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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
TIIS OKEGON DAILY JOUKNAU. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, - NOVEMBER 23, 190J. mm topics tovioht' imuiiim IMasr ukrr , liainlr i.rl-.., iraod . ......... "Ml'tia.l i'mseff" ..... Musical ftut-lraijwe ....... "tajnUle' ."rather Asalast tmbw1 ...,.... Vaude.llle Vasderllle Vaudeville iar f.. Liberty .A. ' On of Triot notable social func tions In th history of the Portland Commercial club will , be held , on Thsnksglvlng eve -Wednesday, evening of this week -when the club will give - a reception and art soiree. There, will be a special musical program, refreoh' merits and dancing. . The affair la being arranged by a committee composed of W. E. comaa, B. f. Prael. F. A. : Nitchey, Paul C Bates, Jerry Bronaugh . , and A. M. Smith. The club a quarters on the top floor of the Chamber of Commerce building recently have been renovated and redecorated, and In addl s tlon to the usual pictures and statuary , some, very line works of art by a Call fomla painter are on exhibition, this week. . ' Eagles' turkey ball. The only public respectable masquerade ball advertised v this year, will take place . tomorrow night at Merrill's hall. Seventh and Oak. Families .may attend with their children with perfect propriety, as no -. Intoxicating liquors will be sold In the building, and a committee of 40 EaglegJ wilt, oe. on the reception commute. Perfect order will be maintained If ' MOO people attend this gathering. The '' committee having this affair In charge know how to handle a vast crowd; JJoors will be open at 7:1. Ball commence ' at 1-30,. Avoid, the. -rush .and. get. ai ; early reaerred seat. . ' "'. Lawrence fc. Wise died suddenly yes terday afternoon at his home. 401 East Eleventh street from a stroke of paraly ala last Saturday. - He formerly had been employed as night tender at the Mad! son street bring. Mr. Wis, had been Mason for (1 years, and the Masons ' wll have charge of the funeral, which . will be held tomorrow afternoon from t .Running's chapel, 414 East Alder street Lawrence E. Wis came to Oregon from Kansas pty i years ago. He is sur- :", rived by a widow and three children. Mrs. C. cotty of "Oregon Cltyv Mrs. H. K. Deardorff of Portland and -Mrs. M. L. Hubbard of Nashua, New Hampshire. . ' . . .v.- v . , Patrolman B, F. Smith of the local police fore Is fighting In the circuit court an attempt to oust him from the property he now claim a his home, wnicn is located at Highland. The pa. ' trolmaa fa on of the four heirs of the estate or m. a. smith, who died in May. 10. The suit was brought by William C Smith and Minnie M. Towle, both of Seattle, for a division of lots 1 and i. block 11, Highland, which la claimed br ; B. P. Smith, who states that his father deeded the property to him for moneys The annual election, of officers of the Immaculate Heart Court No. 104. Cat h , -olio Order, of Forresters, was held In , Its hall In Alblna laat night The new officers are as follows: H. C. AUeKoff. ohlsf ranger; J. H. Martert, vie chief ranger; J. r. Meetiah, past chief raflger: '' D. W. Lane, recording secretary: Peter Mayer, financial secretary; J. A. Duff. treasurer; J. W. Broost, August Martert - and John Krans, trustees. ' The polio were notified this morning that Arthur Wilson, colored.' aervlng a r county Jail sentence of 10 days for 'tiavlng'oplum In his possession, escaped Trom ' the ' county hospital yesterday. wilsmt was sent to the hospital for treatment by Dr. C C. McCornack, the ansistsnt Qmiatat phaslalsa, sad lift has bed In a ward fit night. , A committee representing the local lodges of Masons., will meat the British ship Eskasonl upon her arrival In thla ,. city and offer their sympathy to Mrs. , Towhsend and lltU daughter, i Captain . Townsena, -former master of the shin, " wa killed off Cape Horn and his body la now on the vessel. He was an active Alison. ; .- .-.)'.., ,'V '."', ' Young women will , be allowed to in "it young men . to the Thanksgiving dinner to r given at the x. W. c at :lf p. m. An after-dinner entertain . mentjias been arranged at whioh Hlaa , Bollman and Miss Kurth will sing. ' reading will be given by Mrs. Morgan land Mlas McCorki wUl tell negro .atones..- ( - ; z K ,r ... j Deputy Sheriffs Mordent and Grass! yesterday' captured taV R. Jpftnson. ar, aiiegea aeserter rrom Fort Worden. Washington. - Johnson wag. picked, up wnue wanaenng aoouc an north nd. It la said that he still has two years and ; ronr montna to serve in the ranks. He was taken to Vancouver barracks today. . : Never before has the public bad the opportunity to get good goods at their . own price, as Loewensteln is surely ., selling, out 'without limit 'or reserve. ' Sale daMy. l:t and T:0 p. m. Seats for ladles. - Diamonds,- watohea, silverware, cut giass. jeweiry, eio, ror yourself. ' Friedman Packing Co., First and Co- lumbla streets, are selling fin corn-J iw um7 cente per pouna. Meats same price aa quoted In Friday's , Journal. Oet your order In early to get nrsi cnoic. Portland Tamale Parlor) l4( Park street, between Alder and Morrison, the , only place In town Where enchiladas, . chtl con earn with fiijolsa, Mexican - style, also the celebrated Frits' tamale, are mad. Open from .J! m. to 11 p. m. Why psy tt.KO to f 10 for eye glasses '. when we guarantee a perfect fit for lit r Metxger CO., Ill Sixth street . ; '.Simon Epplng, employed at th Al ' hina docks, aceidentallT fell from the .'A. , COLD WEATHER.' BETTER GET INTO WARMER UN DERWEAR. wrVB - AN ' ELEOANT STOCK OF. RaV," . Vt' A RLE GOODS "a'tV" ' PROPER PRICES. . . , ; Hswctt, tnCzy Ci Co. sUSIKSAIXXaa. ' . ' - . . 344 Watklngto Sttwl 2 mua gtajro niAnts. ' CZ COMING clmericrn Restauiant ooa. tkxrs .astd cotjcx sts. Open Bay and Wig-M. - - Son::!p:ci:I-- Short Order Dishes Scrambled Brains .20 Steamed Little Neck Clsms. .20 Clam Bouillon, 'with- Toast. ....... 1 5 Spaghetti and Cheese..... 15 Fried Rasor Clams... 15 Pork and Beans 15 Cod Fish Balls f. . . . . i . .15 Corn Beef Hash, with Fried Egg.. 15 We oora our own beet - We bake pur own bread . and pastry. Everything Is Uie beat. , , , . - ,...- ; : DzsTTjrhBoost fob. XJUDias. i i i i dock this morning and sustained inju ries which caused his removal to. St. Vincent's hospital. He received a num ber of bruises, whioh are considered not serious. . . r v i r , Bankrupt Sale. Clothing, gents' fno- nlshlng goods, hats, caps, trunks, va- Uses, boots and' shoes etc.. at greatly redtinad tirtciM. Tfl befaold In 10 dava. iv north Btxtn streets corner uverett. Watches and diamonds II down and Mo per .week. Goods delivered on first payment. Xmas Is coming. '. Metagar co jewelers, opticians, ui Dixtn. A- Snap Wanted A good family to talier charge of a fine suburban home, unfurnished that will board man. and wife. J. 4 car Journal. , . -i There la no. need for any on to go without the Thanksgiving bird. Note the prices quoted by th msrkets In to night's JournaL , . ' W clean and press your clothes and shin your shoes ror 11.00 per month. Unique Tailoring C. I4T Washington. Mala 14...' .. j ... i Vario Stain-Lao for chairs, sideboards. and rennlshlng any kind woodwork. Fire sal price 40o quart. log Front street. Tou can get th same classes at very mucn less prices at ray hum si ore. ibs Fourth street. Geo. Rubenstein, optician. Jones loose leaf ledger and Eureka sheets; first prise at exposition. ' How, Davis A K 11 ham, 111 Second street B sure and attend Clgarmakers ball. Thanksgiving eve. Fox orchestsa. COo per couple. Extra lady 25c . Thanksgiving donations for th Baby hom mar be left at the store of A. D. Keenan, SOI Third street' t; The engagement of Miss Mabel Claire Houston and Mr. J. C. Flanders Is an nounced, ,,; ,v . ;,,V .Vi, a-ji -'-, .' i, . ... , .- i ' ' . . ... Get your Thariksgiving turkey at Freldman: Packing Co., X2U cents per vmAr.., . ' UZ'X:-. Portland's best dancing school. 101 Alder.fProf,Rlna1er,'Mlss Bttckenmeyer. Damaged by Href Not much! Granite floor paint now II gallon, 101 Front St Merchants' lunch Ue. Sunday chicken dinner Ik.. Palm restaurant. II. Sixth. Try a meal without meat at th Vg- tarua,c (e, 10 sixth street , Fin, corn-fed, turkeys at Freldman's. I2H cents per pound. . - Damaged paint below cost,. 101 Front , Fin chicken dinner loo, 1IJ Third. Frlta's tamalss are th bast"' ', ' Where to Dine." Merchants' lunch. - II cents; special chicken dinner Sunday. II centa. Craft's restaurant 111-117 Fourth atreet Elegant turkey dinners will be sold Thanksgiving day for 60 cents at th rermns restaurant, v. u w at son. . A fine turkey dinner will be served Thanksgiving day, 11:10 a. m. to I p. m for SO cents at the Cottage Waffle, 141 Sixth, street . . .:. MTlwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Seattle race. Take Bell- wood ana Oregon City cars It First and Udn, .. . - MASQUERADE BALL Bag-las' ThaaksglTlng It OelekraUoa a .:"'' .'Frls Xanunar Tmrkeys -.v for Xveryaoay. Parlor organs, 14 fat turkeys, and numerous other bulky gifts will be car ried away from Merrill's hall Wednes day night Thar will be no reeerva tlon, Every man, woman and child will be entitled to the gifts, saying nothing of th run or witnessing a grand, re spectable publlo masquerade ball, with attractions intersperse at different In. tervals during the evening. Parsons' superb dancing orchestra engaged for th occasion Patrons attending should not fail to retain their coupons, Go early and secure a front seat All Famous Makes. Many new and unique designs In piano esses in the most elegsnt mahogany, walnut, oak and other woods, are on display now at Ellers Piano House. They arrived too late for the great "Qnwn town Exhibition,' made by the Ellers House during th fslr. and sre now be ing closed out at substantial reductions. ah orana new. uuers nana siouse, si Washington street . . SECOND ATTEMPT TO : . ; ;shoot C..C. CAPLES ' ' , y - r. ' 1 For the second time In the last few days, what ia believed to have been an attempt to assassinate C C, Caplea of 11 North Nineteenth street wasmade Sunday night A shot was fired at his house shortly before midnight, the bul let passlsg through a window casing, over a bed and Into the opoelt wait A few nights age a bulelt was fired throuch a window at an earlier hour. Th curtain was down A th time and the occupants of the house were In an other room. ... ' - - , - BaUdlag Permits. BslMIng permits wers leraed yeaterday as A4 esi Jestes I'mim t. .eettage. eatMeahela ave sf ea Heaeock sad Tllleoiook streets; east. 0O. VlrKir Bniawl. eottese. ea Ter- rsee street: ess I1.T00. n. 3. Pelue. eattase. Kelly setveea Carbett sad Las atreetsi east. M.OUO. It. O. I. nana, eettae, Claekama be- Tka-teaatk -sad Cut Fifteenth rtreeta: nut, sl. T. Ha I ley., earner Third and Haacart atreeta. 11,000. Mra. rt.b-T. cotuse. . cotaer Eiat-rtfta a4 art Market reete: coat, S2,l iO. I'linenii ima irnres, re- abne, ei aer r.a( ThrnT awl Kaat onlaaa atraete; eaet. Heary Srlmfaa nMt.ra. roraet Kaat Bheriaas atreet ana I nMs reehlnwv. enrner Mseteeath sad strtls streets; I DIGEIi lil GOOD llilil OF OilSS Judge Frazer Says More Than On Hundrsd Girls WsiV Lured From Right There. PARENTS TRUSTED IN ITS ! REPUTATION FOR DECENCY Thus Girls Wert Allowed to Go Thert Unattended Matinees Also Dangerous Because of Attendants at Theatres Looking for Prey. '- - At the annual meeting of the city board of charities laat night Judge Ar thur I Fraser of the Juvenile court offered a severe criticism of those par ents who allow their young girls and boys to attend places of public amuse ment without escorts. . ' r' . f '' "It Is the wronr system It Is shame ful, said the Judge, warmly today, "and I cannot understand why so large a percentage of pa ran ta fall to recognise the practice aa an evIL - J "Many girls are lured to their, ruin by the. young hoodlums they meet at publlo places, especially In the outing parka, and boys, too, are helped on to their downfall by - this same - element Of course we do not hear of all such cases, but Judging by the percentage of them reported to us, I've little or no doubt that more than 100 girls started on th downward path by attending the Oaks last summer. Week after week. In Investigating cases, we have eard girls say 'I met blm at the Oaks,' '."met him at the Oaka.' 1 do not mean to criticise th man agement of that resort In fact. I would compliment the management for Ita sin cere endeavor to .preserve order. The place, each time I v'nlted there with my family, bore hn air or, respectatmity that was beyond reproach. Hut in my remarks laat evening I referred to the Oaks , because from that park most of pur cases have come. Tbia Is but nat ural. The attendance Is larger there than ateVnr other of the surrounding amusement resorts, and above that ita reputation for respectability Is ' such that mothers entertained no fear in al lowing their children to go' there) un fortunate though that conclusion may hav been. . ' 1 - I hav no doubt, from What w have observed here," continued th Judge, that quit as many girls liar ooma to their ruin by being allowed to attend matinees alone. - Ther they meet young ushers and water-carriers,": who are on th lookout for prey, and the next thing we hear is of some yoang couple In a pitiable plight T am glad that we are gradually get ting at a remedy." . - - , A brief address wss maae at tne meeting by Mrs. M. R. Trumbull, and C." E. Ladd,I. N. Flelschner and - C. Lombard! were reelected directors for term of three years. . . The report ,ot tne treasurer snowea that th total: receipts of th board of charities tor the year were i.4T.o, and tha. ther was a balance on, hand of lltl.14. The report follows; .. v' " '-'.I' fceoalpta. ,. Balance from 104 ............ I M.1S Received from general subscrlp- - tlon . ... .'. m . . . 1,1 1 !.00 Received from- Llndsey estate.. 7t4.S4 Received from apeolaT . reTleT subscriptions ...... . v . 113.11 Received from elevator ' cash boxes i ........ , , ,.. 40.15 , Totals . . .............. r lsbnTsemeat. .14,407.01 Paid from general fund.,. 4,!?4.1I Paid for relief from gen'l fund. 1,415.40 Paid from special fund , 161.00 Paid from elevator box fund.;.'' 14.50 Balance 100.04 Totals 16,417.01 VANT REQUIREMENTS FOR DIPLOMAS DECREASED Teachers Say Six Years Is Too Long to Work for, Life ; ' Certificates. Many teachers In the Portlsnd publlo schools want th requirements for city life diplomas made leaa stringent. They have requested th board of school di rectors, through City Bvparintenoent Rigler. to grant CUy life diplomas to teachers who have had . four years' ex perience, two of which may have been before they began teaching in tne city. Tha rules now require that a teacher shall have taught six years In th Port land schools before receiving a city life dloloma.' ' ri i ' . When the proposition cam oeror in board last night only Directors Sitton, Wittenberg and Beach were present Al though they were In favor of the change In the rules, they decided to leave th matter to th attention of a full board. Th present rule has Men in erreci for many years and was adopted origl- J nally to benefit teachers, who were eau csted In th city' schools. The rule bars a large number of th most efficient teachers In the schools from holding life diplomas, although they may have had years of experience in otner pieces. Cleric Allen announced to tne noara that there waa a balance In the funds of the school department of 1114.114. which would be more than enough to tide the district over the year. The annual meeting of the board will be held December 17. and the members are arranging for their .annual report to be presented to the taxpayers at that time." - . : HEART DISEASE CLAIMS MRS. .F. K. ARNOLD Mra. T. K. AraoM. wife f the sapertnteorieiit of Mm title Uoaraatee Traat esairany, riled eaddraly tbw axjcntnf at aer aorae, w Jerrer ana street. - Her death waa dae to"beert dleeaee. Rue flailed Banker a frtenda aad waa down tews ebopplng yeaterday sfternooa. Mra Arnold aaa a tare eirc ei irirona m PartUad aad waa a pramleeat SMniha of the Ooeererattaaal eknrra. Stae la aarrlved by ker knatiaaa. a trm. Hoaieer. eenoeeiea wtis iee Meter freak eoaapaitr, and S daufklar. Kath- eriaa. whs la s amnnar ef the aealot clue of Moaat llalrnke enllee. ee gfg ... . BTemralgia Palaa. Bhanmfttltm. ltiffnhaao and aclatlo paieta- yield to tne penetrating influence of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It penetrates to the nerve and bone and being absorbed Into the blood. Its heeling properties sre conveyed to every Jsrt of the body, snd effect som won rful cure, lie. e and 11.00. Bold J bj iWeodaxd. Claike dt Co. - , '' ' Yea CCaVt Ery Ycur .' Liaaval On clothes lines . this kind of weather. We dry by steam and will do your . . 6c Per Pound Weigh before you send tt la snd know exactly what It will coat We cell for and deliver every , thing., Talk with us about, It . TELEPHONE MAIN 39S :. Union Laundry 1 . U00XD AVB OOltntBIA. SALOON APPLICANTS TO BE SCRUTINIZED The city license Inspectors sre pre paring notices to be sent to all saloon keepers In tha city December 1. request ing them to make applications for licenses for It 04 If they contemplate continuing In business, , . on or before jjecember 9, ' These applications sre desired by the liquor license .committee of the city council, aa they will go over them and refuse to grant licenses to such Indi viduals as thsy deem are not law-abiding. One member of the committee said that he waa in favor of refusing licenses to all appllcanta who have been con victed In the municipal court twice dur lng the present administration. . TKI OSXOOV WATZS X0WES ' . ' BAILWAT OOKVAVT. ' ! EST AC ADA RATES t XK TOTZOT rKOIC V0TXMBBB tadfiag with Vraekraet.-.,....,. ...... Beam aad koaie yae 4ay t.00 Beaea aaa Board per weak 10.09 Braakiaat, Me. J.aaebeea, Me, -. Staaer, tOe. ' eeclal Tteke,-bwladlag' eaad-trip far aad iimmu 1.M yaeial Ticket, ' Isalndlna reaad-trip ..faee, aae aigkt's ledsiag aad tares amis ........(3.00 , CARS LBJWJB. ; TICXXT OmCI riBIT ABB; AIDZB ITS. Pally at f:K, t M, 11:M a. si. 1:10, 1:40, .. 0:40, . st. .... ,( 'i..!L'. ...Pboas er Writ '. ''LL..:1' ' tm Of MacMahon, Manawtr XITAOAOA. OBIOOB. 111 SIXTH STREET .JBet. Wasbins;ton and Stark EASTMAN KODAKS and SUPPLIES -. '..! ..... . ; '. ' if' 1)regnrPhot(rStoclrj ; Company Send for Catalogne Saved From $2.50 to $5.00 Men's and Youths' Suit , and Overcoats. Big assortment ot all styles and grades. W gave you from 12 JO to $5.00 in com. parison to other stores prices. .Quite a selection of Men's Hats, Pants, Shirts and Underwear. Also a general line of Shoes. " We save you 20 per cent on every dollar you invest with us. 'Also on Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters it will pay ' you to investigate either one of the two stores of . - JOHN DELLAR Cor. First and Yamhill or Cor. . Third and Davis. Flats for Sale Eight modern flats on the west side, which could not be 'dupli cated, for $12,000, for 97,500. . L E. Thompson & Co. 228 THIRD STREET. Hotel Eaton ' Cesser sfsjilsa aad si SUeeta, NEW RaaAieaMty farafaaed, aVteetlr easleeee, Srapranf, St sonatas' walk fraat aaarl ef aboppln tad Sn.laaa el.trtet. all larse, alrr, eatalde rnoaM. etaaai tnatea. eleetrla Mlbta. t.WpbeBs la aaek apartaesa. ate. LarsajersVea. laaraaeflS. sa"klnc. wrltlas. laalM raeapftee parlor, ar aaall tatapheaa. Tfrtvas sraaltMui Hoom $I.OO to fS.OO m Dai I SpeeUI Kates t CeatewreUI Mrs. . ; aa. bus zatos. ' ' ., ffWierft Beta! Bedsata. gpokaas.1 Skclaawa K PnmrolHo A ood M"-bu b"r that can - 4"A VVl Via.1113 ' be depended upon at all tlntee. -. . VvC Page's Specie! iXtXSZZiL :::.:.; .......550- C p 2cial-TurIicys-22c . We rhske speclslty of strictly fresh Eggs, Coffee, Tes t''--:-'r and Stsple Groceries 127 First Street. Cetween Washlnjlon sad Aller BARNES The House That Quality Built Thanksgiving 'TP I TH Z R Is no Thanks Day without i 1 Ul IV CI. giving at all - ., n - i I r - .. . f , i -.. v . J s 'V ,t ,. . i AVe Have 5,000 Beauties .; :.. prcsj, From the Grower. y-; BE SURE YOU SEE OUR STOCK 41 : Before 'Buying Elsewhere, t - y Plione Exchange 63 T U RKEY5; l5c AND Wovr can we do It? Com and laiy quarter." Or If you want a prime roast for THANKBOI VINO PIN- NER we have It at the same old price. Prime Rib Roast fa per lb. Tortiaaa s moss royuiar Traaing- aloase. S DaamIa'o If nsalAt flwenw Cn. I Taylor Street H r cupic a Hiainci u ti TURKEYS! TURKEYS! Beat ereamerr . .,.. ....6S0IOC .... 69e . ., .40046c Good creamery Dairy butter . . Kancn eggs ............ I6c .. v...ste"c ...... 140 llo IOO ......140140 14e Thanksgiving Good egga , . . .' Beat suaar-curea name . . Breakfaat bacon i Dounds Dure lard Chickens, pound ........ Oees . . Secure your order ror turkey early. All goods retailed at wholesale prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY SS4 TAHSOL ST. STOP AT Slate Market 221 First SL For your finecorn fed u Turkeys and Meats FOR THANKSGIVING Hair Goods Swttohe. Fompadonrs, Wigs. Blonde, Blaok, Drab, Bed. Oray, Straight, Wavy, rinffy. XArgest aasortsasat. Xlgheet QaaUttaa. lowest Frtoee. Vint Qaallty aeaalae Xnmaa Xals. lH-os. It-Inch Switches S1.00 t-oS. 10-Inch Switches...,. 9UO I-os. tJ-lnch Switches . Swltohee saad from 70 ar 00 tak ings at $1.00 per ounce. -- Mall order promptly' filled. Bend sample of hair. Money refunded If not satisfactory. BECKER'S , SUCCESSOR Third, and Salmon Stwta ' Miss Edith Kelly rrserlr of Oilcsfe, "HI receive plaae papth) at itudlo. 161, IiwBM.W" (riheaaiti) at LISCHmilT MTHOB. - ' - Pianoforte Voire Sretfarttoai. Pipe Oreaa, RarmM aa4 Or.mrmeHlea. Startle ef rSXOEaiCX W. SOOO KICK. KW B.lamnt trt. Hhn. Raat iH. JOURNAL WANT ADS . BRING QUICK RESULTS ssas MB MARKET 107 ThlfdStreet .. pen lb. UF see. Remember "a nul"k dime beet a a v ucci j vu Main 141a SZSZZXZSZXXXXSS-I - ; rom tkb i -. niANKSGIVING-OINNER Toil ar paying th casn. jfou want the BEST for the least' money. The Big Store Will supply you and save you at lesat tt cents on every dollsr's worth you buy. L B. COLVELL 'WHOLESALE & RETAIL GSOCEfi 281,283, 28S Third SL Corner, Jefferson Navel Oranges ; Fancy High Colored Fruit. - - per dosen SOf 30 snd 40 1 First Eastern Cranberries, I quarts for , 25 New Mixed Nuts (no Hickory or Blnrk Walnuts), per lb .154 1 pkgs. New Three-Crown Seeded Raisins ..25 t pkgs. Fancy Cleaned. Currants. . .254? Flve-CrowA Imperial Cluster Raisins (for table), per lb. ............ .20 Finest Corslcan Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, per lb.... 15e t pkga. Nonesuch Ml nee-Meat 25 Colwell's Java snd Mocha Coffee (we care not what price rod have been paying, there ia none better), Pr lb 25 New Persian Dates, t lbj rrt . .ii .2Re Royal Baking Powder, per lb-.. . . '.40e? Schilling's Best Baking Powder, lb,.3Sg Shred. Wheat Biscuit, per pkg....104 It lbs. Can Oranulated Sugar. ..Sl.OO 20 lb. Dry Granulated Sugar. .. .Sl.OO W Deliver ea Bart Side Wednesday, nova scaur 40a. at :-- ; . ... . .', .. .. - JOHN'S MARKET Means that we hav every hook, counter and available apace filled with Tarkeya, Sees, Dneks, Chickens, Babbit and saor aessimg. We have plenty of Beef, Pork. Mutton and Veal, but for Thanks giving lny It will have to take a bark sent. If you don t see what you want call for It We've got anything from a smoked tongue to a Pikes Peak roast. l)oa t rorget tne pi JOHN'S MARKET :u NORTH SIXTH Phone 1954 Main. Best Creamery -Batter V 60c a Roll 1 lbs. Walnufs 1 TT. .4. .TiV.T. . .TT. t, cana Tomatoes Ho I enna Sweet Com , ....15c "'e make a specialty ot fine teas and coffee.-t. "". B1UTMT. cetjtral cnnAr.::iY 133 T' Betweea T' 1 1 Thanksgiving Day Scuver.!rsT; Tonight -from 8 u. 1 I o'clock every lady 1 f -tleman who visits tt 1 -will be given 1 a t iv ! souvenir free. All are t.ivi.i ... GCOD.TJEUC rCl TARDY DLYPHS C" FOR V10UEU T'A R D Y shoppers for Thanksgiving apparel . v will find many pleasant surprises awaiting them here tomorrow. We exhibit, a magnificent array of correct wear for every occasion priced surprisingly low. And our easy payment plan places persons with limited' means in position to dress' as they should and " not miss ' the price they pay. There're no embarrassing questions' ' or publicity about it just t a simple, 'dignified account, which is credited as 'you whatever amount snits your V : V income say : $1 A-wra t Sad the pries I set s seat ami thaa yea'd pay St tk sask ateree. J MSTEKRI OUTFITTING CO Tbe Store Waar Tear Credit Is Seed WASHINGTON AND TENTD. STREETS Handsome Table: Silver Supplies that something which Is so often lacking- to com plete the charm of an other-'' wise faultless dinner table. WITH THANKSaiVINO so near had you better not get those pieces you have been. Intending to do alt th year? W havfln excellent assort ment of Table Silverware. ANWMGHT 293nORRlSON-5T TTa Portland . PORTLAND, ORTCOOK. ' EUaOPIAN PLAN ONLY HKADtirARTEHS Ton TOfKlHTd , AND I'oMHf :CtAL TRA V KXt-Hrf. -pverythln to eat and drink, and It vvata na luot in It"' . ; . . . Portland Hole! RatVA."r then elsewhere In Me !. f very -ekdsy niglit from t . II T. C. r - S. K. I ,.M. ! t '