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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1905)
TIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 11, 1905. 1. '-. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TWO cre Jost mat of city llmlta,' aud war Mootsrlll car llu; bo travel; all cleared; old bouse; niauy nice fruit iraca; 81.2o0. " Aim IS acrea almllnrlr altualsd; DO build hi; 00 fruit .trr; , Heaeral honaea and kite. Eaat Portland, of good valu aud atyW; centrally located; ma terma, Alao room modern bona, stir, Sunnjralde, 82.2o; lot to SOxluu fact. Alao 8-rom houH, drlctly modra, and coe- Ber lot toiTO; term, aaj 1.X( to 81.300 rafh and balance to ault; centrally located.' Kaat Portland. .. " ' CVLTCB. 23 "Chamber of Commerce...' 11.000 10 ACRES, wad aide.. 6 mile from -center of city; all cultivated; young orchard. 98.6UO acre, aaat side, adjoining 8. P. cerebop, f d for fadory or to plat. L. 19. LATOL'RBTTB. 418 Falling bid. EA8T BID! HOMES Three. T-room and ana -room booss on R. Third and Multnomah t-l aaw. beautifully flushed; flna location; convenient to 8 erllnes; sy term. Parlab ' A Gosrlay, own era, el Multnoasah at. HEW modern T-eonm residence on Mount Scott rarllne, 26 minute' rid from Portland: lot SAxliiO. flna lawn and fruit tree, for $1,800, at your own terma. ar may trad for land - Add ma M 48. rare Journal. BARGAINS In house and lota from $300. to ' a Lenta, Oraeos: 6-ceot far to any part of Portland. O. R. Add I ton, Lenta, Oregjo. Take Mount Scott ear. A S-STORY brick building. 100x100. oa Bait aldei will pay A per cent Bet on 130,000: .price au. 000; can fir torn, Addrea R 6a, car Journal. COR aala, cheap. 8 lota, t-room bona fnr , nlehed, on Mt. Scott ear Una near Arleta, MX); Boat ssll. steknese. Addrea P 40, Journal. , e"0R SALS at bargsta. Btodera T-coom horn a Kaet Taylor. riiee la; terma to anil purchaser. Apply P at. car JoaraaL POR SALE Modern eutmrbea cottage, eloee , to ear line, flne location, ground lOOxllaa, 0. W. P. Towaalto Co., 1M Pint at . ' 'A T-ROOM bone. 100x100 lot. tree, Uruhhrv, ete.t prlc 81.800: tra to ault. Addrea P 41. car Journal. . . ELLWOOD lot, ft down aad 66 a asoatht from 878 to 1100. Ssllwoed Tswsslt Ca. Phone Kaat 4T04. B-ROOM bom, full lot. plenty af fruit, 8"O0) tlOO down. 110 month. Inquire at 380 Kaat Washington at. . . LOTS, acres rB and residence on Portland 1 .Htlgbta. J. C. SWner. 806 Yamhill, cor. Park S ACRES on St. John line; cultivated, level, elghtly. Owner, 22T Chamber of Comma re. MOD ST TABOR T rooBM. bath, barn. 100100, , a earllaei Iota fruit. Owner, 128 Third. 91.T80 MODERN A-roora hoaae. full lot, )a Sun Braid ; half caah. Call 10TV. Third. THREE Bew hoaaee. rent ar eel; anaB. M661 Fourth at, room 18. Owner. - 'SMALL mttaca and bars, laraa lot, (TOO for a few day. Call 107 "4 Third. - . SPRCTAL BAROAfN 88 POR 81. ' Tract 88 front foot. 816 feet deepf aaa bar aa many front feet aa yoa want tram 80 toe, upl all la eartlrattna. all leerl and lithtly, 6 minute to food 10-room arheoL 8 (radea, sear atorea, poatnfflee, chares and car etarloa at Lenta) 6-cent far to any part f Portland. Thl la 1-8 price: term If wanted. O. R. Addlton. Lenta. Orafoa. awner. Take Mt. Scott ear. S eeota. . . BER8) la a banraln Owner learta city, will , aell hit euharban home of 4 laraa Iota, plenty ,: ef fruit: T-room medera hoaae. barn, etc.; term; no agent wanted. Addrea M . KV 'JoaraaT. . - - ...... WAONER PBTTT. 801 ComaMrclal blk., bae . om of the heat baya la t lie-city, Saa them ha fore buytogaad be eoartaead. VZTF 8-rnom corner bona eg Fremont at.: hath, ' porch: a a ieep4tnnr- haraaln: only fl.WO. Traoa KktaeU, )2 Oonimarclal blk. Main . afcrt. - ,. , . a. room r mnderH bora. Ki Baar Blahtr" f.; ' " . tU.Oun; 8JU0 dowa. balanc I JO per month. v i nnnn wmw, n.nwn'in ai.t f limn it.., - (2.200; 1.100 down, balaace 21 per month. 4 1 Kin. M Eaat Oerenth It. North. Phon r.aat 816. . . ' ' GOOD IXVIWTMENTS. ' A (treat Rnap ZO acre In fla 4uttlatloa, Bear Vernoa car lln. 8 acre all In meadow, near Richmond car ' ' line, with wioderB a-room hone.'''- .181x133 feet, with 4 new ronm mottora hrwaea; rental 8S8 per month: 89.0(10.' " .rVnne neat aad dealraMe home Neat S-mma -' -rottapre. new . and dean, ' cement haaement. eaat front. H block to car on Belmont ae. bargain t "p A nice 8 acre, well Improved, "do to car line, good building; price only 81.800. S-arre home, well Improved, near railroad Bd ebool. T mile' not; 870. ' " ORrSDY-MELRATH 0O. ' ' 84&H . Morrtooa St. flfirt DOWN. $18 a month, bar new 4-raom cottage J'iec' flaataad; price 81.000: fla M ROi 1 on. fenced, between two carl t nee. 43d rand- East Mate at. Phon I'ntoh 103. GOOD 'Tvonae bona, new, 8 .'.Iota. fenced, chlcken-hoa and jard. 14 aanrted (rult tree: bargala. 81,10.. Tot. Stavana, car 819 ' Pin at, . - .-4sno 'WILL buy. email hooae and lot SOiino, , Nos TMl Alblna ave., bet. Fremont aad Beach ' ata. ' W.. Pattcraoa, 33 Tamhlll t., owner. " i ; rOR good homestead teada call at 180 Pint at. HARD-FINIKHEn ' T-rnnm bona, full cement haeemeot. noaioa lot: fruit tree, berrlea; ' 81.660; 8800 dowa.- Bom Land C., 146 . Plret t. A SNAP I' token at one; -room atodera hooae. ' , good barn: lot flftxiao: all krnda of la rye anl , email fmltt 8500; on halt calk.. Owner. Phone Eaat 8B3B. ' S ACRES, etna In. ready to Plat, high and elghilv. 60x100 lot all around aell for i ta tanoi liaigaln at 8I.8IW 'If tiMl"8oo. 48, Journal. , FOR SALE North Mount Tabor; eoay. well built cottage; laraa won, la bed. henery; lot hOxlOO; good neighborhood; moat all; aacrl flc at 86AO. Pbon Eaat 487. ,..-eL , A GOO II- corner, quarter block, near Norther PaHfle terminal! good Income nronertv. 011 ' early. 818 Pine at. National Real Eetato Co. FOR. SALE FARMS. 180-ACRE farm, 18 ml lea of Portland a Randy river, 40 acre ander cultivation, good ttnprovemeote. 18 acre on Powell Valley road. H mil aouth of reaarvolr; abort die- " tine from 8 car llnea. IT acre good, level land adoljntng Motor addltloa. . W. B. Each- ; belmer. 827 railing bldg. STATR LANDS POR BALE Th atate of Oregon ha for sale Umtted " amonnt of ba for Ilea Mlectloaa; price nntll further-notice 88.00 per acre, for par tlcnlar addrea Oawsid Waat. Stat Lead Agent. Salem, Oregoa. A SNAP In paatern -Oregoa It takea at once: '2..WI icrea anfmproved farm land, pit War reetvr bldg.. Portland. Oregoa. ,. 810.000 FARM ef 400 acre, MO cultivated, balaac paatnra; 80 a (Tea clover; bouee, tw barna; would toll la lota of 40 cre. Ad. , dreee I. Bell. Rout 1, - Rick real, Oregoa, 'or 408 Eaat Twelfth t., Portland.1 S ACRES la Mllwaukte, 4 block to earllaei all kind of fruit, An aprlng ot Water. 6 ronm cottage, full baaement, good well ' porch: thl plac la a nerralu; caa make , yoa terma. 404 Eaat Morrlaoa t ' Boon RIVER 10-aere ranch, heuaa, , bar a, fruit. Owner, 128 Third (t. 12.7.10 . ACRES,' highly improved,, near car .line; tine orchard, 6-room ho, good ham, . all onthnlldlnga) one third caah, remainder long time a dealred at 6 per canu Call : 1071 Third. WANTED 8,000 acre la ooe body aultable to , rakw kop. . price not exceeding few per acre. a . .eocne. lawv a iraa mu tS.TM BOT8 84.800 farm ef 188 eeres, 8 j . , room boua. bar a, good 'water. tHr m'1 ' from warabooao, lt mile to achool; 1.0u8 . caab, bUnc 8 rear' time. 6. I. Maboaey, ' Takoa. Waab. y .' FOR SALE Stock fanch of S.4O0 acrea near -. Coburg, 8 mile fcnrtheaet f Eugene, Lan " County, Oregon; price low and term eeay. P. I). Chamberlain, La one bldg.. Port la ad. ' PREB LAND lit ORBOON aadar tb Carey I , . Irrigation Act. !eed direct from -atate. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. 8.' . Cook a A Co.. tAl Alder at. Portlaad, Or. A 80-ACRB farm, all la eultlvatloni S mile from rnnrthoaae. 1 tnlle from O, W. P. Ry. 1 8S.0OO; terme to ault. Job P. Sharkay, T01 Chamber ef Commre. BV owner. 16 acrea 4 ml lea from Colombia river) young orchard; H mil from railroad; . - good aprlng, bonae. bar, en goad road, tot ,; ... o. 8iO. Inqnlr 10'il Balght are. 1 ACR KB. ill Improved, S mile from etty. Pboo Eaat 1668. t FOR SALE FARM?. - hisrEX-CHANK REALTY CO., 1 131 'Iblrd htreet. ' Room ir iiauillton Bulldlag. 830 arrea laud, aimily Imttum land. 40 acrea 1 beaver dam land clear, law acre hi rultlva tk; flneat atreaia In America rune through It; feuwd and croae- fenced, aioatlr cedir poet- plank, wire bottom aud top; a (rood, laraa bouee, nicely flulahed la aud out; Urge farm huuar, kllcheo and pantry, large barn and " granary; 8 Urge teauia, 3 wagon. I reaper, I amwer, plowa. harrowa, barrake, all kin I farmlug toola; 40 brad of cattle, uoatly Sborb -horna; 112 bead of goal. Ml hoga and plga, 16 turkeya, iloaen cbl'kena; full atock wluter feed. hay. oata: R. f. D. mall; H mil to cmooI; ptione line; good market at home; t mi lea to R. R. alatloa. 1'rtce 87,000; 83,000 can atand If dealred. ' ... m, acre bench, fruit and vegetable land: flrat-rlaaa Und; flneat paature; oa good road to dty, BH uillea away; good T-rooui houee, hot and cold water la bouae; good barna, rail Blng water by them; 1 apan ot horeea, ( waaona. I top betray, t 44-toa Phoenix ecele, 1 hi 10-pound Falrlianka acale. 20 tone of hay. 8 cow,, 10 fat boaa In pen, S eowe with 11 Plga. 1 -hlood Poland China boar,. 1 full blooded Jeraey calf aired by Chief Engineer Ladd atock, 8 be I far calve. 1 Pnrham, blood; I Jeraey. t -blood; T of th above cow are graded Jcraeya. A flrat-claa email creamery oa tbe pile. 8.000-pouud capacity per1 aionth. run by water power: . all the creamery fixture. Including a 8100 eprto. llealiuleet a put on earth. R. P. I. malt. ' phone In the hone and Ninth grade ecboi'l within H mil. Prlc 3,000: half caa atand If dealred. 40 acrea At land. 2ft ta cultivation, at which 6 cree I beaver dam: a good orchard; good -room bonae, Urge earn fend all other neceeaary bullilinga; on good mad; R. P. D. mall; 10 mile from city; 83,600 will bay It. or 62.ROO will bny 20 acre adjoining, with earn Improvement and 4 acre beaver dam; 16 acre clear) good building., arenhrd, ta. 10 ere Al land, 100 In cultivation, rooar ly bottom; 10 acre la bona; 1H acre family ' orchard; goodt 8 large room bonae. Urg pan try and rloeeta; Urge bare and granary, bop. bona and ehlcken-uouae: fine, eoft water at bouee; plac nicely watered; 1 Urge team ol horaee. aarneao and wagon. 1 good buggy auj ha rite a. I Jvreey cow, 1 Holatem cow, T hoga. 8 doaea chicken, plow, cultivator. 1 mower, I rake, 1 binder, all klad ef garde toola; plenty of hay and eeed; oata for next . crop: good retch crop already In. - Prlc $6,000: bait caa atand. .. ' 80 arrea. 84 In cultivation. jaUnc fine limber end paature .land; creek acroa bark part of plac. fin orchard, good aprlng a bona, fair barn and other building, good team mare, baraeae and new araaous - hack, milking utenalle, plow a, barrow, dlae plow, 4 Jeieey ruwa. 50 clitckena. 8 aheep. 8 gecac. 1 ' colt, ' 8 heifer, 300 eark potato. 20 ton hmf and' grain. 600 whiter aupto tree to net out: R. P. I). mall: la Waeta. eouaty) :,00: would take 82.0U0 la city property. 81) acrea; 83 acre In cultivation, good orch ard, good 8-ronro bona, (air bar, a lea hay ahed. good chlckea-houea aud yard, atream through the place, good teem horaee. new wagon and harneaa. 2 cow, 8 heifer, hog, rhlckena and all kind farming machinery, ' cedar to make 80.000 poate. S mil to acbool, phon In bona, B, P. I. mall. Prlc 3.O0U( eay Urou. OTTO CROCKETT. v i6Vt Waahlnaton at. rbon Black 2ST1. ' 60 acre la Benton county. Or., one mile from good town; mo acre under plow. Urge Build lug with Uteat Improvemeata la every re aped; beat farm la tb county; prlc 810,000; term.. , . . - . . .... S3 acre la Union county. Or., aea tb beat towa In th county, .elegantly, improved; price nn fennlli..lbMt. 826-eere ranch In Jack arm county. Or.) 800 acre ander plow, very good Building, an traced, well watered, good orchard.. Mi bead ef cat tle. 18 bead of horeee. all Implement: an elegant ranch for 812.000; terma. or woald eonaider a entailer ranch la trade, shoot 16 or 20 mile from Portland. " 840-acr ranch 6 mile from North Tamhlll, 200. acre auder plow, well feoard, good build in: 81ft ner acre. 7 gcree. elegantly Improved, near city llmlta; beat eclL, equal to heavrrdam lead, all kind ' of fruit; price 86.600; term. 10 icrea, full fruit tree.' all "under fence, T-rnom bonae. It mlle from traetcar; price -MMA. mmu.m -- ---- 20 acr' la Waahlagton. eaat of Vanooaver: 12 ere ander plow. g acre arenara, gooo bulldlnga; price 81800: would omaldag trad foe hnuae and mt ! Portland. 40 acre neariOregoa City. 28 bottom land, good ntiiidinga. 10 Bead or cat lie. ju ncau ox noga, 260 chicken. 80 ton of hay, horae aud harneaa, new wagon, 25 crM -fall aded: $4,000; term may be had; Bad Be-rare 1 othef good Improved farm. , CHOICE PARMS AND WELL LC-ATED. 40 acrea, well Improved. 18 mile uutt $8,200, 40 acre, every foot h celt Ivat low. 13 ml lee oat. new nulKilug. fine ou; ga.otw $2 cre. 1214 ml lea oat. 42 In cultlvatlevh- new building, erop. atock and Implement: $4.20O, 100 acre fine, land, U ta hop, 3 ml lea Urtb Yamhill:- $4.200. -i- -. ' - 848 acre l beat part of Polk county; $1T par i ere. ' i .... . .... 80-acr beet wheat farm 1 EUdrttat enwnrv, fin bulMmaa, fprtnga. lin acre in ruitrra tlon. 8 croo My tor pmcc: $22W per acre. - T,.24 acre fine atock ranch, with an Hm I ted oat' range, 12 milea cram rairroaa, aoacnera ore fori: $31,000, , . Very ey torwi.1 The plce are worth your fnlleat laveatlratton. They are bargain. It von want a good tana at any aU and at the right prlc. ae i , - - - P. , PUCHH, 1481 Plret. ACRES la bight etato af eultlvattoa. near rar line and on good graveled roan, u mite out, $200 per aerai aaay term. Call 10Jt Third. 4 ACRES, 40 fruit tree, berrlee, S-noaf bone. aprlng, 14 mile out. m u, w, r, a, . price $800, 8S4 Second at. ' POR SALE 840 acre: no gravel: a dlnw of rnotc, land, wall locitea: lay tin; aoannanc af living water: only 8 ml lea from Vancouver; prlc. If sold eooa. only $20 per acre: might tak Bom city property a part aoaaularatluB. HENKI.R A BAKER, . . . - JIT Ahlngtoa Bldg. RICH fruit and garden term. 10 icrea. near electric aad R. R. line, 4 mllee aoutBeaat oi city llmlta: berdea, dneyard, 4 acrea bearing orchard, good 6 -room bouae, barn, creek. -a eonnty road; Immediate pnaaeaaloui ,ooly 42.000, Horn land Co.. 146V lirat at. TOR SALETIMBER.- CERTinEO price . W, aerlB. ' aay da Q. Bowali, 888 Chamber f POR ROMErVTEADS. timber lala apply to 808 Cemmerdal blk. aad Barky ' HORSES AND CARRIAGES. 1,000-POUND ' bore end cad. Inqnlr T83 vangnn. 11 to 1. rnon aiam aiiu. POR SALE Top boggy and buggy harneaa. cheap. Inqnlr 814 rlret at., ioraaon. BORRES of all kind for aU tt vary yaaaoB ahU pr. Inaulrt 230 Jeffereoa. GOOD bora and rubber-tired hnrgy. nearly Bew, cheap if told tm wee. , vr. n.m tr. v. bo vn. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. t. RIMON A BROTHER, hadng pnfchaaad from tbe liwl and Clark fair aaaneiatioa ore, 810.000 worth of good, which Include thott and of -feet of all al galvanlaed pip. Iron pip and hydraulic deel-rlveted min ing pip and alao all alaea of caatlroh pi lie. dlrtesraper. cvntrlfngal pump ot different alaea, leather belting of all alaea and alee, other thJnga too, numeroua to mention, which are practically good Be new, we - will . dlapo. ot lh th above article at aacd Jlc prlcea U Urge or aawll aantlta at our atorea. 244-16 Eroat at. RI'MMAUE BALE given by Idtea" Aid odety of llamalo-Btreet Oongregatloiuil church, will . continue next weeh. 11 South Union ave. FOR S A LB 4V horaf power holding en foe and poller jatfs,- v- Lunoatrom, aua umimarciai bldg. FOR BA LB Stock Udlee' raincoat. $10 and op: ladle' tailoring our epeemityt aa worn guar anteed. Ritchie $1 UrMaa, (60 Washington at. Pacific 478. v FOR BALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND. HAND BEWINO MACH1NKS. BTANIIARU BKWlNrVMACIIINB AUBNCI.. B. D. JONES, 2X0 YAMirTMBT. . SAFES S aew Bra-prdr..! mannracrurel very cheap lUa the CMiulne. Hall I PORTLAND EAFS COMPART. . .TO B1IUI FINE Na. 8 Bmlth Premier tynewrltor; wac leaving th city. N . Journal. WB print yonr same ea Ml calling card, prohef ale aad dyU, Bftct 860 boetneee earde, $U Brown 8c h male. 828 Flrat. PodUad. Or. FOR BALE Cprlght piano, llttla need, at a bargala. Academy 01 mmic, aoona aaa Mordana. I , AMERICAN TOOL CO. PLANER Plahe I2t feet, for tole reoahl. laqulr 2A8 Ollaaa. WANTEIVBmell cad or baggy for Shetland pony. Addrea t. w. w.. v. u. aai izo. . $10 LADY'S bicycle tor Ml. CU tt 828 Thirteenth L $10. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. BILLIARD-AMI POOL table tof rent ar tat le ca eeay payment. 1UB BRLhRWICK-BALEB COIJ.ENDER CO. 48 Third at., Portland.. POR SALE fin Decker Ron piano, coat 4.V. win aell' very reaaunahle to private party) no broker or agent. Call at 461 Salmoa at. LA ROR atock eeeond b,nd Remington and Bmlth Premier - typewriter, from $40 up. 'L'nderwoud Typewriter Co.. 21 8tark It. LARflKfrY etaeh mt lytrlea to northweatt Order filled promptly. Portland Bottl Hnpoly 0wj au mortB KignceentB t. aaau ww. SHOWCASE. AND PIXTCRBS mad to order) econd-band good for aaU. Cartoon Kll trom. 2M Couch at. Pboo Clay 871. PORTABLE loromotlv boiler aad engine; le-w the U price: 44 horeower. X 11. Fig gott'a Uw afrtce, 4 Mulkey bldg. FOR BALE On 8-toch Smith dicker, ewe arm , lander, one two-aplndl aha per, btlt and pull.ya. 204 Fourth at. MT8T hell Flacher upright plan for $85; organ $20. 241 H Flrat, Cor. Main, upatalra. UNCALLED. FOR monnted anedmena and fur rug cheap. F. J. Braae. S0HV Third t, , TWO gaaolloe engine vary cheap. Inoulr t J, P. Hartmaa Boa, ZS8 0 Ilea a t. NEARLY aew Kil T Remtnetna tvoewrlter t a bargain. P 80. car Journal. , J A 830 UNCALLED-FOR 'tailor-mad nlt. dark green. SH or 40 boat. 46 Inrbee hip meaaare, fir aal cheep; a) bo handeoui cravenette coat. Ireaameklng parlor, 420H Morrivoa t.- $27.90 ONE eplendld orga; nut Mil t once. tuo Morrama at. OR BALE Hav aim, of Hurat Automatic M. , atock) will aell -very eheaji. , r BV, journal. 4- LAWYEKH Co-op. . IMgeet. 84 volume In good order, for aatr. $1.30 per volume. , R. C. Wright., 604 Deknm bldg. . FOR HALE PEIIIOREB -'BCLL TERRIER l'L'PB. 412 MORRIHON. PACIFIC 671. FOR SALE One .S0-S0 Wmchterrine; one on camera, eompiet uipmn. t.aii inu Wllllama ave. ' H01KEHOI.D goode In good condition. Including organ Corner Villa ave. and Arniatrong at Montavllla. Phone I'nlon 4018. TO EXCHANGE. " ' " BALD OR- TRADE. 1,040 acrea. nearly all river bottom gram land: can Irrigate BOO acre, mow nearly 6n0 acre of hay: Und all fenced, hone and bamt about - 200 head of cattle. 10 horaee, all farm toola: Itaated In carter Oregon: thle I a good Mock farm aad well located: will eirhana for PortUnd property or good Und a la VV'il- . Umette valley or eaathara Oreexm, A fin home la Port land. Urg grnnad; will trad for mm good buatnee. $6,600. 10 acre, near electric car Hue, ale Und; x . change for hsua la PorUaad aad pay caah 8-roma new modern bona on Cook' ave.; Will tag torn good . vacant jot a part pay; " 82.500. ' 8-rooaa aew modern bouae hi Irdagtoa, a nice aoo: win tak good vacant .lot a . pad py: 8.1.600. , ,.. . --.-i. 10 acre. Improved, with nice. Bew, modern Hwua, at Hood Elver; will trad fur Portland property SA-arr. nice unproved farm, good aaw bouee. join tows af M tolna towa Medford; trad for Portland property, Dnweny. .... - . SO acrea, all goad kad; At acrea fenced, .-44 ere cultivated: fine living , water; bouae, barn and orchard; R. P. D. aad, creamery route: 84 mllee to electric car line. Mat of PortUnd; will trade , Into PorUaad prop- eriy. . .... 4 acre In rtrawherrle and fruit; good plaa. tored bouae, brick baaement, good harm- a eholc little bom oa 8c car line; will trad into a larger farm. Fine (arm, all to good order: good building: aeergood railroad towa in Linn county; will tak a email farm near nam good itowa a nart navment: 17 BOO. ' V IS ecree. Iraprwved. good bona and ham, f Re vert on: trad for a bom In Pod U ml. 300 acrea; aheep, gmt or cattle ranch, all iroed roiling Bill UH, watereq oy aurina; awl treeme; bonae. barn, orchard: 80 acre cul tivated; beautifully located to Yamhill county. 4 mile from railroad ata tlon: will exchange for nrooertv la eome good town., - - acrea All good Und. all well fenced. 80 ere ruilivairu. gono wmw ana owm. hit- - orchard. pring water piped to bouee t 8 mile from county at town. In Willamette -valley. Will trade for mercantile bearoeva; prefer grocery, ta Partlaad. $X 000. 80 arrea good Und. all fenced. 40 acre col ttvated, crea la good hMring orchard; good hone and barn: fin mad, 10 mile aouth. cut of Portland: will take a lodging bona or atock of Tnrio Bad payment. 80 acre AH eholc Und. aeerly level, 45 acrea cultivated, 90 acrea aeeded to good paature : watered by well and apdng: bouae. barn, orchard; convenient to achool and rnnathee; 8 horaca. 8 cow, new wagon, bug. gv grid harneaa. all -farm Implemeate. IB ton nf hay: on good road, 64 mllee from Oregon City; all gne chop, er will trad tor city property. $4,800, Flna farm wear Salem,' Oreeoat win trad for a good rwrchandtae buelrjree, hardware pre ferred. 270 acr t'n dock or dairy ranch, aa tide water,- at Taqnrna bay: 1 mil free towa and rallioad elation: land all well fenced, nearly no acrea enltlvated; floe bearing or chard of applee. OHO lute: rood bouae, hare 4000, with abed; trade for property la ar near Pur T lend. 80 acre, 10 cre enltlvated: email orchard: front oa river. H toll iroai Boat ianuing aa I retimed etetina. 8-moa modern bonae. ale bam 100x100, ground m all alee, fin local km: trad for farm of Unproved acrea; $8,000. ' 10 acre choice la ad. near uaa r enowa aoaa) trade foe Imnroved city Bronedy. We hav many good trade to offer bow; bum large net or farm ana city property ior eaw Bee. d before yoa boy. . . ..... HENKLR BAKER. V ; 817 Ahtagtoa bldg. WfrWrtnge"TTcre near tb 0. W. P. car Una. a. mile out. for raeldeac oa aaat aide; vlu $3,000. . Call 10Tt( Third. TWO-RORBB expreea aatftt to trad for any thing or equal value, its Barnaul. $2,600 BOMB la Alblna for mU tract-toad Bear city.. Aoureae l oho. iiy. 8CaBBSB3EaSSX3BDBabE PERSONAL. eeeaB1 'i'Wi e ..e,eeae,eae BE WFItt ' " ' - . P. (TltaLrVwer) tablet wfTl I eat or to yoa tb ana p, dm and rigor ef manhood; it yea ar larking la th Bow at vitality. It ioa malting from Indlecrettone and xceeaea, end for a bog of tbaae tablet and be con vinced ot tbelr merit By mU la plala pkg . ' 81. Th Armatrong Tablet 0a to, . 808 ' Totem blk., Datrolt. Mich. IDA elt-JfBT talked It over and friend to very greeahl. It will he neceeaary to bav a meeim. ar w 11 11 u en win iw " .. . . . arranging tor Sunday evening at K.'a. S. SPECIAL K0T1CB TO WOMBN Ooa't dk Km live By a operanoa waea yoa ca cured by harmleae method: electridty properlv applied will v Uf where opera tion kill. W poaeae th Uteat Inventing to control dlae acre peculiar to women. Dr. W. J. Nace. M. B., Medical Electrician. Of flce TIB Deknm bldg., Phon Red 82S1. Offlc hour 8-12, 2-. MRS. WEBBER to no Ucafed roam AO . Oood nongh bldg.. where ah will meet her friend and all ihoa interacted to of th tribe. Eh U going o form a elna ; and teach thl aew dlcovry of the fixed Uw: how to tell tb trlb. Her pUc will he open Monday, t p. m. to 8. Bh Uvltea th publle to Inveatlgate thto work. MRS. ANNA Ll'CKET and ETHEL WARD ar bow United at 80 -Taylor at. pdndnaU of the American Beauty Parlhra. Wa ear All , scalp dive aea and poaltlvely grow hair or make no rhargei all kind of hath 1 given electric maaaece. manhrarlng and chlmpodyl (Uo Madam Karrow'a remellee; aatUfactloa guaranteed, rhon Mala 8348, DETECTITE AQBNCT ConBrtentlal Inveetl. gitlona; reporta mad on any Individual hael- ee or pronedy: mlealng relative located; . bad debt collected : charge reeeoaahlei err. reepnodeare oltclted. 1 Oregoa Jedlv Service, office 814-818 jTnlnmbla bldg., Waahlngton L Pboo Mala 6018. .. EDfBOPt phonograph and record at fa dory " ptttaai d Ileal a4. anywber on receipt of full meant ef retail price;' lal'gvat Btodr-wr Mt. . aoa raonrde weat of th Rock lea: send for cir cular peter Badgalnpl. whole I and re tail, TAB M led on d.. Baa Frandeoo. . T. B. Borry am in Baa Prandaeo; ot-a cor reapondeac. Bend 'hire. ADOLPI1K, ear Oeneral Delivery, Sea Fraadica. ' DISEASES ef women a paeUltrl maternity , caaea give (pedal attention, prlvato kospltal aconmmodatloa: proteealoaal Udy Bur I ttendaace; cnnaultatlon free. , X-Hartlam Inatltato and Banltariuex, Third aad Alder, antra no 868 Aide t FREE TO LADIES WHO EMBROIBTR Oaf lateat catalogn nf fancy-work materia la. pil low top, rente piece, stamped lluen. ahlrfwal.ta and, noveltlee. Addre the Neadleeraft thop Allaky bldg., Portland, Ot. PERSONAL. Yf.H. Palm Tablda make yoa deep perfectly) they cure nervouaneaa end mak yoa atrongl price 60c box, 8 hoie 82.60: guarantoed. All drugrlau, or addrea Brook Drog Co., 17 North Third t. Portland. ' MO DRUGS, bo operation: prof. Dana gtvea osteopathy and maaaetle treatment, redneaa your rieata, rellevee euppreeeed monthly Irreg- : BlaritUe. ConealutloB tre. . Office, AOS Ooodnongh bldg. v MANLY rigor raetoeed by Dr. Roberta- Nerve Globule. Ob month' treatment, $8: 8 month. 85; ent-eeeurely alel by mat', . Agent. Woodard. Clark A Co.. Podia ad. Or. BOOKS I Hara they are: "Decameroa. "Hep. totneroB." "a Hot Tamale." Panny-Hlll." Twenty Ter Fkr." "Forbidden Fruit. " 80 eeck; Hat free. ' A. ScbmaU. 228 Flrat at. LOST power " re .tor ad by tbe great Dr. Loraaa'a Nerve Toulo Tablda; 86c per bog, A boxea for 81.86. Writ ar call at EraeelT ' Pharmacy, tZT Morriaoa. bet. 11 a a Bd. BOB Sunday lalt m well.- Had Intended to cll on you to find cut about another n lat ter. Remind me when yoa e. - LC A. ' THE Celebrated Star Hair- remedy rratore . ' era and fari4 helv to Ita BMturel color, pro- . mote th growth of hair: not graaay. Prl4' riair Btorr, iob waaBington, WHY llv loa when yoa can secure a Ufa companion by Joining th Interatat Intro ducing Aoriety. and meet or correspond with reputable parent f thla eectton. many wealthy) th November reglcfer. 10 cent. . thilto 34 Rueaell bldg. Phon Pacific A2S. SlITS preaaed wblU yea wait. en. Laaiea wait. BO, Ladle1 klrtg pressed 60c. Ollbert,. l'aj4 mxiB a. aext to tne uueiis raons cisy mo. WANTED To confer with those, eontemplat- Ing a boelne enure ; to your personal ad tin idal Interact to InvmUgato. J 48. car JoaraaL Addrea MOOREFIELD Tnrktok and deam bath, aalt glow, mineral hatha: rheumatism give peclnl attention; free trUI tree t men t. lOBft Sixth. Paclfto 870. h LADIES Tea appear 80 year younger, re move all wrinkle, hav akla Ilka velvet by Bring Oregoa drape Skla Food., Phoa Eaat 127. . - - DR. ATWOOD, 18 Rnaael bldg.. 1AKH Fourth d. Fn mile dlaeesea and conBnement; epea Wed. and Sat. evenings. Conanlutloa free. MEN! ' WOMEN! Raymond' pills poaltlvely car aervouaoeaa and lack at vital tr: $1. 4 Flam Drug Co.. SAO Third. DR. AUBI'I.UND. dIeeasVg of women and an. cry. 808 Allaky bldg.. Third .and Morrison. FREE eamnl aora. bontaa and wart car. i ana U leea. aepa,-av-leeatsw. TI-RKI8H BATHS, 800 Oregon! bldg.) Udto dy. gentUmea night. Mala IBM. EXPERIENCED dree maker win aaaka gage . acuta to famlllae. Uatoa 844. DRS. N. A, NIBBETH, Swedlah pedllto, care rheumatism, kidney, etomsch and liver - trouble, chronic conattpatton. obealty and all chnmle and servo na disease; no drag; a knife; $10 per month. (Vnsultstlon and dem aaatratloaa tree, llood 1022. 411 Murrlsna at. DIAMONDS, WATCH EH. JEWELRY. BOI'OHT, ui ii t, t ii ..mi ikupn .t. r ' v: . ' t m uvruu PIONEER MONEY LENDER,. 143 THIRD AT, VriKAR ALDER. ; ARDROE. th proohetes, wb wa at tb Oaks II summer, wishes to announce to ber many fatrona that eh I permanently located at H6 Morrlana at., western piroack of th - brklg. Ardro doe aot hav to ad vert la fur work: it ehowe ror iteeir. ASSAYERS. 0ARYIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, and - Montana Aaeay Office, 1AA Mnrrtoon at. - AUTOMOBILES. BTlatlnc nreaeee. Urn lock, nfe. open lock out, do ill kind of atachln work. Colombia Oa Envlne a Saf Work. 842 Second at. Phoa Pacific 674. Frank J. Super. upt. HOWARD COVEY, Fifteenth and Alder, agent tor Cadillac and Pierce automobile s ma Chinee rested, repaired aad atorad. EDWARD T. TAOGART. attorney aad roanael kw at Uw. 4IA Chamber -of Commerce bldg. ART GLASS. PORTLAND Art Clam Work PUIa and orna mental glee. 8614 Taylor. Phon Red toot. -ATTORN ETS." A. R. TANNER, attorney. SOB Commercial blk.. Second aad Waehlngtoa to. Phoa Mala 842. B. T TA00ART. attorney d eooassllor at Uw. 418 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. I. P. BURLEIGH. Uwyer, 123 Oraad ava Ed Portland. ART EMPORIUM. "THR LATEST FAD" AO baya A pea aad Ink sketch nf yourself from photo or lit. Fay King. S2S Raleigh at-. Mr 86th. M. r. PROFEBBOR R. MAX MEYER. $48 Alitor. Portrait and Und scape artist Bad teacher. NEW wan decoration, panela la all painting: order rl!dtd. Phon I moa xnr7. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. .. BIBKRNWALD CO., 804-808 Everett at. I -arrest rmtrnanr supply aoaae oa in woaai. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS BTILHAM. I0A-I1I Becood d. BUnk book manofedureret agent for Jone Improved Loose Leaf ledger; aee th BW Knrek tear, tb neat ea tne marxex. BATHSMASSAGE, ,1 SJ MI Hit ENOLIBH. healer: rheumattam cured, als medicated Itathe. electric and magnetic reeai. ment. 146t Sixth, ror. Alder, room 84. TOI'NO adentlflc massewaa give electrical. thermal. tcoholte and medicated rreataaent; chiropodist, psdlctirlng and manicuring. Re crptlnn room 10.- Beneoa bide., ror. Fifth and Morrison al. Phon Paclfle PSA. YOI'NO eclentlflc masseuse glvea magnetic, al coholic and electric treatmente. vapor, noma aad medicated bath. 27 Tacoma boo. Stark bet. Third and Fourth. TT? A SNOWDRN BATns Two yoang Isdio glv mass ana be tbe. zmk AMr si. Phon Main BRa. . BLACKIN0. WEBFOOT BUrktng. aheolntely water proof . pee. eervee the leather, make shoe wear 60 pec rent Ion gar. For aaU a vary where, 10 aad 16 rente. CAFES. ' THE OFFICE $ Waahiagtoa at. Phsoe Mala TTL Bamnel Vtgneeax. ' COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anybody aw yoa any BMaxayT We Col lect bad debt of (II kind from $1 Bp. 121 Orand v.. nma IX Cut thto eat, . 1 COLLECTIONS by the Northwest Cotlect.i Agency) yonr naslaeaa n no lea m Buitnes manner :, try a. 1A-1T Lahha bldg. THE Bin Rook Mercantile Agency col led ton. na n in, iotow pawooioi" w . 7 , Uw bA rs porta. , $18 Uregualaa blda.-.- CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glaaaware. PraeL. HeeU A Co.. loo to 10A Fifth, cor. Stork a. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. tCHKICl-tlllNgT CO. inatdimtor ot FINB CI0AR8. Podland. Oregon, CARPET-CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plant oa the eoaet, Loring and Harding ata.. tele phone Ead 2X0 Carpet cleaned, refitted. vvweq ano laia; aot aiean, ,ei w preawd air procem: renovating niattreeeee aad featbar a apeclalty. . w 1-. 1 . o 1 carper vm ivir. eM.n. - preaaed air emnbtaed; carpet cleaned on floor without rauoval. Mln UUM. Eaat 26B4. CARPETS cleaned on tb floor: w rat aa duat. Phon CUy 881. free dVraona tratloa. 2. HtTNTER Bteam aroet nd avattrcea cleaner. 860 Jefferaoa. Phone Mala 111 COAL AND -WOOD. KINO COAL CO Sole eaenta tor the famoa Diamond coal; try It and yoa will alway bny It. Wyoming and Waehlngtoa bonae coal. Virginia and Wahlngton smithing enU; full waliiht guaranteed. Tel. Mala 1426. A, L. Stephen, managar.- CIITRCHLET BROS, have removed from root Dad at. to 420 Kearney d.v aear llth) b bow th larreat woodvard In th dt. carry ing all kind of weed' end coL Mala A81. - 0REOORT MORRIS, eoeeeeeore to Cla A MeKnne. deilere in wood and coal at lowed r Bricea: eatlifiictlo guaranteed. Cor. Tenth nd Irving. Phon Mala 476. WESTERN Feed Fuel Co.; ca Front, betweea Ollaa and Hoyt, dealer la H .kind ef bonae eoaia and blacksmith coahv - Phoa Mala 101, . ALB1NA FUEL CO Dealer la cdrdwood. anal and greea end dry aUhwood. R. B. and Al. bin ., 8 block sa.t of ferry. Eaat 674. STEEL BRIDIE Ft'EL CO. Dealer la ol. cord wood and dry alahwood. Phon Ead 484. BOXWOOD and 1 planer trimming. Standard woou ta. riMin Eaat, zajo. rooa nasi raw, OREGON Ft'EL CO. ATI klada tf ml aad wood. Bog Alder St. PBoee Mala AA. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water t.. wood tad epaL Phoa Ual 46M. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENBCH BROS., commkwlon merchant, frnar, . feed, bay and prodac. 2A2to 86 Front at. rnon Main zs. BVERDINO A PARRELL. prodac and commis sion mrrchsnta. 140 Froat St.. PortUBd. Or. Pbon Msta ITA. - - CLEANING AND DYEINO. UP-TO-NOW CLEAN1NO A PRESSING COM pany Sulfa preaeed, 60c: pants, 16c Pboat racitic sh. Aagay at. TAMHILL CLEANING A PRRB8IN0 CO Work called tor aad delivered. Phoa CUy ana. Portland Atrsm Cleaning Dyeing Work: prac tical Batter la connect ion. zn am. ciy TO. CLOTHES cleaned and preaaed 81 per moath. - i.sMjwe 1 a 1 loring ca..- A4T wraningua at. H. W. TTRNER. profess tonal dyer and cVaaaer. otsj jerrereoa sr. r none jaaia znia. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, ACTHORS A WOOD, carpenters, builders; re- C airing and Johning; at or ou ornce nx allC Shop S0 Cotnmbl. Main 62BT. WASHBCRNR FLOYD, wage builder end general yto work, as sta at. raon 1,00a w. P. E. TANDERROOP. carpenter aad Jobber. 1ST srark at. Pbon Main T4T. CHIROPRACTIC POHITI V ELY cares ell forma of -rhenmxtlam. Dr. Eva Hogaa. 2AA Hall at. Phone Main AO. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. Boob la B. Bdp. prcbometrlat. seer ess and prophetess; dally in to o. 1 to Wr circle Tueeday and Friday. B p. m. 84.1H Yamhill. - cor. Seventh. Pacific 1A. Sunday evening meeting Drew ball, 1A3 second at- com - Friday, MRS. STEVENS, Podland' distinguished Bailo ut, aatrologlst nd aplrltual lit reader. Da yoa want to gnow ract importani ana ren elite V If bo. call anon thU gifted and cl entlfto aw. 1S8 Ae Tenth at. Pboaa PadfU T14. R. H. EN EE HAW, healer aad traaca medium, ea b censnlted at 146H Sixth at. Boar 12 to 4 p. ax. CURTAIN CLEANING." NEW proeea lac urtaln cleaning, 60 to $1 pair. 4A4 OIImb. ,MetoA40A. m l- DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR C.E BROWN. D.V.8..D.C.M Dog. Hw boa. pnai. znr xtaraaiac, mnoea; msinsono:asewode DETECTIVES. frllili uw Ttiur Tronhlca; ws never deep; vhhrBc traced la civil and criminal caaea. tu i. Hentnger. 1A-1T LaBb bldg. DETECTIVE ar Barret servlcs work; atrirtly eenfldentlalt-dlf fli ult aottdtM. Boom 14. Washington bldg. DANCING. WOOOWARD'B dandng school af tb Western aca.iemy or Muaw, Monuay ana -isarsnsy. Spec t store Invited. Lesanna 60c, Dancing 8 to 11. Cor. Second and Mordana. DRESSMAKINO. AN0ELE8 - IIREBKMAKINO PARIXIRB, 242 Fifth at.; np-to-dat dylea. perrect tit. atlil ful workmanship, new method ta ll branchr of dreeainaklng (Bd repairing: Uweat prices; nil or writ. v FIRST-CLASS parlor. SIT Allaky bldg.) mite. sow na, coata. mckcis. ratesi sijav, asirt bound and Jeku rllaad. - SHIRTWAISTS, wool ar wash dlk. made tor 8126; ahldwatot antra, ga.oo. 48 mar ket. Pboaa Eaat 8281. j. KEIBTER'S LADIES' TAILORING COLf FOB, 202 and 40O Allaky niiig.; wriie tor oooaan. DRESSMAKER win mak few mora a ga. meats la familloa. Phone I'nloa 644. DBEBSMAEINO Atridly Bp to Sato: tatwt dgne. n triay at. DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN, deathrt. 884 Maranem bldg.. Alxth and Mornaoa. rnana mam new, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING tompsnv. bob stark at., rortiano. v. a. tor verjthlrw la th Uetrtcal Una, Phoa Mala IAHA. : PACIFIC Et.ECTRIO PO. Endneera. eosrrae. n-a, repairer, eleetrle wtnng, annna w Flrat. coe. Stark. Mala 860, R. H. Tata. Burr. THR Elertrieal Appliance Co.. 490 Waehlngtoa at. "Tj.f," near laai 1a 111 1 EDUCATIONAL. MR. D O. CROW, private instructor to tb Rn- llah branrbee. will rail t bom or arraiu- .Isast-llmltcd emmbee et aa4U- aolldt. A: Tef ddi t 101 Sixth at. LEHNONS In decoratlv art. painting, burnln. helf ad furniture making. Rtajra SB, La wis hhlg. ' - FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal eocMMy ox norinwest; protecTs in. Irving. n 1.1.1 , . Pnetlsnjt. FLORISTS. I American Florist A tlar.len Co., 2M Tenth t Mala 6410. flower aaa pox piaai. - FURNITURE FACTORIES. OBEOON Fnraltnra Mnnradaring tominjr Manufaetarera f furniture rut. mm . Portia ad. Or. . - - FrRNITVRfl manufacturing and apecl.l ertlere. L. Raveeakv' furniture factory. 670 Freat ot. :' FRENCH BAKERIES. THH only place to Podland to get French bread. trrr ft aiayne. eir nixie ea. amu w.,. ery. Phaae Ureea 60S. FURNACES. B0YNT0N warm-afr fnraacea aav fusL J. IV Bayer Furaaee Os.. 8A Ascend. Mala BI. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., whole! grooera. ata. factursrs and aammUaloa aaerchaata, rearta nd Osk ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission aad arodnc aver- cbaat. Fraat and Dade da.. raiUH. ur. HARDWARE. Podlaad Hardware Co. aolldt opportunity aot prices. 1JB tot d.. coe. Alder. Mela I HOTELS. HOTEL Paadlstoa PendUtoa. W A. Rcew. mgr. HOTEL PertUad. Aamricaa pUa: 88. $6 per As y. HOTEL St. Ooorge. Pesdletont Usdlng hotel. BELVEDERE: FnroneaB plan: 4th and Aide ata. HAY AND GRAIN. B. Q. COOPER CO. Potatoes, feed 'ad flour. 123 Colon ava. Phone Eaat 1017. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WRITE, tire lssarascs, 808 Dsksm .. . . .... . ..... , LAMBERT. WH1TMER A CO Fire Insurance and raal aetata) mcee 107-los HBerioca Ding. Mala 10OA; dept. 404 Eaat Alder. . Beat 41. IAS. Met. WOOD, mptoyen' liability a ad la oivinual aceinent aurety bobo at il aiaas. ' Phon 4T. 802 McKay bldg. B. F. BARTEI.B COMPANY Ptre Insurance. 448 Sherlock bide Oregoa Phoa Cray Bra, JEWELRY. JEWELRY and watcbee of all kinds sol oa ay pnymeata. I. Qcrarta Bona, ta Hnmcfnrnlsher. LOCKSMITH. 1. H. RICHARDSON, expert sack aad kevsmlth: - general reBainn; caartroa nraaing: an wtw guaranteed. SO Foartk at. Pboaa Hood 178X. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith aad bicycle repairing. SNA Stark. uay Clay 82i: alght phone. Mala 8SB LADDERS. LADDERS Painter' eitsnalon-Uddsra, paper. Banger' trestles; Bra and raol ladder) K.sterra' and farm laddera) aee aatoUgws. one awn) TOO.- Portland Ladder Co.. 847 Rhine t..aA aid. -R. W. Harwfd. acop. WUSICAL. VIOLIN, guitar ead mandolrs. ott - ang - color h-seowa. Studio. 631 Hlbhard ' ' MonUrill. Phon L'aloa 8ABT. . - BANJO, guitar aad mandolin leasona; sped si rates to club. Mr. C E. Hoik) peter, SAT PIANO, violin, atring aad wind toetrameat. Professor Edwin A. Smith. 864 Twelfth. Mala . 470B. WEBBER'S MandoHa. Ba)o. Onltar atadle, $76 Alder; agent tor (llnaoa maaooii. PIANO toning, $8: perfect work saaraato, v. w. jobnaoa. Pbon Hal lai 1. YIOT.TX, "mandolin, guitar, 10 I nma 2HT.7, Montavllla. $i. Pbon MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. 217 OregoaUa bldg. fadiee or Gent Union. No Pnblldty. If yoa borrow $20 yoa pay back 8I.S6 a week. If yoa barrow $26 yoa pay back 8I.A6 a week. If yoa borrow $.'M yoa pay back $2.tW wsek. ir yoa borrow x. yoa pay or fz .'m a wee - If yoa borrew 8.VA yoa par bark $8.00 a week. Payment suspended In csss of Blcknes. Strictly BaUry Loan. . THB crescent Loan co, 217 OregoaUa Bldg. - MONEY TO LOAN' Ob Improved city ycoperty er tar baOdtog purpoaa. Any amount sa traa S to 10 yesra' tlm. with privlUg to repay all er part of Uaa after an yr. Loaaa aa- roved from piss aad mousy advaaced aa ltdlag grogrsssss; mortgagee takea ap aad ranlsced. FRED B. STRONfl. Flnandal Agent. 848 Stark Street. THR STAR LOAN CO. Any tolarled employs, wags isrnar. aas get a kla aoto, without mortgage Month. U Month, Week. $M0A Repay 'to aa III M ar 8A.A6 er $8.88 826.00 Repay to aa $ 4 S3 er $.1.86 ar 81. 8 $16.00 Repay to as i 4.00 or $1.00 s $1.08 Sl McKay hMg. MONEY to loss, aalirifd paosl. tssmslsss its 1 - slihuut 1 totunTly reaay payments: - Urgest buslnee to 4A principal dries. Totoua, 828 Ablngtoa bldg. Pbone Mala A46T. '-' -. MONEY ta Ioa on real perenaal and nlltoral ecurlty; prll atuattoa to chsttel snort- 'gage: unts bought. 0. W. Pallet. 804-8 Fsatoa bldg.. 84 Sixth at. HIGHLY respect rbU pUea where Udiee Bad genu caa borrow money oa diamonds ssd Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Beak, 2tW Waah iagtoa at. Pboaa BUek TL CHATTEL Uaas la amount naglng from I a to $6,000; roomtng-hoases a specislty. New Era La Treat Co., 808 Ablngtoa bids. WE make n kind of ktaas a goad BMUilly t Uweat rata: pedal atteatloB givsa to chattel loans. 08 Morrissa at. MONEY to Vo la sums of from $$.000 to 8". 000) terma to aalt tbe Borrower. 800-10. Commercial blk. MONEY to Uaa la large or small amount oa good security: Uweat ratoa. William O. Beck. SOT Falling bldg. '- -- - MONEY to Uaa aa CUckama oaty .Und. E. F. and F. B. RlUy, AOS CBamaar aa war LOWEST ntea aa fnrnltar and pUnoa. Baab ra Loaa On., 44A SherlorB Bid, viay was. TO LOAN Rama to salt oa chsttol Billy. R. A. Frame, 614 The Maroaam. MONEY to loan on all kind nf security. Wm. noil, room v. wssningvow pins. MINING. FOR mining stock In on of th brat free mill ing dlstrld In Oregon and on or tne most promising proper t lee, call ea Becfcner 41 Hlatt, 1H0 First d. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A NORTHRITP. 418-1A-1T Dekam bldg., Third and Waablngtna ta. raea Msla S4A. Eismlpatlaos traa. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN,- 408 Madeey bldg. CUy TTA. Bee. M.. gioi. uoaaaitatiaa xr THE very best Udy osteopath ta town. Dr. It. tt. jnnnenn, im naimon, near nixin. OVERALLS.. eeea nd me sons OF THR ROAD OVERALLS and chanter clotbtng) aalna mde. nsustadtsr Bros,, ras notactseeeSv- Portland. '-Or. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. P. B. REACH CO. Tbe PUseev Patot C I wlndow-glaa aad gUalug. 168 Flrat At, Pbob 18A4. ERNEST MILLER CO., Second aad Taylor Well paper, paint, oil at aaarkat pries; frs alivery. RABML'SBEN CO Jobbers, paints, atl, (Uaa, essb and door. Second d Taylor. PLANING MILLS. I ENTERPRIAB PUatng Mill Co Bash. and wesdturalaf. 80 East Yamhill St, PLUi:2EKX DONNEBBERO A H1PIX xrf t t e pHiaabare. A4 losria at. awte .. FOE A CO.. eanltary plnwhev. CXI Bc-md ,s,w sna Mlmon. Oreo Phone a- n t re, PRINTINQ. WFD'H A i DAVIS. Printer Doer ef rl--r inuaj sua la 114 if n n Btears bldg.. Sixth ssd Murrlaoa. Msla 4117. ANDFBMON DI'NIWAY COMPANY, prl.tle. iiiBogrspsina. aiau auaaa, roes M.l 11. ) Aide et. METROPOLITAN PRINT1NU CO Everything a priming, aisi im. 147 mat 3 RUBBER STAMPS. . P. C. STAMP WORKS, 848 Alder d. pbune Main 710: ruitber atauiiM,, seam, ateaciia, bsg.a;e, trails checks) send fair catalogw No. h... ROOFING. ' I; TIN EO0FIN0. guttering, repairing and general JoMimg. j. uaiil, XIX jertersua St. RIDING CLUBS. PORTLAND RIDINU CLUB Bsddk horse and . carriage tor real. W. U. Brow a, qui Alder. SPIRITUALISTS. M1.PA1I. medium, glvee advlc ta ItoubU anl euvs: relax auoat mine., unite in epsraici; telle aljout Uved aaiee who hara psate heytM,.! and bring toy to those who griev. 'i First at., room if). Heading SAn ami Ah-. . SECOND-HAND GOODS- - HItlHEMT CASH PR1CR Paid for second-hew! dotblng, hut hold food ABRAMS AUCTION HOUSE. Hood 1824. 40S Mucrlsoa it. OOODE'S Faraltar Hons Hlgheat price paid na? eeond-naiM rurnitar. aMB asco Phon PsclAs 488. SCALP TREATMENT.- GRAY, fslllng hair, dandruff treated; shampoo ing, manicuring, chiropody, race wore. sirs. B. F. Kyae. 1A64 Foudh. aaf. MorrUua. Boom S3. Pbon Paclfle 2AS. STREET-PAVING. WARREN Construction C., stisat psvlsg. dd. Walk aad aeesswslk. 71 A oragoatoa BMg. THB Trinidad Aaphalt Psring C ad Pod Und. urne bob worertr bib. SAFES. DIEBOLD Maagaaaa asrss; fir ad burr Is r- procf work: tall and prwoa work: locteata opened I repair, t. B. Davl. AA Third St. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. HOWCASES at very Aeecriptlosk; 1 hsk, bar" ana etore Bxtare mine to oraac, ia ate MsBufactnring Co.. PodUad. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD BIONS. window Wtteriag. cloth beaner. eoaomici eleetrtc tan and sign 01 an kind mad quickly. Pods 4V El -leer. Fifth ad Evswtt. pboaa Bxchaag AA. TELEPHONES. TUB aaily exclusive telephone house. B.-K. Eleetrle m Tele pboo Manfctudn( com pany. B Fifth d. TREES. SHRUBS. ROSES. W bar them by the thousands: strong, healthy dock. Our 11106 Illustrated and priced eaia- Ingu telU all. PORTLAND BKED CO Ftvat nd Tamhlll at. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, all makes, rest -4, cold sad repaired. Coeer Agency, 831 Stark. Tel. 1407. BLICKEN8D0RFER typewriter, (upplle. r. pslring. Roe Roaa. 208 Stark. Mala WD. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAlLY--Comb, hmsh. soss, $1 par Btonth. Lawrence Bros.' Tnwl Supply Co.. Fourth and Ceejeb. Phon 4IA. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, pis aos and furniture move, parksd ready toe shipping sad (hipped: II work gosrssteed; Urge, 8-story, brick, Brs-prnot . warsboasa ta storage. OfBo 128 Pint at. C M. Olssn. Phona Mala 64T. THR BAOOAtiR OMNIBUS TBANHFER CO . cor. Hlxtb aad Oeh etc.: baggage checked from hotel or resldeac direct to destlastbui; paeawngcra therefore avoid rash aad annay ance at depot. 0. O. PICK, efac AS Flrat d.. batwse Stark ad oak at., phoa raw: piaao a a rnrnitur moved ssd packed tor (hipping : smmdlaa brick rroat as tay sta. THB EDWARDS 8TOBA0R A SHIPPING CO. will pay full vain for household rurnltur; If yoa waat to sell, call ap Msla 604. OREGON- TRANSFER CO.. 4 North' Sixth. ' Phoa Msta AO. Hsevy hsullng and atorsge. SEE Roaa It Plummer about dorage; Sraproafl cat rate. SA8 Third at. - Pboo Mala mg. EAST BIDE Transfer 0.. A. B. Holcomb, prap. 128 Eaat Water d. Phoa Eaat 6AS. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 80014 Wash. Ingtoa at. Phon Mala Bl. VICLINS. t. A. WESCO. dnlla-maker ad teiwliert work Srat cm. Zb Rossei bldg., 4tB A Mornaoa. WALLPAPER. WALLPAPER and painting, apeelal price: onr ppr-ngmg m to neat ana rneepeei; 'i w don't 00 w agree don't coat cent. A. A. Chnrcfc Ca.. 3A0 Taylor d. Phone Black . WIRE GOODS. BABT PORTLAND FENCB WIRE WORKS SNA Esd Morrison d. Phone Eest All. unnPT TRi.rnRWFRPn CVCTCM liC nCPATIMP-"... (Bperial DUpatcb to Tha ionraal.l Vnlvrlty of Washington, flcattle, Nov, 11. Arransemanta ara now com plctA for tbA rABUDnptlon of db,tln ac tivity between tha ITnlvaralty of Oregon, -thA L'nlrcralty erf Idaho and tha Univer sity of Waahlngton. Tha daw lap sua -has adopted trl-oornrtt debating ya tam In whloh ach ooilaga will put twit teams lntSthA flAld, on ncgatlv Ami ona Affirmative, to rarry on debet al multancoualy at tha three different places on ma axini auui'i. 1 ruis on, of WashlnRton'A teamA will rmaln AC homo And one will debate At Moacow; Oregon will aehd a team to Beattle anil .. keep one At home, And Idaho will dll4 J Oregon' home team And meet Wadilng ton at" Moacow. r.lVII SPRVICF RULES FOR CONSULAR SERVICE- (Jiaxraal B pedal Mrvlc.) Waahlngton, Nov. II New rtila r to be prontUlgal' rnlatlv to In P polntment of yotinR mn to th diplo matic end conaulnr Bervli'e by l'rei dent RooVlt. Two rule have le announced. One In mliaiam la l' i appllcnntA for (ha poiii,.n of c.-rirv Of mhay or legation moat p""" f knowledge of At lesat on Inngnag l.e Irle Kngllan. Tb piirimen la In lm . provA thoe branrhe of the ar " ment And to Offer pcrinsnent (' In thA diplomatic so l coua.i!r - ' to competent young men. I'' 4 ' i , .1-,