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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
THE OREGON pAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER C3. 1SS3. 13 TTJ5 OAry T73m C KT. TAYLC2 13 AND SALE:::) a 7c crc Compelled to Close the Store v Wilhin Filteen Days TkM Okui4 M4 lamt WaOs ajt edl. ; ,1 M II 'flJ i 1.1 V . - f 1 Only Nine Saturdays Between Now .- t. 4i And. .t.r;v CHRISTMAS - -' 'i ' ' ' ' w' And every man and boy will want a suit of new clothes before that happy day. Then why not buy them now? We see painters laying in large stocks of paints from these fire ales now in progress. ' They are do ing this because these paints are not injured and yet are selling CHEAPO and it may be years before they will have another such opportunity to buy. It is the same with our Fife M(B H You will likely never have another chance to participate' in such bar gains as we are offering you at this time, and if you do not ; ; Gothe Yourself Now You will regret it more than we. Therefore come in tomorrow and in spect our goods. , We will have the store open in the evening to give you the chance. : $35;SUITS atv . . ;$25iSUITO"atV; $6VTROUSERS at . ; v $35 OVERCOATS at . $25 OVERCOATS at . $250 SHOES at . . . r $10.50 $ 7.50 $ 1.95 $10.50 $ 7.50 . 90c Crarenettes Wth fit now. f 3.39 See to Sl.tO Straw Hats.... 29 I to 11.68 Hata....... W&j , lie Box i... .44 ISo Handkerchief s.....,...:..4e? President Suspenders ....... Xf4 1(0 Ties ....w...... ......... .4 II to $1.S0 Shirts. ....... :..T4e too Golf Bhlrta 29e) Men's II and Shoes at.Oe) 11 Shoes ................ fl.10 Box calf, -rlcl, Blucher and - Bala , 91.18 14 values at ..fl.SO i Ladies' (1.60 Shoea at.,.t....T5e) Misses' ll.SO Sandals. ..... 654 Misses' I1.S0 whit canvas '. Oxfords ...... 894 Children's 11.15 Sandals..... SO.) ' Infanta' Ho Shoea.. 40 2tf STCEET MM ot innr:o V-Afrril STAHD SIROJG Council Determines to Have Cor- J poratlon . Responsible for . Water System. ';. EACH DAY'S NEGLECT ' v A SEPARATE OFFENSE Council Will Provide Also for Board of Public Works Which Shall Have Power to Receive Pro- posala." W a vjS'.'-J '.iwr Cl J '; Hlen's Shoes Only K9 HYS. NO ROUEN . There la both durability and fashion ; in these" ' 3.50 SIOIES , , The picture discloses the care taken to provide this stylish footwear at its modest price. It is because the shoes were made to our order, of stipulated - 1 quality, that we can so highly recom mend them, and though they are the $4 kind we sell them at our price be cause we have no profits to pay the middlemen. .. .. .. : .THE ' SHOES ARE MADE POR . US, THAT'S WHY. ; We likewise sell the Nettleton ultra-fashionable $3 and $6 shoe for :men; . AN ELEGANT VARIETY OF MEN'S TINE HOSIERY YANDUYN d WALTON rax. xooo t. rro wamvorosT rr, mar. 1 Airs rowan. The t lid erne ( Tbe Jooraal Is la tea ton ot J. M. C. Miller ago Kt MorrUoa llmt. TllbaM Kut XI. . . . At an adjourned aesslon ot the St Johns council Jast nlsht two ordinances of importance were introduced, one of which was passed and the other mored on to the third read Ins, to be passed at the regular meeting- Monday night. , .' The ordinance that was passed, wss one following the tenor of the mysteri ous resolution Introduced at the laat session of the council, and which has been the cause of much comment. The resolution nrovlded that "The city at torney ahould prepare an' ordinance fix- Ins the punishment and penalties ror any person. Arm or corporation, or any officer, stockholder, agent or employe thereof who shall fail or neglect to per form any or all duties or. services re quired by the publlo, as well aa making such person or persons amenable to punishment for each and every day's neglect or such duty ft separata ana specific offense.' ( ,- Only One Way. The' resolution was Introduced by counollmen who desired to prevent In the future neglect of pledges by corpora tions having franchises In the town. The resolution and ordinance are based on the theory 'that the only way' to get action on ft corporation is by attacking its officers or local agenta. Bnouia tne local water company fall. In the opinion of the council, to supply an adequate service, after having Agreed to do ao. Its agenta In St Johns, Its officers in Port land and Its stockholders everywhere would be Individually responsible and liable to punishment for each day'a neg lect ga a.specino offense. , The ordinance whlcb was advanced to the third reading was one In line with a reoent resolution oreatlng a board of publlo works, which should consist of the water committee or the council and two other members appointed- by -the council. This merely carried out the purpose of the former resolution. Its paaaage will create a working board that will have power to tax up the water problem and receive all proposals for a new plant Pss on tnese u autnoriseg by the council and let contracts for the work. ' " ". - ays Actios Is legal. - I believe the council can authorise the board," said City. Attorney Greene yesterday. " "The counoll .can delegate any authority it possesses and certainly It has power to accept proposals for a water system and award contracts. It no present franchises bind Its hands. In addition, by section 10, page of the charter the council la given express power to create other boards and of ficers than those enumerated In the char ter, and there are other charter previs ions ' whloh authorise the creation of boards and commissions that shall act for the council In certain branchea of work. 1 believe It is now evident that the cltlsens of the town want a better water aystem and that they are con vinced that the present plsnt will not supply their needs. There are .many plana offered to remedy this situation. but It Is too 'early to tell yet what course will be pursued. I believe the town Will want to own and manage its water system and will work to this end.7 WHAT IS CLUB'S AIM? 1 J . - r. . i - r. . . J C.:P. RUMMELIN & SONS I f ol Furriers lit Second SUtd.Wash.iiJ Alder Sis. Alaska Sealskin Coats - ; ;: Mink and Otter Coats 1 r Persian Lamb Coats t Nearseal and Astrachan Coats Novelty Fur Neckwear Is SeVU, Was, feaise.CUBeklUa, Blaeh tysa. Its, White Fox Boas White Thibet Boas ; , tror Mutis sable Fox Boas 5 Fur Gloves Fur Rugs and Robes S suet wis. .. . . IFirS -USD KELIAELE FIlBKlFaTK gms fer Catalan. .. 1 . 2 The Original "J m rand Wclsbach Mantle . . Price 30c. Thi , mantlo represents the finest product ol our factory. It is the best mantle made Gives 5 more light, uses 12 less gas than any other mantle. .' Strength Unexcelled It is the cheapest mantle because St saves gas, it gives' more light, it lasts longest. o Buy the best and the cheapest: Thi "J" trand Wtlshack - Price, 30 cents. . C'r ImHsrlons are Worthless ' and xtravssnt Remembarall mantles are not Walsbachs. The genuine has ' this Shield of 4 Quality on the box. Five kinds. IS. 30. 25. 30. 35c TXAoa For Sale by All DesJers ntEB-AA hTs wtisaxM J : rus; . sahl sad fREB Mo ' dangerous drugs or alcohol con coctions are taken Into the atomaeh when Hyomei Is used. Breathed through the Inhaler, the balsamic healing of Hyomei penetrates to the most remote cells of the nose and throat, and tbua kills the catarrhal germs, heals the Irritated mucous membrane, and gives complete and permanent cure. : , :. Hyomei la the simplest most pleas ant and the only guaranteed cure for catarrh that, has been discovered. Com plete outfit. 11.00; extra bottle, 60 cents. If you cannot obtain Hyomei of your dealer. It. will be forwarded by mail. postage paid, on receipt of price. Write today for a free sample bottle and con sultation blank that will entitle you to services or our medical department without charge. The R. T. Booth com pany. Hyomei Building. Ithaca, N. X Woodard, Clarke V Co. " ' r ' Purpose of Brooklyn Orgsnlaattoa Is Problem Worrying tta Members. Whether - the Brooklyn Republican club Is a political organisation or whether It is an Improvement associa tion, is a query that Is dividing the voters of ths district The club former ly was nearly political, but recently It has changed Its Ideala and has gone In for civic betterments and haa accom plished some things of Importance to the suburb. At a meeting thla week. however, a clash occurred between some who had allied themselves with tho club , for Improvement purposes and thdse'wha had been guiding the politi cal activities of the club. Judge Wal deroar Beton of the east side court pre sented a plan for the gathering of the east side Republicans In ward clubs, and other political topics were dis cussed. One member wanted to know what the purpose of the club was and suggested that politics and a fight for better streets snd sewers did not go wen together. The discussion was con tinued until the hour of adjournment and still the question was unsettled. . A definite decision as to the club's alms and the gentle bint to those not In' sympathy with such Ideals "to de part will be a part of the nest m sion's procedure and It Is thought by (he leaders of the club that politics will be the choice.. , FUNERAL OF PIONEER. Xe Associates and Old Priends of J, worthy Pay Xat Tributes. - An Impressive funeral service, which wss out of the ordinary w in Its rites, wss that held yesterday at ' Centenary church over -the body of John Ken worthy, who was an Oregon pioneer and an Odd Fellow of high standing, being a past grand master or the state grsn4 lodge. Rev. W. H. Heppe. aa pastor of the church, presided but did not deliver the funeral sridrees, remarks being made In stead by former frlenda of the deceased. W. T. 'Williamson and Dr. Fisher were among those who told of the desd man's work snd career, - Orient lodge No. 117, Odd Fellows, had-harge of the cemetery services. . which were ' held In the fraternity plot at Lone Fir. The honorary pall bearers were; Dr. C. H. Rarrety, Dr. 8. E. Joseph), Dr. George Nottage, Dr. Richmond Kelly, Napoleon Kennedy, C W. Trscey, H. D. Uattee and J. D. Lee. The active pallbearers were: W. B. Chsse, tf. L. Wells. N. p. Tomlln son, William Bcbmeer and Dr. William son. ' . ALL STAND TOGETHER: sat Side taterests TJmlted for' Battle With Southera Peolfle Company. ' Business' men and heavy' property owners from the major portion of the east side met yesterday afternoon at the east side Justice court and started the campaign for the securing of a frelaht and paaaenger depot of the Southern Pa cific company. Coramltteba who had Interviewed the company on these two propositions reported that they had re ceived no encouragement, from the chief . .u wa. . v--..H.B, B1IU ,V WSJ QfnjIQeQ 19 renew tne old east side club, which In cludes 400 business men in its ranks. and to have every outside suburb repre- eniea dj aeiegates. t 0 . A mass meeting will be held Tuesday evening In the Justice court at East Washington street and ' Union - avenue, and at that time a finance committee will be appointed to secure funds for the starting of a fight in the courts and such other necessary expenses as may be Incurred. At the meeting yes terday, the heaviest financial interests of the east side, through their managers and cfiier orriciais, pledged their support to the cantest. What the business men desire to test is the validity of the old agreement of the company to maintain an east .aide' depot Incidentally the east side people will try to discover whv many streets have been usurped by the company without recompense to the city. - The matter of a through east side streetcar service wss brought up also and this will be definitely considered at Tuesday s meeting. FARMER FINDS ACCIDENT A REAL BLESSING ;. New Clothes for Family and New Wagon Gifts of Rail , road Company. Farmer Galloway Wilson of Shanlko. whose troubles In Portland Janded him self and family in St Vincent's hospital and his wsgon at the junk yard, de parted yesterday for home with a new wagon. Himself and family were clad In new clothing at the expense of the North .. Pacific . Terminal company. Two weeks ago Mr. -Wilson, with his wife and sons, in the old family wagon. drove to the Columbia river and took passage for Portland, bringing the team and wagon. After visiting the exposl tlon. they drove out to Hlllsboro to see some relatives and old friends. Last Monday, being sated '- with vacation pleasures, they started for Portland with the Intention of driving aboard the steamer , Bailey Gatsert spending the night on the boat and leaving next morning for their up-river destination. They reached the city late In the evening. Darkness bad fallen apd the roads were new to the driver. There were strange stars In the sky and the electric lights were confusing. .Winn Mr. Wilson entered the labyrinth of streets that open out from the Cornell road at Batch's gulch, he loot his bear ings. Instead of coming down Washing' ton street to the steamboat docks he wandered off toward the yards of the Eastern At Western Lumber company and at about I o clock drove out across the network of rsllrosd tracks In the North Pacific Terminal company's yards, at the foot of Pettygrove street Just ss a switch engine came along In a great hurry. .. ' Trucking and all wagon traffic In that Vicinity ususlly shuts down at o'clock and switching crews sre not In the habit of looking out for vehlclea at crossings. Thef engine struck the wagon, threw It and Its occupants Into ths ditch, anri In flicted - considerable damage. For tunately, Mr. Wilson and family escsped with a few bruises and torn clothlnr. They wore taken to the hospital; where tney were cared for by the company's nurses and physicians. Manager Lyons liiilyiillll " '.'''.. ''" ;.' v ;" ; 't' ) ---.' ' ; ' ''-"' ' FOOT BALL. " " . '' ' " . . '' J V r f ' .; PANTS AWAY . n . .r With all purchases of FIVE DOLLARS or over YOUTHS' departments- MOTHERS wffl find these jfootbali-pantsjgreaty savers of other clothes- 600 pairs in the lot 1 1 Only WHEN VOU SEE IT IN OUR; AD, IT'S SO MOVER 3d & GAK SNO W CO VERS THE MOUNTAIN PEA KS Never Was the Columbia River Environs, at This Season, So Picturesque ; as Nowi And Our Daily $1,00 Excursions to Cascade Locks and Return Afford unparalleled opportunity to enjoy their exquisite beauty. The atmosphere is so clear that distance is nothing to the view. The foliage, too, appears as a million paintings before the eyes. FP SIEAME1 IE CAPACITY GOO PAS8ENQERS Dock Foot of Oak Street fTi:&?Z tU?. ifftffi: ssxzxss ZXttZXB asc ljK I - Mei9 SnnnQs I Overcoats Rain Coats Top Coats The Price, Fit, Make and Fabrics are Right v $7.45 $9.75 $12.50 $15 $18 $20 $25 ' ,'"'.' i .'. ..;":.';,"-.,' :r . '."-'',...'; ; You Have Your Choice. Whatever Price t , T , You Get the Value Is In It ; J;. Men's Underwear 50c 75c $1.00 $1.50 -Men's Qloyes ' 50c 75c $1.00 $1.50 No Hat as Qood for $3.00 as Other Hats $1.00 to $2.50 . If ;Not Right ; mcii ' Makes It Right! m f i 'iijj 1 1 II si i u AfOfJPSOAT CoMftzsfST 3E :ac: bousbt a flew wsaon and clothlna" to re place tbe ferments damaged ; and Mi. Wilson relinquished furtner Claims upon tl company. . ', ',. , " ,- , ; StoteheS Tire KUlloa risb. '(SssrUI Dispatcta tn The JmirnsL) RisM)(irs. 'Or.. Oct. J. The North Utnpqu batcberz baa just closed a suo- cessful season. More than 1,110,000 salmon esse were taken and. a corre sponding number' of fry released as against 1,000,000 last year.