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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1906)
THE OREG6N DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, .WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 2. r Ill 'MAY BE HAD HERE : l. : !: - " ! ' " (Continued from Pag On.) ' for tb daadL Muttrd Imprecation and lifted oatth wr beard from many lip. - A eorensXlury returned vrdlot ihaadit earn to ma death m the result of putol wound In flicted "by" Harry Draper, an of floor, la th performance of bis duty, and that th bandit was the) murderer of Pollc man Ilanlon. Captila Or D. Hndron and Sheriff havr.) . " -v ' Ta bendlfe remlns will be buried la th potter's field .tomorrow.. Many bav ' called to e the remains In th bop of Identifying them, but Identification ;ha falie'dT It haa been positively estab- however, that he la not th Smith acomb. who wife live with her parsnta near Independence. . Mr. B. J. flauder of St. Johns, who knew the In--dependence Smith, atteT after seeing the remaim that It waa not th Smith who formerly lived at - Independence. "So far aa la Known the man "had no . relative or even acquaintances in this , part of th country. , i.;-:.. COURAGE ALkVCbtyEii i m - :, srtaieatloa ui th Honor, of. .'lunll : Broke Dnra Smith at I. " Officer and other who participated in the chase and final capture and kill Ins" of Frank. Smith, the desperado, are - Unable to explain th cowardly manner In which th fugitive aubmltted to his fata. In ail hla deeds Smith showed a daring and nerve that war startling. X 4 ' C. 0-. Si t v ..r- .. . .' " : Baataaev Frank Smith,' Photographed Shortly v- After tha Fti Shot .Wm Fired. But when th final test camev when h waa eurrounded-ana hope- out off, th ven anna red a ad. He Uled miserably. . .Harrr Draper, who Xlred the ahofc thsX . ended the career of th deaperadOtfde- : ciaree mat pmita reaonea ror nis re volver. The weapon was Jn bis inside pocket and th barrel, had been plugged with cotton,- Indicating- that he had no Intention of using- It - He knew that he waa surrounded by men determined that Toe ahould pay the penalty of hla crime and he could plainly hear their threats. And be could also hear the baying of ,th dog-s as they drew near to Mm.. The OaTi of Death. ' - Aa lie lay concealed behind the log lie heard the hounds faintly far up the tracks. It waa the call of death.- But he could not escape. Instead of pre par ting for a last atand. ready to ahoot the -dog-s when they appeared, -or end hla own life rather , thai) aurrender to th .officers, he left" hie revolver inside his .coat - Many believe that he hoped to be ;taken alive. ..!. . Among the mors experienced officers It la generally believed that, weary and 'worn by daya and nights of exposure nd rain l by want of food, Smlth'e cour- .g completely left hint and he gave' up 'In despair. II had been without food for days and the few-crackers and cakes ' which h . ate at Canbjr early In th 'momlng did little toward reviving his Mrs. Li T. Batten, of Canby, Who ' Discovered Smith' Whereabouts. pliita. It waa th belief that he must eventually appear In search of food that 'kept th various searching, possea to 'gether since Saturday, , 'm Offloecs Wha Xelped. Is th earo Sheriff Culver was un relenting in big efforts Th popular .clamor for the- capture of the murderer f Captain Henderson was ao great that 'aide from hla personal desire to avenge th crime. Sheriff Culver left nothing undone to run th fugitive to earth. Deputy Sheriff Mlnto and others from jBelent . rendered effloient assistance, aa did Deputy snertrf Morden and Cor dana and Detective Snow end Vaughn of Portland.- From Oregon City Chief vf Police Burn and number of others -worked Incessantly.; -i . - . , Cltlaens of Marlon county who Joined In the chase for th bandit did so with no bop of reward. They were led by a deelr to avenge th death of on of th mof popular men in th County.. Poisee from Oregon City were also actuated by the same motive, and In fact there was rm discussion of the 11,10 offered for the capture of Smith, dead or alive' The aura will undoubtedly be paid In full to .-lis it y Draper, human -of floor ef Ppokane, who shot and killed th haadtt. 7 be biood bounds which trailed ! . o. . . 4"" Mv : i . f ., . .iiiii.U 4 V.-it .,.. r 8 ' ' i V, r ' '' s ' 1 , J, -ja.A 1 - J . - ' 1 rJV, General the f ugitlv into th . brush "where be .a killed belonaed ' to - Draper. "Thr were- broucht Into th chaae at th re quest Of Sheriff Word of this county.-' MRS." BATTEN'S PART. She. Benog-nlied Smith and Oar Clu That bed to XI stilling. : (HptxHel Diapatrfc to Tb JoorBl. Canby, Or., May J. Friends of Mrs. I T. Batten of this city -contend that ahe-ahould receive som rcognitlon from the authorities for furnishing the Information that led to the capture and itb of Outlaw Frank Smith. It wee Mrs, Batten who first recognised Smith and ah Immediately notified the au thorities, Smith entered her bakery at i:S0 o'clock Tuesday morning and de manded food. He banded , her three pennies.- 8h gave him aom cake and he darted out of. the front door and walked dowa-ths-rallroad track in -the direction -trf - New- Era- where - h -'was killed j five hour later. Mr Batten was so positive that her customer was Frank Smith that she ran to the home of the acting chief of police and tuld hliri her etory. - The of ficer telephoned to New Era and Oregon City and within an hour Smith was sur rounded by -armed men, " The offlcert of Canby mad no attempt .to follow Smith, and three men, George W. Dixon, edi tor of the Canby Tribune! Postmaster J. F. Dyoe-and W. L. Jones, a local photographer,- secured runs and walked to New Era. arriving tlffere at the same time with the Oregon City posse.' Th Canby and Oregon City men held Smith at-bay until the bloodhounda arrived from Woodburn and -rah him down In the brush. -" ". ' ; - Mrs. Batten, who first notified th au thorities that Smith was here. Is a widow and conducts a small store In Canby. . ' r - SMITH'S REVOLVER. ;1 reapoB a rorty-On oaiiBar uuii's ,j. .. With rive-Inok BanaL ' . riuetlal PKpitch to The lovraal.) : Salem, Or., May I. Sheriff Culver returned last everrtng sfi(jmk' NeV Era and brought home th wapdhZ with which th deaperado murdered hla three victims The revolver la a Colt .41 caliber of modern pattern, and ft baa five-Inch dark blue ateel barrel. Smlth'e cap waa alao saved by 8barlff Culver and la a blue cap such aa boya are ac customed to wear and .Which th putlaw -stole at -Canby.-- The -sheriff praises the work -of th men that assisted him In th man hunt - WOMEN'S CLUBS MEETr IN SOUTH CAROLINA .f. i- floeraat Bpeda Bervies.) - : " Rock . Ill, a C, May I. Rook HU1 today threw her gates wide open to an Invading fore of clubwomen, who will continue lit possession : during the i malnder of thl week. '-'The occasion Is th-e4ghth annuel coitvnttoirof Th South Carolina Federation of Women's club.'' Th attendance la unusually large and representative and there t every promise of a successful gathering. Today , waa given over to th reception er th' visitors and preliminary meet ings of ' th several committees, r The formal opening takes place this even log. r While much business Is to be transacted the program, ha been- arranged a to permit oi.. numerous functions of ar social natura WILLAMETTE STUDENTS ; VOTE FOR A HOLIDAY - , .- . . ' . ... . - VtS.I PUpatc to Th Jomreal.) ' Willamette University, Salem, May 2. At a meeting of the atudsnt body of Willamette tne students votea to aet aside the Drat day of May each year tor a holiday.- The day I to- be known aa Campus day. and la for the purpose of beautifying the campus. With this end In view the studenta apent the forenoon In carrying out this Idea and at 1 o'clock the laying of the corner-stone of the Theological building took place. There waa 'a large crowd preeent to witness " ths -Impressive'" ceremonies, which were presided over by President Coleman, aaalated by the Rev. Robert Booth-aad Jones, both of whom are old ploneera of Oregon. The name of th -etudente In every department of the university, ail moss in in societies ana different organisations or th achool. alao those of the preacher In th dif ferent conference of th northwest wf placed In th oorner-stone. Loss of Appetite la common when (ho blood needs purf fylxig and earlohing, for then the blood faila to give the digestive organs the etlrauJui necesaarv for the proper per formance of their fanctiong. , .; Hood'a 6afgaparilla la pre-eminently toe medicine to take It make the blood pare and rich, and strengthen all the digestive organ. " V waa" ail ran down and had no appetite. After taking one bottle of Hood'a Sarsaparilla I could eat any. thing I wished. 'V lira. Amanda Fen ner, Oneeo, Cono.' ' . ' ; " ; Accept no substitute for r. t Hood's Sarsaparilla Insist on having Uood'a Get It todgr. I liftoid of tahlot form 200 Doaea 1 j i View' of th Bualneaa District Taken From Nob HOL rr living in Streetcar SAYr WROfJG filAIJ GOT HONEY Bait . Deposit Iri-Chinese . Case Is : Cause of Dis- i pute. INTERPRETER IS SAID TO HAVE BENFITED Yee Chow Requesta Return of Two T Hundred " Dollars' Held" by" PoUce and - IjaTold -That- Attomeyfand Majr Ham Secured It. .- : : .... . T . , Trouble Is brewing In Chinatown as the outcome of a case - In the police court. Moy Ham, usually employed aa Interpreter, la accuaed by Certain of hla countrymen of drawing down ball money to which he had no right. They left the courtroom - this- morning In - anger. assertlng.hat he will have- to return the money and explain hla action.-" In veatlgatlon has shown that Attorney W. B. Makellm received s 160 lee out 01 th money secured by .th interpreter. though, he did not appear In theaae. e XhowaJrCtara Biown weie reated about . three . weak ago . and charged with a statutory offense. -Vee was Hned 1100 by Judge Cameron. His ball was f 100 cash, from which was de ducted th amount of tb nne... This morning-Tee Chow, accompanied by Jus Sue. a wealthy Chinese mer chant, went to Hennesys office to get the remainder of bis ball. 1200. It waa ascertained that the money had been secured by some Other person. Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald Interrupted At torney A. waiter woir auring tne prog. resa of the trial and asked him what had become of the Chinaman's money Wolf, who .represented Tee" Chow And tb girl at the trial, asserted that a Knew notic ing about th matter; . v An excited colloquy between court -of ficials, police and Jus Bus followed. Clerk Hennessy was then appealed to and looking at hi book discovered that the amount had been paid Moy Ham, th interpreter, for Attorney W. J- Makellm. a paper being, Indorsed by th lawyer. Th clerk said' he had refused to give a check for the $100 to Moy until th In dorsement of . Attorney Makellm had been secured. Jue flu and Tee -Chow wen to Attor ney Makeltm'a offlo and there learned that he had deducted 160 as a re after the check had been cashed and had turned the remainder, $110. over to Moy Ham, .They returned to the police oourt and stated th result of their Quest There ar a number or peculiar eir- eumstanoea connected with, the affair. Attorney Makellm did not appear In the case at any time. Wolf at f Irat repre senting th Chin and then alao being appointed counsel for the girl by the court. .... ' '" - .- ;' ' '' -- '--' Attorney Wolf I not willing to atat why ha permitted Makellm to receive a ree. t l aiso unwilling to explain hy tie. aa counsel for the Chinese and th girl, did not receive a fee and mad no-objection. He merely asaerts that he la "not to blame for anything and did not get the Chlnamaa'a. money." . - Mey Ham had no right to collect anything from the.olerk," declared Jue Sue. "Zie is largely to ciame in this matter. The money ahould have been turned over to nobody but Yee Chow or hla counael. Moy .Ham ' will have to turn over that money and x plain why b has dona thla.". " ' , Steamer Hannaford aay. : . (RpeeUI tHtpatek ta-Tse laeneLf Carler. Wash., May 1. Th steamer Hannaford 1 making regular trips on the. river between A I us worth and Celilo and la an additional service that la ap-l y.sMMjiypdB.a, -.jsy gllWii mi i Hia isSja'TspasTasgasaapMaaj pj ()s mim aa p Mllinyeygj I .- - " I '',"': v' L l : t il - i iO (kh h Cf - T I kwi-.-nv,.si hr a.w t. --..jy.. -r .:--r. iri. -,.-?t..Y.r, eW ESP 5 1 Mi. '.If ...... .. . .--:.... tr.r:- a on Sutter. Street. MOSJEllOIIEiT .THE ARMORY Practically All Supplies on Hn "WniehlppediHexwo . or mree ways. BIG FORCfi OF WOMEN ;.. , ii-.- WILL BE DISBANDED A Few Will Be Left Ao Attend to .Wants of Straggling! Refugees and - Small Store or aothing Will Be ' Kepf for Those Who Come. The'wprk of th women's relief corp at ; th Armory has about drawn to a dose. Practically all the relief supplie on hand will b packed and ahlpped toM San FrancUco vwlthln th next two or three daya. A a mail supply .will be kept ie meet tne wanta of straggling refu gees that eome In on, and two or tnree or the women will remain at the Armory to attend to thee wander ers, but th big working fore that ha been on duty will disband and relief hTdnuartera will probably be olcast! within a week. Mrs Mary Pheipa Mont gomery, chairman of the women' relief oommlttee, ha called a meeting of that body for. 10 o'clock tomorrow morning for the purpose of deciding on what day the 'general working foroe shall be redtrcad-sndr making- plana for-wlndlng up tne general work of the committee. - The Armory presented a quiet appear ance thla morning. The women of tha relief committee have gotten all -their auppllee Sorted and In readiness for packing for shipment, and aa refugees have practically oeaaed to come In, there la little work at headquarters for th 100 who hav been devoting their time and energy, to tb labor of caring for the . aufrerer, ' Women's Work About Over. "There la no longer any 'need for such extensive work as we have been doing," aald Mre. Montgomery, "and there 1 no reason why so many women ahould - be required . to give . their time tb it. With the exoeptlon of shipping away What - we have on hand and serving a amall stock for straggling refugees, our work la practically, at an end. W will hold a meeting tomor row morning to decide lust when w hall reduce the working force and work out th details of - further action. ' W ar shipping material every day to Oen era! Funston and will ahlp th bulk of what w hav on hand .as aoon aa w bear, from Mr. J. N. Teal, who will no tify us how and .nd.'Of course, . w wiu hav to keep a small aupply on hand to take car of such refugee as may com In later, and two or three women will be detailed to look after them, but th big fore that ha bean devoting lta time and attention to the lsboret-wlil dieband. A report of what haa been don by ft Keep " IK- Graves' tooto P(tJtvfler and use It twice , every 'da)c.i- It preserves brightens and whitens good teeth, and keeps ' the bad ones ; from . getting any ; worse." mat's what the dentists say. - - ...-'... ' ; ........ .. . I heady metal bottle, a So. 1 Thw - A W'teni'ltzWc - ziziCi. Sam'l Rosenblat HATTERS AN th eommltt will be made as soon as It can be worked out and put In shape. The women, of Portland have been most loyal during the period of distress In San Francisco. Mors than were really needed to look after th work -hav vol untarily given their services day after day,, from early morning until late evening. - They have worked hard arid their labor hav. produced results. They have provided with clothing and other wise ministered Id the wants of then aanda of refugees. ...... . It I estimated that not- les than 8,900 refugees have been eared for by the relief committee of Portland since the first trains bearing them began to arrive in the olty. - All of these War provided . with , meals rand ' temporary lodglnge while they were In the city. The larger portion of the refugees were j destined for other points and werrf ur nlshed with transportation. It l estl matsd that about 1,000 were given quar ter In th city and 'wnrreraulri TiefC . .i. .-. . , Travelers' Aid so Kelp. - k nf th rtwnot relief commit- tee under tienerai Beebe will be turned over how to th Traveler' AM society, mittee from waich-wvu-Batm regular train and look after the -wants of such refugees aa may come In. Gen eral Beebe'a committee la meeting -this afternoon to wind up its Work and make a report of what ha been aceompllahed by It. Th work at the depot was ofi .istrenuous sort, but It was handled' in a 'moat aatlafactory manner. GIRL7S"ATTEMPT TO' trUy KILL HERSELF. FA1 LS '.Jennie Walton attempted) ' to commit aulcld by 1 taking -poison last., night while despondent. ...Her -lif was saved Ibyth ireaenceofjnnd of other'ln- mates of the house at 12 Weat Park hospital. . - :v r - t Policeman Seymour. Investigated th affair. V ' . Prlof to swallowing tha poison- the girl went for an automobile rid with another woman and two men.' 8b left th automobile near the Baae Line Voad and Forty-eighth a treat and lying across the bicycle path on the road, near Forty ninth atreet, want to aleep. Her com panlona were unable to find ; her and -finally came back, to town- ...The girl waa aeen by persons living In the' vicinity, who telephoned the po lice that they thought aha had been kllltd 1 A"M"g Detective Mears and Pa- trtrlman Tiyt?t sentlo inveat I gats, On being awakened Mlsa Walton said she had been "celebrating her birth day" and bad "lost an automobile." A short time afterward, aha tried to Kill hereelf. ; , ..... DANCE TOMORROW FOR . NEWSPAPER MAILERS The newspaper mallera In th employ or Th journal. Telegram ana uregoir Ian hav arranged for a benefit ball at tTha-Armuiy tuuiuuow nlght-for the pur- poee of raising funde for the relief, of leuow woraero wno aurrerea aa a re sult of tha San Franolaoo disaster. Music wilt be furnished by Everest's orchestra and an . snjoyabls avanlng la promised. w several ur ins NurriwiiMev w- paper mailers- lost their live In tha disaster and almost all auf fared severely. They made an appeal for eaalatanca and the Portland men will promptly respond to the calL FIFTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ' IS FARE TO NEW -YORK A second clas aeaatbound rata, from Portland to New Tork knd Boston -has been put In by the Harrrman Unearth Oreat Northern and th NortheriWPa clflc Th old rat of $84 la reduced to SSI. Th rout will be Vla-rhe-Wa bash or the Grand Trunk from Chicago to Port Huron or Detroit and from there over any of th direct lines between Montreal and New Tork. .-'...' The announcement waa made follow ing a meeting late yesterday afternoon at- the offlc -or . A. u.':.craig. general pasaenger agent of -tha Hartiman lines, attended by A. D. . Charlton, assistant general paaaengcr agent of the North ern Paclflo. and 8. O, Terkea of tha Great Northern, i Th reason given for th reduction-1 a disturbance east of StPaur-whleh--redeed-the-rates In that territory- and enabled the north weetara roads to adopt the new rate for basing, purposes. 1- ' ' - MARION SOCIALISTS : : . NOMINATE A TICKET '(Special Dfmeteb to The. Inarael.) Salem, Or., May 1. The Socialist of Marlon county bav filed th following ticket: 'Joint senator for - Marion and l.lnn, John Henkel, .Kingston; aenetora, B. T: Ramp, Brooka; Z. ; T.' Bogard, WimAhurn: renreaentativea. IL B. Mun- tmriF.'J.Ji'on Behren, AumvIlletA. M. BUnaon, BoeedalrX E. MUrpny, Fair Orounds; W. H. Truenback, Howell Prairie: treaaurer, O. V. anerwooor oor- ontr. M. M. White; aurveyor, t. i, Hutchlna: commissioner, T. L. Black man; clerk. Melvln Burdlck; aherlff, J.. IL Mack! recorder, T. J. Clark. - Never can' tail wher you'll' mash a finger or suffer a out. bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Kclec- trlo Oil InaUntly relieves th. Pi Ira Q CLOTHIERS Y quioUX cure the wound. , I 1 IN THE YERYi LATEST -SHAPES WE FjlULTNOMAH $3.00 HA T ' , : v.; rr For, Style and Quality Leads Them CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON SI$ w .. .- -u r - ASTsnmsr ouxrvtvzmm ooacr ajti- . f. . i , ,i . w.. . , . ... ----i-- . - .... - - ..... .----i r...T-.rv .... , O ... .. - -:-:T v-:" Tr To the hundreds of San Fran-? whom were warm friends arid : staunch customers : of our San "FfMritlBstw this store offers pathy.-:It" offers iedl kinds of Homefurriishings arid-Clothing "forMen7WomenrandChildren on specially easy, terms. 3ome indrhajkeyou known. You will ircceivcher0M -the-same-courteoustreatment--which won ; for- our stricken store so many friends. ; Eastern Outfitting Co. : Tke Store Wher -Washington and Tenth Streets" SENATE COMMITTED- . P4)PPX)SEOJ(LSM0QX '- (JTaaraal Bixeial Berviee.i Washington, May- . It - IS believed that th senate oommlttee on privileges and ' election atand a seven 7 to eix in favor of tha general proposition that Senator Reed Smooth of Utah Is not proper man to be senator. Th division I aald. to be aa follows: Against Smoot Burrows, Oepew, Dubola, Pattua, Bai ler. Overman and Frasler., For Smoot Foraker, Bevarldge, DIUlngbam. - Hop kins. Knox and Dolllver. But tha Smoot opportente ar divided among themselves over th question whether he can be ax eluded or expelled. The next commit tee' meeting la to be held on Friday. When there Is likely to be more than one report aubmltted. r - - - ; - t MRS. G. M. JOHNSON ' v r . DIES OF PNEUMONIA fMneeul IMmateb to The Jearaal.l ( The Dallea, Or.. May t. Mrs. George M. Johnson died this morning of pneu monia. She. was born April it. 111$, In New Tork and erosaed th plain to Oregon City In l$tt. Sb was married to R. n.Blrnle, who died. His son. Blchard. now lives In Portland. She married A. C. Pheipa In !$$. He died a few year tego leaving a son, Oeorge, who resides In this city. Sb married GeorgA' M. Johnson two years ago. Be sides- her husband and two sons -ahe leavea .rother, ChaIs Stlllwell, who realdes her. ' ' HORSE THJEVES GET ".THREE YEARS IN PRISON fltpeHal Dispstch te Ih foarsel. Pendleton. Or.. May J. C H. Wal ter, a Wesson saloonkeeper, accuaed of selling liquor to minors, waa found not guilty by a Jury. District Attorney Pheipa and Johir1 McCourt conducted th prosecution and winter 4k Collier and J. T. Hlnkle the defense. , - Judge Ellis thla morning sentenced Oarrol Diamond and Gibson Crail to aerve three years each In th penitenti ary for horse stealing. They hired liv ery rig In Peridleton and were captured at Walla Walla with the outfit . THOUSANDS WORK IN RUINS (Continued from Page One.) latur will be Issued In two weeks. A number of corporations srs working wlrsa to see tire a legislature reimburs ing then for their loseea aa ataM ooa r i Alt . a aitbmi otrTriiTLW oomtajtt rnore than sym Tour Credit Is Good tracts, and wiping out laws new en the statute books Inimical to their Inter t. 8vafTXnI6ibOuTipn at Oakland this morning. - wan aBa Awewds Ctrao. (Bpedal XHesateh f Ta Joral.J- : ' Walla Walla, Wash., May l.-Th contract for excavating JLh plp-lln.J ditch for th' new ' water eyatem waa . awarded th Warren Constructloe eom pany for $44,060 at last night' a eouncll meeting. Heart f Palpitation - : Indlg-sition eauaaa tha rtomaoll to xpand wll and, puff up afainst tha heart Thla crowds tha haart and tntarf are with , k action, causing- ahortnaaa of braath, palpitation of tha haart, eto. - : . '. 1 ' Kodol Dyspepsia Curo : BI0EST9 W BIT TOO MT Ukaa tha atraln off tha haart, n i coo tribute twuriahirran, -atrangth and health to ovary .1 organ of tha fcody.. Curaa Indl- "gition, Dyppgia, Sour Stom ach, Belchintr, Oaa on S"toroach. and all Stomach troublaa. - -;: -v 'I" Xnova,'Iowa, ' ; Tkrs ytra aga I was afflict . . wita.lndlgtloa aa touch that :. I waa la caatianal pain.. After ' aatlag my saatt waa affct4 and I had Mothrliig aaattoaa. :: Two hottl of Kodot cured taa. 1 - aLBXST LAM1C. v C7"4 aTelar swefl eeatato I - Z Umm aw mm fit trlml er a a Pi aeeres mttbmL mkmfry ml A aOmWm Cm..CmkmgV. . A,' sxzoKoaa savo oo. an - voosaju, tnuMxn c. ? & Co. If)?' '-:--"...