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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1905)
PA(S313T0 2i PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING.! j SEPTEMBER 17, X&C5. A Crut Spcctil Ibi4r Sale t 31 cr::rroN veils 'V-fi For 48c: - VeUiag Oouates-JTIrat rioar. rrnyrtilo'iiiJ beauti--fully fetching new. Chif fon .Veils, tu lVi-yard - length., , all colors - and . Mark or white some plain, 'others-1 in dotted designs. Our regular , It value m f. ; special at. fk Uf . , ..,.... ,. ... iTTrvJ V : Clsrp Opens, oa. a. euro C:rsc3 ct 0 P.O. C!rro, Opens !ci O A. 'VTi:3 .; FCnZC3T- DSPARTCZIST MOUSE 7COT OP O I! I OAQO. . . 1 . i j" ' 1 . . . : ' ii .ri. -SHOP TALK ON MONDAY BARQA1N TOPICS CSeroCIsssa CIOP.L3. iiouon rcoT or on i o aq o ' MONDAY'S 8TORB DOINQ8 'yfiftu 4 ':) .Vv.v t' ' '"' TEACH YOUR BOY TO V"HIT THE NAIL V SQUARELY ON THE I HEAD". THE . REV. EDGAR P.-HILL ' A ; gentleman known and ' respected all . over America and particularly beloved by ' Portland folk, amonff whom he has dived for-a decade tf year, a faithful nastor and a manly friend. rwho iabot to- take well-earned - vacation from the strenuout labor that he loves, ,aid the other' dav: ' "I belie v heartilv av-Aianual Training, for it is iny conviction that when a Doy nas learned TO HIT A NAIL, SOUAKb LY ON:THE HEAD IT WILL BE EASIER TO DO THE SAME THING WHEN IT COMES TO INTELLECTUAL AND MORAL THINGS.", And Dr. Hill is ft father. The teaching of the elementary Studies, such as Reading, Spelling, Arithmetic 6eography,-Phyt ica. Chemistry, etc., are all taught in their broad est sense in the American Manual Training . School course. This- school 'does' not aun to make carpenters or cabinetmakers of its pupils, but by emphasizing the other studies an the pupil's regular school work, teaching him-th PRACTICAL APPLICATION' of the knowl edge he gets from his books, and giving him all 'rourd development mentally, physically and morally 1 that, will make 7 him ' i STRONG, BROAD, MANLY MAN. - : . : . .... ":-v- : : r,'.: THIS STORE WILL GIVE THREE FREE SCHOURSHIPS IN THE AMERICAN V MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL Th three scholarships we have secured will be awarded dnThanksgiving. day, to .the .three It. i voting iiliit jtw vote will be issued with every 25-cent purchase., uaiiot-boxes are distributed conveniently about the. store, as in former contests.' and the three boys or girls receiving the largest number of ; votes betore O p.- m. of Wednesday, November 29, will each receive A FREE SCHOLARSHIP, WITH ALL TOOLS AND BOOKS NEEDED IN THE COURSE. ; . v Another Glad Report of Un usual Values the Linen Store and . .... .. ,. -r -;--.JS. Domestic Aisles . . . . -.'. First Floor. '. Tht few Item. w. quote sr. th. illustration of thi. . Important Autumn 8a lev- You'll ' find - th. ; savlnsa in every case worth while; Uats OMki Mi Tea" Cloths vn d bnnivy" . llnen-flolah tiger , cloth, plain hemstitched,- sis. xtO.. Special at, ech.,.,....,..,.t,t,,.88a Bearf. fot'tks Dreader Mematltched and fancy . drawn work, else I9x4S. Special at, ., ... 1 " each..,..., ........ ..j...... .....B9 and T SO. Doille. 4eo About SO .dosen Alt-Linen rrlnaed Dolllfs, allghtly spiled;, rpg-ular, value 10c Spe cial, the doacn.. . ..484 Xaek Tewele too Extra ylht-All-Linen Huck Towel., large else.- Special at, each .20 tanaa Bosaia Oreah 1040 Heavy AU-Llnen Ruoaia - Craah, IS Inohe. wide, soft and abeortena flpe clal at, the yard....... . .... ........12H Tael. XJnea alemaaata Remnants of Table Linen ' - and odd half dosen Napkin, at 1s;reatly reduced , ' prlcea, ..''. .... . 1 t .. .......... v ... ......,;.'-.. ew rail riaaaeta Fall "Flannels, .-In white.- env.. broldered, onlloped"' and hemstitched effect.; , values at, the rd... 65 T5 aaa 8B Walte Aafora Oloasiag For opera, eapea and' chll- dren's coaja, 14 Inches wide; value .t. tha.V , yard ,.. . ... . .. . . ... . . .v t. V.9.S0 " eatlag riaaaal 109 piece. Llcht Medium, and , Dirk.Dtttini riannelt. special ai, the yard.. 5 Just received Knottier shipment 'of, new' Plaid ; Waletlnca,tntterna cf all the different clan. See ' them. -'''." AUTUMN ACTIVLTYi APPARENT jH RO' EVERY AVENOE OE rf hi Cvn PP A T QTVI P QTilD P " the rua force of wokderful values is jurxedjor in every, ' IaQ lAKC V SECTION OF, PORTLAND'S GREATEST AND FOREMOST STORE! . - ' . . " TT : " 1 ' 1 ' . . ' I . . 1 . . - ITH the cooler days of this delightful month of September comes renewed cUvhV'evenrwhere. and nowhere' more than at this store: riot , that .we relaxed our vigor in the minutest degree thro' .the wanner monthsfor never in the history of the store' have we been to busy but the ' -. ! mA C-Ui i.--HAV. Af J., a. 1 : :-u 1 1 1 1.-: a -.1 - .1 ; ' r , e 1 . v . . . . .-. , vwi iiv iuiu( uihui wi atuiuiuu uruiga wiui i m auuiuiwui uiu m ucauiv i.u ptuitgc aucw mw U1C scnous UUUCI 01 UIC aula DUSiness. :' W1UI VS- : cations over there are months of work ahead. Everybody is getting ready for business again, the youngsters are preparing for the opening of school, elders v are coming back to the homes many have deserted during the summer months, reopening and renoVatingr them for, the season of fall and winter festivities ' ahead. The season of social activities is right upon us. WE CAN HELP ALL ALONG THE LINE. Fresh , stocks of . merchandise, gathered from every quarter of the globe, are coming in daily; most of them are already here complete. Our customary early a utumrV special sales have begun al ways occasions of great interest, and this year more so than ever. - KEEP IN DAILY TOUCH WITH THE STORE. Only a small fraction of the' hosts of special values arranged for MONDAY shoppers are printed today more will be told of in the papers of tomorrow, and still more will remain untold I JSil you.reach the store, where your WELCOME will be hearty whether you come as buyer or sightseer. ; y ' , r - f . , - , ; v, ' TXT vv , HANDKERCHIEFS : for Everybody less ; faan Usual to Pay : ,V.: ' FIRS? FliDOR 8H0F8. ItHe voi kixsa, 4-- aUSDDBOXIiri -A- ; worn so. , : , ladle.' . Fine Sheer Pure Linen Initial Handker chief. manufactured , by th. famou. Rleh . . ardaon - ManufacturlnaT- Co. vnd , imported by u n. direct from Ireland. "f ; Very-1 dainty bandker-. . ehlef. and our SOo val , u.. . Special a t -. at, each...... itVJi. 'TIS A FIGURE, MILADY! An Exposition of Autumn Fashions Authorized by the Dame Herself .- .. nr m obajto saxoars noon xooa (..-, ....... . . - ' And Jmperlou. Dam. Fashion has ' tsaued , mandate, that hark u. back to th. days of ; the reign of th. Empire at th. Court of Loula XV.- The accompanying H luatra tlon. -. drawn by a leading eastern faahlon artlat. la an authoritative' chart of fashion, for th. pres ent aeason's gowns. . Word come, from Pari. ' that Paquln ha. aucceeded In reatorlng th. dreaa of the reign of the Empire Francis haa introduced the' short Emplr. coat Beer la. making ahort Boleroa Doucet, ahort skirt. and Drecoll. Jacket, and the Loula .XV. rtyle with waiatcoata of embroidery In old taoeatry color.. Hundreds of modela: without question the most comprehensive showing of th. time, in all the west i. at thl. -tore. Thl. la to be expected. No .tor. In Portland, no .tor. in 'Frisco, no ator. west of Chicago few .tore. In America have such complete assortments of the 'new and abaolutely correct In dree, ready to wear aa the OLDS, WORTMAN KINO Store. We have the reputation for .bringing out every aeeson more new ana accepi.Di.-laeaa tnan any otner western garment hpuse.- Her. ia-a atore- ..positively unique in th. personnel or It. managerial and selling forie and Its satisfactory service to th. public and It 1. th. largest garment .tor. west of Marshall Field'. Chicago .establishment. . On .very aide in th. monster Salon, of Dress on. I. Surrounded with new Idee. In dree, and parta of dress shown for the first time In th. city. Associate the garment, of thl. .tor. with custom fitting. Every garment bar. I. In the height, of fashion. 8e the new aleevee, theaew ollara. th. trimmings, the newiyoke, the new beltelffecti and the new embroideries. . ' -' .. s.,- -. .( ; . -. . , ; ytfeThe Particular Suit You Look Best In Awaits :; v- Your Call Here and Inspection Tomorrow I ? ; Maybe th. particular suit that best atrikes your fancy will be one of those cut. and 'natty ahort Bolero or Jacket sty lea , Theae are to be aeen in sU the new season's favorite' colorings, strapped, stitched and diversely trimmed according to th. best taste dictates. Also an tramena. and varied aseortment of those long and graceful fitted ooat . suits which must be awarded th. "palm thl. season for precedence lri style.- Redlngotea, Eton, and Jacketa suits aU find favor In .j'asniona .yes. l nese smart costume, are being ahown In varloua shades of -gray, Diue, rea.- tan, green, brown, purple and black. Mannish t atyte. attract many aweu aressera; paaaoca. ana boxy eriect. are popular. Th. price range is wiae. .. .......... ....; rpl. and black. Mannish . atyte. attract .r...$I2.50 to $175 Superb. New Lingerie Waists Hay. arrived. - Magnificent "hand-mad. creations. Prices run fronf tf sw t ft itn Insn. In tlie sTlOWTilgs. , .. ;v - : - .... ... - . . Women's New Coats Overwhelming assortment, and wide choosing .in the great convention of New Fall Coats. Three-quarter and full lengths. Serges, broadclotha, chevlota. coverts, tweeds and . fancy snannlah' mrxtnre. share. In popular favor. All th. favored, shade, and coloring Choose from the "simple and pleblan garments, yet full of style a. a nut In fulf.'of.meat. at 17.50, or run along up th. price acale to the patrician, at 1186. Stop where yoa will at the In-between price atatlona, you'll find her. each garment beat at it. respective' price fn America. . . - c ' z' ' i: ; ' - a' : ' "' ... ' ' ; ,;4 Children's New Fall Coats . - . tl, r ' ' - . V'; v:' '-' - Very .mart and natty garments, long, and graceful, made of sturdy materials, including .ergo, cheviots and fancy mixtures, Coats for-girls from to 11 year, of ago. ... . , j ' .v.;.' . . ... .. . 4' Rich Neck Furs The largest and finest assortment of Superb Neck Fur. ever shown by any on. Portland house. . Thejlnes are too varied for description in detail. Suffice to say.- an me very newest idea, or America's leading fur bquaea engaged In manu- laciunng nign-ciaa. rur .garments ana ' wraps. Sables, Isabella fox. black marten, mink, squirrel, ana Dear. .....,....,. ...... v.. .,,.. . . ur nquae. engaged in menu- $2.50 to $175 h 'K "Handsome Autumn ' Ribbons TwsVsaaWfsl T Sacdsovatriasr $ Our kaadaoa. fan lorae. "Tae Book af Quality ta saw ready.. This Mtatecaa eoatalas aver sSOOt Ulaaw ' trattpnav aad saosa tsaa io 000, dewkriptloaa of - tas Baerebaadlse : of - taallty sold by tals siora, - Taa U. tastzatloaa aaow - taa very ' aeweat styles . , la weaitaa . appatal for .. imfaata, saaa aad. soya took Is a reliable borers' ; gald. aa4 win aar. aay ' f asaUy ssaay dollars U tbey will aaa it la ordsrlaa; ay af-towm folk ealy. aa year asm. aad address. , Out-of-towa visitor, ara lavlted to eaU at taa store : v 35c and 45c Ribbons for 25c . Tomorrow moralng ws .offer two great Ribbon .Specisls. - .',,, -,v , '. .,-:' i One lot of Brand NewTaffeta Rlbbona'S and 1 v Inches wide. In white, black and all colors; our I So . and 5o values. SpecUl at. th. yard. .2BeV . 40c to 65c Ribbons for 25c r A lot of Beautiful Rlbbonsjo, Roman stripes.-shaded effects, polka dots snd an endless variety of . Fancy Ribbons; our 40c, tOc and 6o valuea Spe ' clal at, the yard.. ..25a Tl "Open Door to China Discloses Many : Economies! miD noo: ; - STIRRING VALUES ,N r - " New a jri d Handsome Fall Silks Months of earnest effort, and expert knowledge of silks and th. .Ilk markets, have brought to Portland', foremost Silk Store th. finest showing of Beautiful and Splendid Silks ever exploited by any , western house. An exhibit unexcelled in America for smartness aud quality. Direct buying from manufacturers of both foreign and domestlo weaves secures to us for you the lowest prices eawell as the best atylea. Th. Silks r. full of charm and beauty. Note the values In the sal. w. open tomorrow.. ;'; . r. ' - ' '' ' - XOaTDAT, TXTBSSAT AaTO wnntOiT we place on bargain table. In the Silk , Store th. largest assortment of New Fall Suit Silks, in all. the Uteat weaves and colors shown on the coast; 'everything that la new in color and dealgn r is In this lot; they are our regular (Unmatchabl. 11.11 values. Special r (ICf . for three day. only, yard. . . . v......,..,.......,...,,.......;....,,.,,. jf - 69c OBiri Sal OILS STB, In all evening and street Special, yard.........T, S4-SaTOaI AX&-XUC . shades, blacks included. lt-TBTOaT ' OOLOKXD TaaTTXTA The best wearing Taffeta on the market, la 1 - wnite, ivory, cream,. Diack ana an coiora; regular Sao value. Dpeciat, yam. ........ , ilar 860 value. - , ; A Great Sa lvage S aleofCorsets ROYAL WORCESTER SALONS ANNEX, SCC0ND R00R W. saaU ptasoa-asr sals tomorrow S lot" of aew aad dowa-to-dat. Corsets whlok afaly thro a railroad wreak la the east without getting' aaaoh . aa a serateh or mar oa Taa saaaaf aetarsra, however, eoUeoted sal vag. from the raU- . Th. foW lowing letter axplaiaa Itsalf . tha boxes that hald. the aorseta. read aompaay oa aaaaaat of delay iaoarred aad wa gat tha haaaflt af tha aooldeat. - m;; "X. 1 .... ' '.;'..'' ' aoa, Aaf. SI, 1S0S. " ' htes era. OXJS, WOBThtAaT XUf. Fortlaad, Oragxta, f : ' r-rrtWtlaaaami'lMwsaaioa to th. tweaty dosea moral Woreester Oorseta, gtVia SSS, that waat tare tha wreck. I beg to say that wa aooept year offer for tha saasa aad aoagratnlaae yon la year good fortaae U seearlng this heaatlfnl lot ' af eorseta at that arias. They will certainly o yoa good-. k r S ..r' ' 4 Thaaklag yea for favors, X am, yoars very reapeutfully, , (Slgwed) O. B. lOCXM, man rraaoiaoa zyeparwaeat. These O.rasts sa aa sale htoada at S pain ta tha lot, Be aarly. v.-- oM ' ,rtow- W Ta hata ta thasa hsifslna enlj S40 This Corset. Royaf Worcester Corsets Worth $2.75 for $1.37 SI.37 style no. sss." is a popular ana oown-to-aat model and la suit. hie foe 11-lnch front steel, prince as hips and hose aupporter. attsnhed; la made of white or drah cn.,m and black sateen alaes it to 10. This la not a dlacontlnued line of corsets. Our. regular ll.TS va(vje. figure. Jlss SPECIALS IN - -Women-s-Fall Hosiery r At these underprlces Monday and until closing tlra. of Thursday First Floor. Shops.. Women's 50c Hose 37c Black Imported 1 Cotton Hose, full ' .shaped and fashioned, gray cash . mere sole, Just the hose for early " .'. fall wear; regular lOo valua ; Hp '. clal, the palr...;.,..........3Ts Women's 75c Hose 39c Black Brilliant Imported Lisle Itosa, , full ' finished, double sole, - drop . stitch boot; regular value Itc. Spe cial, tha palr......r .39f ' , - "' ''. .'. ' . j Boys 25c Hose 14c ' Boys' Fine nd Doubl? Ribbed Heavy '.School Hose, seamless., and V slses only; regular value 36c. fe ' clal, th. pair ti f OVSBbOBBTBB'B saors. - . STTFrXT . Wban you hold, a plate up to tha light and look thro it .ana ef two" things bappena . Either you see through It, or you don't In th. first esse it's genuine china the whiter, the better.' In tha other caae it's something else. - Sam. thing happena with ' 'many so-called "China Sales." When you see thro ome the sale proves to be all word.rwlth not much china In It- Some are clearly genuine. , We are glad to hav. thl. particular China Sale of ours , held up to th. light In every way and Ju.t a. often aa you pleaae. Then th. kitchen war. specials are ' wonderfal values it', easy picking the bargains here so many to pick from. Example: .BOMB VBBXOBxJJTP TAXVBB . Si CO.TI SBOOBATBS i A number of pretty new decorations In both seta and fancy pieces . i , 0-Pleoe Decorated Dinner Sets Special ' - at. set 19.85 100-PIec. Decorated Dinner Sets Special, at. set 28S Ill-Piece Decorated Dinner Sets Special, at, set .....:.............f3l.50 11T-Ptec -Decorated Dinner Sets Special . at. set , J .3T.TQ ef Wa aaa showing aa aaeqaaled Braraltlaa la Ohiaa Tasaa aad Oraasaaata, aHtehara, Fera Fota, Salads, Barry Bata, Trays, aiatah Xold- ars. oara - Boxes ana- Hundreds or small fancy article, in newest shapes and decoration. , . . See tha aawarrtrals la Oeraaaa Stelaa, Bear antohers aa Tamhlara, Baaah Bowla, Tabaaaa Jrats, .ee-, ornamented with well executed and artiatte German deslgna Many of these artlclea are suitable for gifts or card prlsea ' . : Make it a point to visit the Crystal Boons ear showing of XJbby Oat 0laes wa are tharoaghly proud af. Many new fancy shapes andU cuttlnga are dlaplayed. y " ; - ' ' JiJ-,,: ru - ' The name UBBT I. etched on every piece aad 1. liberal insurance to purchaser that he la buy ing TBB BBST. t '4; A fall atoek of Maddook'a Vitrified Sotal Ohhsa absolutely nnequaled for durability and finish, .-'took, for the Oreea Trade aiark.; , " " '. Special Sale off Enameled Were ' S-Oaart X4p Kettles Special at, each. ..'.. ,.'.1)A S-Qnart Berlta Kettles Special at, each. ......33 S-Qaart Ooffaa Vats Special at, each. .30a 8-Qaart Teakettles Special at, each... .69e 17-Qnart BUkpaaa Special at, each...,. 5Sa S-Oaart Fadding rwna Special aU each. J-.....ia Bo. zroa rrytsa: Faaa Special at each..... 33 Bo. S Zroa Bettlea Special at-'each ..2s la-Zaea Basting Speons Special at, each.. 34 Bepalr Xnobs Special at, tha dosen.. ...... .,10 ' ehoioe line of Sard' use ofi standard makes and 'verythlng for home . guaranteed quality. Women's Petticoats and Gowns UnderpriceChih 'dren's White Aprons ? Less boobs ixopB abb sr. , 97c for Ladies Flannelette Gowns : . - worn , , , Ladles Flannelette Night Oowns, In dslntf pink snd ' r. white or blue snd white stripes; mad. hlah neck with turnover eqll.r yoke, collar and cuffs trim med with fancy finishing braid all regular and - extra large slse. to No. lt; our I1.S, valua f1t apeciai aala price, each.............. J IK I- ladies Petticoats TVe are now showing our full Una of ladles' Fall and Winter Pettlcoets. One of the new feature, among them 1. a Jersey Top petticoat, with 1- Inch, mercerised sateea flounce. Priced f - at, each.i......... y XeL , . tt::ircas v::.::a ;rc-5 f-r r"- Children's Pretty While A-rone, r-'t ' ' , tucked or emhrolilerr t " f '" , . mnt of stylpe ' valueg from 1)1' '. If i . r. 1 etch.. ' a