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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1906)
TTIZ- O r.IlCOII DAILY JCUr-IIAL,. rCIiTLATTD. WEDITZ-DAY EVEiniJD, " tZrr.UAHY ' SV I3. TODAY'S MARKETS LENT BEGINS 110 FISH SCARCE High Water Interferes With Catch of Salmon Other T" Fish Not Plentiful. ' GGS SELL LOWER - . ; : WITH LESS DEMAND Hops Are Moving Better With More ' Inquiries for Olds Sales of Latter j at Six and Half Dressed Hop ; Selling at Premium. , ' ; Frost Street. Feb. S The principal testates et the Portland wbelessia 8arseui jooay we. ,. listen stsson kef feu. - H ) : , .j : riaa amrei a. . amau. -. ImhI cars banana nuloadd. Oar eransaa. ear cabbage sad-ear sweets,. ,;. Three ara baaaaaa doe tomorrow alffbt. - Fancy notstoss reeling ' ; , Onloa stocks getting eeee ouft. Hap market I morlng belter. ' Bat tower with lea eutalde rail. Poultry holda at foraiar figures . ... Print a ha aril at premium. . ; Veal market remains steady. - Aaparague l selling fewer. Leetea Seaaoa Balaa. V ' The Lentes season eaened today. Thars wits a rar Baa demand tar flak, hat general! spooking suppliss were 'rather email. The blab water haa caoeed the run te ahow considerable decree Instead of lacreaainf a ue oomano warrssts. Fesa salmon, la eery mow in eomins, ehiaoaka hetne nraetlcallr ens of market today. Kts the salt water flab la not coming fait oswngh. Prk-ee anchaaaed today. . via HraliM are Terr small. ssys'Ct J. B. ' Malarkew., "and demand le ireater. .Hi water tn the Oerambl la the principal cinee, but w e inert the rlw t fall enoa and an laereaaa ta the ran ad eahnee-rwttr Heely fellow -tbs coming we The preeeot, sceij closes n March It and will remain closed for fall mouth." , , Fane Potatoes Sailing Bsttsr. ' Far fane Delator there la a better demand In the nouthern market. Thta elie ef goods I harder It oMiln and dealers' are wllttni' te net a nreotlanal aduuee la order .so sal v poor, ordinary stock remain oeerplentlful with prices alow and- dragline. Onion are getting eorr mitt and the .trade ta anxious to more. A fw rar of,potatoee are belnf aent te Arl- aoaa and Texaa. ' Im Lewer. With Leas wataisa OalL ' Trieaa la tha ess market Bnlay are praett eallr Ita lower. aeremta are uiniv w freaaed, but as far aa known there la no oo tilde AM.i ' Prleee elene tha atreet today fanned between Me and leViC with equal aalee t hnth riewraa. Poultry hnlda ataady with receipt J net about the earn and demand snod la an lines. Creamery batter eontlneee te hold a rood noalttoe. Airlvam and aemana equal. i-rme same. Ctoastry store srodaet la demand St the net. e. v , . . - Im Baias er aid nop. Remand for IftOe hone Is lneraaln aad amae sales bare seen re parted dtirlns the pnt 94 neurs at shout dUe. Some tew orders for isns-s are la market, oat deeiera are not eie- Doaedkt sell freelr. Rom aalee bare, oeweeer, been made darln( . the paat day at former values. Bwiail Hera Sell at Tremlam, ' With demand enaalderehly- Urrer tkaa res celpt. astna dealers. are eharfios a premium ever pi nut soo tattoo aa hose. The wholeaah) hutcheie have, however, eernred Urge loU m the eaet. . which ere now eipactad. This will eiae the market somewhat. Pressed veal tfonv In eomewkst freer, with the market holdlns Just steady. Tha Utah pries sf veal and bo M eaaatns a better demand for beef,' hut price have thus tar railed te napoaa. , Aiparasu I Selllaa- lewer. ' fits srrieejs Beejeweraoie-. .antes Bricee are tndar rsllna In aapVram. STral ears sf eranfee are due te arrive to morrow Birat. At ear wii nnwaaea inia Ins. Demasd better.- Price same. : A ear sf mixed vegetablea and a car ef sweet pot too were a atoms tha arrtrata from the south sc loaded thm mernlryt. Prices sa aabbas enter. Sweet Dot toe neat, at IM Several care et banana were unloaded late veeterdae afternoon. Good condition. Ka toat. mm the . rnllewlne, wrlree Be tmnt atreet. Prices sale) producers ars leas rsgslar commtBMBs; . . rata. Flouv and Feed W1HJAT New rloN e; red BSMlaa, Te; a. a a. aA. .tl Wu 'BARLEY Feed, e&ko; roned. $M.BO Vrew isa. I2S 60. tON Who, ' tST.OOl ersefces. per OAT Producer" prtss Its. 1 whHa, liaVOS; aeae. 7T.on. TIAVK Hew eastern Ore-j pstsnta, $. SOf; strahrkte. $3 euea.nO; export. 3.SOQ3.Ui valley. $8.fto3.85: sraham, 14. a.TBi rye, Oa. IS.oui bilea. ft 75. IflUJlTrrrS Bran. S1T.S0 par ont mleV dllnsa. 41800: horts, eountry. lt.0i ell, SiaTso: cbop. (1 00. HAT ProdueeTS' nrtee TloeottiT, Wllleejiett valley, fancy flo.ooaix.en; oramary, st.OOQ S.0O: eaetern Orecon. t14.00fjld.00; mltrd. i BOQa Oflr clow. ea.00OS.00; ar a la. la.SuS) S.00; cheat. SS.00. ' Batter, Zsgs and renltry. BUTTE B FAT 9. a. B. Portlaad Sweat cream. Met eour. See. Bt'TTER City creamery. He ontald fancy. SOc: erdlsary. 87 He; store, 1SQ17C 1XJOS No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, ISO ISHe. CHEESE New Full cream, ' Sate, lfic; Toons America, 16e; rbeilder, lSe. GAM E Jack rabbit. fl.fiUtiI.TS per dos. POLXTBY Mixed chirk en. l.mw14c per 11 fancy hem. Ids per lb;. rooster, old, 11 He per lb; tr. IStte per Ih; friers, lAQ30e nee Ih: broilers. 120e ner lb: dnrki. tne (er In; frve. 104lle per lb; rarker. i.,ic per id: areaeeo. uc per in; sqnane, fa.Tvgf.00 per dos; plseona, S2.00 per dos. Heoe. Wool sad Bid. HOPS Contracts, 100S crop, lOe per lb) IfHKl Oreaon. price te choice, 8t lie: poor frsds, Tt1ct Waahinftoo, 10c; 1(K4 croua, Uc for choirs. WOOL 1800 ellp. vatle. eoaree u medlsm, tdHaasMei Saa. MOZTei esaMra On so a, MOHATR NomtnaL SOdfSle. ' BBEKPRK'NS Sbeanns,- IBCiSw ri akorl Wool, SSA40C each; medlom vntn eOCJTae each; lens wool, TBrQfl.OO each. TAUXJW Prime, per lb, 4kttX Be. S sad rreiie. tame. CHITTIM BARK Se set tk. 1 BIDES Dry, No. 1. te lh end ss. ISHQ ITHe per lb; dry kip, S. 1, t n U m, 14ei dry calf. Bo. 1. sneer S lb. Isci attd hldea, steer, sennd. SO lbs snd ever, tcaiie. aews, HOSUe: atat snd buna, eoand. SOTet kin, IB to SO the. Sc; ra'.f. aosnd. ssder tk rhe, lie; creea. saaalted. le tsesi colli, t ner lb lew; boreehldes. Belted, each, fi.tndll.rSt dry, sach, l. 00 4.1.00; eslt.blrten, aaoe goat akin. Jt-mmoa. . eafh, IJf10et Angora, aea, SscO 1.00. . r . Fran aad VetetaWea. nrrsTtiKB Bel aenee. B"r per ssrs; pro" dnrer' price for car lota. 704y75e per cwt; ordinary, anQTOc; producers' price. esQMct eweet. $2. All pec crate. ONIONS Jobbing price Oregon. No. t. 11.00 11.2n: producer' price. No. 1. BOrafl.OOt N. S. Aii'(t7nc; garlic, HffilOe per lb: onion set. To. WEDNESDAY PRICES IN . ' THE WHEAT MARKET May. , July. .llnH t 8II4B Chlrsgo ......I 8t. Ixttfls. . , , . 1 Milwaukee Kansas City,.. Liverpool . . , . Mlnneapolla ... ' vt . .71 sit. .S1 14 ' 't't?id SstHd . .1t . . Vh , DulutA . jvew Torn i... Ban FTsnetaoo l.t December, - c s A A v A JOURNAL'S DAILY V- - -TIPS ON MARKETS d . ' '. By I Jsggsr. d There la somewhat of, an lm- 4 provement "in demand for fancy 4 potatoes In tha California mar- keta. Fancy goods.' though, are 4 very hard to obtain and prlcaa 4 d ' being- paid here are near to tha d 4 very lop. A few shlpmsnts are - d 4, being made to Trail points, but d tha movement cannot be con- . 4 sldered liberal. Everyone seems d , to want to sell potatoes. To me e 4 the outlook at present does not seero very rood for the future. . d FRESH ' F8TTIT0 Analea. "cnlti. SI. 00 ordluarr.; fiurjr, Sl.TOAlOOi Uood Rlrer finer Spltsenborga and Newtown Plpploa, e.lou;i.uu; oransaa, new nirel, S' HV ai eolllna. 1 benania. 4HO Ih: temuo. cooks, ll.7SCt2.TS oer boil taner. tx.00AS.xa Dee box: llmee Mexlcas. tl 19 per 1U0; pia'applas. M M per ao; pear, par Bos; Muceruia, ytAiVIA TornlpV, sew, toe par asca earrcta. dO(217oa aack: baata. 00c A 1 1.00 oat rk: Oreeon eedlihea. . - l&a Dor 60s cabbage. Ore iron. S2.00 par ewt; ' Celt- loraia.' per ewt, ere) ' pepvere, SOc per lb: California tomatoea, ti.MKt 00: riorldi. tT.ou: Meiican. A'l.O": nannl. kOrtl; atrlng bean, iltf.'M)e; eaailflowar, fl.00 w.uu per crate! green peaa, siuefiaMC per m; horaeradleh. t7o per lb; artlrbokea. 85c it 1 1.00 ur Qua; satnosi lettuc, l oojj. 10 per evxi celery, $4.004.60 per crate; pumpkin, m( q tia ah, lKc: (01001, 6e Bar lb; crenoerriee, Jeraera. 114.60 ner bbli Coee has aad "til la monk, 1 10.00; aiparagus, 13'Il-H ser lb; rlia Darn. IZ'AC. PKIED FJICITS Apples,, i spors ted, 1SI IBe nee lk: aAVicata. lto DOT lb: stjehe, tOHMlfe ier lb: saraa. He per n leaa; pre nee. SO to 40. SHn He deep es each ixternrs entailer use: ss. tanmnii ew-e. S070 ner lh; relirnrnte wbtta. Banc Bet Ifa! fites. go Ida a, Se per lh; fares. SLW far 1 U - '-"' eVoeariaa. Nnta. TtM. . SrOAB Saekbaaia Cube, fe.Mt sew dared. fll.80; fruit grannlatad. to.70i dry granulated. ed.70; Coaf. A. ft) SB: beet srannlsted, SS.fd; extra 0. tB.SO: enMen C. SB.1A: D rallow. IS.0O: hbl. 10; bbli. Soc; boxes. SO Sdesnrs eu sses neaia leee aoc per swi tor ssss. is say: ample, 14a IBe per Ih.' I Above nrlcea nnlr a aalee sf lea rar lets. Car Iota at special pnees asbjsct t mM nous 1 x HONEY fx.SA per crate. . COFFEE Pack s brauds. tit as, 1 SALT Coarse r alt sruaoOa IOS. tt.M pat toai table, dib-r. an. 11 On; oca. ttO.TB: lav petisd Uverpool. BO. 1 17.00; 100. SIS BO; -e-rv-. y I T VFV 1 will. niiee, bbbji i, enaj. sssb f4.B0frB.o0: hoik J0 I ha. f4.0098.00; aeeka. BOs, (JMajti Lleernnol lamp rock, fit JO pec ton; no-lb. met. loo. SQ.TS. . wnAIN BAUB Calcutta, THS. BIOS Imoarial Jinan. No. 1. Sc: No. asxKt; an Creole. KVI. sw Orleans head. Te: AJax. Bl KK:l VH Km all white. M.TRA4.00: ' lira white, W M; pink,' f2.7.1; baoo. f4.t0; Uau, 13 771: Mexican reda. 4 He. " KtTR Peannt. Jumhea. c per tb; Viralnla. ia le ner lh: rnaated. KISUc: cocoannta. WaxHOc ner dos; walnuts. 154J.ISU per lb; pier nut. insciSHi per in I ntcsorr sum. - ue pea m; cheetnuM, 1 latere. 1B41oc per Ik I Br all eta le - lb: Albert. 140IB per tbi fissy PKsns, 1BHOHH: slmnnd. M0". Feists. Coal 00s. Ete. ' ROPR Pais Uaslls, 14e stsndsrC H14si Sisal, lie. COAL OIL Pearl er Altril Caael, Bn4e pet gsl; water white, urea now. 10c per gal; wooden. IBe per gai: aeaeugDi, liu-o:., evu. rutm ..1 tfAWUNii-eaes., SsVi per sat, iron bble lSe per ssL $ BBNKlNEdS-deg., ease SB pgr. gala tree beta 1W per siL . TURPENTINE la eases Sde per gal. woedes sbl Sc per gal. WHITE LEAITob lets. TBI -er n BOO-Ik lota. Sc per Ihi feas lots, tit per lb. WIRF N AII.S rraeent naae at i.iNRrrn OIL Pure raw. In S-bbl lots. Bdc l-oni aoi. OfC ceaee, tjc par r"1" arviie. boiled, eieee, e4e per gl. B-bl lots. B8e: 1-bbl lot. npc per gal; grossd eske. ear lots. ISB.00 per toe: lee than ear lots. SM.O0 per toe. ' Meats. Flakiest Frerwlea. FBESO atSATs Sreai atreet Beet aaere 4a Be pes. U; cews. aaies per to; tags, block, 8'dBs per Ibi pckre. se per lb: bulla, A&Sa par lb: veaii extrs. SUtiBe per lb; ordinary, Sfttis per lb; poor, Iwac per lb; muttoo fsucr. Bfjloc pas lb. r HAkte. BACON. BTrr. Portia ad Back fioreh asms, 10 w i , e to JO 10a, lSu. per lb; break tie t bacon, l4HlSMs por lb; alralc, 8c per lb; cottage, to per lb; regular anon ?, awuwerai, avvje per id; moked, ll4e per lb; elear backs, unsmoked. lOme per ru. eeaoeew, aiit wi vim satm, 10 to IS lbs, ssamoked. Be per lb) sswhed, Se per lb; cleer belUce. aossioked. lie pee Ihi mnked. 12c nee lb: shoulders. nar ID. Ue nei LOCAL Uu-tiui tear. lua. lit, net lb: Be. ll pertel BO-tb Una, 10, p b; tm randemd. 10s, . lOHe pes lb( , 10ki par lb; compoond, 10a, TU - CANNED balmon coiumou rreer. - tana. II. SO; t-lk talla, fa.TB faney l ib Sals, tl so; k-lb Stacy tit, fi ts; fancy l ib eeale, filB: Alaska till, pink. SBSJOOet red. fl.Bu; semlaal 1, till sa-ou, riRll Mock sod. Te ner lb: Sounder. Bo aea lb; halibut, 6v lb; crabs, II. SO per dos; atriped baas. IZWe per lb; estflak. V per lb; salmon, strelbeada, Se per lb; chlsosh. JUs lb; kerting, oc per lb; eolea. Sc par lb; shrimp. lue per is; pares, sc per in; nines eed, is per lb 1 toia cod. 7c per lh: Coeumbla lieer emelt. Sc par lb; stleer imelt: Te per lb; lobster. Ue per id; iiean Baeraerei. ee pee in cmwrua. ZSC per 000; iiinjen, a par aa, OxSTSBa Shoaiwater hsy, set faL per sack, ft TB. CLa M3 Hard -obeli, per hex. tBOBt ism, I a-00 per boa. PACKERS BUY 20 CARS OF HOGS IN THE EAST Supplies Here' Are Very Small- Total Receipts In Two Days ' Fifty-Four Cattle. ' ' Portland I'nkm StoekTsroS. Feb. 2. LIts- tock receipts: . . - . Boss Cattle Sheen Today i . B4 ... wees ago jiw : zo , is Month sso ... . Sear ago.-.. S24 M J8 Hon are so wares ta tb -local marhets that packere bars ixala been compelled to buy In the. e la tern cities, and 30 rare ars dos from Nebraaka pntnta louar. Market firm but uu- ehancad. Cattle somewhat dull. Soeep firm but unchanged. Official irrcatnck prices : ca-a Beat eaitcrn Orssnn. tT.eOstT.tB: blockers snd rtabi tats, lt.5oet.75; stockers snl feeder. pi.Xt.M. 1 Cattle Beit eaaUixn Oregon- ateer. f.1.805 4.00: best rows and heifers, 18.00: light and niedlnm iteer. fx.M0V2.rui; Hxht cow. 12.110; stockers and feeders. f2.50: bull, f2.00tr2.iin. Sheen Wethers and lambs. Bftee: mixed sheep. nflc. usirea ikhi reel, iao to zin ponnos, DHU Sc; rough and heavy. 8HJ4o. ! . ' BABTOIB HOPS BIOKZB. Chlrsge, Feb. tS Lrreitocb receipt: Hoc Cattle Sheen Chicago .....2Vin 17. () sa.tmo KaniM CUT. ...... .12.000 e.imo , 8..VI0 Oman .11.000 4.BI0 S.onO Itf opened Be Maher with 4.000 left orer. Reelpta e ear ago wrrs M.nno. . Price: hmi. iH.orrtt..t2H: snon. xo.aoua.xo: rooili. f.a-ifttd.lO: light, f6.0K(td.oO. . I'ettle Ten cent higher. Sheen Steady . vrw tobx cgmx mabxtt. ': w r u a.K ee - 4. ...... ' .i. . .... S to 10 points np. OfflcJal qaotationa: nm. Tiwa.i nin. am. Marrh. .....17 i) t7.iBI4ntwiber . 17.11 April e T.10 T. 1.1! October ... T.fW Ten Mr ....... T IB T iiOfVoeeaihee i,-T.SB T.7S Iane -..r..cT SB f Je(l neceeaher ... T.TB T.BO Julr , T.4HI laauary , ... 7.30 August ....T.48 N.w Tork Cnh Coffee. New Tork, Feb. St. I'seb - oof fee: Blu. SI-luc; No. 4 Hantne, Sc. No. 1 ' IJverpeol Oettoa Hither. MrerpnflL Feb. IS. Ottos future! closed t points higher. , , . :, ' 1,111 ' ' : v BBW Tsrh Snot CoUoa. Nw York, Feb. 2. tsh cxton ledy. 30 points bales. mts Bigbsr. atMoiinfa, li.uo) tales. f,ot YESTERDAY'S RISE LOST TODAY 1 Wheat ' Market- Props on Slight Change in the Liverpool Lat - ter Is Ceoerally Lower. . THREE EIGHTHS TO 4 THREE QUARTERS DOWN Strong Opening Abroad Causes Good Start but Selling Of f-Process Soon ' Begun Oats and Corn Trade Un importantKrtbwest Sells. ' .- : WEPNESPArS WHBAT hlABKBT. Class Close feme Wed. May.. .61UBS .81B 40 SlaJi '"ly .51 2a jiiijX ' .00 -Mi .hepjember.... .SO'J ..SliJ .OoJ t ..." Tues. Wad. Chicago, Feb. . In wheat ths strsajj cables caused a strangtbanlag . but tha strength was not malBtslaed. The market almost Immediate. ' said off snd through she day tt sbowsd a racgmg SSBOOBCP.. . ' V , . Oaarea wraat Sl,w, . TBS Corn snd eats trade was af an anlne. peruat kind, the principal alllng hi Bate ssem Ingty com tag from the Berthweat.- Conetdermg toe tendency ef the wheat amrkst today, the wosde It tut the eoarss,(rah list did sot Is BToeiakma tha Mao oroer aaal 1.. with July showing, the strength. Ths tons waa " larougBosi sm Bracu-takmg aalea were well taken. OffloU I nilntallaaa ka, Ci i 1 1 1 aimm a wwi eoeapeny i . , WHBAT. ' P"-.. . tew. Close. May ... Jil l't f 9 .SUA I 81 , .81 ' 7.. Aim -81U . .S ef HIT.) tie a, Spt CORN. i M . .44 OATS. Feb. . ... Mar Jlr....v Sept...... Feb..... ' Mir .80V JOI , Julr Sept..... mu PORK. Mar... 1B.4T 18.22 T.80 T.TT 18.BS . IB.8T i 18.82 : 18.22 . LARD, i a ' T.8 J T.r TJ2 ' T.80 8.0S T6. SHORT BIBS. S.20 , 8 12 . 8 2o aso - S.2T S.2T uly.. May..:.. July..... Sept...., T.ST SIT I 20 S.2T Mar..... Juir..... sept..,.. .SAB- FBBOTSCOBADr MABXXT. flf ssaelses, Feb. 28. OfocisI assndBf ;. . WHBAT. , r)nsn.a - Hleu. Tjow. ' 1H 14 Cleee. May ....,..l.lti)U 91.20U December .... IM ! Sl.tSta BAKLBY. hhty 1.1S 1.I8U l)eomber .... m Mil ' MS etH 3 XXZTATOB BI7TS WHZAT. (Spsclsl Dlnstch to tb Joarssl.l Wtaa. Or.. Feb. &S a. a. sf tbs Psrinc To it Elerstor eompaav. kaa purchased tbs following lots of wheat, which were tored et Dewalne. hetwaen thin niece BOO etine eaoianiein iwiiion. on tn , M. St n.t From Alex Walker, t.BOO baabelei Jr. H. of f man. 8.800 buabela; Latwis Kllgore, 1,100 buah sis. The eompssy' will hold this wheat for serarai wool. . . v e ' OHJOA00 CASH WBXAT. Chicago, Fib, 28. Cask wkaat: IF. Bid. Alh. No. red No. I red S 38 38A No. S hard..... No. S herd No. 1 northern....... No. 2 northern No. S spring..... el r .81 H .80 .78 .83 , . CHIOAOO SBAIB CAB LOTS, . . Cblcags, Feb. 28. On In ear lota: Car. Orsde. Est. Mod. Wheat ................ 8 .. 88 11 Cora in,, j nm r I7H a ' las ( See Oat. 7... 126 SO B ISO Wheat cars todar: . Mlnnesnolla. BnW: Duluth. L Tssr sgo: Mlnnespolls. 1W; Duluth. S.e4 tmar ool sbaiv btabxet. Ursrpoel. Feb. J. Official prices WHEAT. Open Close Wed. Wed. Cloee 0 am Toes. Wed. s 8U4 Hi Msrch Mir . .8s BVfcd S S d .Os Td ns July . .es Hd n t Slid He CORN, March May .. s llTid ds 4 lVad s 8 ll'td He 1)4 s iit Umst rilXAXT 6BATB MOVKIBT. Chlcafs, Fsb. 28. Primary recelpta: . Today , Tear sge . ... . v.. pmeh. ... pnh. Wheat 4u,0O0 twt.000 Corn 480,000 747.000 nnipDMaiai Wheat .182.009 S80.00A Corn ....i... 444.000 874.000 Clearance: Flour, sx.nno barrets; Corn. J88, 000 boanels; eels, 848.000 buabels. COTTON IS TEN TO EIGHTEEN POINTS DOWN New Tork. Feb. 38. Oettoa futnfea slessd 10 to IS pontta higher. Official enntationa bv t .Orerbsck. Starr . A Cook eompsny: .-" " .. Closing Open nigh Vim Wed. Tue. March 1M i(HS 1084 jo,j 1024 April 1044- 104T 1048 1040 I1134 10A8 im7 May lftS 10M' I0K7 Jims 10A 1078 10M 10H8 1078 10r 1048 1020 10A2 10M Julr 1082 107B 1048 1084 1078 1078 1040 1030 1081 1083 lOM 10M0 1 1020 I021 1022 Auntat 1070 Seiitcmber ' . Ot-toher . . . Noeember December ., 104.1 10S1 1082 108S 1082 SAB FBAB0IS0O LOCA1 ITOOXB. Saa Frhncisae. Feb.- 28U-Offlclil morning dosing: Bid. Ak. BO 8XU lH'i Contra Coat.., Spring Valley Mutual Electric.... iH ........ soil tiiani i-owoer... .... ...-.. Hawaiian Commercial , Ts IOU ... 1HJ llonokea Sugar ., llutchhieon Sugar.... Makawell Kncir. Onomea Snsar... Sncar 82 8.1 Insar , 2M, 36 Sugar,....-. ,...... 17J Paauhan tlnlno Bttna aiaaia .faraervr. ........... BT Cillf.rnla Fruit Can.... California Wins aaeocle tion. . .'loo . ractflc States Telephone 10S TBOTD STAXZS OOTXBBhTIBT BOBDL New Tork, Feb. 28. Ooeenrniest bnads ,- , ueie. Bie. , Ko. I rssulsr , , 1W.K IIMO , lOlg 1808 do coupon.. No. 3 regulsr do eotipiMji . , No. S aall No. 4 regnlar 1SOT lwrr IH2A 128 do coupon .....,., No. 4 regular ' do eon poo Mtr1et et (Mumble SdnS I'hUlppln 4s. FOBTLABD BABX STATIbTZBT. Ask ra iwi im .. insii tea I03t4 1"2t . . . . . KKl l! 108 ixm 104 ia"4 180 lJl 180 , US , ..... 10s ' lion - " J - He rings ' , brm.844.43 Beleaoes eaiaa.eaie.ea....4iee.ei . SiaSOeVsi Lenten Season Open Today and There Are but Scant Supplies tf Freeh Fish in ,Thi Market May Have Some Effect Upon Meat ArJACOrJDA IS OVER 11 POIHTS OFF ;' ; ' i ' Great Slump in Coppers' Brings the Rest of the Market Down ' v In New. York. V TENNESSEE v COAL ' . SIX POINTS LOWER Amalgamated Copper a Heavy Loser With a Net Drop for tha Day of Three and Five Eighths Illinois Central and Pressed Steel Car Drop NET L08SIS. Asacosda . ... Amaigintated Atchuwa ...11 ... I Norfolk t n. X. Central......! Sugar 1 "or. Wat , Pennarleanls ..... fseioe AtaU Smelter .......... 4 i-aw ae rwaaurf . a PsepU't ties ..... t r-rewed Steel , Car. S pruoaixn BaJOisore aeaaing ......... 1 Beg, Steel 1 do preferred. 1... 1 Bock Island Beetbera Hallway. Sou there Pacloc...' eUi, As. W.... do nrsferrsd..... Colo. Fuel Bt. Paul ......... S Chesapeake Canadian 1 41 Com. SeaU K tlenn Ceatrai Laather Brie 1 do Sd pfd i Tens. Coal t tubs Pastas.. Daloa PaeiAs 1 U. S. Biibber 0. S. Steel do preferred Wabash do preferred...., 1 Wlseeaala Central, d preferred..... . W let era Unkia .. etotnld U Greet Weetera ., V taiBwia veuvat ,. UwIstUIs ........ 1 htaaaatus 1 Mexlsaa Ceatrai .. H do preferred. ... sriieoaj-1 Pact Sc. . . 1 .North Aassrlcaa .. at 1 NET ADVANCES. Swat M-w:: ruuu' The etorh market bad a ere Bad Break 4m. day. SelUag by the big Interaeta hrenght about general liquidation, ferrisg prsctleslly ths en tire awket te s lew Icrel. The greateet alums was la Asaeonda Connor, which biat fuD pomte during the inalon. AsMlfaautad was likewise eold hlirllr gad Inst tit of reater-day-s price. Iwaneasee Coal was eae of ths haaTieet wears. It wss sot aoties but maar aged is drop o points from the prevleus prloe. a potaoi sacapuauv to in geaerii atump was Metrooolltsa. which not aalr held tta own during the atrenaoua etrltemest hut showed a set gala ad Ue class ef I'd point. The cloe- nof the market waa weak, faciei quotations by Overbesk. Steal 4 Oookt eotspany: DtSCBIPnOH. aaaooooa Mining 0. ... Amal. Copper Os Atchlaon, com........... , o preferred Am. Car Found., eom. do preferred...?....., Am. Sugar, eom Am. Smelt, com...' do preferred BaJttmor dt Ohio, com.'. de preferred , Brooklya Bapid Trnaatt. Canadian Pacific, eem.. Chi. Altos, oam , So on Birred , Chi. O. W., eom...., CbL. MIL St. Peui.., Chi. If. w. eom CbL Terminal Rellwir. Cbesanaaka m Oato. SI sm 1T01 170H Colo. Fuel trsa. eem.. Colo. Southera. eom..... S? rl P"!" 1 SS Si nslawsrs di Hudson.... mm si at u eom... do nreferrad Brie, rom do 3d preferred...... da let nrifarra rilmole Centrnl. toularill NaahvlUe... Metropollue St. By.... Manhattan Rallwir eiexicaa uentrat ay Mlna.. ft. p. a Rte. it. lB0i Missouri Padfie mTk. 4 T.. com do pre f erred ,.. New York Centrnl Federal Smelter, nfd Cotton OIL T...... Norfolk As Western, esnj. no pre ret fee North . American N. I.. Ont A Went .. Pennirlranl Br r. u., b, sc, tie Pre. ed atee? Car, com. 00 prererreti cl8 Mill Steam. Co.. Beading, eom 1138. Its) 00 ga preferred .... do 1st neafeered . Ben. iron Steel, eom. - do preferred , . . . . Bock 111 ml, eom. A.... do seaf erred 3 3 Souther By., eem...... mTxP BmPtf fw!1 PfS .a.a.a.,.. Southern Picifle do preferred St. U At. F., 3d pfd.. St. Ia. B 8. W.. eom.... do preferred I Bd Tex Pacific 84U T., St. U d 1 W com.., U di) OTftf rrMl 1 I a ( a.l Cntoa PaclAc. eem 1R2!1B2. 14t do preferred J M IN VCVrU UBI aLrWsBaUtVB') wVBBt ttO DrtaVlTI'd leaeeeee r. 8. Bnhber. eom...... 4 Bo 14 1 env do preferred lt line IIORI4 0. S. Steel Co., eom.... 41, I 41V,! o do preferred l'i,!liniliH wneei. m u. R... sa pia.i zt 1 z"lal xi do let preferred I 43 43 ( 43 nieconsln Oatrai. 1 do ore f erred Bdta BdU BRU weetera unioa xie I v:ia wilt Wlbllta, com..,..,. 24 do preferred.,'.... total alefnr ds'y. 1.48L8riO shsres. Call money closed S per cent. tostofak atnmio STOCIS. Ksb ' eloelna snrlsco. Feb. . 38. OfAdsl moratng ma. Belmont $4.00 rh Boy 22 Ooiden Anchor.. 1.48 Home V Bid. . .84 : :SI . l.BB . .23 . .M . .! PtamosdSeld . 7Ule OolilAeld .... Jumbo ....... Jim Butler...,. 1.87H IJnmho EX ten. McNamars .... .71 IKendall Mldwar ........ 3.28 Mr Oilers Montaaa 8.08 Mobawk ..... .80 North Star..... .no Bed Top ...... 1 OA Ophhr 88 Sindatorm 1.48 Ton. Bxtea.... .10.00 (surer Pick 14 Nevada 18.80 1st. Ives ....... .21 West End and Ineneer 1.4ft Adanw ... .Id IFrllnee 77 Atlanta ....... .23 lOoid Bar T4 Blue BeU ."S 10. Hull Frog 24 Booth ISrHnway 83 Columbia 1ft. T Black, Butte Ex. .03 Conquer ' f Stsrtmg Bates. ' " New Tork, Feb. 28. Sterling rates: Demand, 488.28; 00 days. 482.73. , - ' BOSTON COFFEE KAJK1T. " , Boatsa. Feb. , 28. Of octal Conner clnelnr : Mid. , rin. Old Dominion.. f 4B.M Adventure . Alloues ... Arradlaa .. Atlantic ... Blncbam .. Calumet rsntesnlal . .1 8.78 . 81 00 . 8.80 .. txm . 42 7 , Soo.on . 28.00 OaceolB 7( Parrot ....... Phoenix ..... riliM-y ...... Santa Fs .... Shannon Tamarack .... Trinity Tenu. Copper.. I nlted ....... I tab Victoria ...... Winona ...... 84.78 l oo . 84.00 22.BO. 1 ill 8.80 10T.OO . 10.110 .44.00 . 80.8O S2? la ' T.BO Copper Ring. Daly West ... Flm Hirer... Franklin .... Oranby .. Mitae Mlrbigaa .... Mobawk Naead Cos.. North Butte., Bsat Butts .. SI.IIO'' 18.00. I no 17.78 S no 8 &0 IX Ml 88..VI 1887 84 78 toeO WolTsrln 183 00 C. S. Mining. B8.BO Bostoa Con... 27.00 ' Xroat miss the first lasWkQmeat it bavld trahaa VhllUpw ft sat aovsl of practleal American polities. WU1 tart Im Tae Sua day Jeurnal, Insrok a, 0PE(I8 m to coram In; Accordance With Request of . President Roosevelt Indian apolis Meeting; Is Called. ' MAKE FINAL -ATTEMPT ' TO AVOID COAL STRIKE Copy of the Miners Demands Mailed to President Qaer, Who Km Them Under Considcrstiorv Peace Seems -in Sight.,.-;' (Joorasl Spstiel Sevvlcs.) ' New Terlt, Feb. . The coal oper. store have decided to bold a Joint con. fereoce with the Mine Workers union in Indianapolis on March 11 to try and effect a peaoaable asttlement of the threatened strike. The action Is takes In accordance with tha susseetlon of President Roosevelt, who haa wrlttes to both operators aiM miners requestlnf reconslderatlon and peaceable action. The operators are called upon to at. tend the conference as Individuals. - President John Mitchell of the minora' union gtatsg that he has mallsd a copy of the miners' demand to President Bear of tha Reading, railroad and thtnkr that Beer will call a meeting? ef the op- eratorg to try and avert the threatened strike upon, the advice of President Roosevelt. The veneral opinion aa to the outcome is that triers will be no Strike. Tho bituminous operators were la oonference today In an endeavor to ar range some means - for prsrventtns? a Btrlke of the bituminous coal minora. The meeting waa a turbulent one on ac count of the attitude of operators of the Pittsburg district, who are opposed te any concessions whatever and vlawronev ly protested the restoration of tbo scale of two years ago as proposed by Rob. bins. The opposition claims that the coal trade la In a worse condition than It waa two years ago when the minora accepted a reduction. They Anally con. aented to a new conference with the minora at Indianapolis. It Is believed that the anthracite question will not bo taken up until the bituminous controversy la disposed ef. and that the settlement ef tha latter will have a leadinsT result oa the former. 1 j , HOME THONE COMPANY WINS SPOKANE FIGHT (Spsclsl Dispatch ts The lesraaL) . DOkane. Wash.. Feb. zae-Aa a resralt of the decision of the suprems court of Wash inston that tho law sivtna tne people the right to grant a elty fran chise by popular vote la constitutional, tha Home Telephone company, Better known aa the glrliess.-r will begin the work of Installing lu system la Spokane at onoe. For some time a bitter fight haa been wared between the PsclfVo States Tele phone company and the Rome Tele phone eompsny- The latter applied for a franchise here snd tt waa refused by the council. Thd question waa sub mitted to the people and carried by an overwhelming vote. About f 1,080,888 will be spent by the company In this oity. , ' ANNUAL CONVENTION HELD AT HILLSBORQ fSseetsl THspstch te The Journal.) Rlllsboro. Or- Feb. It. Tho annual convention of the Fifth District Sunday School association of Washington coun ty met In the Congregations, church hero yesterday afternoon and evening. There was a large attendance and among those who took part la the pro gram are the following; President R. M. Greer, Rev. A. Robinson, Mrs. W. B. Thorn, ladles' quartette. Attorney Bowman. Miss Rose WUoox, Bertha Hawkins. Rev. Ollpatrtck, Rev. Pbelpe, Rev. Hamilton. - Effle Taylor, Bva Weathcrred. Rev, Eaton aad Mist Blanche Bowman. LIGHT ENGINE DASHES INTO OVERLAND FLYER (Specral tHapstrh ts The Journal.) Helena, Mont., Feb. tt. There waa a ploturesque. but fortunately a nonfatal collision between a light engine and the Burlington westbound overlsnd passen ger train No. 41 near a ootu spur here early today. . Tha Burlington train was run iota by an engine of Ma s, running light, and which bad just assisted that train over tho Brldg'er mountain Both' englnea were badly smashed and ditched. No one waa injured. Trarao win ee de layed six or seven hour a Tho wreck Is said to have been due to a train order being distorted. GOTHAM'S SMART SET DOESN'T MIND LENT (Joans! Spsclsl Bstvles.) Kane York. Fab. It. Tods V. Ash Wednesday, marka tiie opening of the Lenten season. Tho annual fast of 48 days observed from very early tlmea In the Christian caurcQ in oommsmorauon of Christ's days' fast, continued un til Easter, for which feast the fast serve also aa a season of special peni tence and preparation. There will be no further meetings or the dancing claeses until after Eastar. Nevertheless, the number of dinners, theatre parties, luncheons, bridge tour naments and musicalea, not to msntlon week-end parties at . Tuxedo, In the Meadow Brook district, . Westchester county, along the Hudson and on the sound, will suffer no abatement. . onser Anaennoea Candidacy. (BpeoMl'tHipatch te The' Journal.) ' Echo. Or. Feb. 18. Zoeth Houner has announced" his candidacy for the Re- publlcsn nomination for representative from Umatilla county and is circulating his 'petition In different parts of Umatilla county. He Is quite well known through having served as sheriff of the county and aa United States marshal. ' DOWaTTJTO, XOFatlJrS Sj CO, wxbat aws stoox Bmozsma (Establlshsd 1A aora 4. t round moor. S OS- "O-wsaon OVERBECK. STARR & COOKE CO Members OiUmga) staai4 af Tluvsm, rmormwn, ootvor, mrocaa axt r 1SI Third Mraet. McKay Coatlnuon Msrkate by Ftivahs VTlrA - TUtoa, banksrs, asst VuA tvum TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA FAST ABB FOFTXAB STBAM8BIFS ' , , Usee Sesttls - ,v. ' JBFFBasON." Thsmeay. Fvbrwry SB, at I s. mu, sta wssaf te. . - CA1UB-AT 1 BtasJaata, Hum Peugtas, ttalnaa, .Sha) way. esssum with W. P. m T. ten tea Attha, Da ween, tSsssB, Bems, eta - gee AU Best CaB er send far "Trie ae Vol. ft A -aosae siasiwi,- latest Wis ' ' ?J Alaska a a CO. . ' ' sh Woelsey Co, Agents. ' 383) Osk S . FartUsA Or. KQRTII PACIFIC S. S. COS Steamship Roanoke . , ' A800 TONS, Sslle ret Sea rrsaeisoB and cslUas at Burka sa Ue Asgeles. . THURSDAY. MARCH I Fraan Cnlnmbl TWii X. l.'ill. a, erieket etacs 133 third St.. asr Alder. Psoae Mala 114. BABBT YOUNG, Agtat. LEE YUEN . - -". Sm A B0TA1TD3 CHINESE PHYSICIAN Having studied medicine for many years under noted doctors of Chine. He cares all nervous, cbronlo and private dlaeasea of sua and women. He com pounds and puts up for use hie rem sd lea, the Ingrsdlsnta of which ars carefully selected. My remedies will not destroy your stom ach, nor endanger your life with an operation. Ton take no risks, aa 1 use no poisons or drugs. , I Insure quick results at the low est posp Ibis sost. ' - . v " Call and see me tt yon srs af . meted. .... " ' ( 1 e- Doctor Lee Yuen so. apt rara Te NBTSvaxp. or, IMPEECEDENTED SUCCESS OF O. Gee Wo The Great Chinese 1 Doctor : AIM. 142 J First St. Car. Morrlm Bs mle lea stag ststessssts ts ths afflicted. I guarsBtos a complete, set sad luting cars la the Slickest smslhls time, and t the In we at eoat possible fur honest end bbcmh fsl treslmeat. ears estarrh. a thm sua. throat. - rkeaasttlsm, an aiaiinea. sstssasE. Urer, kldaertnd lost mnhod. nMAU TBOVBtES AND AIX MXTAT1 SISEASXA , Bfv ttmtdles ' sea kermless. eamnaead of ree hi. herbs, buds lad barbs eapeeiail elec44 as impsrtsa sireet ey et trssi tbs tstsdst f W.JuT'JvIMri' PBXAT. Ajts. siittiiuui. If yea easaot eall, trrlt tor ermptosi phkak nd iseslei Inclne d ceota OOBIVLtATIOM rBEX, The p. woe Ws Ohlneee Medleta Os., 1SV Fbst a., Oernee Meeriaea, letlaad. Of, rrFisay n"i-iirrTn fxusj m r. Geiser-llendryx, , investment Co. aVBB Blag, BBS snaxk - itAjja; 1ST. UMAZ SBTATR AXT9 tsTff OF AU MXM9U. If you want quick action and good re turns, list your property with ba SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS ' 19 Acres CI oss In, well Improved, only It.OOO; crop will nearly pay for place. ST6VOO0 Quarter block, with good brick DUlioings on trsi ana staaison. pay ing good Intsreet an Investment, Fine 3oS on Fourth, near College. Its 100, only ff,800. Thio IB a aesiraois building lot and eloae In. noow6xlS. on Blxth, Bear: Union depot This Is a bargain. 97,850 Two t-room houses, on ltth snd Lovejoy. This, la a good Investment. 918,000 Quarter block, with large house, close In, on Blxth street Look this up. 91,400 Fine corner, on 1Mb and East mars; aiso insiae iuv .,avv. . a news are very desirable. We have Sflms of the best acres rs. close In, for subdividing. It will pay you to see us aooui inia. - Thsre will be something doing on the east side soon. Tsks our word for this. If you wont to invest wnere you can make Boms money, come and see ua at once. We have some very desirable blocks on Ksst Second and Third streets cheap now. . We ' have desirable property In all parts of the oity. Come In and see ua Thos. McCusker Mgr. Realty Department JOURNAL WANT ADS . BRING QUICK RESULTS sToUldlna, rertkuiX r Cwk Bprrtcje. n sxbsvI Lzz f . . - 1 .'..,:', - tai.j traksfctat:c"'. . 0 11 Ceer-M-" 1 1 3 Tnini to iU East 1. esh Psllmsa sUndateT and teejrut sleep. IWwaVsaVBa mnl Ik ah art. a. . . an 1 . he Kit J4nT caslrcara (seats - free . ts tb. TVrZrl". ."Fiai .iw . A fl..M. poanie. uaiir. L. a.aiweas me tss East ls Hustlnatou. dally... .7?!. 8:11pm TtlS sst , . t aivxa Divuion. S' stsiwui eW II Fins. TAMHTLI. Biveia suirrm nel.T. -. wregoB'tity ssd FsmkUl line t?. t'I" and Modoc. A-t. Sock. warn T. -. . 1M 'vTdailyj s sw. , rt! Botrrt. ' mEZi.Z'?- 'da., eed way points from Wi'i' stoemer Spokas snd Uwls. K- a i . "I- "Poa rnei Traia No. 4. datlT sxeept taturdaT. Arrlr lis dan- except FrioVr. ' S Ticket Office. Third ssd WaeMsgtoa BtS.' . - C, W. RTI.VGKU. Cite Ttebet a. U CBAIO. Oeseral Paaassger A seat. EAST1 SOUTH Dales Uava. Ajrtve. Ovsrland Ex Trains for Baleaa. HiaahM. A.I.. ad. Sacramento. Ofdes, fas FrsBciscs, Stscktes. ' Los Angeles. Bl Peee. New Orlaan aad ths east Morning train connect at Woodbars dally except Snsday , with train for Mosst Angst, Sileeetea. Browneelllo. s-,.,.; W.adllug as Nitron-... Bugeae peeaenser enn- aectl at Waodbnra with SiMfsi nisssA. : 8; ;'efjsa '..'i'-i-' MoAussal ssd SUrer. 4:18 pm ejOiSfgm CorejlIU pamger 1 :M S:Mpm SkerMns peseeeger ,. 4 :80 pm 8:ltm Oaeee . 1118:48 m 1 111 AS sa -uaiiy. iinetie esesss nssay. POBTLAND-OSWBOO SUBDBBAIt gBTlCB AND TAMBSIU, DIVISION. Lear Portlied (depot foot of Jefferese St.) Sails far Osweaw I 80 a. SI lSiM. 3:0. 0. 8 M. 8:38. 80. 10:10, 11;) m. Dally & Susdarl, B40. 8:80, B4S, 10 SB s. ft. Sonear only .8:00 a. am. -taming frena Oewegs, srrlvs Fertiind dart S. Bui 1:88. 3:0(5. 8:08. 8:1. t:88. 8:14, 11:10 p. in., 13k 88 s. m. DsUv (exceot Bonder). 8 38. 1 M. 8 80. 11:48 a. Bs. Suadar oalr. 10 08 a. m. - 1 Usees from sam depot Sat PsBss ssd inter mediate points dally 4:11 a, , Arrive Feet, land 10:10 a. m. The Indepearteoee-Monmouth Tetofap ties eeav stea dallr te Mop mouth and Alrtle. eoenecftsg with Southern Pacific esmpsay's trschs s Pe Flrat-eliae fare from Ferttiad ts Seeremenle ssd San Frsndice 830. berths 88: sstsad .lass tar tIBi seennd-eUas bees t380. Tickets te Baara polar snd Strep ss lapaa. China. Honoluls seat Anetralis. ' City Ticket Office corner TM,d sad Wsah tagtoa streete. Phowe Mats TIA CTW. trrtNtaBB. A. U CBAI. Oty Ticket tt Agear.. uea. rasa, ageea. A. TIME CARD OF TRAINS '; Portlandi ' - ----- lea, j Arrtrs, V.llfcMe Paeh.Bti Cltf-at. Laaet Rpeelal tot CfchUs, Centralis. , Olym- pia, uraye narpar, SWI sA Taeoms, Seattle, Spo kane, Uwtstoa. Butts. Bll- llags. Dearer. Omaha. Baa- - 5 Ci Cite. St. UalS SBd thea.1. dalle .......... North Ooeat Limited, else. 4t8l ; sSJ trts ugatee. lot Taeoms, S-ettle. Spoktse. Bstte. innneapolis. nt. liui ana he n.a Sadie.'. ;aB4s.. fiSSsa Paget Sosnd Limited, f ... .. . , ) -4:38 sm 181 pm Cothaiis, rastraits, jac aad Seattle esir, ",.. Twia Cite Exprsss for Th- e Express for T (eettle, Spokane. Bstte, St. fanl. Se ll.l..a Kaawwa. Mlsneason. . Lincoln. St. Joseph, hasae Ctty Wtlb put hng ef eer. INrscS atd Leasees tVwP SlTl IWIIBtl 1:48 pm in :BS peg psjsj He sajTns-mwi , qau . ' , A U, . OA Ft Le-J tVtNt earn ana. eae. trsweiwi nss see A feat. SM Morrtaoa ftvsst. oorsor Tkitd. IWtlsaA Or. . . , .'. Astoria & Columbia 5 River Railroad Co. rri Uavs eVrrtvq Fes Btsytvrs, Balsistv CUt- kiat. Weataert. rauton. Aeterta. Warrestos. Fke- rat, nissMt, rerr sns. Oosrbaet Park. Seslde IMia It:SS AatorU tod sWsshor. ss- , pre dally.,,.. T1O0 BS) , SS0 SS r .11 eeale. dalle. , - V . reas saiir.,,....i.., AU tralaa dallr. - . J. ft MAYO. a. f rsnd FV A.. Astoria. Or. fl. A- STIWART. rwmmercUJ AfsaV AJdet street Pbon Mala SOA -'e..l B F-W wo . a TML COw)rTnaABA' evAXe O Overhai TrabsCiy O Oriestsl Limited, ths Fast atsJI" IA SEATTI.B AND SPOKANE. , - Dallr. Pally. Usts. . Arrlr. Portland time seheduta , To and from Hpokano, St. Pasi, Minneapolis. ! , Iraluth and all polaU ' Bast ela Sesttls. ..... S:S8sm feosm 11:48 pm 8 AU pm To and from St. Pssl, Minneapolis. Duluth ' and nil point Aset . via Spokane t it pm 8:08 sm rest Vthea Stsamshtp OS, ' Sailing from Seattle for Janes sad China porta and Manila, earr; tog pas. sengers ssd freight. , ,, i A A Dakota. March IB. . ' " ' , ' A A Buiwra, April 38. BIFFON TTTSEB BAISKA . (Jinee Mill Ste.mklp t.) S. B. kAMAtlAWA MAKU will ll ffoa Seattrt oet Mirck 8V for Japan sd thlna ports, earrjlng pasMBger ssd '""foV ticker, rates, berth rsssrvs Boao, etc.. eall oa er Street H. DTCfefB, 0. P. X. A.. It T"- Feneaad. Oewtwa. fbens V-Ja . - ' yor Cee F-r. T 'II f a " k. i" naanngron. air. :is IB S'-aS pan Waihlugton. Walla Walla, v . , e;i pes oiwew a. . T. , aoaa unuiun. ,.rf'!"''"'"l way polnta. r".necti? with ?,T?"TI Ilwaco eat North Reach, eteemee -. Seek 8 p. Bj. dellr. 1 a,n,"l,; Saturd.r. 10 p. m. Arrives tSout B p. m.. oarent Sondsy. f(pf V .- t