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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1905)
1805. 13 ew a eyaso a. e (J i) fl J ' U - U 11 ... 7 1 - VJ s y. . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND SATURDAY EVENIMti. NOVEMKER 4. I I I II II II I I IT - TTT vn lit Raters at the psstofflee C rVsrilaasV reje. ror xTsesparxsUoe urouea tae Mia aa Pasta far single rr-pleo: For a a J, 14 II page paper. 1 cent : 1 aa aw pssw. w . x a, a esals. rmvaovii. rt'tnrlil Pnomi .....;...M"f J" FOartaw inmTnni mmiflnrTATTTa. Vreeland-Beajamla Special Advertising l&U N seas a atraat. Ma Turks Xrlbeae Bulld- Wf. VasBsgc. . . SOSSCBIPTIOW IltH Terms by v,. rwit'. i i itk u.ii . 1 mm tk . aw. . . . .. - j a..1.v la. The n.lly, par araak. 4Uvere4. Ss4ay aa. eepted. Tsrsna by BUfl. Th Patlr JoerneL with ttunday, t 7aar...tJ Tha Dally Journal. I year ' Tha Dull Journal with Senear, t asseta. ! IJ Tha Dallv Jnnrasl awteths . ; a. Tha Tally JoarasL with Sunday. assets. ! " Tba Mly Josrual. month " Tha Tally Journal, with Sunday, 1 aseatb.a .J" Tke Tk.ii a -.ii .... .an Tha Sunday Journal. 1 year. .......... J-? Tha a analka " Tha Sesai-Wsekiy JeurasA The Sesnl.Werklr JamiL to 19 ssga , , each law. illoatratrd. ton market re- ' urt 1 .... . ....H-aW R.mltt... akesrid he . A. hv drafts, as Beta, aiprm order and aBjatl Joet eaaptabl la 1 aaa t cent postage etaaxpa. - ID TOTTR-tAJ, P. O. Bok-ffl. Fortlaad. Otsgoa. vmi m jotbbai, mat mm. totted. Tha Joernal aaa a eele at tat ' BOIBK. IDAHO H. Brllar a Ca.t W. B. Ma- Intyra. v - CHlCaOO loMamaa Haw evarpaan ,T " bora atraat. Crvvr.B, coLOBAOO-X Black. Kstaaatk- Cortla arrvt. KANSAS C1TT Ref Ifrw enapaar. ' MINNKAPOU9 If. I. KTaaDB. BO Baatk Third atrart. SEW YORK CTTT ni-fatane'. Tnloa airaar. OMABA KIllaM Rotrl Hwt atana: Mraaatk Atatloaary eompaoy. 190a Varnaaj atraat. -ALT LA KM CITT K.aroa Rotal arw ataa: Barrow Braa.. 49 Wrat Searmd trat. aaata. T. LOCra Philip Roaorr. ! Unt atraatt t. T. Jrrt. am Ollra atraat. . MAN rBANCtSro W. B. Aralna. Palaa Hotal aaw ataa4 and lona Markrt atraat: ' amlta Bra.. 33A anttar atraat aa4 Saint . Francl kotrl; roatar Oraar. rarry fcalM ... ; N. WbaadfT. (Mrahla aw ataaaV aoo nr Mwrhft an4 Baraay atraats. F ATTLE RatnW Oraad aawa ataais W. L Shank.. BoM trtl nawa ataad. POKAMB. WASHINOTON-Joea W. Onkaa Co. TACOWA. WATII?fOTOW Oatnl Brw aaa. aanr: TTntal Timmi mmmm atand. .TIOTORU. BRITISH roMMBlA Book ai Stattooary cnaipany. - WEATHER REPORT. ' Ta atnrra rantral Tratarday " era '' Albarta JoIdmI (nrra .wlia aanHtd dlarnrtMDra of rftrtiVd cbararcarwalrk rlaalopad orrr - tha auUiwrat 4)ortiir the last S4 hoar ad tha two rrnblnad aww trm a wall eVflnad tmugh M 1w prvaanra rxr.mllnf from Manitoba to Mrxlre. Tbla atia-in aaa oanard t'oaral rain in mural Arlanaa. Kaw Mrilra. Trias, Kanaaa, . Oklahoma. Arkauaa a ad Loalalana. ad a'nrral ria In . Miparatsra tbroasbjoet tha a lildlr waat and aiMthwmt. la tba atataa aaat of tha Mlaalmrlppl rlaar and aa th Pactflr eoaat tatr waatHrr prrTalla. dna ta tha inlluano ot two wall droaad arm of fciah prraaura. Tha I nrtl ration ra that fair waarhat will mntlnna in thl dlatrlrt tnnlirht and Mn lay with hi bar tamnaratura Bandar artafanaa In tha Interior of aaatara Orraoa and waataralw it ..uwa i w i MARRIAGE LICENSES. t'arl O. Baaanarraa. 27: Mrr M. narbar. 91. Albart I. La roalaln. 21; laabclk C Dler. roan, 2. .. Knlray Hmtth. JS: nnranra B. Montrltb, IS, Otnmund Mlaan. S3: ttapbla Hanaaa. . Wrddln Card." W. O. Umlth .. Waah-tna-ton bid.. aoR-roarth and Waahlaftaa ill. , Ml Borth Martin, mo SU bid. Wtaaiptn and Bna aoxllaworli ; Iraaon alrya. BIRTHS. TONCKn Ootohrr M. t Mr. and Mra. Haary Tonar. 41U Kast Ullth atraat. a rianaht MAN.M.N'K.N Artonar ta Mr. and Mra. Aba! Manninra, Sno Twaaty Brat atraat. a daachtar. LEHMAN Noramhar 3. ta Mr. and Mr. Al'rad .. LBmaa. ici cuapmaa slrart. a ao. KUl tictonar zi. to Mr. and Mr. 1 B. Kally. 1?0 ;loratar arana. a oa. LKAZEB Octonar in, to Mr. and Mra. B. M I'rasar, TH1 Vawha trprt. a dauahtar. UMITH Ortobar SU. to Mr. and Mra. W. E. . nntitn, iK uat Klnth atraat. a danahrar. BKVKN O-tobar 17. to Mr. and Mr. Knot nrraa, bib iy Btrear. a daughter. BKIJC NoTamhw I. to Mr. and Mr. Alhart J, IUI. X45 Kmwt Hacond trat, a danahtrr. HOI-KM AN 4trtobar 28. to Mr. and Mra. . Hafnaan. &M But Blahth atraat. a oa. Ill . I.EK NoTBmher I. to Mr. d Mr. Aalua - C.nlar, SHI Vtharlrr atraat, a n. OOr-Kr-Ortohar a, to Mr. ana Mr, raarla tf. 1 Boat ThlrtT-flfth atraat. a ana. ROKKNBKRfl Ootobrr 14: to Mr. and Mrs. Krlaa Boranbers, J83 Eaat fiftraath atraat. ' aorth. ana. PARTLOX Ortnbra 17. to' Mr. and Mr. Clrr. one A. rartloa, oilVi Weat Park Mraat, a ' daucbtar. -CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. F.RICKSON October 21. Edith Erlrksoa, 729 Psciae street, typhoid feeer. " . p BATHS. 7" riTZOERALO October 21.- John Fltxgerald, aged ST years, at county hospital; ranee, heart . disease. Herla! at Mount Csleary cemetery. , RIl.F.Y October SI.Mr. Biley.aged 64 years, at Eesrett boo; cause, sjcobullsa. Burin ' st poor fsra. . , -. , rAI.IJ November I. Teresa P.1IL " aged 6 year, at St. Vincent' hospital; cause, oh. a, atmrtlos of bewela. Burial at Mount Cal- eary eematery. WAOSER Noreaher S, Elisabeth Wagner, aged 4d year. 185 Mm ,tnmt. cans., gndocardl--vlSi.. B"rtal Ul Fir eamstery. SMITH Noretn her . Elissbeth Smith, aged 7 . days, st St. Vracenrs bnapltal: esnse, taanj--'!l.R'n-ll at Cerrslllfc Oregtaj. , .liL siTo?"h.'., Vernos Alfred Carter. .LL i;:"-' renoe- can-. . . """uw surxt s lion mr I err. HANSEN November 4. Mr.. Asnl K Hansen. aed 4S years. 427 Orsad aveaoa. BTTIBTHW ClmTXBT. . " -rSlngr grave tin. Fa Billy lots 7S to tl AntV. The esly cemetery In PortlaW wWet T Jert petnslly asalatslM aad eare for InraT go tZu Informatloa apply to W. B. Mackanate War. reater block, dtr. W. W Is " . y a rtnlee M, Boa . 1 embslmera, earner Third nnd Msdlaoa steal!!!.; OfSos of eossty soronar. Telepbons MlT S Darning. MrEntea a Ollbaagh. undertaker d embslmera; modsra la every detail. Seventh . and Pin. Mala 430, - Lady asrta," Fnnsral wreath aad ret An. a-t.i.- t Boee City Greenhouse, Twenty aaeosd gad Max nsmwa, wppovite evsnaxflry. . . Th Edward HolsaaB T'ndertsklng enagpsnv 'fsoersl director aad abalaara. 220 Third Pbon 607. Clark Broe. for flower. 2 Morrleoa atraat. FUNERAL NOTICES. HANSEN Ib this eity. November 4, ions, at her late residence. No. AVT East Orant St., A ante K. Hansen, aged 4rJ years, 1 month, 17 da vs. Funeral services will he held front the slfov reeidenee Monday, Novewher 4, st It a. a. Krlewls and arquslntaness ra- - sfWH'trtilly Invtfrd to attend. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. M ( t.nt to r A Klul. r. bds 17. 1 and l. black 3. Htveralile ddtrlon. 404 II W. rrle end wlfs to evakenein, Frt A (.. Ma a aad 4. block S. J - - I.,b ..illlln. A A Ihlna r. .... " t ' 1 t ii..ihI s ai slnMMttliil In 9 Free. - - CU4 ....... .........I .... ...t. .V".0 5 . ' a an nan JnarasL wllh Rnaday. I ye-' "ViX Tha Dslly Journal. I year 1" S'Vi Tha Dallv JosruaL wit Sunday, asoatbe. J Tha Dallr Jooruat. month...., J Tha Dstly Journal, frtta Susses. S aaatb. l.SS Tha tlallv Jnarnal. 1 tenths. ...........' "" REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. H. Barln. dmlniatratrix, ta M. (I. Hudaon Aa rra aratlona fi tnd S4, township a aorth, ran-. 1 wrat, ...... 4.V) M. llolhnaik aad arlfa to L. Couch, lot . Muck 12. tit. Johaa Park addition. aOO B. C. Anarrlna and 'd , til , V tcUt. yTVtt la aaa xi, mws a, W Ilia i tlm add! I P. II. J..S.II atvrl arKo ta C. B. Klua. lot XI. bl k t. Cktrardala Tract 1100 A. B. Klrbardaoa to Arlrt l-aod com-. pany. auuibarrat H aorthwaat U aao tk 14. toarnabin 1 Borth. ran 1 aaat S.000 J I' Aln.w,tf-th traataa. to A. V. rarnea- tar, lot 17. Work 1. Myrtia t-r (so U Brrak and husband to. O. Xotina;. lot I. blurk a. lank i addltloa. and vthar pcoprtr 7, 800 riuh Ijtad mmnanr to W. F. ullUft. waat Tract 1, Xorthara Bill Arrv. SO0 U Tiwhn.1 mnA lfa to a. K Ikoolr. lot T. kl.a Ml. (buah'a addition. ...r 1.9O0 C. H. BtarlMK-k to 8. W Uaa Wo, BOzttO frt brf lunlnc ' aat eorncr lot a, btork 4X J. J..hDa ddltloa Hnb land ronnanr ' to W. h. Palmar. aaat U trart 1. Korthara Hill Aorva.. ' 300 fbitrd rJUtaa ef Aiurrlca to DaiUal 11. Kl-krrt, Ml arrr aouth H nortnoast ; aaalloa 1, township S aouth, raufa 4 aaat I. t hird to A. Oarbarlno. snathwrat H aorlhaaat' arrtloa X taaraanin 1 anntb. ranca 4 aaat. 40 arrr ' 1,400 Sarurlty alnra at Trust coanany to . I nlwally . rlun, lot a ana a. aaata 121, Inrhaa lot 4, block 84H, Bait If a donailon land rlalm - 1 P. Boaklrk a ad wif to ay, Ai' Edar. toa and wlfa. m aerra ' aertloa T, . townshla 1 north, ranaa 1 aat. Caukta donation land alatn J.4W Oak Park Laud eonuany to L. H. Smith. 46HxU.S faat kit, 2, blork o. Oak Park adilltloa U. A. Moor rt-L to W. C. Paffrr. AiiillVti.MWil4 faat aaat of Buath. waat rornrr frartlonal block KM, ally. 12,01) . Nahwa ta Wllllaa Prrhn and wira. It ere waat -ooothaaat 4 oath wt H sartloa St,- township 1 narta. ranaa 2 aaat 1 : Baaaoa and wlfa to th - Bcaaoa Loc (In Lnmbarlna; rompany, lot h, north H ant T, blork 24V. rily ' . 1 . Hmlth and wlfa ta J. Tarlyla, lot ' to a, block . 2. Mount labor Caatral . Tract, T.000 A. llafauiaa and wlfa to N. Taylor, lot a ana lu, awr a, twainara .' 'vi P. McKrroa and wlfa to I. U Praaa, . 1 am actka IS. towaship 1 auulh, ranaa 1 aaat - 550 W. Uattoa ta A. M. Ronart. parcal land y . - . a. IDBDU) OOBHllSWO utms . I IM. mnr- tioos 1 and 2, tewnahrp 1 aorth. nut 1 aaat ,:. 1 Hlhhard and wlfa to 1. B. Ilthbard. , Iota 1 and X. block 22, lliknard ddl- .. lion wuo . M. Mimrr, guard laa. to . McVarlind. lot 1. J. block 3S. Troatdala Flrat ' ddltloo , an Tata ' Manufacturing rant pany to O. Yta, lota 1 and 2. blork 1. urasmcrr. . 41 j U llartman at al. to.A. Biawart.-lot 10, waat IS faat lot , baurk M, A. K Minor' addition ,'- . 1 . U Bnrlay and wif to T. I. Me- Kama, lot I. 2. ST. 38, block 11, . Korthara Hill addition - 4M . Uardnaa and wlfa to A. B. Holder. ' man. nut lot 1 and 2, block 2HS, Uawtbnrn Park .'. ' l.STS H. Uoltra and wife to B. A. Ily. and wife, notitat feet na(lnnlns east Ida Una East Twelfth. I.T00 04 yowr rnaaraa and btrct a real atats froai tha Tltkt Onanatea Traat aaa. pany, 240 whlnato atraat. INTEREST Sayings Bank -OV- The. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Pars 4 per cent on CertiflcBtei of Deposit Pays 3 per cent interest on oauij Dauauicca 01 ncpswi , accouiita. ' tubject to cneck. Banking hours....... 0a.m. to 4p.m. Saturdays ......... ..9 a.m. to I p. m. Saturday eTenlngs.. . ... . S to 8 o'clock DIRECTORS: W. M. Ladd. J.-Thorburn Ross. T. T. Burkhart. Frank M. Warren. ,. ; GeorK H.UL . v. 240 Washington Street , 1' ' "'' Corner . Second. -. -r -'-PORTLAND. OREGON. NORTDIVBTERN tlUTUAl LIFE . ' V ' , OF saXTsWAtrXXB, Wis.' ' - "Tha Northwestern haa'tiever baan Involved with other flnanrlal Insti tution nor had any connection what ever, either aa a company or through anr of Ha officers, with sny other. Una of business. The entire atten tion of the omcera of the Company ha a been confined to the business of the Company, they believing that only by ao doins could they perform their full duty to the Company and permanently - conserve - the beat ln terest of Its Biernbers.". , Oar policy holder, are Mtisficd S.T.Lockwood&Son OBremax aoevtb, Oomoorw BtUltUaav IorUa,ad. Oraaroa. 40-Acre Snap" flcSOO -Part csah. Owner learlns town, inquire iv troma at.; must be aold. ' . ,-' i . -',' NOTICE. RECEIVER'S SALE In povsuaac ef fa order at court axade aad entered tbla say th andeeolgned will sell the business, Sx tares snd stork -of marchandia of the Muck Hard war Company, - Bealed bid wilt be received ap to anon of Monday. November . 4. IBUt. Inventory aud property ra be aeea at store, 28-2-O Morrtsoa . street. Portland. Oregon., No bid will be eoatldered anleaa aceompaBled by S certlSed cheek foe an amount eawsl to 10 ner cent of assount vat Md. The right te yect any and all bid I reserved. i B. O. WOtlliS, Receiver. - Portland, Oregae October 24, ISoS. IN the circuit court ef the sttta ef Oregon, for ssnitnomsB eorurty. In tn matter xf tba receivership of August Bests - " To the creditors: Tba andenrlgned has filed with the clerk of the shove entitled court his report of the 11 received for the assets of August Krats, snd th court has set November 10. lieu, t tba none of in o'clock . a., aa tne time tor nrartng objeetloa to the eon flrmstlns) of sale of asM aaaeta. All persona (Interested are notified accord- m.'L- .' . SARIN, BeeHver. hEACIIa SIMON. At owner, for Receiver BIDS will be receive anlll A o. as Thsssl., November S, Ilea, and then npesed. fir hsnl - tng out nd launching the dreiiae Poetlend ud for tba as of the war wbtl th dradgs Is being renewed. Particulars sit he oh- tslned Jiy spplrlus st - l be fSe a( th . Port of Portland, city ball, city. DAN J. MAHKI4, CUrk. NOTICE Bids for all the electrlcsl wire. Ump and swltche tnd general fixtures belonging to lh lwls and Clark aeaoclattna will lie opened at th office of Mr. Oekar Hots-r. rltrertnr of werkai it noon Mondar. tit Stb - tait.--OskaT llnbtT, (lrMtuf et work. 7 4r NOTICE. I BBBEBT wra th public that I will not b responsible for any dchta eontrirtad by aiy wic, muss jarnanu, imra una nata. .--., -- TO.Nt ABNALO, - October SI, lam. , MEETING NOTICES. ' NOTICE. Mem bar of UncoU-OarfVld post No a. t. a. K.. ami coutraues are reaoectrtiils Inaltad ta attend tba funeral Berries of out lata comrade, John S. Kaullnaer, to. II, 87th Mas. Vol. Infantry, at lloWu'a chapel. Third and Balmon at.. iu:.w a. at., ruinuay. !o. o. imm. interment ai u. A, t. ceiuetery. By order, RICHARD A. WOHLFORTII, -, . ' ' Post A.ljutsnt. THOMAS C. BELL. Post Onaiuiauuer. ALHfNA todr Ko. 101. A. P. and , A. M. ttad communication tliu (Hatnrday) eretilng t 8 o clock. ,' AU M. M. eordUlly Incited. By arder W. M. ' A. i. UlNPUil. - ,.:.: , Hacrtry. ; LOST AND FOUND. LflfVr Thuraday: Koeenber 2. ' fnld-rtairaed eyeclaaaea with pd chain ana balrpm ( tacbed, la esse marked "Son, Optician." Return ta Journal ofSc and racalrar reward. LttHT On H treetrar, Indian basket, contain. In Infant nk'le, boi.k and lores. Return will be greatly, appreciated. article ar badly seeded. Address 1 4, ear Jouraal. rol'ND A red sow with a calf shont S weeks old; owner can bar ss me ry lornrirylng and paylac enneaaea ta Ray Bros,, Hllladale, Or es oa. Phuaa Kuts ?S7. UMT A black arercoat, with Terr at collar, on porket burned; loot aa Mllwaokto at., balwaen DlTlaton and Mill r. Hetura ta D. Bbarlork. MO Mllwaukla at.; reward. HELP WANTED MALE. SECURE A GOOD POSITION. W assist competent office men, bookkeepers. taaograpbeea. cashiers, collectors, bill clerks. general clerical, terunlcei com mere ut I men. Business Man's Clearing Hones. 110 SaooaHL CAKII1KB for whnleeal bonaa; ninat be aa ei- periencedj bookkeeer with good rafereDcea; glee ago, experience and salary axpecte.1. Address L 47, car Journal.' . . t PEW bright yoarur men for Ufa. Insurance; good money while learning; permanent poaltioa for those wba uoallfy.- Jnqulraj0-3;lt Mar qua m bldg.. SALESMEN wanted; cb dTnced, weekly; gooa rmrory open, eniiiii nw, mrw ing $1U0 to flBO per month. Why not youl Address Wahlastas- Harwry Do., Toppanlsu, Washlngtoa. EN and boy wasted ta earn $S day. after t moo tha' lastraetloB. poaltioa fuarantsel; special tuition half price, few days oulr. Coyne Bros. Co. Plomhlng Schools. New York, Cincinnati, a. St. Loula. Mo. free catalogue. WOOltSMEN, railroad laborers, teamsters, rock- men. all kinds or public wora. iianaen Employment Office, 20 N. Second at.r nasr Bumald. i WANTED Clerks and wlndow-dressrra ta study sbowsrd writing at Y. M. t. A. night school: personal Instruction. Apply for par ticular. WANTED Solicitors. 44 to M per dsrj salary or comakuloa. Csll or writs w. n. urat Co.. ma S. Labba bra.. Portland. OriCB man wanted: IIAO and erelees requtaed; III pay 7.l per bmibu; ao triners., oti tHa- s. w trrE rw.srinit ts as - a leaner) "" tn Portland infl rniintrir; lilg wag.a. an mij unig."r EXPERIESCEU intsber for kitchen furniture; o auchlnemna. n aneeenta ax. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TRUSTWORTHY, enrrretie wosasa t traeal and srganlss for Vlarl company. , lau ar address room 22. Lewis bids. HANSEN'S LADIES' AORNCY. 43U Wssblaa- IV. .hi WWW wrrwwuxaM. . ,.., w . w.h. " M02. FemaU help wanted. .. -' . EMPLOYED lady wanted aa eospnWs la widower a pleasant noma rrea ox xpner. N 43, car JonraaL LADY to ma dining-room la hotel: hone cook. . lug; cheap rent. , 844 North Twesty -sixth, ear. Ssrler. ; DBKHSVAKRH sptrreritlc wanted " St Mrs. Eberhsrdt's, 420V Morriaoa at. - WANTED Millinery apprentices. . Apply Lowengart Cx. 92-M Front at.' ' WOMAN oe avev, aesr geaeral hoosawork. Eugeae et. 441 Jtvdtwy MALE. AND -FEMALE HELP. THE demand for competent bookkeeper and tenngriohrr I (reiter tha the supply. From August 1, 1H04. to August 1. lSftO. ws placed BiT In anod nnsltions: bsd csll for more tbas Son; our graduates are ALL employed: w will assist yon to a position when competent; enroll now; day or night. Behnks-Walker b salnes College, Sixth aad Morrises sta. . WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, are. sen table -aaa or worn a a. a gone talker, to tak np ss attrsetive proposition. ' IwHilr.. TS9 (Thaaber ef t ots mere, a a. WANTED Immediately. asea ar women to d csavssslng. Call up East OCT; good aroposltlos, WANTEO Experienced stenographer and genv iral of Dee help. Address m . car joaruai. HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. O. Drake. znbVfc weening toa c mac ia. WANTED City agents, ladle or gent; good commission. See Marfllhhon. S2S Everett at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Posltloa by aphonterer and atstrea. msker with eipeneaes in rurairore packlog. Address 1 47. car JournsL , YOI NO man and wife want to tak Car of small dairy, fruit or poultry farm. Address ,. L 50. cars JournsL. FIRST-CLASS blacksmith want altuattou oa carriage work or machine turfing. Apply S4 Washington at., room 67. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier waati position; beat refer escrs. Address X , 40, car JournsL BELIABLR Oeraan man waat houeecleanlng. . - - k. J . ... Mala 1074. .. ' ' . WANTED Te build fire morning near Jef ferson aad 14th t. 1. Schager, S8I 14th at. WANTED Position by first -elms sMatcattef. Phone Mla 4K. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE A BEFINED lady of 85 who baa aeea better tlsies would accept position a aoasekeeprr; could be b assistant companion. Address M 40. care JournsL ., ..-4 EXPERIENCED hand will do eewlng la family by the day. TIH' Montana are., B. (let Ion. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPIyOYMEXT OFFICE. FOB MEN. 24 N. Heenod at. Pboea Mala 1S24. JAPANESE-CHIN ESJ EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. Henry Taker a. 267 Everett at. Pbon Pa cific 440. PACIFIC Coast Kmr. Co. Reliable employment ages is. i.v e.. u t. rhona Mala 00I11. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT .'rtr-Ihor eonrrse. ers; aeip tree Ul emnmyers.,, -aiB Morriaoa ACMB EMPtIYMRNT CO. 211 MnrrlM et. vniniiew ssva all sinos ox wors. . BIO FOUR BMP. AGENCY FTelp anpplUd fM. x n. serosHi sx, roons msib lata. NATIONAL Eaplnyment and lehor Agency, 912 Pine t. Phu Mala 1S04. TUB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT iiX.. 2054 Morriaoa at. Pbon Padfi 23s. . WANTEDAGENTS. AGENTS wsnted ta seU nursery stockt aw sad complete eaiiii iwunns , - . weekly. Capital -WW Himtf ausaaaay. Salem. Oregon. - " WANTED TO RENT. K B want deslrabls hooaea and Sals, all parts of tn city; bTC high-class client' wslttng; ...II ...1 nM,,u..t MM f... " resta ic. . , - - ..... TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, 249 'Stark at. ' ' Pbooa Mslu 1W4. WANTED Ta rent farm, IS ar 20 acres, aear city; bona and Pars. aa. u. saorgaa. vi'J Mliwai ax. WANTED Space la well-located maatmarkrt for Ssh and poultry.- aoarass l so. eourasi. I WANT a lo-room house -centrally located nd reaaonahie rent, inquire szw nam at. ,1 i .'"I L ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. B'ANTEII a or S-ronm house, modern, good location; Fast Ankeny. Morrison or west side preferred; from t.0eo U $S,0); girt locstloa ad kwrt cash price , la yout answer. P. rCCHS. lt, First t. WANTEI A good farm, eslne S20.000, sis not less taaa crea; auuaing, aoti ana location hare te ho Srat claim; Wlllametta Tal. Iry preferred: In answering glee exact aud full dsacrlptloa aed- lowest cash price. : : . t r. flxhh. Kirst st. . . I HAVE bur era waiting to bear of mll home la or near Portland, ny a tree turn; it you art ready to sell address P 2. cars JournsL LIST your property with us. Otnr Blot fa: -Quirk sale, ahort pront. Knyai Meat r.stt ta, 107 H rirat t., room TV,. t -WANT to buy one ar two lots, anlmproyad. lther east or west side; uta. price and terns). N 4T, rare Josraal. WANTED Boomlng-tKMVMa, store and' restaa- ranu; w Sara Duyers. iruooa at Bocrwooo, 20SVs MorrUssv rsoaa 1. . - WANTED A (nod farm for a good country tor vara .!. ana ihi. : P. ' I (.'US, 1-WH, First t- " WANTED To buy or leas a bulldlns lot close in. ' HCt-aersoa, uuanta hotel, nret aaa Aiaer. WANTED To buy.J or 0 aerea wltbtn ; aiiiaa or I'ortund. . Addresa 1. 07, Journal. WANTED lt or fracttoo. Insld arty Unit; glee particular. A en. J one sal. .. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE the Lewis and Clark fair at nam: ernd 40e la at a inn for handsome phot book, nearly 20 photo of fair, 1xai Inrbea, Westers View Book Co.. Portland. Box 24. PAINTINn.'spraylng and whitewashing tree. basement, bam, dorks, etc.; isrgeat gaauiiae is-aylug oattlt oa tba eoaat. M. Q. Morgan aV Co.. 70 Mllwaukle at. Pbon But 2H17. ORCHESTRA. 2 piece, wants eagigement erenlngs. Sundays; music for nil occasions eery reasonable.- 46 Lucrella at. Tel. Mala 65tO. HIOHEST cash pries paid for bottles and jnnk or every oeecriptton. rnrtiana noitie nnppiy Co., 381 North Eighteenth. Phone Mala ZMS. OLD furniture wanted, to be repaired and anade ilk new. John Kleiner, nurasio ana rarg sta. Phone Psclflc out. EIGHT teams to bsul lumber end ties. Proc tor st Beess. Cetlrell. via Orient, Oragoa, BOOKS honrrit. (old and exchanged at th Old Book Store, Zf lamnlll at, . WILL wssb your lsr cnrtshM for 40 cent pat pair.- 8W 12th at..- sVia nalalra. r f BY DEB. printer. Second and Wuhtngtos ats. Phona Msla 6638. WANTED A Int .of-. amall poUtoes, cbe. . Phoaa East 6TB. . WANTED Tn hay a gig asw. AiWrsas L 45, ear Journal. WIIO IS M. 0. MORGAN CO. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB HCR, S Eleventh at., cor. Stsrk New ronmlng-bouse, newly furnished, at rani best, gas light asd baths; class ,ro business seo tioB, 1 block from carlins; all tba cotnfora ef a bom; ever; thing ap to date. Mr. P. A7. CUacy, prop. " TUB KINO 800 Jefferson St., now building, Landsosnely - furnlsbed, with every modem aoui'anlencer- si' sui side .roams, with - heat, gna ar electric tight, pureelaia hatha; rates . SOc, TK aad fit apaelal rata by the or month. THB BELLETTK. 21SH Fourth t. Neatly farntahed rooms for gentlemen; stl oatdd roooxa; elsetrlc lights, porcelal bath: rataa, SOc, 73. $1; very , low rataa by wk at BMtata. Boon 701. A NICE Bubarbaa home for rent, furnished; 7 rooms: ass of piano; w per stsntn; K. znta snd Brnnklya eta.. Woodstock car. Pbnrj I nlon l&M. Call Saturday evening or Monday forenoon. - HOTEL PALMER. Centrally located at the corner ef Alder and park srs.1 team Beat, not anej coia water, free porcelain hatha; room 60c, 76 aad 11; specie I weekly rates. TUB BAMANN. 13S N: lath., ear. Hoyt Newly lwalabed room, fl.ou apt esBeeaieat location. IS minute' walk to fair groaads: Morriaoa aar at swdoa dsput direst to kausa. Pheso 47e. BKAI'TIFI'L front milt and 2 other desirable furnished rooms in axonem nome of private famllys phone, bath, furnace heat, walking diatanc. 60 Fourth t. Phone Pactfle SI4. KINO'S UEIORTS Deal ra hi selirhbortiood. near St. Helen ' nan; Bvcely rornistiad men for one or two, wit private family sent preferred. 734 Mala at. 294 ELEVENTH I have a nice room In a ale neighborhood thst I will rent vary reaaonable to right party; on eartlne; 9 mlnutr' Jrtd from heart of city. BEAUTIFt'LLY furnished rooms ta brick bullJ. week and ap. The New Belmont, 193yi First t. LINDELL BOTKU 4th and Market; new aaa- agement: rurnianea new tnrongnout; no aarg room; eomfortabl home. Mra. E. McLaaa. MARQ0AM HOI SE, 14ft H ath Boom ea eetu or laaij nousekeepiog rooms ; as atovaa, hath. eVrtrle lights; trsasleuts sollcllsa. 214 ELEVENTH ST.. enr. Salmon Booms la private family: nice borne: must asva th best of refrrencrs; all convenience, .... FURNISHED room, slngl er es mite, S pnr month nd-np. Hotel ratrmount, iwniy Ixth and Cpslinr and Vsngba eta. THB BOYCBEST. ITS Twelfth St. Elegantly furnished rooms: all convenience of the modern hotel; rate reaso sable. - . NICELY fnrnlahed room at moderate prlcea for rent ra large private Bouse. - Close in. (.all at 147 Tenth mt near Aider. t ROOMS, first floor: hath, phona; fnrnlahed or nnrurntahed: near ltd and Oregon; fia pet month. 171 E. Third t., K. , " THE NORTON, enr. Twelfth and Morrison t. Family hotel; everything roudera nd ap te date; rtea ressonable. 9S0 ELEVENTH ST. Nicely fnrnlahed room with eastern people; oa carlins; 10-mlnut lid from town; reaaonable. . NICELY furnished rooms la good verlgtiborhood ; treetrar service: rates reasonable. 12V lath st.. Best Waahlngton. . . ELEGANTLY furnlsbed rooms 1 steam be ted; hot and cold water; raise raaeoaabl. 99 1 4 North Sixth t, . AT 4S4 YarnhllL enr. Twelfth. I have one or tw furnlahad rootos for rlgbt party; pri est family. ... TWO fnrnlahed honsekseplng rooms for rent, reaaonable; running hot and cold water, 171 Eleventh St. , . - NICELY fnrhlshed rooms, with or without hoard, reaaonable. luqulr at 187 V Twelfth at, sear Ysmblll. --. ' , . .. NICELY furs Is bed front suites. 2 snd S rooms also karg room, atodera convtnlctires. . 424 Ysmblll st, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Um STARK ST. Nicely furnished rooina; lea' your name with a and w will reserve when empty, . . , ,. . . .. FRONT parlor for gentleaa of refinement whs wishes rssa a r th avstsr ef ally, ' 61 Everett at. NEWLY furnished reasonable: have nice large front room. Jsffsrsua, 2S Elavanth St.. aear NICELY furnished room Is a new home, fur rent at awderele . prices. Call sow Eler eutb st. WELL furnlahad room a, board; good location; car Berries. 401 Teutb t. Pbon Pacific 60S. CHEAPEST and beat loctted room ta Portland. II week aad ap. Ollmaa. First snd Aider st. Th Headeraoa, SMVi Aider Elegantly furnished room fur permanent ana trutsu( roomers. HOTEL MONARCH. SOS Stark St.', trsualents so licited; prices reasouabl. Phone I'acltlo atu. FOR RENT Twe rooms, furnlsbed for house keeping. Csll be Tors S o clock. B4a ttsinwnt si. THB SHERMAN. 129 Twelfth St., cor. Wash ington Nicely furnished rooa at all prices. A KlCBLYfnrn!shed single room for rent, re onani. 4J0 jerreraon, cor. r ieventn ai. WELL furnished rooms Ar moderate rate. In quire 440 Jsfferaou, cor. Twelfth at.- , THB GRAND Newly turnlshfd rooa by th week or most., xsih Urand are. - - . -. - AT 44S Yamhill, near Twelfth t., - a nicely furnished rooa very reasonable . FURNISHED rooa for tngle geutlemo; res- naaBM terms, IJa jitn st. . - - 442 JEFFERSON, near Twelfth St., nicely fut Biased room, very reaaunsbi. THB SHELLEY. 41221 Morrli WU fvmlslied rooms at reaaonable press. NICE. Isrgs. well fnrnlahed rooms at 987 Elev en tn at., aear Harrison at. , NlCB room la print family at 144 Eleventh to right party; reference. - BOOM In private family for. gentleman, $10 per month, nai Mill r. - -- NICELY furnished room la the? heart ef the city; exclusive. 104 llth et. 4S1 TAYLOR Furnished room for gen tie men only; cau kooraiuga. FURNISHED room, close la, reaaonable. 207 l'rt Beat KWI1111. . 970 TWELFTH Furnished-rooms aad board; alee neighborhood. - - Ft'BNIMHED rooms by the day, week er month. A FCBNISHRD room for rent cheap. 1 S3! 1V.1IU St.. . FI'BNISUED roots, 979 Beat Sixth aad Hr- FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB BENT Fnrnlahed bossak.eplng room Is best Br- Block ea east side; gss nag, bath, etc.; ao transient; pries moderate. Logs a rlk., 108H L'uloa v .eerasr Baal Alder. Phoaa Bsst 4U24. NEW furnished or unfurnished housekeeping snd sleeplngvioma. 91 week. ntH North Twenty-sixth, cor. Ssrler. Waahlngton cars to Twenty-sixth, turn to left 100 feet.: 4.10 QI IMBY St., bet. Tenth end Eleventh. 10 mlnstrs' walk from union depot, north t r. mii acting newly furnished botisakeeplng- ooms, coopiele, rent iu per aaonta. NICB . bousekeenma suites: everything conven- en- tn; I 1 let 11: attigle laaii bt tiny, week or Ihonnn brick building: walking distance: rent reaaon . bls. Th BuUsnd, HIOS First St. -' 9 FCRHISHED rooms, gss and bath, can be used for light aousegeeping: cent reesoasote: 9 blocks from - Heel bridge. Inquire SOS Alder. Towssesd. Msxwell A WIU. ... . NEATT.Y famished hoseekeeplng and sleep-Ing-raoms. clone la; balb. MS Tenth, near stark;, alae at' S64 North Twenty-six th, eo. Ssrler. 41 week. . SOS 1STH ST. Two nice hoosekeeplng imni, ground floor, with aae of piano; ahw nue sln gl rooa f housekeeping. 47 per month. SEASONABLE Furnished bouseheeptng-rora at 3M Twelfth t cor. Mala: 10 minute' walk from town and extra good location. ... 928 PER month for 2 nicely furnished room Mala oina. Fireplace, gas. etc. S PARTLY furBlsbed bousekscplng-rooms. Very cheap; a nicely furnlsbed front rooa also tor rent cheap, lou kUcvea th. St., . . . I1.7S PER .WEEK Large elea ' furnished houses ecping-roooM; isunary see osis, is Shrrmsa, South Portland. NICB bonsekeeplng-rooxna for rent la good neignnorhsod, reasotianie. laquire : at 101 Twelfth St. Bear YamhliL -e- THREB nicely furnished rootus to good location mr rent at asooerate prxcee. 204 lata t., near Jefferson et. THB MITCH ILL. Flanders and Seventh Hooss, kousekeenlag and traostcnt; eoavenleat; price THE GLADSTONE S12H Savler t furslased roams; aadsr . new aansgeaeat; ariose rss 1 eoaabl. HOl'BKKEEPINO B(K)MSfiirntahedU. to-psrtiaa with kllcbea furniture. 44 Blilh St.. north. HOI'SEKEEPINO-ROOMS. furnished, for rent reasonable. Call t 238 Twelfth, cur. Msla. HOI'SEK EEPINff suite of 2 rooms; slso 2 slngls rooms; very rraeonaoie. jsi j nirteenrn. THREB well- fornbihed housekeeping rooms, ale large place. Phone a.ast mi. isdot. 440 NICELY fnmlehecl borne at SRI tflth St.; nice 'vieignnornjoou. inquire nx 000 join sx. HOI'RRKEEPINO-ROOMH t 42S Yamhill; te right parties, right prices; reterrsces. S2.T PER month Vmotn cottsge, fnrnlahed corrj' .Ui. -l 1 HUH . iuw, UmA tLl!l LIOHT. sunny housekeeping rooms, also (ngt room, for rent reasonable. 2o5 llth at.: HOUSEKEEPING rooma with every eorivenienc at 401 s waier bi.; s..ju per ween. NICELY furnished hoosekeeplng mom very ret sociable, pa llth st corner ntsr. 47 N, 11TH ST. Solte of hoosekeeplng rootus. fumtalied; also on single room. 0NB suite of housekeeping rooms to rent res son- able, csll ai so n iitu si. HOI'SEKEEPINO and furnished rooms at 464 Yamhill st, very reaaonable. FURNISHED housekeeping room, bath- and gaa. .2S4Mi tour teen Ik at.- - .. , 432 STARK at., corner 12th A few (site of rosin fur housekeeping. FURNISHED housekeephuj renew far rant. Call 002 Missouri ax. ..--. , 2 PTRNISfTEn Imusekeeplng-rootn. Inquire 4nl Washington. . . - UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL FAIBM0UNT. Kortk. Twenty-alxth t. from . Fptbar te Vaughn, - Room fnrnlaHed and anfnrnlsbed. Single n4 en ult( Jl per week sBd up. A permanent modern building, plastered sad with bstbrooma snd aiodern plumbing. . PIPED FOR OAS-FOR COOKING. - ... .... , kUs otsma BOOMS. ', '' ' FOR RENT FLATS. FLAT FOH RENT. 82S Second at. Urge rooms with bsth ssd psntry: nicely ftirnleh.Ml; wlU be rented with or wlihout furniture. K. A. Proudfoot. 27T Wsshlngton St. - - FINK close-in O-rooa Sat;-Tnrrttturv to be anlrt t one half coat price: 1hl 1. a snap. He Tjsoa kluaelL 4u2 CoaaercUl blk. Mal 2n2a. - - -. - FURNISHED flat for rent at, 144 Eleventh t.; downstatra flat. ROOMS AND BOARD. THE COMMERCIAL Select family hotel; nicely furnished; single or -ulte: luble Brsl class; free baths: walking dlslauoa; rates resaouabls. 4hH Wsshlugton at. FIHST-CLASS room and board for peraaaeat rple. $i.S0 and 926 per month; table board par- week. Aator bouse, I la and Msdlwa t. TsL Main S28L 2 WELL-FURNISHED Kronneetlng ronom with nunrd. suitable for 2 or 4 young tiKu; prlcv . reauoabla. 909 Slxlb, cor. llarrtaoa.. Phone Main 64W0. - TABLE bnrd with or without rooms: nice aelgb- isiruiMxi, nice location, picusuni sswsow. XM Twelfth t. BOOMS, with board for permanent tenants, reeaonsble;' rirst-clsaa koaw euoklna. : tal Sixth at ,-. 3fj FOB 106m and board., one o two; r tor- en ce. as Eaat sjmta) stM n. FIRST-CLASS rshle-board it Ysmblll; call before Saturday. W A NTrTntnJUrsa te board; 'w bowie. Phone glttU 4 " 9 . ' FOR RENT STORES. 947 MORRISON ST. one block from Portland hotel, smsll tore suitable , lor jewelry or hook tore. - 8TORR for rent at 403 Wcshtngtea at., or any part- . - FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOB RENT Desk room- end everything nlahed. B. S. Jscksoa Co., iHd sura OFFICE ROOMS Oeoda bids. APPIF elevator. HOUSES FOR " RENT FURNI- ' TUKK rOK SAleK.1- FOB beat resalt 00 "FCBNITUBE,- '. :. Whether to buy or eell. ring ap Mala MM. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. SU First et - - FURNITURE In a lx-rooa hone for sale rea- sotlSDM?; now, noxxgiix m mtt u.,, s. rent; party going to California. Inqntre 921 lath st.. comer Clay. . ' FOR RENT A very desirable a-room f'L rsiae m: xumiiors nv aasp, r.n j inm. e-, , srood. coal snd gss range; price , very rea aonable. 2St, North Sixteenth. 9-ROOM konae for rent and furniture for sale with or without piano; complete snd neatly furnished. 4iJ East Morrison at. Phone st 4.1H4. .-. - - - - FINE fnmltsr and piano ef l0-rrsm honae. 94x1: 979 eaan. oaiance on reer; lueee luuga coat 91-200. . Pbon Mala 0190. FOR RENT n-ronra, house and Sat for 1L II. rent and furniture tor sake, Hlgley. 273, Tvr at 7-ROOM house, fumtsned. furniture for sale; rentenep. 100"i est Park at. HorSEIIQLD ftirnttwr for aale. .. F.T . Jrffft: eon at. . .T0R RENT HOUSES 4-ROOM, -hnsiee. innilOO lot,. barn, resun for cnicsens, rem ssj . New, atrb-irr netslem 4-mors boose. East Salmon at., $'22. , 2-room bouse, in anbnrha, 92.30, -. -.. , HOME. LAND CO.. . , , ' . . - . - . I4TH First at. FOR BENT Houses and Sets, all part ef the city. Bentsl deportment THB CONTINENTAL. COMPANY, . -.-249 Stark at-i ' STUART etattoa. Mount Sontt ear 4 large rooms, eurimiioinss, ssww.i . . ' ehlldrea; furniture for sale, Celt. the. Belle vie. Fourth. ad Salmon. NEW a. room house and quarter block. Hancock and Et Twenty-sixth at, . . ,n. Lombard. 914 Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED 7 room houst; gas. bath, plane. basement and wonosieea. nxi nasi asu, cor. Twenty-sixth: tske Ankeny car. . 9-ROOM cottage, cheap (Mt. Tborl.. 1. N. Voortile. IW rranci eve 4 ROOM house for rent. ' 7S0 Eaat Ankeny at. FOR RENT FARMS. SEVEN acre near MonUvlll. house, barn. berries, tree trait, noioen: goon xsns-m Ing. chickens, ds Iry big: near carllne. . Home Land Ce.. 14.11 First st. A 1O0-ACBB rsncb. fsrnvln. fruit nd tock land, for rent reaeoname; n aiurs xrvoi Dallas. Oregon. Inquire 827 Mhi t. FOB BENT flood frm ef W acres ta the fewowe-Pelesiss sssinii Mn-rlsoa St., room 21 1 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB KENT About Jsnnsry l.y 2-tocr brick building Itsixitm, aortnesst nv, iniro ins m 11 - ..-ill MiMnS'l and teaas .whole iw - pert ti dealrahle partlrs. .Apply , to B JT. I OX, ao. 1 w irex vi. rw..o ... FOR KENT Strong' 2-story building arounds, 40x100 feet, with 8O1IO1 na. near fair jtrounos, i"-. - - - - - - ground adjoining, suitable for manufacturing warenonae or iivaryxaose.. aa. a,. Commercial bldg., city. STORAOB-ROOM. shop and ktsble-mnm pc IO let; OOWIKOWU. ISSS. r.-.fc -ersr. . r STORK (t 2t Stark for rent; must move to larger quarters. - BUSINESS CHANCES. BLACKSMITIt-SHOP doing good business past . . .,11 .uutl. a loitla Atiantlrv ef )rnn and rnal, dwlllng-bone. heating fruit trees, chicken-house. 2 psaseager bostg car service esch dev. 2 minute' walk to wach place; all for 42u0 1f taken soon. Apply.lo Thompson Foster. Bldseneld,' Waahlngton. - 9100 BUYS chicken ranch: outfit consists of H0 Chicken IH1 nurse in-gmiinis 10 ie. iww iir cube tors snd brooders, netting for runs, also soma household furniture; property for rent If desired t 40 pet month. Address L 44, car Journal. IF yon wsnf fsrm; city er ubtirhB rnperty, a good business of sny kind, or bsve sny kind of pniperty xo sen ov sxcususe. can on or address Northwest I .asd Co., 2il Morrl- ui a Dlsesu kJ a lea 4A tl BROKERAUB and business chance office wnts partner; eld established snd elestinr J1 per mouth I young man preferred: 4"0 snd service required; this Is sn opportunity fi a glXMl msn. Auurves . it e.wiiosi. CANDY STORE. WELL IXVCATEO WITH LIV . n.wkXfl esn he bnd st low rent hs a desirable party; location on esetild eppo ell th Alblna rhonl house. particulars, call office, 617 Commercial block. r W hav eorne of the best- hsrgslns on th mnrket In the way of rnoiriliig-noitee. Iioth large snd smsll. .fur sale and exchange; see na before baying. Northwest Land Co., JMS Morrison t.. room xti FOR SALE Oa account of sickness, ales, clean, 1 none r tnaklrg baalnes ea eaat sldef ale : from 414 to .1S per day; price 1 1 ). or will 1 i. m. ..Mt, srsnted. O SS. Th JoarasL CONTINUED Illness compels tn t eell or -ehanr fnrnlehlnss nd hue loess f best So- ronra hotel In Portland r central location, gnod kesse. M, Ollinsa hoteL First and Abler. . TO ETkCII A NIIW Clgsr. fmlt, confectionery snd pews-stand; eerier; good bus I nee : km leaee; full slock: will sell or trade for Unproved " farm. Address L 4.1. car Jutimai. .. FOB SALK-l-Butteemllk. fntite. .wagon, horet ' and barura, cbvap. 4ldress K 40, Joutual. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Fine barneaa-aoop la good town: estsbllshrd buslnosa; atmk 11l Invoice about 91-tuai. Inquire of J. I). Wtua, IU Wiaf Second t-. Albany, Oregon. 4.- . im.LINKKY store doing, a good business; wish lo retire; price l-Vm If taken by I ice id bee 1. Address Mrs, Q. E: Nichols, tie Weat beooud St., Albany, Oregon. 1 TO add to plant, will sell Interest tn a go-sl Paying business: 92.0UO nequlred. If look- ' lug for a good ssf lores! oieut, addra L 69, ear of Journal. WANTED A good llv man with 910 to t' half Interest hi a good paying Imam: f per mnnlh guaranteed. Call room 1, 206 Morriaoa at. , OR SALE 20 farina. 4I,J and ap; 90 room. Ing-bouars. 42.10 and up; 20 restaurants. 9179 aud up. Bra 11. H. Hlgley. bo. 271 Taylor st. 91,250 fipty rooms, corner, brick, , excellent location; spieixlld Invest men t: wwth Sa.Otai, . Investigate at once, porter.. 107 Sherlock blk. 0R SALE Barber-shop, S chairs, modern ' furniture, long leas, on Third St., 91 rsnll 1 a up tVt 41,7110. Address K 47, Journal. 4'.Ve EIOHT rooms:. Income 9Vlrrnt only 91.1; your lima not required; good local lou: exec. leut Invealuient. Porter. 107 Sherlock blk. Mt B. clena 'JO-mom bous. hill of steady room- 1 , ers: owner Biuat leave townt price 9OU0. Jn-1 I quire 1SIU14 kladlsou st. . 1 INTEREST in large realty office cheap te lira aaat office work. Particular with Home . Lend Co., 145 First t. RESTAURANT furultar tor sal. W. it. Lsttln. Hotel Felrmount. Twnty.lxtb and Upahnr sta, FINE opportunity la eatahll.hrd bulas; Beed kelp nd cspltsL Address Q 64. esre JoaraaL 8PORTINO goods business st Invoice pries, v suoux iuu. a oar ess 1x01 1st, isugens. Oregon. . R.MJT literest In food real estate of (Ice; will h . w ii.iiuu. ... mh seorriavn si. FOR RALE First-class twines cheap; party leaving clly. Address L 3H, Jounia(, , INVE8TI0ATB For a email amount sf capi tal. Urge rslurns. 208 McKay bldg. BARHERH AI chair shop cheapi cheap rent . Call Lulverslly Park. '--- 3 LAIU1B ruornlng houas for sale, IT rooma. 4 3 Stark t. . . .. WHO IS M. O. MOROAN CO. 7 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 9600 EASY term, lot 8. block I. lultoa Park; : double lot. fenced, facing aa t street, on : block from electric 'carllne. : 9300 Ess terms, 100x100 feet lots 4 aad 7. ' block H, Paltea ParkTbalf block from elce-. trie carllne: Sne view. 150 Easy terms. , lot 1. lilecb 0, Fnltoa Park; ea electric carllne and Taylor' Ferry road.'. V " ' V ' SU Chamber oi Coaaerce. -- , ; .s ACRE TRACT8I . . ' 0r JPECTALTY I8 .AgBlTKACTU Fll-lad streets, frrster to esch acr. TERMS 410 PER ACRB CASH (10 PER ACBB PER M0NTU. Tea a t these acre a pay tha same Sc far the lot Bias pees. Tne . mt as isa. Is rsor aalghnor. 1 taa. a a re-. , ... eu'ieise ra asjonxy et xeaxerss vasv. sssso -a true sober bs a boms, . , . A. & CHURCHILL A CO, t S. . , -.. no Seeond at.,, ':.. V" r, GOOD 7 -room honae. west side. herb, closets, -ball, gsa, arw fumece, Isrge lot: esay terms. Good d-rooni honae, 2 full lots, carllne 1 - bl.-k. 19 alunles- rble: Sl.aJO, :lu8'cah, hsL monthly or ny old wy, 2o scree good lend, 14 acres well ctrltlvstrd. - 7-rooa 2tory house, barn, orchard, good , water. 4 miles out ca goad carllne; at a - low price, j ..... - 9 seres aleely Improved. S ail leg out on M. - R. Sue land, good water, house aad other building; would aak a Sua chicken-ranch; . a .hrgla. ' If you want a good boase, 40 or good, ranch, csll st . , OKUNDY-MKLRATII CO.. 246 Morrtsoa st. INCOME would be at least 12 per cent per annum, or HI per cent Bet. fter poring tsxe and insurance en tw mndera double houses and a full quarter blork en west aide, in . good resilience district: the houses - occupy but ox1i feet, leaving 40xlisi feet unoc-. enpted. which might b sold off for go-ul sum to reduce to the Investor the cost of 1 the balanc. of the quarter block on whb-h the bouaii are lor ted; these houses srs ta a good condition snd tn a desirable Iocs. I Hon, urronndliigs gooiL Price 913.&0U; hslx , cash. . ' CULVER, tail Chamber of Commerce. TWO acre nat esst of -city limits, snd near Montsvllls csr line; no gravel: sll rleered; -M bnrowr many Tlbe Tiutt trees: . u sVes similarly sliusted: nt building: '0 fruit trees: 4' Severs I booses snd bus. East PortlaniLiof good same and style! eeij. t rally located: essy terms. Also S-rnoin mod ern house, sew. Suiuiyslde. bit I ,VH loll feet.' Alo 8-fonm auuee. trlrtly mod. ern. end corner lot .1.1i70i term. y 91.2-JI to 4I.&Q0 cssh snd balance to anlti cenlrally localed. Keel Portland. CulTrr, CS3 Cbamb." jf Ooil I HnVl. "," ' pi - - - -; -. 500, EASY term, lot S. block 1. Fulton Perks loUnie Hit. renceo. im-iiw-wi - -1.1m. Cmm electric Cr line. f.ViO. easy terma. 1 notion feet. Wits 4 snd 7. block Hi rnilOB t srs; ns ive S; essj'term. Mt. Work L lltoW P.! oa eleetno eer line "'';? -B. M." IOMBARD. ' ' 814- Chamber f Commerce, .- v . - . 1 ,i,,l. hinane eheaat. IF FOB W.Bl vo ouy . noj - - Ait uir irnDBj, sum i .a.. i rttnju.t completed: 4 J,".' ! plsstcr, well bnllt. extra ,,WJ1"; ' I neatlr fenced, cloe tn, Kast Main St., near WIN, bet. Hawthorne .nd orrha ear- , lineal beet ear service in the city. rrlco , 41000; 4100 down. bsl. SH S montb) csll - twlcy. Phone Union l')8. . . . . ' i Ts xBxn aenff ISO acre, with 2 atorv honest in PFW At KB 101 WIHsmeU .wh sn Hr Portliiid: this I. ltl. Isilon wwildbe worth 1W per sere: If r Ireot afraid of work Ihl U the place yu an looklnr for; hist the plr to make KrtSnJlsi w.ter: boat l-d.nj n d rale mad within hlf mllej f sere fences, . W. Iltewrrs WOOD, First et. ...sir a seres. SH miles from center of elte, -- ",h in cnlttion? good hooaearge bam. cnVken honses. lot. of .iZti finest- rsid In Oregon, I mil from Iserrl lin-7 rrJlcV l40fiT rerf easy tsrms. If y.m ' i ee?m "'Milaouri" I will show pool If frsoi .SoiTer SlbTwrn sell joa If Foa M It. T SO, care Journal. - ' ; " A BAROAIN 12 room house, well bnllt snd nliimned; gronnda nil3.1: eommsnds fins vie , -ofTltVindb.rbor: cost more than 41' .0: ' eaa be bad If taken now for 91.S00; 42.SOO , cssh belanco esn run for 9 rear nt 8 per eeoi. Don't psy 416.000 for your swell houe when this esa b hsd eo cheep.- rry, i9 Bnsssll st . wtit iurrrv . - Beautifully situated this side of onlversltv em carllne; iota s.' escn. v.' run sua e per -mouth. Amerh-an Investment Co., TZ3 r ailing bldg., er Eygowskl, branch office, 'Wlllmtts atstlisji. t N y W 9-roem hone and two lots front In a Msln st t lents. sn Mount Scott carllne; ; be fare: S blocks from lo-room school build. ng: wster piped and small fruits; goed -'bargain - for 4"B4.' - Wiley, Alias Co., " Inta. Or.. -w- '.' rot . SALS Mndera ubnrhs eottaa. to car II. In Joratloa. ground tOOxlu. O. . P. Townslt Co.. 194 llrat et . B ACRES. mile frsnv O. W. P.'eleetrle llnej no gravel no asy to rlear! 911 eery F, ttrin. AdJrsst C 81, car Journal. LA ROB aemnv ro"W. ruemlng water, fee tws . BKX,--at(l ru caw la, 941 Sutta. . "v , ' ' "". ' - ."' ' - ' - . i - : 1 '- :,, : ,' J- 1 v: I r