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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1906)
"DAILY JQURNAXTTVOmiDTirESPAY' EVENING,: (MUEIS FOUIID cAmerican Kestaurant TO pope's r.ionEY -' Com. Third Hi OOMfe Sta. . om bat in man. THE OREGON iiuu ii un ii-juzi i fJURDERER Mjratery Surrounding Death ofX i ,0. Naylor of Athena Re ". : mains Unsolved."' NO ARRESTS MADE BYJ LOCAL' AUTHORITIES "Remain of Wfieai grower iiiierrccT T 7Atnena Today PuihjtfDclre ?There Was No Trouble In the Family. . . y.-.- ". .. . ' t -- sinaer from XI a. w. to p. . Potato. iHk fonp, 1 Baked XaJJbat T.-r. . .". . . .... . . . . ..15 Verk pu tubs, Baaur kraut. .... .20 Fried Cklekea, Oraam Oiay.'.XB Baked T1 Ml 20 Short Bibs, IwMt rotstoea ,,....20 Jiamb Xidaey, Santa BpaBlak TTfrrlS Green ZOf mat rmtrVan with lla tuf-prr;-f Hoaet Park, with, Dreealag- 1 Bel Boast Beef, Paa Oravy ........... 15 Ooff aa, Braad an Battel and Pataaoa itTUFmJJs., :rT7 Tou will aiways tin tha. tost thai tkf mark afford at tka -AsaoTtcaa. TOWN TOPICS SUED FOR 850,000 : John : Armstrong Chanler ' De - mands Heavy Damages, for Scandalous Article. FORMER WIFE SUBJECT- : cs'uedriHaCTrt -Thr Jearoal.) Pendleton. Or.. March JO. VO. Nay lar otAthna. who waa found dead in Byors. millraco in this city. .Sunday moraine, waa taken to hi home yester day, and burled la Athena today. . He waa a wealthy wheat grower, and well known ali over UmatUla county..-, ' Up to tola time no evidence haa bean found connecting . any one with the killing of Naylorv though . som. suspl clon ha been thrown upon his son-in-law, Kd Traoey. with whom Naylor bad trouble ' and with whom he wa 'aa Murine; the evening. ', At first it was taken for (-ranted that Naylor' hod drowned, but when the au topsy thawed otherwise, itta mat lar of " death toeeam mystryl-a4t-wa : atroaui that- ha came to. bia- death, by a blow In hia head. Two year ago Tra- cey married the dughterof JJaytof. - Aerrdtn;.-ra. Trscey, aha was 111 nd bet father cam down n the rnlaed train from Athena Saturday 1o visit her. lie visited with, har between S and ' o'clock 1n the afternoon and Wa to -return, in: lhj t VfningcJ tf sheeama down town and saw her father and hua "band In oa of the saloons: Her father was drunk.. Bite declared that there had been no -particular trouble between ber tried to persuade hi wife to so back Ithtna. Ha said be told him ithat he would hav to do one of two ; things, - stay away and atop making trouble In the family or he would auit nd leave his wife. He declared that he spent Saturday night at hi brother's borne. Georg Wilkinson, e'youn rfoy. ys llon-ieted -with-th eon that be saw Naylor lata Saturday night after' be was' seen with hi aon-ln-law . oa Franklin street and he waa drunk. County Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Jo Blakely .have -both been working on the cae and up to thl time have UtOJtUlio .artlcjs said. In pax found no direct evidence against any one... and no arrest hav yet been ' made. "blown to death in Tamping dynamite . ISpsetal DkOMtct U Tha IearMl.1 Hood River, Or March JO. S. B. Vohnson. while aslntr dynamite thl aft moon wa instantly killed. - Johnson was employed in clearing land on a fruit ranch belonging to th Hood River l"rult company and - waangaged.ln -hooting stump. 1 It Is suppoeed. that - tie had waeed a. ebarg of dynam ; wnder a stump and was tamping Jtln ""with a bar used for thst purpose and that he aceldentaly struck th cap. The 4orcaLofth explosion thraw him feet from the place wher he waa work ing and hi body was horribly mangled, head was blown of f. one leg. broken 'and a large hple torn in his aide. Th ' tamping bar, with which- he wa work ing, was found zo ieet veyond the bod The unfortunate man -leave a widow r and svral chlldrik' MAGNIFICENT HOTEL ' 1 FOR HOT LAKE RESORT tJ. ItBpeeUl.nispetck te THe Jourstl.) .Hot Lake; Or.. March" 20. .Arrange ment are now being made by the Hot Lake Sanatorium ' company to spend f 100,000 In Improvement during fhe building, modern in every particular, will be erected at a cost of f 10.600. It la estimated thst the heating and tilumhlng will pout 110.000; a gl covered . contervalory, 10,000; a cold water syatem to be piped from the mountain spring above th lake. $10,000, nd f 10,000 is also set sslde for inci dentals. - Mot lke Is on of th most famous health resorts in th entire northwest, and the great Increase In business de mends' this Improvement. Piefenad Bok Oaaaed Oeods. Allen A Lewis' Beat Brand. ill ! i i"y ... -c If" 1 1 - - :, itUrsn liiiilw ' If it'r pleasant today all the more reason to expect , rain tomorrow, and you - know tt never rains, but it - pours.- -- . i ' It is poor policy to wait when we now offer the 'NEW SPRING STYLES at $10 to $25. LiortCLOTHinQQ GcuaJtufm-Pro Outfitters for Men and Boys 168 and 168 Third St , Mohawk Building OF SENSATIONAL-STORYf Amcliei-Rives, :r Now : tht Prlncets Troubetikoi," Alleged to Hava Ra ceived Financial Aosiitanca From Defendant. ; ' ' New 4earal SeeeUI gerviee.K- York, March 10 John Arm- StatW circuit oourt today against W1J- iiam 11 M.nn ann th Tnn TP"! Vatican About to . Invest " Ten Million Dollar Fund in Amer ' lean Securities."" THOMAJS F. RYAN -WISHES - -qrtJ-BE-CrUGENTl Long Stand in f Rivalry for Honor and financial Gain of Representing prlate-ij. Picrpont Morgan Now "Visiting Boma. - v , 1. - , ., - r (Joaraal gpaaial Serrtrs.) ,-- .- sUaw-rrirork-Marcarao-Tha ltBg rumored luvestment of funds of the Vatican In United State aecuritle 1 about to b made, .according to a cable gram from Rome. These funds, which are : under "the direct control of ,' Pope Plu X. now aggregate $40,000,000, and the- present asset of th Vatloan im mediately available for t reinvestment amount to$10,000,004.r . Th report that they are to be in vested in this country Is not official. but the fact is practically confirmed by Charles A- Consul, Vice-president of the Morton 1 Trust company, of which Thomas F. Ryan Is a- dominant factor. A long-gtnnaing rivalry lias existed between Ryan and'J.' Flerpont Morgan forXhe lionor and financial gain of be ing the fiscal agent of tha pop . in America. v; v ' ' ,. .... - Morgan,' who month ago was known to b striving for th honor of handling the Vatican funds, 1a again visiting the Vatican la th hop of securing the agency. Purlng his last visit he I re- porteo-Iohav tirgeorThaf- ha could ee-4 cur a , tnucH" g raterrforn tor th6 church, funds than th per cent paid by. th Rothschilds:.,-. .. ... Publishing eompany for $60,000 dam ages for libel. . . C'hanler alleges that an article in the paper insinuated that im proper relation existed between him self and bis former wife, Amelle Rives, author of "Th Quick or th Dead," and now princaa Troubetskol. and that sent of ber husband. Chanler gives his residence a. Roanoke Rapids. Virginia. He makes affidavit on th information and belief that th libelous article ap peared In Town Topic,- October 16, Th sensation -of the country around here, wher Amelia Rive Chanler Trou betskol lives in her singularly independent-wny, ha reached arch max where an Interchange of two dispatches has been mad between Prlnc -Plerr, her present husband, who I somewhere els than at home, and her former husband, John Armstrong Chanler, who 1 hanging around Charlottevllle. 'Virginia. Th first -telegram read: Our-Amelia is 111; need money. Will -you up ply itf Troubetskol.' "Th answer came: ..It will be my pleasure. - How much? Chanler. ''XJosslps -aythat Chanler Is on- tantly riding, and driving with 'our porches t -the Rive mansion; that he make "our "Amelia' presents off silver and whatnots, and is continually car rying or sending flowers to her. These statement are all denied. UMATILLA PROJECT IS-1 IAB1PLY GAINING SHAPE Beeeisl Pluseteb te Iha-J easLt Echo,. Or., March 20. A meeting of th stockholders of the East Umatilla River Water User association, under the East Umatilla Irrigation project, ha been called to take place early In April for the purpoee of making a contract for th carrying out of th project and everything pertaining to the came.-Subscription for -stock closes On April 10, after which'- tlm any - on - desiring to subscribe for stock must take step -throughr-tb-T "f ""t '"''-W. recommended by th association. There are about 11.000 shsres already sub scribed. - '- - The association must have the right of way before the aecrfarywill approve of th carrying out of th project, and th association is making all efforts to have the am secured by this time, so that th edvertlslng for bids for the project may go on. It is expected that the actual work of excavating for the reservoir and canals will be commenced by May 1. . COLD WEATHER CAUSES . VALE COURT TO ADJOURN (Special Mssetea te The JmhhsI TbT. Or.rMaroh 20 Judge George JB. Davis of Canyon City opened court here on March tt and adjourned last Batur- dayhavinguxleared. thadockeL of, a 11 the holdover cases. An adjourned ses sion will be held In April, at which time the new cases, both civil and criminal, about $0 In number, will be heard. This adjournment was made on ac count of deep snow and extremely cold weather. Had th court been continued It - would have been necessary to sub poena witnesses from distances rang ing from 10 to ISO miles, also many of the jurors are .large stock owners and their- interests would have" materially suffered had they been compelled to re main at court. - APRICOTS AND PEACHES KILLED BY COLD WAVE "(Rveclar "Dispatch 1 The Journal. J-" " Milton, Or.. March, $0. Since the fruit grower of thl section have had time to fully Investigate the extent of the damage don to th fruit In this section by the recent storm tt I found that much more will be lost than was at first supposed. All the apricots have beeitt killed," most of the pear and peaches, and a large percentage of the sarlyapplea The hearty late fruits such as apples and prunes and most of the plums are not injured. . Such a frost was never known in Milton before at this season of th year, and a thl I a great fruit district th los wilt be Very great. - - 1 IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY MEETS AT FOREST GROVE (Special ttirpatri to Th Jonras! ) Forest Orove, . Or., March 20. Th Civic Improvement eoclety wilt meet at th free reading-room on Wednesday, March 21. and a Very Interesting program- ha been prepared, a thl I th regular annual meeting. Bealds sev ers! numbers of music1. Fred V. Holmn of Portland will present a paper n j "Rosea and Ros Culture. A JrnorCuMPANfES4 -FJLE-THEIR ARTICLES (Special. Dlapatek t The Jnornal.) ' ' Salem, Or., March 20. ArtlcJes of In corporation were filed with tb eecre tary of tat yesterday as follows: Sherk, Qase A Graham company , will conduct a general merchandise and com-1 mission business; Incorporators are Ed mund B. Gase, George W. Bnerk -and B. W. Graham. Clackamas County Mutual Telephone eompany; incorporators,. Napoleon Da- ysJJEugent S.Jenne andTunothy. Brownhlil; principal-. office, Oresham; capital stock.. $6,000. -r , : . . Capital improvement com pan yi ;ln-eorporators.J-A. - Taylor, J oaeph - N.; Smith, M. J. Capps; .principal . office. Balnra ; capita stock, i0,000. .-. , i W, P- . J ohnson company ? tnoorpora tor. W, P. Johnson. F. . : Walt, B. O trander; capital stockv $260,000; princi pal off lae, Portland. vTh corporation will operut mills- forth-manufaetur of bulldlog material,: for the making of flour and feed and will do a general real estate and broker' business. . - i. - , - ROAD FROM THRALUXl: O-KLAMATH-LltE ATTRACTS MAflV BUYERS --t - - Monday"bgan th second weelt of thia remarkatla . offer'" "of" . furnitur and carpet. It U no longer our. gale, but tha people', . and wa'ar proud not only "of tha aucceaa w ha ve met with, but --: - the confidence the people have in our advertitementi. If our offer wit-TiQt an honest one and lived up to honestly, , thia aale could norr; w have Kved a week.-The goods and price mentioned below tell T. CtV, their own atorv. "DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME ON PAY- ; H-T . MENT OF ONE DOLLAR" is the whole etory of tHe lennsrAnd behiiidall gtnds6ur DICNIFIEDrJUST-ANDOENEROU CREDIT SYSTEM, which meant fair treatment and a considera- lion of your interests. TT '. - :4T , r r -TaAlia l r, - r - II- "s - 41 - . -III ,1,1 sa-i as. ,.- ,-, ,..,, , , , . m m m - , ir a mi ar . 4 i. in. 2- anAsli1 la m4w1w Aitfrw frrorM int wa have offered It contiats of a beautifully enameled: Bed, head end 54 inches high, foot end 43-inch, -pillars 2i-inch thick; a 2-ply woven, wire spring and a 49-pouna wooHop hisixicbs. $i-Place$IlihYouTnome-$l A DlGmTIED SAIE ON DICNIFIED TtBUS Jl SPENT HERE IS A CREDIT TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND YOUR JUDCEUENT- T- (Bpecta Dtasktch to The Jonraal ) j . Salem. Or.. March 20. The Klamath -fcak Railroad company ef Poke rams. Oregon, organised under the laws of the stat of Calif 6rnlaaaa filed a dsclara Hon of purpose to engage In business In this state through Its attorney, John W. Alexander of Portland. Ii 1s the In tention to build and -operata railroad from' Thrall, California, to Klamath take. Oregon, th - disianc 1 fiuiu the starting point to the- termlnu being ii miles. The line I to be of standard gaug and follows along the Klamath river, thence passe near th falls of Falls creek to a point where It Inter sect the logging railroad of th Poke gama Sugar Pine Lumber company, and comes northerly to Klamsth lake. The president of' the company la R. L. Mc Cormlck and Its secretary, F. P. Deer- WORK IS BEGUN UPON- WALLA WALLA-TROLLEY FORESTJ5R0VE CROPS - 1 'IN GOOD CONDITION . 1 : ' r- (Spedal Dlapatch te The Journal.) Forest Grovs, Or.; Msrch 20:-Snow fell here Sunday and Monday to the depth- s1x-rnCheHt-ls now melting fast- It is reported that th chacga-Of weather, which Is now much warmer. I help Ilia crops and tree which hav not yet been-damaged. Los this far Is light, wheat and oats are saf from In jury, but clover will hav to b sown again in many places. ... r To Kaoadam JVoeWLs.. -. (apaelat Dlapateh io The Joorpal.) Wal'a Walla. Wash., March JO. Pelt tlona asking the county commissioners W macadamise what I known aa the an-wihvblld jitthe ijevarah April meeting. The road la about five (Special rnapatch to The Journal 1 -1- Walla Walla, Wash., March 20. Th Walla Walla Valley Traction company commenced today th work of con structing Walla .Walla's new streetcar system. Graders started at Kant Main street and Dover avenue and a mil and one half of track will be laid imme diately In order tt comply with 'th terms or the company's franchise, which requires that one and one-half miles of track be completed by April $0. Several cars of rails and ties have arrived and th work will be rushed a fast aa men can- b employed HEAVY DAMAGES BY FROSTT0 FRUITTjROP (Special Dlipateh to The Journal.) Walla Walla. Wash., March 20. Herbert MeArthur, manager of the Bla lock Fruit company' ranch, on of the biggest1 fruit ranches 'In Washington. stated yesterday that early fruits on the Blalock ranch had been damaged from 26 to 40 per cent by last week's cold-snap. Bilver prunes, - Blng and Royal Ann cherries, early peaches and apricot suffered th most and th loss to th Blalock company will foot up mousanog or dollars. HOP ASSOCIATION r T ELECTS NEW OFFICERS (Spatial Dispatch te The Joarasl.) Salem, Or., March 20. The Oregon Hopgrower' association met In thl city Saturday and elected, officers aa fol lows: Jsmes K. Sears of McCoy, presi dent; II. C. Fletcher of Salem, vice president; Jsmes R. Coleman' of Salem secretary. A board or director wss slso. chosen to consist of: J. T. Wood of Salem, Louis Aroes of Silrerton, O. W. Beckett of Selem R. F. D. No. 1. W. H. ftgsn of Oervals and Frsncls Shafer of Salem. COMPANY M, 0. N. G., : .' ; HOLDS EXAMINATION (Rpeeial Dtopatrh to Tha Journal.) Salem, Or., March 20. Company M, O. N. Q., of this city held a com petitive examination for th promo tion of non-commissioned officers In the Armory last night. The exsmlnatlona will b conducted by th local officers snd promises to b particularly Interesting, sine 14 applicants will strive for hon ors. The company now numbers 06 men snd all take much Interest In the work.' ' .. - . j Credit For All XD' First 'and Taylor T Sts.T mTIea In ln tltinn for macadamised road that hav been filed with tfi commission ersr which If granted will mean an eipendl tur of clos to tJO.000". , Teacher' Institute. " . (gpeelal Dlapateh to The Journal.) Walla Walla, Wash., March 20: Th annual , teachers' Institute .. for Walla Walla county opened yesterday at the high aohool auditorium for a six days' session. A number of prominem edu cators all over th stata ar In attend ance. Teacher to th 'number of 14$ registered yetrday. - . ndd Seek BlMtioa. Salem, Or., March 20. B. T. Judd, a prominent farmer of Turner, haa - an nounced himself a a candidate forth legislative subject- to tha . indorsement of th Republican votera at th direct primary election. -Ha was a member of th lfOt-leglslattrr: ICE-SNOWSTORM , DYING CONSUMPTIVES HAGINGTtrMONTANA 1 (Journal Special Sarrtce.) " Bott. Mont, March 10 A flare now storm is rsglng la eastern Mon tana, driving cattle ahead of It. Stock losses wilt- be heavy and trafflo 1 bad ly delaytd. : . Tsoot tat Omatllla- (Spedal Dlapatrh to The Jooraal.) Athena, Or., March.v3. Dr. J. D. Plamondon of th Athena Rod and Gun club recently mad application to th Bureau of Fisheries st Washington, D. C, for a consignment of trout to be planted" In th waters of th Umatilla river, and - It - la now learned that an assignment of black-spotted trout haa been mad. Th distribution of this species usually -occur from March un til aVevembsr. : : RESCUED FROM FLAMES" (Special Dispatch to The JoafhaL) 'i Cpokan. March 20. Fir at th bme, of Fred Malender lata last night dls- " closed th fact that both th man and hla wife ar suffering from tuberculosis and nnabl to do mach work. Th house wa not destroyed, but th man was,. carried by ftiujii" fruuirhia bd," too), j weak to assist himself. He had four hemorrhag durlag th day and seemed in a aylnf eondltloirhtnh flranin reached him. It 1 thought h cannot live mor than a day or two. . -. . Th fir started In an Incubator np staira. Tha family mad a living by . raising chleken. Evidence ef extrem - Soverty waa shown In every room. Mrs.' slender, who Is not so weak aa the - man,-was doing the Reuses Log Calbmm listed'' New; 5 Sy ru p 77 :J,;u;:.,. Made from specially selected, absolutely ( pure a elusive process which retains the Origin Sweet It is su perior to many fso-alledm sugar syrup and econd Towle's Loc Calbin M Log Cabin Pcnoche on hot bread, cakes, biscuit gives just thai-daintiness of 'flavor ybu will always like makes the best. candy you ever tasted .Children .love jt- ind it-is-good: for them Makes Home Sweet Home. " 7 - Drop postal for the book with a hundred new recipes , for candies' and dessert, "Penocha Secrets,", free. ' TheTowIe (rlaple Syrup Co., St. Paul, Minn. Makers of To wles Famous Iiog: Cabin Holasses , . OH - m . 1 - V.