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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
t::3 zxz.zmu ilz ::z:ixzz Tusks u? valuz3 aiicno ti!z Evcry-day Drccs StufEj - and Damasks -l ; In the Domestic Aisles and Linen Shops; jr - ' First Floor. Handsome plaidies rule the season for dress fabrics and some pretty plaids anions: the lower price ranges are in the sale tomorrow in the , uomestic Aisle. And pretty plaid dress-stuffs are much in demand just now tor school dresses for Portland's "bonnie lassies.". Here's nain sooks, too and linen damasks -for-the house keepersSpecial Friday. , - ' PLAID DRESS OOOD8 Uc About 4.000 yards of Plaid Dress Goods for chih dren's school dresses. Special at, yard.. 34 NAINSOOK $1 JO. s, A lot of Nainsook in 12-yard pieces. Special at, the piece fl.50 '.. LINEN DAMASK 75c y Richardson's All-Linen. Damask for making ' tablecloths, 67 inches wide. Special at, the yard 7S Napkins to match Special at, the dozen. . 9 3.10 Bargains in School Shoes for Little Women SIXTH STREET ANNEX ON THE "FAIR. WAIT FIRST FLOOR., ... Here's prices on good, sturdy, stylish Shoes that should send, a regiment of feet trooping to the store tomorrow. Dress Shoes that fit and wear. Look to the young folks' shoe needs tomorrow. , . :...: . SHOES FOR CHILD AND MISS. . Misses' and Children's Clazed Kid Lace Shoes; With patent leather tips and inlaid patent leather , lace piece. Best selected stock, only is used in these Shoes and the soles are made of the best leather. The Misses' Shoes are made with low, or spring heels Children's sizes have spring heels. .Will be on sal tomorrow and Saturday -only. . . . ' - f : ., Children's Sires 6 to S-Our $1.50 value. ' Special at, the pair. fl.09 Children's Sizes 8 to llrOur $175 '. value. Special at, the pair.".'....; f 1.19 Misses' Sixes 11 to 2 Our $2.00 value. Special at, the pair.. ............. 1.29. HOME COMFORT AND ADORNMENT AT V LESSER PRICES FOURTH FLOOR. BLANKETS TABLE COVERS : CURT7AINS One gets the valuable aid,' in aelecting Home Furnishings here, of our expert corps of assist ants. A feature of great advantage .to patrons desiring trained advice and suggestions. '. To . know good rugs, draperies, carpets, curtains, etc., is of invaluable assistance to the house-furnisher. With this advantage combined with the lower . than elsewhere prices, it's a wonder we don't do ALL the houseturnishing for Portland's homes instead of only MOST of it Special for Friday. $3.00 BLANKETS fZ25. ; . Nice Heavy Half-Wool' Gray Blankets; regular , value $300. Special, the pair....... . ..2.S5 $2.15 TABLE COVERS $2.10. -A lot of Chenille Fringed Table Covers, in new," rich designs and colorings, size 8x4; 'regular value $2.75, Special, each...... f 3.1 $2.00 SWISS CURTAINS $US. v i Ruffled Swiss Curtains, 3 yards long, 45 inches wide, with imitation Renaissance lace and . insertion; regular value $2.00. .. Special, the pair .... 91.95 Our Weekly Sale of 1 "NOTIONS" Toilet Sundries and Stationery T; FIRST FLOOR SHOPS. Thousands of little helps for everybody at prices less than anybody expects to pay, in the Small Wares Aisles Main Floor. Here are the "trivials" that shoppers want everyday at " Special Friday prices.- A useful, helpful list better bring it along. Linen Meah Dress Shields, absorbent and odor- less; size No. 3; our 25c value. Special . Economy Sale Price, the pair.,..., 10f Tailor Braid and Velveteen Reversible Skirt. -Binding, in black; our 12c value, Special " at, the yard ..74 Black Mohair Tubular: Shoe Laces, sizes for ; rnen's, women's and .children's shoes, one ,- dozen in package; our 10c value. Special. s at, the package. '. 5f , ; Patent Trousers Hangers, keep pants jn shape: our 15c value.' Special at, each .....lOf Darning Cotton, in black, white and colors; best quality; pn spools. Special at, the spool... 84 -Choice Linen and Crash Finish Writing Paper, :.newJjhapea, . white only; our 35e value. - : ' Special at, the box SOe Fin Linen Cloth-Finish Box t Writing Paper,' . . extra quality; our 35c value. Special at, the box .iij.r.'jLl V"'" National Bond Writing Paper; in 1-pound pack ages, 120 sheets to package, in white or . blue; our 35c value. Special at, package... EO: . Ruled Ink Writing Tablets, cream wove, wedding ;. finish; our 7c value. Special at, each...,..ftf Carter's' Best Black Letter Ink, 2-ounce size bottle; bur 5c value. Special at, the bottle. .8 . Sunshine Shoe Polish, comes in tubes, paste form, handy and easily applied; our 25c value, Special at, the tube 1T Fins Toilet Soap, in rose,, violet, Jockey Club Peau de Espagne, three cakes jn a box. Special at, the box..... ...... ...... .lOf Hair Brushes, with extra quality, solid hard rub- ' ber back; will not warp or split; our 65c value. Special at, each. ................. .494 Hand. Scrub or Nail Brushes, with plain solid . backs; our 9c value. Special at, each... si. 9f Purs Witch Hasel, 8-dunce bottle. Special' . , at each v. ,,,.. 5f :'(. V Wonderful Convention of Values for Tomorrow's 129th Grand Friday "Economy Sale" A BARGAIN AGGREGATION SURE TO AROUSE THE WONDER, THE ADMIRATION AND THE AMAZEMENT OF ALL f THE VALUES ARE EXTRAORDINARY! BEYOND PARALLEL OP COMPETITION!! OF MOMENTOUS INTER- THIS STORE has the reputation of dotof thinf t cll and "DISTINCTIVELY." Consequently 'we are not satisfied with making tomorrow's great store vnt a mere "bargain sale," but a fashion celebration as well, heralding the advent of the smartest of fall and winter's advanced styles, an exposition of everything that is most needed for home comfort and adornment at well as for personal use and wear: A carnival of everything that can possibly interest the store's greet public. And yet the ' opportunities for saving in the fall and winter buying were never greater, A grand feast of remarkable values has been prepared by the department "chefs" none has neglected his duty. We're going to distribute bargains bountifully. Some proof of this intention is evidenced in what follows: Knit Underwear SZV; 'T-- FIRST FLOOR.- . It won't take many- days, such as we've had ' samples of served up to us this week, to make the need of warmer undergarments ; apparent. . Here ye the sorts of Underwear that seembest to our expert buyers and we had many good kinds for comparison on which to base our judgment As wool is higher today than for years, with the market "strong" ind still soar ing, our advice to buy seems timely. , Special for Friday. . . , . . . : j - - - Women's 13X0 Union Suits $2J9 White, and , natural fine ribbed Union Suits, very elastic, all wool, medium weight, Jtalf open front; . regular value $3.00.- Special, the suit... f 2.29 Women's $1 JO Vests and Pants $1.1 White Swiss Ribbed All-Wool Vests and Pants, medium weight; vests with long sleeves, .fashioned cuffs, self front; open pants, tights . top, ankle length; regular value $1.50. Special, each sl' Children's 20c Underwaists 12tfe' Children's" White Knitted Underwaists, strongly made . and nicely finished; regular value 20c. - . Special, each .............f.......r.-...iajiv Hosiery Women's Children's FIRST FLOOR. Time to buywhen women can secure such Stockings as form the subject of this 'section at such prices as the Hosiery Chief quotes be-, low Special for Friday It's ''time to buy; a full winter's supply. ' . , ' Women's 25c Cotton' Hose 19c Black Cotton .', Fleece-Lined Hose, seamless, good winter weight; regular value 25c. Special, the pair ;...... ..t9f Women's 50c Cotton-Hose 5c Medium-Weight Black Cotton Hose, high spliced heels, white double soles; regular value 50c. Special, " the pair .....SSf A GREAT, SALE OF $8.50 Walking Skirts at $4.79 k IN PORTLAND'S LARGEST, . FOREMOST APPAREL SALONS FOR WOMEN. A phenomenal reduction for Friday fatrpns. We are going to prove to ashiona"ble women ' tomorrow how much ' under ordinary prices "Olds, iWortman 8t King can go in providing the smartest tailored- skirts, with gen uine made-to-measure style, quality and fit- Skirts designed wiih custom ary Olds, Wortman & King originality, and accepted by best dressers as the finest examples of this season's severe ly elegant tailoring. A1W fashioned in the reigning circular style f from au tumn's most favored materials includ ing Prince of, Wales serges, stylish in terwoven mannish effects and tweedish mixtures, Panama cloths, etc. Blues, browns and fancy, mixtures of gray, green, blue and tan. Cut in "plain gored style with strap and button trimmings, plaited effects, plain gored styles with trimmings -of. fancy' bpids, panel ef fects and box plaited. The offering's .an almost, unprecedented opportunity, for pleasing every, taste. Values in the assortment up to S9.50. Select as you may the choice may be had ' at... $4.79 nrs vzzz 7 c: . S I t:caoa ucbT.c? onionab "ECONOMY 8 ALE" QUOTATIONS FRIDAY, OCT. 20 EST TO EVERYBODY!!! ' A Lively ' Group of Leather Novelties ; and ' " 'jewelry "Knick- ' NackV With the Friday Bargain Sale'a whip andpttr--of cut-price mercilessly applied Shoppers will do' well tq include the Leather Goods J Shop's and Jewelry Aisle on their shopping list tomor rowSixth Street 'Annex First Floor. A $129 FOR HANDBAGS WORTH $1 JO. " Ladies' Handbags, made of fine, quality grain leather, with one flap or envelope style; comes , in black and brown only expressly a dress purse our $1.50 value. Special - Economy Sale Price, each.,;... ....... 1.39 OPERA BAGS WORTH 75c FOR 59c ' The season is now at hand for the use of the Opera Bag. We have a line of Dainty Silk Bags in assorted colors and different shapes, and we offer them at a bargain price for our Friday Economy Sale; our 75c value. Special at, each.......... .59e 15c FOR FANCY HATPINS WORTH TO 35c An assortment of Pretty Hatpins, in many dif ferent designs; values up to 35c Special , for Friday Economy , Sale at, each.......lBf i 19c FOR COLLAR SUPPORTERS WORTH 25c Another lot of Jeweled Collar Supporters; our 25c value. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair 49c FOR COLLAR SUPPORTERS ,.v' - WORTH 65c ,. y ' Also t line of High-Grade Collar Supporters, '. fine gold-filled wire and fancy cut knobs; Our 65c value. " Special Economy Sale Price, the pair v..........Of "STERLING SILVER THIMBLES. Good weight, in all aizea from 7 to 11. Spe cial Economy Sale Price, each ........... X5 AN ATTRACTIVE BEVY OF UNUSUAL VALUES IN THE WOMEN'S FURNISHING SHOPS First. Floor. THE RIBBONS YOU WANT PRETTY COLLAR AND CUFF SETS DAINTY EM BROIDERIES FETCHING FANCIES IN DRESS GARNITURE ALL FOR LESS. It's on the cards that Ribbons and Embroid-, eries are wanted more than ever this fall for embellishment to smart, gowning and under dress. Tis a great season for dress trimmings. , It's because ao much and so many of these pretty things are wanted that we make it easier to buy. Another instance of always doing the -right thing at the right time. These special for Friday. . SATIN TAFFETA RIBBONS WORTH , i 35c FOR 23c. A new lot of Splendid All-Silk Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 4yi inches wide; in pink, blue, navy, brown, lilac, red. orange, mais, Nile, Alice blue, white and black not just a few rolls of these Ribbons, but almost countless yards of them all, new and fresh our 35c value. Special Economy Sale Price, the yard....23f V COLLAR AND CUFF SETS WORTH 75c AND 91.00 FOR 50c. Very Pretty Collar and Cuff Sets, in swell Irish crochet lace, in white and ivory; they add the finishing touch to a dainty waist; our 75c and $1.00 values. Special Economy. Sale Price, the yard .AU . .. . ...... ' 20c FOR EMBROIDERIES WORTH 30c TO 50c . A lot of Elegant Embroideries and Insertions, in medium and wide widths, handsome pat terns', our 30c, 35c, 40c and 50c values. - Special Friday Economy Sale Price, yard. 20 12c FOR EMBROIDERIES WORTH v20c , A lot of Very Pretty Embroideries; our regular i J. 20c value. Special Economy Sale-Price, , the yard .."54 PRETTY FANCIES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS. t Embroidered Taffeta Bands and Edgea In black, white and colors; every piece new and very sweH. Fdr Friday only they are priced as follows , " ' - Trimmings yi inch wide; our 75c value. Special at, the yard....... ..,.48 Trimmings M inches wide; our 95c value. Special at, the yard. Trimmings IH inches wide; our. $1.00 value. Special at, the ysrd...............v 8l Trimmings i inches wide; our $L25 value. ' , Special at, the yard..... 5 c5 OP.C Men's Bargains " . THE HABERDA8HERIE ANNEX SIXTH STREET MAIN FLOOR. , . There's a lot o' men in this town that don't get the best for their wardrobe appropriation and a lot that do. The former class are they who buy outside this Mah'a Store of ours, and pay "exclusive" store prices; the latter division are those who come here and enjoy the same privileges as do their wives and sweethearts, mothers and sisters the latest, smartest and best in apparel at less to pay than elsewhere Special Friday.'. -.; Men's $2.50 Sweaters $1.58 A line of Men's Fine Wool . Sweaters with double collars, in plain colors, navr, black," cardinal and white; Regular value $2.50. Special, each fl.SS Men's 20c and 25c Handkerchiefs 10c A line of Men's Linen Handkerchiefs with tape bor ders; regular value 20c and 25c Special, each ..." .... Men's 25c Shield Bows 10c A lot of Fancy Silk . Shield Bows, in a large variety of pat terns; regular value 25c Special, each . . . . lOf Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts 50c A small line of Men's Heavy Oxford Golf Shirts, in black and , white effects; regular value $1.00. Spe cial, each ; ..Os Attractions A OUm., Dmmma for.., mi onup arauuua. Save 31e Each on These Pretty Creations In Needle craft Annex Second Floor. WHITE LINEN CENTER PIECES WORTH $1X0 FOR 69c . Round 24-Inch Centerpieces, of white linen, with em broidered edge; stamped in conventional d e s.i g n s for English-eyelet work: our $1.00 value. Special Economy Sale Price, each 69 A Great Clearing Sale -:-r. of New, Millinery "Bijou" Salons Second Floor Annex Our large and constantly increasing outlet for elegant millinery enables us to purchase extensive lines at decidedly low prices. Naturally, in the conduct of such an immense business as this of ours there'll be a hat or two left of this line perhaps three , or four of that, and a half dozen bf the other; end ments and oddments. Some stragglers and laggards that get ' pushed -.back and jostled out of the displays. Dis continued lines that served their, mis-, sion during opening weeka few hats a trifle mussed in.the handling. About the middle of October each year we hold a grand round-up and mark every odd hat and kt at such an ab surdly low price that the tables are swept clean in one day. Tomorrow such a sale takes place. A Grand Clean Up I $5.00 Hats for . On one long bargain counter, eon-venierttly-placed f6f easy choosing, you may select tomorrow from hats, values up to $5, for a , choice .......... . ....... 1.C3 $1.98 Strong litrcctic; Drees CouCj Stores FIFTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOC12. .' Splendid Suitings and beautiful fabrics lot gowns to be worn on formal occasions. Beau tiful, refined weaves, rich in their, simplicity and elegance. New fancy mixtures in pretty color' combinations without cvcn a suggestion of gaudiness. Just the sort of fabrics that are sure. to find favor in the eyes of Portland's best dressers. Special for Friday and Saturday. 54-Inch All-Wool Suitings In neat tailor pat terns, all the wanted gray shades in this lot; splendid $1.50 values. Special for Friday and Saturday, yard..-..;...... ,.T9 44-Inch Imported Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris Every evening and street shade in these an equaled fabrics for dressy wear $250 regular values Special, yard,,.,. ..9 t.T9 $2.00 regular values Special, yard...... .9 1.4s) . $175 regular values Special, yard.......$1.2t $1.50 regular values Special, yard....... f 1.14 Noteworthy Values in the SUk Store FIFTH 8TREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR.' This great organisation has a marvelous repu tation for selling smartest, stylish Silks at ex trmely,low prices,' and you may rest assured we are very jealous of this distinction we have so justly earned and are careful of it, Tomor row's values will add lustre to our fame and add new names to the "Silk Store's" clientele. - With raw ailk 20 per cent higher than a year ago and manufacturers planning a still further advance of from 5 to 7yi per cent, we would urge -silk buyers to take advantage of the values we offer made possible by the foresight of our' silk buyer in getting in. purchases early, .and at old prices. These ' values special for Friday and Saturday only. . , , . IN PORTLAND'S GREATEST AND BEST . SILK STORE. . 19-Ihch Colored All-Silk Taffeta The best wearing Taffeta in town at the regular price of 85c a yard; all colors to choose from, including white, ivory, cream and black. ' Special for Friday and Saturday only, yard ....94 ' Black AO-Silk Pean de Sois Radically reduced for "Friday and Saturday these rich, durable s Silks that have, no equal for richness and style-- ,s -. $2.50 regular grade Special ,at, yard. i.... 9179 $2.25 regular grade Special at, yard. 9 $2.00 regular grade Special at, yard .... . . 949 $175 regular grae Special at, yard.. .,.,91-29 Novelty Suit Silks In all wanted street colors; pretty, neat designs. Special at, yard.. ..494 Helpful Prices for Thrifty Housekeepers r; '' THIRD FLOOR. . . ' ' If buying the needed things of a worthy sort at a lessened price is to get a bargain and it ' is then this sale tomorrow is of such impor tance that the House-Furnishing Floors should be thronged "tomorrow. Note that we are as careful to exactly state the "WORTH" as the "PRICE" which makes OLDS, WORTMAN & KING bargains all they appear to be. Special for Friday. j :,, v '! $2400 DINNER SET $lt20 100-Piece Decorated German China Dinner Sets; regular value $20.00. Special, set.. ..?16.20 HA VI LAND DECORATED CHINA DINNER - . SETS.'. - ' Neat rose and spray decoration, gold-traced' handles and knobs. :. 60-piece set Special at. '....919.8S 100-piece set Special at ...... .929.29 112 piece set Special at ............931.50 CLOTHES LINE 7c 40-Foot Cotton Clothes Line Special at....T INDOOR CLOTHES LINE Sc. Indoor Clothes Line' and Hook, patent adjust ' ments, simple, adjusted in a second. Special -at, each ,.. 4 HOLD-FAST CLOTHES LINE HOOKS 4c Hold-Fast Qothes Line Hooks line adjusted any length and put up or taken down with out tieing-or untieing. . Special at. ........ 4 $1.25 CLOTHES RACK 75c Adjustable Clothes Rack, 8 arms 30 inches long; regular value $1.25. Special, each. ....... T4 35c KITCHEN BROOMS 24c . Good' Quality. Kitchen Brooms; regular value r 35c. .Special, each,., ...94 r .'. dish hops. . ; Dish Mops, regular 5c value-special at, eaeh.S4 Dish Mops, regular 7c value Special at, each. 94 A Sale of Petticoats and Aprons! SECOND FLOOR ; ' ANNEX. A mighty helpful sort of sale for the ' women folk who would save in the buying of the things she must have. The Petticoats are satine, but such a different sort from the hard usual satine! ' This has a beautiful fin ishsoft and glossy. Its new look lasts ' almost aa long as the Petticoats them- selves. 37c FOR WOMEN'S GINGHAM APROK1 ... WORTH 50c Women's Gingham Aprona, made with plain bib r with bib and ruffle extending over the shoulders; our 50c value. Special Economy Sale Price, each............. CX tl7 FOR PETTICOATS W02TII CW." Wornen'aColored Striped Petticoats of . silk-finish sateen, in tans, blu ct t made with 10-inh secure' - edied with 6-inch r' serviceable garment; ' cial at, eac'i