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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1905)
; KTj: cii:: su;rbAY fzjjztfAV, TC3TLAiiDt' cunday morning, :ssPTr 10; itn. u TT7 L V'- '' '.laird of Skibo to Finance Re- torm Taverns on the Line - of Bishop Potter's. THAMES PATRONIZED BY AMERICAN TRAVELERS , r - Countess of Yarmouth Making Htr- self Very Populi fa England-r j Young ' Astor and His Attendant 1; Mia Blgelow'a Heart Trouble K U tV Complete Wim Our Bst snow Drift Mattress ana ostein springs . - Will Bed IQUOR JOINTS ... awseans- nasi i iS i n i mi Royal Qol value $ 1 00 E A V , ., ' - By Paul Lambeth. ; .""' . Copyright, Bunt New BrTl-, byLeesed r- Wire to Toe Journal.) v. j London, Sept; . The faUur Of Bishop PotUr-a subway tavern In Naw ' iTorfc . haa greatly . aurprlsed English "temperance and aoctal reformers TO us hare In England where echemea f . aimllar nature hava- prove both euo- - 'eeaaful arid hava dona very much rood It-te hard to underetand that an under- ; 'taking Ilk thla ahould hava to cloae Ita 'doors becauee of lack of eufflclent apt ', tal.; Blahop Potter'a' courage In cham--'ponlng a tavern lit 4h face t jttte erltlciam. abuaa and ridicule la generally admired, and I am Informed that Bklbo -castle, where a great number promi nent people are tha gueata .of Andrew Carnegie, men Ilka Oeneral Jamea Qranl '.Wilson. Nicholas Murray Butler. John Morlev and the aroliblahop of Canter t ' bury aucceeded In- IntereaUng Mr. Car negie In tha acheme. '': m -,: Mr; Carnegie, who haa given away II "brarlee to any place that wanted one, -will now, I am toldf endeavor to make Blahop Potter's Idea a suocesa. ao that If 1t fall araln will it lt-"t be becauee of Insufficient backing. . .1'-'- ' on Wheat. , V The river Thamea haa been much pat i ronlsed by Americana thla year. In ' 'fact even theoatmen and boatouliaera who uaually apend their time grumbHng "over the bad aeaaon have een forced ' to admit that thla fine aummer haa pro- ducedmuch good business. Maidenhead, Bourne Kp3 ahdTXSolt 1 have been a usual the center of all the galettee, -I The counteea of Yarmouth - (nee Thaw)" haa- been maklirg heraelf very popular. Bha and her husband appear '"to hit It off very well and they art both . devoted to boating. - Tha earl haa a prl- vate handiome cab In London, the count ' ess has two motor cara and landau lette, and altogether they have been enjoying themaelvea thoroughly. ,.'.,.'.. The counteaa atrlkea every one aa a ' .Yery unassuming and charming woman . who floes not look over tha heada of her ; lea fortunate compatrlota, The Tar- - moutha have given up their bungalow at Bourne End, but hope to' take a much , ; larger place on the river next year. :J.L,,. . TTUig tot's Attendant. - -The one topic at Cookham-on-Thaaae U William Waldorf Astors eon' and . k.U iPha mam mwtA TM t the bathing -place frequently, attended by i an individual wan whm , u 'and coatume and whoee Instructions are 4 to Jump Into tbe water, and aave Mr. Vastor, J.', -life abouleVne-b' to dlffl- 1 oultv. " -..'-.- . - i Now 'Mr- Astor. Jr.. la an escellent ' . iwlmmer and a good cricketer and an -all-round eportaman. but hie papa, in ,alstanhat he ahould be attended, and tthus the atockbrokera and other hard i working city men who lead the "aim pie : ;ilfe" at Cookham In the aummer lauah at tha attendant and wonder why Mr Aetor a on ahould be ao much more , "hedged In" than royalty. Mr. Aator. .Jr., doea not like thl attendance" any more than tha Inhabitanta of Cookham, J but what papa aaya apparently goea., ";: ' ' Kiaa Blgelow'a XUaeaa. , ' : Mra. Poultney Blgelow haa been com ' pelted to alter her plana on aocount of ' tha continued Ill-health of her eldest 'daughter Evelyn. She had! arranged to ttaka a house at Dobbe Kerry (or the " -coming winter and to give her daughter another gay aeaaon In New York, but 'the doctors 'at Schwalbach absolutely forbid her any gaieties (or another aiz . months, and dancing especially Is pro hibited. -n U laa BlgwlewV heart ha bean .found - - to ba temporarily -weakened and the doctors auggeat that tha' early part of tha winter should be spent In tha aoutb ' of France.' Meanwhile Mlaa Blgelow'a alster Mildred will remain on tha other ; aide to enjoy the galetiea of New Tork : with ' her relatives, Mr. and Mra. J. ' Harrlman, and other friends N aha haa beon ataylng with. It la a bitter dis appointment to Mlsa Evelyn, who had v the "time of her life" last winter. NORWEGIAN HOTHEADS TALK WAR WITH SWEDEN t 5 7 New 'Outbreak of Hatred Be- i tweenjytionsKing per- ; . l'- $ X Bonaily Interferes. ; ' i (Copyright, heart Knti lertice, by V4 i' Wire to Tha Jonraal.) Copenhagen, Sept. . KlngCKristtan, lit la said, alarmed by the reports re- calved from Karlsbad,, where the repre aentatlvee of Norway and Sweden parted In anger today, la etertlng all hie per- aonaj lnfluonce with BJourmtJeme, Han aen and other Norwetan leader, to .' Induce them to do. all within , their L' power to keep the people of Norway : tiuiet until the present crisis shall hava passed. ' V ' i :, "All of, -the dlaatchea received from f ChrlsHanla - yesterday : and - during last " night tell of the new outbreak of hatred against Sweden In all parta of Norway. ' The Norwegian, people- accuse the Swedes of delaying the arrangements ' which are to make Norway an Independ ent state and of being faithless to their ' promises and many hot-headed leader are today advocating war against Bwe- den, saying that tha Norwegian might aa well light first as test. The -older and more conservative lead er ar all In favor of awaiting the con "teillng of tha conference of delegates next Wednesday before (taking "any rash , atepA ' . -. - . ' City Owaa a, jgewapape..-" . From tha Chicago Journal. , '. tn-eaden is , one of the few citlee possessing a municipal newapaper, and this waa bequeathed to the city by-the late Dr. OunL The bequeat la a very ' valuable'property and consists of a dally newspaper which. In consequence, of Ita extensive circulation, la the principal ad vertising medium . In tha neighborhood. The pro(Vs are applied to the beautify ing and improvement of the city and tfl charity. . .v . . i-.i' ; .... Photograph of Vesuviug in eruption ei it appeaxt today.TjTeJniflwayt euides have been ordered to Uke no more tourists up the volcano. overwhelmed, there have" been OF THE POPE - : .,- ' '-' : Antoine Van Veli Puts the Pon tiff on Canvas as a Mere f Man of Affairs. BORGIA APARTMENTS ARE THROWN OPEN TO PUBLIC Art Galjery Is Agaiirat the Disposal "of Sightseers Pius Decides to Continue the SwiaaTGuards of the Vatican, (Oopyrtfht, Hearst Kews Service, by LeaM V . Wire te The JouraaLV Rome, 8ept t. Plus X has given' an other example of what might be called his Intense eccentricity. He has Just haa his portrait painted by the PuteTi artist. Antolna Van yell, and Instead of posing In hla high pontifical state haa chosen to be put en canvaa aa a man of affairs. During the progress of the painting he est at hla desk in hia work cabinet, busy at hla correspond ence and occasionally looking up In seri ous" study of a phrase. It waa at auch a moment that Mr. Van Veil caught the expression he deeired, and tha result la the portrait of a busy, studious man a cleric, it la .true, by virtu-of - hia calling,- but above- all a man auch aa we. are. The pope haa decided to reopen to the public the famoua Borgia apartments. During the pontificate of Leo XIII these rooms were restored to their original condition and thrown open to visitor, but when It became necessary to ac commodate Cardinal Merry del LVal In tha Vat loam tha rooms were assigned to the papal secretary of atate with the result that , the hitherto unrestricted right of entry became the privilege of the' few. v - Opened o tha Vubllo. ' ' Now the cardinal, secretary. 1 to oc cupy other rooms and tha apartment of Borgia will again be given to the art loving publlo who will be able to ap preciate the beautiful Plnturlnchio fres coes with which these Interesting chant here are decorated. - Preparations are already being made for the great anniversary, fete of tha Swlaa guard which waa to have been In October but It la. now fixed for Janu ary. The fete will celebrate) the fourth century of their existence In tha Vati can, where they were flrat 'called la 1605 by Pope Julius II. - The celebration -Of the anniversary Is Interesting In vlsw of the present pope's well known vlewa on the ! subject when he waa created pontiff. . tn hla scheme of Vatican economy he announced that he purposed disbanding the , guard .aa an unnecessary and expensive -organisation but since thst time ha hss been ln duced to forego ht declaleai. ' jr : Xurtory'of Vattoaa, Onrd. , : ' "'Their first ' captain - was Caspar de Slllene of Lucerne who brought tha flrat 100 personally to Rome end remained with them until, hM death here. The flrat company, however, had -a rough time of 111 as they hint not been In tha Vatican long when' the Constable do Bourbon sacked the eternal, city, and killed every one of the Swlaa guards, who- had barricaded" themaalvee t In He Peter. '''.- After, that the "Dope Went II. year JwUhotit, daring to propoee Snew rfuard PAINTS PORTRAIT 4 , t V Si t i . " i -a- , J - ' J-JiO.-.iJW 1 w . 60" great Convulsions 'of this burning mountain. I I but eventually another waa formed and here they have been ever- sine - with but two.lnterruptlOna, 170 and in- 181 -i through the-French occupation. Clirl' ttan or Biweoen wouia . not nave raw Swiss , guards when he came to Rome but took Italians of Perugia and put them . In the Swlsa guard uniform, the pope shrugging his ahouldera saying: "After air, the habit doea not make the monk." . - Ever since then there have uaually been some Italians among the Swiss guard! but Just at present they are all genuine Swiss, . .; , SWELL TOURISTS TRAVELING - HOME IN STEERAGE 4 i , aaeawseass-.Baa-B.s ; . .. , j Biggest' American . Season Eu rope, Has known Places Room at Premium--, ' (Copyright, - Beerst News Service, by leased - Yv u- te The JoorsaL) London. Sept t. "There la not a cabin to be. had on the ship, either flrat or aeoond class, all the officers' quar ters are taken and there la nothing left but the steerage," eaid an agent Of a trans-Atlantic steamship line to a rich American who wanted to get accommo dations. 'Well, give me a steerage ticket, then," said tha American. "I have to get back even if I have to swim and I guess steerage won't kill me." This Is , not a solitary instance but a frequent one that la happening in Lon don now. Tb homeward ruah of Ameri cana is something unprecedented and the ships simply cannot accommodate them.- London hotela which- usually at thla time , of the year have rooms to spare are ' Jammed almply because tha people cannot get steamship accommo dation. One man who. engaged 'hi return stateroom In America aa a specu lation engaged1 another . cabin on the aame ship when h arrived In England in June. " . . : '. -I Today before he sailed for America he 'disposed of his extra atateroom at a profit of 1500 and the purchaser con sidered himself lucky to be able to ret a $300 room for, 700. Thla haa been tha biggest American aeaaon Lon don or the continent haa known. 'The travel waa unprecedented and ahop keepers, hotel proprietors and everybody in bualnesa here mark the eummer of 1(05 aa a bumper seaaon. GENUINE REMBRANDT IS . PURCHASED FOR A SONG (Copyright, Beent News gervlee, . ay ieest . - i Wire te The Joraal.) , London. Sept. I. While looking in a shop window recently, Mrs. Hugh C. Corlette saw a painting In a faded Dutch frame. The bold treatment of the subject a young, end beautiful woman with her Hps allghtly parted In a slow, lnsclnatlng smile, her dress of a rich blue ornamented . with ahoulder knots of a deeper blue and wearing a hat of red velvet, a great daring splash of rolor relieved by a single feather of light green attracted her and she pur chased the canva tor m mere song and presented It to hr husband. The picture turna out to. be e. genuine Hetnbrandt and worth thousands of dol lars, i It li a portrait of the. beautiful Bank la Van Ulenburgh. who afterward became the wife of the famous artlat The canvaa la ID Inchea by, 17 and In an excellent etate of preservation, j The Scotch aey: "Honest men marry oon, wise men never."! ... Aj tj:r ' J'' i v on thejmounufa have stopped snd :; Since 79 A. D, when Pompeii was .v r RACY RECORD OF A WDIHRIFT ' ''' sjsMMMwaswaBBBBvaaBBeawaar ' ' '- - Remarkable Career of Harry CT . Sampson, Who 1$ Disinhej1- -A ited and Bankrupt MISLED AMERICAN GIRL . WEDDED AND LEFT HER Deaerted Young Woman After Mine Days of Wedded BUa -Pagied Himself Off s Heklof Wealthy Relatir WtffVDte. (Cepyrlgbt, HeaHt Kews Serrlee, by Leased Wire to Tbe ioarnsl.) London, Sept. t. Harry O. Lampaon, who, masquerading aa tbe heir of the lata Blr George Lampaon, married and deaerted a New York girl in November, 1191, ha disappeared from hie usual haunts, and the mystery of who bis New Tork wife may be la unsolved. It la not .even known whether Lampion haa been served wlttr notice that hla deaerted wife haa commenced ault for divorce agalnat him in the New Tork courts, - nor can any of hie Intlmatea be found who can or will disclose the identity of the petitioner. Lampaon's own addresa la No. 11 Langham place, and It is said there that the young roan Is -In a hospital, prepar ing to undergo a surgical operation. Mr. Lampaon also haa' a beautiful coun try place near New "Market.' where he ha been passing,. some gay and gallant tlmaa with a lovely woman, who 1 oc casionally seen strolling about the grounds, accompanied by a auperb Stag hound. Who thla young woman may be la not accurately known, but neither she nor Lampson. when be Is there, ever made any attempt at concealment. So "rockety" has been the career ct young Lampson during the last three yeara that a divorce auit la a mild aen satlon. The managing director of a tai loring house, the companion of actresses and the wildest set of men about town. known to the police aa a high roller, tbe lavish .ntertalner of auch woman i Oeorgle Head and Mra. Evelyn Brett, thrice called to. the . bankruptcy eourt and disinherited by his angry father, hia record if such that nothing but sym pathy is felt for the New York woman who married him under a terrible mis. apprehension and who was . . deeerted after nine days. - The reran rkable fact ha corn's to light that , the deserted wife's decision to sue for divorce waa only arrived at after year of pleading with her faith less husband to return to her, end dur ing these years she haa more than once visited thla country In tha endeavor. to win him back. r Strike midden Bock. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rock of Consumption, Pneumo nia, etc,, you ar lost it you don't get help from lr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. w. aicMnnon of Tal ladega Springs. Aid., writes: "I had been very ill with pneumonia,' under the rare of two doctors, but was getting no better when I- begun to take Dr. King's New Discovery, The first dose gov relief, and one bottle cured me." Hure cure for Sort throat, bronchitis, cougns and eoltls. Guaranteed at Hkldmore Irig Co.. 151 Third street. Price see and 11.09. Trial botue free. . . - . i-a. I i i V ON .wjpiieil nr h e We have accepted the agency of one of the largest eastern carpet, mills and are under contract to dispose of thirty' thousand yards of carpet this season. Ta accomplish this volume of business tne mius nave maae us . A Large Discount from the Regular Price ' ' Which will permit us to lay on your floor any grade of carpet from bur large stock - at the lowest cash "price and to offer you the same on . ' i Your Own Terms of Payments " ' V Without interest -To complete our contract with the mills we must make many new customers this year. It makes "no difference, whether you buy or not. Of the many ladies who will V181I OUT BIOIV UU niuUUl We invite you to call and inspect the most-complete stock in the city and, at the same time-see 'this -most -magroificent, present on. display in bur show window Out of town customers are invited to take advantage of our liberal time payment system ! during. this sale.,.'.-. ; -' - 185 Front St. la. CAUGHT BY HIS HEAD INvFORK OF A TREE Special DUpatch by Uased Wire to Tbe Joans!) Palo Alto: Cel.. Sept. 1- Suspended In the air, hla head caught between two fork Of a branch of a tree In which he had been climbing-. 1-year-old Clar niM at Palo Alto was dlsoovered unconscious yesterday by. a number of playmates. Before he waa. finally re Hnrlnn hl labored over the an- parenUy WeUn body for many anxious moment. How be . ever eaoapeo I ne rarest itioney naver in me uany Is a good Feed' Cutter. The man who has cows and doesn't cut their feed stands in his own light. He is losing money, wasting the feed. Nothing goes to waste with a Dick Feed Cutter on the place. ... . . . The Blizzard Will fill a silo in a day. Cuts it or shreds it and blows it 50 by-90 feet-The entire outside of the case can be removed It is very simple; will work at any angle. The improved deflector puts the ensilage anywhere in the silo. It has a simple self-feed or plain feed. Mounted on wheels or unmounted. Built on better mechanical principles, it requires less power, is less expensive, does Detter wore man any ouiw, IT HAS ONLY ONE BOLT TO ADJUST. IS C'ONVEN. IENT AND EFFICIENT, - CUTS AN Y LENGTH AND THE C-URVED KNIFE MAKES IT CUT EASY. COSTS LITTLE AND WILL SAVE MUCH. - SEPTEMBER -30 AT S i P. XI. - For Full inform fit: 1 b n is e e B Iff W h 1 1 &.r: Store Uiauy wui vtwws as.rr suu biuuuuw vmj.wim w -;.y. to 184-186 First St. Instant death 1 tlU the marvel of the pbyelolana. : i , Toung Page had apent a large part of the afternoon climbing . among the branches of tree which Is on the lawn at his home on Ramona street. - Tiring of thla arboreal pleasure be attempted to come down, but hla foot allpped and; hi body shot groundward through the leaves. Tbe swift descent waa checked when hla head caught between the branching forks of the limb. The shock of the sudden atop caused him to be come unconscious. ' v ,' . High clasB gold work on windows, Foster eV Kleiser, phono Ex. (S. The 3C Is the Money Saver In the medium-siied or the small dairy. It's a hand , power cutter. with a good cutting capacity, easy run ning and durable. The 3 C has two 9-inch knives, cuts 1 and ly5-irih lengths. Flywheel and knives encased., It's an inexpensive moneymaker. DcA's Lever Cutter Is the machinV for the man with a few cows. It win pay for itself many times over, if you have only one cow. - . .vrr 10 Floors Thooght XI Was Proposal. r T, Prom the Cleveland Plalndealer. Tha Man I trust, Mrs; Backbay. ttat you don't agree with Maud Oonne when ahe aaya brainy women ahould not mar ryr - The Girl from Boston This ta ao pre- clpltate, Mr. Breesyl- , V jgjatoiieaj rtagmaaa. King John had been cornered by t " noblea. K - . "What yon fellows want," .he aald, a douma." , However, they gave him the merry h ha, and he had to sign the . Magn Charta. ,: First til Tcylr? T v.