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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
QliTLAIID, day : vz::inq, ccTor Grand Free Eiiiiibit of the Famous Weller Group of Art pottery From the ExpnpiLl- On the Third 'Floor;' Those' wishing to select pieced from thii" extraordinary exhibit of World-famous pottery celebrities may do so' at a sharp redaction' from Exposition prices- As an exhibit it is worth cccunj nilcj ta view. The entire collection has bCa moved here from the Fair Md may be seen now in its entirety, except what has been selected, by connoisseurs the past fpur. days.;1 Articles priced at ironiWc to $20 at the Exposition ,QW.,D6,naa wr nAi.rljs visit v" mv. ahiuu -vi.i . iik ihtvi iu uuu jrioor. . . . -'.m.,.;-!.; .Vr.sY, 7 Demoristf ations A Bi Bargain for Little Tota "Second Floor Baby-tc-Mias Shopsl ;'' ' INFANTS CROCHETED. SACQUKS 89c " Infants' Fine ' All-Wool" Crocheted Sacques, in three, pretty : styles; in plain white, with trimmings of baby, shades of blue or pink; our J1.00, f 1.25 and $1.50 values. , Special Economy Sale Price, each ., The "Universal" Food Chopper v.'-- '. -V ,. ";.V- Third Floor:1:'-, ;;: v . ;' Dr. Alice Goodwin's exhibition of .Wisdom's prepara tions'fbr the toilet First Floor. . f . I..--' . . . . . . . '' ' ' ' f " TK3' FCnzrC3T CZPnTEIST HOUGH? nCGT O? OHIOAQO OREGON DAILY JOU! cJO P- p. A Rare Corset Bargain in Royal Worcester" Salons Annex Second . Floor. , :j . ONLY $U2 FOR ROYAL WORCESTER GIRDLES '. WORTH $2a . r- A broken line of Royal Worcester Girdles, made -of fancy - Dotted Silk ; . ribbon in white, blue or ' pink perfejet fitting and ; comfortable -our $2.50 , value, v Special Friday Economy Sale Price, the pair ... . .133 : Friday Economy Specials in the , '"1 , ' Womens 'and Children's ';f.:u;,Hosiery; Section1,.;';-! -:'N' First Floor. -" ' " '.' INFANTS' 10c HOSE 7fc , r 'v Infants', Black -Cotton -Seamiest Hose; regular . value 10c. Special, the pair.-. . ..v.:.;..;..Tf INFANTS 15c HOSE 9c Infants' Black Worsted Hose, seamless; regular ' value 15c. Special, the pair. ....... 1 ..... .Of CHILDREN'S 45c HOSE 27c Children's, Black Worsted Hose, aires 8M,9, ! and ,10; regular value 45c. Special, the pair 2Te " WOMEN'S 45c HOSE 28c. Women's Black Cofton Fleece-Lined Hose, with ; white double ' sole; , regular value " 45c. . Special, the pair.. .......... ..... ....... .28s In liousefurriishing Stores and Toy Shop Worth-While Savings for Thrifty Homefltters Friday on Fourth Floor. " " COUCH COVERS BLANKETS AND RUGS V FOR THE ELDERS PLAY CARTS , ? FOR THE YOUNGSTERS. $2.00 COUCH, COVERS $1.35. A line of Couch Covers in pretty Oriental de ' signs and rich dark colorings, 60x108 inches; , : regular value $2.00. Special, each.. 1.35 $1.00 COTTON BLANKETS 77c Tan Cotton Blankets; full size, with pretty pink f -and brown .borders; regular value $1.00. Special, the pair ....'....,.TTe 15.00 RUGS $3.95. Imitation Oriental Wool Rusts, in orettv de- "ii'n. .Vt72 'frtfliM: res-nlar value - - ' $5.00. Special, each'.;.........U.....?3 ' - ..: SL50 TOY CARTS SUS. . -V.Vv Large size Boy's Play Carts, made of hard wood . with iron axles; regular value $1.50. . Special, each fl.15. . , Penny Savers Among the "Pick-Me-Upa' in ' ! , . . Friday Economy Specials at the ; . !. Small Wares Counters ; ." , .'.'-: First Floor. . " Sc CURLING IRONS 3c'---- ' Medium Size Curling Irons, with plain handles; . regular value 5c. Specia each ............ 3e 3 SPOOLS WHITE BASTING COTTON 5c White Basting Cotton, Nos. 40 and 50, 200 yards ' on spool.' Special, three spools .Se WHITE PEARL BUTTONS 4c Fine White Pearl Buttons, 1 dozen on card, 2 or 4 holes, all sizes. Special, the card..U...4e . Wire Coat Hanger, with extra breast front. Special, tach .......... t.. ..-e 35c SIDE AND BACK COMBS 25c ' Fine Heavy Quality Plain Shell Side and Back , Combs; regular value 35c Special, each..25e 35c ' BATH BRUSHES 22c ; Solid Back All-Bristle Brushes, with long han-. , dies; regular value 35c Special, each..., 22 $15 FOUNTAIN SYRINGES 95c Best Quality Seamless Maroon Rubber Fountain Syringes, guaranteed; regular value $1.25. -Special, each ......95 50c MIRRORS 32c v Ebony Wood Easel Back Stand Mirrors; regu - lar value 50c Special, each..... ........ 32f ' 30c SHOE BRUSH AND PASTE 19c Felt Shoe Polishing Brush and Can of Black Shoe Paste; regular value 30c v Special, the set ....19 OATMEAL OR BUTTERMILK SOAP r THREE CAKES 10c , , Giant Size Oatmeal or Buttermilk Toilet Soap; regular value 5c. Special, three cakes.. ..!Oe . 75c ART SKINS 49c- Arti Skins, pillow cases, etc, for burnt leather. work, all colors; regular value 75c Spe " cial, each .............................. ' 50c WRITING PAPER 32c 7 Box Fine High-Grade Writing PapeV, new fin ish, in white, blue and gray tints; regular ' va,lue 50c Special . . . . i ,32 ,v : 25c PAPER LUNCH SETS 17c v Plain White Paper Lunch Sets, with table cloth, .' 1 dozen napkins and 1 dozen doilies; regu- lar value 25c ' Special, set........... 1T v 35c WRITING PAPER 20c 1-lb. packet conuining 120. sheets Royal Parch ment Kid Finish Plain Writing. Paper; ' regular value 35c- Special, each ......... SOf. 5c BOOK STRAPS 3c? Leather Book Straps for school use; regular , value 5c Special,. each.. ........3e i. FRIDAYS EXCEPTIONAL OFFERING r''... :,: IN. THE , ;,,; . Wardrobe Salons : Annex Second ' Floor. LADIES UO0 AND $2 25 OUTINO GOWNS FOR $1.49. ,f Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns.. of good heavy. . quality, in assorted colors; in low or high neck styles some in Empire style, effectively , trimmed -with lace, embroidery or ribbon. These gowns are good length and width plenty uarge in every way our $2.00 and - 2.25 values. , Special Economy Sale Price, each ...... ., 1.49 130th . Grand Friday 'Economy Sale 7 ttrT r.nnnnmv e Is Just 2 Years Old Tomorrow 130th Grand Friday 'Economy Sale And what , a sturdy lad he's grown--and a good lad, too; helping those In need of help, always willing, never failing never disap pointing. A little mischievous to be sure raising ructions with com peting neighbors and sending 'em to cover much like squawking hens before a lusty youngster who crys "Shoo!" but, after all, we wouldn't any of us be without him. The people love him and he even serves to keep the , wits of competition sharpened and its con science awake. J Jes, the "Economy ' Sale", has growrT wonderfully has wormed itself into an impregnable niche in the people's hearts. 'And 'now on wis 'semi-yearly anniversary tomorrow :""." ':,".,''.'!:,. s VV. :'.,'.',.';.:'.,';" ; The values of Ihe Friday Economy Sale will further demonstrate the price-making power of the Olds, King Unmistakable real values, where quality, has been upheld to the utmost and where prices have been lowered to the minimum. We urge you to compare every -price and every quality in themerchandise which this store offers. with the best bargains to be secured elsewhere. , ..:'';:, - '..'.. .'.' ''. - ..--,. : . - . ' .- ' 1 A'fI II II I 1 Jfl J ill A Monster. Purchase of Women's New Suits v V ' in latest models, man tailored and finished in exquisite workmanship, presents saving possibilities never before equaled this early in a season. When we tell you that we're going to sell Wpmen'a New - . $25.00 Suits for.:. $32.50 Suits for......... $26.78 ; fe;;:'-; t, $35.00 Suits ' for ......:.$28.95 Z ' -'. '0;- . , FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY, you can come expecting to receive the actual values we state, and even more . than we promise. Here's a stroke of good fortune at the very threshold of the new season splendid luck for you and for a.r-Pur buyer Miss Bernard now in New York City, came across a maker of High-Class Tailored Suits who was about to close his winter lines preparatory to entering upon spring business. Some of his choicest models remained. In conjunc tion with a leading Chicago house we took his entire remaining numbers at prices so advantageous that you get them at a big discount off their intrinsic value. We could easily get regular prices for them, but that's not our wayi'ouf prices are based absolutely on cost to us. These Suits are bona fide bargain worths. They'll prove genuine surprises for you, but we want you to raise your bargain expectation to its highest pitch, and still "well surprise you with the values. The lots are so varied that the word of description' can only be brief. Materials of cheviot, broadcloth and tweeds, in plain black, blues, - browns, garnets, grays and plums of varying shades and a splendid assortment of fancy "mannish" mixed effects, are expertly tailored in the long-coated model, some tight-fitting at front and back, others tight at back with loose fronts. All are severely ' tailored, coats with leg-o -mutton sleeves and velvet collars, outers naving collars ot material. Skirts in plaited effects. for Friday and Saturday, oniy wo aays we snau oner inc . ; ,y $25.00 Suits for. $32.50 Suits for.... f TOMORROWS SPECIALS IN THE , Women's Knit Under- j ': wear-slcs .. '..' Fhrst ' Floor. i WOMEN'S $2.00 UNION SUITS $1.43. i White "Vega" Silk Winter-Weight Union Suits, ' . Swiss ribbed, long sleeves, ankle length; , regular value $2.00. Special, the suit..?.' ' WOMEN'S .50c VESTS 39c , V Jersey Ribbed Winter-Weight Creani Tinted and . Blue Gray Vests; regular value 50c Spe- . '. cial, each ....... . . WOMEN'S $1 JO UNION. SUITS $1.19. . White "Merode" Union Suits of Merino cotton, ' light weight, long sleeves, ankle length; . , .. regular value $1.50. Special, the suit. ... M. ;' Shoes Wonderful Friday' Values in the Realm of Feminine Fan cies in )ress $1.75 EMBROIDERED COLLAR AND CUFF SETS 48c. ". . Embroidered Collar and Cuff Sets, with fine deep, cuff and turnover collar, very newest designs; regular value $175. Special at, . ' -the set V...48K WOMEN'S $1.50 UMBRELLAS $1.13. 26-Inch Taffeta Umbrellas, with tape edge, Para gon frame, steel rod, a fine assortment of handles; regular . value $1.50. Special, each .:. ,.. fl.15 25c AND 35c PERSIAN BANDS 10c A lot of Cotton Embroidered Persian Bands; regular values 25c and 35c. Special, the '' yard ;.10 $1.00 CHIFFON 48c A lot of Beautiful Colored Chiffon; regular .'value $1.00. Special, the yard. . . ...48f ' $2.00 OALOONS AND FESTOONS 48c A lot' of Colored : Embroidered Galoons and Festoons; values to $2.00. . Special, the yard ....48 . . - 25c RIBBONS 13c , A line of Fine Satin Taffeta and Fancy Dresden , Ribbons, black, white and all colors; regu- " ; lar value 25c Special, the yard.. ...13s In the wHaberdasherieM FRIDAY BARGAINS FOR MEN " West Annex- First Floor. -MEN'S $1 GOLF SHIRTS 69c Men's New 'Fall Golf Shirts, in , Oxford and Ma dras" cloths of tan, gray and blue effects; regular value $1.00. Special, each .n....69s MEN'S $1.00 LINEN HAND. KERCHIEFS 39c Men's Fine High Grade Pure . ; Linen Handker chiefs; regular value $1.00. Special to close. 39e MEN'S $2.50 UNDERWEAR $1.75. - Men's High-Grade Worsted Ribbed Underwear, in fawn cashmere, the famous "Staley" make, now being discontinued; regular value $2.50. Special to close at, the garment.. 91.75 In the Friday Sale Siith Street Annex-'Ist Floor WOMEN'S $150 AND $4.00 SHOES $2-79. . , Between three ' and four hundred pairs of Women's Shoes "Pingree" and Val. Dutten ; , hofer makes. They are in all wanted styles and leathers both light and heavy soles, - Lines of siaes are somewhat broken, but you are almost sure to find the size yon want. Not a boot in this lot sold for less than $3.50, . and many of them were priced at $4.00. 4 .Special Sale. Price, for two days only, " the pair- f 2.T9 FELT ROMEO SLIPPERS. ."Romeo" Slippers for women, misses and children: made of feu in combinations of colors not found elsewhere and handsomely trimmed with fur.'. Trices are,. as usual, very reasonable.. Another" Milli- ; ; , nery Triumph "BIJOU" SALONS ANNEX SEC . OND FLOOR. ;. ' ' ' '; '. ' , ...... ' : ! ' ' Immense Annual Purchase of a Leading Manufacturer's Stock of ; Ready-to-Wear and Suit Haul; The Beau ties Go ' on ' the Bargain Tables Tomorrow. , None worth less than $2.00, many worth up to $4.00; all rat' tne price, Friday for, '. choice, 'v ' - - One of the largest eastern manufacturers of Fine Millinery, from whom we buy many of our most . charming Hats, favors us st the' close of. his season twice yearly with the balance, of his stock, at a price that averages us half the worth of the Hats. This millinery is among the choicest shown by leading makers and we look forward to this event each season with much enthusiasm, as itmeans opportunity for lis to offer our patrons handsome Hat, exquisitely made, at about half price. If you were asked offhand the price of these Hats we shall sell tomorrow at $1.49, you would certainly say, "Not less than $5.00" and you'd be right standards geraged by most millinery stores. Skilled nands prepared these clever Hats unusual care was given to them. The styles are distinctive and out of the ordinary. In this sale will be found all the latest, most popular shapes, embracing. Polo and Dress Turbans, high-back shapes. Sailors, Cowboys, etc., in a full line of colorings that include grays, tana,, reds.1 greens, browns, navys and plain black or white. The collection of shapes and colorings is remarkably large and yon will certainly agree with us that these are the smartest Hats you ever saw at double-the price. Sale opens at 8. am. - Values to $4.00. Special Friday at. . ..... .-.t. .......... .j .. ' ' ' " There's over a thousand Hats in the great offering.1 Surely somethin- , ) pretty to match your suit and JUST THINK OF THE PRICE , H -.- l2o?tF L i " i n " I . .wComfyH Cushions for Covering AT A LESS THAN USUAL PRICE. Art Shop AnnexSecond -"'( Floor.; 60c CUSHIONS FOR 49c Silk Floss Cushions, 24 . inch size; our 60c value., Special Economy Sale .. Price, each 9f Brilliant Offerings of Gleaming Values and In. .;.' ' . trinsic Worths in " ' I .1; ... j .. .... ., j .., . i. - ..'.. ' .-: The Jewelry and Leather - - Goods Shops ' ; 1 West Annex First Floor. tT V 5c SHIRT STUDS FOR 29c. A line of Men's Shirt, Studs, in a variety of .... styles of . tops, plain or engraved, in bright, polished or Roman" gold finish-t-three buttons in set values up to 65c. Special Friday " J Economy Sale Price, the set.....: ..2 25c FOR SILVER HATPINS WORTH 35c . Sterling. Silver Hatpins, in a, variety of hand some designs long pin stems securely fasten ed to heads good value at 35c Special Economy Sale Price, each .........25 ' BEAUTY PIN SETS WORTH 35c FOR 19c Rolled Gold Wire Beauty Pins, set with single jewel in center setting of pearls, emeralds, ' 'rubies, sapphires, amethysts or white stones 'six pins on card our 35c value. Special ' Economy Sale Price, the card.... ..194 "r PEARL COLLAR BUTTONS WORTH '. 10c FOR 6c First Quality "Mother of , Pearl One-Piece Collar Buttons,' made in " several different ' styles, with round or flat heads; a staple 10c ; button. Special Economy Sale Price, each..6V 59c FOR LADIES' .LEATHER BELTS ' ,' , WORTH 75c v.-, ; v Ladies' Leather . Belts. made of . fine patent , leather, in, narrow shape style, stitched, and with very small gilt buckle; our 75c value. ' Speciat Economy Sale Price, each .,..,.. 59f , LADIES' LEATHER. BELTS WORTH ..V" 85c FOR 59c , A line of Ladies' Fine Soft Brown Leather Belts,, stitched in center, making them perfect fitting, ' come in. alt sizes; our 85c value. Special Economy Sale, Price,, each.,.. .69e .Housekeepers Will Be Interested In These : Special Economy Sale Prices on Kitchen Furnishings ' ','.' i Third Floor.';';.';4;'.-" . j f GATE IRON PAILS, 10-quart size. Special at, each..... 14 IRON SPIDERS, size 8. Special at, each. ..33 GRANITE. IRON LIP SAUCE PANS, -2-quart size." Special at, each 17 GRANITE IRON COVERED KETTLES, 1 4-quart size. 'Special at, each.. ......... .28 ; BLUE TEA POTS, 3-q5iart size. Special at, each 34 PATENT SEAMLESS ROASTER. .: Spe cial at, each .... TIN OIL CANS, -gallon size. Special ' St. each BULAR LANTERNS, good quality. . Special at, each................. 39 DEMONSTRATION OF THE UNIVERSAL. - . v FOOD CHOPPER. These' Choppers will chop anything that can be . chopped in chopping bowl with knife. Are . many times more convenient and not half the labor is involved in their use. , No house keeper can afford to be .without one . Small size, each.'........,,......, ...,80e Medium size, each. ..........fl.OO Large size, each.. ....... ........,..,....f 1.25 Hotel size,' each ........................ . f 1.6 THE FAMOUS BLOCK LIGHT OAS , BURNER is the most durable Gas Burner v made gives an unequaled light at about One. half the usual cost. Give them a trial rou'U be surprised at the saving in your gas bill. Special price, each .........T8V SEASONABLE SPECIALS IN THE . . Domestic Aisle 'v, ',; First Floor. ; DANISH CLOTH AND VOILE CR2P3 jr Thousands of yards of Danish Cloth snd V Crepe, atl colors. Special at. tV yrj..l-, " new tla:: A lot of New r: - ? r wr;rers, i.: " and dark c . t e yarJ..... , c. . . : : " - Crepe ( I ' ' ' ' ' T