. ' AU three races which make up tha .day's proaram will be pulled" off lata this Afternoon, when tha sun is declln ln over tha western htlla that fringe ' " tha Hudson. Tha four-oared argument ""Vat two miles la down for ' decision at tha hour of 4. while three quarter of an hour later the two-mile affair be .'. s twaen tha freshman eight-oared craw will ba decided. The principal contest of tha day the heart-breaking pull of - four -ml for. the six 'varsity crews eomea off promptly at o'clock. As usual. -all. three races will be rowed downstream. - . . .-. ' :. . . Tha Cornell ' crew, ' as .usual for tha - .' past five, or-six seasons, .again is re garded as almost Inevitably tha vie- - - 7 tor. It la practically -almost a certain that tha margin of victory will be noth ing Ilka the 83 lengths that separated. ' . tha Cornell and oyracuae eights met year In the big race..- Not only' is it --Hhery-thet some erew-mayaJv.e jborne 11. - - a particularly hard race, but it looks as if several colleges would ba well up at ' the finish. There is even-hope that an other such grand finish as that which ' 7'. marked tha rare five years ago- may ba forthcoming this afternoon,, ',.'., One thing that lends an -'exceptional ' Interest to the race this year la tha fact that It I likely to signalise tha last appearance on. eastern waters, for soma years at least, of tha. plucky oarsmen from Wisconsin. The Badger eight Is well thought of by tha critic. Every man In the Wisconsin shell Is a Pougb- h-oepela veteran. This means a great deaj, and there are few experts today eonaln shell one of the first three to pass the line at the Judges' boat. Syracuse haa -aent-oneof-ther-beat crews that ever wore tha orange. ' Un less all signs are misleading Syracuse will - furnish the crew that will give Courtney's men the race for first place. Columbia's crew has so often been a disappointment that It Is not much re- FAIR AUSTRALIAN .wjnsworld:s.champjonshii ' - , ; , S rfC 5 Ei-taS .!i?-5.-5!fe! I- Nik. X. X ' vt 7: W , ?-- - 4: 75 - wirir 'Mil T i il I (Hi Miaa Annette Kelleoman, Champion Swimmer. Vienna. June II. The . wonderfu! roang woman , athlete and swimmer from Australia. Miss Annette Keller man, has beaten , all ' records for dis tance In a trial on tha Danube . river - here, ewimmlna- a -dlatanoe of -11 kllo mctera, or something over t miles. In I hours and 11 minutes. - ? All previous records for women swlm mera in no " way approach tha feat of Miss Kellarman and she now rightly clalma tha title of champion long dls tence woman ' swimmer of the world. She la now SO years old. I feet lynches In height and. weighs 140 pounds, and Is a splendid example of physical de velopment In a woman without destroy ing tha finer feminine lines. Still her to Macular development la aucb that aha : Reading From Left to Right the Players Are Cory, Perkins, Gabrielaon, IV. ''.'..-..."'....'.''!-". Holman, Kay, Fanner, r " garded In the big raea, and Wisconsin. Pennsylvatila and Georgelawnara ex pected to fight It out for third place. The Pennsylvania- crew this year la re garded with considerable .favor because It was the only one that defeated An ne polls on the Severn thla spring.- . 'i Tenth Annual Affair. - ; - Today's races practically mark tha tenth anniversary-of : the. big Pouxh keepeta regatta. Various attempt were made to establish an Intercollegiate re gatta that would be worthy of tha name ii far back aa 1175. but with little success, and It was not' until 189 that the - present : Intercollegiate aasoclatlon assumed control an the races on tha Hudson legan to attract general Jnter-eat-throughout tha country. Since that time--Come II and tha University of Pennsylvania, with " Syracuse In 1104. have dlvhled anwing-.-them the honor of winning -tie . varsity eight-oared rac. The Red and White crews have crossed tha Una winners six: times, while the Quakers have led the way In three races and Syracuse In one. All these races were rowed -over tha , Hudson ! river course, with the exception of tha 1881 race, which was a three-mile .contest and was held on Saratoga lake. - This race was one of the three won by tha Pennsylvania crews. The race -last year was won by Cornell, with Syraeuae sec ond and Georgetown. Columbia, Pennsyl vania and Wisconsin' finishing In tha order named. riuiaia of Is 4 p. m. 'Varsity four-oared shells; challenge- trophyr-presented In H9 by Davidson Kennedy, , Pennsylvania, now held by Syracuse. Entries Columbia. Cornell, Pennsylvania, - Syracuse, and Wisconsin. 4:45 p." m. Freshman eight-oared shells; ' distance. two miles; trophy. SWIMMER 7v - - ' shows wonderful strength and endur- ance. - - Tha young woman has been Swim ming from childhood. At fifteen aba won the amateur mile In Australia, and after w InnVng -'II t ha trt her amateur championships there, became a profes sional. Last year she made an attempt to swim the English Channel In emula tion of Captain Webb's feat In 1871, but the severe buffeting of the wavea forced her to give up after covering alx mile. - Before Miss Kellerman's recent rec ord on tha Danube the best previous performance by a w.oman was that of Miss Beckwlth. .who made a record of ZO miles In tha Thames,, swimming with tha currant, la the time" of hours and 21 mltiutea. j ... -,::.-rr::c a 0. MULTNOMAH LOOKED UPON AS A SURE WINKER Athletes at Spokane Meet Say That Winded M. Men Are" . l. Certain of Victory. r-rSperWite-TeTraat) Spokane. .Wash., June il. The gen erally expressed oplnon polnta to a vic tory for Multnomah today. Spokane and Seattle athletes are dliay trying to fig ure out where they can possibly win the meet, but only an aecident. it 4s be lieved, will rob Multnomah of tha honor. Manv think that Hayward's - men will get aa many points as Spokane and Se attle combined. - Multnomah's strengtn Is best manifested in, tha sprints, half mile, pole - vault. Jumps - and weights. Bpokana la generally conceded first in the 40 dash, with tha chances of win ning tha hurdles and mile. Seattle looks strong in the mile and high Jump. Stewards' cup. presented In 1900 by yrn l B Bangs. Columbia, now held by CornelL Entries Columbia, By rati p. m. 'Varsity eight-oared shells; distance, four miles; trophy, ."varsity t challenge cup, presented by Df. toula I Seaman. Cornell, now held by Cornell Entries Columbia, Cornell. Georgetown, Pennsylvania., Syracuse and Wisconsin. KING'S DAUGHTER WINS -CONEY ISLAND EVENT ' f Jnaraal Boerls! Bnrlea.l New York. June 28. King's daughter at 10 to.l captured the Coney island handicap yesterday. Results: niioiire. emttrmr eourss. aetimg Toddles won, Dulclnea second. Miss Stroma third. Time, 1:01 1-6. - One mUe Bat won, McKittredge sec ond, King Henry third. Time, 1:40 1-i. Five furlonga. on tha turf, the Daisy stakes Red River won, Okenlta second, Kentucky Beau third. Time. 1:00 S-S. J'uney. Island handicapjrl'fur- longs, main course King s Daughter won; Prince Hamburg second, Roseben third. Time, 1:11 -. Mile and a furlong Sampson won. Maxnar second, Von Tromp third.. Time, 1:12 I-l. Mile and a sixteenth, on tha turf, selling Tartan won, Jnat So - eeoond. Telephone third.- Time. 1:48 1-Jt ..... YESTERDAY'S RACING AT THE MEADOWS tapeelal Dispatch to The Journal.) Seattle. June 23. The Meadows race results: Five and a half furlongs Bid Silver won, Flo Manola second. Facts third. Time. 1:074. - ; Five audi a half furlongs Betsy won. Ambitious' second, Cajioplan third. Time, 1:0H. One " mtlc Buda Bek won, Prloklea second, 'Tramway thlrftVr Time,-1:41 H. One mile Tom Hawk won, Anlrad sernnd. Patsy Brown third. Time, 1:41 H. Five and a half furlongs Hagerdon won. "Huachuca second, , Olendennlg thtrd. Time. 1:07V. t - - Six furlongs Judge won. Ruby sec ond. Gateway thlrdi. Time, 1:14. AMATEUR BASEBALL The East Portland 'Orfcya'and the aallor a of the Paul Jones will clash at Kighth and. ..Hawthorne diamond - Sun dayLaftJrnoojvJThe game will be called at 2 o'clock, and the "Jackles will "try to drive the Oraya out of their anchor age. . s , ' e e The Bralnard Maroons will leave over the O. R. A N. for Cnmas, Washing ton, Sunday morning, where they will play the clever team of that place, and on July 4 thy go to the Dalles to eon tent with tha Wasco Milling company - Manager Rankin of the Kelso, Wash ington, team, has dated the East Port land Orays for his grounds on Jufy-tr SEATTLE SPORTS SORE AT COAST LEAGUE i i 1 -'Tha Seattle Times -has tha following to say about tha treatment accorded Its city by tha Coast league: Seattle will never get anything in the Coast league. Ruas Hall and Jim Agnewlha new .owners of the club, know It as well aa any one, and If they had their own way about it would riot be In tha league a Alarming Situation ' frequently reaults from neglect of clog ging bowela and torpid liver, until con stipation becomes chronic. - This condi tion - Is' unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best and gentlest regulators of Stomach and Bowela. Guaranteed by Skidmere Drug Co. Price tBc , Roberta, Dyer, Nace, Holmes, Basher, " :.;:';.: ' '."7'" today. They cannot ' get out without loalng forfeit money, but that agree ment lasts only thta season, for which we areall thankful; and Seattle will be where It rightfully belongs next year, and Bull' Perlne ean .'work in the Cal ifornia State league, where he will be right at home among tha native-eons. Seattle, doea not want the' beat of the umpiring, but after getting tha, worst of it for four yeara. It ia about time to register a good, strong kick. It waa a mistake for this time to aver hook up with California in baseball, and the men who spent their good money on the experiment know It now; for tha north armandrof rthe circuit haa bad to take what was : left' after tha Caltfornlana got what-they wanted. . Walter Mc Credla and Ruas Hart, are both authority for the statement that in "the laat two months of the season,, when the north ern clubs are Ja Clf ornia-lf they win at all they have to do it so-decislvely that tha umpire haa no charfee-to -awing It either way. ...... ... .,,-;,;,,...,.;., V AMERICAN LEAGUE. Standing of tha Clubs. ,'.-?. Won,- Lost. P C. . 34 . 20 A.S0 .. 82 21 ..6M Cleveland . . Philadelphia New York. ., St. Louis... Chicago ..... II 24 .fi4 2 J .827 27 . 2K . .510 U 28 . , .MS waehln gton - 2 34 .370 At Chicago. R.H.B. Chicago S 8 1 Detroit 0 l Batteries White and Sullivan; Selver ana rayne. At St, ftonla. ' . : . ... - -- --- R.H. K St. Leuls,..,.. 8 7 4 Cleveland 12 14 0 Batteries BmUh-wm-HJietV; Bern' hard, Hess and Clarke. , At Washington. Waatrrngtori New York ... 2. 0 T i t . Batteries Patten and Sheridan; Orth ana &ieinow. At rhlladelpUa R.H. E. Boston 6 13 1 Philadelphia 4 IS 1 Batteries Winter and C. Armbmster: Coakley, Waddell. Dygeft -and-tfclireck. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. Won. Ixirt P.C. Chicago . . . New York.. Pittsburg .. Philadelphia 41 19 .683 . 8R . 35 19 18 80 35 37 -85 40 .667 960 81 Clnncinnatl 24 24 -28-18 .407 .883 .888 .822 St.- Louis.., Brooklyn . . . Boston . . . . , At IMttsburg. R. H. E 3 6-0 18 1 Pltiabuxg St. Louis... Batterles and Raub. Klem. -Lei field and Pelts Brown Umpires Carpenter ana - - -At sTew.Tark.--- -., R. H.E. Philadelphia 14 1 New York....... 4 3 1 - Batteries Sparks, Dugleby and Doom: Taylor and Bowerman. Umpires Con way and Emails. - At Boston. R.H. Boston -9 14, Rrooklvn t , . .. 1 Batteries pieirrer ana jrweai; Btricx lett, Eason and Bergen. Umpire John stone. - - , pacific coast-league: ., Won. Lost.' P.C. Sar1Tranclseo.JT...--3 1 ,709 Portland -TTTvrTr..7. . .v. 84-: j ,4js Ioe Angeles. .u... 29 . 26 E27 Seattle 2 33 Fresno 28 J .441 .371 .339 Oakland 1 87 Butler Wins Contest. ("perlal IM.pntob to Tin Jrmrnal.) coma. Wash., June 28. Butler's good work reunited in a victory. for tha local s yesterday. Score: R. H. E. Spokane m.O 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 03 S ,1 Tacoma . . . .0 0 2 9 0 1 0 0 H 11 1 Batteriea Ruah and Stanley; Butler and Shea. Umpire rHuston. . . m . BttaWla-A8?alab---r " (KpwUi , Dl.pifh to Tbe mraal.) Hoaqulm, Wash., June - 28. Oray's Harborwae no match -for-Butta yea-terday."- Score: , - .. , ' R' H. E. Butta O0102000 t 6 6 4 Oray's Harb.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 8 t Batteries Butte, Bandelln and Swin dells: Oray's Harbor, , Tonneson and Wtaa la tha Blghtk. - . (ioornal IdhIiI Service.) Oakland, Cel., June 23. The -Angela rallied in the eighth and pickedont a victory." Seoref " Tr""" . - - ", . . R.H. E. Loa Angeles... .,6 2 Oakland .814 2 - Brrora at Seattle. Seattle. Waah., June 23. Tha locale made nine errore yesterday and loat to tha Tigers. Score: '' ..,;, " ' It IL S. K Seattle I HMD I 0 04 tf f rreano vojesoio I s 4 Batteriea Klaus and . Blaokenshlp; J-lUaerald and Daabwood. , . -1 ... .... . Wilson and His Crew Put Kinks ;- In the Ambitions of the . '' ' ' Giants. PORTLAND PUYERS MAKE EIGHT ERRORS Hitt Waa a Myitery to tha Roaa City ..Jjufirt' Allowing but Two Widely Scattcrcd-Hita Eaaick-andSmith Perform a Few Sttmta. San Francisco 8, Portland 1. " v , Batteriea, Hltt and Wilaon; Eaaick and McLean! - The haughty Olanta were humbled exceedingly yesterday by tha wary Seals,. From tha locals' standpoint the game waa a farce. Tha Giants could not connect' with Hltt'a curves, and to make the matter worse, Eaaick and Smith were tied for tha honor of hoot ing the ball all over the field. It was one of those games that a person seea several times during a season that pro- duoes a very tired feeling. -Wilson and nta men were on edge for a spirited engagement. Hltt was especially effec tive. Ha had a choice assortment of curves and shoots and kept tha big sluggers reaching and guessing through out nine long and tiresome Innings.. During the matinee ha allowed but two blta, Moore. tn tha second Inning that scored Lister from second, after tha clever first baseman had . received a base on balls, and one by. Sweeney tn tne ninth that did not count towards run getting. . The fleata'got off on tha right foot tn me ecQp Jnnjng, two bits and - a bungl inducing" .two rune. There waa nothing more Jolng until tha : glith, when a couple of hlta sent another Seal across the plate. Then Eaaick. Smith. McCredle and McUale took turns .at ktclrlng-the ball around, and. six hits scored as many runs In tha last three Innings. There waa no hope for. tha Otants and no one seemed to care, Eaaick showed no cunning, there was no life to the locals' work and tha crowd simply prayed for tha end. San Fran- mn-v pisyea erroneea nail and never missed an opportunity to take advan tage or roruand a mistakes. The acore . . . PORTLAND. - :-... ill Tl W IVY A V. mciiHie, II...... 10 9 1 Sweeney, aa. ......... 2 01 t 8 Mltohelli-lf rwwwTW4- McOreedle. rf : . .; 4 0 "0 1 0 uinter, id..... McLean. Moore, 3b. Esslck, p., Totals....... SAN Spencer, cf.,.. Wheeler, as ... Mohler, 2b.,.. .. ......28 1 3 37 14 rpiKPtaro AB. R. A. PO. A. B. 6,9 0 2 0 5 3 3 0,3 8 ff-4 I Hildebrand, a l e 0 8 1 3 8 1 13a Irwin, 3b .4. 4 Williams, lb 4 Sears, rf... 4 Wilson, c. ,. 4 Hltt, p. i mi ....... 4 - I t . ... 0 0 i 9 Totals ....... ......40 8 11 87 It SCORE Bf INNINGS. . Portland 0 1 0 0 0,0 0 0 ' Hits ...0 l a a a a a a i -4 Ban Franclaco....0 2 0 0 0 1 8 1 8 iJlts l z o 0 0 2 1 8 811 SUMMARY. ' Struck out By Esnlck, by Hltt. 4 Bases on balls Off Eaaick, 3; off Hltt, 2. t Two-base hits Hildebrand and Wil liams. Hacriftca hit Sears. Hit by pitched balls McHala and Ir win. -Stolen bases McHa!, -Williams Y3), feeler and Mitchell. First base on errors San Francisco 4. Left tfn baaea Portland, 3; San Fran- iuuv, e. - SPORTING GOSSIP. i;onsiaeraoie interest is heing man ifested in local athletic circles regarding the P. N. A. track meet, which Is being neia at upoaane today, ulapatchea from there state that the Multnomah, club men are looked upon aa pretty sura winners, suocess to the winged M. ' ' Chauncey Fisher, tha former National league slab artist. Is pitching for the Marlon (Indiana) club In tha Interstate league, v ; I 'n.m uurnin, pucner or tne JODltn I Western Association club, shut out Okla- rhnm, I .iii.r"-- - -mm - A In 13 InnlnKXa-allowIng but one hit. ,u A.1U. ' f " ' Rochester Is coming along at a -fast clip In the Eastern league and tha fight looks to be between Jersey City,. Buffalo ana tne uunera village; Tha American association is having a great race this season, with about an even chance for Toledo, Columbus, Mil- wauxee ana iyutsviiie to put up a new poia in oent,erneld. ; 4 . e a .".. Jack Dorner haa pitched great ball since ne joined the Boston-Nationals. Cincinnati traded Jack - for . "Chick" Kraaer. The Bouthem league la having a great race mis year witn nnreveport, Atlanta, ntrmlngham. New Orjeans and MeriV phis dodging one an'qtnef atthe top. p- m m It is "repc-rUd that.'Jack McCormlck. the heavywlMaBt-Tniglllst, will oDen a boxing achool in Joplln, Missouri. "Bernle" Wefers, tha king of sprinters. Is coaching the army and navy pren. school at Washington. . , , It looks aa If Jockey ' Hildebrand 4s down and out so far as riding winners Is concerned. From .being a kingpin laat season ha haa gone down to tha bottom of the list. ,;fCvaI8 OlD SOBZSJ. Wr.M. awaIb miA 1T.M ' . A . .ami. Ballard, Snow Liniment Company Your Know Linimeni curea an old sore on the (.aide of my chin that waa supposed to be a cancer. i ne nnre waa stuoDorn and would not yield to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work In short order. - My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson, Allensvlle, Mlffln county, Pennsylvania, haa a sore end mistrusts that it Is 41 canrer. Pleaae aend her a 60-cent bottle. Sold by Woodard, Clarke it Co ' u a i i 2 1 7 9 ---7-4- 3 i 3 a 3 0 0 3 BVJ3utEee h $12.50 for a Cure LOST POWER-RESTORED , There ia not a man in existence who ia Buffering- from Im- 1 1 feftteHcg that we ijinttut rebuild tire and satisiaction, and aner there will never again be a aign imprudence, ' . - WEARE THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL SPECIALISTS ' HERB WHO CURE TO STAY CURED. : , A LIFE-LONG CURE FOR CHRONIC DISEASES. ULCERS. " STRICTURE, i HYDROCELE. VARICOCELE. BLOOD POISON. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. - WRITE, if you cannot call. AH correspondence atrictly confl-1 dential, and all.repliea sent in plain envelopea.; No names, cases, lettef s or photographs of. patienta published or exposed. Inclose 2-cent stamp to insure reply. 5 - ... HOURS 8 to 5,-2 to 8:30 Dajly; Sunday, ?o IX : Ct I Allfc UED,CAlAND Oh LUU1S SURGICAL COR, SECOND AND YAMHILL STS, PORTLAND.NdS. The V v . Wa want every man that . ta su ffeiing from . any special disease or condition to coma and have aoolal chat with ua and wa will explain to you a system of treatment which Dr. W. Norton Davis baa developed after over 20 yeara' experience lq t he special dlaeaaea of man. It la ' a treatment that la based upon' solentlno knowledge, and one wbJoh -time alone -has proven superior to all others, Inasmuch aa It haa been tried by thousands and haa proven sucoesafuL If you will call and sea us, -we. will give you FREK OF CHARGE! a thorough oeraonal examine tion. together with an honest and aolentiflo opinion of your ease. If, after e"rn'"'"g y"'1. m'e find your caae incurable we will tell you ao; if. on the other hand, we nndyour Case ta curable, -we-Jw111f7ttarntaer a cure, allowing you TO PAT WHTON ENTIRELY SATISFIED THAT A CURB HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, or. you may pay In monthly pay ments ahould you desire. . ' , .... We make NO CHARGES FOR MEDICINES., aa they-ara alwaya Inoluded In nominal fee asked. AU Medicines Free Until Cured Instructive book for men mailed free In plain wrapper, sealed. If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Thousands cured by r noma treatmont. . - - . . . . ooirsnrx.TATX03r ajto astios ran. ' Tha Xroadbuf sjpaelallaaa of ha Worth woe. Bstabllahed ISSff, . Offloa mcure a. m , to and T p. aa. amadajra aad atolldaya, 10 to 12- . . P? W. JSortoirDavis &Co. Offloa U Tan Hoy Hotel,' Say drd SV, Corner rtnar Seaaa, Oav- Truk Xakara to nay Tha trunk makara have been out for practice several nlghta thlev-week, and are anxious to meat tha Vancouver boye again. Thev will play tomorrow after noon on tha East Tweinn ana v street grounds. In their former game ,i . i. - ..w..a -wrA defeated bv one IUQ I. U II. umm. . v " " - runv owing to tha poor condition of tha Vancouver dlamono. Boi-wwn IA. th. mmrimm nf flmll ' tO ba cnwnm w ...w - - - - . - played at tha Chautauqua, ouring ny. " f Wins Olobs TaopayLL a j-l ka-vaala 4xa Tttaa JiWPiisll t niltn"! aFiwiajia7a ww w Ylf.11. Walla Jim aft. .The - 'Olob war si 'nn Vstltrt1fLV tT Petfr 1 1 wjjii j 7 . Holohan At Uie iponiraen i.uiiiuiein, ' Smith Wins M Golf. 4 muni i vfvwi. "''",' ii,mnn in.. June 23. The western open professional golf championship was won yesteraay oy aiwj diuii.ii, wi defeated Jonn noDene. omiuif i for 73 holes play was 308." Aa waverlr Thinks. ' Tii. .nnii.i .Amnetltlnn for tha Blvth cup at tha waveny nnaa win w yimjrru thia afternoon. Allan Wright la tha present holder of the trophy. The cad rla are enjoying a nine-hole tourna ment on tne ins toaay. - . . srafened Stook Canned CKods. ; Allen at Lewis Best Brand. -?--- Last 3180 Seaalde excursion next Sunday. '-.- ruott SAVE MONEY All work guaranteed for 1 ten years. r.i. iimi nreaenL AU work done absolutely without pain by speeialiata of from 13 to 80 years' aa pertence.' ' ' Oold Fllllnga.- Bridge Work. Gold Crowns." Artificial Teeth. . BOSTON PAINLf 5S DENTISTS 2 1 HI Morrison St., Opp. Meier .rraaal and rvatornoa. - r" I "PXeTi "5 HAIR i w' Hm Tmilm to , Hair to It Yi - - Cam il'"" HAIR BALSAM CUmm aeal VwniflM Um kata 1 nmi1 e ivtariAn, growia. yalla to Bore Otwj to Ita ToaUiful Color. l mm L hlUeg. ABSOLUTE OUARANTEE. ae) aa to aeeomplioh the greatest de we nave curea a case 01 ints kind of weakness except brought on by T -:- ' SKIN DISEASES. . GONORRHOEA. PROSTATIC DISEASES, - NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS. Portland'g Widely Kiwwil nd Successful Chinese MjediclnaJ, Root and Herb Doctor His f ir out remedies, the Inaredlaata of filch we Lmport dlraet from the la large euantUlea aad prepare aad vat Bp foe sm In bit ap-to-dite Ubalnry. No SMrcarT, polfjona or ortir of aar kind aatd. irly , vrreraMe. - The Doctor treats nwm fgWy end gnaretit.os to euro all itomirh trmrtlea, catarra, asthma, lnne, throat, rheaaiatlam, servooaans, liver, kidney aad loat manhood rxHaxx rmovBiEfl as ait. niTATi DIBKASEa, No false or mlaleadlne itatenMats te the affllct.d. K aafe and laatlnf cor. In tbe oalca. eat poaalble time and at tbe loweat eoat voa. - alMe foe bnext rrMtment. If via cnoot cull, writ for aad elrmlif. . Inclose 4 erata In atampa. OON8TTl.TATI03r yXIX. The 0. Oeo Wo Chinasa Madloine Co., ISSit lint St., Ooi". MorMaon, Portlaad, Or, ' Plaao m.ntlon thia p. pr . 1 Scott's SanlaRepsLi Capsufss A POSITIVE CURE ForlnflamaMtloa erOetarrkof tna Blanil.r and IHaasoad KM. -nm. asanas BO Af. Carve qalcklv and MraianealiT the worn oaoM ot V.i aad ieea, no matter of bow Ions ataadlns, Abaolata4x. aarmloM. Bold ay enunneta. Price M.ns. or by moll, aos ld, i.oT8 bsias, 6.7. . THE SANTAL-PEPSISI (XL Beuetoatalae, Obta. far Solo by WoedaraV Clarke O. efcicrarsa-a gnaLiaM " EUnYRQYAL PILL8 .noi..i ... woit woeaioo. ni l:il Tr.H'M KNULlxdf aara. la MKII tm ol4 Mtalll. I KMM T.k. oootbo Moti P. 7 .r j... or mm mm '(.ll..r Nr lAtrm,' Umr, f r. ' tors Moll. IHMTMrakk. Sdkf (tMll,CkMll(s ea So ro. t...,a an DrMjlM.. Dispensary JCLA AT br