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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1905)
TH2 OREGON "DAILY JOURNAL; . .PORTLAND." JMOND AY -EVENING,. NOVEMBER' 27. 1905. 'IT. TODAY'S T VERY HEAVY Busihess Is Much Larger Than a ; Year Agp Un the - Local Wholesale District, t ' c 'GRAIN COMBINE IS PURELY FAKE STORY "Wheat Prices in This Territory Are . Governed Altogether .. by Values Ruling in Liverpool Turkeys. Are Selling but Tone Is Not So Good. " Front Street, Nor. IT. TIM principal feature of th Portland wbolsssls market today art: . Or tin combine all a fa a. '. ' Fkur market are quiet. Turkeys a trifle weaker. J t "Chicken auarket la dull. . . .. F.g ss are firm bat unchanged. , Fire ear banana arrive In. . ' Hope era o how tug atrenth. - ' , H Thanksgiving bualneee la heavy. : , - Dresssd aasata are quoted atsady. y . ( Holiday Trade la Very Bear?. ( At this time of tb year trading a loaf Front " street I always heavy, but tbla opera tlon are on a mock larger acalo tbaa aver tie f ore. ' Tba turkey trada forina one of tb principal feature, there bring a call hi tbla city for supplle from bofb tba aouth and north. Tb market re ulna It aiyaterloue air and .quotation bar a wide. mice. some- aela of "cull" stocks are reported a low aa 15e 'pound, and from that tb pale ran ap te 20c For i fancy dreaaed blrda tba quotation rang from 90e to Me a pound with equal aalea at . botb figures; 21c wac tu average prlc paid - todsy. Born dealer are talking 22 Vic but the trada aeeai to be able to ecru re ail He ' .'event at tb prlcea llated. Recelnts- a- very heavy. Live blrda era coming In eery faat, hot ther la' a disposition to neglect tbaa and 'favor tba dressed atork. Chicken era coming In very .fast and tb Jon I not Rood. Tba "trad win my turkey aa Vmg aa they do aot , get too high and tb chicken are left anrerely alone. Recelpts-eot dreaaed duck and gee ; are liberal with a very good demand la both line. Quotation on dreaaed poultry generally . - range asooad 1 to Se a pound over the Mr l 'bird. . The egg market la very firm with receipt ' small., Price are showing no change. ' - ' ' .rata Cambla AU.a Tab. -" ' ' . ' There hi no combine of gralodeeler la the .city of Portland. No organisation ex lite for tb . quoting of prlcea to be paid tba producer aa far . aa thle city I concerned. There Is an organl . aatlon- k tb tt of Washington that la re ported to be a aort of combine. Hit Portiins men bar, refused on verkme ocatn to iln. Price bar era governed almeat eltogotber on tb range In, Liverpool and other European tnar i krt. Wbatarar pries rnlea at I.lrerpool I instantly reflected In the market her. Tb .present etandlng of tb price m wheat show . valley to be tb hlgheet priced. Tb eearcKf f tbla product thla aeaaoa and tba heavy de mand that alwaya rale combine 'to bold tb ' price aloft from the cast of tb market. . v There la aothlag doing hi tb way of oriental -rail for flour, and tb market la quiet. Prlcea unchanged. - - Hop Ar Shewing Strength . . " 4 Qasislderabl atrength I abowa m tb bop -Vtsrksx. toa. Deelera are even more anxious (tbaa ever ta boy. and aa.aooa aa they eeeur mat of the aunollea ther aay the prices will advanao.. A. dealer nuke thle remark i " !la ear year and w era going to keep It. W i jiav pnrchaaed t this tlm a larg per cent nt tb crop. Maybe prlcea will look better after I hs .11 mm want." Homo late aalea are pnradnisde aa high aa 11 for atrlctly eboW roods. Trsmrr en It I believed tb bottom f the merkerMwnifebeea reached. Consigning hij m itum wlllilr)f "was the rmwera. ear 1hoae on the Inside. Past iu.'flenr hart ahowa that higher prlcea were obtained her. ' There will be a demand for all tb hope w have at tb pricer that' cartiih. Rven the bean wnt to buy aU tbey eaa lay their hand on. " ' ' . i.' v. t Tire Oar ef Baaaaaa Arrtva. , Fir car of baaana for tb ThaiikaglVrKg trafl whr received m tblaf market yeaterday ' and ankwded .today. The ablpnarata were In Uj .heat poeslhl comlltlon. -enit rip fruit waa acarr . and at a premium. Tb aupultca were from Uw . jconiblne. gteamer tuff wa plentiful along th traet today. Among tb cargo were th following: 'Oranrea. lemon. - epronte, . greea beam), pea ad other vegctablea, : . , , . - ' - . .. F-etate Markef Kamaiaa Sail. - , 1 "A dull feeling at 1 11 raws hi tb potato i lit. California prlcem re..not very nooarag Ing a present, considering th high prices paid for the storks at country potnta. Onkma ar very quiet and anchanged In vain. . Tba trada paid th following price today for choir quality In ronnd wta. meaa pau.pra- .dorer ar o peeind: . v rata. Flour end . Teed. t wnBAT New elab,- Tlci red RuaaUn, 68 i fchiestem. "8c: rallev, T4JTe. B ABLET Teed, Sl.oO2.00i rolled, $O.M gJM.00: brewing, ' 22.oo2.0u. COKN Wkow. 2T.W racked, tJS-Oe pm log. . ... v BTB (1 11 par ewt '- V 0ATr -Prodnrers" prlc Ko. t whit. 126.00s gray, .24.60j2o.00. ' FLOUU New eastern Oregon patent. 4tS atralghta. 3.fW8.T0; eaport, f.1.403a.46 val. ley, 3.T0O8.S: frabam. fce, .60i rys, 6Ua, $.bo; bslea. JITS. i MlLLSTliFFS Bran, W.B0 per ton; mid rllbigs, 2o.00; shorts, country, f 19.60; city, 119.50: crop, 118.00. BAT Producers' price Timothy, WUIamett ' Valley, fancy. il.O0C)lS.O0; ordinary, $7 00 60: eastern Oregon. IM.OOOIS.OO. mixed, Jl.60eo.ooi clover, to 00J10.oo grala,. a.ftOc) .Mi cheat. Moonlso. . Batter, Egg and eultry. .; Btrrrea fat f. tj. b. Portund swt ream, 2Hc: aour, St Ho. BUTTER City creamery, SOcront.ld fancy, .STM,c ordinary She: ator. 16Q)17. , - E008 No, 1 Fresh Oregon, candled, to; cold Moray and eaatern, S74i28H. ;' CHKES8 Hew Tuli cream, twin. 1H1 ;.. Tenng Amerlc. IftHci ebedder, 14V.. . . OAMB Jsckrsbhlts. 1.7S per doa., - - i . POULTRY Allied chickens, faacy oj- rancy per lb; nana, iml2C per io; rooaiera, oiu, i -Ihi fryera, 11H 4(Ho per lb: hrotlcr. 1 2c ner lb: duck. 14T1H nei gee. .per In; turkey. lT0t7V, per lb: dressed. 20fJ22c per lb; sqnaht, (2.C0O ' S.00 per do. . 1 . Hope, Weal .and Hide 'BOPS ISO -J Oregon, chore, lOHQlle: prim. TQc: poor gradd1, M07e Washing ton, It); 1A crop, 7Se for choice. WOOL luOA clip, valley, mm to medium, g4Hl2met ta. S0Ot7 eastern Oregon. . Utt22c . . v - ,u , alOHAIR "omlniL SOQsia 1 gHBKPSKINB flbaarin. ICOSoa aacht abort - wool, tnel40e each; medium wool, SO Q Tie each; long wool, TScQglAO each. TALLOW Prune, per lb, SH0l M I a) 'grease, tttlH. . - . V riMTTm BARK SM3e par lb. , HIDKS Dry. No. i, IS lib and aa, HHsJ -' ITH per lb) dry hip. No. I. 1 to It lbs. 14c; dry calf. No. 1, nnder 5 lhs.ISc; salted hides, ' etaere. abnnd, 00 lhs and over, toejllci cow. HHe: atbga gno? bull. nd, OT1 hip, 10 to On Iha, c; calf, sound, aadsr 10 lbs. Mo; freen. nnsslted. 1 less; mils, le per lb less; orsehldea. sslted. each. 1,2ft ft V Til.: dry, MONDAY PRICES IN v ' THE WHEAT MARKET Dec?. May.'" rhloago tiK A - Kunaan Ctty" .? 7IHB Milwaukee Minneapolis ' " r as? i A. BD at 7 $4HB Liverpool ,,,tf Ft. Ioula. New Turk ... is, Mn V rip- t ' -o. HOLIDAY IMDIilG .10irl -BHrt .;;.! .4 a , Ssib.. 1 jsv. ' ' 1 OA. O '. MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY v TIPS TO SHIPPERS j , . i , ., - Tha future of the turltey mar- - ket la much In doubt, ah da- ponds upon arrivals. Shipper ' ) should send . their auppltoa at v a) once or they will arrive too lata e for the trade. Dreaaed blrda are 4) the only onea to send, and to get a) a favorable price tbey a flrat cleaa and rightly picked. "Qull" stock la better alive, , : ll.nnetl ka sole Mdea." tnstsoe, gost akin, common, each. 10al6cl Amor, each, SOeQ ? V H. sA . Vaaatabla. ' :"k P0TAT0K8 Best Oregon. 80c per aack; car lota, . eozHtw par aack; ordinary, 0(e; ear lota, aObftue; snec-ts, fl.OU aack; 2.1D(ii2.24 crate. - .ONIONS Oregon yellow Danvera, 11.25; ear lots, 1.0utl.l0j garlic, gQilOe per to. fancy. 1.78((.2.0; orangea, new navel, $.1.003.711: liananaa. tttoc per ; lemons, cholos, tg.oostll.70 par box; fancy, W OO per box; . Iluiea, Mexican, II. 28 par luu; nlneannle. u m aXm- nam ll.dOlill.78: Dear. $1.261 1.60 per box: poiuegranatM, $1-23 PC ooa; langerioea, VEtiKlABLES Turnip, new, $1 00 per ssrx; rarrota, $1.00 per aack; becta, $1,000 I ts pr cki Oraana radlabea. Soa per deal cabbage,. Oregon. 0075c per cwt green peppera, 7o per lb; California tomatoes, i.wa 1.2A: nimilna 11 nOffr 1 strlna besna. SallOc: ctullflower, $l.862.0O per crate: rhubarb, lhf green pea, in per in; rjoreeraaiau, iu ir iu. gl.uuail.TH local. 60070 P do; eggplant, $1.60 per crate; pumaklna.lVie: equaah, lUe; eranberrlee. Jerseys, $12 00013 00 per bbl; Coo bey .and Tillamook, $10.00; red- lshea. 2Ko nee- Artm. . DRIED FRUITS Apple, evaporated. iql lOUe use lh- anplrats. 10UM lO DOT ID paacb. IOUOISo per lb: aack. He Pr lb less: prunes. 80 to 40. SUci A4c drop en eh aixteento smsller slae; nga, isurornis oiaca, 6Wrc ner lb- rsllrnrnls white. 6a Bar lb; dstea, golden. e per lb; faroa, $1.35e per IB-lb ox, ....... , ,( , Oraoarlea. ' Vats. Kt. grOAlt Ksck b.sta rhino, ta. 10; aowdereg. $H.6fl; fruit granulated, SS.SSI dry granulated, $5.&S; Conf. A. 16.30; beat arsnnlated, $11 86; extra O. tS.OSi aoldea O. 14. M: I yellow. $4.60: bbla. lOe; bbla. Be: boras. BOO sdranes on Bscs DSsls, less ZD per w (or cnaa, a days; maple, 14018c per lb. (Above prlcea aoolv to sales or mo rasa ear lota Car. Iota at spsdal price aobject t auetuarlen,! .' r ' : ' - i HOSBr gs.BO per erte. , ft: j .:, . , COFFEB Package brands," tlB TH. WALT Ooaraa Uslf arroaad. 100. par ton. tenia, dairy, 00. $lL0n: lOOa, tlO.TB; las. Kried Liverpool. SOa. $lT0o: .lntM. 010AO; 4a. 116.00: extra gne. bbla.. xa. B4. 10. $4.B0ftfl RO: balk, 20 UK. $4.0006-001 sacks, 50a. 0ftQ8. a ' ALT Coaeas Wslf omnnd. ICO. Bar ton. $7.00; BOX, per ton, $7.60; Liverpool, lump rock. fis nn per ton: oo-rh rock. 7 oo; 100, bu.tb. . drain baois Calcutta, th. t RICB Imperial Japs. Ks. 1. ae: N. S, BdtSc; New Orlean head,, Tot AjaaV Sci Creole. Rc. , BKANs amsTI white. . IS. TBI tarxa amiss. I-VOO: pink. $2 TB; bayos. $4.60; Lima,' $6.00: kiexicen red, , NTTTS Pssnors. Jtrmhoe. gw per fh: Vlrrtnls, TU per lb: roasted, be;' "nocosnnts, ar.CTBOc per doa: walnut. ISStlSMe par th; pine irate. inim4e per lb; hickory orrts. 10c per Ibt ebeatnnta. ea-tern, 16 11c pee n Braatl at. 14c per Th: filbert. I41V per Tbr fancy pecans, 18H"Ha: almonds. IBerIT par lb. . Patarta, deal OOa, St. ROPB Para Ifanllh. :4c: itaadard. UUci iaal. lie.. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Case, snu Be gal; water white. Iron bbla. 16e per sal; wooden, ISo per gall headlight. 170-dg eaaae, $2H per gal . 7 BAunuKB ao-oeg. eaeee, swe pee gal; Iran Lhle, 18e per gal. - .. BfeNClNS a-deg. ease. S5 par gall bm bbla. HUe per gak - ; - TURPENTINE In Cease. 89c Per gall woodea PDIS. per ni. WHTTB 1 AD Ton Iota. T9 par Tb BOO-Ik lots. Be per in; esa iota. ne per in. W7PiT7iATTjrTnrTune r ft. l.lNHEKn Oil, Pure raw., In S-bhl lota. BOci 1-bhl ht, 61c; cases. Bnc per gsl: genuine kettle boiled, eases, 68c per gal; B-bM lota, B2c; 1-bhl lot. B3e per gal; ground cake, car lota. $20.'A par tool lea tbaa ear Kirs, a.w.on-r tea. -Vaata, Flab and Pravlsieaa. VBESn MEATS Front street Bssf steers. ajse'par lb; bog, block, TVk per lh; pack- era, 7 per id; onus, ssxoc per id; cows, BV.O0C pee lh; real,, extrs, M9e Ibt ordi nary. Be per lb; poor. Be par lb; oiuttoa. faacy, $7We per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETT Port land pack (local) haras. 10 to 14 Tha. 12"4e per lb; 14 to jg lbs, 12V.0 lb; breakraat bacon, lAQlBU per lb; plcnl. Be par lb; rsgolsr abort clear, aa smoked. 11 per lb: s rooked. 11 per lb; clear heck. nsmokd, 104 per lb: smoked, 11 V per U: Union butta. 10 to IS lb, aa amoked,' B per lb amoked, per lb: clear bellle. anemoked, 11 per lb) eafoked, Ua par lb; shoulders. Si per lb. LOCAL LABB Kettle laef, ' ins, ll nee lb; 6s, ll per lh; 60-tb ttas, lOVSe per lb; ateam rendered. 10s, 10c par lb; 6. 10 par lb: compound. 10s. . CANNED BALIION Columbia rlwi1. 1-lb tall, ll.BO; t-lb talla. $2.76; fancy I-fb gats, $1.90 H-lb fancy Sate, $1.1(1: fancy Mb avals. $2.76: Alaaka talla, puis, BBQB0C4 fed, 11.60s aomlasU ta, tall. $2.00. FISH V -Hock cod. Te per th; Bormder. Se ner lh: halibut. 7c per tb: crsbs. 11.60 ner doa: striped baaa, 12Hc per lb; catfiab, Tc per lh; aalmon, - allveralde. Be per lb; eteelbead, Te per lh; herring. Be per Ibt eolce. c per lb; shrlmpa, 10c per lb; perch, 6 per lb; black cod, Te per lb; aJlvar amsit. Tc per lb; lobsters, 16c; freaB maclsrsl. Be par lb; eranOso. a6e per doa OXBTEBS Shoelwater-' bay. per gal, $2.t6 par sack, $$.76, -' CLAMS Uard-abelL pet beg. SlOOl raaor alama, $2.00 pse bos. , , . , HEAVY HOG RECEIPTS ON J UNWILLING MARKET ' ' - ' ' ' ' " ' '-'.' Cattle Are : Coming Just About Right for Demand---Trade , ' r Considers Sheep High. Portland I'ntoa Stockyard, - Nor, W. Live- i roc a receipt; " Hog Cattl Bheen Today ....................... .i.m K2 t ;ui rvaeg ago ................... . ze 4KX Previous weok ......... 1.-M ' Hh Month ago rVv Z2S ' 08 : B.V) ling arrtvala continue to pour Into aa unwill ing market and the ton I dull. Vattle remain in good ahape, receipts snd demsnd being equsL No Improvsment I shown In sheep. The trad I of th orjlulon that nrnent price ar ton i.rncis.1 iifrWnirsT frricsjfii ll"ga '-w.Bi.-m. i wnini a n. m"as . ay . w w u.W'i blocker and China fat, $0.00; atocker and feeder. $4.0004.25, s'attle Beat eesrern Oregon ateera. $S.2 $t.2n; atockcra snd -feeders. 2. 2ft; bulla, $1.60, Hh-ep Wethers, nc mixed sheep, 4Ht5Vc; trslxht ewee, 6c; lamh. 6SrSHc. Calve (Jood veal. 160 to 200 pound. BSBVec: rough and heavy,. nJ3Ve. ; . , ,- . , .. 1ASTMK HOPS tOWIS. ''-i Chicago, Nov. 'll. UvcWncb- vecelptp: .-; - Hogs , lttls . Sheep Chicago ' '...,46.000 a.1,(0 BO.OoO Ksnaa City .U, ,,,... B.6"0 ,-;('' 2,0 Omaha 4.600 4,B00 12.0OA llvga lepened weak to oc lower wltb 6.600 left over. KecelMe a year ago were. 6&.000. PrlceA: Mixed, $4.6nr4.0o; good and heavy. $4.604f.ot rough. $4.4AUs.65; light, $4.fr0U 4.B0. -, t attle Bteady t 10V lower. . . Bbecp Steady. ,.. ; . O0KST0CX Klamttt STOCKS. Ban Frsactaco, R,n. 27. Official close, mora ine ass. Ion; -1d. - Bullion ...'.,,..$ Belcbrr ........ ,20 (on. C'sU-Va.... I.W trphlr B.ho Caledonia ...... .hn Meilcaa ....... I M Ade .21 iasvsg I .4T I'otnsl .OH I'nlnn . Con. . ,. .66, Yellow Jscket .. .11 Ksehsnner .46 Hsle st Nuiliuss 1 on Vorfile , ., ., ,12 Bterllng Sss. N-w Tort, fcor. 27 Hterllng rate: T n..u4, 4M) 3r. .4M.46j 0 dajs, 4S2.7iv8246, DEAR STATISTICS ARE FUTILE Promises of heavy Wheat Crop Fail to Check Upward Teij ' dencyt Chicago.' p , PIT A QUARTER TO : ; : THREE QUARTERS UP Arfeatins Situstioru Still Holds- At- tention and Some Fear Are Ex- pressc6-Shsrp Rally in Corn- Provisions Act Well. :' . MONDAT'B WHEAT MARKET. , Clnee . Cl.e Oaln Close kfnn. SLit. Mwi Yhi in ivcemDer,....i .kma S .HSWA S .00 gl.OH'A Msy....,., jrr A. JlB .004 .,. Lio .82 M .90Z Mtfr Chicago, Nov. 27. Logan .Bryan ' yl Notwlthatandlug baariab statistics, tha wheat market at no time gave any Indication of breaking . ground, remaining firm throughout the session. This continued strong stubborn undertone eaa mean- only on thing that liqui dation has- bee sever a ad wbeat Bow bold must necessarily be by atrong people, who feel that 'there la merit In tb article at thla level, baslnc their belief on the tlnmastle sltustkm. oaYked np by the phenomenal flour bos In ess Slid heavy baying of wheat by tb mlllera. An other factor Is the possibility of damage ta tba Argentine crop. Conservatlv people lean to the Ida . that frosts reported eoni tlm ago have undoubtedly eanaed damaaa. Con firmation of thla, howsvsr, la lacking. , Sharp BaUy-ea, Cons, "a r iS in com .a eeay xoeimg prevaiiea carry, imi 1st In the day abort covering Biovemciit caused a shsrp- rally.. Fears- of' nnaettswl weather through tb .bait eontrlbuUd aoeiewbat to tba aneaalaeee of th beara. The ahorl Interest I large snd sppesr quit confident. Th eata market drifted throughout the day Without any apeclal tendency. Toe provision market s action eecme te eon firm our recent wrltlnca. The market acta walk Th foundation for tb present movement la the remarkable larg caeh business for thla aoasoa nd email stocks held by packer. - - - - urnciai quotatMna oy uverbacc, Btarr m coog eompany, WHEAT. ' f Open, i High. '' Low. ? Cloae. 2 ':. .82 1W......I May...,,.. : .IW4 ..87S July...., .82 . ' J)2 - CORN. New Pec 44 4 . .44 A . -"14 JBVs" May...... -.4. .44 July...,. , .48 . .44 '-: . '".t - : ;OATS.t .4.1 .43 nec..... , .20 Mar......; Jlllt , i r ai July..... M MS - MESS POBE. Jaa 12.BT 18.26 W.BT : 18.02 18.SA 13.22 T 02 B ". e.T L l,10r B en' ; 8.02 May...... 13.02 186 ' - LARD. Dee ..... BBS ..... . 8.00 7.02 , 8 OS . 8.9T - 8 0 ; .10 T.0T SHORT RIBS, a . 8 77 . 88 . S.2 - 8.84 Jaa Mayr..... 7.07 Jaa.. May. 80S VBOfABT OBalir atOTXXXaTT. Chicago, Nov. ST. Primary r ocelots . Today . Tear Age . -e5-. Bush. - Bnsh. Wheat ...."..........1.740.008 1.647.000 Corn .......... ............ HB1.0U0 . 881,000 Hnimneat. - - ---- --- avtrmn TU.nnn ZZLl ,w I corn rrr. Bra.otsi rat Clearance: 'Wheat. 4T3.0O) boxhelai corn 641.i"0 buahel; oata, 17', bushels; flour. 10,000 beirele. . . . . , r , . CBJCAOS CASH .WHEAT. . Cbli-agtb So. STc Cask, whea: xttd. Ask. ; 4w ej M ' o2 NO. 3 treH. ............ vV4-$ S No. red.. ....J.v...... .Sl No; 9 bard. ,4 L .82 No. S bard .7K No. 1 northern... .864 N No. S northern..... ...... ...... ,M No. S epring....... .b2 CHiOAtrO obaiv car lots.. Chicago, Ser. 2T. Oram ear lots: ' -' - Care Orad Fiat, i 1804 Wheat e..lM .88 lv : !B Cora ....... ...446 ' J 1 .M.i4"l Oata sua as 276 ' ' 6 Vtbeat ear today: Minneapolis 8r,l. Dnmth 231. Veer . ago: Mlaueapolis 1.126. Dnlutk UVIRP00L SBAIST MARKET. .1, M.rrHVHJV, 1- e ' T. i-t . 8a 10d. anchanged; March, 8a 10d. )4 lower ; stay, oe tso snmansw. Com January. 4 a8d, Sd . lower: March. 4 2d. d lower. ' , AMXRICAJf 0RAIK VISIBLE, Chicago, Kov. 27. Visible supply: ... Today Year Ago i ' ( Hush. . Knsh. Inrrssss . Bush. 8X2.000 S.7o3.0iBi 4,860,000 Wheat ..8M6T.0n0 lB.6tt6.0rW) Cora ......... 8.668. 0 I.RM.noo Oate ,.. 28,608,000 24.2H0.000 COTTON TWENTY-THREE ; TO TWENTY-FOUR HIGHER New York, Nov. 27. Cat too futures closed 23 to 24 points higher. Official quotation by Overbeck, Starr Cook company . - - ' Open. High. Low. Close. January v. .......... lieu -1108 I1W) IIIV'tM February .......... .iitwi -iioj una iim.,,tHx March 1111,1102 117.1 llMlra-,2 April v .......ll4 lion linn nr.w May ...lira ixn. 102.1OS , .. . IWH 1 -I. , 1 July November lli72B DeceaiOer ..1140 1147 I1.U 11b;38 if .,-1 i T.lvanaol Cattsal Hlaasri. ol, Nov. 27.-Cottne future closed ' Men Francisco. VoV.' 2T. TV)ooosh stock, of- fldsl chaw, morning session: . . - Montana $x.W Commhiaoft. ,..$ .I4A IhimIi vk Midway ....... .4U ,76 McNamara 7.... .41 Jnmho Eaten...." ,21 A .12 Belmont . ...... ! North Star .... Heerue ........ .07 Black Butte.. i... Onldea Anchor.. .82 Nllver , Pick .OB Gold Mountain., , .08 Ilea Butler...... .88 Ray O'Brien.. .08 .26 Ohio Tooopah. ... Nsrada ...r...Wa (i. nun rrog. . Bed Top en Diamond riald Ion Star . . Home . .24' , , .or .. .00 Ton. KxtensloB.. S.60 tToldfleld 68 Bandalorm . .... ,4HA ttandatorm Ex.. . Cssh Roy 12 Oold Bar .... .28 WeatEnd 1.1TH Ttenver ......... .24 Eclipse .21 Bluebell ., .08 Adams ,... .on Mohswk ....... .II Dixie ......... .oa Kendal ........ ,28 SAB rRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. . -r Ran rranclico. RoV. ' JT. Official close. Ing N-kai V Ask. 47 40 16 TTV, $2 .SH 102 82 168 . PS Contra Costa WWesj.. ......... 47 Knrlng Valley Water.. .......... m eoa Mutual Kiectrte . 14 Ban Pranclscn Oaa ft Electric...... 84 - (llant Powder .................. .... Hawaiian fommsrctsl. 82 , llonoke Bugsr. .......... 12 MsksweN Bugsr 81 Onnmee Sugar. ...... .............. 82 t'astihea - Bugsr.. 22., Oceanic Btesmshlp. ....... . .. 8 l'scifie Htaree Telpboa,.......r.i" . Csllfornls W1n.. 8 Psclflc reest Borix inx1 rsllforals Km It -Csansrs' ......... 87 Alsaka Packsrs', 6 PORTlAim BANK STATEMEKf . ) hiesrlng ...841.2T8 24 Balsacea ' ,,., bu.v. u Ijl wPV pr Itcany,-JS W) j prsnia niguer. ' , .;, . -t - : TOSOPAH hrUflKO STOCKS. Ton Is Easier In the Turkey 1 Market and ; Some Sales Are Bejng Made at Lower Fig--ures ; p Future More, of .Mystery Than Ever. TEIUIESSEE COALIS 11 P0K3TS UP Sensational Session of the New York Stock M arket -Today j Sales Are Very Heavy, BULGE IS. GREAT IN FAVORITE ISSUES Rumor or Intended Passing of Diyi- dend on Rock Island the Cause of s Severs Break Sloss-Sheffield Has Rise, ,':f,v;'v-.'.-'-'.r ADVANCES. - Anacoada 6 Amalgamated' .... 2 Ooiu. nontbern ... IJ do- 2d preferred.. Locomotiv S Kris .7....... 14 it,. 9.1 nref erred.. L Atchison 2 Sugsr i.. t swustwr ..-g do preferred.... Car looudry.... Brooklyn , Baltimore ........ Colorado Sat I ....2 Bt. Paul ;jitt C. N. W. ...... Cbeaapeek U Csnsdlsa ......... 114 Rloss-bhef field .... 4V 'irsst W eaters ra.... n i il. i .mi lx a, iAmlsvllla ., Metrooolltaa Mes. Central Katy, preferred N. V. Central.. Ont. A Western... U ra... H l-v Peonayivanla ...... Hepubiies nteei... . n Pacific Mall . u. People' Ua ..... ttf Pressed Bteel Car. , do., prsferred.... " do prererreoy. Bouth. Ry. pfd Southern Pacific. Tennesse Coal . ... 11 I nlon Pacific ..... U. 8. Bteel:. ...... Vi ' . . nuMT,,,,, Wabaah ...... Hi do preferred..... Vs do preferred.... nortoix. Bock Island'.,'. ... su prsterrsa. i ee prviazrea. .... "Ta Wall- Street, New Tork, NT. - ST. Today trading ta tb atork marker waa of a sensa tional character, of th Hat Tenneaae Coal had a rla of 11 points and other favorites showed big rises. Missouri Pacific waa weak oa a bad report, the, statement ahowlng a -decrease of $331,404 In tb September miming. Bsa Prandaoo aecond preferred waa a. bad loser In eplte of th fact that tb regular dividend had been declared. . Rock Island e earatngs hsr bees such that a rumor started that the dividend waa to be passed. The result wsa a lose of 1H la the common and 4 point In tb preferred. ' Official qnotattoM by Overbeck, Btarr ft Cook company : - . ) DESCRIPTION. , Anaconda- Mining Co Amal. Copper Co..,, Atehleoa. com.u... do nreferred 16114 8 iu Am. Oar a Foundry, com 8 on preierrea , . Am. Sugar, com...... Am. Bmelt., com..... do preferred Baltlmor a Ohio, com 100U 143 164 JlAOb Jain,!!." Brooklvn RaDld Transit. t ansaisa racirie. com. urn tret lyeatner....... do. preferred C. A O. W.. com...;... tu.. mii a st. p C. a N. W., com..;... Cbeaapeak a Ohio..... Colo, rnsl a Iroa, eom Colo. Bouthera, com . . do second preferred., do first preferred.. . D. a R. O., com...... do preferred. ........ Erie, com ,ao arnibl preferred JAIaLia do flrat nreferred T ai L t.'l do flrat ore f erred Illinois Central. ui..... Loniavlll A Nsskvllla Met.. Bt. .Ry.. Manhattan. Ry......:.. U.tlr. Pen.r.l.B. ? m I Te Missouri Pacific.. M. K. ft T. corn. do Preferred ......'.-. New Tork Central...., Nor ther a Pacific Am. locomotive....... do oraferred.......... Norfolk a Western, com. North . Amerlcsn.. N. -T.. Ont. a Waatarn Fennsylvsuls Ry r. t. co ..' Pressed Bteel Car, com. Psclflc Msll 8. S. Co... Resdrng, com........... do second pre f erred. . . do first Breferred., ... Rep. Iron a Bteel, com'. do preferred. .. . ... Rock Island, coaa. ...... oo Brererrea. Boat be ra Ry.. do n refer red . vr:TS! Southern Pacific St. L. a S. P.. Sd pfd. fiat, 72". do flrat preferred... Stv L. A 8. W com... do preferred. ......... Texa a Pacific Tena.- Coal a Iron.... To... St. U W.. pfd. I'nlon Pacific, earn F. B. Rnhber. com..,.. V. 8. Bteel Co., coca... 881, 104 106 Wis. Central, com,..,., do preferred. ... ...... Western Cnloa Tel..... .... m .... 60 .... S! 21 41 41 Wabaah. com. do preferred. Call money. 44?S per cent. Total sale tor day. 1,760,700. . -J J: BOSTOV COPPER MARKET. ' Boston, Ner. ST. Copper Closs: BIO. Adveatnr ...$ T.2S Alloue ,42.00 Arcadlaa .... ' 8 TB Atlantic ..... 26 oo Bingham . 84. TB Rid. , North Butt.. , T4.08 Old Dominion.. Sl.ftfl' Oeceola , 110.00 Parrot , 28.00 Phoenix ....... 1.28 Oulncy 107 RO Royal- 28.76 8nt r , v.,' g.Bo; Calumet ..... Centennial ... 20.26 Onpper Rang. T4.TS Daly Weet, STB IU 76 2T.B0 thannnn .... T.TO Kim v Franklin .... Tsmsrack 128.00 Trinity (jilted Copper, 10.60 8S.60 B8.12U -ftreene Copper wranny ...... Mass Michigan ..... Mobawk ..... Nevada Con... '87 Vi TB 18.1214 61 25 S.1SH Victoria ...... 8.60 Winona ...., Wolverine .... 127.60 l 8. Mining.. 40.87 i wOTBBBarSirr BONDS. New Tork; Nov.' 2T. -Government bond: Dste. Bid. Aak. Fe.S No. 2 regular' ....... 10-tO I0.1U l' 14 108 1)16 . 106 1.12 : 132 ' lla 108 104 104 104 ioe)" 108 18i 11i H0 ius 1008 regiilsr.. Nsv small Don da .j. No. 4 regular............ rnupno. . 1POT 1BOT 1K28 1023 No. 4 No. d No. 4' regulan. ........... coupon. . . . . . . . . . . , District of Colnmnl $-85s. jmillpplr s ...... ..v., NEW TOBZ OOrtKB MARXtT. : Near Tork, Nov. . 21 Coff s future 10 point higher. tirilslsl eiHiistwns:' ; , Bid. A.k.l January ...Mho $eaolJnly ., Pehruary ... 8 6 -T ool August Msrrb. ..... T.06 T loiBepteml A or II ...... T IS T 80' October Rid. Aak. .."..$7 40 $T.4 7.60 7 66 T86 ..Too t. 86 T.TO Mar . 7 26 t. 80 November .. 8 T 8 00 June T.30 : T.eO! December iw 8,15" S.00 CRTCAOO LOCAX STOCKS. Chicago, Ner. "ST. Local stock: j rim. Biscuit . ...... . 641 Boiboard. . S Can Carbon T5 Bid. Diamond Match. ..144 Pneumatic Tool, .. 4N Bwlft a Co loo Subway 40 New Tvh Cash Oeffss. ' , New Tork, No. B7- 4'ash coffee; No. I Rio, l5 1c( No. 4 Banloe. 0c. i ; 1 v. 3DtoB: Xubef ts ' ttaed, " Klamath Falls, Or., Kov. XT. Frank Stall, arreated by Deputy Game Warden Hutchinson 'or 'hunting ducks without a non-realdnnce lioenee, pleaded gUIHy before" Joatlce Offleldand was fined $25 and costs, j,.,, .. , ..... chj::ese trade increases SPITE OF COYCOn Exports From United States for Past Ten Months Double ; Last Vear's Record. 1 , - (Journal Special Service.). ' Washington, Nov. 17. Despite th boycott againat American products the export trade of the -United States with China for the 10 months ending October, 1(0$, was mors than twice as large ss the same' period In any preceding year, according to a bulletin laaued by the bureau of statistics of the department of commerce and labor, ., -x'.. Officials who computed It have, not concerned themselves with reasons foi the increase In the face of tha boycott The advent of Deace. the Industrial awakening of the entire Chinese empire and the efforts the American ootton manufactures have made to obtain RtiO hold oatentaL markets la the - opinion of commercial experts have been patent factors In the growth, the pon trade. The bulletin says: , . "The total value of merchandise ex ported from the United States to China in 18 months endlntf with October. 106, waa $60,104,747 against $20,5I7.14 In the corresponding; 10 months of 1804, which up to that time was a high record year 1n our export .- trads wltb China." .. f '. , ;. SPRECKELS JS AETER v r , COLORADO PROFESSOR "- ' t tJearaal Special Sarrlee.'l : ': ' , ' Denver. . Nov.- 27. Professor YT. U Carlyle, dean of the Colorado Agricul tural college at Fort Coin res, leaves to night for California to look Into an offer made him by the Bpreckets Sugar' com pany to become manager of a plantation In the Hawaiian islands. Professor Car lyle, It Is understood, has been offered a salary three times what he now re ceives, and If he accepts will have the superintendency of the stock farm as well a the sugar plantations. - rro feaor. Carlyle Is Si years ef age and popular with the students. : .' Is the MAN who always has the many GOODIES for the holi days. In our ad. today we can only give you a few of them. COME IN AND SEE for your self, or Phone. SUGAR Dry Granulated, 10 lbs., if 1.00 Sl.OO . Sack Good Hard Wheat Flour. 81.00 Gallon can Choice Maple Syrup. , - 30 Pound Baker's Premium, Chocolate. r 20 " Can Baker's or GhlrardelU's Coeos. . . 15s.. . . Pound Citron, Lemon or Orange Peel, t packages Seeded Raising. .. -10" . Pound Washed Currants. : .35t. " 1 lbs. New Crop Knglisb Walnut a 25 t -pkg. Condensed Mincemeat. East Sid store, I4S Williams Avenue. ,, .i ......JPhons., EastS...,; j..' '? West Park aad Waahlng-toa Bts. '. '. Phone Stats 8888. . $1.00fc$1.00 Turkish Bath tt Alftht, tUl ft3T k King's: Baths SevsatH and Was- Ingtoa Sta. rinsnsl "and largest batba '-Ss the attr .-: SOWSTTSTO, XOPKTHS OO, ; (Uatabllahad ll ) vxsat aho stops: -amOMBi ' Stoom 4, Oroajid floor, cAin or coancnoa. Allows : OVBRBBCK, STARR s& COOKE CO ,;'-.V' Ni,.f...Meibers tJhlcafO Board of Trade. ?vf luT.y , SKAJ3T, PmOTTSIOBTS,OOTT01V, STOOM ASTB BOsTSB. ' :-.-:. - - -- - 101 Third Street. McKay Building. Portland. Or. " ,r ; war bo A stsu'tiy oosaosBiost BVarnrass.' . - Continuous Markets by Private sVlrs. Quick Service. REFERENCES Lsdd" ;. t Tllton, bankers, and Uni'.vl SUtes National Bank of PorUand. ' , -a---------es, 1 TWELVE MILUONvr1.Ei,Rtu50txt company 1 I packages last year.somi IONE WAS 5AIliriti;. SfA Property at i3alf:Value VptlL January 1 the remaining 81 lots of North Irvingtcm vrlll be olJ for tlSO to S32S per lot on terme of ti down and 15 per month to I.-'m-e-builders and t per cent discount for cash Tbl is strictly lnsi'ie ymu- . terly, lota 60x1 OQ. fret, water, electric ' llgtita, etc. Omple'e ebutrmt or " v title policy furnished with 8 very lot Tr lot 85vsn.-e January .1. ' Call or writ at once. . ( . S4S KUslsalrpl At TRANSPORTATION. Astoria Columbia ' River; Railroad Co. Leaves. CN10N DEPOT.' Arrlre. '.88 a. I Por Marxer. Batnler, 11 20 a. Daily., Dally., Clare sals - Wssiport, ctiftoa, astoris, wsr reoton. 1 Plsvel, Hsm mad. Fort Stevena. Q Mr hart Fsrk. Saaald. Astoria and , Seeabor. Sxprea Dally. .- ' - . i"rJ ;, Aatorta lipreasv TtflOs. 1 D"y. , 8:68 B I Dally. . X uim ct . n . . i.wl, Ar. C. A. BTaVW ART, Commercial -Agent. 248 Alder sirast. fbon Msln SOS. UPPER COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE From Portland to Irrlson and way potnta, la Bute rot- ODunectton with Regulator. Uas and age Hallway, teanr J "MOUNTAIN GEM" ' ; LravM OEttXO " " . trsry TUZSDAT for ASXINOTOBT and WAT POINTS, and Svery rSUJAT for 1BSI00W, ASLMaTON snd WAT POINTS. . rrslxhf received at AIDES BTSOT DOCK ererv TUESDAY and rAIDAT. Bparlal rate for I'matllla, . Wallula, Pea- nu Kennewica. Kor further Information (1 dress Bnpt. w. r. Orsy, Celllo, Or., or Inquire at ffle ef Bcga Islor Line. Phone Msln 814. - ALASKA FAST AND POPCLAB STEAM SB I PS : ' Leave Bssttl 8 a. a. "7CFFCS80N," Xvrsmbsr 88, via WraagaL "DOLPHIN," Nsvsmbsr 8, 17, via Wraagel. TASALLON," Nevsmber 10, , eta - Wrangsl, Mtlhhtle. CALLIN.O AT ' -KatohikaB. IVneau. Songlaa, Balaae, Skag way. Oeaaeat with W. P. T. ronta fa Atlla, Dawaaa. Taaaaa, Noms, sto. . Far All SeBthaaatcra AUka Parte. CaD or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska "India Basketry," "Totsm robes." , . THE ALASSA S. S. 00. . - "' Frank Wooiy Co.. Agents. 7" 2oS Oak Bt. PortUad. Or. C. QEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor ' For marly located si KB Aid St.. eersse Third,'.- - Has Moved . To the mrg r building at S. S. eoraet ef First nA atorrlas ata. , , , , . , r - Entrancs M 1631 rirst atrasx 'Sr. a Awa Wo. tha mat Costst. I wall known, and famoee throaabout the 0. S. hacsass his wonderful sad marveloaa ewree have boea htralrted broadcast tbroaghoot tbs length and breadth of tbla country. H trestl aay and all dlsa with powerful Chinee not, hsrh. bods, harts and vegetable thai are entirely unknown ta medical see ace la this country, and through the as of tasss barmlea remedies be guarantee to cur catarrh, aethma, ksug trouhlss, rhsamsUsBa.Bsrvoaeneee, stomsca, llr.r.- kldoey. fmal treobiee and all Brtvsbl dJafa nsow doctor eeVes without th 1d ef th knife, without nalng noleon or drugs. Handi'svw sir 'Bmirtrianfgli we Wwi at hi argseB Call snd ee him rbsrge nude. OONSVXTATIOsf TMVt. Patleot est ef the city write for blanks ad circular. Ibcmss ee (tamp. Addreee Tb 0. OU We Chine Medicine Oe lUih Ut Bu. se. Morrison, Portia, Or, , - . .. Plans BMuttoB this paper. ' O CPICES-q COFFEE,TEA, DAIflMOPOVDEn, IdhPvrlhr. Flrvts. Flivor. CIaiMStTtTtCeUetfVkv aOSSETGDZYERS , PORTLAND, f.t COM. Per modern dental work.' World-re. . - r . noemed speelallsta -Lowest prlcea consistent with flrsl-slass , ' work. - - . ' Ow to tba NEW YORK DENTISTS rOUatTS AMD BtOmatlSOsT STS. Open Say and night, front S:S8 a. sa. . ... atU 1 8 v .ss. , ..' . - - mm mm. EPREU50WCOMPAPrx SYRACUSCNtWYOPK, S.- .ail. . TRANSPORTATi: Vv eumoim'jcinc Trains io the East Daily 3 Through Pnllmsn atsndard and WJartat a tee a- lug-care dally te Omaha, Chicago, Bpokaae bKirlat leeplDg-cara dally to Kaasa - t it.r; through Pnllmsa aonrtst slreplng-csrs Ipersoa. ally conducted 1 weekly to Cbtcsgu. Reclluiug ebalrean I seats fres) to the Baft dally. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrlrv. CUICAOrt-POHTLAND SPECIAL. 8:18 8. at I'M p. m. For th Eaet via Us at- Dally. Dally. . Ing ton, f . SPOKANE FLTBB. For Rastern Washing- -rp i toe. Wall Walla, Lew- S:1S p. m 8:00 a. m. leton, Coeur d'Ateae Dally. Dally, and Qrsat Northers ' Botnta. " -' ... . ATLANTIC SXPBK88. 8:18 p. m. 10.. For tb Bast vU Uuut- Daily. Daily. Ingtoa. Oelnmbta Klver Division. FOR ASTOBIA sad way I 8:00 p. m. ' , point, eoaaectlng with Dslly About ' stmr. for Ilweco and eg. Sunday. B:flO p. m. North Beach. stmr. Battirdsy. ex. Sunday. Hassslo. Ash-, dock. 10:00 p. m. , TamklU Blvsr Baas. ' ' . FO DATTON. Orsgon City and Tsmhlll river T 00 a. as. T:88 p. m. points, stmrs. Ruth and Daily - . Dally Uodne, Ash-st. dock. sa. Stmdsy. s. Saaday. (Water permitting.) Snake Klver Beat. FOR LIWI8TON. . Id., and way point from Bloarta. Wash., stwrs. Bpoksn and Lewiatoe. 8:40 a. m. or upon ar 4:00 p. m. Dally ex, Friday. rival Tram No. 4. Dally lex. Bat. iFlCKET OFFK'C Third and Weehlogtos St. . Telephone Main TU. C. W. STI.NOER. City Ticket Agent. A. L. CRAIQ, Osasral Psssaiajs Agent. . EAST via SOUTH Lsav I N ION DEPOT. OVERLAND KXPBF.S8. Trains for Bsiem, stoso burg. Asblsad. Bscra meute. Ogdea, aes Iraa eleca. Stock ton, Los r grles. El Pssu, New Or. leans and tbe East 8:44 B. . 7:18. BU . Morning trsm con nects at Wood burn daily except Sunday with train, for Mount. Angel. Bllvertoa, ..tu. i.i 8:80 a. m. B: p. au 10:83 a.m. field, Weadllng aad Natron, Eugene psaseogsr-eon-sects st Woodburn with 4:18 . I Mt. Angel and. Silver ton local. T:80a. ss. 4:B0n. m. Cnrvaill passenger. Sheridan paasoogsr. forest Urove peaaenger. 8:80 p. m. 8:2B a. m. 111:80 P-.m. . 'Dally. '-' . .t ,',; llDally except Bnaday, , . ParUaod-Oawsgs Sabnrbsa Servle and TamhiU v ... , . ' Divlsiae. . I, : . '' i! Depot foot of Jeffereha . Leave Portland dslly fVw Osg T:80 A 1 12:80, IKsJ. 4:00. 8:80. 8:S. 8:80 10:1. 11:W p. m. Dally (except guadsrl. 8-30. 8:80, B.Bo. 10:23 . m. Bnmlsy only. 8:0 ..".. . ... etirfntnrff''lil Oseegw iiis I'eillesiS dsll 8:80 a. m. 1 :Bfl. 8.-06, .8. :!. I M. . it -to o. m.. 18 58 a. m. Dally (xcpt Buodsyl. 8:88. :80. 11:45 a. St. Sunday only. ,0i.. eL- "Mm. d.not for Dalle and Inter mediate points dally : B B Arrive Port 5i.W!,. liotoe line H AP-eTscatrviiri w-v..s " a - - operates dslly to Moamontb nd Alrlle. e.w nietln" with Southern PaclBe omBany' track at Dallas ana loaepenoeor- Flrst-cUeo far from Portland to Sacrameat and Ban Francisco 82. bertha 85; ond-lss fare. SIS. aecond-claaa berths tiM. Tickets to Esstern point nd Knropev else Japan. Chins, Honolulu and Atrslls i'lty Ticket OfBco corner Third and Waah- lnitooatrer.JPbonMlarTlS. C. W. BTINOF.B. i v. ' A. U CSAtO. City Tkkst Agcat. x , 0n. Pss. Agent TIME CARD TRAINS Portland: DAILT. UNION DEPOT: Tsllowstone Park-Ken- Baa Clty-8t. Lotil spe ei.t f. t'ttebslla. ten trslls. Olympls, Orsys Harbor. South Bead. Ta coma. Seattle, Spohsne. Lewlston. Butte, Bit ltne llenver. Omshs. Ksnsse tity. St. Lou I snd Houthrsst. . North Cosst Limited, electric lighted, for Ts vim, Seattle, 8lksn, Butt. Minneapolis. 81. Psul and tb Essl. Pnget Bound Umlted. for Cheballs. Centralis. Tscobm ' aad BVattle euly. Twin City Eipcssa, for T corns. Best tie, ,8pe- . Helena. Hlltt 1 10:83 m. s :a Xslkrwstuu Psrb, Min neapolis, at. Paul aad lh Eaet. ' A. D. CHARLTON, i Asslstsut Osneral Paaeeuger Agent. 1 -liM Morrison at., cor. Tklrd. , !' , , . Portland. Oragoa, IL.I '' Jl i ' ' , tNt COMrORTASIX WAV. City Tkket OfBos, IBS Sd M. Phsa 88. 9 Ovcrlar.J Trains Dally 7 "Ths QHsstal Limited, th Vast MU PUsfDZD SBVTCW . VP-TO-DATS MQTJIParBWT coTjm-raoxrs umploti! LB"AVK 8:80 a. in Proa Portland la Beanie ARlXlVK 7:00 a. m. 8:10 p. m. 1. 0 0 rn." 11:41 p. m OS" p.m. la Spokane , (o. sv. a sr. oo.)! Ora Korthera BaoaiaBahtp Co. Fnillna from hettle s. m. phota. pr" id. . S. B. Hti,.sI;eOTA, r 1. For Jotn "! ' inns lone and n n I "t . f (I'- ity ) SUMRtT. IM I Q locoes tnAaTteJ J Bouvra I r I W?i j Depart. I Arrlre. 8:88 a; m. 4.30 p. as. it:00,m. t:0 a. m. I 4:80 a.m. tl:4Bp.