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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
!l II ii ii i tJ THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23. 1805. Articles . Selected At thte time will be held for holiday de- .'. livery or In Id away until ' you . cull for (bank A Rolling Stone "" 1 . (lathers no . moaa, i i . but If you do your ' ' Aew you will gather In on of ths choicest of thta acaaun s Holiday fancies, "' Christmas .;; ; : Cif ,iV. I . Table Wines a spuuns ' i hi mi 'ii 1 ill.-- iv I I- I il l TOT'. rvs 7 iv , and -novelties of ; the. Fair at ; ridiculously low prices. s We'are 'otfennyou a .last : oppotunity tosecure a hand- ) some isouvenir'of -the -Fair 'for ; a.trifle a fraction of the' price - 'you "would," have " paid 'during ; the'Expdsition'daysr, Come in V and see -.the., largest collection kof : Spoonszshown either -during 'L. Chrltroa days ; ahow their arrival .first by ths increased astlvfty 'In- our . leather department. "W'e are showing the moot -complete.' most .artistic- and- most varied and yet exclusive line in ths city. The styles In ,' small-leather ware chans more rapidly thaji In dress, f nd-Hikn -year-we have many little fancies which are new-to Portland and new to .New York, for-no sooner fdo' they' reach New Tork Clty than -our rbuyer there I rushes supply on to-us. 'That Is why ns sr mors leather wise' than Some, Come In. look-over4 the dis play' and Judge for yonrself. Our - prices -are no more ,thaa. for., the ordinary klnd. We can prove It x , Handbaan, Puraes, - Travellnr Ba. ' B'lt Cases, . Traveling' Cases, BUlbooks, Cigar Cases, etc., etc. Gold Fish New shipment -Just in all fantaila extra fin stock. They'll ebeer up many a lonely hour. This is a rery special price for fantalls we are sble to make it . because -we bought the entire lot ach. ...... .25 rivs or f i.oo. . - V '..' . '. ' Fins Table.Wlnea. Our stock represents ths experi ence of many years in catering to- the popular taste. . TXJOrKBOXTOw sraciAU. WOODLARK-r , M,. , ., . : ....,V.',' '. 8auterna -. i OL . . . ' Cabernet , . Qt.' V BBO.-0OO, FBOlaJi 38. P iturgunay ' . , vjt Zlnfandel ' Qt . CRK8TA s BLANCA - ., ',. .... Pt Jt SAUterne ..........V. ....... ..35 604 : Tab dHote .......................35 50, Haut Sauterna ........ ............ .454 85 8t. Jullen ............. .......;..r.v..40 -: '., 7&4 , - unateau xquem ..u .-. 76 ReiKling ..30) 50 CLOVERDALB . . . . T - Claret, qu, regular. 10c Special. ............ v.23 I . . T.. J ... I a n a i 1 ' I .fiumuiiur, i , rcduiiir w?43(rvH;iaa. .......... jga? e , nparaiins ireaie uianco White, at... fl.OO Sparkling . Burgundy, qt ..$1.35 Irondequolt Sherry and Port, gallon,,'. ... ..'.$3.75 :l Electroliers Bronse and. German spun brass In ' odd ' and ' Oriental shapes, single, double and triple globes; color 'deco , ration In heavy glasa Inlaid. Our own importation, ' and positively tha only ones ahown this side of Chl . cago. . Exclualve hall, dining-room or library decora ' tlon splendid lights. Just a few left, make a selec tion now. 'The are selling at coat because we need 7 ths room. . . . . . i . . W. vif Sltz3 S4.SS r -r : A '' "a- . ' : ITflTl " "-TV-"r1 - fT i: .good clothes from .bad are scrupulouslyjobserved in, the ' ' m x making of 'these stylish, garments. : . , . " -" ; tit ": : The' late midwinter styles are already in. ' .'.'." . , ; "At i s, v;If you would J ike to see; what .is being worn on Broad-, ' ' ''I 1 c '. lway this Thanksgiving come ,in 'to otir'; Store.-' aqdtty ; ' . vJ V If ::.'.'. '-on an Alfred Benjamin suit. , , - .' ..'.'. i ' . -1 . - 1 1 1 - , . ' . . - . , . , ' . - ,.i t ' ' 1 1 - t ' I ! I- ' - ' . 1 T t ..A,. ... li.ivmninf 4s-. tlii..tvvf'.A.... M.t - t. 1 ! ' : v. catinns. remember that nothinc rnnM Win h.ttr aet' " J or more acceptable than the present 'of a 'suit or overcoat J There is something about the -approach of the holidays that naturally we associate , in our minds with the things A' A . Good things to eat and good things to wear are in-..--..:-. . tegral parts of Thanksgiving and Christmas jollification.- ; ,v . .Ybu cannot better anticipate the -demands which will V -. """be made upon you socially and . in the "present way" than by turning your thoughts toward our store. -A..' Make yourself readyfor Thanksgiving by getting into y one. of our Alfred Benjamin; suits. They are rightfully . A' .''called "Correct Clothes " ,-.;y..;-, ',-..;..';. r. j i Agents for Dr. Diemel and Jaeger's , Under wear. r Gloveti in dressed 'and r' uridresseti kiil'i i Sole Agents for ' .KNOX HATS. - The . latest .conceptions in modish . neckwear. AntMrjrAnursr? : : HATTERS ; ? . , CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS j . a J , - if T 311 Morrison St., .Opposite Postoffice ', . Thanksgiving Sale of Cut Glass -r1- " Empire and Quaker Gray In beautiful and xclulv dcs.gTt. Llttl prices Uera'a proofs , i a a i- . Nappy.x (-Inch, - regular 1 2. Oo Special ............ 1 .33 , Nappy, s-tnen, renuiar HpciaJ..........l.e7 Berry Bowl," regular 14.50 Special. .....k.. ...113.45 Berry Bowl, regular I6.S0 Special. 5. 25 Water Bottle, . regular G.60 Special.... S4.29' Candelabra, regular $43.00 Special. . .-....25.00 Finger Bowls; set of i regular IMS Special. .,$6.85 L I TT-S SPEC I A LFO R 1 H I S WE E K O NLY O ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF A. o . Ladies Coats, Suits rVaists, ' kirts. Evening Gowns A:A-a,'Aj ' and , Coats ::: - ' " WATCH OUR WINDOWS" A FOURTH A N D W A SH IN G T O N ,.:4.' The Better' than Hot' Water Bottles some say.- Just boll' ths bag, put no water In It, and you have a hot water , bag. It is filled with a heat-storing material which keeps bag hot longer than water. Several sizes snd shapes Price g 1.25 to $3.60 U . ASK TO SEB THEM. - . . A utomoblllsts ; uvmx iRi-miiiia hultu : .'" 10o r roaad. - nn a roOTTDf, to i tiuoi or WATnniH watxx rmosc niona nr tam ob baszatob. Woodard, Clarke & Company ; FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS: FOOTBALL , For State Championship " UNIVERSITY OF OREGON vs. HULTNOMAII ; (Stats Chisislssi) ; .Thanksgiving Day ; A'-AC- "'A' rain or 9mkz: ;';;;:--:,:'.';-' Y On Multnomah Field, 130 P. M. : Admission, Inclodlol Grandstand, $1.00 Tiokets on sals at 01da Wortaiaa King's, Schiller's Cigar tors, tha Aldxloa tpharmacy aad Baa's rbaraiaey.v , . r ' I E Ail I - V, Varninx against the ase of Witch Kaiel. ' TTK ECENT investigation has disclosed an alarming condition of I r affairs existing in. this widely known farnily remedy, ' ' iim . It has been Droven" conclusively that unscrubulous manufac- I ." ' turers have been selling Witch Hazel not only below the recog MzgdUMar ift.adnltpratf?fl Hfith.WQQD- ALCOHOL (poison), FORMALDEHYDE (poison) or both. . These conditions prevait .IhroughOutf the.UniteiLJ&aiesnd,ar$ epC4atlyUrmiHg0rrhe7fficJb5e Samples of Witch Hazel bought of retail druggists and'departrent stores n San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Spokane and Seattle, twenty-seven were adulterated with WOOD A LCOHOW-(poison), FORMALDEHYDE (poison) or both. A . 'A ' v ' ; y - The sure way to avoid the danger incurred in using these poison ous witch hazels is to use the. only standard extract of Hamamelis (witch hazel), sold only in original packages as bottled by the man ufacturer; i J A: -'A V IT'IS ' ArA. ' :J '' " - 'Ay'-AA'vow ' AA' l it costs mora but it b .worth' the dilTerenca. - A BANK AND OFFICE RAILING Barbed Wlrsr Wire and Lawn Fsnclnj, ' . ".. - , v.; Poultry. Nttlnf.,Ete!. v, PORTLAND WIRE ; & IRON WORKS Phone Main ooo v ' . af3 FLANDERS ST.. Nr Third -t .'. . .', CEO. H" STRONG, 1 63 West : Park St. xxoLvvm coMiciaciax 'noxdaiArxxit nimTA copying km eihurcing rilUi U A S P EC I A LTY BesldenesTlews; SHiasral tort. Tlaaa lighte, Kodak Zev eloping, Tramlag. t REtllEF for LADIES- i FRINCH ' Tansy Waf ers Origi nal ind only genuine Put op IS yellow .rapper and Crown" trademark. For ssls .by" the ' , T ; LBADINO DKUQOISTS, '" II xxxzxxinxx: nsszssxszzscrr -1 II i--.'.V: J l V- tV , I, A t Already,' selecting ;of ; gifts;' . ;, ' ; ' turn to x requisites... for the ' ' ' dresser..' The; demand will A'-r' ;7 "steadily increase, so that you v i ! should make your purchases - , W'i now. : "I f"-' w: '-"' 4 7 Handsome 12-piece, Toilet ; .... .Sets, Comb, Brush and Mirror . . t - Sets,Manicure Sets,1 Mihtary - , Bruthc ii Colognes, Puff , : ' : . ; "'Boxes, Soap Boxes, Pin "'V A Trays, Jewel Boxes,; ' . Rookwobd Potfery ,Of national fame no two pieces alike. Look for the - trade mark on each -article. "Shapes are . ' Ar t-re l"!llluv , esiKps extremciy oaa in most aencate . AGENTS tints and shades, ', V- . " ' Tiffany; Gas5 J K " . i ' Each piece marked with initials of makryH-CT,--'- el.e (Louis G.fTiffany).. In .all famous artgalleries. . 50Lc A notable collection of -Vases Rose Bowls, Com-" AGENTS ports and Dishes. ;v , :. 3'' f K 2 S"r . 1 V .1.." ii 7vi .-.s-ji' i-, I! - ii . . . 1 1 SSSSZBK3 acxixrsssxxsrsizzixzsxic:zsx2z:zsr;;zz::ss7r WMCMES For Holiday Gifts ' Itls-the reliable-watch that gives satisfaction free-from bothersome repairs- and ;always on time when called upon. , , We are particular tp have only .: .', ; , 4 The Best American and Swiss Movements . ? Those that will act as expected -accurate and dependable, By a comparison' yquH find our prices the lowestand .the , selection the largest -in Portland to choose Jrom:- . " 1' . Gold Filled Cases i . Guaranteed . for. ; 20 or 25 ; years'. . The. best; made, A Cold Cases ; Of extra , heavy weight and elegant carving.--; A " SOLE AGENTS FOR PATEK PHILIPPE WATCHES t ; v Chatelaine Watches A ' J.n extensive array., - - ' Prompt Attention to . Mail Orders Goods ,.'' 4, Reserved for - Future ' -. Delivery " " t ;zzx: - - . CORNER THIRD AND WASHINGTON STREETS, r r r ; ; DjamondImporters. " ' v -ExpertPOptidans. 7 1 MarmfacraTiiig'Jeweler7v "ZSZZZZXZI X2 TZZZZZX ZZZZZZZIm Z mZZ .aMaMw."-, .3 . j A'- i i...J.'. Umbrellas m m m v am -v ; :,i -..." w aw : - ' ,v, :,; - The kind we sell are beau- . ' ties forarsiyle'and-exceptional .' . .... ; ties ioryuyie ana exceptional . ,v Gtt$vS ."1 for wear.1 Extra heavy -steel ' - t .vySc-S&f ., , , , .construction nd waterproof v ?- )R) ''' 4 silk.: The handles -are ' caoti-t." ' sft. , silk.: The handles ;are ' capti-t," ' , !'.-. vating. -in . solid ' silver,vgun-V i .? metal, ivory motherTof-pearl; : '. '.'' '' . . . . " , . 'i ; tortoise , s h e 1 1 6r , natural --.', woods. 's A .most. appropriate ' : ': gift. -r .'A.' - V V Leather Depnintil; ..... - M w P A M Models-of neatness in stvle. in seal or sealon leathers.' 1 - Shades of black, brown,-tan or! green. j A i-' .. . :iV ' . hand ?urses. y :c-.i B , . The kind with strspsvery convenient. Nobby shapes, :L: Sj ' - silver or olidi tnduhiing'sN.T ; lL .j. - ..'. r.V.1 !-,.;, A'. '-At r. ." II ' '' r ThtTfceWcmenY ' Ij '' . ' - , ...... . ' V, " -,K.- ' ' .'-" A , . - - - t -' -