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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1906)
( V a 1 . sooner! wiad. , j PORTLAND. OSECOII. SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY' 13. I"! FOUR SECTIONS FORTY-FOUR PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTC VOL. .ILL IIO. O. i m in r . ., . 1 . . . ' u mm i"-:vnnr.IH .1 I i It M I , I I nnasj a w mm Government Wl Exact lt Pound ; of Flash FronvLate Cena- - : Hoard. L! HAS PREFERENCE OVER THOSE OF,' OTHERS Si... Ettdt;AlprIadd st Three Thousand '': EIhV Hnvdrsd Dollm, Whh ; Claims Against It of Ten Thousand Dollr Find Imposed Upon Sena- 7 tor If oat Be Settled First. :" N . ; " ' -- r- '" "" ; ; :. .. 1 : : - --r-' v-"; -r f i i ;- '."':, .i ;.- ' -V;:' JL.J)ttt-of the-eoenty aetata -of the Ute Senator . Jehiv U. Mitchell the United State govarnmaot will collect SLOW, , the- amount of the ftn whtch formed . a part f hia eentenoa. By direction of .. , tha aoUoitor of the national treaaury. . - formal notice baa beaa aerrad upon 1 , Colonel David M. Dmna, admtnlatrator of ,tha eitate. tb the money muat be ? nalL. . ' - v Senator Mitchell' eaUte baa been na pralaed et about tl.ioo, while tna cuuma ' asainat It a(gresate about tlt.OOOO. The 1 irovernment'a claim t aiven by law pref , erence oyer all other debt aav funeral axpenae and . azpenaaa of admlnlatra : tlon, and will therefor be paid In fulL . Out of tha Veaiduo of the aetata the ret raalnlni creditor muat be aatlafiad. and - It 1 eatlmated that they Will be fortu , nata If they, receive Si per cent of their Sv claim. . :,; . .'' ' y ST Sninfnl OoBtaai tJMt, . Several of the - eredltora, when tn ' formed of the . government' purpose t0 'i . enforoa , pdymenb of Sanater Mitchell H fine, expreased trona; dliaatiafaoUon, : . aad n effort may bp mad to oontaat -wtb aUewaaaa d ik rwwsMet't male . in the evwint court, . bt attorney I ir- .1 as aX , L. . - i . ..-v.. .-i.-a i- rt r- of laat year In a verdict of runty. week later ha wa sentonoed by iuujre I Da Haves to pay a an, of H.oo at44f mpryaned in the eounty au tot aix monUim. , An appeal Te The TmnedTStatMtby- tBeriearOarura. unramet .court stayed : the execution t , th eenteno and,. to appeal u atlll rxnding when Senstor-Mitchell's death L,:.joeutTd i A- few day later, -on motloa of hla counsel.-. John- M. Thurston, tut auprsms court - dismissed ths appealj thereby, leaving tha sentence of U trial eoart Jn full fore and. effect t 'V V'SHfe to 'Widow Oat of Iwrti'v' '- ' Early In December Instruction' war ' sent from Washington to file- a. demand ' upoa Colonel Donne, aa administrator of (Continued on Pas Four.) District - Attornej ChaTges Will Be Acted on '::h, -f, y by President Monday.!. ' - fWMhlairto Bares ef The earaal.) I : Washington Feb. 17. district Attor. aay Bristol's answer te .charge which have been made against bin of dlaloyal- : ty to clients wa received by th de partment of Justice today. Owing to the Longworth-Roosevelt wedding, the executive offices were not opened for business, and Bristol- answer has not reached the preeldSt..''',.'.V-'. -.J" Officer of th department of Justie bave examined Bxistol's defenae,. but will not a lac lose m ccsiieni m aavanc of submitting It to tU president and will not discus any feature of the an - wr or" sxpress any opinion upotf -th effect It I likely to bave with the presi ''. dent.' ''J -1 ! f ;'.-- ":" '"?" Definite action may be expected Mon day when th president has opportunity to examlna the defense. Th nature of ' Brtetol' answer, wss given to Senator '.! Fulton this evening, but It was Imparted - to him In confidence, and he la unable to make' public any. Information i eoncern- Ing 1U . .'y'-- " ;,'7"o t":'r j DEATH CHEATS MOSBY i RIDER OF HIS FORTONE (8a 11 DktH by taevd Wire to The Jnenwl) ' Colorado Springs. Col.. Feb, IT. Uncle John Hunter of Toledo, Ohio, died at the v Printers- home -today aged 1 years. tath cheated him out of a part of tb - mtlllcn lrft by th 1st Baron Robert Von Mastow of Berlin, wltji whom Hunter fought sid by, aid In th con- ,' federate army during th civil war. Had It not been for th delay which - occurred In th German courts In th disposition of the estate, he would have received about 2,000 from hi titled i Oernun frtwnd. Campaigning with the famoua rebel . chief. 0neral John Moaby. was an In- cldent In th csreer ef Hunter and thl - brought him--In. contact with Von Mka- WISTOL'SAOSt'JER IflfflllSliGipdl r,sTTeply-rto H Th two men became fast friends. , With the downfall of th confederacy, 'th baron returned tT Oermany. In hi win he bequeathed fl.OOA.eas to b die trlbuted eq.u"r among th survivor of W ' of, ...J, of whom ther ar now' about 10, t ' . " i'; . ; T- ---- . - 'vv-.u President of Portland Commer cial Club Makes Formal Art-. I -; ftouncomeTrt; of -Candk-r a dacy as Republicans I ; ' PROPOSES TO GO TO t PEOPLE FOR SUPPORT - ) Jv - f i ..V- t: F ': -'t.-v.-'7v ': BellerM That ; Psopls's Cholcs for Place Wm Bs taectd by Legtola " Inrs to Represent Oregon In United T States Senate Contert With Jona- than Booms -Will Be Xnterestinf . H." M.'Cakr predenrof lie Portland Commercial club, - ha announced hi candidacy for United State aemttor. The New waa not unexpected, "for h ha had Jibe matter under eerloua con lderaUon Jf or aome'time past and hi friend hay been urging him to make the race. '. - .. - - "Tea, I am s eandldau tof the Re pubMcan nomination for United State enator.". aald Mr. Cak laat evening, whan asked whether ho had decided upon tha eourao ha would purau. "Be yond that, there la little, that I can tell, you at this time. - la , the near fu ture I hair explain fully my poaltlon a all publlo UMtlona. I am in full accord with tha principle of the Repub lican party aa represented by the pres ent administration. If I am nominated and elected. I shall strive to th beat of my ability, for th promotion of th Intereat of th whole state, with whtch I have been very, familiar for th past few year.".-. - v ' f . The appearance of-H; If. Cak In th political arena a a senatorial aspirant la, alanliuwat . I -tno- srowinr notiet th-t tb nt r-nator sputt seoure hi V- rote f th pe-le, in the r- r' '- ' t -"-i. - 1 o. ... etna avowed eana.. . .e Id tu field, hie. Cake prcpoaea to go te th people for Indorsement. beUavlns that tha man of their oboico f or -senator will be elected . It la daaeraUr conceded' thit th next senator. mast be a- Portland. man and both of the candidate In th field ar residents of thla olty. . , StUl another Portland man may enter th rao. for Dr. Andrew C Smith has been urged t ao so, ana. i . seiievea inat ne wouia no4- be rUnwiUlns to measure swords for so treat a prise. -County Judt In. Ht Webster ha considered aerloualy tb adviaablllty of baooenlns a candidate for senator, but It 1 altogether probable -(Continued on Page Four.X HI AVOIDS ARREST BY Ml EOrOEIECIIVES ( MrsSertha Cordon,-at Portland Hotel, on AppearancS. of Xap. tain Bruin, Suddenly Becomes' III, and. Seeks Shelter Beneath Bedclothes Detectives Stand Guard Until She Surrenders -. - :. ..... .... , Guarded as vigilantly as any stolen prlnoean 1a the good old- knighthood days,, Mrs.- Bertha BL Gordon. ' also known as Mrs. W. A. MeCardy, of San Franolsoo was captive lit room of th Portland hotel, while detective kept constant vigil at' her door' from ' (:I0 o'clock yesterday afternoon until short ly after midnight, when h surrendered. A telegram front hsr attorney In San Francisco warned Mrs. - Oordoa yester day - that ah - wa wanted there on- a felony charge, and when Captain of De tective , Bruin announced , himself at her door at I o'clock h was suddenly taken UL Her Ulneee urprtd the of ficer, though it. did not deter him from ntrtoig. - --: . - r -- - -. - Openipg the door he found the women In bed. She refused to arlsa, and aald she would not; accompany him to head quarters unless he carried he bodily.' This the gallant ctptaim refused te do, but immediately - aummoned Dr. C H. Wheeler, city health officer. ' Dr. tvneel r diagnosed th ess and gravely pro nounced th 1 woman - te .be in perfect health. . . He . Could dlsoover .no .symp tom of lllnees, h said. . ,", ' i.; - sk i zn. , ' ZnsIsUng still that ehe . wa tir, -Mr. Oordon rfoed to leav her bed, whloaU caused Captain Bruin to decide -upon plan that the fair eaptlv said - wa "very 'ungentlemsnly. H posted d- tectives at hsr door, relieving them at Intervals. , i, ty : ' , . , , ' 'At midnight last night. Judge .Cam eron ef the- polios court issued a war rant for th arrest of Mrs. Oordon ac cusing her as a fugltlv from Juatlc. Th warrant was placed In th. hand of Captain Bruin wbo went Immediate ly to Mrs. Gordon's room In the. Port land hotel.-' Mrs. Gordon politely, hut flrmly declined te get up and In a mild way defied th officer to take her. Cap tain Bruin Informed her that If ha did not get up and drsss be would wrap her np In a blanket and take her te the police station aa she waa. - Mrs. Gordon then' consented to aria and drees. She waa than taken to th police station where 4 he waa given over into tha custody of Matron Simmons. . Mrs. Gordon Is g handsome brunette, apparently In the : neighborhood of I years of see.' She reached the city six weeks ago, and has spent t)t peal fort aJght at th Portland, She flrst came Julius: Kuhrr.wMortalljr Wounded, Runs Behind - Bar,- Seizes J 7: Heary- Beerpdass an Hurls It at Assailant. THEN FALLS TO FLOOR : ; AND BREATHES LAST v" .': Slttinc In J Saloon. "Chatdng "With . Ellas 8hupe When afaaksd Man Enters Starts Toward End of Bar. and Aaeaesln Fires MotiW Not ' Known No Trace of Murderer. -3;:-;T' :X:"' :lv' . MorUlly wounded by a masked assail, ant. Julius Kuhn. proprietor of a saloon at: Williams avenue and Waidler etreet. ran behind his bar, seised" bayy beer glass, hurled It at th retreating aas in and then fell to the floor dying. ' -. -. The murder- occurred , laat night ' at :! dfclock and cannot be explained by tha poHc,"who' are' so far unable tp asoartaln whether the motlv waa rob bery or reyeng.-"- There wa only on eye wttneaa to. th deed.' Kl la Bhupo of tit Page street, an employ of th olty engineer's of lie, who was formerly a police patrol- 8hup-wao- exoUedUiot fear th murderer or Kuhn would turn tb re volver on hint thatch la unabl to give th police more than a meager descrip tion of th man, who waa seen running up- Weldler etreet after leaving the sa loon. . Four detective ar at work on ' --,.,)v. :!'. ' Mrs. Kuhn' and her daughter. Lillian, aged' II year) heard tha discharge of the-! revolver from their living apart- ment -over -tha smlocn and Tan down' talr and through a sid door Into th barrooam. Iboy eaw Kuhn lying behind ' rr. rs. Kvn waa overcome ay . a . and wa Artled apai buut in., (.a U preav ,.t4 by the shock and ralatlvea war ummonsd to attend ser. Her grief -and that of ner ahlld wa pitiful and dtctive had not the heart to uuastiou net tureiie eaaa tm eertai that she knew of no person wbo har bored enmity against her husband. - f . r sraraar Were Iftaeli, Th aaloonroan and Bhup were seated at a table about II feet from tb bar whea th murderer entered by th front door. Sbup deeorlbea th man as about t ' feet - -im:he tail, - of mod turn build, . wearing dark ' olothea and a dark hat Hi featur, except th chin, were concealed behind a black mask. Bhup cannot remember-whether -tb (Continued on Pag Four.) j,. . . . .. .u. '.?. v'tf ,;.-.' -V te the bote! during the evening hours. when : the lobby- waa practically, de serted. ; ."-; . ' . Th. clerk on duty at tb time .wa sons what startled by th sudden sp- pearanc ef a styllably dressed woman, who walked hastily Up to th counter, presented her card and naked to be as signed to her room Immediately. . Het baggag must be aant up at once, ehe said., and her command were quickly obeyed. ,. ..j- -.-' :, & , ' Sasbaad WsaltSy Stan. . , - Since her arrival at the hotel, , Mr. Gordon na led a quiet and unobtrusive Ufa.- She . waa rarely en about ' th lobby, " but casual Inquirla disclosed from bar th fact that she wae tb wife of a wealthy man of San Francisco, and waa bare on extremely Important busi ness. : Her business demanded legal as sistance, ahe aald, and that waa why sha waa compelled t visit the offloe of Attorney James Glaason ao often. ' ; Yesterday -'Chief - Orltsmacher re ceived instructions from th hlf of polio at San Francisco to arrest Mra Oordon. Th telegram' stated that ah waa wanted there on S bench warrant Issued from th polio court yesterday. Th warrant wa leaned. It waa aald, by pollc- judge B. P. Shortall. after the woman' bond for 11,000 had been de clared forfeited yesterday. . She wae under bond. It wa said for issuing a fictitious note In July for th sum of 100. Th . complaining witness - was F. W. VowIMk of Saa Franolaeo, wh claimed to have cashed th worthless not for that amount. She waa placed under bond of J,Ke and ' arraigned. The case ha been pending sine laat July and her attorney succeeded In hav ing the bond decreased to tl,ee. It wae declared , forfeited yesterdsy and a bench warrant for her arrest Issued at once. ' .-.'-' .' ' '' ''- Hot a AH jrprlesS. .': -' Th woman waa not In the least sur prised when Captain Bruin entered her room yesterdsy. Sh waa apparently expecting hi arrival, though Captain Bruin asserts that he has posltlv evi dence that ahe wa preparing to tear tb city laat night He arrived at her room a short tlm Sfter her receipt Of the telegram from San Francisco, warn ing her of th impending arresu- On Its Continued on Pas Te,4 r - GOiriG TO GUAROiOOOR- - " .7 .-:'T T -" mmmmmm . .. ' J ..r- S TaV - ' ' . ' . i " . ,v, . nil) il l. rr. - i - t. jrf - - L'l v t 1 ; . "..-L.ixJ.1. inCK 'i X-- " ' $. ;Y V ti rwMU -rX: :V. ' I . .Ak vff - T . . T .laJTA wr , m r m naw a r 11t-" - vvt " zi j ... . ' . r - , - v. ' - . w . i wmmmm I If 7i r I. i . r'W'ttlY "-.V ' i.X i l tha bridegroom witn hi peat man. SEES LAND STEAL El Maxwell . Declares ; Joint 8tate- - hood Bill Gives Opportunity j , ' for Gigantlo Craft. y , ; i (peelal IMspateh by Lseetd Win t Th Jiaraal) Washington, Feb. 17Gorg W. Maxwell, head of th NaUonal Irriga tion league, which le ' Interested In va rlou movements for lb betterment of publlo ' land law, declare th pending statehood bill contain! th blggsst land steal that b aver eaw, ' It grant to th new stats of Arlson-ToUr sections In each township by number and wherever these township navs been Included In forest reservation a, military reserve- tlona or- Indian re serration a, th state will bave an equivalent number of sec tions wherever it can locate thorn, and thea an irrsSDOnslbl snd ' InexDerl- eneed new legialatur will have to dial s of at th bidding f th land king. - -" - .' ' i ' Mr. Maxwell predict aa experience Ilka that In Nevada where the stats al lowed graslng companies to got ' bold ot It valuable territory te th perma nent emplacement of the homemakeri It ' aesuis probable that enough Re publican senator win vote with the Democrat to insert tb Forakar amend ment giving to each of then two ter ritorte th right to vote separately on th questlirn of "th merger. ' AHsons would doubtless refuss to go in, henoe th Foraksr amendment would mean th "undoing of th' legislation of th preaaot eongree leaving Arlsona and New Mexico to remain as territories. Washington, D. C, Feb. 17. Report ers are unable-io- verify th rumor that Hetty Green sent Mrs. Longworth S UO wedding present, - in t.ieasur SmilmgSerenely JJichoiii&ngvvoia nfwiv llldll Ul IS iff-,"1 -y-C ; Mrs, Alks RU::03 THAT EUSTIS IVILL ., IVED HOIS COUIIIESS Paris Club Talk Prophesies An ( other Wedding When Cas- tsllane Is Divorced. ' Hx (Special Olfsstck by Usm4 Wlrs'ls The Jesrasl) - " ParlsV Fsb. 17. Accord tn tar a rumor which la discussed in the elube tonight. a son ef th late ' Jam t. , former minister to Part Under Clov- land. wUl marry th Countess de- Caa tellane aa soon aa eh get s divorce from Count Bont, . -" j-' .-. Th club whisperers add that the count s Indlscrstlons are only th eur fao reason for th countess asking for freedom. When th Marquis d Cas tellan waa told of the talk, ha said) - "1 cannot confirm or deny th rumor. It simply surprises and Interests m.". Th let Jam B. Euatia left tw eon a. Jam B. Jr., who I married, and Newton B Who I unmarried. . , , - EDTiA t.!AY IS MARRIED to oscar lev;isc:i:j Chics go, Feb. IT. It developed here today that Miss Edna May, tha actress, te now Mrs. Oecsr Lswisohn. having be come the bride of tb wealthy young New Yorker about ' two weak ago. It could not be learnee) by whom Aha mar riage ceremony waa performed, for wher It took place, but airs.. Lewlsohn -was married under bt toaldan- name of Edoi rettjrj ' f"- r.'-' -:';V :'; ' :;' ' s' r'X'' SX: 'XX. ;.y '.,, X;-X ' .1- Audience Ever, Seen at the rn nniiPi f takf bat w w w a.k. .1111 TO JOHN R. M'LEAN'S COUNTRY; HOME Rice Is ShoWeVed : Upon Bidder a$They Enter -Alito, Giving Slip joRteiheeIiI by; the v Farmers ' s ' 1 y WITliant Hester.''-" ' (Spoelal Dtooatek by Uaaed Wire te The Jaaraen Washington, Feb. IT. Tb wedding ef Alice Le Rooeevelt, daughter of th president, and Nlchola Ingworth, oongressman from th First district of Ohio, wss celebrated In th Whit Hon at noon today. Right Reverend Henry Rooscvslt-Incwortb ia Her Wedding Oowa. pope pius opeiily defies freixh 60ver;;::eiit Pontiff Nominates New Bishop v, of Orleans Man Already Re-. . "V'l'Jected; 8everal Tlrnes. A. (Speelsl Dnsttch by Leased Wire t The Josratn Rom.- Fb.-IT. PlturX baa at Ut been persuaded to openly defy , th French government regarding th eon- ftrol It Intended to xercls over the nomination of bishops mads by the church authorities. , Ha bss lust nomi nated a new biahop for. Orlaans la th person of Abb Dublr, whose candidacy had already been submitted several times br th Vatican for other French aeea and bad ' been - rejected " by th French government in every Instance. - This I thought to be only a prelude te a determined j wsr between' the boly see and Ihs French government, a move which will decide th emountof indem nity th church la to enjoy from Franca Of course the new -bishop and all those whom tb pope will appoint after this wilt not receive from the government sny salary sxcept th amount they ar entitled to- under- tha provision of th dw law. .. . . - . - - Pennsylvania atea harvard. (Reerial Manatee By Least Wire le The Jearaal) Philadelphia. Feb, 17. The Univer sity of Pennsylvsr'e, r---Veihll tram virtually won th 4.., -roiirglale chm plnnshlo tonight by defratlng the Lar jtard team, It to 1J. . . . - , . '' .- ... ' ' i Nation's Capital. Ainn trip iw w 1 III ( . rasThey lJa; T. Batter!, Protestant Episcopal bish op of Washington, performed th fmony, uelng th shorter form r ' th Episcopal servloe. In which th sponee from , th witnesses and ' the must ar emitted, .'Tb brld ' given away by her father. There were ad brtdesmalda, and In thla respect th earomony was of th simplest character. . Entering th fa mous Bast room on tb arm of hsr fath er th brld walked through tha roped aisle, thronged on? either aid by diplo mat. Statesman and other personages) famoua th world ovsr, to th rataed platform at tha and of th room, where th bridegroom witn hi best Thomaa Nelson , Perkins of Boston. awaited hr. - : . But eight minute waa reqntrad te oempleta tha ceremony. - Both Mr. Loog worth and Miss Rooeevelt, In making tha responses, spok In clear, audible tones, which were heard throughout th apart- , XsUe b Serena. A calm, aeren smile rt4 env th fac ot mr "Wane" kiOQls br.e. while Mr. Ieeworth waa solemn but per fectly seif possessed. President Roose velt stood Immediately pbehlnd th veuna couple during the jeeremony. To the left wra Mrs. Roosevelt and (Continued on Pege Two.) Djur seio 03 n FELT AT ST. IB Disturbances Most Cevere In Many. Years and Cusiness ' ' ;! -':X-;" Is Suspended-. ; (Speelsl Dlsaateb by teased Wtre to Th JoursT Castriea, laland of St Lucia, Feb. 17. Following th earlier earthquakes yesterday a shock occurred at o'clock; In th , afternoon. , It wa ac companied br a loud detonation that eauaed a panic among many of th in habitant. Slight shock were felt at Interval, until S o'clock thl morning. Th Inhabitants ar greatly disturbed and buslnssa la suspended la almost ovsry ' adjacent ' i community. Many houses and place of buelneas have ben damaged and th occupant have k i for other, point. Of th iw i buildings many are private hot -tore, which have suffered I Cable communication to the !' . St. Vincent and Berbedoea U I The disturbance la tns v i v that baa visited th 1e:c M than three cor years t Franca, Martin Iqie, t i riBc, but HtU dan- t v White th eejtlr- ' ' th tianlah Wert 1.. . ' far a learned J R t was Injired. r- r r- r