The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 26, 1905, Image 11

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    day r.vr:ano. cere
VLTV mnn. nn
ILU UiU.iJ. Gail 0
Transaction Marks. C!;tt
i Day's Business Evsr Dons In ,
; This Una on Pacific Coast.' '.'
r A
Activity Results From 1 Understand-
?? ing Between Owners and Shippers Minimum Tariff Is 'jRe-
4 , )t
S . . WAX J-je. 1 r I I I , 1 .
V V 1 j ' . j I I ' 11 X I Fix I J . ..
. v.
! Tea grain ships were chartered yes
terday te . loadi at Portland, the ahlp
Jers retaining ' the option of loading
' them at TecomaV It la thought that the
. fcualaeaa.wlU be about equally divided
etwen the two ports. , It Is the blg-
" vest day's -business In 'this line ' evsr
. transacted on .the Pacific coast,
Three thousand tons Is the average
. carrying '-capacity of the vessels. Fully
loaded they will take out tq the neigh
borhood of tvQQO.AOO bushels of wheat
All of them werev, taken? to transport
cargoes to the United Klngdont and the
amount they will carry represents, about
one twelfth of .the grain exports sent
to Europe from this port In ,ths course
' of a year. - - - J f :j' f V- ; .
The freight: rate, to be paid if they
load at Portland Is I 7s. Id, but If they
are fitted out with cargoes on the sound
the owners will recelvs lie Sd. O. W.
McNear'a' local agent-mays It Is reported
. timr his' firm' hss four of the vessels.
.' The shlpe aald. to be, taken y,McNear
nre the Hoche, the Alice Marie, tha St.
'Mungo and the dan Graham, pne-of
the other craft engaged Is" 'the Clan
-' Oalkralth, hup the names of "the others
' bava not been learned. . ; .
News of the charters was wired from
San Francisco this morning and Inqui
ries have been, sent there by the local
. exporters for additional information. It
,1s believed that a number of the char
. tered ehlps are vessels which have been
lying Idle at the Bay City for the paat
-..year or two, watting for business to' tick
. up. Two or three square-riggers, suits.
ble for the grain trade have been tied up
' at San Francisco for several years, be
.cause the owners refused to.aecept the
. prevailing freight .rates. Among theae
.ere tha British ships Burmah, Buteshire,
Cawdor..Elllaland and Bcotflah Moors.
.r" BeltevWig that they were showing too,
(much discrimination against Portland
. by fixing the minimum rate for trana
1 posting grain from here at 17s d, it .is
. said that the owners have compromised
by placing the figures at 37s Sd, which
' Is still one shilling in excess of the tar
iff for' loading on the sound. But at the
; reduced rate it Is held that they will be
In a position to . place , their ; tonnage
much more quickly. . j.r- ...
Of late there has been almoet a dead
lock between tha owners end exporters
ever the rate question. It le believed
that they have now reached an. under
' standing and that from this' time for
' j ward tha frequent chartering of ships
will result . , , v ,..
l"-'-'" CHANCES IN AIDS; "
itTilgtttfcouae Sees
' f Xmeeteet te
'' 3 '
.' Recent change In aids to navigation
are pointed out by the lighthouse board
In a notice to mariners:'. v
Columbia river, : Knappton channel
i.-buoy, Ko 4, a red second-class spar,
found adrift September !, Was replaced
:ths name day.- '.' ;
- Channel east aids buoy.' Na" H. a red
.'Jlrst-class spar, found. adrift September
: It, was replaoed the same, day, ;
Cottonwood laland shoal. No. 1, ' a
,tlack flrst-cltsa spsr, found out of posi
tion October 4, was replaced the -same
-ear. .. - - ,
t Reeder crossing buoys, Nos. 4 red),
f (red) . and 1 (black), each a flrat
Iclaaa apar, found adrift October 4, were
replaced the amine day. . ' ' f
Wlllametta river. Nigger Tom laland
'buoy. No. 1, a black second-class spar,
'was established October 4. ln'14 feet of
, water, aa a gulda In the channel.
, Willamette river lighthouse, ME. i N.
:'. - Nigger Tom Island, right tangent. SB.
,34 ft, .... V,., . , :
. . Coon laland, right tangent. N. by W.
1 Wlllapa bay entrance. Wlllapa' bay
outside bar whistling buoy, PB., marked
WlllapaM in white, which went adrift
. October . wae moved, October 11. about
1-1 mllea NNW, H w. of Ita format
-position, and was established la 101, feet
of water, to mark the entrance to the
Jnorth channel over the bar.
' Wlllapa bhy llghthouee. NH. ' .
r Ooose point, tangent, B. N . '
I North edge of trees on Loadbetter
olnt. ESE. "4 K. .
f Grays harbor entrance. Grays harbef
' outside bar whistling buoy, red, marked
"Grays Harbor" In black, was moved.
September I, about tt mile S. H El of
Jts former position, and was established
n 1 feet of water. ,
i Lone Tree, Point Brown, NNB. E.
i Jetty wharf. Inside the bey, NE. by
IE. K. t
"Graye harbor lighthouse, ENE." ' E.
: - Inner buoy, a PS. flrst-class nun, was
fdjscontlnued September It. . " : '.
;. Trustee spit buoy. No. A, a red flrst
clsas nun,' was discontinued , Septem-
-ber II. ' , ., , '. i
South channel outer buoy, a PS. flrst
clas nun, marked, "S. C" In white, was
i (discontinued September 11.
- . . i t -
.-stfeaasboat Stem IWek for oo4 Tlmee
; ' W OOBStraetJoa ef Boad Begiaa.v
Steamboat men are preparing for the
(boom, which they say is sure to result
Just is soon aa the work of building the
north bank roed down the Columbia has
tbeen started lit earnest As the steamers
will be Inadequate to handle the heavy
traffic, from this city barges are being
f bargained for on which to transport ma
ttetial to points along ttte proposed route
Jof the railway. - .-(, i.
I The barge Klickitat the largest craft
ef tha sort In port Is owned by the
!Oregn Railroad It Navigation company,
!and It Is said that It cannot be procured
I for the upper river business et any
i cost. The few barges that are a ren
table have been secured and It Is be
ll lev-d thst a sufficient number of others
'can be gotten together to handle the
.material which will be ehlpped from
- this and of the line. Powder, rails, ties,
. lumber and hardware will comprise a
big portion of the freight which the
railroad company will procure In Port
land. With five or-six bargee and all
j of tha steamers which ara now plying
'between here and the upper. river In
.commission It Is thought ne delay will
be experienced In . getting the materiel
.promptly on th gronnd. ,
. two or mrre steamers ana oarges
'also will b needed to Operate between
jKannewlr-k and Crlllo, ad so far as
known the company has made ne ar
mmm we Mmmmmmmm
t. ''. t
3y one of those
Tjiuplicated and I having- alreadjr sullied ourselves with aU the stock oiir business would warrant, :j.:hTO dfr
clined to handle these unsolicited goos
goods on such terms, and shall endeavor to convert them into cjish within the next six months by the plan of
' - 1 . I - ' ,.1, . -;a1' 'i ' '. '. ..SsaexwssPaasjsawaBssssasaxeMsxesaismsaii massi n nissessa si s ! sa ! ma aiass-a isiii urn swii sas smssmstissaassi
"Roosevelt" Tapestry Brussels
No9yl09, 207, 209, 212, 213 cojislstof seamless 10-wire Tapes-,'
Vfrpr Brussels Rugs, fulljr S)Xl2 eet in size; eljegant' weaves
m oaks, greens, tans, reds,' oriental and floral effects; as
: sorted patterns m handsome colorings. These rugs sell for ,
. ; $25.00,' but owing to thdjscqunt' obtained, through the .
, " ' manufacturer s: error m shipping without
, - orders to do so, we are enabled to quote
thern'at : . f. ...; , ...v:.. :.
pSllii for brfy $20 ! aTs itiat
It Says, and That's What It Means..
X. .'V..,: f20 DOWN, fLOOA WEEK. : ;
raniements - for aecurlna - them. The
Mountain Oem and Columbia are the
only craft up there not owned by or
under charter to the O. B. N- and It
Is supposed that the new Una will press
them. Into service.-'' " !' ''',', '
" The bulk of the grain crop remains to
be moved from points on vthe upper
river to tidewater. whlle the regular
traffic haa to be looked after, and con
sequently the steamboat men say that
times are folns; to be more lively for
them this season; thaa they have ever
experienced. ,' ;? .' ....' . .
Xmla Zs Oaly rive-Masted Sohooae ea
v. !'- .raelfie Ooae.
Waiting on the outside for a tugboat
to bring her Into the river le the
srhooner Louis, which bears the distinc
tion ef being the only five-masted
schooner on the Pacific coast. She Is
coming from Hsn Ftanclseo to load lum
ber for a California port. The vessel Is
of til tons' Bet register.)- ' '
Major Boessler Bevarae rrona Mff te
UatetUl aad OelUo. -fslor
8. W. Roessler returned this
morning from Umatilla , and , Celllo,
whara he wnt to Inapact tha govern
ment work being done at those points.
Nesr Umatilla Unltad States engineers
are making a aurvey of the channel to
ascertain how much It will coat te make
the etream navlgabl the year round.
Their survey will extend as fsr as the
portage road and they will be occupied
at the task for the seat two er three
months. Bo far, the worst obstructions
they have found consist of - bowlders
which It will be necessary to blast and
I s3 II I a. II
unaccountable a
, -eJSi4
I S .-'I M , -'.!:
i Corners i
These cozy nooks
T are more popular
" than ever. We
employ an expert
in our drapery '
. department who
may be able to I .
suggest, just what
you want - , :
; something new
something "different." 7 '
f Movable cozy v
" corners fitted up .'
in your home, at
; small expense and
on easy payments.
A beautiful
cozy corner can ,
b built for only
remove. ' It Is said that a number of
projecting ledges ere also a menace to
eaay navigation. The work. of building
the canal at Celllo has just been atarted
In good shape and tha major saya It la
progressing . , sstlsfactorlly. The big
portion of the operations so far consists
of drilling and blasting. . Preparations
are being made ' to start building tha
concrete walk .r " , ,
Beported Thai teasae Waalvak Sea
Beea Charteted, foi Senas Baa.
There Is a report that the steamer
Nunlvak will soon be brought from the
sound and placed In service on the Wil
lamette and Columbia livers, running
out of Portland In connection with the
Telephone, which Is now laid up being
converted Into sn oil-burner. Captain
Cochran, one of the principal ownere of
the latter craft, la. In Seattle and It la
said that he Is making- arrangements
for the Nunlvak to be brought -down
here. flhs belongs to Hoflus Co. snd
for ths paaf month has been lying Idle.
The Nunlvak la more than 10 fsct In
length and capable of handling about
toe tone of grain at a trips If. the re
ported deal goea through it Is supposed
that . she . and the Telephone will be
placed In regular service between Port
land and The Dalles, carrying freight
and passengers.
eenrwkeet Oasollas Boat Develops Ta-
expected Syeed.
With - Jacob Kamm and a number ef
rtthcrs Interested in the craft o board
the new ' atemwheel gasoline boat just
built by the Twte River Transportation
company for operation ea the upper
' v- ' '-" . : " ' ' "
v $2.50 Dojn
$1.00 Per Week
' ; 'It is indeed a rare opportunity to secure an elegant rijg for the .
parlor, library, den or dining-room. This hrorning we placed these
felegant Rugs on sale, and you'll find them the best Rug bargains
offered this season. They, are the newest and best designs of one -of
the best makers in America. They are all room size, ,9x12: feet,"
and there is a wide range of qualities sizes, patterns and prices. ;
Then, think of the terms I Nearly six months within which to pay
for .a rug I.V ' ; rp.C 'X ::'XX-XX'u
See Our Window Display on First St
',,'If that room needs a new Rug, now is your opportunity. Credit
extended to all. ; You do not need a bank account to do business here.:
CaFpeHs of tffiic I!Meslt
Remember, we have one of the finest carpet assortments on
the coast, and as to price we cannot be xjndersoldv ; ' I
173-175 First Street
waters of the Lewis river was given a
trial trip la the harbor late yeaterday
afternoon. , She,, was .taken , below the
brldgee then run paat the sawmills In
ths upper harbor and reached ths dock
at ths fot of Taylor street after com
pleting the circuit In seven minutes. It
Is believed that she Is capable of at least
10 mMea an hour.
Tha craft haa been , christened the
Splelli for one of the principal tribu
taries of the Lewis river. She' le. 4i
feet long, IS feet wide snd draws H
Inches of water when light. With 1
tona of freight on her the draft la about
10 Inches. The boat la provided with a
cabin nicely furnished and accommo
dates. (0 passengers She. will go Into
commission neat Saturday or the flrat of
next week. The vesaer will be stationed
above the forke of the Lewis snd will
connect twin the steamer Mascot from
Portland. ,
Today the steamer Mountain Oem
again will go In aervlco transporting
grain from points on the Snake river to
the portage road; she hss been lying
Idle for several weeks on account of tha
low stage of the river.
United States Inspectors Edwsrda and
Fuller Inspected, the steamer Tahoma
yesterday afternoon, which of lato hae
bean operated by the Kamm Una h
. Schooner Beulah will leave down this
evening lumbar laden for Bun Pedro.
Her cargo waa eupplled by the Inman
Poulsen mill.
' Steamship Oceans shifted yesterday
afternoon from Montgomery No. 1 to
No. I aad the Algne from ths flour mills
to NO, fc. ; ,
Complaint about the 01laan atreet
sewer which deposits refuse underneath
the Alaska dock will bo made te the
health officer today. It la said that the
a Philadelphia nianiifacturcr; a big rug order has been
219-227 Yamhill Street
. t-
stench has become unbearable to the
employes at the dock. "
Three gangs of longshoremen worked
ell night loading the steamship Algoa
and it is said- that as many will be em
ployed on her tonight. An effort Is be
ing made to have her cargo completed
by Saturday.' - '
German ehtp Adolf ahlfted thle morn
ing from the dock of the Oregon Water
Power to Columbia No. S, where aha will
rejrelve a grain cargo.
V. J. Moors Co. chartered the Brit
ish steamship Blackheath, 1,71 tons,
this morning to load lumber at Portland
for. the orient. ... The veasel la at Sour,
abaya and will sail In a day or two for
the Columbia river.' :
British ship Carradale moved from
Martin's dock. last evening to the flour
mille and the berman ship Oregon from
the etream to Montgomery N. ).'
Steamer Whlttler haa arrived from
San Franclaro with 10,000 barrels of
crude OIL Ths shipment has been dis
charged and the vessel Is on her return
trip to the Bsy City. " v
United State Inspectors Edwards and
Puller will inspect the Vancouver ferry
boat thle afternoon! "
After a three days' paaeage from San
Prancleco the British ateamahlp Agin
court arrived at Astoria" thle morning
and will leave np for Portland this after
noon. ' one la under enarter to Mitsui
A Co. to load grstn and flour for the far
east. .,. , . .
Bapected Bids Win Be Asked for-Sap.
plylar a Quantity for the raruppimea.
Proposals for supplying government
lumber for ahlpment to the Phlllrift-
will soon he solicited. It Is thouiot. t ;
the quartertnaeter'e department. A' -ber
of the best buildings ea the It.
10-Vire Afghanistan!
Nos. 221 227 and 228 are 10-wire Afghanistan Rugs, full size
9x12 feet; three seams; beautiful designs in tans, plain
. greens, reds and smafr tan effects; rugs rtbatalways, sell
. . for $25, ,but through this
eaic ywu may iiicin i
; '. "only. ... . f
' S2.50 down and f 1.00
Bath and
' In . this lot will be found
Hall and Den Rugs, at prices
: ' - -i-.i V. 1
Another Special i
$7.50 Pining : Chairs, $5,00
-.'.'- ..' ...;V, 'i .--' A n". J ;y ; -''
These sp"lendidS7.50 weathered oak, box seat, leather up- ,
hosltered'pining ChairsJ;now on display, are made a special
at only $5.00. Other chair: prices cut from $5 to $3.50, $3;
to $2.50, etc, ,; See Yamhill street window. ,. .' ..... .
Ftill set of chairs, at these reduced rates, f 1 DOWN, ?1
A WEEK. . ' ' --.
were destroyed recently by a tornado
and It Is declared that the government
soon wiU take stepe to replace them. It
Is estimated that fully 10,000.000 feet ef
lumbar will be needed for this purpose.'
When asked about ths matter. Captain
Jess M. Baker, local disbursing quar
termaster, said that lumber .bids un
doubtedly would be asked tor at an
esrly date. Portland hss received a
good portion of this bualneaa In ths past
and tha local rolllmen say they are pre
pared to bid agalnat any and all com
petitors. If the satlmatea of the quan
tlty needed prove correct ths product
will make at least three big cargoes. -
Astoria, . Oct. !. -Arrived down at
till a. m British steamer Knight Er
rant and stesmer Northland.
Aatoria. Oct. 1. British ateamahlp
Aglncoujrt . and steamers Eureka and
Wasp arrived at 11:30 a. m. from San
Francisco. t
San Francisco, Oct. tl. Arrived at 4
a. m.. steamer Columbia, from Portland.
Aatoria, Oct 15. Sailed at t p. m,
steamer Alliance, "from Coos Bay .and
Eureka. Arrived at i p. m . French ahlp
Vauban, from Genoa via Hobart. Balled
at T:t0 p.' m.vateamer Roeaeke, for Port
Loa Angeles and way porta. )
San Franclaco, Oct IB. Arrived,
barkentlne Tarn O'Shanter,' from Port
land. ' r . - -i
Astoria. Jrt. to.' Condition ef the bar
at I a. m.. Obecured; wind north, light;
weather cloudy.
Astoria, Oct. It. British steamship
AbereeMIe arrived at noon from I - I
til trench hark L. l'ermltte, f re n A
v e- . I on tha mitsUle: etser I
i & . .1 at noon for f ti .
if- i r
. i ; -;'. s 1
a week until paid for.
,5 jtf:-
Hall Rugs
a beautiful assortment ' of Bath,
correspondingly reduced.. V '.
No Pain No Pain
We are the discoverers and orlsi rot
ors of the only reliable and eclmi, .e
system of Pslnleaa Dentlatry. We ex
tract, crown. All and clean or treat t rt
absolutely without pain aa4 guars- -e
sll work for fifteen yeare. Our w
la the beet, eur arlcee the lowet i
sletant with flrst-clsse work. h.X c
INATION FREE. Ou Bis tee are a
tecUble from the natural teeth ai
are guaranteed te HL
fillings .- aos rte and r i
Om for haataess aattt 8 r
eeeaiaga. .,
, 1
( t
1 (
r' i n I t
,ir I I
i r i