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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1906)
THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 190S. 13 COOS BAY JOYOUS OVER flEiV ROAD Construction of Hard man Branch Causes United Effort for. , Betterments. -- :. AHOTIIER SCArJDAL IN STEEL TRUST: fllCJIBAIEII'SSOD TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION. NOMUTEt ; JIIREE L10IITHS BRIDE III JAIL is. SENATOR June 2 '. Secure Tickets Vow. BE HID BARS NO TIME LOST SEEKING - HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS doting Days of Farmers, .and Ship- ..... pert Congress Marked by Enthusl asm and Energetic Work for De- . relopment of Neglected Region. By C. M. HyskelL (From Jwu!1 UUff UrrWhoBSlrnrT ' North Band, Or., May 18. Marahneld amd North Band ars stIH Jubilating over the nawa that the. Southern Pacific will Immediately begin , construction of a railroad from Drain to Coos Bay. At t . banquet to tha Farmers' and Shippers' congrees at tha Hotel North Bend tha large .significance' of thla projects was " ahown In tha damonatratlon inada by tha guests on receiving tha announcement In a telegram from Tha Journal. Toaat mastsr Simpson, to whom The Journal' a representative communicated the oon tanta of tha telegram.- .waited until a number of addrcaaea had been made and anthualaam was high. Than In a stirring speech he read The Journal telegram Win Harrlman'a official announce ment and tendering; The Journal' a con gratulations to the people ot Cooa bay. -an an limaill tha gUU iflefl' at the 'tan- - quet were on their feet and yelling like mad. They threw things Into the air, - waved napkins, shook hands and shouted .goodl" great!" - '-. ' ' To Improve Xaebo. v Not a" day waa lost by the North Bend . Chamber of commerce In following up the railroad announcement with a prac tical mora in the direction of harbor Improvement. At a meeting of the chsm- hsr laat night irtlnn wis TaHr " organising a Coos-bey harbor oommla- "aloss establishing a harbor-district and levying taxation for harbor improve - merits. A but will be presented to the next session of the Oregon legislature creating the eommieelen. It Is proposed . to raise an annual' revenue of IHi.000 to . S60.000 from taxation and provide Inter -oat and sinking fund for a bend Issue, to dredging In the bay. The people fael that If they are doing this much for xneir naroor may can . xainy otrawra -hat the national government shall ap propriate money to give them a 40-foot Channel over the bar. r -- - . liouls Jerome Simpson, North Bend's Stalwart young mayor,', haa 'achieved what Is said tcr have been the greatest victory of hie brief public career. Hav ing with infinite cara and eklll promoted and organised a three days' session of the Shippers and Farmers' congress out en the western edge -of the state away Xrora either raJl or teiegrapn communis ration and with even but meager mall facilities he carried the convention to - f ts dramatlo climax 'in e powerful speech presenting the claims of tha bay country for state cooperation and government aid hi deepening Coos bey harbor. ! : " .. :'T Demand Beoog-altloa. -Having clinched hie , argument with flat aa to shipping, and facta as to har bor eondltlone,he aaldi . "The time for aaklng and for hoping is passed. The time le here when we de mand recognition,' and we -will get out and fight until it la granted." ..,,..,-, That Mayor Simpson haa tha united support of every- resident and property- - nr along tha . bay .waa jy ldentfrom the tone of other epeeches miila, Ma,yor Straw of Msrshfleld In a brief talk be came very - much . In earneet when he Le&ras to the subject, of ...Cooa, bay Jnter- eata. He said the congress was not local meeting of North Bend, but of all '' the Coos country. He eulogised Mayor Simpson as a rich man who had come to live in the bay country and build up Induatriee en Cooa bay. - He a aid March field men are ready at all tlmee to do everything In their power to help along tha aood work. Judge John H. Scott of Salem summel pnle ylewa-of the Cooa country In the following worosr 7" .zz:. Three Things ireedsd. "Three things sreTiededereHi "deeper harbor.-railroad - transportation -factHtiee, geod roads. Do not think 'this meeting will get what you want. It ls not enougBTlo meet a rewTlmeiTHS say things. This meeting le a step in "the'right dtrecttonr- Keep at-tt Ham-f r-awr. keep. on .demanding, push is berore every congrgsaman and every aeaalon of congreaa Send In petition after petition. - When they get so high on tha congreeslonal desk that they are In the way, they will be taken up and acted upon He spoke In favor of Improvement of publlo highways by. use of eonvlct labor. and asked for the support of Coos eoun- CARTERS 1 f IVER PILLS. Krk Baadaehaaad nliewal! tha traablee tnet 6nt to ablUoua atotaof tha ayatsm.aueh aa . pinlnaaa, Nsusm, Dramtnaaa, Diatraaa aftee sauag. Pala la the Side, a. While tbalr Most iwiiartahla annnaaa haa ahmra la eiiring Eeadaelie, yet Cartar'a Uttle Lrrce PITIa are aqnally valoable la OonatlimUna, en ring and pi venting tnlaannojloaaomplatat while thev alae mntactalldlanrdennftlieelomartatlmalaiatha HrwaBdmgallaeBowar ta Btbaynaly-t surea " Aehe they would be ahsoet priealeaa to thnee who an Sn from thla illaireaalng eom plalua bnfort nately their anodnan doea notend hrs.and tboao - Wheoasatry ibmm will Sad these Utile pUlavalaj. able la ao nut 117 ware tha the will not a wlW jug do without Umub. Bat after all etch head AOlKlLi ! the bane of ao many Uvea that herahwtjere w make ear gnat boaat. OuryillaearettwaUe athersdoaot. - - Oarenre LHtle Lives Pill ere vary enaU and vary aaay to take. On or two nille stake a does. - ThVy araatrleUy vaataMaaad da a4 grip e- parg bat by tbair faaUsaeakjn planes all wha (UITXX USKM COVaTTf TVtX. .' c 5 IH1EAP Mrs. Ella Frances Edwards, Who Married .Steel Magnate' Last Feb ruary, Arrested With Syrian Rug Dealer at Atlantic' " , - - City Divorce to Foow.r:r --' : ' - : - ':::.T2i 1 . 1 VJS. 1 1:H.Y 1 -MIIy ' 1 -MM ; (ms : Mr f vi.h 1 My Yi), r:r- I , .1 111 iff Vi V- - iiW ' - ; r -t:;-:;:it:r:;;i!i.i::ii!!s:i::js' SJOi)- t- M-Jii:i::::::::::::::::::;;:iiiW"' Zfc- tJV Jt''l-ttwiiii,,'jsew Ttejgey ' ' ' - ' - : Mrs. Ella Frances Edwards. . ' . ... ... - .1-1 (Joaraal SpeeUl Berries.)' New York. May J 8. A "beautiful bride of three months haa- caused .an other scandal, among the magnates of the street, trust. This time, however, the woman is at fault and not tha man. aa was the ease when William E. Corey discarded his wife for an actress. ' In this Instance the wronged man la Wil liam Archibald Edwards and he hold's a responsible position with the Carneerie Steel company. .' At Atlantic City Edwards haa caused thearresLunder sensational circum stances, of his young and bea'utlful bride of but three months, end 'Baleen J. Khoury, a Syrian' dealer in oriental ruge on the Boardwalk. Mr. Edwards told his story of how the family skele ton Jumped out of the closet. Mrs. Ed wards and -her dark-complexioned com panion were locked up In the county jail at May's Landing, awaiting the ac tion of the grand Jury. "At first my wife was penitent," said Mr. Edwards to an American reporter. 'and ahe pleaded for f orgtveness.--trot when she realised J was unrelenting alia became defiant and -declared she loved her companion better than me. ty members o the-legislature for a bill to that -end, 'Z Colonel J. S. Stockton nf Kalrm snnke for - "The , Merchants', League. H i elicited the warmest sympathy of his audience when he cited the backwoods experiences of the people of the dray's Harbor coast ' country, where he first settled in Oregon, end told how they are now winning the victories of indus trial development. .. ' - v -r :- Jefferson Myere' Speeofc.- Jefferson Myers of Portland" mad what waa pronounced one of the beat speeches In his - career. - - His -' subject was. "Forty Teet on the Bar," but hij look up other topics and dwelt on thn enterprise ahown by Coos county people In the making ot the beat county ex hibit at the Lewie and Clark fair. He thanked , Cooa county people. In the name of Portland, for their important part . In - the exposition. and exhorted them to be persevering In the work of development of their own county snl loyal to the Oregon country. His ad- drees was received .with great enthu siasm. J. C Davis of Portlandapokn as a business man., who had for years believed In the Cooa country and who faith was steadily increasing. He auli It was not his ftrat vlalt. and he had many more vlslta in prospect He had no apology to make for Portland s hesi tancy In extending commercial rla -tlonn. but assured his hearers the! Portland was not asleep aa to the re- sources of Cooe county, and that Port land would do her share. In due time. lawsrdoeetfl.evelqpme. Educational Center. Bi-F? Mnlhey,1 president nf the- State Normals school.- apok a for loyalty . tj Oregon Irrstltutlona, end union . an.l brotherhood ' between her Cithwna. - H said soon' the highest development of civilisation would be here, snd when we shsll come to build a Berkeley or a Stanford we must have the cooperattm Of every Oregon ttytn snd woman. Rev. J. C. Elliott csme forward with bunch of alfalfa In one hand and a bag of potatoes In the other, and gave characteristic talk on "Coos . Counly Resources" that Immensely plessed his audience. "I am here." he said, "to talk: on the ftoeslbllltles ot tns soil of Coos county. we depend on the soil for what we eel. We cannot eat the her. even if there erere 40 feet on It Ws csnnot eat the 1. If we een get the people at work producing all that the soil of Coos coun ty will, pmdace, we will have the great est wealth." , - , , : .. Coos county hss been given the' vice- presidency for Oregon 1n the National Kivers and Harbors eons ress, erg anlseU mi "I do not care to prosecute the charge against them, but will take steps lm mediately to procure a divorce. I never before had reason to suspect that my wife, who Is a mere girl of 19, had be come Infatuated with another, but I am thankful J discovered the truth before years rolled by.- There will be no such thing as reconciliation." . . -The ; Edwards', wedding, which ' oc curred In Wilmington. ; Delaware, 'on February 21. last, was a dandeatlne af fair, but not exactly an elopement.' aa the bride's relatives knew In sdvance of the event. The bride'a maiden name Is Hoys,' bufsinc" childhood - she ha been known ss Randall. She was adopted by the Randalls of Philadelphia, who are prominent Christian Scientists. Mrs. "Edwards' ;mother is" now the wife of Dr. Horace Christy, a dentist st Forty-second street and Ninth ave nue. Mrs. Edwsrds received the con sent of her husband to accompany her mother -on- a trip to Atlantic Clty-laatJ Saturday. Sunday he saw tils -wife mother on the street here and he then for- the first time suapectad - his bride brTunhre months. Hurrytng"ta-At lantlo City Mr. Edwards evoked, the as- nintntiff or inn police. at Washington. D, C to meet tb de mand from various sections of the coun- isxZJozZ govern ment.ala. in : )m p ro vlniu rivers- end haroora-that- bear -Important relations - to the coastwise and world commerce. The place has been filled by appointment f - J.- E. Bennett, a well-known Marahfleld attorney. BANDON HIGH SCHOOL 1 GRADUATES FOURTEEN (Special DjiiMtrb to The Josrmal) - Bandon, Or May 18. Tha graduating eaercleee -of the ...Bandon H I gh seheet f- were held at the opera house Friday evening. There were 14 graduates, as follows- Albert Klnley. Arthur Klnley, Ray.McNatr. Ethel M. Boyd. Frances EL CorSon. LuHna Davison, Rthel Dyer, Chrtssle Denholm. Dollls Gibson, Emma Hunt.. Wlnnlfred McNalr, Alios Porter; L. Kate- Rosa. Elsie Stephenson. ' President R. F. Mulkey delivered the address to the class. The Bandon school has Just closed a very successful year. Ths school population Is Increas ing and new school building is needed, ss the present building Is overcrowded. The G. A. R. hall hss been used for ths overflow for severe,! months. DIVINITY SCHOOL GRADUATES CLASS 8peUl Dtepateh to The Journal) it. Oredwettni errlaea of the Eugene Divinity school will be hel.d at the First - Christian rtnrch-tonight: Tha graduates are Marlon Franklin Horn and Oeorge Lincoln Lobdell, B. D.. rlaaslcal minis terial courae; Ek-erard Ray Moon. A. B rlaaslcal biblical course snd graduate of the department of oratory; Francis Angus Ware. Mike John Thompson and Anctl Fillmore Linn, English, ministerial couraa The baocalaureate sermon waa deliv ered yesterday forenoon by Bishop F. Wslden f Seattle. ir - - CASTOR I . Tor Infants and Children. ; Tbs Kind Yoa Kara Alwajs E::;ht Blfciatura of ljCu Ernest Denicke Accused of Mur , dering Unknown Man While .L " Helping Hospital Corps. - BODY WAS WEIGHTED. AND THROWN INTO BAY Peculiar Actions of Young Man, Who 1, Aided in -Relief .WorkDuririg San Francisco Disaster Is Alternately jGlad and Sorry. v (Joaraal SpecUl Service.) Icks,- son of the millionaire banker, ap peared in Judge Shortall's court today and ' was formally -charged with the murder of an unknown man on ths night of April 20. The eo'mplalnt was sworn to by Theodore C. Relchert. a teamstsr. who, aa a volunteer in the hospital serv ice, examined ths body of the dead man and was told by Penlcke how the shoot ing occurred. , - , ..1- - From th4t testimony of Relchert be fore District Attorney Langdon today It wae learned that Denicke not only ad mitted that he shot ths "man. who died after four hours of suffering, but also admitted that he ahot to kill and beggo.1 to be arrested that he might vindicate himself. . ! '. It was made to appear that Denicke mmm .It.rn. t ! w.w.H K. r.mnr.. mnA complacency from remarks reported to have been made by him to Relchert and other witnesses and tha gentle behavior of the' young 'mining anglneer, unLver slty graduate and son of a millionaire waa shown to have been extremely pecu liar, both during the afternoon of April 19 and the night that followed. - Auguat Anderson, aaslstant pilot on the steamer Golden Oats, told -the dis trict attorney, that he reached Lorn bar J the mail wrilnini in psin. Oiera,' he. saM. "and said tn ma. That -waa my first man,, and every shot took effect.'" . ; - To another Witness Denicke said: "My God. I'm sorry I had to do that, but- it was my duty." ' H. L. Clark testified that when tie- returned to Lombard street wharf again at T 'cloch-4n-he- duty told him that the body of the dead man had been weighted and thrown overboard. ; " WltLAF.lETTE'S GRADUATION MOST NOTABLE TfELD Exercises Include ; Alt' Phasesrof University'rr Educational " ' Activities. (Special DUpatch to Tha Josraal) Willamette University, Salem. Or. Msy St, This year's commencement ex ercises wHI be among the moot notable ever held at thla Institution. - As ar ranged, the program for the eeason la riven herewith: f-- June - L- Dramatlo recital, collere of oratory. ... .:; June S. President's reception. June S. First annual -lnterllterary so ciety contest. June t. Pupils' recital.. college or music. 1 June IS. Pupils recital, college of music. Commencement week, June 10. Bacca Taureate sermon, -10:J0 - a.'-m.F- farewell meeting ef Christian aaaoclatlons. Pres ident Coleman presiding, S p. m.; address to Christian associations. Rsv. F. Bur- gette Short, D. D., I p.. m. L Juns 11. Examinations: graduating ex ercises, college of music and college ot oratory. June II. Examinations; annual meet- twg ef the board of truateea; graduating exercleee of the normal school and Ore gon-Institute: address by J. H. Acker- man, atate euperlntendent-ot publlo in struction. Juns 11 Alumni dayj bualneas meet- 1ns of alumni. 1:30 B. m.; session of lumnL S p. "Juns. t-la TO exhlbttrnrtstudlol to-6 p.-f -eowimeweement. S--p, m. ; -addri June It- Jason Lee memorial exar- claes.- UMATILLA FARMER IS SAID TO BE MANIAC (Rneelal rtwDatrh te The Journal.) Pendleton.-Or., May-18. A farmer on the Umatilla river, two miles west of the city, who is said to have been In the Insans asylum at one time, la terrorising women and' Cnndren-ny-liir-strange-an tica. Recently he' appeared In a field where son of Oeorge Kidder waa plowing. He waa half naked and had but one ahoe and presented such en sppVarance that the young man was frightened from the plow. women and children are especially afraid of him and the authorities have been-, requested to have the man exam ined as to his sanity. - TELEPHONE LINE FROM -IRRIGON TO HEA0GATE (aoisl Dispatch ts The Jesrsal.l -IrYlgon. Or.. Msy li. Th Oregon Land eV Power company has put In a telephone line from the Irrigon office along ths main canal to the headgate on the Umatilla river. Easy communl- ua aatahHshsd..betwoenyaxUl ous points along the ditch.'-Revennee wilt pay the cost several times over. It-.wlU. be .of ., special .value, when . the company haa crews working along the eanal, or whan It Is desired to regulate the flow ef water Into the headgate. I ! 1 J )) Dshisis Ponder i Wamderfml Leaves) -J . '. 2S '' J5" ; f '- ,-..- 1 JS SVeewe T Practical Women . :.v .. 1 wno are not srrald of a Uttle work will welcome the opportunity afforded by -Bay . State-Paint ta renovate -their nomee in a praotical manner. The brightness and neatneas which a coat of new paint will add to the at tract I v ness of a horns will more than amply repaythe slight amount of-trme and laoor spsnt. - ' na- Bio paxyt aroxa. Fisher, 1 horsen & Co. FKOXT in Mommisov STS. ,. FINAL MEETINGS OF STATE IMPORTANT Many Measures Presented and r Passed - Before. - Adjourn- ment of Sessiorf. . Special THepaTrB U 'IBS JAWRIL) Albany, Or., May 28. Ths Oregon state grange, which concluded Its meetings Frldayj adjourned to meet - In -. Hood River next year. ;' New officers were In Stalled. Many measures of importance were presented end passed. .The grange la taking a definite stand On many "ques tions and favors many rsdlcal changes in isws and government. The leglalatlve committee reported, fa laws. A genersl debate on posinl re T6rmwala'TTnre of "the sessions In the afternoon. :1 Resolutions were paeeed. favoring re moval of - Interna) revenue tax .from alcohol rendered unfit for Internal use, so thst It could be purchaaed more cheaply, and. thus come Into more gen- poses. A resolution favoring ths election of United -Btstas eenatara.. by-dlrectvola.i o, ijths people wss unanimously passed ifudge R. P. Boise delivered one of the best . speeches of . the session on .'"The Rights of the People." Another resolution favoring ths use of eonvlct-labor-on highways wss psssed amid grest" enthusiasm. : The proposed measure for- the stats to purchase the Marlow mountain wagon road was denounced and another de nouncing - the Tuttle road lawA - Resolutions favoring pure food, lm- SlsaTaa fl iwawaata aatalwa Wfcjfcsjllsaje ua. ej milf a f f tCSfSxaVS. V e nltl St' Syvf S U tttwJ Tm m dlatricta, commending the work of the State Agricultural college against ths practice bf dumping garbage on high ways: that legislative committee assist in -obtaining an appropriation to build additional buildings at ths Oregon Agri cultural college: favoring - regulation -of freight rates or ownership of railroads by- the - governments, and. a . resolution of thanks to the people of the city, railroads, ths press and Linn county council were likewise paased. Out of a memberahip of 89.005 THar" a mas has 11,000 and has ths strongest organisation in the state. The grsnge Is one of the etrong factora In bringing about desirable, laws -and Just measures for protection of the rights ot the peo ple In the stats of Oregon. In every meeting' the earnestness of these mem bers - is -manifest. - One of the most enjoyable 1 features of ths meetings was tha presentation of a - cane- to - Past Grand Mastsr H. E. Hayes of Mount Tabor on ths anniver sary of his blrthdsy by Hon: R. P. Boise. Judge Boise lauded the life and work , of thla venerable man and com plimented him en reaching the ripe age of 78 years. The 'grange voted to expend-H.fl0ftln furthering the work of the order ..dur ing the next year. The report of the committee on assess ment and taxation was thoroughly dis cussed. It - favors - full value oil and thorough taxation of in tangible- property- It advises thst - the time be extended to July L before taxee 4 come dellnai:enl. insteadTof April, at present, AH notss are to bear Ihe stamps of the assessor before they are collectible by an action o advocates a law making It obligatory tor assessors to hold an annual meeting to discuss theee mettere and thus secure an equitable assessment, and favora a Just limit to the accumulation of prop erty. SALEM ELKS PLAN TO CONDUCT STREET FAIR (BpeHal IMapatfB ts Ths JonrasL) Salem, Or.. May M. The Elks are ar ranging a carnival June 10 to July 4. The committee is worklngHn harmony with the cltlaens committee for the Fourth of July celebration. A building has- been secured for ths attractions. which will be -similar to those at street fairs, but ths endeavor will be to bring out aa many new featuree aa poaalble so ss to make the affair novel tn char acter. A contest Is on for tha selection of a name appropriate to thle entertain ment and mpb Interest In ths venture is manifested. M'MINNVILLE NAMES" DAY FOR CLEANING. UP (Special Dleoetrh te Tha Journal MeMlnnvllle, Or.. May McMlnnvllle i - to the mayor s proclsmation. Friday Juirs- t.- Is -deslgneted.The people- McMlnnvUIa are requested to clean up all rubbish from the etreets and alleys adjoining their - property. . ritlaens sre ! taking great Interest and MeMlnnvllle will receive a cleaning up. such as she never hss hsd before. " VETERANS' GRAVES TO BE HONORED AT EUGENE (SpeeUl Mspatrb ts The Journal.) Eugens. Or..- Msy ft. A Memorial dsy sermon- wss . delivered , In the M. . E. church yesterdays-forenoon by Rev. Hv N. Mount, pastor of the. First Presby- tsrlsn church. Tho O. A. R-. W. R. C. and 1a riles ef tha CJA. R. marched to the church In a body. a . Mi On Wednesday Memorial day will Its appropriately observed. I The buslnsss houses will remain closed. from l a. m. till 1p.m. A parade will start at a. m. to the I. O. O. F. eemetery, where aervicee will be held. la tbe afternoon r ; - L OTrrxBASTBBV : AiAsxA aotrrs. From Seattle at S p. m. for Ketchi kan, Juneau," Ska g way. Whits Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks a 8. City of Seattle, May SI; June 10, 0, SO S. 8. Humboldt. May S4; June 4. 14. JS. " B. cottage city (via Sitka). June 1, m.M.m mm sivvaiiusa, 8. 8. Spokane; June 1-Z1: July S-10! - August I. - - -- - ---- ' FOB SAW rBAirOTSCO BZBXOT. From Seattle et S a. m. . - - 8.. 8. Umatilla, May I, 14. 10. - S. 8. Queen. May 4. 13; June . S. S. City of Topeka. May IS. IS. Fortlaad Offloe, S49 Washlagtoa Mala oat, O. SC. LIB, rasa. Si Ft, Aft, St. C. D. DUNANN. O. P. A., -irMai1tet-8tTm--sawelsao.40i.tK7;': ,3..riri!eiiiaaC'llja' ITSJlMIS TELEGRAPH ' Fastest on ths lvsr The only steamboat making a round trip . 9AIX.T ' ' "v Except Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA ASn WAT FOIVTS Leave Portland... J ,..1:99 a. m. Arrive Astoria . 1:S p. m. Leave Aetorta I ... J:30 p. -m. Arrivs Fortlnnrt 8:00 p. m. ' M .LS SERVED A LA CARTE Pcrtland Standing, Alder Street Doek. . Astoria Landing, OaUsndsr Book. ' E. B. SCOTT. Agent. - Phons Msln (tS. "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, . Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Boate leave Portland and The Dalles dally, except Sunday, at 7 a m., arriv ing about p. m., csrrylng freight snd i issenrers. Splendid accommodations fur eutsts sad livestock. Dock foot of Alder SI., purtlauslt eeif of Court et The Dallas. -os atetw eta. yortUndT ALASKA FAST AHD POPt-LAB STEAMSHIPS "jyryyisoif." Kay sti Jww s, is. "DOLPHUI." May Mi Juae 1. 11. St. - ; CAtUStf AT : ' - RetrtilkaS. Jusean. pnaglaa. Baraea, Skat war, ronwete with W P. A T. route tot Atlle. iDewaoa. Tasaaa. Mniss. stfc Poe 4M Soutkaaaters Ataaka Parta. Call or eend for "Trip te WonaVrfnl Alaatv," "ladlaa Baaketrr." "ToUa Polae." TXS - ALASKA S.-S.-OO.r ' Prank Weolaey Ga., Asenta. ' Sflt Oak et. PorUasd. Or. S. S. p. A. Kilburn Par Ones Bar. Bsreka aad Sail Praselses. ' XTsxt Sailing from Portland,. ... TOXSDAT, tVKM S. , P. L. SBBBNOtJOR. Art -i Oreeawleb Oath So. S Phase Male ISI. Gr GEE WO - Portland's 1 Widely Known and -Successful-"Chinese Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor Hie famous resiedloa. the Insredlenta of whh-h-we Import direct from tb urlent ta large qnaautiea and prepare and put up for juua druga -of -any-hdped. 4y4 irtaoie. . The Uootor treats aneeeasfullr and ssarantees le euro H stuBiai.b troubles. catarrh. attn lung. throaty rhumatlam. . arrrouaDa. llrrr. kldner aad lot Bianbood. rEMAlI TtOtfStES "AltlS AtE Pllf Att 1 diseasis. - No fsloe or misleading atatemeste to the aMItrtwl A aa fm anrf ItssiflrtBT rttrss lej ths ssttlfk fat. Pfc1; j'.'se and at the lowest ct po: irvstiurnii If you cannot call, write for ermpteis blank aas cirroiar- laenee cents in stamps. COBBin.TATI0aTJi; r. rt, I-... Mi.i. n. taaij .Pint St.. Car. Harrison. Psrtlaad, Pleas aiaut loo thla paper. 0r SPICES, o C0FFEE,TEA, DAIflNO POWDER, FLro:; EXTRACTS AMvtoMr, Flrnilfhvor, Ortaitil Strt$K BtasofAMt frkei CL0SSETftDEYEB5 v. PORTLAND, ORCO ON. rSfomathTrDuMes 7 Positively Cured by NattireV Own Remedy, BaeseM's NATIVE HERB, or cost you nothing ' 25c and St (contain Sight Draft for return of your onty 4 urn -furta) At Druf ua' lie Mark baaaslt m Tnal Boa PRCS hr wnana 1 Bassett's Native Herbs Company 2 Cetswsws, Okas, ar Sea FrSsctsca, Cel. "P" P-W P- . .. - . .. ' the ceremony of scattering flowers over the waters In memory of deeeassd sail ors and mariners will be performed, snd In the evening at the M. K. church Rev. deorge E. McDonald, psstor of the I'nlted Ilrfthren church, will deliver Ihe annual emoi.l adircsa rHl 13 1 wSTP SllOJTJJLilTil. ahd VmOH PACIHC 3- --.Trains to the East Daily 3 Tkreags Pnllaa staKlar4 aad toartat ' lac-eare Sail? t. Ooaha. fhleeso. Spoaao'l tyurlat eiMBtns-eafS dally ts Kaaaae City. Through rerilnlog rbalrears aaaU free) te the Cat dallr. the Ea.t ,t, Huniliigton. dir. S:90aia 1:00 p eroane Fb-r fin Eaaters . naahlnsten. Walla Walla. ' I ,l, . . . . . I'V',,,'l,"c0- dailr, S:1S see-filS aa -. nij- "any ; siniwi s.impie foi.rMBiA hitkb nivisto-. I'"1" aad war pnlnla. rmaeetlnt with ,1'"' foe Uv and North hxcb, atmr V,!, . h,,t- "M S S. B- dally. iHT -8n1; Retards. - is-a. m. Arrtne . about S )t ., eirept Rnnday. - TAwntLt, rivhr Rorrr. ,.r? najrton. Oreen, City and Tamhtn rt V "'" Ruth sn4 Motne. A.h-at 4k L,i.-I,'' ' "Hy- oept Rnndar twatrr per-. Suada7. eicest , faRR RIVRR SOPTt, ' t,,:L"lVnt'- M,h"- points from ' Rlparla. Waah.. ateemera Rpokaoa ami Uwle. t i"V.,B 40 m - e-ea arrU.l Trala!!r32?. Ticket Offle. . Third and Waablngtna ats. Tephone Main TU. a r T"l'OSR. City Ticket AfeaC a. U CHA1Q. Oaaralfaaa.B- if"' EAST v. SOUTH t'Blen Depot Las re. Arrtf flTarlnnd I Trittll,. - Sal. Sacramento. 0dnu ' afaifleej A teSaSi)l tftaa- anselra. El Paso, New Orlaam an4 th H Mia S J8 aw j Morning trala ranasrte t ' I Womlbara dally escent -; Rnnday with trala for I Mount AnstL Sllrtoo. Rrowntrllle. Rprlnstleld, wanellujj aiie Vatruo. . . ," S? i - - - I ' i -r n ' - -ta at Wnadbnrn with . t, I Mount Ang and Sllrer- A rw--wiesr- .TrrrTTrr777'. . . 4-tS pni 1-aj aia IforralHa paaaeeeer. . . . . . f -US in - e((:e)pis RheHdas fiaaaenser. . ;r:n tm--IM am Forat OroT naaaenser. !tO-H sa .Hl'AOpaa i -imiT. .rpallyesept Sunrtay. JErrERHos-gTRr.r.T STAttol. - ! Per ftallaa and Intermeitlate potnta Satin j4:15 p. m. An-1 Portland 10:10 a. m. - , . For time and rard of Oawesa anbnrnes trstna apnir at CTty TIHiet Offle. r station. Tlrkara to Enatern points and Europe! alee Jaran. rhlna. Ronolulo and AnatraHa. rtty Tlrkst Ofs earner Third tad Waaa Ingtos street". Phooa Mala 713. C. W. STTNOER. . A. L. CRAKl. 1 Cttr Tlrket AgeaCV Oes. Paaa. Ageat " TIMECARD OF TRAINS Pot-tlondx ralon Depoh Laaes. Arrtvsb Tellowstene PsYh-Ksnsas Cltr-St. toula SpeeUl fr Chhalls, Centralis. - Olrm- pla. Orer'a Harbor. Sooth Bend. Taeena. Seattle. Rno- ksne, Lewlatos. Butte, Bit- : Unas, Tenor. Omaha. Ran saa TItr. - Rf. Louts " asel- noutnaaat. oalie North Toaat Lltnlud. IMia :Spsl Irle Hxhtrd. or Taeoma Seattle, Spokane. -Butte, ' Mlaneapolia. fltPaal.aBaT the East. 4ll7 8:00 pa fslSssi Pnset Round United, foe .- , j riarenont. Chabatl. Ten trails. Taeoma aad Seattle - eel, dally ..r...... 4:30 pa Mpm Twin Clt Eipreas for Ta- eoma, RMttla. Spohai". ' 1 "" nlena. Butte, Rt. Psnl. : Minneapolis. Uneols. i -Rt. Joseph. Kanaas City. ftsi. . - ha. Rt. Louis, without . . . ehane of rsra Ptreet eoa. ' nertlnn for all points Beat and fVmfhveat. dally ll:4Qpts W:IB pst . A. D. CHARITON. Assistant GeeeraJ Pa aeuser Agent. SSS Mocrteou arrest, eorsar Third, Portland, Oregoa. AstoriaA Columbia l iLLLLzKiveriBailLoadXo. TTnloa nsot-k lesva. - Arrtvst Tat atarfera.- Rahrler. ftats hams. wrprt. cutto, Astoria. - Warrentos. Fla- Hammood. Fort stev ens. naarhart Park. Seaalde. S:00 aa 1I:1SSSI Astoria and Seashore, es- 1 pr dallr , f :00 pat S:SSpa All train sail. J. C MA TO. O P. aad P A-Aetols. Or. I C. A. STS WAST. Comm-relel AgeaC SAS t Alder atrt. Phone Kala S0C ' THE COatPOrTTASLK, WAV. " . ' . - ' ' ' 2 Overland Trains Dally J The OrieataJ LbatUA. the Paat lUU VIA SEATTLE ARD SPOKAHS - - - Dally. Petty. ' ' . Lea taw ' Arrlta Portland Mm erhrdsle .. , Te and from Spohsn. . - - St. Pssl. Mlaaoapolta. : ., Imlath and all point 1- East via Sattat...... SrSOaai Taws) 11:4 tm To and froea St. Past. sftonsnoll. Dulnth : - - -- and all potats East via Saohaae StISpa S-ssaai Otu Srthrs StMauhh O. "TIWTTln " foa "Seam fur apaa ad China aorta and Manila, esrrylsf paa aensr and frtht .r SUItelMta. Jaaa '" , s. a. .MiMmot. iir . sitpos runs xaisha . (Japan hfsll Stnaaahl C.) S S. Kaaat"' a" wiH atl rmai Rartl about Juae I for Janes .and China porta, aarrrlag MM" trlfht - Par tlrheta. rata, h-rfh isesna . ties, etc.. rail es a sddrees X. BtCESOS, O. P. T. A., It JftM 1 iaw 1 Steamer Chsi IL Spr.:;; past nva. nf COtTMBIA TH FTW"T r ." TS pallid iTA.- Iaoaa hsS-tMt f a " r - fallea aad war poin'a. rlh S. I r-tsrnlne i P isnd in p. s- -st rn.iar I i,f icraloo Csscsd U llirnlnf P. r. . Ot,- n4 wkarf - IZTf SUMStT 11 IQIociM.snaNel . laIt spuria. JOI ,