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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
- V THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FltlDAY EVENING. OCTOBER gy lEC?. IKIHG SURtf EY OF UPPER RIVER Engineers Will Ascertain Cost of : Making Channel. Navigable the Year Around. - BIG ROCKS CONSTITUTE EXPENSIVE OBSTACLE Survey Will Be Pint Complete One of That Part of River Granges to "Be Asked to Help Secure Appro priations. Cnder the persons! supervision of 'Caput A." Trttm a force of IS Unite States engineers 1 making a eurvey of ' the upper, Columbia river between the mouth of the Snake and the Portage ' railroad in order to aaoartaln th xot of .improving the channel ao that it will '. be navigable, tha jrear. round. It wlil ba tha flratjeomphrte 'survey that has avar been made of that gtretch of the Colum- C WW - -The nan are now employed near Uma tilla, andaom that 'point will conduct operations down stream..' It Is estimated that it will .require- about three montha ,to complete tM 4esk. The data secured will bo forwarded to Washington and congreaa will be' asked to make an as ' proprlatlon for the improvement .of the "charinrt f l"y .'- . - Acouple of houaeboats built for the purpose are being used by the engineers : as living quarters. ' On an average they , will not be able, to cover more than one end a half mllea a day. There are . a ; Dumber of bad raplda on-which con alderable work will have to be done. It Is believed, before .the channel can be .'put In the beat of condition. In these many large boulders are lying and will ' b a menace, navigation- until they '' have been blaated out and removed. The . . engineers are of the 'opinion ' that this ,, line of work will involve the greatest cost of opening up the . channel. ', In Its efforts ' to t secure a1" A 6-foot channel from-Portland - to the sea, the ' local board of trade will ask for-the co operations of the state granges of Ore gon, Washington and- Idaho. At a meet ing of the river and harbor, committee of the board yesterday an. of far of , alstance was received from -Orange Mot 17 of thla county, which will be ac . eepted.'' The-state organisations will be co rrea ponded with on the subject and it " " Is thought that they will agree to assist . In bringing about the desired result. In ; the past H is said that the granges have ' taken- a deep- Interest la river-and .bar .;' bor affairs. . ' ! .-- , - The board of trade also decided Uo. re quest Major 8. W. Roessler to make a - survey, of the Columbia river bar at the earliest possible date, so that it may be . learned definitely aa to the accuracy -of ; the recent statements of the pilots con cerning the depth of the water in that - locality. Surveys cainot be made there - with any accuracy until the bar la per , fectly smooth. . The major recently de clared that soundings will be taken aa mm- tha' weather conditions are favorable. ;. .. ' - - X- ,V MAY SELL TENDER; It le Bapested the Ooeernsaems jsTUl Mot fyalr mniaarta. . -ri. 1 1 .k- mt t hii not hn arlvan nun hi m.- - out officially. It Is ' declared by those who say tney anow umi m utctiuh-ui naa decided to abandon the lighthouse . u.inniia. As soon aa she has M1HI-I - ... been raised It Is said that aha wUl be told to tne nigneei mmn. To reolsce her It la declared that the government will purchase a - ateam schooner of about f 0 tons carrying ca pacity. A vessel that la ready for serv ice is required, so it la stated, and a good price will be paid for a euitable craft ' . -' " At the last session of eongrasa the ... . ia AAA iru anDroDriated to be used for making repairs to the Man- sanita and It is cisimea inn pmm uiwni will ha aDDlied toward the purchase of .I... It la believed that the sort of steam schooner needed will coat at least. $100,000. , , .-. - The machinery and Doner fa the Man aanlta are old and out of date and tha k..n i maA tt h- flit Mnr condition.- For 1- m Hal, that tha craft will Kllim a- - - - not be worth the expense of repairing her. Besides, it ia urged that she is naturally too email to handle the heavy shipments which frequently have to be made to Alaekan waters. GERMANY LEADS. . ' eaaawawsawMBsi ' i . r ' Bsoeu Crree Britain irn Toaaage Baser- - iag- rorUaaa Fort..' German tonnage to visit Portlsnd dur ing the fiscal year ending with June 10 waa greater than that represented by British vessels by IT tons, according to a tabulated atatement which has Just been prepared by German consul Lionan for forwarding to hie home government. It Is the nrat year that the British have bot been far In the lead In thla respect. Durlns- the period mentioned Is steamers and 1 spiling vessels flying the German flag Visited Portland and they aggregated 46.18 net register tons. The British vessels were : comprised of steamers and IT sailing craft, repreeent- Ins it.l( net register tons, included in tha list ' are the Hamburg-American liners which are operated by the Fort- land at' Aslatio Bteamahlp- company. ' Twelve' French' Ships- of ,2. ,tons were here during the year and lm point of number and tonnage occupy third place on the list, so far aa foreign vea- sels are conoerneo. i nere were is American ahlpa having an aggregate carrying capacity of I01.8H tons, but the big majority of them, were coasters. ; SWEPT. BY STORM. " ; ; .2'' i i .?- .J'-. "- Britiak Ihlp Xrtsee AA BecBaile lm a ;l.;'V;'vs - Tornado.'' j '. Getting. in the path of a tornado, in the north Pacific on September II al most proved fatal to the British ship Dunbrtdge. Captain -. WanneH," which reached port . thla morning from , Port Natal. South Africa.. All of her sella were carried away and' for eight boura the ahlp stood on her beam ends. For tunately, the storm only continued the part of one night end an inventory the next morning ahowed .that no one had been lost and everything waa In tact excepting the "sails. Another set. which had been placed on board for a case of emergency, waa aoon pot . In place and the vessel completed the passage to-the -Columbia river without further accident. ... . , The Durbridge waa here a year ago, and waa fitted out with a lumber cargo for the dark continent. ' Bbe came here In .search of a grain charter and waa engaged by tha Portland Flouring mills to transport wheat to the United King dom. The vessel la now out in the stream, but will shift to the Banfleld dock on Monday to discharge her bal last .. -v - " -. BssasB - ' l'v-V '4 Diamonds f Vatches - Jewelry On Easy Paymen ts Our; credit system is entirely - aiffeftht '.than that of any other store DIFFERENTbecause we do not charge any more for credit accommodations than were, V ; you to pay cash, and at prices lower than any jeweler in " Y the city, DIFFERENTbecause we don't handle any- ; . thing, which we cannot fully recommend or guarantee. r We are ' after , permanent-. custoniersr-. that's .why we.1 double, our efforts to. satisfy you. The secret of our ability to sell on credit at prices lower than cash stores , ' is why we claim "to be ., , - A Different ftlnd of Credit Store 74 Third Street Near Oak British aneamshlp Tolga Win Carry , -'j Lumber to Oaiaa. -Another big tramp, tha British ateam- ship Volga, reached port at about noon from the orient by way of the oound. docking at the Inman-Poulaen mill. where she will receive a cargo of lum ber for Tsingtau, China. She had been in port leas than an ' hour when the work of loading her wea begun. The steamer Is under charter to the Paclflo Export Lumber, company and will -be given quick dispatch. She will take out In- the neighborhood of S,KOO,000 feet of Oregon fir. . . The Volga. Captain Pattle. arrived at Vancouver on October S from Java with a cargo of sugar. After It had been dis charged aha went to Comoxto coal and from there sailed for the Columbia river on Wednesday. - Shje had an uneventful passage. - It la planned to bave her ready to aall on the outward trip In about 10 days. This la tha first big lumber carrier that hae been in port for almoat a month. i ' WAREHOUSES INADEQUATE. RUSHING CANAL WORK. CaWo Canal Frojeet meportsd te Be . Ft ug i seeing-1 SAttsfaetorajr. ', United Statea engineers who have re turned recently from the upper Colum bia river say that the" work on the Celllo canal project ia progreaalng satis factorlly. The contractors, . Smyth S Jones, have a couple of ateam drills in operation and much material already has been excavated. . The rock which " has been blssted out and the gravel taken out of the bed of the river . will be utilised for building the wall of the canal next to tha stream. Only 44 men are now employed on the Job, but this number will be considerably increased aa- the work progresses. The contrac tors are required to do SS00.000 worth of work on tha canal by December II. 1I0. or receive no pay. Aa the river le at an exceptionally low a tags, it ia said that no more favorable time to push operations could ba bad. The, chant through Three Mile-.raplda la reported to be in excellent shape. A steamer ladenwlth freight pade the trip through the . raplda last : week after night and experienced no difficulty. BIG TRAMP ARRIVES. Biver Stoasasra bow Bringing AH toe Wheat Thai Boeka Oaa Xaadle. Four thouaand aacka of wheat are be ing brought to Portland daily from the portage road. The Dallea ana Lyle by the ateamera Bailey Gatsert, Joseph Kellogg, Dalles City and - Regulator. Were there mdre dock apace here it la said they would bring almoat twice that amount. On account of the recent fires on the waterfront two of the largest grain docks were destroyed and untU they have been rebuilt the warehouse facilities will be Inadequate to take care of the ahlpmente which could be made from points . on the upper Columbia. Mechanics are rushing the new build ings to completion with all possible haste, and it la thought they will ba ready to use by the early part of next month. Until then no heavy grain "ship ments will be made to Portland from eaat of the Cascade mountains. SWEDISH SHIPS LOADED. Kay Walt Another Week. However, to -Although aha completed her grain cargo -yesterday afternoon for tha United Kingdom, the Swedish ship Clan MacFarlane probably will not sail for another week., Balfour, Guthrie A Co., the charterers, are endeavoring to aell the cargo before the vessels leavea for the aea. In tha event that tha deal goes through the ship will clear for a direct port Instead of proceeding to Queens town or Falmouth for . orders, aa la usually ths case If she Is sent to a direct port the exporters will have to psy only a charter rate of z(s Sd, but otherwise the union tariff .of S7a Id will be exacted by the ownere of the vessel. Early after her arrival two sailora de serted from the Clan MacFarlane and a vigilant search Is still being made for them. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. ' The work of1 loading the British steam ship Auchanblae waa resumed yesterday afternoon at the Oceanic dock. Norwegian-Swedish Consul Cederburg has received letters of late, addressed to his care, for Captain Elde of the Norwegian berk Ingeborg, which would indicate that the vessel Is bound for this port. She is not among the ships listed for Portland. In some unknown manner a pile' of rubbish lying, at the north end of the Ash street dock csught fire this morn ing, snd the flames cams almost com municating with the doca. . The rire de partment waa called out and soon ex tlngulshed the bias ' Captain A. Ross, who has been here for the past week inquiring into the lighthouse service, left this morning for Ban Francisco. From there he will re turn to Washington, D. C - Lighthouse ' tender Heather left' for Wlllspa bay thla morning to replace a whistling buoy. Major S. W. Roessler returned from Cascade Locks this morning and aays the frames for -four of the buildings be ing constructed for the keepers at that point are erected and that the founda tion for the fifth has been laid. Dipper dredge No. t Is employed .deepening the upper canal leading to the locks. Balfour, Guthrie A Co. chartered the British ship Garnet Hill this morning to load wheat at Taooma for tire United Kingdom at 16s d. British ateamehlp Oceano waa brought up to the flour mine yesterday after noon from the drydock and will be fitted out with a cargo aa quickly aa possible to make up in a measure for her long detention in port. Tonight the British steamship Algoa, among the biggest tramps afloat, will reach the harbor from San Francisco. She srrtved et Astoria this morning at o'clock and three hours later left. up for Portland. She is under charter to the Portland A Aslatio Steamship com pany to transport flour to Japan. She will dock at tha Pacific Coast bunkers and take on a eupplyof fuf. before be ginning to receive cargo. ., - MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Oct. S0. Arrived at :10 a. m., British steamer Algoa. from San Francisco, and left up at 12:10 p. nvl atiiviu uuwu ana aaiiea gunng lae night, steamer Cascade, for San Fran cisco. Sailed at 7 a. m. steamer South Bay, for Ban Franelaco. St. Helena. Oct. 10. passed at :30 a. m.. British stesmer Velaa. Han FranctWO, Oct. JO Arrived at I a m., ateamer Homer, from Portland. Sailed at ir.SO a. -m., German-ateaftter Aragonla, for Portland. Arrived at a. RUSH CONTiuUZS MATED Yesterday's Sales N'iim; . btrs Are OverTiftecn. ;; The Great Sacrifice Sale of ExpoaJ. tion and Used, Pianos; Pianola Pianos, Pianolas and Organs the ' Talk of the Town and Continues, to Draw People . From Everywhere. Youll Have to Hurry to Get in on ":Thig Sale.'"'':' - .. .j. ? ': , :;,', The ereat clean-up sale of the Exnoal- tton and used Pianos. Pianola Pianos, Pianolas and Oraana at the Eilere Pi ano House is ths talk of the town and It should be, ror tne reason tnat never be fore in the history of Piano selling have such values been offered. The truth le that ths best advertising we have re ceived in thle sale are the purchasers tbemselvea 'They are bound te tell their friends and neignoore or me great values tnsi are to be found at. the Eilere Piano House. .',.' Going: Fast. Now la the time to purchase whether you can aaord it or not. zor never again will such an opportunity be presented ?ou to obtain such rare values, and hla sale cannot continue forever ana will only last until -wa have disposed of tneae Kxnoamon ana usea rianoi. r-mn- nla Pianos. Pianolas and Oraana. If you have a Piano already- take advantage of this aacrinca sals ana Durcnase a pian ola, practically new, and add thereby to the muaicat cnarma ox your noma. Another Big . Day. Fifteen instruments found-new ownere yesterday. Mr. John Everest of East Eleventh street, purchased a beautiful Haddorff Piano, cased In rich San Domingo . Ma hogany. Mr. A. CI Conant. of Millard avenue. secured a most exquisite Schumann and another beautiful Schnmann will here after grace the home of F. B. Hume and charm the people of Shelburn, Oregon. Oeore-e w. Bateman of Covello. wash.. secured 'one of those wonderful Auto Pianos. - - lira T. I. Bailer or cambiiaa-e. raano. purchased a magnificent KlmbalrPlano. waa another nurchaaer of a beautiful jumoaii. Other keen ludres of Piano values in Portland and vicinity who appear on yesterday's buyers list are; Mrs. J. L. Clemens secured a sample Eilers Bros. Piano, the third one ever maae. -. . . . A fine Kimball to Mr. Ed B. Melton; another fine Kimball to Hra C. B. ketchum; a fine little Parlor Organ -to Mr. Ike Davis; a weaer orchestral, tne same ae used by one of the Idaho com missioners, wss selected by Mrs. R. H. Drew; a fine Stuyvesant upright, in the new walnut case, went to the home of Anton Peterson;- a beautirui rianoia waa purchased by Mr. A. D. Orow; e fine Kimball Parlor Organ waa pur chased by Mrs. to. a. wooa. All of Them to Go. : Please bear in mind that all the many fine pianos grands, uprights, Planolaa, Pianola pianos and Orchestreljes used in our glorious Exposition, In ths Ore- e-on. California. Massacnuseus. wssn- fngton, Illinois, New York. Idaho, Maine. Oriental. T. W. C A.. N. C. R. Coa and other buildings, in the aucoeaa of whose social functions they have contributed no small ahare. are to be cloaed out at Ellera Piano House at once. - - All pianos rented by the commission ers and their families are alao Included in tbla eacrince. Used Pianoa for a Song. : Our - sale of "exchanged" pianos will also be continued during this special event In the collection may be found upright planoa of the latest designs, of varioua high-grade makes, that have come to ua of late in part payment for new Pianola pianos, baby grands and fancy exhibition styles or upngnt pia nos. . Among these used pianos may be found: Another Knabe, fine, 1216; Kimball, elea-ant e-enulne mahocany. 1293: Pease. fancy Colonial. $285; Vose, largeat slse mottled mahogany, $215; another fine Vose. walnut. 1182: Wing Bon. 1145 Jacob Doll, lt0; Hamilton, like new, 1172: another Hamilton, like new. 1166; Btarr piano, mahogany, 1200; . another Btarr, brand new, $215: Ludwlg, largest slse, $161; another, $13$; Emerson, fancy manogany, szuv; J. r. naie, manogany, $115; Newbury, $$; Kingsbury, largest slse, new, m, ana numerous outers. . Good Organg, Alao. Excellent parlor and chapel organa will also ba sold at thla aale at less than half price. An Estey, $2$; Bears- Roebuck, $2S; Kimball, very fine, MS; Newman Brothers, $1$. etc., etc.; all on eaalest OX easy payments. ; . , Buy Now, Pay Later. Remember, we offer during thla aale a bona nae reduction oi rrom over so to 70 per cent on the very lowest cash retail prices that these and other same graae ok nisn-ciaae mnirumini. nvu larlv retail for In thla or any other city. Any Instrument in this sale may be purchased ei time payments. Three veara allowed to complete the purchase SC casn prices, piua mtmptw uiieroei on deferred payments. . . - Easy Paymentg for AIL - Bear in mind that our easy-payment nl.n annliee to the rjurchaaa nrlce of any of the above Instruments. Pay from IS to l aown, osianci at xne rate oi $5 or more eacn montn, witn simple in terest added at t per cent per. annum. Every Instrument sold during thli aacrlflca sals Is nosltlvely ruaranteed. Mnmr back If your nurchaae is not ab solutely satisfactory to yourself after delivery. eilers Piano House Is the place. $51 Washington street, .. near corner of Eighth (Park) street. The biggest, busiest and best piano dealers in the quarter-block of tine pianos." m.. United Statea torpedo-boat Paul Jones, from, Portland. Sailed, steamer Daisy Mitchell, for CoIumblartver. Astoria. Oct. is. -Arrived at 11:50 and left up at 1:40 p. m., ateamer North land, from Ban Francisco. - Lert up at 1:10 p. nu, British steamer Volga. San Francisco,, Oct If. Balled at p, m., ateamer Roanoke, for Portland and way ports,, from Fort Los Angle Bt Johns. Oct lo. passed at : a. m.. British ateamer Volga. - Astoria. Oct 20.- Tnree-mastea amp on outside. v Astoria. Oct 20. Condition of tha bar it I l m.. smooth; light eaat wind; weather clear. MONSTER " ; TALKING MACHINE Flays rear Blak Beeorda at One Time, Saving roar Different Outlets, and Ja to Be oa Sahib ill on Ovey Satnraay at. the Oohunhla ' nomograph Oo.'s tHeee, eat Washlmgtom Street, Before Being Skipped Bast. The mammoth disk talking machine that was brought out here to the Lewis end Clark fair by the Columbia Phono graph Co. for exhibit purposes, and Is to be eent bark again to their factory next, JVlfc .their local manager, Mr. O. AA Smith, la to demonstrate, upon re quest, for the benefit of , those who Y7Z ff A S1?e n Ww TIIIRT Y-dnC C A C C 3 VeTs a ZZ?JmJ7l AT Cdmplstcs tho Entirov Holknd Dros. Dxrupb Stocli ',-'; '..'. " '", y : -"'.?" ;" ' ,''.-'.'':'.':-.''' '' , ' :' ': '"; '."'.' T;'.T i f -.;''' .' rN4f Slw Voam. OIi((. ' . ava-l rRAMKLIM 9.T.. vgL eeie aaesws ' . f0r-09,tA5T.r1A0lS0").STstCCT' IOOS-IOO evaSMiNSTOM AV( mieo( ' 4 -avTo e- " ' .-.'.,. ". j ' . . " ': -.... - -. i.- byf -BIUS PAYABLE IN MEW T0K O CHICAGO CXCHANGC rroA4S NET CASH No chim oc deductions allowed cefit by aptcial tgrtimont- V . V ' , -r' ;.''.''- I--,'''"--'"' ''''"' ,'' . ' -"..' :' r'V" ''ir'': . : FIRST arid SALMON; ww2Sz& Unmatchable bargains in Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes and Pants for Men, Boys and Children. A vast stock of good and extra fine Shoes, Hats and'Furriishing Goods, embracing everything that man wears,' at positively the lowest prices ever seen anywhere. Prices that no man that earns his dollars can afford to miss; and every. day hundreds of dollars' worth of this great stock is sold to city and out-of-town dealers at exactly the same prices as you can buy it for here. f UN - ' C? 1 OA FOR $IO SUITS II OQ OA FOR $25 SUITeS, ? & OVtJRCOATS MP ""v OVERCOATS & Cl OA FOR aiS SUITS. OVERCOATS & CRAyfilNBTTES, . , y C gC O A FOR $20 SUITS, P Oi7U OVERCOATS & CRAVENETTES X-Ui f; CRAVENETTES e ft oa for oao suits,. P11.7U OVERCOATS & CRAVEINeTTES fclA :Kf FOR $315 eS? $40 Plf&.eVU SUITS, OVER COATS, CRAVENETTES : Ki3,000jPants v 59c, 89c, tl;39; $1189; $2.39; $2 89; $3 89 j womi tiioto $io.ob Wool or Fleece Underwear r ,- y TEN THOUSAND PIECE8 y 25c, 39c, 49ci 67c, 79c, 99c, 51.39 13! Open Saturday Till lO P. M. v e Other Days 5t30 P. MY "' I eVa r'a . v M V .-- ISAKGES AND mm FOR AIL PURPOSES JTO CBAKOI WHATEVaB roacmiDii N purchating a range or stove for cooking or heating, three things should . be .considered r Economy of fueL durability nA ita ahilitv en perform the work, dome in and let our store man snow you 'some of the good features of our stoves. They are priced temptingly low and sold on very easy 'r . , .' terms. TIM Start Wheft Tear Crealt b fieei 3S3 WASnPiGTOM wish to bear It and were unable to. at their local salesrooms at $71 Washing ton street Saturday afternoon and even ing a special concert being given on this occasion. This Is certainly a wondrous Instrument, weighing with horns and equipment - three hundred and ten pounds; there la but -one other like It In else In existence, which Is owned by the Shah of Persia and made especially for him by the above-named company some twelve" or thirteen months ago. The Shah alao owna the emalleat ma chine In the worlds enade by the eame company. It Is too odd and complicated a machine to describe only to say that four separata plates or dlaca are placed on the machine and that, when the mechanism ia started, they all. play aa If It were one plate instead of four, the muslo coming from the rour great horns which are grouped together and point outwardly Ilka the musale of four great eannons. . , , , v.f v.:..,,, ' ' Mr. Smith extends an Invitation to all who dealre to attend the concert, either In the afternoon or evening, - or both. when the grand old multiplex -will play ita laat concert to the Portland public . ... i- LOOKED IN MIRROR TO .SEE SURGEONS CUT BRAIN ' (Josrasl Ssedsl Srvtee.) New York. Oct 20. Herman Frank, an old apothecary, sat before a mirror In order to see a surgeon cut down Into his brain. He would have none of anaes thetics, evidently being ao curloua aa to what had ailed htm for these many rears that he wanted to aea aa soon as any one the flrat fact that tha scalpel should reveal. Hla curiosity is not to he wondered at, for the doctors had also been mystified by the old druggist's dis rate, when the knife had done He work and the surgeon removed a cyst whose growing had pressed on hla brain and hla organa of vision, so that he walked as one . having locomotor ataxia. It must have been very gratifying for him to learn what, had been the matter ee well aa to feel that hie troubles from It are over., .'-.-..,.. i New opera house planned for Spring field. . : V," : , IMdjj3 Cite AUGUST ERICKSON, Proprietor PREMIER OF ENTERTAMJENTS Under one roof may be seen the largest hall of its kind on ' the coast and a mastodontic orchestrion, the; biggest in ;:-the world: V-'.- ' "''j.-1-- ? Week Coaaendaa Ucsiay, Cidsttr 23rd . . ' ' " , In English and German Warbling Specialties, . THE FTECHTL S UDIES' QUINTETTE AND TYROLEAN TRIO Several Attractive Features from Leading Eastern Vaude- : ) '''..-, "i-. , .i .. ville Houses.' ;vr . -.-, . ' Program Changed Daily. Special Matinees Sunday ":' . Entrances at 21 North Third street, 21, 23 and 25 North , Second street, and 243, 249 and 247 Burnside street. T v-' :;- SOLE AGENT FOR FRUITDALE UINERAL WATER The natural water as it comes 'from the springs no chemi-' cals or drugs best remedy known for stomach and kidney troubles. j. ';v- : ;f':-,'l' ' 'V