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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
Z1Z2 OHEGON D'AILY JOUIUIAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVCMSER 2. 18CJ. ST SAMSIi I p SONOL:.. I I-1 i" M l, IT' iiIJo;.,ii.j fltoy&mds of Gravensite Raincoats at 1-3 Value SALS C2G!r'S TODAY, TU2SDAY, AT 9 A. M, AND WILL CQ TINUE FO TEN DAYS OI'LY . : " For Men Cravenettes, Rsincdats and Mackintoshes freshly unpacked and every one made by the GOODYEAR RAINCOAT CO- NOW LOCATED AT 109 THIRD STREET. You know what that mean. Think of 40,000 Raincoat from the best makers in the world at such clashing prices they can't last long. Every one was tailored by the best men in the east and made especially for this season's wear. Single or double breasted, loose or tight fitting, with or without belts, all colors, aU weights and many are silk lined. A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL TELL MORE WONDERS THAN 'A PAGE OF ADVERTISEMENT. STORE OPEN EVENINGS DURING THIS SALE. Cf Cn.7 Cft Regular VVlVVWlUyliVV Ladles Cravenette Raincoats : ' ' Smart Wear for Balav er luAlsa '' f C AAHeiultr $11.0 value. Fitted rull-Length e?U.VVJ Raincoats, single and double breasted styles. Warranted aJl wool; light and dark colors. 111.00 to' $14.00 valuta.- Extremely stylish Ralneoata tn Oxford, green, tan and brown. In : fitted and loos belted back; win a shoulder cape, also triple cap affect; perfect fit t Inf. .. , fQ WC Regular $11.00 value. An unusually at. I w tractive 'model fashioned In cape or .eol larless style: new boa platted or Inverted back; eeml or tight fitted style; latest sleeve; colors, olive, tan or rrajr; hand-tailored throughout. ' SPECIAL i .J"'''.?. (11 tA a CIC Imported models,' made of e?lA.UV 10 r?ld .the finest cravenette cloths. We ask that you see these splendid sarmenta,, " that you not the style, the make, the finish, that you compare our prices with others that are ask ing $28.00 to $......,','... vvV. ''" .: v Women's Raincoats i: Cape aa4 Cos Styles,' AU Colors. jjQ Plain and fancy shades. ,' Actual value t? 00 (a A A Pr, 1 Regular $.0 aPaV.UU 10 JdaUU to $10.00. Ladles'1 Rain coats made ot superior quality, covert clothe,- in tan, gray; full belted back, very latest sleeve; cape effect; trimmed with velvet collars., , , i. ' ' . " '. 1 1 7C . J flA Fancy-Tweed, . Brocade For x: Eoyi , Girls" to $i$.oo.-; Barge. .Actual value $10.00. Men's Raincoats CA Man's Boxcoat e?1.0U Actual value, $5.00 . C' E A All-Woo! Serge Boxcoat e?.dV value, $.oo. : lca 'tAt( All-Wool il,t)V SHU (Ol.VW lKh . Meltons colors. blue, black, gray and fancy mixtures, value $11.00 to $18.00. ; ' . , All-Wool Imported Eng- colors. Actual Coys' and Girls' Ralncccts Sale Price $ 1 .25. $ l.SOand $2.00 . Actual Value, ,11.00 to $7.10. neifsXravenette Raincoats Wore.' Tnatsafl of Overcoats, , f fl A Regular $12.(0 values. Stylish., up-to-date VVlVV 'Raincoat and Overcoat combined, loose,' swagger effect. Large assortment to select from. 7 fY A Regular $11.00 value. Men's Cravenette . PeSVVRalnboat in fancy or plain effects. .New broad shoulder, full back, oloae-flttlng collar, all' slses. ,..,......--.- i ... tO 7CRgularV$22.00 value. SWeil Vp-to-date eys d Cravenettes ,in Oxford, black and novel ties, ail band tailored and silk lined; all slses. ( ' iramw is ouus. Regular $1100 to $S5.00 value. Made of the flneat ' cravenette cloths. - Nothing finer woven by, the cravenette people. : Silk and wool textures, su perior workmanship. Some in ' paddock style, others loose back, awagger effect, concave shoul ders; up-to-date in every respect. ..-:,.,.: s $12.50 and $15 wn obdxds noimT mus zr ACCoatVAirzap T un uonx on axraxts oun, mn eni xm uaron ksasvu. ear 109 THIRD STR.EET A . loimely Oeovpled by Vortlaad Trust .j.'v-v2;: . Waauta-tom aa tark tta. roma ervm stsbt BTSa vvmnro rmxm uu vwau o-oioox. t Co Hi HUGE FRAUDS Ifl IDAHO LAND -r5.7 . Legislative CommittiB Experts Find State Land Accounts in 1 ' Hopeless Tnsie. i, " UWS FREELY VIOLATED V IN DISPOSAL OF TIMBER ' Money Placed to the Credit of the T .Wrong Fund In Iwtston .Alone " Piere Is Pyi&nce ' ouiand-Acret piBcttpthtyj ;;;;'',' " (gperlsl Pliqstck te the 7enrnal. : ' . , . Bolae, Ida., Nov.. It. At the last ses slosj of the legislature a committee wss appointed to investigate the condition of the state land department and report Its nndlnga to the bouse. The commit- tee .was composed of RepreaentativM Powers of Ada, Moore of Fremont, Fuld of Blaine, . France "of . Shoshone end . Chrlstensen of Bingham.- . After spending two weeks the com mittee made a partial report to the ef fect that the records of.the land office were in such a Aopeless tangle, owing to a lack of systematic bookkeeping, . . that -It was impossible to make an In telligent report and asked that the com' . mltteo be permitted to continue the lat veetlgatlon after adjournment and that a sufficient appropriation be made for the employment of experta to examine the books. . Jn partial report eubmitted It- was atated that under the various granting acts of congress the state had been donated' 061,080 acres of land for the ivarioue state . and- educational In stitutions, the same to be selected' by . the proper officers of the state and the proceeds to constitute a permanent fund I for the support and maintenance of the Institutions. As to how much of these lands had been selected, how many acres had been sold and Just what had become of the proceeda It waa impos- . alble to make even an .approximation. - -. -, Skosboae County rrauds. . " ' They had discovered that In Shoshone county alone 9,080 , acre of Valuable " timber land had been sold In violation of the land lawa of the atate, and that IS counties appeared to be In debt to the state in the sum of $13,401, while eight . other counties seemed to have a credit '. of $T,42t for money remitted to the stste treasurer, -without any report of . sales being forwarded to the land de partment. '.''-";. Moneys which ahould have been 1 placed - to the credit of the permanent fund were found In the maintenance -' fund and vice versa, and funds belong. ing to the common schools were' mixed up with those of the higher educational Institutions. ' Three exhibits ; were . at tached to the report, which caused con siderable gossip at the time. It was ordered that too copies of the report and exhibits be printed.' but for some reason this wsa not done and the matter waa dropped for the time. . . x" ,''.' ; lieods at ivewlstoa.-', Since the legislature adjourned the land board has had an expert at work on the records at Boise and In the dif ferent land offices to see how much he could find-that waa being lost to the state. He has just returned from Lewlston, where he spent much time on the land office record and reports that he had discovered descrepanoles amount ing te JS.000 acres In-that one district, finding evidence of one selection of 1,000 ecres of valuable timber of which there was nojrecord in the Boise office' The .legislative committee began its work of Investigating , the department today. But three of the , members, Powers, Moore and FuldVliave so far ar rived, the others sending word that they would eome in a few days, r In the opinion of the chairman the eommlttee does.' not expect to JVnd that, anythine more serious than incompetency will be shown b-lhe Investigation, unique the shady manner la which the timber land ale In Shoahone "county was mad demonstraTest11B Tart -thai sharp praci tics . prevailed In . those ' transactions. TJicre Is no .limit te the time "which may be-devoted to the work and it la the Intention to find where the state ia at before the committee eeasea its labors THE, HILL. Attractive and Strtotly Modern ew t", ateeldeat XoteL The new -resident hotel on Wsshtng ton street Lucretia Place is filling a long-felt want In Portland. - The build ing la "thoroughly modern In every re spect, having hot and cold water, steam heat,, electric lights and telephones In each room, and elevator service day and night. There are t a number of rooms, both single and en suite, with private bath, on eacb floor, and several general baths. Mrs. & V. Kill,. the pro prietor, needs no Introduction : to the Portland public, she having been to a great extent responsible for bringing the resident hotel business In Portland up ' to 'Its present high standard. The kitchen Is in charge of G. W. Woods, one ef the beet chefs In the far west, and a. very .efficient crew of' colored waiters, are giving the best dining-room service ever offered to Portland people. The Hill Is" giving all the luxuries of the higher-class American-plan hotel, to gether! with the comforts of home life. Mrs. Hill lsbelng assisted in the man agement by C L. Morgan, ' an eastern hotel man of wide experience. . Mew Taper at Amity v -' (Hperl.l Dlap.tck fe The Joarael.) . ' . Amity, Or., Nov. 18. The Amity En terprlse made Its first appearance Sat urday. It la a six-column folio, edited and published y B. F. Monger. . 'i"f ' Smfa Siee at Aamlty. ' - ' (Hpeelal Dispatrh te The Xmroal.) 1 Amity, Or.j Nov. 18. The rnfaat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Calvls died Saturday and was burled from the family residence Sunday afternoon. - Am You tUolm df Va V .7flf wtth thB DMhyT " fas It wme elctrMalnf skin effeettost Ke eeSojlt. HeiU et swUen daily see Uorfina Coop la tithyo bta. Kill disease sra.U.e. fpewllly SlI.Tt Irrltatloe M elp sS ekla. ndnce riftil alD. Why sweet a4 liMlthr. For nthr. ch(lng, er me. ermfei.. ltcBlne. ail ionri, nim la truly wond.rfot Kbit It Sues for Bey H will to tot yoo. Iff tbe t snethles a" tlrrl"e of bath aS snwry eoei No snlmil f.. MiHllr.teit. Aotlwrtfe, De. tnlorlTlni. Hrr,oin, u.enns, .nsrmoi. A Brcatli ol rise KsImsi la trcry cat,1 Try It. Tnn'll be ernivtBi".. I'.rts ise. vn"frt..i ( imr ii a r srwnAt. ft? .).. hi .VA! X. N. . Rr fiwe aatklnf ofirr4 Itbnnt tbi. .If natnrei if , es entelile tj' t yJi-tC '-f ,)0. wrrper. Kapm torn looking Young Always teatoms yeothfel enloe to fny or earn ninp sair r.uins. romiuwir ie s.iienis. a nm. hMDlM fe. eat. " Twee But eotl skla or lln.a. rTbla eraaalna SaBdnis. A klab-elsas .rtiwr apiBg sort, gixr. luiart. Qreat Balr rood.aMel hrHAfiriNASOiP kala snip, kills Saailraff frni., stops Itrklitf, prankx Aae retb. Lars Soo. sotti.. iniiuu'. xake aetklsg wllaeat r .isn.iur, roe lota tff't f SRe.Cake UAH pimA nil-. Bin tbls. take te mr o( followln. Sni Slate, sad st tor. eottle Balrh..Hk and rH ease H.rane M.llr.tM Soap, noth for R"r. i r.(al.r prtr 7a.. er emi ba Phlle ji.y o., ft enit this .4. Co., Newark, M. i-, prepaid, for Sue. Kra. -mo not br Srvraiats wltheat tkla .nUre Mr. aad eOc. foe litirhMllh. Kanie ,...,.,........... AJdrtiS... EY III fM GET BAD BOYS ; School Directors'' Ask' Mayor Lne and Council to Appoint , 1' ; Truant Officer. :? v r JUDQE FRAZER AND CLUB " WOMEN TAKE UP MATTER Jtrvenile Court Man Says Boym Who r Play ( Hookew Should Hot Be Sua . perided but Should Be Forced to Go to School Sefularly. i -. , , ZZZt l, CZ,t - ri ft CO, Fourth and Washington Sttf. . Portland may soon have a truant offi cer to aaslst the school authorities In compelling boys and girls to attend school. ':. . t- v.'.-. ...' At the meeting ef the "board Of school directors last night a resolution was adopted directing Chairman JL W. Bit ton, on behalf of the board, to ask Mayor Lane and the city council to appoint such an officer to be under the direction of the city superintendent of schools. . Judge Fraser of the Juvenile court and a delegation of women from the Federa tion of Women's clubs appeared before the school board .and made an appeal for the appointment of a truant officer. Judge Fraser said Mayor Lane had aald that he waa of the opinion that the city council would pass an ordinance creat ing auch 'office ef truant offtoer and appropriate funds with which to main tain It. . '..' . v . "If the dlrectore would do their duty when a pupil plays truant we would not have ' so mucij. trouble," said Director Wittenberg. "All that A child who haa been suspended has- to do Is to have the dlrectore sign a reinstatement blank and return to school to play hookey again whenever he feels disposed. . "No reinstatement blanks should to required." - replied Judge 1 Fraser. ' ' " have had as high as 80 caeea of truancy before me in one day.- We have a com pulaory educational law and the way to enforce It is not to expel tne truant. but to see that he goes to school. There are whole families of children whom the school officials never heard of, and It Is from such' families that the majority of our Juvenile, court cases come. Those children are permitted to roam . the Streets. , . ' ; "In the majority of these cases the heads f families are te blame. The law provides that whoever directly or Indirectly enoourages delinquency is sub Ject to fine or imprisonment. A lecture delivered to the parents with threats of fine or Imprisonment Is nearly always sufficient to have them send their chil dren to school. "The Juvenile court haa not sufficient officers to look after tnese truancy eases and the city should have at least one. Other cities the sise of Portland have three pr more. We can get any boy of moderate sense to do what la right but we need a truant officer to find Jtim and bring him in." , ;. .-, FAMOUS BUTTE CONTEST THROWN OUT OF COURT ' f)pwtel Dispatrh J The Jonraa.) ' j.Butte. Mont., Nov. t. The old and noted, suit of Mrs. Katie Blume to re cover possession of a one-story brick structure and a portion of a lot valued at $75,000 at Main and Broadway, la the heart ef the business district, was thrown out of court by Judge Bonrquln yesterdsy, Mrs. Blume: and her attor neys failing t appear when the case wsa called through apparently some misunderstanding. ,'.'" ' Sands brothers Of Helena, the present owners of the lot, claim ownership by virtue of deeds executed by Charles Blumev.' late husband -of the woman, conveyed (4 years ago at a time when Butte real estate, was considered , ft little worth. Mrs. Blume alleged the signatures to the deeds were forgeries. She waa suing Blume for a divorce at the time of hie death. - , ' ASHLAND POLITICAL POT ' BEGINNING TO BOIL ' 1 ' l" ' fBaeelal Mspakek te The JoareaU " Ashland. Or.. Nov. II. Am. m. n.t a. a conference between a committee of the anu-saioon league and a few bualnese men, who are welt known advocates of hiarh license, another eitv ticket ! hn nominated to be voted, for at the ensu ing city election. " ' .- . . It is headed bv O. N Rnllw . 1.... real estate holder and high license man. for mayor. - J. B.V Smith, a former Methodist preacher and member of the aatl-saloon league eommlttee, ls the candidate for recorder. The councllmen named) aret-First wmrd, J.- M. Beater ting; secona waro, J. Byd MONair; third war. 1. K. Tounar. C H. Thmui stsUnt cashier of the Bank of Ashland, is named for treasurer. '-,. - .' A third ticket is expected to appear SOOrt. Which Will bl mminltM tn .ha nHulrtl n. mimlAlnal hm .....ill I. . . jna oojecuon rraquantiy beard to' the ouuer -ucaet is tnat Mr. Butler's oppo sition o munlnlnal nnanlilii l anuifla and well known, A few months ago the kvw. www -,"bmu- iur v. municipal ThUs"iiin"ollThss n'iasiWh3.' bonds nor taken any steps to erect a plant. . . .. j' ., WALLA WALLA SALOONS ( DEFY CLOSING LAWS flpeelal Dtsparek te Ibe Joaraal.l i - ' Walla Walla, Wash, Nov. The re form leaders failed to. make a move against the saloonkeepers who kept their places -ef buslneel open Sunday and It la believed that the moral crusade is going the way of many other reform movements ; unless the moral - element makes some move towsrd punishing the offending saloonkeepers at tonight's council' meeting. - The leaders of the movement still assert that they have Just started on the work of cleaning up Walla walia, but the fact that no move was made yesterdsy to arrest saloon keepers for violating ths Sunday law. Is taken by many to mean that the attempt at a reform movement is at an end. - DIrtel frea Oar CUCiry frYCJ evee DeeleiV PrefHe ' " - Prevents Adurteretles) . - Dredge a BTewfeerg. ' (Sperlel Dlepatrk te The Jonraal.t Newberg. Or., Nov. It. -The govera ment dredge Mathloma Is at work ia the river near town, "widening the chsn nel. so In the near future the t refill by boat may be bettered. . ... . 1 aroir!? 3s00 ormi cuAHTssin on Cm3 FRCI0HT rSCPMO v IwllbU am ship tea slala ssHsd eus.witk as suru weaevcenoaa. iraswwauw. t tmh ftsve roar Sector kMt It tf yea ' Soat Had It atl fight sad ffte purMtand keel vtMakey yes sear tssad, ahls N sack Is as st ear ekpsaae sad year sAN ks sresietly fehaiSeSi ToetaaliavtemavRM wSoarbea, Senenkar, eeiay Ike express srV, . f I MfMeksrtea. Vas erne ataeey M, fl kerertiiOaaawkfrelfttr J 1 H pa , ww www tetllnen4l)oa)ys, BATH IK WHI8KXT. goes direct to you from etur dJatfltery, one of the targeet and. beet equipped la the world, thus aasatiag yea of Oerfect purity and aaving yoa the dealers' big profits. It Is prescribed by doctors and need as hospitals aad by half a stlUioa ssHafled eaatomers, bsisnss tt Is good and pure and retsesheapk '. , f ;: ; waiTS ova traaasaT omca. THE KATKIS CISTILUxa CO. i KaaaasniiNx- 1 Mernajjt st tniiie. sa. OATTONi (V . ATLANTA. OA, DtSTnxaav, t'aov. O. . Ksrastraaaai 1M ens OaiMtal SsOO.OOaeO Pski la fM C ' i ' -'. The jovnal party will tul from San Francisco Feb. 15th,-1906, ba the Sonoma , xor me xiawauan isianas. -.... , , . . Join in ths Swim, i Vots for Vour Fsvorjt Csadidst. Only 33 Osys Rsmsla and tha grsatsst v cpntest sTtr conducted by a newspaper' IS at a done.' '.Iv... ".;-' HERE IS THE WAY THEY STAND Votes received op to Monday eveiiias in The Jon CONDITIONS OfTheJota-eara Hawaiian Tonr CONTEST . mST Aay yeaae lady eves It rears ef are Bur be sealaatMl at eay Msm eo Waaks acovieed by Tka Itsnak wiU the aaerseawst et two weU-kaewa eitlaase sf the dlstrlet hi which eke realoas. ' noon-Tkrea Jsates agresahtS te the glrfemt eaaeleatea shall ke seieeaad e nelauy aaaoaaee the wlaaar la eaeh dle. trlet, one yeeag lady te be ehceea tnm totrt . . . TKTJtS As ,ta '.' eleetleae. eaeh dis trict sk.U vote separaUIyr Tke-sete la eae eanaet affect the etW. . Hsttets aees arly eoewsratag the dlstrlet. will he esttled by the wlekee ef the aujarity. le wts ser shsn have the riaht te saaM a sreay tf saakle to attend i herself, rOtTKTM VotlD win eoasaastwe There, day. Aaaest a. 1S06. aad efciae Satart.r. vDeeesreer .se, at S e'etoeh a. sa. -..ISO Cmdom met W voted wtthts sevea ear - after lame. Osapeas eat tresa the Dally eenal stoat ke eeatly trlsasMe. AU eeapeaa, wkHhef slagle er epectal. aieet kees the saste ef the candidate te be voted far. coTnpojrg ass arm At roxxewsi . nriE-einsla eonpeas, est tm the paper, are good for eae Vote, Saberrlpttoa te the vealng fosrsal ssd gnaday kloralag aeeraal, three saosths, Ol.So. s epochal SBspea ef ue vetas seM ta aavaaes). Bakerrtptlaa te veaiae aad Smnday tars tog Jearaal sis SMetke, M TS, a speetai .aoapoa of SM votas (paid la aevaaea), Baa), serlptloa te the Bventag aad Basday Hors ing Joaraal IS sseataa, QT SO, a apawlal aeapea ef TOO votes (paid - aovaaae). Babeerlpttea to the Bvealag aad Baaday Moraisg . 9oanal, three taoBtke by Bull, $1.00, s special eeapea ef ISO votes (paM is advaaee). Babeertptloa to tha veatag aad aaasay Iteralag loarBkt by ea.U atz swathe, $S.TB. s spoelal eaapaa of BSO votaa (paid ta edvaaee). Basecriptiaa to. the -ealBg aad Beaday kt-rmins Joeraal ky sll 10 saeatha,, a special eeenea et TOO vetea (paid la advaaeel. Beml-Weekly joaraal, $1.M a year, apeelal eeasea e 100 vetse tpald la edvaaee). . gIXT OseaoBS sseaM he vstod et the. haaeqaaKere saarest yea e awlled to the eeepoa departaasat t The Joaraal, or' at say point seated below. Totes arm he coasted Meedsya, WBeedaye aad rndaya sad the toUle aaenBsneS to the pauue ths toUowtBg day. Aay eaadtdato wirkerawtag freai the eea tost eaaawt have her vetoe aoysted lee as- JKIASaVASTSBS AhTB TOTIaTS tXAOXSl - First SkrtrleW hfnltaesBah aad Claeksawe eeaaaoa. vou ef The Joeraal eeaatlea. Totlag plaee, Ooapee DesactaMal eiaoa. ... eesad Wstrtet TJsloe, tjantnia ' aad 'Wallows eeeatJae. ,; -ftrt Tklrd Blstitea Waeea, Bkarsiaa. Gimaaa, Harrow. Wkeelof aad Oreoh eooatt.0. . , toarth BletrtoWBakas. Orast. Baraay aad Maihear eessttoa. . Tifth tMetrlsi Ootawbla aad CI.Wop eeaattoe, Oreyoa) KUrkll.t, Oewllta, Clark, Padfle. Wakktakaw aad BksasaBla eaaatlee,. Wasklagtoa. : ,.'' :. v '' ; . . ' Shrth Piatrlet Marios. Use aad Laae a. Carry; sad Ube hVvoath DtstrleWWaahtaftoa; TtlUBw-, Tanaai, Bestoa. Polk aad Ltoeom eoaatlas. an.t..h TilMtitek Poaciaa. leooDhtae. , Jaekaosk KlaaMtb Any information retarding con ditions of the Hawaiian tonr should be addressed to the manajer of the Contest Department of The JoornaL ' , ' - ,, v j , Mlae Mlea klMIS MlH MlM lln MIm . kllm kltas ktlae Mine tfl-a kiln ' Mine ktlae Mia kliae Mlae ltm kllaa Vitm kllaa kikia Mlaa kiln MIm ' klUa kllaa Mlaa ' Mlaa kflaa - Ml Mlaa Miss Mla' Mlaa Mlaa Mlaa . " - Mlaa Mlaa Minnie B. Ph 1111 ps, -eVnaty clerk ,lrijlt foartj,,.. ,..,., ....... SS.KAS Total To.. Mlaa Mlaa Mies Mlae Mlaa Mlaa Mlae MIm Mailt. Maitlaan. fllita. H'nrtBa Ji Klne Btore .............................. 1. 1 1 Sadie Wlntoriuantl., t'lly lyo works ..,. .,,,.,,,,,. j..,...,: 74.7MO lra Saty, St Baa Bafaal etit..............v...,,,..t,....,.-.W. Crotches Kurth. teleplMMie operator Portlasd hotel eO,4T4 . Rutk Im, endorsed br rVdersted Irate, Coooeil Bum Rharon. 210 East Tblrtl.-h atrMt ,..,....... w.........r a".ai4 Hrnrletta WlDkleman, 4uT Coock ,aBfMt v....v.r'V''---','"'-' T 'irvB ' Mara.rrt SuiKb, MMi Williams areaae ................ .,.,..w.......r.. 'jH.'A Kdlth Bern, S4S Rterk street.. ..... ,.......-. Oi.04 Lara D.rbsbire. exo Wtr .treat.. St.2l Knpbta Olma. 8US l.y str-et.. ...'.. A. ...,........ -,-.-.V.. ...... .SIS AlToaa Horn, tlrefon Cit. ... veJ '. S1.S.O) Elw OrleMl. aK5 Bast Thirty -Arst atreat. ..,...,. SI.24S Kl.a Hurlbert, St. Johns , ......... ........ 2n,&"4 Oeaevteve HiIbim, Olds. Wortwaa a King .tore ...... ........... 1 ..' M.llle Manar, tm Hallth etreat. ! Uwartis Nnk. tft Burnslde street. ..a,......,,.....,....-..'.., JS.OIJ Owe Jelly. TSS first street....... ...t. t 14.ois Marlon taky, Wondard. riarke Drug renkpaay .............. ........ 13.SH4 Cornells Darker, MA Sratid a Team..... 10.14 Burse Ueddlok, Orsna (Hf ....... ...,.,. ...... T.oT- (Voting flace, Ceupoa Kepertment. Joornal Of Are.) .... .: -...... n-,'. MSTSS0T HO. & "-" H Katie Na.h, IA Orande, Oregon . . . . , . -- . ............ TR.IrTg Mnllle ProrbsteL La tlrande, Orsos T3,ata ( Voting Plae. IA Grande. Btever CoeJerttoBary.l As-nea rletraer, Peadleton. Oragoa ..... .. . ... ..-......-.. ST.2M Parl Harris, Pendl.tno, Oresoa. .........kt... ......... ........ 10.144 Grace liawka, Pandlctoe, Ot.oo. tv, ....... ........ H.tM Mabel jobneon. . Pendleton, Oregoa. ...... .v.... .-. aa.....a'.-a4e ' (Voting Pisco. Pendleton,' Brock A McOesaae' Drag Star. - - ... fjllllan B. O Harre, Athena. Orefoa.'v. .....,..-..,........' S,144 (Voting Place. Athena, Hell Broa." Htore. . Ivy MeOalllater. Walla Walla. Washington .S4t May Callaban, Walla Walla. Waablngtoa .................. .......4., .... rl.s Rmy Tonng, WaMa Walla. Waahlngton .......' ' S,Oiie Hattle Brown, Walla Walla, Wasblngtoa ................... 341 Larlla B.rr. Walla Walla. Waahlngton '--.-..........,... . SUT (Voting PUce. Walla Walla. Waablngtoa Book Nook.) : . ..;.r . ,.. 11 ' Stella IM Lands, Wertco, Onam.vr.7.v:.mnmrnvim,Hei,aM-.H,'i. t.llB- .. ....... , .... - SIBTBICT. JtO,..S,L;Vlji-.J-..; vST iVaT ' Kaillle Ooaaen, The Isllest Oregon. .............. ....... .................. 41,41b Luclle Crata. the Italics, Oregon .. (Voting Place. The Dalles, Blakely Drag Btore.) - Stella Blcbardispn, Hond ttlvcr, Oregoa ..,....,,... .,,.,.... .OM Lnara Cramer, tiood Elver. Oregnn .....; ..... laSOS (Voting Place, Hood Blver, Wright's Btore.) . rkir.nce Gource, Arlington. Oregon, .wMf.ntHMww U,pk (Voting Place. ArUuglun. Brabaa'aXonfectkary4- ...U'.. lne B.e,. Hcpnncr. Oregon ...... . m lftl Grace linger. Heppner. Oreguo. ,, , 474 IVotlriar Place. Hi-noncr. Pat tenon A Bon's Store.) . . . (feet rode HkaBBoa, Coaeoa. Oregon.... ................ ......i............ 1,MT ' i Voting Plac, IXjndon. Jack. on at Horaiorooa a ovm.) r - ertruoeUjarp, Prlucrllle, Oregon......... .n. ..,......,. sag ..,,,,.,. .... OISTBIOT 0. . -t ' . .' ' Kfne Mae Klnar. Ontario. Oreeoa ......w.... fl. 41 ..iBf. Gcrtrade Tire, Baker City, Oregon,.. Ethel Parker. Baker City, Oregoa........ Mrrtle BrattoB. Baker Hr. Oresoa (Voting Place, Baker City, LeaiBger'a Drug Btore.) Clara Bwats. Burns, Oregon.. ,.v SO.OW4 ........ ...... 1541 (Voting PUce. Barns. Welcome Pharmacy. 1 . Gernidlne Dttrkee, 14.S '..';tt.,.',4.eT4 4.0O Miss Mlaa Mlae Mlaa Miss Mine MIm MIm Miss Mlaa Miss Mlsa .. texaoe . M.83T , Mate Mlaa Mlas 1 MIm MIm MIm MIm . MIm MIm MIm MIm MIm MIm MIm MIm MIm MIm MIm Mla Mlaa MIM MIM MIm Miss MIm MIm MIm MIm MIM MIm MIm VIM Mate MIM MIM MIm MIM MIM MIm Mas Paler Bettarler.- Vale. Oregoa. ... Gcreldine Dttrkee, Sunipter, Oregon.... , (VeUng Place, Buapter, DeNeffo Cigar aad Neweetaad.) ;.......- t -. OIBTBICT aw. a. t ... K.ttiefine Gore, Kalama, Waablngtoa ..y. .................. tVottng Plaoe, Kalamn, Coffey's Store.)! . . -. w ' - , Florence iteeTren. VsncooTer, WSMIngtoa"' .A..........,., 1 vi.. ti.M u.iumm ail u.i. uim.1 " . ... . . Amelia Williams, K.lso,' WsablngCoa ...M......,......a 18,044 . (Voting Place, Keleo (VnfeMlonory.) '. . . . , ; .- K.n L. Todd. Astoria,' Oregon ,,....................,....a.'....,... lAtrk . Boblna Coffmna,' Aatoria. Oregoa.. .....,................ ........... Siftl alke Andaraea, A.tnrla, OrMo.,.,..,.........t...,i1ti...Mm.M..fi4 8,080 (Voting Place. Aatorle. Owl Drug Btore.) . .. , " Msry Berge, llome Valley, Washington .......... It Delay Watklne, St. Helcae, Oregon ..... S.0H (Voting Place, St. Helens. Ora-'a Store.) ,, ,' v Annie Perrlne, Cl.takanl., Oregoa ................ S,i00 . (Voting Place, Clat.kanle, Simmon 'a A Co. 'a Btore.) . ..... Gcrtrade Randall. Caatle Hock, Wa.hlngtoa ...........k..... ............ l.SfNI Grace Wright, Rork. Waablngtoa . ............... ................. 1,411 1 i Voting Place, Caatle Bock, A niter a Drag Btore.) . , , .' - - lice Perry. Kalnler. Orcgea ' .... , , (Voting PUce, Kalnler, rrledbnrg'e Confecttonery.) , v . . . DISTXICT HO. Iv, '. ');.. r '.-:" U!:',' Blanche Brown, Bales,, Oregoa. ......... .. ........... S3.S10 Mary DaTttieoa. Saktm, Oregon.,.,. 11.4IS L. Belle Darby. Hataai. Orvgoa... 11, IMS HTbule Ireton. Salena. Oregon...... ...... ............. ............ .. ...... II.02T Pearl Bhaih, Maicm, Oregon. T.4"d Minnie Achenbech, Haleai, Orcgea., .... . ...... 1.8TB . Nettle Beildrkoop. tUlem. Oregoa.. (Voting Place, Ha lam, Raaa' Drfg Btore.) , , ' Madg. Battee. Eugene, Oregon... , ...,.,.............. ejl.eail Rmmn Moffett. Kugene, Oregoa. .,...'........ ........ 1A4T5 Stella Be. a. Eugene, Oregon... 1,461 (Voting PUce. Eugene, Hall'. Dreg Btore.) . ... . ' Maud. Blair, Cottage Grove. Oregon ,....,.... Ami .m. ..... gT.ono. Rroe fttewart. Cottage Grove, Oregon ....,.... ...... to.aif Llsste Veatck, Cottage Grove, Oregon iiht. ,rvT...,rtv.,.....rt.V le.Stl ' (Voting PUce. Cottage Grove, Gill's Coafectluaery.) . ' 1 .-'. Locy Morcom, Wood hum, Oregon.. ..,-, .V..W...e..'.'... fO,esT Myrtle Traak. Woodhnrn, Oregon.., 11.110 (Voting Woo,ltMirn, Beebee A Whltaaaa'a Snare.) . Pearl' Savage, Albany, Oregon. ..( .....,.......'........,. li.SOt " Mtggte Chamber.. Albany. Oregon. .. .......... ,...f...y.....U... lo.aer Alive LOike. AllHiuy, Oregon ...,,..,,M....'......... TeMl . I Voting Place. Albany. Dawaoa'a Drag Btera) V .... " - . . Kathrra Garvts, Sllrrrtun. Omaon.. ..,................ 11.M3 (Voting Piece, Hllvertoa. Brook 'a Drag Btera.) -. . . i , , - ,: Addle Hlmpaoa, Lebanon, Oregm .i.........aV...M ' ....... 1,040 (Voting Plaoa, Lebanon. Cotton's Btore.) ...... ,, ' - Kanda Gleay, Aurora, Oregon ,.,........,......, ........... S.STS y.y Coeley, Browaevllle, Oregoa....,..- ......... l,n0 , " .' D1STB.1CT WO.' ' . .'''": ' : ' ' : r. ' "" ' '" Bertha Cnertemamke. McMlnn.llle. Oregon ........ ....... Sa,M4 (Voting PUce, McMlnBTlu. Honeera Store.) . ' ' Myrtle Bu41m, yoreat Grove,, Oregon. ...i ..,......,.. .1,...... (Voting Piece, k'oreet Grove, La Cotirae'a Btore.) - ; ? Ilaael Kennedy, Lafayette. Oregon, W.B7J , .(Voting PUce, Lafayette poetofSeb.) . ... , ' MarU lloatetler. Hlllanore, Oregon. tM.ns Roan B, M.IWM, lllllabore, Oregon. ' ...... .... .t 1.2."1 (Voting PUce. tliltaooro, m-halaertch's Store.) ' , i-"1 . Grace Starr, Corral I la, Orcgint.. ...... ,. TtTl Cora Spangle, Dayton, Oregon, .... i.. ....,..., .....,,.,. laV3Ua (voting I'lac. Deyron, HarrU'. Drug store.! Minnie Roy, Dalian, tare roe (Voting Place, Dallas, Blast's Voafeetioaery.) .........r,..,.. t , 1,104 .040 I. ins ... ijno Oll.e Htralton. . Aewnerg, Oregon...... (Voting Place, h'ewherg, Calwell A Co.' Drag Store.) ' villi. n .rtefMTCT. rnimmatn. uregon ,...,...,.., KVimU C. Ilolabelntee. Beavertoa. Oregon ;'.. .......... w.. (Voting PUce. Bcevertoav Tkomae Thing Confectionery. ) . msTsxcx o..s....,. .....j.;. Edna Paraley, Rcaekiieg, thegos..,.,..,.,...v7.,e...lftfl Dale Harmonr Koeeburg, Oregon.,... (Voting Place. Rnacbnrg. Hamlltna'at Drag Bteret) Inle T. Joeca. Jarke.nTtllc. Oregoa ....................... ....... aianne arry. urania raa, uregon... ......,. (Voting Place, (ir.nt. paea: Smltk Dreg Btore.) , - ' ',"'"', Jennie Woodford. MedforA Oregon........' .... .c,....,...,r,. (Voting- Place. Medford. 'RnaeeU f linrect looery . ) . I tdla McCell. AMIand. Oregnn rraneen Oabome, A.hland, O, V.I.NM., fl.,in. 11 b'o ...........'...........,... tTotlng t?lcm. Aah(el Smttom KewMtaml in$1 8t;Wi'.) , -. - wey ' ... ,e4 M.M ka.a-A to, say tt 011 . 0,011 ' Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip . ' Honolulu, HawsUasi Islands X vote for............ v.....,..,..,.,,..., ........... ............... .' C-.. ' :- ' ',- , ' , "., ; ' ' This coupon must he voted on or before December " ' , Ilondayi V.r " Czyitzir."