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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVBNItyQ, DECEMBER lSMSC?. TOVN TOPICS TOVIOHT'S Axutrxzim. ; Marquea Grand....'. ...."The Bke-Oon' Moiaun. "All the Oomforta Of Host.' Baker. . . . Miialcal BurlMqaa l.tniilr....,., "Tna MIMourl UUT "Lirtr "A Sostawa Heroine" Lltwrty j , ...Vauuertll. Star Vaudmlla Uraad .......... Vaudeville .l.'-. ,,".1 111,'. I A yellow dog and 4 brlndl on be longing to George W. Cleloha war th cause of a law suit that ta now being tried bafor Judge Clelend. Th dot ara aald to hava killed IS aheep belong ing to Martin Qllllhan. who wlahea 1171 damages (or the loaa of tba mutton-on- the-hoof. . Cleloha haa entered a claim for 100 for the kiUlnf of th dogs, which he alleges war worth 160 each. Th defendant aaye that ha alwaya kept the dogs tied up and one day when away from homo som ona untied th canlnea. But Cleloha doaa not admit that hi dogs killed any aheep, but does declare . that OUllhan killed th dogs. '. William A. Taylor,, chairman of ' th State Prohibition commute of Michi gan, lectured laat evening at th Cen tenary church on Titer Great Sin of the Age." There waa a large and apprecia tive audience In attendance and with . more than ordinary eloquence Mr. Tay lor drove hi remarka homeward. In ' the afternoon 'the speaker waa at Bt Johns. Ha will apeak at Salem tonight and Albany tomorrow. Thla la th 11th weatern stats in which Mr. Taylor ha been heard. He 1 will vlatt California, Nevada and Utah before finishing his tour. y ,' . r' A fin chicken dinner was served by the toeing aide tn th literary oonteat held by the Spring-water grange, Patrona of Husbandry, t its laat meeting. Be fore th feaat was enjoyed, th following new officers were sleeted:- Rex Gordon, master; J. A. Shlbley. overaeer; Cary Cromer, lecturer: Abo Stormef, ate ward; N. M. Cloener, aaalatant steward; A. M. Shlbley. chaplain: Earl Shlbley, treas urer; Emma Bhlsley, secretsry; Edward Closner, 'gatekeeper:'- Minnie Ksndl. Pomonar, Mary Shlbley, ftrti; Laura Stromer, lady aaalatant steward. - On Tuesday, December II," at I -m.", the Moat Rev. A. Chrtatla. D. D wlH celebrate pontifical requiem mass at' 8t Mary's cathedral for the repoa of the soul of Mother John Baptlate, lata pro vincial auperlor of the Slaters of th Holy Names. The atudenta attending the local schools of the Staters of the Holy Names will attend the maas in a body. Members of th St Mary's Alum na aaaoclatlon, parents of th students, former students and friends of th sis terhopd are Invited. --Deputy-Bherlffs George Morden, Har vey Mnraland, John Qrusal and Marlon H. JoMison silently swooped down upon Troutdule laat Saturday evening about 7 o'clock In searcH 'of gambling gamea And saloons where liquor waa sold to "minors. If there were any violators of the law ' In Troutdal last ' Saturday, they certainly heard th deputlea com ing for th officials did not -mak an rest. . - - .. County Clerk Prank 8. Fields states that aom time this afternoon th total tax roll for 190S will be completed. He aays that It will show a valuation of about I111.J00.0O0, against a 160,000.000 valuation In 1104. This year property waa assessed at Its real value or nearly ... . , . f i; ;. : The Aiar society of St Mary's parish rwefttly rlete4 th tollowlng officers for the year; Mrs. A.' M. Smithy presi dent; ' Mra. A. Bellinger, vlce-nresldent; Mrs: J. Koonsn, secretary; Mrs. A. Bock, treasurer; sirs, -arosi, airs. u. suuivsn, trustees. For San Francisco and Los Angeles Th steamer Nome City sails Tuesday evening. - Ssn Francisco, cabin. 111; steerage, is. Los rngeles; cabin, 121.60; steerage,- 111. r Meals - and berth In cluded. C. H. Thompson, agent 111 Third street. Are you using th Improved Welsbach Gas Mantles that will not explode or light .at bottom of burner when gas Is - being lighted T prlc tie. Can be used on either Welsbach or Lindsay burners. Manning's. 41 Third st Tel. Main till. ' . Bankrupt Sal. Clothing, gents' fur nishing goods, hats, caps, trunks, vav Uses, boota and ehoee, eto, at greatly reduced prloss. To b sold la 10 days. 10 North .Sixth street, corner Everett " 1 - Cash or Credit Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware on eaey weekly . payment. II down, I0o par week; open : evenings. Mstsger Sj Co., Jewelers and Opticians, Ill Sixth atreet "" 1,000 Children's book at coat Th beat place In Portland to buy your book gifts for children. Swing's Book Store, 1ST Salmon street . ' The Exposition Rink, Exposition build Ins. Nineteenth and Washington, open tonight undsr auspicious elroumatano! Finest floor In th west. - - ', ' Steamship Alliance sails from Couch street dock for Coos bay and Eureka Tueaday night at. I. F. P. Baumgartner, agent Main 161. ' , . , 1 - , . ' - Any watch cleaned. II. Any main spring, II. All work guaranteed , one year at Metsger Co., ill Sixth street ' Without doubt the moat ' remarkable Watch values ever offered is by Beck, the Jeweler, 107 Morrison street Portland's best dancing, school,' 101 Alder. Prof., Rlnglsr, Miss Buckenmeyer. Acme Oil Co. sella the best ssfety coal oil and fin gasolines., Phon East '711. T Dr. J. k. Xock at of floe, usual hours. . Fin chicken dinner tvo. Ill Third, '; Th Vegetarian cafe. 105 Sixth. Frlta's lamalea sr th beet - From which to mak your ' elections. PIAVOS Th Highest Orades. . FlaVsTO PtATS The An gel us.' ' ZsTTSmiOm PZAsTO FUaTS Tb Emerson Angelus. . . t . BlaOTBIO FIAHOS The Reliable. TAXKXaTd aUOHTM-Th Victor. Muala Rolls,'' Music Books, Shset Music, sll kind of small musical in struments. . Nothing 1 mors aoceptabl nor more appreciated than aomtthtng In th mual cal line. Dundorc Piano Co. TxnrwAT An otxzi riAjros. Ul IUt II t Opposlt OrafOBlaa Blsf. PLENTY OMsUSTatAa SAYS EMPLOYERS ARE TO BH1E Dr. Short Saya Laboring Men Work on Sunday Mere! to Hold Jobs. V ANY GOOD WORK GOOD f ON THE SABBATH DAY Stors4. Theatres and Saloons 'Mutt Close on Lord's Day, Saya Preacher ' Hope of Country in High-Minded Laboring Men. " Dr. F. Burgett Short mad an earnest plea for Sunday rest for th working- man in sermon yesterday evening In th Taylor Street Methodlat ' church. which was attended by a large audience. In part Dr. Short aald: "On of th most vital subjects Of th Christian church, I bring to your at tention this evening, Th Sanctity of the Sabbath, or a Plea for th Laboring Man'a Day of Rest' Jesus recognised certain kinds of works a neoeaeary on th Sabbath day. Opposed to him were those overly strict nonsensically strict hypocritically - strict Pharisees tnd scribes all of whom are not dead rho made a specialty of impressing their piety upon others. Great sabbath keeper they; the letter they msy hsvs kept but in SO doing tbs spirit was unobserved. They performed no. labor on th Sab bath but they did that which was even worss than honest tolling on the Lord's dsy, they spent th day In extravagant feaatlng. - They would pull a sheep out of a pit because of It financial .value to them, but to feed th hungry, clesnss th leper, restore strength to a withered hsnd or heat th sick; thess were colos sal crimes according to' men who strained at gnats, but swallowed cam els. - . - .(,-;' ' Work Thai Should Bs Boa. "Work which cannot be avoided with out suffering should b don. Th die clples were hungry.-; They were not husking and winnowing com for market, nor future use. Hunger must be satis- flsd. - "Physical Uf and comfort are more to be regarded than mere law.- Men must be fed, th sick healed, - the wounded cared for," and If need be life and . liberty preserved and protected at wnatever coat. . "Everything about us declares thst God's first thought is for man's good. For this very reason th Sabbath waa Instituted. Man needa rest Napoleon once aald: "No man can long work. for seven dsys In the week.' Every labor ing man ahould be given on day In Sevan for rest; nd If possible tha,t day should be bur Sunday. I quite agree with Joseph Parker when b said: 'You cannot keep th Sabbath by precision rule.' Th only rule by which to de cide this matter Is th one found in the principle as enunciated by our Lorl when ha aald: "Wherefore it la lawful to do good on th Sabbath day.' - ' - Som Suadaj Work sTeeessary. - "It Is always lawful to do well.'-l can see how Sunday Isbor 'fosr becotne an agency for hastening the kingdom of God In th whole earth."". Take th ele ment of greed and aelflshness out of thoss who compsl Sunday labor and the work becomes sanctified lsbor. Msn It, but because they are obliged, com pelled to work. It Is not th wage 3f that Tlay they ao much dealr aa It Is th desire to keep their positions. The solution of this problem of unnecessary Sunday- labor doss not rest with the laboring men primarily: It rests with the employer.. The inordinate greed for gold by godless employers and hearties corporations, oftentimes composed of deacons, elders, stewards, Is th cause of th laboring mas' unnecessary work on Sunday. It la always" lawful to do good. It la never lawful t do wrong. Th religion which Jesus would es tablish mean, first of all, helpfulness to th Individual,- and not a mere con formity to some law. ' Last and ordi nances ars well and needful, but when there. are needs to be met, services to be rendered, ' th suffering helped, th dying ministered unto, charity be stowed, law must not Interfere, fdr th need of humanity are the first concern of law Itself.. Thla prlnclpl Is true lu both atate and church. . Charity Abov Bubrloa. "At th revocation of th edict of Nantes' thousands .of Hugenots were driven over to England. These were in treat need of food and the king granted th privilege to parlance to collect alms for their relief. Dr. Beveridge, a pre bend of Canterbury, refuaed to do a advised because It wss contrary to ths rubrics. Archbishop Tlllotson not only silenced him, but further rebuked him with thess smphatio words: "Charity Is above rubrlca." . "Th doing of unnecessary work on the Sabbath day Is most sinful. A mdV flagrant crlms Is hardly possible for one to commit Unnecessary work must be abolished on that day. Every lnter eat of humanity demands It Physic', nseds.and the moral .welfare of the community- plaada for It while th word of God thunders forth: "Remem ber the Sabbath day. Keep It holy.' . "Unnecessary barter and trade mut' be stopped; unnecessary travel must ceass, th theatre must be dark, the sa loon must lock lta doors, and I pleai for thla In ths Intsrsst and In the wel fare of that great body of high-minded, strong-armed, noble-souled, patriotic la boring men who are .th pride and guarante of th welfare and stability of thla country. T men of poaltlon and power, unless -you heed their requests and grant them their Ood-glven rlgh, upon.- your souls shall rest the innocent blood of many alaln. O Ood. hasten the day when all men shall, on thy day, learn to do. well; when th dally toller shall hsvs on dsy In seven to rest vn thy holy day I "A day of rest for the 'laboring men! That la what they need A day of rest of song, of peace And Ood, pon which to feed." Milwaukla Country Club. Eastern' an? Seattle races. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City-ears at First and Alder. ...... . ; ... Morris chairs, Easy rockers, . -. . i. , .- . Ijkdles' desks, -l.lbrary tables, Und 1,000 other useful and beautiful Xmaa gifts at th popular prlc furni ture atore. T" -. i - ' Calef Pros., 'Easy payments cut prices. Out 6f th' hlgtr-Tent -district," II4-I-S East Morrison street. - Open evenings. -. ' freferiea Stock Ossaed oaa. Alls- Lwla Best Brand. ONLY SIX DAYS REMAIN .';- - ' MANY PORTLAND HOMES. TO BE MADE HAPPY THIS YEAR - WITH FINE PIANOS. . ., . .: A Special Holiday Offer on Six High Grade Pianos Regular Price $475, at Less Than One Half, or $236 $100 Down and $6.00 a Month New Case Designs A Rare Chance for Shrewd Buyers Store Open .. Evenings. Thousands and thousands of An pia nos are abld each year by us. But nsvsr before have suoh strictly exclusive and oostly' instrument been displayed In auch profusion, and never has Christ mas buying bean so lively and enthus iastic. V - If you are interested In strictly high grade instruments, In fancy eas de sign a, such aa are not regularly Includ ed in the planomakera' cataloguea, you should not fall to Inspect the present ex hibit of uprights, gaunds, baby grands, Pianola pianos, Pianolas, OrchestreUss, organs, etc., at Ellers Piano House. Upright pianos are hero In almost and less assortmsnt be It a good, ssrvlce able upright at 1I4, and from that f rtc down to 1IT and- ltl, or on of he costliest of Chlckering, or Hsseltort, or Haddorff, or. Weber,. or KlmbaJl, -or Schumann, or Hobart M. Cable, and other art styles, ranging In price from 1411 to 1668, 16 and up to $816. All are to be obtained on essy payments, . t - Special Holiday Offer; We are making a special holiday offer on alx high-grade pianos, the regular price of which 1 $475, at less thaq half, or $!; IS down and II a month. ' Thla offer appllea only on six of these pianos, and they are bound to be a napped up quick by shrewd buyers. Baby grand planoa are shown in abundance. The tiniest of diminutive Chlckerln'S at !00, th famous Chlck ering quarter grands, the small or semi grand s. the large parlor grands and the most magnificent concert grand planoa, and made by Haaelton, Weber, Chlcker ing, Kimball, Pease end, other standard makers, are displayed In a wsslth of Variety that la simply astounding. Pianola- piano are shown In Aeolian Hall in over twenty different atylea, tn mahoganies, walnuts, Circassian .wal nuts, English oaks and many other fancy cases. 'Pianola planoa ranging In prlc from th plainest at'l&OO, to the choicest of Wheelocka at $600 and $650: atecks, $800 and $860, and the magnificent Webera at $900 and 11,000. All ar supplied, with Metrosty lea thla year. Any make of piano taken aa part payment toward a Pianola piano. Bal ance at moderate monthly payments. Planolaa, with Metroetyle, ' ar $260 now, Th Pianola will be found, with out question, th moat popular Christ mas gift that can be made. A Pianola la at one th greatest educator and en tertainer In any horn possessing a piano, and enables every member of the family, from grandpa down to th little tot. to render anv desired selection with- out ' any i previous knowledge of -nusto.j The Pianola Is sold on payment of S10 tr $16 a month. If desired. Kvery instrument som oy cnsrs rwnu House has a twofold guarantee one given by the makers, and alao th guar antee of- Ellers Piano House,, which mean that If any Instrument la not ex actly aa we represent it your money cheerfully refunded. , , Depend upon it too, that every in strument eold' to be delivered as a Christmas- surprise -will be - delivered upon the exact hour promised. Not single one was overlooked laat year out of vr 70 Christmas deliveries. and we are prepared this year with au tomobile service, added to . our own three fine piano wagons, to attend to - - tj'""" deliveries as ,11 1 isiiiin Ul VBSUIB. Let thla be a. Joyous Christmas, one to be long remembered. A piano will make It ao for every member of the nousenoia. rf iv or i uuwu, ,nu ir aa 1 1 A m mnnlk ,ni1 hava a nil, nn sent" home as a Christmas aurprlae. the gift question today by selecting your piano at Ellere Piano House, the big- Wsshington street, corner Park. 8 tor open evenings. Holiday Goods. Nothing nicer for present than beau tiful pictures. Th largeat collection In, th city or etching ana otner pie- turee at ambers Art Btorr ill Fourth street, near Salmon. ..'.- Siw Imuei. ' ... ' Th following building permits have been iaaued: William Brundell, cottage. Commercial between Russsll and Page streets, cost 1760: Mary Austin, cottsge, corner' Holgat and Powell streets, cost 1780. , Exposition Rink. Opens tonight. ' Exposition building, Nineteenth and Washington streets. Nothing is v more :. certain ' to filease him than something he can wear. - Of Furnishings for Nnen we've the very ' - best.' . , . - . . - t " The most likely to : please are Handker-" chiefs. Hosiery, . Fancy Suspenders, Fine Pajamas, 7 Gloves, Fine Neck wear, Bath Robe's . or House Coats. , Hcwctt, Bradley ' CSt Co., , '' ABiasAnxas.' 1 344 Watklngti freaf - axut saAn rxaarlx GIFT LIFTS r ' ' -Watch WlhDte It is the only brand on the Pacific coast using cartons to protect it from dust and contamination of all kinds. Our butter is our hobby and there is nothing too good for it or our customers. Our present carton is good, but we have devised ' a better one what we consider perfection of its kind. We expect imitators, but as we are the originators in this field, imitators will help to advertise our enterprise. . . - ' - r---- Orders for White Clover Constantly Increase ter from the Lumbermen's Mercantile Co.: v ; . teltoofrWuliinfori;' Dec. 8, : 1905.'-. j;-" ; " i-. '.- .-n .... : . s. Townsend Creamery Co, Portland, Oregon. " , " r ,v .- x ' Gentlemen: Kindly increase out. shipments of Butter to three cases per week, sending two cases in the last shipment of each week, and oblige, yours . : truly, ' THE LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE CO- ;".''.'.....;'. By C. S. M. . : '..,..'"'. .":'r S. Townsend Mill CHRISTMAS Men's and Youths' Suits and Overcoats from 94.50 up to 20. -Take no chances at some tf those - temporary sales-we are here to stay have our reputation ettao lished for the last 13 years. When we call it a bargain you can depend on it. Big -assortment of Hats, Pmis; Shirts, Underwear with - a general line of Shoes, also a good selection of Trunks, Suits Cases, Blankets and Comforters. We save you SO per cent on price. John Dellar Corner First and Yamhill and Corner Third and Davis CERTAIN OF ONE ELECTRIC ROAD TO SALEM Salem Electric Company Will Build on Right of Way of Old . J Portland Southern. 1, "An electric road is to be built on th light of way of th Salem Electric company between Portland and Salem, rue-ardlcas of any road that may be constructed on th other aid of th river. Th company I negotiating with eastern people for th necessary capi tal.' said on of th directors. "Our route touches every town between Salem and Portland, whll th Willamette Val-J . . . . ... . . . .sj ley company's ruwu win ioucn muy i Woodburn. and th remainder of it rout tap a-section mllos from ours.1 Th Salem Electric company Is successor to th old Portlsnd Southern, and haa taken over th tatter's right of way and franchises. The Portland Bouthern was Incorporated in Auguat, 1(04, but did not organise by election of officers. Undsr the law such organi sation must be effected within a yesr from date of incorporation. Incorpora tors of the Portland Southern were O. W. Waterbury, U B. French, W. J. Cook. C. W. Miller and M. J. Kinney. Bom of these men retain an interest in th new company. A few-days ago W. J. Cook vii sent out ever th Un to acqulr additional rights of-way at th Salem end. He secured deeds to lands of Msssra Whits, Isabell and Eckleman. who up to that time had re fuaed consent ta th road classing their farms. The rout secured passes cloee hy the'etate fair ground. Th rights of way secured by th or iginal company were good for a period of three years, snd ar still binding on th parties to th contracts. It Is ssld th people along - th rout ers strongly In favor of th road, and are urging Immediate construction. '. . Don't Miss It Portland's lstest. New skstlng rink opens tonight Ex position building. Nineteenth and Wash ington streets. Diamonds, at Wright's. A typographical error made th ad dress of A. N. Wright th Iowa Jeweler, sppear to be Washington street Instead of III Mrtsolhisfljrn1esBtJas BMGMR for urftlew- Cairtohs-. .ajasissss v ,'. , "" .. v " : " imfu . V ' .hT - ' . . ' l . ... : '.'iv , J . - .-;..t x-. . . r- : ; v' ' . :; . 'Oover . -. , Greamery Company MMMMM M MmMeMM!i 0MBS Something modest or ornate, just as your fancy and means dictate. We are showing some handsome Rings, Brooches and Pins with Diamond Set tings that are not expensive when you consider .their . real intrinsic value never decreases. Who wouldn't appreciate a gift of diamonds, large or mall? Let us show you what you can do with a small amount of money."' EM.Wright E. B. COLVELL . (Formerly Farmer's) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER 281-283-255 Third. Cor. Jefferson . S OS TOVB thristmas Dinner Ton want th beat at the lowest possl bl price. We will sell to you at the lowest WHOLESALE PRICES snd save you at least IS cents on svery dollar. V ATST. OXAJrOXS. High-colored, fancy, ripe, sweet fruit- Per dosen j . . . .ZUf , BU 4U Per box....... '. $2.40 OAJTST. Broken Mixture, a pur sugsr Candy- rich In appearance and lust tn thing for filling stockings, eto. Per pound. .'..10 Plain Mixed Candy. I pounds for.. 25 STaAB. Weatern Dry Granulated Can Sugar, per 100 pounds $5.40 Sprecksls' Dry Granulated Sugar, . per 100 pounds .'. 5.20 II Pound Western Csns Sugar.. $1.00 - CTsVAVBBsVXViaa. I quarts flneet Eaeiern Cranberries for S8 mAXSTsTS. I packages Fsncy Seeded Raialns..254 I Pounds I -Crown Looee Muaoatels.25 I Pounds Seedlees Sultanas.. ...... 25 OTXBAirrs. I Package Magnolia Cleaned ' Currants ...25t I Pounds Wsahed Currants. ...... .254 MZsTOsI mil. I Paokagee None Such Mlnre Meat. 254 nraf FTTDDiwwa. Richardson A Robblns (th flneet). 1 .pound cans ,.,.254 hid irtrTat. The best quality all new Nuts no black walnuta or hicxpry nut in -them, I pounds for ...284 -- arrua . , tOO box Hood. River Baldwin. dark colored, rleh holiday fruit while they last per box $1.25 Fancy Spy and Pippin Apple, per box $1.00 -non BCATsT 40C, Baal Bid DeUvertee xtvery Say Sfext Week. j . a . . . .a largo 's tosh of dhtmonrts. togsthsr-rttri a hsndsorh tin of silver novelties snd fancy cut glaas pieces, affording an op portunity for selecting Christmas gifts from various lines of brasses and DOYilUta silver war, , Bwtteir Novelty Settings in Rings, Brooches, Pins, Etc. WE 293 -w .. i'7, 'it:' :'.'. WE CAN SELL GOAL, At a small margin of profit because w sell so much of it handling, -s w do, th product of all th mine which ship to Portland. RING IP PHONE MAIN 2776 Tell ns your , wants and we'll supply them for you in "three shakes ct a young lamb'a tall." .-. VlfljCAN COAL CO. as TrmwsTtw mil. Concrete CcnstrcaicaCo. -m Tt)l Obambe of Oosaxeeve, Manufacturers of Concrete Stone Blocks Contractora for all kinds of xemeat work. " i - . r -: i irir-f iao - - ee4v4utu:; Sweet as Its Name Implies Astoria Portland Seattle . IOWA JEWELER "Morrison Street Toy Sale Only ona week more our ntlr stock of toys must go tha largest toy stor in th city (branch, too), 10 Sixth street - between Washington) and Stark. Alao Japanese and Chlnea curios, consisting of fln brons allver Clolsoan. new bras Satsuma War. Sec orated Tea, Seta, mbrotdr4 allk and aatln Klmooo. Mat- Vn J tins. ate. . v;.- " 1 Lowest Prices Andrew Ecn &fA 287KrTbca w. street NEW STORE WHERE? v 392f4 Morrison St. The Novelty Store 5c, 10c and 15c Counters all loaded with fine goods. Alao useful snd orna mental goods for the ho!i trade. Call snd inspect oi:r t- It is a pleasure to t 7 Smilil C: . t