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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29. 1903., All: GOODS ' PURCHASED ON CREDIT ACCOUNTS TODAY or SATURDAY, WILL, BE CHARGED ON JANUARY BILLS 31c7Wore Days ;;; ,of clearance sales they end" february 8,. 1003 Saturday, Dec! 30 ' FIFTH DAY OF THE.28TH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE; STORE CLOSES DAILY STORE OPENS DAILY ; : AT 8 A. M. V:, At 6 p.m. "THE DIFFERENT STORE Qriginatort of, Clearance Sales jrt Portland ; " nil, 6TH.WASHiINGTON STS. -1 Store's Clearance Sale Herald EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Every Article in the House Is Forcefully Reduced During Clearance ;. . ; ; . sales uontract uooas, upon yvnicn me maKcrs xs.cguiuic x-nuca, aiuug. ipicuj Get the FURS AND RIB BONS for the FOOTBALL GAME NEW YEAR'S DAY afternoon at. Multnomah Field. M: A. A.. vs. Seattle AC. TICKETS FOR SALE in the MEN'S SHOP, Sixth Street Entrance to Store. PRICE $1.00, INCLUDING GRAN DSTAND. ' Rousing Values in. Smart Stuffs For Styliah Gown and Frocks Extra Special lor" Saturday " Fabric Salons Fifth Street Annex. Silk and Dress Goods Salons v'. vri-;'; ; , J FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. : YARD-WIDE BLACK TAFFETAS. -v--. Regular ..$1.25 $1.50 $160 $175 yard Special .91.05 $1.25 $M4 $1.49 yard, -; .i . - Fast dyea and all dependable silks.' " -' .. Regular 85e Colored Taffetas, in every wanted shades special. 1 yard . . . . . V. ......... ..... . . . - -7?f Regular 75c value Imperial Wash Taffeta, in all cplors; .specwl, yard . . .' ..... .. ,-':. .. ''t . BLACK ALL-SILK SATIN DUCHfiSSE AT HALF PRICE. $2.00 grade; special for, yard.. J J'??, trade: special tor. vara , .T-7a $2.50 grade: special for yard. . CHENEY BROS.'NEW SPRING FOULARDS All 1906 .Style and Colorings " - AT ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE- PRICES. 1.25 Exceptional End-of- ains InEVERY DEPARTMENT SATURDAY, BARGAINS IN ; Women's Furnishings Fads 5 XijhC "; and "Fixins"' -f'i 'V": .' ; first floor. . i . LADIES' EMBROIDERED HEMSTITCHED v r HANDKERCHIEFS. , , . Regular 35c value SpeciaT Clearance price, each.. J Regular 50c value Special Clearance price, each,: ffiS Regular 60c and 65c value-rSpecial Clearance price, ech Regular 75c value Special Clearance price, each. ....... I. .45 Regular $1.00 value Special Clearance price, each. Vf ' 1' ' 25c, HANDKERCHIEFS 15c. ? - - ;; -Fancy Scalloped Edge Embroidered and Hemstitched Hand-. -kerchiefs; regular value 25c. Clearance Special, each.. .. EMBROIDERIES, INSERTIONS. 1 . ' " Grand clearance, commencing today of 20,000 yards ot em broideries and insertions, cambric and nainsook, and some very fine little baby edges, divided in four lots: ;-, r ., iLot 1, in 4-yasitrips Clearance Special, each........ ..Sf Lot 2. in 6-yard strips Clearance Special, each.... ....? Lot 3, in 6yard strips Clearance Special, each.. .;.... Lot 4, in 4j4-yard strips Clearance Special, each.... .. ..89 ' 45c SILK TAFFETA RIBBONS 21c " i Elegant All-Silk Satin Taffeta RibKm. all colors, 454 inches , nvide; regular value 35c; Clearancespecial, the yard l 35c WASHABLE NECKWEAR 15c Ladies' Washable Neckwear, pretty and stylish; value to 35c. Clearance Special, each... i......,.....y. ,. " 25c LACES AND INSERTIONS 10c. ' T White Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, good widths, suit- . able, for trimming underwear, etc.; regular values 15c, 18c and 20c, Special, the yard. ,48 r- $1J0 BANDS AND GALLOONS 48c. '-j , A lot of Fine Bands and Galloons, in ecru, white and cream: regular value $1.50. Clearance Special, the yard........'. 48f . . $i:00 PLAITED IRUFFLINGS 37c V A trtt of Black and White Plaited Ruffling, in fancy chiffon . and Liberty silks; regular value 50c, 75c and $1.00. Clear ance Special, yard 3T $2J0 BANDS AND GALLOONS 48c AND 98c New, Black Spangled Bands and Galloons; values to $2.50. . Clearance Special, the yard... r.'. .......... t. ..48f and 98f Big Reductions in Misses' and Children's Gowns and Coats -N: SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. . ; I V " MISSES AND CHILDREN'S OUTING GOWNS. Iii neat pink or blue and white striped, Mother Hubbard yoke, . double front and back, braid-trimmed i "- A ' .-, ' n Age 2 Our 45c vafue;, special at, each.. ....... ......V.....3-M Age '4--Otir 50c value;' special at, each........... 39 Age '-o-Our 55evaluef special at, each.,... T44 Age. 8 Our 60calue; special at, each..... ....49 lAge-10 Our 65c value; special at, each1JJ.ijiUJJ.54L Age 12 Our 70c value; special at, each............... 59e Age 14 Our 75c value; special at, each..,,.i. ........ ,...64f ' : " CHILDREN'S COATS FOR HALF. Children VColored Coats,-all this Season's' styles andbbth plain and' mixed materials, in the best winter shades, sixes 1 to 6 years, regular prices from $2.50 to $10.00; specia.1 forc'Satur day' aclliag,. at : .1.' . . . ...... . . .T. , . . . Half Prict SATURDAY'S EXTRA CLEARANCE SALE BARGAINS' IN omen's and Children's Hosiery : and Boys' Waitsf -.fe ' first floor. :. '., - v.,. -. X- " . WOMENS 50c "HOSE 35c. '; 4 ft Plain niarlr Cntinn tnA T.ialr "Rlarlc Lare and Fntr H Hose, a splendid assortment; regular. value'SOc, Clear ance Special at, tne pair.. - WOMEN'S 60c AND 75c HOSE 48c . . ' . Fine Black and Fancy' Hose; regular, values ,60c and 75c v Clearance Special at, the pair..... 48 ' , WOMEN'S $1.00 HOSE 69c ' ", A rrt' assortment of Black and Fancy Hose: Values to $1.00. Clearance Special at, the pair. ...9 ..WOMEN'S 92.00 .HOSE 89c T. W A splendid assortment of High-Grade Black and Fancy WHose; values to $2.00. Clearance Special at, the pair.....89f -; ' BOYS' 50c PERCALE WAISTS 30c. Boys' Percale Waists, in"dprk bide, red and medium light shades; regular value 50c. Clearance Special, the pairt. ..30 CHILDREN'S 43cHOSE 26c ' 1 'Children' Black Cashmer Hose, size 7yi to value to 43c. Clearance Specials at, pair..V... . .26 . .v rnn nsBN'S asc HOSE toe. .. -I 'Children's Black Cashmere Hose; regular value 35c Clear-- ftnee Special, the pair... ............ ........... : "Suits, Coafs, Furs and Waists Remarkably . ' ; Reduced for Saturday Selling - EVERY ARTICLE OF ATTIRE IN THE SPACIOUS SALONS OF DRESS DRAS- , j .-, . TIC ALLY REDUCED. 1 y. ' ; .' r' , ' ' ''''!." ' SECOND FLOOR- ! . ; A FUR YEAR, AND 'ALL FURS REDUCED ONE FOURTH A VELVET YEAR WS ' ALWAYS MEAN 8 A FUR YEAR. ... . . Our 'prices at all times are the lowest in the city, while the fur sold here are the choicest and best And" yet, right now, in fur . season, the beautiful, luxurious Furs, Coats or .Fur-Lined Coats, Neckpieces, long or short, are a quarter Jess than their - original modest price each. - Range of values is wide......... f to i : ALL THREE-QUARTER LENGTH SUITS ALF PRICE. -Here the variety precludes detailed description., .Suffice to say, choose from any of the , popular 'Three-Qurter Length- Suits in theVse, all the newest and latest materials, ' examples of masterly skill in workmanship, all man-tailored, in smartest model and style effects! Starting' at $15.00 and running up to $75.00, with plenty i-1"-'" values, you may choose all of Clearance Opening Week at ..... v .... s- HALF PKlv.l , DAINTY CHIC WAISTS, 95.00 VALUES IT.98. -' Pretty Worsted Veiling materials, with trimmings of dainty braids and button s tans, reds, light greens and blues, lavenders and white. "With leg-o'-mutton sleeves, backs and fronts cleverly plaitea,. lancy stocK couar ana nigncuiis; cxin tiucj i wc usual pnees, at Clearance oaie ior.... .;.,......,......,.. WOMEN'S $12.50 COATS $9.38: 915.00 COATS $115. All the . cleverest copceiu of the season "in smart fancy 'mixtures and three-quarter lengths, light and dark gray mixed, blue mixed and tan mixtures, hand tailored by expert . ' . i 1 1 i X -It . : . U . 1 ..... ..If 1 1 - rm mmk uit n workmen in ine aweu ooxy, wjk cuctis, uituunu iccti km ui. m.v... collars of inlaid, velvet with ornaments. v . mit aa ...... T""'1' - : .. . , .. WeekExtra SATURDAY Special Saturday ! WOMEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR SHOPS FIRST FLOOR. WOMEN'S 94.50 AND 95.00 SILK TIGHTS HALF PRICE. Winter-Weight AlkSilk Flesh-Ccjlored Open and Closed Tights; v' legular value $4.50 and $5.00; Clearance Special,. , the pait .... . .......... ,i . . HALF PRICE Extra Special ! Here's Portland's Most Helpful MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE at m fm w ww i . hi an , i v l. wx - i . , WOMEN'S . CHARMING GOWNS. Regular values from 50c' to $27.50 - Reduced to from ..: . WOMEN'S .CORSET COVERS. ' Regular values from' 25c to $12.50-. ' Reduced to from.... ........... ..V..-......21 to - WOMEN'S CHEMISE. Regular values from 50c to $12.50 ' . . Reduced to from.. .......... to ' 'Most helpful becanae most practical practical .Int the kind of under clothe, practical in price. Most women want most of their under - I " clothe for hard, every-day wear, every-week laundering. They want to .pay about what it would cost to make them at "home. Thi kind of nrarttcal unferclothea vou will find in this sale in uneaualed variety. : - a carefully and neatly made a if you did the work yourself. The ale 1 too large and too comprehensive to describe in print. It must be een to realize how fully and practically it cover women' need 'in -' Underwear, Corset and Negligee, Children's Underclothes and Babies'... V'Otne. lieaucca prices ruiv iiuuuuui un hues uuhhj . Sales. Dainty Undermualins in plain styles, bewitchingly trimmed in ' i 1 j : t.y EVERY GARMENT - REDUCED MANUFACTURER'S SALE OF WOMEN'S UNDER- MUSUNS HALF PRICE. Ba Sur' to fihara in These Phenomenal Value. "Tt has been our good fortune to secure a full sample line of .Muslin Underwear fr6m the leading manufacturer of extra fine undermuslin in America at this time of the year, when every woman is looking for bargains in this class of merchandise. ,., There is over five thousand dollars' worth of exquisite, dainty Underwear in thi lot, and but one garment of a kind. The aggregation com prises Gowns, long and snort t'etticoats, corset, i-overs, Oirniiie and Drawers, made of nainsooks, cambrics and luslins, trimmed in embroidery, laces, tuck and hem- titchintr: . '' Gowns worth from:, ..$1.00 to f20.00 Skirt worth from........ 1.25 tc? $40.00 Knee Skirts worth from SO to 9 6.50 Drawers worth from.,.. ,..T6 to fl2fOO Chemise worth from....... to fl2.00 Corset Covers worth from.;. '. ..30J to f 10.00 . YOUR CHOICE AT HALF PRICE. , WOMEN'S SKIRTS. Regular values from 85c to $40.00 fc ' . ' , Reduced to from...... 724 to 935.15 , WOMEN'S KNEE SKIRTS. Regular value from 50c to $7.50 '' Reduced to irom . . . . , . ."t .'. .42 f to f .60 WOMEN'S DRAWERS. . Regular values from 25c to $12.50 -'..-."" 1 Reduced to from....... ...1 to, f 11.00 v A Bevy of Attractive Clearance 'Sale Bargain la ;i' Linen arid Domestic Aisles ; ; , ' .FIRST FLOOR. . ' 90c. TABLE DAMASK 7Sc.i; r 'Extra Heavy. Bleached Satin Table Damask, pretty designs; regular value 90c. , Clearance Special, the yard.........T5V UVtC HUCK TOWELS 106.. v . Heavy Hemmed II uck Towels, large sixe; regular, value . .. 125c Clearance Special, each...' ..,.,.,,........aO " , 85c BEDSPREADS 69c. r, tnr' t hr-.-nnarter 'hf rfsi resrular . value S5c Clearance Special at, each...... t. .,. v - SHEETS AT 46c;.;, 1 ' " ; Large Sixe Double Sheets Clearance Special at, each..,..46f PILLOW CASES lOcM; Ilf avy Linen Finish Pillow Cases. eac Clearance Special at, Worth-While Bargains Tomor row for-Housekeepers - J " FOURTH FLOOR. . ; : r NAVAJO BLANKETS WORTH 97 JO FOR 94.65. " Tendleton Navajo Blankets, all finest fleece wool, our "eyr $7.50 value ; special sale price, each ..................... 9 4.65 , EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS WORTH 921.00 FOR 91W5. Real Eiderdown Comforters, covered on one aide with heavy , plain atin with fancy border, and on the other, side with plain ilk.'our $21.00 Value; special sale price, eachrt-i f 16.85 EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS WORTH 922.50 FOR 917.95. Real Eiderdown Comforters, covered on one side with satin, with figured embossed center' and plain border, and on re verse" side with plain silk, our $22.50 value; special Sale price, each .'....; ...i.flT.95 . SMYRNA RUGS WORTH 92.2$ FOR 9165. All-Wool Double-Faeed Smyrna Rugs, J0x60 inche , in ixe, handsome patterns, our vaiue; special saie ,. price, each J 924.00 l" "i ': 11.00 fii.oo SATURDAY'S STIRRING MILLINERY SPECIALS .25 "HITOII" SALONS SECOl A Bevy ot urana uitering m : Hats ibr Ghildren A hundred 'in ths lot. Felt and Patent', Leather Sailors; values to $1.50. Choose for. ..... .. ......... T CHILDREN'S 93.00 HATS FOR 91.00.. About a hundred Of these, aU handsomely trimmed; values up to $3.00. Special at.. : . . . -V- 91' CHILDREN'S CHIC CONTINENTAL HATS ' ' (.95.00 VALUES FOR 92-Sa . New style and fresh new goods just opened for mid-winter .wear; fine Felts and Silt Beavers iit two-toned color effects, white, pink,-blue, tans, reds, browns, etc.; prettily trimmed with ribbons, quills, -pompons, etc. Special value at i $5.00. Special for Saturday at a choice for..-. .. ; :-it . .f 2.00 .; .' ALL MILLINERY DRASTICALLY' REDUCED! - v SATURDAY'S ' EXTRA SPECIALS IN . Women's Petticoats - Today's Clearance Sale Bargains. Ladies' Petticoats of fine white cambric, 22-inch.lawn flounce ' f English eyelet embroidery or' flounce, with rows Of .wide lace insertions and edgings; regular price $3.50 , and ' $3.75. Special at, each .v. ...... yi. ............ . 2.23 Ladie' Black Merceriied Sateen fetticoats, double sesms, in . a great variety of flounces; Tegular price $1.50.- ' . Special, eaxh ; v B' Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns in dainty pink Or blue and white striped, with plain yokes and cuffs finished with fancy braid; regular price $1.00. SpeciaLat... ....... Ladies' White Muslin Petticoats, 15-inch Hamburg embroidery . .flounce and underflounce; regular $15. . . .. v i . Special; each ........ .v ',............... SATURDAY'S CLEARANCE SALE SPECIALS Ih theGorset Aisle SECOND FLOOR. ' ' " In order to make room for new style of Royal Worcester Corsets, we have gone "through out 'stock and sorted out the broken lines of Bon Ton and Sapphires which we shall dis continue. They are made, of the best imported coutille, Italian cloth and French broches, "wjialebone boning; 12 different styles to select from, in sixes from 18 to 30; colors drab, white, black and fancy figures Regular psicea $,6.50 to $10.00 Special at, pair'... f2.T Regular prices $12.00 to $15.50 Special at, pair..." ..$4.8T VOTES MUST POSITIVELY BE GOTTEN AT TIME OF PURCHASE None Will Be Issued After, Either on Duplicate " Checks or Otherwise This Is Absolute Ask for Your Votes v at Time of Purchase. VOTE FOrTBENEVOLENT FUND DISTRIBUTION AT - 10 A. M. TODAY. . - Pattbn Home Y... 50.105 Fruit nd Flower 'Mission'.,....,.........."'. 39.270 Crittenton Home ... ;..". 37,996 Salvation Army 37,57 People's' Institute 36,196 Babjt Hom-...4f.i,,.....i.:..,'. .'. 32,498 St. Vincent's Hospital ... -.v 32J76 Mt. St. Joseph's Home for the Aged..... 26350 Good Samaritan Hospital......... ................ ...A.. 31320 Old Ladies' Home. ,....'.....-.....,......,'.. ........... 12,203 Open Air Fund...".... 7370 Children's Home :v. . .'. .... 415 Kinas Daughters of Marshall St. Church . 4.2U Visiting Nurse Association.. . . ........ .M ' .. . 4,040 Boys' and Girls' Aid Society..., ...... 2,947 Scattering ......i.,.....-....,,......, 14J4S Total ........ : . . v .... .v. .:. ... .356,521 "1 ' " SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY OF ' Dainty Haviland China Dinner Sets v- BEAUTIFULLY. DECORATED. - . .. lf7-Piece Dinner Sets, regular $ 98.50 value; special. ..9 59.10 112-Piece Dinner Sets, regular $110.00 value;-special...? 6.00 117-Piece Dinner Sets, regufor $115.00 value; special....; 60.00 65-Piece Dinner Sets, regular $ 78.00 value; special...? 46.80 112-Piece Dinner Sets, regular $142.00 value; special.,.? 85.20 117-Piece Dinner Sets, regular $144.00 value; special... ?86.40 117-Piece Dinner Sets, regular $210.00 value; special... flJje.OO 117-riece Dinner Sets, regular $227.00 value; special. J36.20 117-Piece Dinner Sets, regular $235.00 value; special.. if 14J.OO HaU-Prlce Sale of Decorated Vases and Ornaments See special display oft Vases snd Ornaments; extra special, HALF PRICE. Clearance Sale of Steel Ranges i . .SATURDAY SPECIAL. - A Fine Quick-Meal Steel Range, economical fuel-consumer, quick baker, special constructed joints, no bolts, 16-inch oven, exceptional $50.00 value; special Clearance, each .V...f 39.85 . SATURDAY BARGAINS IN w THE SHOE AISLE , . WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOrJ , , Men' 94 00 Shoe 92.89 Men's Fine Box Calf Bluchers, velotir calf, patent colt and vici kid, all riew shoes, single and double soles, regular value $4.00; Clearance special, the pair..?2.80 Men's 9330 Shoes 92.49 A lot of Men's Shoe in broken sixes, all leathers,, regular value $3.50; Clearance special, pair.f2.49 OUR BOYS AND YOUTHS DEPARTMENT Is full of Special Bargains, some lines below the Clearance Sale ., . - i., prices. ' .-. u ' Boys' and Men's Slippers , ' ' - Boys' Slippers,vreg. val. 75c; Clearance special pair. .....43 Men's Slippers, Treg. val. $1.00; Clearance special, pair. ...00 Women's 91,00 Slippers 59 Cents Women's Black and Red Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers, Sizes 7 and ,8, regular value $1.00; Clearance special, the. pair ...........60 Women's $1.75 and 92.00 Juliets 91-19 Vict Kid' Juliets, rubber heels, regular values $1.75 and $2.00; Clearance .special, the pyr . .VJ v... l.lO Women's 93-50, 94.00 and $5.00 Shoes 92.69 Women's Fine Shoes in all kinds of leathers, heavy soles for the street and light " turned soles for dress? regular values' $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00; Clearance special.lhe parr........,. ...M.;...?2.60 Women's Evening and Party Slippers ' Regular $2.50 value; Clearance special, pair. i. ...... ..9 1.89 Regular $2.00 value; Clearance special, pair.: S lJt9 Regular $4.00 Value, with beaded (trap and Lout XV heel; Clearance special, the pair ....a....... 92.49 Extra Special for Men wv FIRST FLOOR SIXTH STREET ANN.EX. ' . ' " The mens shopping dajr Saturday finds everything reduced In the. Man's Shop (except contract goods) and these extra special Dargams: -r . . . " MEN'S. UNDERWEAR REDUCED. ,A line of fine Worsted Ribbed Underwear, in flesh and fawn col ors, splendid weight, regular $2.50 value; special -the Br ment :r.. ... y ....,.,..f 75 9130 SHIRTS FOR 99 CENTS. A big line of Men's Stiff-Bosom Shirts, attached cuff, smsrt styles, best $1.50 values; special, each ........ j., ...... .Of MEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. A line of Men's Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, put up In unirjue "style of box, book design and writing pad, six in box, rrv'f ir prie$1.50; special, the box v.- V LITTLE BOYS' BROWNIE SWEATERS. A line of Sweaters for small lads, siies 22 and 24. in a f4,r 1 -I embracing reds, purples and black, regular $1.2o value; ;. '. each . . . :