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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1906)
..'.' .... .... ..... ... . ... . ,! ,, . -.. ..... ..- . ,,,, , 4 ... ... . ;EVEMING AffiQlfjjtll Journal Circulation Yesterday iR) 25,416 Fair and warmer tonight and . Wednesday; northerly winds. . Was VOL. V NO. 80. PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, 1906.- FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. 8M5MPfi33 E SEARS. A VACANCY- CANNOT UNTIL THURSDAY BUT WORK WILL BE CONTINUED TO I WTO. HI IF AKEYSO iw hjiuii un BE FILLED URY FOR EM1UI TEN WITNESSES T0WI0RR0W Morning Is - Spent in ; Consultation With the District Attorney John Sellwoodffidavits Will Be In . spected - First and Affairs in Other Precincts Will Be In vestigated at Length After This Work Is Concluded. A resignation reduced the grand Jury - thi -morning - from seven membere to !x. Olaf Akeyson, who Jlvealn Ball wood precinct and eat an affidavit jfcoie there at tha laat election, decided to retire, and hla requoat to be excuaed J waa granted by Judge Sears. The .va- cancy will not be filled before Thurs day, but In the meantime " the six re m'alning Jurora are going on with : the . work of investigating the .1 election frauds. " .'.-,.. . . , - . Foreman W.-M. Cake Sr. and Jurora - John Prideux, John CorkUh, Qeorge 8. .(. Allen. William Barnes and J. U. Cheever . discussed the situation with District Attorney ' Jean- Manning' ' this morning. Aa a reault of their deliberations , It - waa decided to subpoena 1 witnesses to " appear before the Jury tomorrow morn- - Ing. The. namea ef . the witneeaea are withheld, but It la understood that they are the men who can throw conalderable light on the election day doings In Sell- wood, tv i Will Xaapeot Affldavita. - Another thing of Importance-waa a decision to lnapect the Bell wood affl- , davlta before going further. County . Clerk Fields waa called upon to produce . , all the affidavit returned from the pre cinct in question. These records, 114 In number, ware taken from the vault where they have been kept since Sell- Md Hnt In ita returns,-and are-now ' . being examined by the Jurora. When' this work la completed It will be known .. Just where to probe further to find out who la responsible for . most of the groaa frauda In that precinct. After Bellwood ha been thoroughly Investi gated, other precincts are taken up. and It la expected that ajlosenpr more will be given the aearehTight TreaCT ment. . - ' - '.--!,. k Akeyson Za Stxeuaed. " , ; The excualng of Juror Akeyaon oc curred early'ln the day. He waa iura moned .from the Jury-room by Judge Bears, who took him into bla 'chambere and explained to him that while he (Continued on Page Two.) J WOMAN MURDERS HER RIVAL Crime Deliberately Committed in a Manner Vorthy-of Strong Nerves . of a Man. t Stole Husband's Love From Wife t . Joeraal Special ServicO .,' Ballda, Col., June II. Maddened by Jealousy, Mre. Harold Hutchinson yea r tarda y shot and killed Mre. Carl Bode, . whom aha declared waa a auccessful rival In the alTectlona of her husband. The murder waa deliberately committed In a manner worthy of the strong . nervea of a desperate man. Mrs. Bode was standing in tha yard of her borne talking to a neighbor, when Mra Hutch - Inson walked up to her and, when only a few pacea away, opened ' ilre. She "a-ave no warning of her Intention and her victim had no chanoe to escape. The first shot missed fire, tha second ..went wild, but tha third, directed with oare . , ful aim, pierced the vlctim'e throat, ' aavered the Jugular vein and caused death within a few mlnutea NOBLEMAN PRETTY " (Journal Special Service.) "t ' Aehvllle, N. C, June II. It haa been eatabliahed that "Lord" Douglaa, who posed aa i wealthy " English nobleman ,'and married Miss Josephine' Hood, 'daughter Of Mr. and Mra B. II. Hood of thla city, a beautiful society girl, aged ,11 yeara. whose whereabout haa beem ml mystery alnoe - her marriage 'five ' months ago, la a well-known bigamist. Ha married a ' number, of wsll-knvwn TO CALL , . e ; Olaf Akeyaon. drawn as a s 4member of the grand Jury which - is Investigating the Bellwood s) : election frauda. -. waa excuaed " this mortilng' from further sery d Ice, for the reaaon that he waa 4 s one of the 114 voters who voted s e In that precinct . by T affldavlt The remaining members of the d d grand Jury entered at once upon d - a rigid inquiry-jn4o-vthe- frauda d 4 and 10 witnesses have been sub- -4 4 tfoenaed to - appear, tqmorrow . 4 4 .morning. .The ... affldavlta by 4 4 . whlch colonised Vetera were d 0 voted are being examined today. ' Yellow Journalist and His Editor - Arthur Brisbane Decline lnZ ' " -' vitations to Welcome ' Nebraskan. , '. (Joaraal Special ScrrUe.) L.v New York, June II. Tnoee who ara making the arrangements for the pro posed monster . reception In honor of W. J. Bryan when he arrives from., his tour of the world have announced that W. R. Hearst and hla frlenda will not take part In tke affair. "They had In vlted Hearst and hla editor, Arthur Brisbane, to aerve on the committee on plan and acope. Hearat, who haa gone to California, ignored hla Invitation and Brisbane haa declined to aerverc The reception managera announce that states will be- represented by special delegations at the reception. ' They aay ten special trains will be run from Mis souri to bring Democrats from that state who want to Join in the welcome to Bryan. " , CONTRACTOR KILLED : 'i trrBYYAQUMNDIANS . (Joaraal Special Service.) . . in Paso, June II. W. U BUnkard. a railroad contractor prominent in the southwest, waa killed by Taqula in Bonora while working on -an -extension of the Cananea, Taqul River Pacific road -near Guaymaa. ' No detalla have been aecured. v . - . Mra Hutchinson then walked to the police atatlon and delivered herself over to Juattee. ' - Mra Hutchinson Is the wife of a Rio Grande switchman. Mra. Bode waa the wife of Carl Bode, an engineer In Mrs. Bode waa a woman more than or dinarily attractive. All the partlaa were about 10 yeara of age. The preference of Hutchinson - for Mra Bode, to the neglect, of hla wife, la aald to have been noticed for several months, and Mra Boda la aald to hava looked upon Hutchlnson'a advancea with more than klndnesa Mra. .Hutchinson purchased the re volver,' telephoned to the railroad of fleea and ascertained that Mr. Bode was not at home. She then went to her riral'e home and killed her.. SEE BRYAN POSED AS TO MARRY YOUNG GIRL eocl' y women and la wanted by, the police of several countrlea..- Douglaa married Mlaa Hood under the name of Caventiah. " . , ", : " Hla -other aliases are Duncan - and Rhoadea. Among . the women tohom Douglaa married were Mlsa Hobba of V'rglnla. Mlaa Anderson of Fort Worth) Texas,' and Miss Jennie Franks . of Hot Springs, Arkansas. He U ' known to have at leaet alx wlvea, w ... i - i K ;-iv V Reading From'' Left -to Right the -r -J. M. Cheever, William Barnea, : . ManninK. r BAY CITY ;'-v-;: . President Approves Proposal to - Deposit Government Money r on Security of San Fran- ; ! . cisco Bonds. . ' , (Joornal Special SefTlce.) ' Washington, June II. The president haa agreed to the proposition of the San Francisco delegation, headed by Franklin K. Lane, ' to . which , Secretary of the Treasury Shaw hsa given approval, that the-government place. 1 11,00ft, 000 on de posit, ln'San Franclaoo banks on the se curity of San Francisco city bond a The term of yeara during whloh the de posits may remain la not determined, but Shaw haa given asaurance they will not be called in until the treaaury needs the deposits. , t .v .- ,. The delegation called at the White House thla morning and made the above announcement after ita departure. ; . Shaw rromlses Self. Secretary Bhaw ' discussed .with the senate finance committee the financial aituatlon in Ban Francisco. Bhaw promised that he -would afford all' the relief possible In depositing government funda , t . .Thla plan necessitates the caeaaaa of a resolution by congress providing for tne acposii or. tha .money for the time specified, and the California senator's believe such authorisation could be ob tained.. The Idea commended itself to the president, who la anxious that some tangible aid be given the people of San Francisco by the government. The se curity of the government would be per fectly aound and the making of the proposition effective would mean aim ply the extension for a. term ef . yeara uf the gmejuiuent deposits now with the banka , . .-), ' Market for Sonde. ' .'The plan arranges for deposits of government money in national banka, secured by 112,000,000 unsold munici pal bonda. There seems to be sufficient law-for thla at present because stat utes provide . for such deposits to be made In national banka on the security of- United Statea bonda and otherwise. 1 The secretary of the treaaury . ran withdraw the money at any time. In cidentally a good -purpose 'would' be served by giving San Francisco a mar ket for IH per cent bonds, which under the law cannot be aold for less than par..,:,,....'..... - ...J. .. -. ' ... BABE NEARLY BURNED TO DEATH IN CRADLE ' Speell W'Pttch to Tae JoernaL) " Pendleton. Or., June II. The new farm residence of Martin Marke aon, near thl cltJ-V waa deatroyed by fire yesterday with Ita entire contenta The orlxin of the blaxela unknown." 'An infant which was aslo"p In a cradle In the bedroom hod a narrow escape from death, the cradle having been burned. The baby's face waa badly bunted -before It waa reacued. s . 1 ' ' There waa no Insurance on the prop erty and the loss was several thousand dollars, '....,' , j . - IS SURRENDERED TODAY FUHDSTOAID WmMm GRAND JURY NOW INVESTIGATING ELECTION FRAUDS. -Ir , ft 1 -t 4 V Picture! Are aa Follows: First Row-ljohn Prideuat, W.. M. Cake Sr. (Foreman), John Corldah. -Second Row Olaf Akeyaon, George S. AlleiuThe Two in the Hear Are Bailiff A. H. McCurtain and District Attorney John Companion of S Is Under Conviction tor Defraud- Ing the: Government of Public! Land, 7sr Given Mrs. Emma I Watson, the. former mistresa and aeeompllce of 8. A. D. Puter, and who waa convicted In De cember, 1104, with, other' members of the ' Oregon , land fraud gang, arrived thla morning from Ban Francisco In custody Of a United Btatea officer. Later In the day aha waa. formally eurrehdered to the court . - ' ' ' ' ' .. The, bringing of .Mrs. . Wataon"here was brought about- by her bondsmen, Ben Sweet and L... F. Puter," the latter being a brother, of the king of the'land fraud operators. - .The Instigation came from - Sweet. . who . became apprehensive that the woman would Jump . her' ball and that- he -would have' to . pay the fiddler. Sweet is a wealthy timber man L with '.whom Puter . formerly had . large dealings. Tne - woman was out unaer 11,000 bonda, one surety of 12,000 being required Immediately after her convic tion and the one of $4,000 being ( re quired aubaequent to that time, on the occasion of later Indictments. ' Xaa Sees Gone a Tear. 'Mra W'atson left Portland somewhat over a year ago. going first to British Columbia with Puter, who was also out on . ball. She traveled eaat with her companion, but later returned to the coaat and waa thought to have been- In Ban Francisco at the time of Filter's arrest' In Boston. It waa through shadowing her that the secret ' aervlce men finally learned of the whereabout a of Puter after his sensational eacape GIRL TUMBLES OVER CLIFF Falls a Distance of. Hundred and Twenty-Seven Feet Over i a Precipice." . 4 ; - (Journal Special Servlre.) ' , Rockford; 111., June ll.-Mlas Edna Brown, 'daughter -of . former Mayor E. W., Brown; fell, from the top of a bluff overlooking Bock River to the rocks below, a distance of 127 feet, and es caped serious injury. Mlaa Brown, who waa a student at Stanford , unlveralty When the school suffered the' big earth quake, haa beeq entertaining weatern frlenda since her return from the west .With a party of frlenda she attended a-'plcnla -on- the-eummlt of , the high bluff. While arranging the luncheon she approached too clcae to the edge, the. rock crumbled and precipitated her to -the rock-below.--A small -tree-Jut-trng out half the distance down caught her clothing and broke' her fall some what. .Still farther down a aioall shrub caught one of her alliners and tote it from her' foot, thua breaking -the force of the fall. She WM badly brulaed and UI f. am leVtJ. ,- VIIVJ V Sa.SJ MUi J tl UISVU SUU -J scratched, but so bonea were broken, - .v.. . -f . 7 "-:': .X A. D Puter, Who Up to Marshal. In Boston, and through Puters attempt I Cisco several weeks ago waa accom plished. -. MYa Watson evidently ' waa at aea re garding me nature or me proceeaings i as brought ' before District I uui uuiT.i iuu .ins uiurniD. micr being. " formally aurrendered by Ben Sweet and L. F. Puter through their at torney, J. N. Polph, ' the woman tnade a statement to the court, declaring that eho saw no reason . why she should be brought here; that she bad alwaya been ready -to appear upon due notice.-. She was not: represented by an attorney. ; . . Onalrdad by Deputies. Mra. Watson spent the day In the office of United States Marshal Reed, where she- waa questioned thla after noon by United Statea District Attor ney Bristol. At noon she waa taken to a restaurant for lunch, closely guarded by . two deputy 1 marshal a Reporters were .denied an Interview with the woman. Reed explaining that "things are-, not' settled." A statement could therefore not be obtained from her. Tnlms Mrs. Watson can as cure bonds men . she will have to go to JalL She will probably derive little comfort from the -fact that . while there aha will be housed In the same building with her former companion. ..Mrs. Watson took an- active part in the land frauds, hav ing forged many of the names of spuri ous entrymen. T " " f ' ;, 7 HUNTING FOR DIAMONDS ;IN C AL1 FORN I A FIELD S South African Expert Arrives to - Make Thorough Search of" ''. ' ' Territory. ..' ; ' ; .- (Joaraal SpeeUl Service.! ' Orovllle, Cel., June II. M. E. Cooney, a diamond expert. from South Africa, has come here -to Investigate the' re ported ' existence of a diamond field. Cooney haa a world-wide reputation as an authority ' on - dlamondlferoua soil. Part f hla time-la being apent In Cherokee, where several dtamonda have been found. Cooney will make a .thor ough examination or the territory where the Cherokee diamonds were found. In the laat 10 yeara 10 diamonds have been found in the Cherokee mine, the moat ' valuable-one being worth 11.100, the othera. ranging In value from IH to 1200. i Moot: of -the stones were ef m light yellow tinge, although, some pura white ones were found. . V' Feicea to Be StlmUrter. . ' iJnaraal Saselsl Berries, t 'V Washington, June II. Herbert H. D. "aelrreif Maaaachuaetta haa been no ml- a 'V' a -'-' HVI iTu4. for mlnUUrto Norwajr. - ;. 1 " '- RAID lylADE ' '1 EORREOS UJ . r . . .., ... v . . r.J t Measure Calling for Government to Expend Three Millions a Y8J" Inspecting Meat ..' COSS- ThrOUith.' ,. jnnr.l Rn.i km i w..hir.-tnn t .-1 Wadsworth . reported the agricultural appropriation' bill containing the meat Inspection provision aa approved by the president. It' was referred to the com mittee , of the whole on state of . the union. - The k bill paaaed the house.-this morning. Senator Beverldge and the president conferred on the beef bill this morning. Beverldge afterward aald: 'The house put back all the teeth of my bill. One tooth waa filled, but is still serviceable to do good work." - The bill authorises an annual appro priation of 12,000,000 to pay the cost of inspection and contains no provision for the levy of assessments to make up deficiencies, as urged by the ' president The court review provision Is dropped from the bill. - The words, 'In the Judg- ment or the- secretary-of -agriculture,?-! are omitted. The section waiving the civil service law for one year in the selection of In spectors Is cut out. . Packagea of meat will not be dated, though the president demanded It - ; --. ROOSEVELT WILL GET TRAVELING EXPENSES - ' (Joaraal Srecial Serrlre.) Washington. June 19. The house committee on interstate and ' f6relgn commerce haa 7 authorised' a favorable report on the bill authorising Bt. Loula to baud a free bridge over the Missis sippi. The house paaaed the militia bill appropriating $2,000,000,- of which $1,000,000 waa mostly for rifle practloe. The committee authorised a favorable report on 12.100 to pay the president's traveling expenses. MIZNER AND OttL BILL AS ON WEDDING DAY ( Journal Special Service.) ' . ' San Franolsco, June II. With bag gage enough for a . stags atar ' and a valet , to attend to hla wants, Wilson Mlaner, the young husband of the rich widow of Charlea T. Terkea, the trac tion magnate, haa arrived. He lamented the ruin of hla old haunta in the tender loin and then said: j "I left Mra Mlanar la Chicago, where she has much business to attend to. Of course I know people have beard all kinds of stories about my marriage to Mrs. Terkea, and they have bear4, how. Secret Service Agents Seize Literature in House Located on Morris Street , Alleged r Band of Anarchists -. Come in for Investigation on .1 U Part of Government Officers . Pamphiets Seized Will B Translated at Once. Government secret eervtso agents have begun a thorough lnveatlgatlon of " the band of anarchists whloh Is be lieved to Infest- thla city. -Inspector Foster of tha secret service department' la In charge of the Investigation and, under telegraphic instructions from Washington, City Inspector Barbour of " the Immigration bureau la to render every assistance possible. With City Detective Mearav Inspector Foster last night visited a residence at 62 Morris street, said to be the desvous of numbers of the local colony of reds, and seised large quantities of literature and propaganda believed to be an Inflammatory characters Pem- Ing the translation of tha various panv ' phleta and documents that were seised by the government the suspects will be kept under close espionage. , ---r- - OovenuaeaVs XTrompt Aotloa. - - ' The prompt action of the government In Inaugurating the lnveatlgatlon has re- lleved the police department ot the em barrassment of disposing of a case that waa accidentally thrust upon them. The alleged-existence of the society of an archists became known through tha teg tlmony of one who claimed to have been . a victim of their hatred. A number ot the alleged followers of the red organ isation were subsequently arrested on the charge of assault and battery and' their cases are now pending p the mu nicipal court. Efforts will likely be made by government officials to have - the disposition of the oases postponed ' until more definite progress baa been made In the Investigation. A family of Polea lives at IS Morris street. There were a number of visit-, ors when Inspector Foster and Detec tive Mears arrived laat night, but there) was no confusion and apparent alarm when, they announced themaeiveev They r " were granted ready acceaa. They . aearched the place and found, large quantitlea of printed pamphlets, which -were believed to be of interest . In C0nI". nectlon with the Investigation. ramphleta In Polish.' The pamphlets were printed in the Polish language and are now In the -hands of a translator. Officers claim that it is known that they contain teachings of either the anarchist sect or of the nihilists, who are also said to -be affiliated with the local red colony. - In conducting the Investigation thai officers will have no assistance by re course to the law. The Immigration.' laws prohibit the admission Into this country of anarchists, but are silent aa to their removal. In order to- cause their deportation It must be shown that they '"era anarchists on entering. , the country and that their admission waa accordingly .secured by 'fraud; Such; showing must be made within three -yeara from the entrance of the suspect, Ths Immigration laws and regulations of - the treaaury department of - the United Btatea provide for the exclnsion from admission In the United Statea anarchists or persons who believe in or advocate the overthrow by force of the government of the United Statea, or of alt government or of all forms of law of ths assassination of publto officials. anamhlst Is Peaaed. of an anarchist: --. - "That no person who disbelieves In of who is opposed to all organised govern' ment, or who la a member of or afftU lated with an organisation entertain Ing and teaching such disbelief in or op position to all organised movement, or - (Continued an Piga Two.) BRIDE AS TO EACH OTHER we separated and how we came to gether again, and all about the fero cloua btmer who guarded the home wit tfce marble steps in New York. . "Now, all these rumors and report are entirely without foundation. We have never had any disagreements, an.f all of theee report were niiule up by the fanciful mind of some one who wanted to make up a good story. ."There is absolutely nothing In i.if of I he reports about sny content)' i ' sny kind between my wif sml t We ere Jut aa denr to t h ott 4 war the dav we war l ' " j-: v --. 4