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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1906)
T 1u .THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. TUESDAY 'EVENING. march to, ' lETHIOHil A PEE Mysterious Fair American JBIufft v Her Way Into a Seat In the ..-Houte. of Lords. KING EDWARD OFFENDED RESS BYCIrTOFTHEQUEEriimade- London GCopper-iiidDuctieBi of RoxburthQurrel WitFoVrvant "Over Two ShUUngaw-Crippled Mar. quit Plight, ! v.--. v ' (Journal Rpecial Berries.) .... " IfCndbn. March - rnysterlous American, whom no cm appear! to'M . T. able to trace, matte a" determined-and partially successful, "effort to pass-tiers " ewlf off for' peeress and" enter - -the. " pereesea' gallery IS) th house T lords -, --- the -other -nigh during- an .'lntereating debate. - She followed the rHiches of "' Marlborough " so closely -that -the- offi cials thought ahe must' be with her. "W hen challenged for her name ahe mumbled tdyu- something and-Bald li was with the duchess. : . . .. The woman, who g silgnlly deaf. Old - not hear the conversation, and o the - " ' "mysterious American actually aat down "" 'raong tha peeresses."" But not for long. ' The other women-began to-dlacuae her 1 I and finally an official waa sent for, who , questioned the stranger cjosely,. The American calmly ald: - ' . "Well, I'v won that"bet7"anyway." and waa ahown . out rather uncere-, monloualy. . , Th rwi,... f.f ypiiihrmift, br-tha way la now eotnt4y--seen every .where with her husband, and la In bet ter aptrtta altogether. Thra-ta due, ao da. ei).f.hvr.J00tWr, . administered to the duke by King lut- i-waord eme 44me ago- , :x War tttromi 0tieik4M - It ia now an open aecret In court clr rles that King Edward waa deeply f " fended over the aSair of the, unem- ployed, when Queen Alexandra, without 1 consulting her huaband, gave HMt to the foundation of the queen's unem- 7" ployed Tuhd. "Th klnaronly learned of ' It by picking up a newapaper. In fact, -' no on knew of It except Mlaa KnOllys, ' the queen's, faithful secretary. The -king-ha never approved of the unam- plpyed fund, wblchhe JpoM. JlBOnasa temporary meaaure, which may do mora . harm than good. There waa aome dlea- greement on thl point between the king and queen, but tha latter Invariably haa the best of tha argument "I will retire to Bandrlngharq forT" CTCT. is .til -quee-rraK-invariapie answer to ail such Inevitable little matrimonial disagreements. Tha queen baa certainly coma crtit beat In the argument, for ah and - tha Dowager - mpraaa of Russia . - have purchased a aummer placa In Dan- : mark, wbera they can both retire when they are la any way harassed. . , . ... . BtrrnggU Ova a Tip. . ; Tbe. Ducheaa of Roxburgh (nee Goo- lt - ha set- an esoeltn t xm pie - at "'; Clarldge's hotel by refusing to be "fleeced" by servants. 1 During her last 'ZJZi TiUf at Ui"hoUl the dueheae had a llnga. - The two ahllllnga were charged for a trifle which should hare cost six pence, and tha duchasa made a thor ough Investigation Into the matter and after absolutely refusing -to pay-won her case. ' Those who imagine that the servants at Clarldge's and other smart hotels e o American millions! ree are very much mistaken. The American vlaltora at Clarldge's give far less to servants than the English, for the very good reason that they are marked out . aa victims and resent it. There waa a very mysterious dinner at this hotel the ther night. : There ware about a. dosen Japanese and a few Englishmen. They dined and talked In a private room.' The result of the din ner was the placing of ordera In British dockyarda for battleshlpa of the Drjead--naught-type. London Had Over Cepper. There are a number of American nesa men In London Just now staying i ma i.srn ana navy Betels, all smrs" loua to bring oS big London deal a -.. There la a great secrecy about one Indi vidual who represents a well-known machinery company In New York, who la striving to get patent apparatus In troduced Into the general postofTlce. Hla friends feel confident that under the new government ha will succeed. ... Copper", la the chief toplo of con versation at the Hotel CecIL Several . business men who are staying there - spend their entire day In the otty boom ing various copper enterprises. The -' X L J .. II 8BMg8BB-. 1 Arch Crown -Mountings " ". 1 au mni The aei-ies of well-designed arches permit tha greateat brilliancy. There are " ti" prongs on top to catch In clothing. .. . - The appearanca of a diamond Is .greatly enlarged.. Jiv the sclentiflo eonstrnctlon of mounting, tin security of a atona la assured. Have your diamonds -remounted In this way. we know you'll be inure than pleased. Ci. ad aa WaahiarUa Bta. Jewelera. aUvereaUtka. ataaafactBriaf Opticiaa. WtM QnaUty I at Its est." Y Advantages Does your baking: jpowder contain alum ? Look upon the labelrUseonlva powder whose" label : shows it to; be . 7 : - NOTE Safety lies - in buying " only the : Royal : Baking Powder. Z which is : Jthe Ixsr cream of tartar ; I bategwder can be had." :w z city, denpairlng of South African shares, has gone mad about copper. . ' . oor Zilttls ltarnla.'. ; . The rase of tha Marqula Townsend, who Is being "detained" by hla wife, father-tn-'taw and mother-in-law,' has. of course, been very carefully' "glossed over" by the London neW-pnTS. The real facta will come out when tha llti gatlon, whlcfi is bound t enaue, cornea on. All the friends of the marquis de clare that he is no lunatic, but mere ly, a weak person. The marqula. is a dwarf., with a.-very squeaky voice, but he in sal to b per fectly Intelligent in -every way.The chief polnt.""caref ully selected by the London press, is tha fact that tha mar juila mother, who hould ba hla best protector, cannot tana -a renauiiaiua iii terest in her son's welfare. r The heir unwumptlv to the tltla ia tonka uoon the Dresen tuU u -a!f reak ".LThUS the marqula HKl, nuwcr, iutvi n. ........ bring out aome lntereatinc detail a con cerning the family into which. the poor little marquis married. CIVIL WAR - WILL-FOLLOW DEATH OF EMPRESS American Consul Says Unrest Exists Throughout Chinese Empire. fjoeraat Special Berv.) - rfJan Francisco,. March Jo. The liner Coptlo arrived from the orient yesterday. having been detained in Honolulu by the disoovery of smallpox among . the crew. iGeneral GrgeAnderaon, consul to Amoy. -China, was a passenger. Hf said that tha-r boycott-aitnatlon-was-nn-changed and that there , waa great un rest tn China, and ahould tbe emprexs dowager die elvil war Will Itkety follow. apsneso are actlvoiy engaged- in working up trade in weatern China, He said that a war with' China was absurd and that all trouble- Is due- to the dis orderly element. ' Anderson witnessed the riot at Chin g Pu when tha Presby terian and Catholic missions -were de stroyed by vandals and tha occupants driven to Amoy. The damage amounted to 10,M. - Eight hundred Chines aol dlers rushed to the seen and stopped the depredations. " " WILLETT CLAIMS HE OWNS THE PATENTS Before Judge Cleland today is being tried the esse of the Portland Iron works against C W. Wlllett, a former employe. The plaintiff alleges that Wll lett made a conlraemo worx ror tne company In efforts to Improve saw- busr-fmiH maohlnery. WheritVtrJiK'lLjnii nrovements were perfected tne com awe ..was to have the .sols- right in. patent them. Wlllett made several Important im provements and Is said to have sought to convey' the right to patent them t outside parties. - Th suit is to compel the defendant to transfer all his rights In th patents to th company, which he is said to hav worked fpr from July. 1104. to February. 10, at a sal ary of lino a month. Wlllett avers that ha worked for th company as he had agreed to do, but that the patents in question are hi own and that he ha a right to dispose of them as he sees fit. " T. J.-3eilser appeara as attorney for the Portland Iron works, while R. C. Wright is coun sel for the defendant . ; SAYS OWENS WAS FRIEND 0F THE GIRL IN BLUE The troubles of Robert Johnson Owens of Astoria and his divorced wife were aired before Judge Freser yester dsy afternoon during th arguments made for the reopening of divorce pro ceedings. Mr. Owens wants to recover some of the property, owned by his former wife, who was divorced from him ist July. ; Tb property is valued at' $20,400, nd Owens . declarea that his wife did nothing whatever to aid him in securing TC nS yrWrorari some business deals he had under con sideration h deeded the. property to ner. He declares that Mrs. Owens Is a drunkard. Mrs. Owena denlea this and declares that during the exposition here last summer her former huaband was the friend and companion of MUJIe D Leon, known aa th girl in blue. Har rison Allen and C. H. Carey appeared aa Owens' attorneys, whll Clyde .O. Fulton of Astoria appeared. as counsel for the divorced wife. Judg Fraser took the cane under advisement. MRS. H. p. BRANDES-DIES AFTER LONG SUFFERING Ainrj ir. C. Brandes dld yesterday morning at her former home at 13 S Taylor stret, after several years of suffering from a complication of dls tssea. The "mriess which ended fatally waa only of a few days' duration. The funeral servlrea will be held at the fam ily residence tomorrow afternoon at t o'clock, anil Interment .will beat River view cemetery. Mr. Prande was 46 years old, a na tive of Ireland, where her mother is still living, snd has resided In Portland for about 10 years. Two years ago she visited her former home; spending about four trmnths there. She Is sur vived hy her hushsnd..l(. d Brsnd, who Is a brother of County Auditor CsrV BranoVt, and a lt-year-old daughter. MOODY ATTACKS DECISIONS OF THE COURTS Declares Packers Cannot Cite a ;:...' Siigle Case to Support 1 y . TheirClaims. -... . i jJJJi' IftptrUl Rertlre.T Tt Chicago. March !0. Attorney-General Moody resumed his argument in the packer' caa this morning and attacked tha flefUluus vt Um tueile pesdassd by th attorneys of th defendants in support of their' contentions. - He de .flH8W.."yM4.UaaeV.lhsV4h.4(enaii t beajrofAheTalngle rase in support of their claims, Ho gave powerful, Juold discussion of th law of immunity and said it waa tmDns1Ms"foranyoTt--ti gresslonal law a to mak It a mean of evading punishment for a crime. He said th law la compulsory by virtu of punishment for th offense described, and that congress could not pass a law to be used as a means . ( protecting Violators of other laws. Moody said that If th packers had committed no crime they ahould hav nothing to fear. -He said that if th contention -of the packere was upneia very dtsttngutthedcitisen in tne ooun try could break th laws with immunity and flock to Washington and claim im munity... . II provoked a laugh by saying that he could. imagine Swift and Armour meet ing Rockefeller in Washington and say ing. "Good morning. Rockefeller, had your1mmunlty bath-jptr- . NO MORE FRANKING FOR PHILIPPINE- MAIL Wshtntoa Baraaa f The JeoraaL) AVashlngtnn, . MarclugO Thppstal Jjnltte of th . city council yesterday I ministration of Uia PhflTppin! fcaatftol-noOB the change asked In thV administration taken the step advocated" so strongly by Edward C. Madden, third assistant poat - maaler-general "for the : United States government, to-wlt: Th franking priv- I tiers has been entirely abolished' on the Islands, and every piece .of mall whether private or official must bear a postage stamp. The motives actuating the insular, government In taking this Step were the same that suggested th desirability of abolishing the franking privilege in tha United States, a deficit in th postal bureau.- . WITTEJOJtETIREAS . PREMIER OF RUSSIA (Jearasl gplal Serrlre.) St. Petersburg. Maroh 20. It is re ported that Count Wltta hss definitely decided to resign the premiership on ac count of th fact -that his health Is breaking .down. Privy Councilor - Ko-1 kovsoff, former minister of finance will probably aucceed him. radicals are virtually excluded from participation." Official terrorism ' is heaping people away from the polls. PILES Cured After 50 Years. We Carr Cure Piles tnd Prove It. Sampl Package rre by Mall. So Tbat Ton Caa Freve It n Yourself sT orrery. Vttm (or - hemorrhoids) " rarely' kill, but they caus more exquisite agony In a few minutes than much more serious troubles. This is especially true In' the oas of those who. are ever so slightly eonstlpatod. It means th cer tain renewal of th agony every morn ing. It ia Inevitable and unavoidable. Plies can now be dulckiy and per fectly cured, without pain,, cutting or detention from -business or occupation. It has already been demonstrated. In thousands, of. cases. In both sexes, at all ages and in th very worst aa wall as th ordinary ones, W propose, to let you try It your self, . You hav probably been bitterly disappointed by many so-called Pile Curs. , . , , " This Is why we want you to try our remedy before you psy a penny for It. Then you will know certainly and abso lutely, whether It will do for you what it has don for so many others. It la for sal in every drug store because people must hav It. No one who ha not suffered th tor ments of Itching, painful or bleeding piles can appreciate, for one moment, the marvelous sens of relief that fol lows the 'use of the Pyramid Pile Cur. You caa go to th. toilet without dread or fearr you can ours yourself at bom without .th slightest trouble, lncon. venlenc or difficulty. Follow -a few easy and simple direc tions and get well and stay well. . Go to your drugglat at one and buy a boa of . Pyramid PU Cur for to cents. Here, for Instance." la a sampl of tha kind of letters w get every day and w don't hav to ask for them: 'Friends, I writ to toll what good your Pyramid Pile Cure has done for me. I used your sample, and It did m so much good went and got two boxes, and I used on and I am an other man altogether. I hav no pain, no piles, and I hav been troubled with litem for over id years, snd could find no relief till now. thanks to your timely cur. Us my nam if It will do you ny good. Isaac Smith, Wharton, New York." For Fre Samples send. tolh J'yr mid iH-ug Co., im 1'yratnldl Uullding, Marshall, Mich " ' ' , , . ' i".- .-...r.. 1. :, BURY- . JASErJT HEAD : OJ i . AO'lER'S LEAGUE , ...I . .' League Elects Portland General Electrio Company's Man a i Ite Presidentr Bury Irwin Dasent was elected prliP dent of the Portland Admen's leagu laat nirht. . Ha la an advertising man of naUoaal-Imputation.-liairtrig beBen- gaged in electrio light and power ploltatlon in New York and other aat ern cities before coming to Portland to become advertlsiug director .. of the Portland General Bleerrtc-ompanyi "Other officers elected were Wiiuara r ' i ' ' 1 t . " . to ' s J Bury ! Dttent. ; Kelm, of Foster at Klelser, . first vlc- jprugraiu, tiocoiHlMce-president; -cdtr Rosorth, manager of Th Portland Semi Weekly Journal, ec?retary; WT'Coopef th osagaai Truet Sayings bank, treasurer, and th execu tive committee, consisting of Rlnaldo M. Hall, . advertising director of th Harriman lines in Oregon; C J. Owen, general manager of the Evening Tele gram, and W. J. Hofmann, advertising manager of Th Evening Journal. , ." MARKET BUILDING TO , E-IWOSTORIES HIGH Instead of erecting a one-story build ing on -the market block at Third and Market streets, as provided In th f -of ;.th peopls's Market, asso ciation, Manager Knoernschlld has pe titioned th council to cbang tha fran chise to permit him to. erect a two story building of eltfierfcrtc.ston, cement or concrete. . Th. original fran chise called for a building 200 feet long by (S feet wide, but If a two-story structure Is built, it Is d sat red to re duce the width to 17 feet At th meeting or th license com' franchise were recommended to th city conjicilanila.jalt.probabllity th ordl- nance will b passed at th , eouncll meeting, tomorrow night, Th People's Market association is planning to erect a structure at a eot of between $20, e and $JO,00. Th ground floor will be devoted to waiting-rooms, stores and booths,, arid th second floor to offices of the corporation and the city-market Inspector and a larg hall for publlo assemblies. ' HERE'S ONE WAY TO - GET AN OVERCOAT By the us of skeleton keys burglars effected entrance to th tailoring rooms of Holbrook e Lttien, In th Stearns building. Sixth and Morrison ' streets, last night and carried away several garments and pieces of cloth. Included In th stolen property was an overcoat Valued at 150. "'T' Mrs. R. . L. Ray, whose house is on . - i . i at burgioTazBroke into tier wgiaence through a rear window last night and secured a gold watch and a purs con taining a small amount In silver. She said that a Chinaman waa held up and robbed near her homo about o'clock yesterday afternoon. -7- -r Thieves ransacked a room occupied f-by John a. tt-and Gus Lang at th lverett House juid .obtained $27. Jo Voltas, an employ of tbe Port land restaurant, on Washington, neat Fifth street, hung up a coat, n th pocket of which was fSS in currency. When he donned hts coat- th. money was missing. , 't"! : A coonskln fur, eight or nine feet long, valued at $26, waa stolen from th home of L. Robinson, Itt Fourth street. CITY ASSUMES PART 0F-.C0ST0F BIG FILL An adjustment of th costs of th fill on Union avenue between Belmont street and Hawthorne avenuw wa ef fected yesterday afternoon Judi ciary committee of th , city council. Thomas lltslop, one of the principal property owners affected. haa been fighting to avoid the costs for more than a year. The trouble arose whn W, C. Elliott was trlty cngineerr If -was !( that I the fill was made and accepted and th assessment of cost levied, although th earth which was said to hav been placed la the fill could not be accounted for. After a thorough Investigation, it was determined that th property own ers had been cheated by somebody, but sn investigation by th grand Jury failed to determine whom. . Thomas Hlslop, II. Shogrejt, Julia Hoffman and Maud O. Hudaosj wr th chief remonatrators. They were as sessed a totel of $3.0. According to the settlement planned' yesterday, they will hev to' foot Hi remainder of th bill. The assessment on Hlslop's nd Maud O. Hudson's lots was reduced to $2(0 each, and H. Shogren'g and J.ulla Hoffman's to 22S each. ' NORTH COAST PURCHASES V NEW SPOKANE RAILROAD Spokane, March Jft. Robert B." Stra horn, promoter of the North Coast rail way has arranged to purchase th right of wirfv. grade and equipment of the, rSpokane-Columbl River A Navigation company for - , - " planned to build a line from Rlngold Bar toflpokane, a distance. of 15$ miles, and had secured Si miles of right of way land the' roadbed had been graded and bridged for 2 miles.. A meeting of tha stockholder and farmera along truntoewtrl bhfll nest week rsllfy Uie sal. . Qood for th butcher of Spotless ' :. Tewer- , '- ';i' He bought him a mole of (real -l. renown; !l,:.::,vL.,i..i Hr name was Maud,untfl one day A Monarch Rang was a her way: 1 It . roused - her- mulish - fighting blood- - .- She kicked it now her nana fa -Mud " V 1, J MONARCH: : - King of the Perfect Kitchen. - Prices $49 to $1 35 Prices ore-right Payrrients 'CrcdiUforpu PUT-US - TO There' are those who have BD WARDS' retirement from the active management of this "stoiw m last Sunday's papers. ' . tr--- We can only assare you acain that under the personal saperrisionof MR. T. H. EDWARDS and a corps of competent employes thta estabUshmenrwlIl atrlctly carry oot the principles of our motto: yi' ." ., " :,' ; ' - ' - - - - :"A Good Place to Trade"; - It will prove a pleasure for you and your friends to find mm place where all the . good traits of hontit merchandltiag may M X) AC 91 EAiraTHND D06S KAISER'S DOMAIN High Prices of Meat Force Cer mans to Consume Pets and Horses. (Jearasl Special BwVlM.) ' Berlin. March . -That th high prices of meat la Germany hav driven som of th kaiser people -to eating dogs and cats, as- well aa enormous quantities of horseflesh, is th startling revelation of th Prussian slaughter house statistics just published. : In th ours of th last year IT.SOO horses and 1,071 dogs were butohered for hu man consumption. Th Prusslsn report adds that th number of dogs reported is notoriously far below' that known to hav been actually killed for meat purpose. Sta tistics as to th umbr of cats eaten ar not available, but statisticians as sert th Immense number of thefts. of feline pets Is without doubt ou to me prevailing custom of butchering and selling then for. rabbits. . i ne iiH'tw In tha number of dog thefts is at tributed to th same causa, Th prlc of meat is now wholly be yond the reach of working classes, but th govmmnt remain deaf to appeals to open th frontier to American . and other products, though such action would immediately reilv th situa tion. - - ' ' - ' NO MORE FOR ME ted. as a tear are the Ikoag sis -t Sty CDlMhond . . 1 'would flier they'd seeer remr te : it view. .. 'I M 1 1 tkat air lleee. Uieach stuat oasly bild. weuld rresrst the sppearsace et cheap mt . .. toa stew. Bat now, happy y. X hev Jey sad l e plar CoBtlounat UihtBcM 'Of kesrt bar found-- . . , Tk r I'slos Iessdry O, air. wkst a treaaore . Dots all of ear wasklag at eeaU- a . poaad.. " i And tfs 6ie ' to. It's relied for, d-Uvred. ImsMlj-oscept kaad work and prompt tke aontlae. Union Laundry sacoiro atd coLvmia, . ! - '. Tel atala 99S. ...... . - THETES.T"IFYOU WISH already done so sine we made tuxmngajup in miei moroAww A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE FIRST STREET-POTLAN D, OREGO LAND APPROVE BOIES -: Southern Irrigation Appears With -Request for Change, but r Meets With Failure. - (Special Dlapstrk to he Josraal.) Balem, Or., March 20.Th Columbia Southern Irrigating company, th uo cesoor to th Columbia Southern Irriga tion company and to the Three Sisters Irrigation company, appeared yeatr day before the land board through its attorney, Seneca Smith, and Mrs. Wil son of Portland. Chester O. Murphy represented the Water Users' associa tion. . - Th company had som tim ago practically agreed upon a aet of rules to govern tha company's dealings with th settlers, and Instead of adopting them. It comes with a n set of rules and asserts it Is not bound by any agreement which may previously av been entered Into' between th land board and th oompany's former rpr sentativ. ' T-After 1tvljmdheatd discussion, a formal order was 'issued refusing to approve rules presented by the company and It attorney wer gtvh to under stand they could com to terms or ap peal to th oourts, just as they thought beat. "" " '" ' '" " ' . It seems that th company does nqt control sufficient water to properly Irri gate the territory to which It wants to secure rights. Th board wish to that- th Intent Of th reclamation law be honestly and faithfully carried out. GOULD LOSES FIGHT FOR " OAKLAND BAY SHORE Una mat Special aerrtre.) San rrancisoo, March 20. Federal Judg Morrow today sustained all con tention of th Boutharn Paelflo and mad permanent th Injunction against the Western Pacific restraining U lat ter company from occupying or contin uing th work on th north retaining wall of th Oakland estuary, which th Western Factflo Jrought to use for a coast trrmlnaj. Th decision holds that th- Southern Pacific acquired title to th present line of low tide by deed from th Oakland Waterfront company, and that the Weatern Paclfle haa no right, to extend Its lines - beyond the bulkhead and that the Southern Pacific haa a right to build out to navigable waters, which right 4s being obstructed by the Wester Pacific The Weetera The eoperlor cenatrnctira - of the ' r'' MONARCH RANGE?: and .the material asecj MAL.LKABLS ,IRON- - - are - light - the anaoancernent of MR.-H. IV rimm w ifwi. Ne dangerous drags or alooholls eon. coctloiig are taken into tbe stomach -when Hyomei la used. Breathed throuaa th Inhaler, the balsamic healing of Hy omei penetrate to th meet rmot calls of the boo and throat, and thus . kills the catarrhal germs, heals tb ir ritated mucous mom bran, and (tvs . complete and permanent our. Hyomei I th slmpUst, most pleas ant and the only guaranteed cur for catarrh that has been discovered. Complete outfit, lt.; extra, bottle, . 10 cents, i ' Tot eale by Woodard. Clark Co. If set eoevenleat to'ebtala Rreeaai of Wod are, Olark A On., or eom otha ras(1at. It will be forwarded from the laboratory by sjill on rrmtlpt ef prlie. The H. T. Beoth 0e.a Hyemel bide, Ithaca, New Xerk. - LameVBaclls yield readily to rubbing with Pond's Extract. Takes out the stiffness and soreness and makes you feel like . new." In Lum bago and Rheumatism Pond's Extract should be poured over the affected parts and rubbed in thoroughly and briskly. The friction will cause absorption 'and the pain will - disappear within a short time. It is an old and tried remedy for these complaints, -.-r -- Witch H'l u mt th$ tamT Iking. On Aseri ttvtnly tamfiUi Witch HmiI re ' rrf w "jutt gMi"ffty-Hv tvtrt tun J I ttntoiu tkehol r for maldthydt tr eoth. 7 wij dmngtr tfptiitninf iujiifn (' , I Ca ?- rAMitv ooeTOiJ 'UUDSEXTUAL Psclflc asked a star, for 10 days, and UUmatad that it wUl appeal