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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1906)
GD E V E HI H 6 1 , . THE WHAT,.,, v . 3iCii AmSP Sunday fair, followed by cloudiness. 1 1 V ) ' :VSJ kWg ''- tr' ' ' f cooler; north to east wlndi. ' ' vy -1 1 "'N. ' : ; ;'r .. 0,::''Mr',C '"' y ' : Y;- . Journal Circulation Yesterday Was VOL; V. NO. 81 PORTLAND. -V OREGON,' SATURDAY EVENING, , APRIL 14, 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. ow nun awn wrwe TAaDa, mi OUll ROOSEVELT GRILLS WRITERS 2S1SD MAY OPEfTl GORKYBARREO . GATES . BI HOTEL AS III WITH IUGK RAKES ' Makes Use of Pilgrim's Progress Allegory in ; Paying Respects to Those Who; Write of . Scandal at J the National Capital. CORNERSTONE. LAID OF HOUSE '-. : OF REPRESENTATIVES BUILDING Ceremonies Are Similar to, Those Used by GeorgeyWashingtoriTon'CapitolBuiW a Hundred and Thirteen Years Ago (Joaraal Special knlM.) Washington. April 14. Seldom y hu - the national Capital wltneaaed mow brilliant and distinguished eaemblags - -. than -wa- gathered-en the Plasa -this - aflsrnoon. wbsn. with solemn and lm prssslve oeremony, tha cornerstone of tba saw office building of tba house of . representatives was 4ald by President .. . roossvsh.' - - -1 1 Tha foundation ot tha magnificent now building la completed and on tha i. floor beams of tha flrat story a tem porary floor waa laid and aeata provided for tha Invite guests to wlrnsss tha ceremony.' On tha president's stand, which waa completely eovered 7 In red. whit and blua bunting and decorated 'with American flags, aat tha praaldent - and - hta - cabinet. Speaker Cannon and tha mambara of tha diplomatic corps. Occupying eeata to tha right and left ware tha officers of tha army and nary In tnU dress uniform, tha raembera of tha supreme court, mambara of , eon- graaa and other- guests. Tba high r wooden feiica surrounding the-found-'i tlon waa partly torn awayr that rlew -v of tha ceremony might be bad by per eona not proviaeu wun ., rounding atroota -.'Were . thronged with people. '.;'",.":"" .. j- ; ' . 1 gbapla ' Ooreanoaloo. : . ' Tha .caramony waa almoat , Identical .'With tha laying of tha corneratone of tho Vnltad Btatee capitol by Praaldant tVaahlngton, nearly 1)1 yaara ago. Sim plicity marked tha event, and all pra tenalon waa avoided. Tha artlolea placed ' In tha corneratone, aa far ai practlca. Ma,' were Identical with thoaa placed la - - tha capitol atone by tha Federal Maeonlc lodge, and; aa both Praaldant Rooeevalt ' and Speaker Cannon, aa waa Praaldant Waahlngtou,. ara membera of'. tho Ma- onlo order.' tha oecaalon In every way harmonised with tha oplrlt of tha cere mony directed mora than a century ago , by tha mum Maaonlo Jurladlction. t .Tha aerennony- waa preceded by a pa- . ra'de of Knight Templar and membere of the Maaonlo grand lodge. .Tho muelc waa furnlahed by tha Marina band. . A hear from ' tho largo aeeemolage ' an nounced tha arrival of tha chief par. tlclpanta In tha ceremony. The official program began with the Invocation by tho Right Rev. Dr. gatterlea, blahop of . v Waahlagton. Grand Maater Walter A. Brown, who preeMM over tna xerciaea. then delivered tha opening remarka and at tha - eonclualon introoucea opeaaor ""CahnonTwhO "tnada-- brief mddraew ap proprlata to tha oecaalon. i, Tha ceremony waa attended by lh cabinet, auprema court, membere of tha ' hoaae and aenata, repreaentatlvea of tha .foreign governments and a great con . eouree of eltlaena. With tha historic - gavel used by Washington, Orand Master ' Brown atruck the block three tlmea and pronounced It well and truly laid. Brown then delivered a forma address. Follow ing a selection by tha Marina band. Praaldent Rooeevalt stepped to tho plat form and delivered the addresa of tha day. Brief addreeaes were made by Speaker Cannon, Congreeemen Hepburn and Richardson of Tennessee, building ' commlsalonera of tha house, Tha preal- dent aald In part! .. ... ' atmok Bko paaoa. '..- , "In Bunyane pilgrlm'a Progreaa la a description of a man with a muck rake. -who looked downward. -and. with the muck rake In hie hands, oven whan of- ' fared a celestial crown " for ' tha murk rake, he would not look up nor regard It. but continued to rake to himself tha - filth.' ThlaTnan la act forth tn tha al legory as an eismple of tha man whose vision Is flxsd on carnal Instead of spir itual things, "It Is necessary and wa should- not ' flinch from seeing Vila things, but tha " man who never sea anything aisa be ' cornea not a help to society, . bat ono of ' tho moot potent .force for avlt "1 hall aa a benefactor every man "who en a platform or tu a publication . aaaalla - corruption, providing that tha attack bo absolutely truthful. A liar la no' batter than a thief. Tha soul of vary scoundrel la glad when, an hon- - est man ta assaHod. "It in easy to twist out of ahapa what I am saying. Soma persons are ' Incapable of understanding that to de iwmnce mudsllnglng does not mean an Indorsement of whitewashing. Any ex cess Is sura to Invito reaction which . will likely tako tho form -of punishing Ihe unoffending and giva Immunity to offenders. aWaaaWnsallssa Ooaassasd ' "Gross, reckless assauUa on charac ter create morbid, vicious, public aentl ment. At tha asms time It acts as deterrent to abla- men of normal oenst- - tlveneeo-and prevents them fronv enter ing the public service at any price. "It is hard te get capable man to handle 1ho Panama canal because thev . ara certain to bs attacked within and without congress as to character and capacity.. 11 is cqusNy hard to get peaceable men . In other. posltlyns of puhllo trust, y , - y - - "To eipo" crime and to hunt the criminals Is Just, but remember that iu In tho case of crime, If It is at- ;.v- .' After thoss thiaga had beeai soms what digested by OaristUaa and ha eosnpaay tho interpreter aakss thorn apart again-and has thsam first into a room, waera waa a maa that ootOd look mm way at downward, with maok raka la his hand. Tsars stood also oa oar hta hand, with a oolartlal erowa ta hla haad, aad progared hbat that crowa for als maek-rakei bmt tba maa did aaitker took up aor regard, bat raked to himself tha straws, tha small atloka aad dust of tha floor. , " .y -, ' Than aald Ohrsrtlaaa, X persuade my eelf that X know somswkat tho meaning of thiii for thia la a flgura of a maa of tho world, la It not, good alrt Interpreter Tho has awJA tho'rltfht, aad ' hla - muck-rake ' doth show hla carnal . . salad. .' . Aad ' whanaa thoa aeest him rather giro hood to raks p straws as sticks aad tho dust of tho noes, thaot to what ha aaya that odlla to aim front abe-re with tha oaiostfal aroww la his haad, H as to show that heayea la tat aa a fkbls to sobos,' aad that talaga hsrs ara ooaatsd tha oaOy thiaga oabstaatial. , Bow, - whareaa, . it waa als shewed tha that tho maa oowld. look o war tat downward, ft ta to let tha kaow that earthly thiaga, whea" taey ara wtti powar apoa meaf mtnda, ait carry that he aria away frost trod. T--.-n " i rasa aald. Ohrlstlana. O gaUvsr ma from this maok-raka. , : , , : t,-v. ; , That prayer, said tho Interpreter, had lain by tUT It ia almoat rusty. Trom Vllfiml Pregresa" y ..y. tacked 'iq a sensational, lurid and un truthful , faahlon,' Jtho attack will Jo mora damage to tho publlo mind thaa tha crime toolf.i y-yij.. .i.?..,., ...-y. ' Year Boaata Bnlldlaff. - Tha. new building will bo bounded by B atreat. New Jersey avenue, Flrat street and C street, and will cost 1 1,000, 000. It will contain lit office rooms, mors than enough for ovsry member of congress. It will conform In construc tion and general - offset with the pro posed sonata building to bo erected across Capital park to tho northeast of ths capitol .building, y V . These two buildings, 'when completed, will take tho -placo of addltiona orlgl natly proposed -to-ths capital building, but which were objected to on the ground that they -would mar tho archi tectural echeme of that etructure. Bach of the new buildings will occupy a Complete squaro of ground and thsy will bo magnificent whits structures of classic dealsn to harmonise with tha cspltol and library of congress. Thsy will contain offices, - com ml t tee-room and numerous othsr conveniences for the members of congress snd will greatly relievo the present congestion of the capitol building. They will bo connected by underground pasaagea with tba capi tol ao that tho membere may con veniently pass to and fro. , : MRS. DEPEW RETURNING; l MAY SEEK.SEPARATIQN rr (joaraal Bpeetal vk. - - Now Tork. April 14. One of tho paa aengers on tho White Star liner Cel tic, due - tomorrow- from-.Uvarpool.lo Mrs. Chauncey M. Dspew. Her arrival from her. long stay abroad ta coincident with tho renewal of tho report that she has brought a suit for ..separation agslnst her distinguished husband. - There Is a rumor current in Wall street that Senator Depew lo tn a state of complete mental end physical col lapse at Bcarooro on the Hudson. " It la significant that Charrsa 8pauldlng. Senator Papew's nephew, did not know of tho arrival of Mrs. Depew from abroad. - When questioned concerning her wnr"abouts he gavs ssawers indi cating hla belief that she would remain abroad Indefinitely. Concerning the ru mor that she had retained a lawyer to bring suit for separation, ho said: ' c. "That la a malicious falsehood." CURE IS DISCOVERED : FOR LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA IJmhmI SseHat ervlre. .tendon. April It. The F-xpreas ro porta ' that Ir. Legrand Norton Pen slow, tho American consulting phyal elatt wh is now staying in Loedon. has dlftcovered a cure for. locomotor ataxia.-with which he has sceompllshed a number of wonderful cores of ths heretofore Incurable dieeaae. Tho paper quotes Dr. jlenalow as saying that he does not Wish to have the dlecovery made ridiculous by- premature publicity. Ilks, Koch's tuberculosis cure. When he ta ready ho will give It t ths world. Ha wilt lay It before his fellow phy sl eeps In a manner ta oategaard It from charlatanism, . ' . v , ,'. : v- ;--:y :-.'t-t ry. , Ilflf RREIIDERFOR ; lTl. ... Formal Statement Issued That No Compromise on Money Lines Will Be Made. " WILL APPEAR AT 2I0N. TO APPEAL TO PEOPLE j ' - - i Power of Attorney Held cry Voliva Revoked in .Lake County- Confer enco in Progress Over Settlement ol Troubles.. i ' ". i t (Jooraal Special fcrrlee.) . - Chicago, April v 14. John- Alexander Dowls's attorneys today Issued a formal statement denying " tho reports that Dowie has surrendered to' the Vollvs forces as' renorted wslvfnv- ii ' . poral claim for the; consideration of . M . . pr cent di x.ion b assets. . t ,, "The question wtir never be settled on a .dollar and cent basis... Any sug gestion that Dowla wUl accept a set tlement which contemplates his return to Mexico without his ismmiim Zton and the .opportunity to see and w loom nq- nss worked for are entlrelv without k fnnn.MA. m . - " - ."-.iu.iiwi . j. UW statement Issued. . i.-.. ,: . . Voliva threatens-to discloss what he alleges are the methods of bribery used 7 w wiiii m nnmoeror Oftconl Dowls's attornava Kv. . -i.. county a revocation of the power of at- ,u. uj votiva. unia admits that Dowle'a illamnt A power by telegraph availed nothing. At torney Barnes, for Voliva, snd. Dowlas counsel are conferring In Chicago.- -r GIRLS HERE'S A CHANCE 2 TO GET MAN AND MONEY . ' ' onial Special Servles.) '' Washington.- April- 14 Henry stark, possessor of $604,000. according to his claims, announced In his apartments at ths. new Wtllard hotel today that he would bo willing to settle 1 300.000 upon any woman- whose beauty and " talents would Inapire In htm tba lova necessary to mstrtmonyy Stark, whoae home Is Ir ow Tork. says that he made. his money hv luekv mlntna atrlkn u- - w - u u Ajwn4 dike and that he hit It rich In specula tions iir uw Dwu aiamond mines. Now ho Is tired of knocking about the world and will settle 1100.000 on any young eligible woman who pleases his .fancy snd Js willing to marry hlm .: TWO HUNDRED HORSES v 1 ' DESTROYED BY FLAMES (Jeanal apedu aervtee 1 - : Baltimore. April 14. rire this morn ing destroyed Fox's livery stable and 200 horses. . Patrolman Manning was severely burned. Tho loss Is ITC.000. :;Ty;,. ' V r, , - f eee4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4 EASTER SUNDRY JOURNAL. WILL . . The Easter Sunday Journal will he the grettest paper published tomorrow in the Pacific northwest. It ' will be handsomely illustrated in colors, with pictures appropriate to the, day! The frontispiece, "lie Is Rien,"is an allegorical picture in colors. "Easter Sunday in the City of the Resurrection". U handsomely illustrated in colors, telling of what happens on Easter in Jerusalem, showing pictures T of the interior of the Church of the .and the uarden ot uetnsrmane. wi me smnxiay Journal and read this article. '-f Another page of; the tmday Journal U. devoted to subject of the day. One of these tells of strange. Easter customs in Europe, and there is another illus- sees ; 3 BISHOP r.lORRIS LEAVES CHILDREN ONE DOLLAR EACH, ALL Makes Request That Widow Give One Thousand Dollars to Epis copal Fund of Oregon Diocese, an Equal Sum to Christ !S : , mas Fund for Disabled C lergy and Other Gifts. By tha terms of his will, which was probated this morning In Judgs Web ster's courtr th'1at8B.-Whrtar-.Mrrsj bishop of .tho Episcopal dloceae tf Ore gon, left all but 4 of his personal ea tate to his widow, giving hla four chil dren $1 each. A separata will bequeath ing all the church property and money held In trust by him to his successor was opened, but tho court held that It was an- advisory document to his wife, who waa named ss executrix of the personal estate, and hence did not need to be probated. ' T V 'r Neither tho value of ' tho- personal estate nor that of tho church held la trust by , tha lata bishop, la . given tn tho wills. - From those who have been Intimate with the blahop It Is understood that ha left quits a snug personal for tune and had a largo amount tf church funds In bis hands. Ths - personal , will In full Is as follows: "In ths name of tho Father, Son and Holy Ohost, amen. - - - --- -- - p Benjamin Wlstar Morris, of Port land, Oregon, giro and bequeath- to- my beloved wife. Hannah Rodney Mortis, all. tho property, real and personal, of whatever nature and - wherever situ ated, of which I shall die possessed, to have, and to hold aa her own. to nss and dispose of according to bar own wUl and pleasure, eubjsct only to tha special and specific bequests .mentloped hereafter in this instrument. I do hereby bequeath unto each of my four children, as -horoia named, tho. sum. of 11 each, to wit: Mary Rodney Adair, loulaa Morris, William Ellm Morris snd Benjamin . Wlstar Morris.' , When the convenient times comes, by ths sale of real estate or otherwise, I .would de sirs that my wlfo shall giro 1 1,000 to trated article ' of peculiar Easter celebrations in "America. - - y-..y-., y There is no end of good thing in the Sunday Journal. ; Jalbert Vnrrec write another animal story this week for the children. He tells of his talk with ' Tom and F.ritr. the porcupines in the City Park too. Read these animal stories to the children and you ' will enjoy the reading of them yourself. -The child-" ren also have the comic colored pictures and Polly EvinVpae. ' .' ' ' ; :,- :.'' ' i . .'4'. The Sunday Journal is the greatest paper pub-, Wished in the northwest.;" Read it once and you will -always -want it. now of your newsdealer or .telephone Main SX) and h aye it delivered at your hptne. - - , . . '.. -' is"e''Ji ' ' " ,.. ' ' "'', ' ' Holy Sepulchre s Four leading 'figures in Zion'a -r revolt. At - the right above is - Overseer Wilbur Glen Voliv andt"t the left Misa Ruth Hofer, who it Is said ; the prophet hoped to marry; . between them is Mrs. Jano " Dowie snd below Mrs. Emily Ware, excommunicated, and " now writing sensational ex pose of Elijah XL ELSE TO WIDOW ths Episcopal fund of the diocese of Oregon and an equal sum to the Chris mas fund for disabled elergy of -the same diocese. Although tho , general missionary fund of tho diocese of Ore gon la Indebted to mo several thousand dollars, I desire that no account shall be tsken of this indebtedness In making up ths Inventory of my estate. . "1 laving full confidence In tha honesty and ability of my wife, Hannah Rodney Morris, I do hereby direct and request that my said wife shall act as ths exe cutrix of this my last-wltt and testa ment and -administratrix of my esU-te and that she shsll serve In that capacity without being required to give-bonds. "Given under my band and seal this tenth day of March, 102. .1 '(Signed) - ..... ,. -. -B WI8TAR MORRIS (Seal)." ' "The foregoing Instrument was on tns date thereof signed, sealed and publlaheu and declared by Benjamin Wiatar Morris to bo his last will and testament tn oar presence and In the. presence of each of us and wo then and there at h's re quest snd in-his presence and In a presence -of each other .subscribed our nsmes hereto as witnesses thereof. " --SARAH BARRT. .-;-... -j. w.-Hnj' ' - "Witnesses." Bishop Morris second will, leaving the church property to his successor, snows that funds of the dlocess which he held In trust aro deposited In'tho First Ns- ttonal bank, ' Ladd Tllton's' and the Portland Truat company banks. - " ' Senate -eulogises Piatt. . , Wsshlngton. April -14. Ths session of the senate today was devotsd to eu logies on Senator Piatt of Connecticut. DELIGHT YOU Vote Ir, Executive Session Indi cates That Port of Portland . Commission Wants to Let New Road In. LIKELY TO GRANT IT MOST LIBERAL TERMS Hill - Company Opposes Demands . as. . Made Upon It Because tha Harri ; mvt Lines' Have Escaped Similar ' Exactions .Prospect for Free Com petition Growo Brighter- DailyV A rote Jaken in exectftlvO session of ths -Port of Portland commission shows that the commission is on tha verge of throwing down every bar to the en trance of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railway companies and per muting tnem to come Into Portland on their own terms. On a resolution-to accept the proposition of tho railroad companies without modification,' tho vote stooa l to 4. and tho resolution was lost by but one vote. .It Is believed tho commission reaUsss that tho entrance of-the two railroad companies on advantageous trackage rights would bs ths best thing that couia nappen to the city of Portland. and their refusal to enter, tho city as contemplated would bo the worst thing that could occur for the interests of the whole community. It Is said ths commission is simply trying to find some ground on. which it can stand with a show of having secured from tho rail road Companies some special advantsges ior me city, cms commissioner aald; ."Personally I am keenly desirous of seeing the Hill lines come Into tho oltv. and If thsy can bo secured In no other way I am 1n favor of giving them a bridge charter on their own terms. But aa tho matter now stands, the commis sion , has conceded everything and ths railroad people have conceded nothing. Wa think we should get somethtna- out of then -that would bo of special benefit to the city for example. $1,00 a year to cover damage to shipping, or as a price ior tne franchise." ; w v- -Tribute Prom ml. It is said the Hill companies wUl not listen to such a proposition, as they know that .tho Harrlman psopls do not pay .such tribute to tho city, nor do tney areoge a basin above the - steel bridge to furnish anchorage for ves sels, mm tha commission proposes to re quire from tho Hill lines. On tho con trary, it is said, ths city ; and county pay ths Harrlman companies a rental of $600 or $t)00 a month to secure for the publlo ths uss of the upper deck of tha steel bridge. "Tha Northern - Paclflo and Great Northern Railroad companies are willing to- pay about 11.500 yearly toward dredg ing the . channel at. the bridge thay de sire to build." aaid a Portland Seattle offfbtaL "This is all they are willing to pay, and If is all that they can be luatly aaked to rar. Tha other enm. pany having a-bridge In this harbor haa no such charge Imposed upon It. The road - the Hill lines proposs to build Into Portland means absolutely no Interference with street travel snd it does not want to be Involved In any Interference JU.. bridgetraffie over it nor navigation through It. - The tracks will run through tho peninsula on a level that gives overhead crossings for every street, road and boulevard. It means that tba trains of these companies can make the run between Portland and Van' couver In less , than 10 minutes. The public professes to desire rapid transit Thst is what we want o give them." TTpper Dock teas Popular. " It- has been conceded by those- who have been watching tha bridge contro versy stnes ths last meeting of the Port of Portland commission that tho pro posed upper -deck on the bridge, to he built by tha Hill lines serosa ths Wil lamette river would be Impracticable. Business men and others Interested are now looking for some other means of connecting ths ; city ' with ths lower peninsula. r,,-.- -A'hlgh bridge at RL Johns, clearing all shipping and devoted exclusively to uses of streetcar, vehicle 1 and foot travel, could bo built with better ad vantage to the city, and would bo a ten-times better ' project for ths gen eral public than the proposed upper deck. There is capital now ready to build auch a high bridge," aald F. I Mc Kenna, president of ths 'initiative com mittee of 100. ..... i "-,.,- Ho said there were drawbacks aa "well as benefits for tho publlo tn ths upper deck; proposition . connected with ths railroad bridge. This bridge would be open mors than any ot her bridge. In the city, and would bo a constant source of dissatisfaction. Every ship snd boat that comes into ths harbor from ths north would havs to pans through it Tha draw would be open more than half ths ttme. and there would be long wslts by streetcars and constant Interruption of trsf f to over auch a bridge. ' A Better Plam Proposed. A high bridge at St. John a connecting at tha weat end with the St. Helens road and also with ths boulevard that passes north and south along tha ridge of tho hills, would bs a far. greater bectent to the elty and cost much less In tho long run. ' He said ths city Is now paying 150 or t00 a month for use-of ths steel bridge, and this exepenso wilt go on forever, with a high bridge - st 8t. Jehaa used by streetcars snd vehicles st a small mil. and frss to foot pas sengers and bicycles, ths bridge would pay for Itself snd could then be mda free to the public, while ths city woOli always dnrlve a good revenue from the etreetcarN panning over it. He said the I'nlted l.,.lvs company. Is ready at the preeent tl to enter a contract to uae i 1 a brl. i.i r-pvel It rould be Two.) Celebrated 'Russian Novelist Is Ordered to Leave Bellolaira J , on Account of Actress Companion ' MILLIONAIRE'S WIFE . PARTISAN OF WRITER Crar'a Spy Follows Author to Amer ica ta Watch Hia Every Action and Organize Secret .Service Brigada 'Against Him Wires" Sympathy to Accused Western Federation, Men. . ' - (Journal Special Service. : . Hew Tork. AprU 14.- (Bulletin) Max lm.Oorkytho Russian novelist, haa wired hia sympathy with Haywood and Moyer at Caldwell. Idaho. It develop that Gay lord Wilahlra, the Socialist, wrote tho telegram, and submitted It to Gorky, who approved It.- WUshlre now regrets (he action on account of his belief that " Gorky did not fully - understand the matter . It Is feared the act will Injure Qorkys mission here in raising funds..: """""a Special Service.) 4 '"' : Now Tork, AprU 14. Admirers of Maxim Gorky, ths celebrated Russian novelist, have mad - tha embarrassing . dlsoovsry that tha so-caUad "Madams Gorky", who accompanied him ta not Madams Gorky at all. but a Russian actress named Aadrsievs, with whom Gorky has been living since his separa tion front his wife a few years ago. . Oorky left hla wlfo three years ago, after aha had borne him two children, s who ' were then t and years old. re spsctlvcly. Gorky and his wife sept rated without bitterness..: Ths man a creed to provide for tho wsnts of y Madame Gorky and his two children and has fulfilled his . compacts Ths ectreaa, Andreleva. and Gorky begat living together in TarlokL. after the separation. The actress waa prominent at ths tlms of Gorky's arrest and was fre quently mentioned in dispatches as vis iting Gorky's sickbed, whUs bo waa In custody. She la not known as "Madame Oorky" In Finland, and It waa only for tha purposes of ths trip to America thst she assumed ths title. She Is a woman of attractive personality. : Gorky and .his so-called wife have been receiving many social attentions. A number of matrons In. th p,.u . are entertaining- Gorky have announced - iui wiwjr win rsceivs uorsy s compan ion,, hoping to overcome ths qualms of those not disposed to acoSDt tha sttua. ' Uon- r !.-- Mrs. J. a. -Phelne IHnkM fnm.,1. Rose Pastor, the Jewess cigar worker.' now a wife nf th. . mltl Inn.tM '' asked today whether the discovery of iam wuinaa wim uorsy was not too fa mnm Ruulan'a w f M hnl r ,i,u. said that peODle should not erttlclia without a full knowledga of all tha motives that govern. She would greet tho great man as cordially aa before. - Am a MMiilt Af t K atnrv flnrk. waa ordered , to leave Bellclalro hotel. ana movea to too . nome . or . uaylora . WlKsblre... . ..y ; . WATCHED BY SPIES. Traatsd Xusslaa Secret Servios Agent , PoUewa iroTOUat to Aaasrlea. .' (Jooraal Special SMiluaJ - :- i -- New Tork. April 14. A trusted agent of the Russian secret police Is In this city for ths purpose of organising aa ef fective system of spying on Maxim Gorky and his fellow re volution Is tsi. who are here to raise funds for tha cause of the Russian revolutionists. - The agent la one of tho keenest membere of tha po litical police force employed by tho Rus sian government for the purpose of watching, ths doings of the enemies of the caar beyond the borders of Russia, . . Tho rear's spy crossed ths Atlantis on tha liner that brought Oorky to Is country last Thursday. . lie cams hum bly in the second cabin, ander a name ' different, from that under which he la known In Europe. He has managed t- keep his place of residence in this city ., a secret. But hla presence baa been noted In thia city several times st places where Gorky was and ho at tended a reception to Gorky at tha homo of H. Gaylord Wiltshire. ;. , MISSES MITCHELL. tabor tender TJnaVlo to tew sTwreUaa, Thoaga Tsvttad to Attend ratios. . - (Joans) Rpe4a) eV New Tork. AprU 14. President Mitch ell declined to discus tho labor situa tion, slthsr In tha bituminous or anthra cite fields, .this morning, lie leaves this svening for Indianapolis. He has re ceived an Invitation from Gorky to meat the Russian, bat was forced to decline, on aceouat of other engagements, , . OLD UNION PACIFIC . J GRADE IS PURCHASED (Specie) pwpattft M The tarsal.) ' Olympla, Wash.. .-April 14. t. J. rritchaxd. acting for the Northwentern Improvement company, purchased today st sheriffs sale all of ths grade of fh Portland It Puget Hoimd Railway cm pany, lying tn Thurston -county. TliS skIs wss a foreclosure of Judgment. HEAVY r'"'.! r h of I .',--. -i . . .- ;"-.' : u , . ' '' u .i- - ' . i.1 . , y : '. , ... -y . . a '