Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
mMm HICRO uni fMW OUABS f x.oo , Soaps i Physicians and Surgeons per tiki,,, -.4711 Almond Soap, per bar .......... Williams' Shaving Stick ............ WUltami' Luxury, beat shaving cake mad, par caka Llojuosone Shaving Stick, each ....... 'io's Egg-tar Shampoo Boa p. par caka Satin Skin, perfumed or medicated. V pa? caka ...'.f. '. Going's English Dos Soap, par caka...' Spratt's Dog Settp, per oeka ...7 ' Llsterl Dog; Soap, par eaka .......... '. m aoz or mil dak Savon Lettuce Eutaska . ' ... .;.'... ..,.. 'Klrka 'Transparent Glycerine Regal Oatmeal, Honey or Olyoerlna... English Oatmeal .....'.'.............. Witch Hasel Complexion ... .. .'. . . . ... Wild Looust Honey ............ j if y Queen .jg ........... . "... .. .... , . .. ' ' , 0B xaM snronv. :. :.; -: "-i ; '" ' " Lava, per eaka . Pumice, per caka , J . . ........ Cofton, unequalled for washing alike, V. per. cake ...r. ...... Grandpa's Wonder, per caka ........,. Ruby Glycerine, per cake ............ t Black Prince Tar Soap, per cake..;.. Kleen Ey Scoura but don't scratch, . par caka ' Ivory (laundry also), per cake ....... Reg. ISo loo to , "lo ISo ' lee 1 so as,'';' Reg. tic i5c 250 tto 15o 15o 16o 100: Reg. lo . lOe ", . ' 10e to . le . to lOo peelaa, .... 94 94 194 194 194 16a) .' .' V 120 A- 94 I . Special. t4 A 16a) 16a) ': ,' 16 Oa) ,0a) ; Special. 6a) . " 6e) "3 a) 3a) Wines and Liquors; A A. - 'r.;; Reg. Special. Dewar's Scotch Whiskey 1. II 9T Fisher's Old Bourbon Whiskey $1.28 3 fisher's Pure Malt Whiskey.......... 5c 794 Wilson's Whiskey. ................... $1.18. ; 98 Fine Old Muskingum Whiskey, per gallon . fv. $4.50 $)3.87 Old London Dock Jamaica, Rum. quart. $1.25 974 Baronne Cognac . quart -.. ...$1.50 61. lO Officinal Port Wine, quart ............ 75c , 72a) , Welch's Grape Juice, quart ........ .7 R0c.-. 42 81lert Old Bauterna ................. EOo .,, , 944 TTTTDA KAKBS TWM j XJUe.VX.V MOW US . CTTMS PAJTDBUT .................... .fl.OO Thursday . ;. and y ; Friday, Soaps Household Drugs . Brushes Leather ;- . ; Stationery Rubber Goods PhotoSupplies Gut Glass . r ; ; Liquors v Toilet Paper Sundries Etc:, Etc. Oct. 120 IF YOU ARE TOO BUSY TO GET; DOWN TOWN DURING THESE TWO DAYS PHONE YOUR: ORDER TO PRI VATK WVrHANGE 11 OUR FREE D15T.IVKRY WILL DO THE REST.-. v MUSIC Afternoons and Evenings - Tine ehestoala f or . analytioal work ' aaA chemical glassware of all aorta amg desorlp- Household Drugs Wood Alcohol, pints Wood Alcohol, H gallon ............ Epegm Salts, pound (P. W. Carton), tream Tartar, pound ................ Borax.. Powder or Lump . . Bicarbonate Soda , . Mothballs, pound ..................... Bay Rum, ox. ............ '., Rose Water, t. oa. Rose Water and .Glycerine, C oa. ..... 9rycerlner ox. Spirits Camphor, oa. Castor OIL oa. Sugar af Milk. 'pound ............... .Boracio Acid, pound 1-pound can Chloride Lime ?hoaphate Soda, pound' ... Powdered Alum, pound....... iulphur, pound Choice Bird Seed, pound Bird Sapd. pound Reg. IGc 78o ' 15o-' 40c . 10 10c loo 25o . $50 26C 25o 2Bo ' 25o $60 40o 15o ' 10c lOo lOo 13e 69e 64 294 S4 50 94 1&4 13a) IBs) 17e 16 13) 27e) 294 194 12a) . H4 94 74 94 'Louwelsa and Birmingham Jardinieres " Reg. pedal. Beautifully decorated, useful Orna-' . . menta for the home, several alses and designs ..5c to $1.25 . 994 And v tl.60 to $1.85 88e Cut Glass mare and BeantUol Pealgaa ATI Bcw lately rerfeot, . ' ' : i. . ' . Bury Bowl ......... i ....... . ..... . . $4.50 Water Pitcher ,...$7.50 H Dosrn Water. Glasses ....$5.50 H Do win Water Glasses,. '.....$3.60 H Doaen Water Olaases ..'....,..... $$.00 Nappy 6 Inch ". $2.00 Nappy Inch ......$3.(0 aad Abac 63.36 66.15 63.75 61.98 86.75 81.55 62.5 Sundries . Reg.' Saginaw Wood Toothplcka . 6c 3 Japanese Hardwood Toothpicks, w. . . 6o 6 Matted .Pictures, 3sl0, 100 subjects, each . $(o - r '.:; Dutch Pictures, colored, ea oh. ........ lo . S passepartout Indian Picturea, colored, ' each , : $ So - ,. . ' 3 Ballet Girls' Plotures, colored; each... 2 So. .3 Wood . Postcards, Portland and Pair ' Views . .' lOo German Hone, with Soapatone rub... too Celluloid Tooth Brush case . .", 2 So Miaalon Wall Kloka ..$176 Reg. Klondike Toilet Paper, pkg., per doa..$1.00 Home Toilet Paper, per doaen ........ (Oa .German Alcohol Gaa Stoves .......... 4 So 'Fine Whlek Broom 30a .Fine Whisk Broom - 16e Three-arm Nickel Towel Racks 15o for 104 for 104 ' "is for 254 114 for 20a) 15 for 294 194 tot 294 -! 94 994 174 81.20 peeiai. 794 974 274 114 94 94 Canadian Money Taken at Par , Wma elaatfa a4 flse leatkar wrlstbaaas, : aaklefa aaA ksee oapa fw spraias, atralM aaA Uralses. ; u . '., .,. ,- - Leather Reg. SpeelaX Ladles' Hand Bags, new and nobby.... $1.00 Ladles' Hand Bags, Horned Alligator, " ' new Venetian handle .$4.50, $7.00 '..':'". : . .; . $$.o 'A? .... ; - ' : $$ Assorted Pursea, ' seal, snake and wal- , i rua, values to .'.$1.00 Assorted 'Pursea, values to, each ..... (be Baby Calf, natural akin purses, new4 . and handy ............... ,.. 60 ' ,"' " S$) per cent ajaeiamt am mt enttxe stock af 994 85.95 86.75 87.89 194 15e) SrUaka. Rubber Goods : . "' Reg.' Red' Rubber. . rapid flow. .Fountain .Syringe, I quart .$113 Red Rubber, rapid flow. ..Fountain' Syringe, 3 quart $3.7( Hot Water Bottle, 3 quart .......... .3L20 Hot Water Bottle, S quart ..........$1.40 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe ......$$.(0, Combination ' Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, 4 quart ......... $2. 46 6197, 81.87 61.97 994 61.03 62.75 Popnlur Prices WOOBARD, CLARKE' & Fourth and Washington Streets (CO. I First Qaaliiy mono BAaroBim' ... KA . r- 61.U Photo Department Seneca. 3x7 ... Seneca, ttiSH Seneca, $sl ...... Reversible back. .613.5.9 .614.50 ............ .flSiVS Double 'awing. All modem. Flneat mahogany.. Cannot be equaled for on fourth more. .'-; .- .'.' . . f . ' '.. Century,. 4z(.bregular $2$ 00,' for... .615.00 Century. 4x6, resrular $$0.00, for...... ...... 62O.0O Century, 45. regular $41.00, for. A.... ...-630.0O Pony Premc A. regular $10.00. for... ....... $15.00 Century Srareo, finest made, regular $ . 650.00 Century Stereo, regular $16.00. ....... ....825.00 Eastman Cartddge Kodaks, regular $$(.00..825.OO Eastman Cartridge Kodaks, regular $20.00.. 812.0O Eastman Bullaeya No. 4. regular" $23.50. ... .812.00 . Century Petite, regular $26.00 .-6120 Eaatman'a Panorama No. 3, regular $10.00. . 67.00 t Alviata. Panorama. 46, reguUr $15.00... ...612.00 Poco Double Plate Holders, 67, regular net ' price $L26; our price tomorrow ...... ... 75a) One Tklrd Off ea ala U yaw Jnaaj tronbto wttk ye o dsveeoptmg an ysislar. Stationery r ; :s - :. '""''.',.'' Re -Souvenir Tableta .................... 35c Kioto Bond Papeterlea ...... ......... - Nut Bowl (ready for burning)....... Me ; Fine' Linen Paper and Bnvelopea 60o 17e 5et 994 Brushes ' . ' v '''''..'. Xea Genuine' French Staghorn Military, pair . .I4.M fl.06t Solid Back Ebony Military, pair.. ....$5.60 83.55 11-Row Solid Ebony Back Hair B..... 31.60 - 994 Bona handle NaU Brush, aide bristles. 36e 194 -Row Hardwood Back NaU Brush.... 25o . 18 3-Row Long Bristle Cloth Brush $1.60 984 Soft BrlsUa Hat - Bruah, - eeUulold i '. handle . ..a......... 39t inoBO 360W .... ....... ........ 81.00 TOOK FIRST PHOTO III 0REG0I1 The tats Peter Brttt of Jackson ville'Was Pioneer Photog rapher-of '-State. WAS FIRST TO CROW FANCY WINE CRAPES Demonstrated Adaptability of Oregon ,' Soil to Semi-Tropic Fruit Played ' Leading Part in the Development of Rogue River Valley. ' A 1 (epeelsl tHasstek to Tie 3earaal.) ' Medford.' Or., (Oct. il$. Linked with the eerly history of Oregon, a leading figure among tha pioneers of the Rogue -rtver valley waa Peter Brltt who died fat Jacksonville October 3 at the age of (7. Among all the early aettlers it . is doubtful If any were more closely identified with the early life of the aoutharn part of the atate than he. Born In the historic town of Obatalden in Conton Glarua, Swltserland. March 11, .1813, he came with hla father to High land, Illinois, In 1(64, where he followed the occupation of portrait painter for . five year a. taking up daguerreotyplng in 1347. In 1(63 the returning "Forty nlnera" determined htm to remove to the Pacific coast, and after an .eight ', months' trip with ox team, via, the Fort Hall route and Portland, he arrived at Jacksonville . In . the fall of that year. i where he made hla home untH . hla death. With an intermission of- soms yeara, when he waa engaged An freighting from Crescent City to Jacksonville, lie fol lowed the occupation of portrait painter and photographer for 60 yeara, and had in hla gallery at the time of hla death the -moat complete line of pioneer por traits, historical scenes and acenlc views in the state. ' . To hire belonged the - distinction of having taken the first photograph on 1w f ' y ,i i i '.A -AK K . " ' t ' Peter Britt. paper ever taken in the state. The sub ject was the late Judge Moaner. Thla occurred in l $58. and for a generation afterwards Mr. Brltt had the moat com plete photogrsph'lc'"apparatue aouth of Portland. ' He secured a , fairly good photograph of Crater lake aa early aa 1874. - v . - He aurrounded hla home on the eleva tion hack of Jacksonville, from which point Is had one of the flneat vlewa on the Rogue river mountains, with a col lection of rare plants, shrubs and trees. Including palms, lemon and , orange trees, giving It the aspect of a semi- tropical park. To him more than to any other man belonga the. credit of having Introduced intq southern Oregon - the many vartetlea of wine and table grapes for which this section is noted. Realising that a section adapted to so many varieties of choice fruits, and blessed with ao fine and equable climate waa destined to be thickly peopled in the future; Mr. Brltt acquired title to a large amount of choice land and at the time of hla death was one of the leading landholders of the valley. - Cor. Stark and Fifth Streets Phone Ualn (499 ; THE QUALITY, STORE , , IMional Wine Co. All Whiskeys bottled at distilleries or in bond, sold everywhere else at $1.50 per quart bottle.. Always sold here, . J J This is the season of the hot toddy and the "hot lemonade with whiskey in it." When good whiskey is used the effectiveness of either remedy can never be doubted. NATIONAL Q." O. Pure Rye Whiskey, guar-. anteed 8 years old. Gallon. $3. Quart. .. .90 LC. Fine Bourbon Whiskey, guaranteed 8 years old.- Gallon $3. Quart....... ...... 00 , FREE DELIVERIES SAYS PEOPLE 00 NOT RULE Professor Zueblin Declares That Lincoln's Democracy Is a Myth Today. . SPEAKER IS IN FAVOR OF MANUAL TRAINING Lecture Under Auspices of Chimber of Commerce Is Able and Interest ing, But Poorly Attended Another Will Be Given Tonight "The people of America are losing their grip on democracy,' said Professor Charles Zueblin of the University of Chicago, in the course of a lecture in the Firat Presbyterian church last night "Lincoln's definition of government, by the people, of the people and for the people. Is a very small part of democ racy, and even it la a great deal of a myth in America today. Government by the people, of the people and for the people does not exlat in any American community today." ' " . Democracy waa said to be. In its pure rorm, liberty, equality and fraternity. The speaker handled each of these with characteristic force and fearlessness. Professor Zueblin declared that "there are some people of this progressive day who were ao heedleas aa to fight the department store, trust and labor union." He hailed these great organising move ments as the dawn of better thinga for the phople aa a whole. ' Should Teach Children to Work. ' In the matter of education. Professor Zueblin uttered thoughta that would give the old school convulsions. He spurned the old mockery that every American youth might be president, and aaked feellngsly If It waa not the duty of society to tench that the great ma jority of our people must be workmen. "They will be so, they must be so, and why. do we not prepare them best for doing what they are surely destined to perform T" aaked the student. This Introduced the thought that a modern school which did not teach pupils to use hand andye waa an abuse. In the old days, when boys and girls had to work at home, they learned from their parents how to use both hand and eye; learned the dutlea of the woman at home and the dutlea of the men" In mastering nature. At present the order Is changed somewhat, and unless boys and girls are taught how to use their handa and eyes by the schools they en ter upon life badly handicapped. , , Aadfeaec Ssaall. " ". ' Professor Zueblin lectured under the auaplcss of the chamber of commerce, his subject being "The Training of the Citisen." He was introduced by Mayor Lane. This evening Professor Zueblin will speak on "The City of the Future." In thla he will unfold the essence of mu nicipal economy, and tell what modern cltlea are doing and should do to bring the greatest good to the people. The lectures are being, delivered with n charge to the public. NO SECTS NOW AMONG JEWS, SAYS DR. WISE The first meeting of the study class of the council of Jewish women yester day afternoon waa devoted to prepara tion of the course to be taken up thla "7 - ' V- " W - .A' . BHOEB FOB ALL WEAR ( ..-J IKS I mt, s u t TlThurlnf this Immense line for fall and winter, asp a. rial ear was zsrelssd tn salactuuj shoes adapted 10 this elimate. The popular priced shoes were saade Mosr order .and . made to Whether jreahvyihe Lyra priced or a Land. sene Oe. shoe, yon get the best shoe the prioe von pay wiu gat sarwnere. bert TCIIS shoe sho wxi abort is a patent colt drosf shoe with welt loles. It It it ONE of the many smart models we show in shoes priced at..... FULL A LI 283-85 lIORRISOlf 8T $3.50 seooeiMM Meeee mimmmmmmmm """ mw To Astoria and Ocean Beaches on mm Mime The Day Boat Down the Columbia Learet daily from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A.M. : CaH op MAIN 613 x Itt-t-TT'TTTTTTTTTtTtTTU tttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttlMMMMMMIIMIMM winter on Jewish sects. . Dr. Stephen S. wise, who will ditect the clsss, em phasised In an Introductory talk that sects among the Hebrews have prac tically paased out of existence and that the atudy of them will deal altogether with past history. 1 (,.. i -- Mrs. Minnie Altman read a paper on "Tha Samaritans" and traced them from the reign of Solomon to the present day, when there are only a few scattering colonlea of ' them remaining. - Dr. Wise said that a band had recently settled in Texas. . . , Other sects to be studied through the year are Onoatlca, Easenes.' Pharisees. Badducees. Karaites, Myatlce and Kab- ballets, Franks - and Chassldlm. The council proper has published Its winter program of study aa follows: November 1, ' Prominent Knguen jews In the Nineteenth Century." Miss Sophie Relnhart and ' "Current " Events", by Mrs. A. Fox. December S. "Dreyfus." by Miss Boskowlts; "Current Events." by Miss Mae Hlrsch. February 7. "The Ieason of Oberammergau," by Mrs. Max Hlrsch; "Current Events," by Mrs. Em manuel Slchel. March 7. "Kindergarten Work. " by Mrs. M. Fried: "Current Events," by Miss Ella Hlrsch. April 4. "Some Nineteenth Century Jews of Ger many." by Mrs. M. Baruh; "Current Events."- Mrs. Cnarlea Stern. ' Cheated Death. 1 Kidney trouble often ends fatally, hut by choosing the right medicine, E. H. Wolfe of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He eaya: "Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caueed me afreet ruin, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electrlo Bitters, which effected a com plete cure. I have also found fhem of great bene lit In general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on hand since, aa I And they have no equal." Skidmore Drug Co., 1S1 Third street, -guarantees them at S0o SNOW COVERS THE MOUNTAIN PEAKS Never Was the Colombia River Environs, at This Season, So Picturesque as Now, And Our Daily $1.00 Excursions- to Cascade Locks and : Return Afford unparalleled opportunity to enjoy their exquisite beauty. The atmosphere is so clear that distance is nothing to the view. The foliage, too, appears as a million paintings before the eyes. . CAPACITY 090 PABSHNOBRS Dock'Foot of Oak Street sri3& l?Kgl STEAMED? ft. ADMITTANCE' FEE FOR EJtPOSITION GROUNDS BEGINNING THIS BATE 'Is to be charged those going to the American Inn at the Inn entrance. v The big sals of furnishings is taking place and the cars will continue to run to the Inn entrance during the sale. Come and inspect goods and see what a great, opportunity la offered for judicious purchases. Eids for the building will be received by the manager, Mrs. J. "T. UcCready.l A&irtzi American Inn, Portland, Oregon, for hsU particulars. a V