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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
OnZCON DAILY JOC-.JAL. PORTLAND. EVniIINO, octc: 13. izzi. - - , - ll'TOVii TC1G Toxisxrs Axvtxxxm. Maroaaat Oraad.. "Bee -Bar" "Hbertdaa" Moaleal Burlesque Baker... Kmlre.. -Lrrtc,... Urssd... Star,..:. . . nuOMt Hrrl -A Prima ar ef Ww" ....Tdniu VsseevlUs ' Lewie and Clark Observatory The treat. fair ta a thing of tha peat Tha great anowcla4 peaks surrounding tha city will UvW forever. There la bo place .-ta view these great mounUlna ta each advantage aa tha obeervatorr." which will be . open to tha public permanently. Take .Portland Heights ear. Magnlfl oaot vies .today. ,.' T., . - , ' B. P. O. Elks Tha members of Port- laad Lodge. No. 141. are urgently re. quelled, to be praaent In our lodge room . tbta evening to oonalder Important - amendments to tha by-lawe. Visiting brothers Invited, to attend,- By order ol toe lodge. John B. Coffey, secretary. ', Mrs. C. J. Owen, wife of tha manager and editor of the Evening Telegram, re ceived a telegram yesterday telling of . the. death of her mother. Mrs. N. IL bo per.- at raio juto, - wamorain. am ,8opr waa In her T4th year. 6 he re . aided for I yeara at San Jose. .- ' - Rev Mr. Lewis, pastor' of tha Sell- wooa m. to. enure n. waa given a sur prise last night by 100 of his parish, loner, who held a "town social." to whlnh aver ana llvlnar In that viclnltv waa Invited. . , . , t !' '' Article of - Incorporation of tha Jor- t. aaa uuicn a Mining company nave oeen Died In, tha county clerk's of flea. Tha capntl stoca la szee.vvv. ine incorpor ators are J. H. Mills, B. O. Patton and .Alfred N. Wetter borg. The funeral of ' tha lata John Ken- - worthy waa. held this afternoon from . tha Centenary M. E. church. Interment was in Iae Fir cemetery. Rev. Or. . lcee. , .i. .. . -'. ... Watches and diamonds $1 down and . svo fr wees, urawi awivvna on urni payment. . Xmaa la coming. Metagar Co., jewelers, opticians. 111 Sixth. Thomas W. Hoover, wbo died at Bal lard. Wash., waa brought to. Portland yesterday for burial. The funeral was from-thinning's undertaking parlors. :'. Tha hoard nf trail a oommlttaa an rlvera end harbors met thla afternoon to take up the questions relating to the deepening of the river channel. Profeaaor Rlnglera physical culture achool and dancing academy. Alder street. , Class and private Instruction. Hal n.nrl. rartii nart '' Last sreek of the big aala of palma and plants at cut prices. .1 G. Pf under, tha florist. 4:7 Washington street. " Phone Main fie. ' - Why pay 11.89 to fit for eye glasses when wo guarantee a perfect lit for lit Jdetsger uol. hi- sixth street. - To accommodate the laboring people our fire dale of palnta will, run till -t- o clock Saturday night. - .. ..... 1 HM, 1 ' Small signs mads and delivered quick) ly. Footer a Klelaer. pbona fix. II. - Frits" s ta males are tha best.. .. ' 'MANX NEW CHAMBER" v: ; V ur uuMMtnut Mtr. New members were' elected today by the Portland chamber of commerce as . follows: : . Hotel Portland. '.'. Ellis U. Hughes, lawyer; James Manner A Co., fire Insurance; Fairbanks. Morse a Co., R W. Montague, lawyer; Judge Thomas , O'Day, K. F. Cannon a Co, Oregon Iron agency, John A. Roebllng Bons company. Charlr a Kohn a Co.. New Tork . Life insurance cumpanj, vv.-ji. tmi, jew- ' eler; Oeorga W. Turner, real estate. Lester B. French, Investments; William . Reldt, capitalist; Western Land company,- E. Travis, government contractor; A. Ai courteney. manager Northern Bos 'Manufacturers agency.; 8. A. Spencer, lawyer; P. Barbeau Valla, lawyer; Alea Sweek, lawyer;, E. T. Taggart, lawyer; Jlowe Seal oompany, .The Continental company. Continental Casualty com pany; Ernst Kroner, architect; South- western Securltlea . company, Burkhart A Wcaveraon, Portland Fuel company, Valvoilr.e Oil company. Tha Keeloy In stitute. W. H. Backus a Son, contract ing and engineering; Bohemia Smelting at Railway oompany, C. A. Whale. pianos and organs; city Laundry. C W. . and V. W. Dent, brokers; A. C Jackson, real' estate. PROFESSOR PRATT IS RAPIDLY IMPROVING (Watalitftoa Barns ef The Joarnal.). Washington, Oct 1. Profesaor I. W. Pratt, principal of the Falling school of Portland, who Buffered a stroke -of paralysis last Monday evening. Is rapidly Improving. He sat up for sev eral hours today and expects to be able soon to return to his home. He came here -to attend the supreme council of -Scottish Rite Masonlo bodies. . ' aBBsB'asnwaBBBssBsiBiewaa r Milwaukie- Country CFub. " 'Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood and Oregon -City cars at First and Aider. - . , An Open Merf We want you to know that we are giving away free of any cost a much handsomer Brass Bed and Birdseye Msple Bed Room Set than the management occupy.- Don't fail to take advan . tage of this handsome gift. Oijon Importing Co. 'J. , ; 195 THIRD STREET . The Big Family Liquor Store" p i- s A ' a : We do not care how many noun is required to perform the service . N ;- 6 OS, ?tzzi : f . .This includes all articles not required to be ironed by. hand.' . . Ring us up and our wagon will call at jour home and our driver tell you V" all about it. ; ' r UTwCriLAUTiTnYCX). noon axrs ooLvam " TeL Mat SM. ALL FOR GARDAGE PIJ11T PL111 Council Unanimous In Favor of City Organizing Depart- , ment at One. , v Would be of benefit to city and people Councilman Shepherd Is Investigating Coat of Equipment Charges Prob ably Will Be Assessed According to Amount of Garbage. "The II members of the elty council are unanimous In the opinion that the city ahould take Immediate atepa to erganise . a city garbage department. The first official action In tha matter was taken yesterday when Councilman George H. Shepherd Introduced a reso lution requiring estlmatee of the cost of purchasing wagons and . horses to quip a garbage plant.' . Thla waa re ferred to tha health and police commit tee. , ... ,- . ; ; - . .. v Councilman Shepherd has communi cated with a large number of flrma re garding air-tight sheet metal wagons and has asked competent authorities re garding tha coat of horses. He la also preparing ordinances necessary to placa tha matter properly, before the city council and before the people, aa the question will have to ba submitted to referendum, in all probability at the June election. . i Although the' cost of maintenance of the department has not been discussed fully. It la tha prevailing opinion that charges should be made to business men and householders according to the amount of garbage which they have. It la thought that tha coat for handling garbage could be reduced nearly one half and atlll leave a large profit to- the city. Many of the bualneaa house pay as high aa 140 and $60 a month and several are known to pay aa high aa 1100 a month to have the refuse carted away from their stores. . . It has been suggested that tha mesas to defray the expenses of tha proposed department be ralaed by a general tax on tha people, but thla plan has been ob jected to for the reason that It la not equitable. It la said that many, of the small property-owners, aa well aa the large property-owners, would . have to pay the coat of tha department, although khey would receive little or . no direct benefit from It and that tha commission merchants whoso taxea are com para tlvely small, but -Who have tha large bulk of tha garbage of tha city, would have to pay out little. ALL REAL ARTISTS IN MME. EAMES' COMPANY -If la no uncommon occurrence for a star to carry an Inferior company. In order that he or aha may ahlna all the brighter by contrast. Madame Emma Earoes In bringing with her a company any one of whom alone In recital In New Tor a can command really as large , a tariff at the box office aa tba star. - Joaeph Hollman, the cellist, la . ac knowledged to be one of tha maatera of that Instrument. Amherst Webber, the composer-pianist, has written a great many beautiful songs, the beat known being "La Premiere." And then there Is Gogoesa, Spanish baritone, and artist to his linger tips. They will aaalst Madame Emma Eamee on her first appearance in Portland. Oc tober 10, at the Marquam Qrand, under the direction of Lola Steers and Wynn Coman. . ' , ' ' Where to Dine. Now that the rainy season Is near, the buay people are looking tor a place to lupch where the service la quick, the lands pleasing and the price moderate, 'he Prima cafe. Fifth, between Wash ington and Alder streets, has an envia ble reputation In thla respect. The pro prietor, Mr. Im C Stone, Is always pleased to meet old friends and make new acquaintances. Give the Prima a trial and be .convinced. . Both ladles and gentlemen . welcome from 11 a. m. until 1 p. m. ,.'.. X PROJECTED V , .., T . Thomas R. Sheridan 'of Roseburg Asks Council for Franchise ... Permitting Use of Streets. . . j .. SAYS ROAD WOULD EE 1 V, OF GREAT BENEFIT Line Would Run for a If ilo on Front Street, But Company Promises Not ' to Run Its Cars During the Buay Hours, ". .v""v ' - -.''' r Thorns s R. Sheridan, president of the First. National bank of Roaeburg. Ore gon, petitioned tha elty council yester day for a franchise for a broad-gauge electric railway' to extend from the southern to the . northern limits ef.the city, tba proposed Una to be the north ern section of an Interurbaa railway through the entire length . ot tha Wil lamette River valley, of which Eugene will be the southern terminus, e The petition asked permission to enter the city on Thomas street in Fulton; thence to Hood street, on -iool to Water street, on Water to Columbia street, on Columbia, to Front street, on Front to Northrup street. on Northrup to Fif teenth street, on Fifteenth to Upshur street, on which the road would end at the terminal yards. . By thla oute the road would run for a, mile on Front street. The franchise provides, how ever, that no cars shall be run On tha tracks of the company between Morrison nd Flanders streets between 7 a. m. and p. m., tha buay boura of the day. The franchise aaked further provides that construction of the road shall begin within alx montha after it la granted and cars shall be running within one year. . "I am the 'only Oregon man who la Interested In the proposed road," aald Mr. Sheridan, after the council meeting yesterday. ''Eastern capital ta back ot thla enterprise. Our first work will be to build the road from Portland to Salem and after a time extend- it to Eugene It will be a standard-gauge road, equipped somewhat after the manner of the Oregon ' Water' Power a . Railway company's Una up tha Clackamas river. "We are of -the opinion that our pro posed road fully equipped will coat in tha neighborhood of 11.190.000. We have not made tfur surveys yet. and will not do so until the city council grants the franchise for a road In thla city That la what we are now after. As soon aa we get that we will go to work." - The franchise petition was referred to the street committee. CHARIOT RACE REMARKABLE FEATURE OF BEN Every Scene in Every Act of the Marvelous Spectacle Fascin ating and Indispensable. "Ben Hur" will be the attraction at tha Marquam Grand theatre tonight at 8 o'clock contlnulng'up to and Includ ing Wednesday night. October 26. with matinees Saturday and Wednesday. -Probably tha most talked about fea ture of thla production is the great chariot race In the fifth act. A rumble la heard in the background, the hurrying clatter of horses' hoofs, and then the race la disclosed to the audience. . Tvi Roman chariots, each drawn by four horses, form the center of the mar- veroua picture. The animals, .with far stretching necks and dilates nostrils. run like mad, urged on by the whlpa of the charioteers, Ben Hur and his enemy, Mesaala. The wheels - of tha chariots rumble and away; now Ben Hur Is ahead, now Mesaala, then Ben Hur, and the race la ended. . Of the six acta and seventeen scenes. not one could be omitted. The quarrel on the housetop, tha accident of the fall Ing tiles, the arrest of Ben Hur and his family; then ..come the atlrrlng scenes In the galley and the ahlpwreck. which in any other connection would aeem melodramatic, and presently tha ex qulaltely beautiful scenes showing the Qrova of Daphne with Its sensuous charms and splendid Illusions. A mo ment of preparation - at the gateway oriirclrcM -at Antloch. and then bursts Into view the environment of the chariot race and the blood-lnsplrlng scenes already noted. Seata are now selling for the entire engagement. Re member the early curtain, I o'clock, no one seated during the first set. COMMITTEE AGAIN BOX ORDINANCES - Both Vaughn and'Cray Measures Are Referred Back, Several . Being Undecided. Again the bog ordinances have been referred back to the' liquor license com mittee to be doctored. The opposing factions In the council were afraid to have their respective ordinances voted on yesterday, aa several councilman were undecided. It waa said that the Vaughn measure had gained strength since the meeting of the committee Monday, when four members ef the committee recommended the Gray ordinance and three decided on a minority report favoring tne Vaughn ordinance. Although Council. msn Annand voted for the Gray ordi nance In the committee meeting It waa reported yesterday that he had decided to support the Vaughn raeaaure. Coun cilman' Menefee waa atlll undecided and other councilman who had not read the Oray measure declared they would not vote until they knew what.they were voting for. The provisions of the two ordinances are practically the eame, but It Is al tered that the Gray loosely constructed and would never stand In a court. The Vaughn supporters agreed to eliminate hallways from saloons and the Oray supporters deoided to exempt hotels. A1I the -ordinance' and amendments vhich have . been ' Introduced will be sifted down to ens ordinance and It la thought that at the next meeting of the liquor license committee the warfare over the box ordinance will be ended by all the members voting to recommend the reconstructed measure to the coun cil. , .'.', THREE BABIES IN A SINGLE DAY THIRTY-TWO OTHERS WILL ALSO MAKE HAPPY HOII ES. The Names of Those Who Cot Them, and Further Particulars. Sale of Exposition Pianos at the House of Eilerg Attracting; Keen Judges of Piano Values From Everywhere. Yesterday the Biggest -of All Big Days, . The word "busy" was never before more thoroughly exemplified than at the Kllera Piano House yesterday. ' Three or iuur years ago me aaie or a single naoy Grand waa an event, not only m Port land, but In any musical city. Tester day alone three beautiful Rabv Grande. valued at 17(0, SHOO and 1.000,'respec tlvely, were disposed of at Kllers piano House, in addition to which no less man nne flanola Planoa, Pianos, pia nolas and Organs found buyers; every one in the aalea department waa busy from early morn until "dewy eve," and the bla automobtlea of tha ftrea-on Auto- Deepatch Company were called In by the ueiivery aeparimeni to neip out tne three splendid outflta of the Eilera Pi ano House. , Became Excited. ; In one Instance two callera were par ticularly anxious to secure a certain in strument, and tha - second gentleman, who spoke for It a little later than the other, even offered a bonus In excess of tne aaie price to secure it. Neverthe less, he was Informed by the manage ment that thla could not be done, all pianos being marked In plain figures, and thus the Instrument waa aold to the first gentleman who had aaked for It. Thjs Is only one Instance of how quickly competent Judges of piano worth seise upon the beautiful Instruments offered at these cut prices during . this sale. 'A . y A Regular Portland Day. . Just aa our never-to-be-forgotten Lewia and Clark Fair bad Ita Urge dava and smaller days, so yesterday waa the "Portland day'1 at our establishment, no leas than thirty-five planoa, organs and Pianolas being disposed of, with several buyera delaying their final de cision. Stop and think a moment. Ellers Piano House actually sella in one day as many Instruments as some dealers, with quite pretentious establishments, too, would consider a fair yearly output. Don't you. realise how It Is that Ellers Piano House la la a position to sell each piano at a very small margin over ac tual cost? Is it to be wondered at that Ellers Ptano House can furnish a retail buyer- a good, reliable, warranted mu sical Instrument for less money than what the average dealer pays for them at the factory? Yesterday's Buyers List. A beautiful Chlckertng Baby Grand waa purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Fred' urinneil. The second Chlckerlng Qrand (style quarter grand), in fancy mahogany, went to the home of Mrs. Rudealll, in faraway Band Point, Idaho. Mrs. L. I Lootnis, a graduate of the Dierke Musical Institute, secured the tnird Chlckerlng. also a Quarter Grand. Surely, 'twaa a grand day, a Chlckerlng Grand day. " The other Instruments were secured by the following residents of Portland and vicinity, namely: Mrs. Leonora 8 her-J. F.' Bach. lock. E. 8. Wills. William Morton. J.W.Keller. Elsa StoesseL B. N. Peterson. Rice Harper. Miss Josle Ashley. Charles Faulkner. W, W. Johnston. Messrs. Miller Bros, (electric). lra.,Blodgett. U P: Waterhouse. J. E. BUyeu. Mary Brundage. Joele TrlrP Barbara Wilts. Mlsa Anna Clyde. W. C Griffith. Frank P. Liockhard. John Stephenson. . Miss Mabel Rawaon. J. Sutherland. M. Nolan. . Frank Byrnes. Miss Alice Uttle- Miss Maude E. Tay- field. ' lor. , R. L Hedrlck. - W. Clough. Mrs. W. IS. Wheelan. Jeasie E. Walker. All of Them to Go. Please bear In mind that all the many fine pianos grands, uprights. Pianolas, Pianola planoa and Orchestrelles used In our glorious Exposition, in the Ore gon. California, Maasachusetts, Wash ington, Illinois, New York, Idaho, Maine. Oriental, Y. W. C A.. N. C R. Coa and other buildings. In the success of whose social functlona they have contributed no small share, are to be closed out at Eilera Piano House at once. . All rjlanos- rented by- the commission' era and their famlllea are also Included in this sacrifice. Used Pianos for a Song. Our aaie of "exchanged" planoa will also be continued during thla special event. In tha collection mar be found upright pianos of the latest designs, of various high-grade makes, that have come to us of late In part payment for new Pianola planoa, nty grands and fancy exhibition styles of upright pla noa. Among these i used planoa may be found: v w se. vi.k.11 elegant genuine mahogany, f22; Peaae, fancy Colonial, 1286; Vose, largest else mottled mahogany. t!16; snother fine Vose. walnut, X; Wing A Son. $14i Jacob Doll, 1190: Hamilton, like new, 1171: another Hamilton, like new. tits: Btarr piano, mahogany, $200; another a, t.rn maw. I.iiriarla- la r,l else, 1 1 S3 : another, 1S1; Emerson, fancy mahogany, $200; J. P. Hale, mahogany, 1116; Newbury, Kingsbury, largest else, new, list, ana numerous otners. Good Organs, Also. Excellent narlor and Chanel organs will also be aold at this sale st leas than half price. An Eatey, I2S; ftoars- Riwhurk 121: Kimball, very fine. t48: Newman Brothera, $38. etc.. etc.; all on eaalest of easy payments. Buy Now, Pay Later. -Remember, we offer during this sale a bona fide reduction of from dver 10 to 70 per cent on the very lowest cash retail prices that these and other same grade of hlfrh-claea Instruments regu larly retail for in this or sny other city. Any Instrument in this sale may be purchased on time payments. Three veara allowed to complete the purchase at cash prices, plus simple Interest on deferred payments. Easy Payments for AD. Bearlh"mlS' that our eaay-payment plan applies to the purchase price of any of the above instruments, pay irom s to fie aown, oaiance m ine rate ui S or more each month, with aimple in terest added at I per cent per annum. Every instrument aold during ' this sacrifice sale Is positively guaranteed. Money back If your purchase Is not ab aolutely satisfactory to yourself after delivery. ..',..', Ellers piano Mouse is ins pmce, est Washington street, near corner of Eighth (Park) street. The biggest, busiest snd best' piano dealersin the quarter-blocK or nne pianos.- A TREMENDOUS CRUSH. ffceaotaeaaJ Snooess ef tke Aaotloa ef - Japanese Xxhiblta. i The grand commissioner for Japan Invited the public to attend an auction hale of tha 1300,000 exhibit made by Japaneae merchants In v the Oriental building at the )wle and Clark fair. Promptly at 10 o'clock Mr. Chaa. H. O'Connor, the famous suctloneer of Los Angeles and New York, began the wt.rk before htm. The bidding waa spirited, but tha goods sold probably brought leae than It per cent of their original cost. The aaie' will be continuing how ever, until the last exhibit has been dis posed of. The Society of Jananom Ai t Admirer has limited the-membership to 10.000, and the roster la about filled. You will have to hurry INyou get your name upon the roll of honor. Any arti- lewis m urn wzxil $300,0011 Rare, Costly, Exquisite; Beautiful Beginning at 10 o'Clock Daily ' The Society of Japanese Art Admirers, have limited their membership to 20,000. Join the society now or forever hold your peace. . , The Grand Commissioner the Oriental building. The attendance was tremendous it developed utto a crush.. Tne in novation proved a phenomenal success and will be continued until the last -one of the beautiful and costly exhibits are disposed of. J ' :. ' Call early and buy Christmas goods for 25 cents on the dollar. . f . V " ' , V 4 Beautiful Souvenirs. Exquisite YosUJlro YGirmJf ', Manager, THE ESTACADA o un or o. w. . txzormio vtH m xks xxaxt or rax rarzs oa rxx oiAoxAifAS ama. ESTACADA, C2EGCN a vomAs xeaith awd axcaxATioat axaoxx. stoaetsla etlwblDg, treat flsBlnf, to-aere alar fir park, large aaaeing paTiUea. hotel proVlded with city water Bad ehetiie llgbts, flBe kstbs. telepbOM eireet te Portland. Thousands ef eerie ef flr tor sit somese the yams city ot Estaeada, t kvlxu rxoH yoarLaxa Betes per day.. JJ" Rates per weak .$la.oe Special rlrtat. Including reasd. trip , far end dinner .v:- Special ticket, including reasd trip tare, eae sight's lodging sad tares Metis I S.M ncxrr omcx rasx axs aids sts. - L B. MARTINEZ. Manager XSTACASA, OEIOOX.. OVERCOAT FEELS GOOD - ', ' Especially when you do not have to pay a steep price for it. Good warm underwear is what makes you comfort able. A wool sweater comes in very handy. Good water proof shoes are a good pro tection from taking cold, and to protect yourself try JOHN DELLAR On quality and price. We also carry a large stock of blankets - and comforters, trunks and suit cases. We save you 20 cents on every dollar you invest . with us. We Run Two Stores Cor. First and Yamhill and Cor. Halrd and Davis ' LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STCDIO NOW OPEN POB PtTPItS. Par Iocs e end 10. 42Vt Wsahlngtea st. s tie in the exhibit will be put up et re quest and aold to the highest Diaaer. If you want . Chrletmaa presents and holiday goods 'for a song" you can have your desire fulfilled by attending these dolly auction sales. Several Building Permits. Building permits have been Issued to C. B. King, dwelling on East Twelfth street, between Tillamook and Thomp son atreets. IS.000; Frank Williams, dwelling and store at Union avenue and Atnsworth streets. ll.OOOt Ells a Root, concrete floor at 4SH ' North Sixth street. 140:' William Broeren, dwelling on Lexington street, between East Sev enteenth and East Nineteenth streets, $700; R. Larsen, ' stable on East Thirty third street, corner of Division street, M0; Mr a. W. R. Thomas, dwelling in Terwllliger tract, near Wisconsin Btreet, $110. - Repair permit has been issued , to Thompson estate, dwelling kt southeast corner Twelfth and Alder streets, $200. Free School Domestic Science. We have secured the services of Mrs. Bertha Haffner to give a free course of lectures st our store In cooking and kitchen furnishing. These lectures will be given dally at 1:10 P- mj Every one la cordially Invited. Moneymaa Hard ware company. IF YOU Bought a neer etove or range sell the old one. Toe can sell It without ad vertising aa old Iron. It you use Journal"Want"Ads you cnuld sell it aa an old stove, making a few dollars more. . HAVE Vorth of Souvenirs for Japan invited the public to Chas. He O'Conner Auctioneer, Los Angeles and Jw York., AJaPSSMXaTTS. Marquam Grand Theatre TOXfOXT AT O'CLOCK Friday. Sarordar Khthta Haturdar kUtinee Nest Itoadar. Tseedaf, WrdnewUy , Nights Matinee WedMadaj TBS SXAW A ERLASGER CO. (INC.) STUPENDOUS PRODUCTION Or General lew Wallace's' Grest Draws BEN HUR PRICES. BOTH If aTINII AND NIGHT, Me. Tie. . fi t. , fl.M. . and RIM . Curtain at 8 and 2 p. m. No on seated after the rise of the curtain on the first act. Belasco Theatre uShu atxAsoo a katzx. prof. Ptonrtoenta and Waatalnaton Hti-Mtm. X. B. Pries, Sea. Kgr. X JU ieekeU, Sea. atgr. ' " . TONIGHT AT I:1S. WHTEI SXOOBTB Will W HITTLESEY Wit the BELASCO THEATRE STOCK CO., Presenting E. H. Bothrrn's tannt, first Tine la Portland. Sheridan, or the Maid of Bath" Ergs.. SSe s TSe; Msts. Sat.. Sua.. J5e te SOe, : Next Wsek WHITE WHITTLE8BT la PRINCB OTTO.'' Orsgea Theatre Co., Leans, See. lm Baker, Kgr. . Psoas Mala 190T. Yamhill a n thiru street". THE HOME OF MI'HH'AL Bl'RI.ESQUS. . EVERT NIHHT THIS WIL.. MATINEE SATURDAY. , ;-. BTaX SXOW SIBXS. Mostly girls .with lmlr fsres sad fnraM snd a.-anmber ef eonedlasa throws la to BMk s giod sirasur. ' PRKBJt ETenlng. Be. Sfte. Me: TV. ' Ron. day and Sstarda matinees. 10c, B5r. Me, Ms. Wedimdsr matinee, tftc tn sny seat. NEXT WEEK "Tee Jolly Grass - Widow." Empire Theatre Twelfth Menisai Pkeae Hals 117 ' MILTON W. REAM AX. Masager. EVERT NIGHT THIS WEEK. REGULAR MATINEE SATURN-AY. S:1C P. M. KLIMT A GAZZOLO-S Hoauatlo CVHawdr, "XOKXST BXARTt." ALMA HEARN As "Pad's Oel Girl" A Brilliant Ceapsay nnppnmng ine veienraim ubmhiih, PRICES Erenlng. ISc. 23c, Soe and Me; tin, 10c. ISe and X.V. Neat attraction- h dramatic nana at Ion. "WHY WOMEN BIN." RECREATION PARK. Owner Ysagaa sad Tweaty-fearta. Portland vs. 5a n Francisco v ADaniRION. Ms. OCTOBER IT, It, 1, SO, tl, t. ORANPHTAND, . (HILPREN. IBe. Bos tickets and it Md seata oa sale at bos offlrs. Dsllr. S:I5; Bundsr, t:BO. . THE STAR Osettrlgkt sad tea Alien Sisters Ida kassetl Powers aad frsed Harry Ollatea gawyer Fraak Oeafer General adatiasioa, 10c; reserved ' seats. SOr. Pally matin., lue to any seat except braes. Box seats. EM. Bnadsya sonflnnoas, 1:80 I. 10:45 p. at. THE ,QRAND The Great Saat.ll - a La Meats 4 Xrsea sad Sogers Beasis TsaaemOl Wiasate Prod Partatoai Orandiaesae Oenerel sdmlssloa. 10c; raasnsd t.sts, toe. Pally Biatlnet. Its) tn sny srst except boxes. Bos seats. Ke. Bandar eontlauons. I SO to 10:eg . Si. LYRIC THEATRE WXXX ITARTINO MONDAY. OCTOBER 1. A PRISONER OF WAR . A Thrill lug Awsrlasa Wa Drts. Adailasloa 10 Oats. Reservee Beats. SO Cents. Clarcmont Tavern Finest Road house in the West. r Ajsova re-m beaxyajtd csuoxxxf. BPXCIAX Northern Paclllo Puget Sound Limited leaving Portland daliv at 4:0 p. m. stops at Claremont. - Re turning (aame train) leavea Claremont at iv:o p. m. .. Voice Production fisnofnrta. Pipe Oriran, Harflaonr a4 Ccmrnwl. ttoo. ntedto ot f REPCRICX . eOOPRiCal, &ao Belsmit street. I'hnn. Raat BlAA. Miss Edith Kelly PVrrerv of rhlcno, VIII receive plane pUphS ".. V"rr-m Street. , -I mm and Inimitable an auction sale yesterday at; Memorials FURNISOirJGS THE etcetera here means the many little things in dispensable and dear to women's hearts. - Silk and wool waists, silk and mer cerized petticoats, muslin underwear, belts and girdles, corsets, hosiery, - neckwear and umbrellas. We. .show only new, up-to-date and de pendable goods. More sat isfaction in selling that kind. Then there's the credit fea ture. Prices are no higher than cash stores charge in many instances lower. " Buy something here and have it charged, and youll see for yourself how , simple ' this credit plan is. ; t WILL BUY Y0U2 CL01TIS EASTERN oiiiiim'GCO The Store Waere Tw OredH Is wood WASHINGTON AND TENTD STREETS W Almost FAny one tieri-1 tic each hie fi EYE- . SIGHT, yet inanj ake the enormous risk of losinf it day after day. by using en inferior fitting glass or no glass at all when a few moments with a skilled optician would remove un u"i " ( best lense made and fitted by none but graduates, see The lows Jrr '