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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1905)
y-i ' 1 : .' .....ijL Jl-'n J JJ-'-r I Jib...,! 1 V - ft J ' "It :: .il u i v- ' iff. ; kat rtwM iiiamson, anu Again Accuttd of Conspiracy to Cubom Perjury. -; ; ENEY V.UL NOT RIOK ; - ANY FURTHZR DELAY Und Jury Newsrthelesg Ms Bring in a Frtah True Fill Against Them Alleging Conspiracy to Defraud the Govtouneri.t. - . , , :. Contrary to the- generel expectation third trial of Congressman William' n. Dr.,' van Viesner ana Marion rlgge. walcn la to commence next luea- y to the reaerai couri, win om on in ma indictment on which the two pre- nua trial are baaed. Tho charge in t Indictment wa conspiracy . to bora perjury,-ana at one time unueo District Attorney Ueney -was con Lierlnar the" advisability- of securing a w Indictment on me- simpler, onargo eonaplracy to defraud the government public lands. He aa Id thla morning-: The third trial will be on tbe original diet men t. I -do not want to run the Isk of further delaya through pices In ittement or otner dilatory tactics on e part of tha defense." , -.---. :-v ' Nevertheless it , la tnougnt -tnar. tna and Jury .'mar return, an Indictment tainst the three defe: -dints on tho n . . . . . arge of conspiring to aerraua tna gov nment Thla auppoaltlon flnda corrob atlon in the fact that tho numerous itneaaes whr - are nere rtom croos tunty are now being examined by the rand Jnry Two of them. Lark Elliott hd j. a. Watklne. were examined thla nrnlna. Watklna i on of the entry f - M 4 f 1 I W the Jntereat or Williamson, ana Vrea The grand Jury will adjourn thla aftt?- hon until luesaay merninav j in ctmenta will bo returned before that UDBE SAYS LORD CEiOT ublie Officials Not to Be Pro ceeded Against Civilly for - . Official Acts. '--C i Charlea F. Lord's teO.OOft -damage rult lnmt United Btataa .District Attorney t ancle J. Heney baa com to an abrupt ncluston. - The: demurrer: filed In be ,lf of Mr. Heney hy-'Henry-E. MeOlnn i sustained thla morning by Judge aaer, who TUled that a public official Mid not be aued civilly for acta dona purauance of hla duty. - Lord's eult aa baaed on the -fact that the district tomey eauaed ln to -bo Indicted for nsplracy to obstruct auatlce In eon' ction wiib ut land v fraud praseca- ns. ----- - - .nt.-nnrt -"--: By Judge-Fraaer'a decision Lord la rtually thrown out of court, for ougb ( ha wee-- -allowed five' dan in lilch to amend Ma complaint, the Judge maraea tnat ne could see no way in hlch it could b so amended as to be proper pleading. Tbo Indictment taiirat-ljord Is ' lllli'--WiHllnKlMthe derat court and will probably come up r mat arter tne uod fraud saaes are nctueed. - ' - . - WO-MILUOrj MORTGAGE BY GRAND RONDE ROAD (Special tnDetck te Tka laeraaLt I Grande. Or., Sept 1. A bond and ortgage In the aum of tl.OOO.OOS to the rnerlcan Loan ft Truat - company haa en filed In tho office of the recorder the Central "Railway of Oregon cov ing the rights of wav. roadbed, rolling ock, and other property .of the com- fny. The Central railway -is the name the corporation Which nronoaea . r- rana Konde vallev tnnMilnr Pe. union, cove. Elgin and La Orande. e promoters atato that everything Is in reaaineaa to nuah tha mrk tnr. Krd to completion. , ERMANY IS THREATENED BY EPIDEMIC OF CHOLERA (Jcvaal SiMlt Brlln, Sept. 1. The authorities fear epidemic of cholera. Twelve local)- ere now infected In the region bo en the Baltln nA th viv- w(h (1 the plague's appearance in Hamburs py mean a hard fight, ahead to aup- r"" aa was th case in ltts. an J , when 100.000 per sons ted In Prus- Numerous bacterloloeista have pn sent into the infected -districts r. r. in tno quarantine. In all about aea have been ieported. - . PWN IN CAUCASUS IS ; BESIEGED BY TARTARS oeral SWUI,. t ' i Iriflls, 8nt. 1. The town of . fihuah the Asiatic Caucaaua, .with a popula n of about 49.009.' la besieged by Tar a. who are.maaaacrelng the.Arme na. The place was formerly a for:- and occupies a strong position, be- altuated on the crest of an Isolated Colds Onlnlne. the ' worM.1ito rmoe ttae caaee. Call - tor the utWa Care, teas tat aa laatate el v-W, 'a. 8e. i. i , . fraWT Min lfteirrfirtyroi' If you've ul jir. inomaa uieciria ua 4n house.'!- Inatant relief In mm. of P. euts, sprains, -aecldentaof anv t -;i - - : - Wtrlthy Mint Captivated by Voice of Chop-Girl, Adopts l and Wi!l Educate Her. 7 T (Jearaal apeelal Scrrlee.) ' 1 Denver, Colo., Sept 1. Mr. and Mri. frank Stone of Bhawnee. Oklahoma, en tered the department a tore of Lewie Bona and went to the music department Mlaa Carrie McManua, who had aecurrl a place in the store at ft a week, i singing and her ' vole attracted Mr. Btone, who bad her elng several eongi. Then a proposal to adopt her was malu On tha spot. , ' - ,- - - - The girl went t herjioina. with the 8tonee, the consent of her mother wnr obtained, her father being dead. , The adopted parents promised her, five years In 'Europe with eminent teachera wuo will cultivate her voice.- She - went eaet with, the fltonea In their prtvate car' yes terday. , . ' : 1 -r '- Stone la rated a. millionaire, and., la a realty dealer. . Mlaa McManua la 17 yeare of age and la a blonde. Bhe ha been soloist of a, sextette here for sev eral years. ' : -.-:..' i - j. BAILIFF JAY UPTON ' ... j a (Continued front Page One.) Numerous other caaes reveal loose ness., at : least, and seem to demand a thorough shaking up of. the- methods that have been followed In administer ing .estates of Incompetents . and - de ceased.. ':.'' ' ! ' Mr.-Upton today returned from As toria snd -made - the following written statement .-"There has been no graft at all. Not m alngle penny -of anybody's money baa bean .wrongfully taken and not: a eent of any one's money came to roe. It was a very unfair and unjust -attack, with only a grain of truth for ita foundation out of whlah, . from the eagerness of certain Tepojtera, haa been built a great atorv of -e. acahdal. . '.'I have for three yea rebeen In the county Judge s office where I have had the entire confidence of Mr. Webster and have , bad -considerable -responsibility and a great deal of authority. . In the position I held many people came to me to aak for some attorney to take -charge of matters for them. Some of them I referred to Mr.- Rlddell. some I have sent to Robert Galloway, some to John Logan and aome to other attorneys wtio did not have a very extensive practice, but there was no grafting or dlvision-of fees either with him or with the others. . TbTe')egranv. prlnted -a-llst- of alr-the cases be had in tha probate court, claim ing -1 had turned them all into him through the Influence of my position. That Is not bo. It Is unjust to me and unfair to him to claim the only business he had was what I gars him. Mr. Rld dell worked at the courthouse for- a couple of years himself where be became familiar, with the-various methods of tha different 'departments and got the great part of that business without my having any- know ledge or connection with it Becauae my. name appears as notary, public on petitions and - other papers. It la claimed we bed an under standing to control . such - bualness. Every one. and there are a great many besides Mr. Rlddell, knowa that I 'have always been willing to and hare affixed my seal as notary publto to all sorts of legal documents, for different lawyers, never taking a cent for the same., and lf all the papers and. cases In which my name appears as h notary were listed. It would majte a list big enough to take your breath away.; That la my only con nection with those cases.. . -"Any. statement that Rlddeir-ahd I are partners le falsehood. One person claimed that I had admitted there was a Ce Our Prloe LIsit I Raatt Bf . Milk, (laas Snail Slrlnla .... ,3 Tn, Bet ... Half Cblcfcra 45ILaMMiaae SaadwU-h. Hmmn-, .IU Sandwich, cbeee. ,1U Sanwlrh, r..-.10( naudwlrK. ehli-kaa . ,V eauawica, ciud... Two frlrd htm.. Sacoe and Es,4 Haai au4 kssa.. Bakisl -Bcane .... Breo and Better. -(rkr ........ Chlrkra Broth..., , VrfctabU Soup .. Or- Pm li..,' Riicar 5ora Dill Pick, OUrea Pie, W cat,. sea trrin ,241 .16 .23 .l .10 .16 .10 .16 .10 .16 .15 ,161 . .10 . .16 . .10 . .10 Ice Tea Br Hop Gold. alaM. . Mop Gold, att-in. ..10 -. Hop Gold, pint .16 Hop Gold, quart .26 Blue RlbbM. Vt. .90 Blue Ulhboa. qt .00 Mliad Drinks HUrb Ball t . .20 Corktatt - . : .30 Straight Whiskey. .16 White Rock .25 Soda Water .10 Apolllnarla ...... ,ZS Wise. Claret, gfaea'--. 15 Wine, Claret, pint .26 WIm. Port (Uaa .J6 Wine. Saelorne, qt l.Rl .10 Wine, aaattrns, pt .76 .10 Partvr. nine .23 8 1 load ToaiatoM.... .10 Porter. -slaae.... 15 SUoad Cncumnm. .lolAlo. atne .26 HI Iced Watermelon .10 Mumm, pint 160 CanUloupa, order. .161 Muoim, qoart . . . . . 5.00 Porta, eep I .OStirape.JiiK. (laas .10 Hot t'akae with suple arrop- and batter., M , Don't carry luhch.i when- yea -eaa - eaase te our place and bar Juat what roe want at tba iboro price. Baneaatwr the place: ,Laat bnltdlnc oa left aide of TralL " - ItQXiWCLO TO PIECES i,5flo feh nmr: John Baldwin Killed While Mak- ? Inf an Atcension at Ohio f '-i "' .-'. W Fnlr.""- -. . : V'' not sa .?f Mr. Rlddell got more- cases from me than did .some, of the other lawyers. -which I don't think Is so. I might say he got what he got because he waa a friend of mine, who' needed the business, having just opened his office at that time for the practice of law. : If. that waa wrong, well,, I waa and am .willing to shoulder the responsibility. "J "In regard to the Janseo case, I have nothing to do with It and tha statement In Thursday's Journal la a He. - I wrote two letters to Herman Jensen, It la true, One at Mr. RlddeU'a dictation and one for the administrator. - I have done the same thing for - many other , lawyers, when for some reason they coufd hot get to their- offices. To have done other. Len-cjectrlo line through thtlwino would haw-ihomt-a-hrt of ac commodation, of which people have never accused me. In regard to the tel egram - eent notifying Janeen of bis brother's death, this was sent after the coroner bad made an attempt to reach him unsuccessfully by telegraph, and, it waa only, an act of Christian kmdneaa. and In reference to the Judge's signature I have been authorised to sign his name to all papera except, of course, orders of the court, and It waa not necessary to bother him with such details. .. In all. these , matters there " was - no prearrangemenr. I acted entirely on my own reaponsiblllty, as I thought st the time seemed beat. I scted entirely In all these mstters without any -know! edge on tho part of Judge Webster, but with the knowledge sometimes and once under the direction of Commissioner Llghtner. There . waa' nothing wrong wilhr any of them The record that has been made in-the -past three years in stopping grafting in estates and throw ing out grsfters should be sufficient to convince any one that no grafting has been tolerated. - -v. , 'Regarding the assertion made In an other paper that -1- " furnlahed Mose Blocb wltb Information .of money due estates, money due frpm-the original t7.i0 whTch Is deposited for. each estate, in ' the probate court, and not all used for filing fees, the statement is false. as Bloch knowa the ' records well and does, not. need any one to help him find anything he wants v (Joarsal Special Servlca.) : " Greenville. Sept. L Professor John Baldwin, aeronaut, was blown to pieces by an explosion - of dynamite while 1.60 feet , In - the air yesterday afternoon in slfcht of several thousand persons, among them being his wife and three children. . . . Baldwin has been giving dally exhibi tions st tha county fair, ascending sev eral thousand feet and exploding dyna mite at Intervals. It la not 'known how the accident occurred, but it la probable that the six sticks of dynamite ex ploded simultaneously, as - but. one re port waa heard It 4a supposed that in lighting the fuse connected with . the dynamite the gas. in the"" balloon fired, which Immediately - exploded, lighting the dynamite and causing It to go ' off alao. Spectators ..only saw cloud of smoke, ks the airship vanished. A half mile sway pieces of wreckage and fragments of Baldwin's body .were found. -Baldwin waa 17 yeara old and for SO years has been giving exhibition ascensions. NEW RATES PROTESTED BY KNIGHTS OF HONOR 'r'"eerest BpaclaV Servlee.f Chicago, 111 Sept.1. There la con siderable - dissatisfaction ' among : -the older members of the Knights of Honor, a -fraternal- organisation with a large membership' scattered ' throughout , the United States, over tha- increase in the rates, which goes into - effect .- today. According to statements made by local members, thousands or the older mem bers seriously consider the advlaabll lty of severlns"br -connection with h. . tlin Thl AUttn K?tr!!&e4o-W,r'1 Mrjd?g,'l was flerlfled.mxa.lama time agoJy. Jhe and I to handle such business. Thai U I ot th. .UDram- iode. differ- essentially . from., the change , which caused so much dlasatlsfatktlon lnthe ranks of the Royal Arcanum. It af fects only.-reembers between 10 and 70 years of age. - Formerly. all members of 70 were assessed It per morrth. while under the new arrangement members of 70 will be assessed fit a month1 on fl.000 insurance; those of 0 years. 114; thoei Of ft years, $lt.(0, and so on down tha SCale. - ' -- v '' .' y---"'--.J--;- Officials of the order state that the Increase . In the rates became- necesaary owing to the fact that during the last five years $1,111,471.10 more was paia out . In death benefits to famlllea of members between tha age's of 0 and 70 than wail received from the membership at bat age. ."" -.-;' '; FUNERAL OF HOTCHKISS - . IS HELD AT EUGENE r Waahl Cora mates Too- High, . Waahlna-ton. Senkl.-The Interstate commerce commiaaioa nas aecjuea in n the preeent freight chargee on corned prod uots and oorw-1wm M issouri r Ivea aaTliai rata nn t-ni-'naJpriirTlj'i mo.- than i cents above the rate on corn. ra"mtretrlTrrrnttfOTg'irmr products snd the differential. Is declared too nigh. Coupon Free Ha ml Ian Trip Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands - - r'rr- I rot. or )IKIIMII1II Ol.llllMlllllllHM This coupon must be voted on or before Sept. k. 1101. i , I (Special Dlapatcb . to Th JearaaL. - . Eugene. Or., Sept ,1. -Tho body of Merritt B. Hotchklss, who died st Hills boro Wednesday, arrived In Eugene to day for burial by -the . local Maeonlo order. Mr. Hotchklss was a former resident or' Eugene, having come here In 1S97. He left five yeara afterward and took up hla residence at Htllsboro. Mr. Hotchklss leaves a widow and two children, Merrlt K. and Flora. He was born j in. Oswego county, New Tork. August 0, 1141, and served aa a -volunteer throughout the civil , war. ' - PIONEER RESIDENT: ' . OF SALEM EXPIRES (Special Dlapateh to The leornaL) ' Salem, ' Of., Sept. l.Mre. Christine Cordes Frlckey, a resident of Salem for St years. dled at her home In thla city August "II.-after S lingering lllneaa She was born In the1 province of Hano ver. Germany. December J4. Jtlt. She is survived by a husband and six chil dren. William, of Fossil; Mrs. Christian Orelsler, Weston: Chris,. Plateau, Cali fornia l Mrs. Mary Casebere, Mrs. Emily Jory and Mlrs Minnie JTlckoy. SaienivJ GOVERNMENT WILL KEEPF TYPESETTING MACHINES "Oyster -Baynepl- l.Th ' preala"e"hl I fourth 6f this month.-' ""A: will not inske-publlothe-findtngB vt th Keep commission en its recent investi gation of the government printing offish until be returne to Washington. Thl contract made by General Palmer, pub lic printer, for the purchase-or 73 Lane ton typesetting machines will be allowed to stand, thus blocking the stockjobbers' a-ame. who ere using the report of the Keep commission to Influence tha mar- ket " ;; ..' 1 ' ' -.'..' ALBERTA CELEBRATING PROVINCIAL AUTONOMY ' . ,' ', " t i n m '"i.-.y . ,'.4 (looraal gpaelal Brrlce.l ' Rdmonton.' Alberta. Sept. 1. T The granting of provincial autonomy 'to Al berta Is celebrated here- today ton large scale and Intense enthualasm pre vails among all classes of the popula tion. The governor-general, accom panied by Lady Ore snd a large and. -..i . . .vt..v .. , ' i, -.-r'v..' ''-' ' :.. - . . t . -,-'. '. ' ..-- i- , HMaaMHaaaBBBESBBSBsaaBja - , ,- r-. - .. "TT ' ' '. ' ,- " '' - ' y-.-' ' - .".'" bPcrtissi. -; I V 'fiyeSA. jJ 1 wXs&hl ;&siyuzi:yi Boys' and CWldrcn's Suits $5 to $12.50 . .f Youths' Collcjc Suits $10 to $20 CLOTl 'Have you seen our showing of Boys', and Youth -Clothing for Fall and Winter You should do " v; . - -"so. it will reveal something novel in the way of unique styles and pretty colorings. - a. ' : Is fNsrat xbe original, exclusive Buster Brown, in the greatest assortment of 'BuSTERJPROWff tyleseverysuit bearing the genuine Buster Brown label t which is the tjiLioiMi-iiiibw . W TTC - Inlnew ideas for the new season, with regular and knickerbocker trou- ImI IMsnt II fcV sen. jJew effects in double-breasted Suits, with belt. Junior styles VVfce XlnTVaB '.v y...tnntntr tn nrrV. finSaherl isrith rf collar. Eton atvle. The older sizes lapel and collar. y-;;:; 'y.yy ::YrHV--i';-Vr" finished with coat ! VlA w nin gT llfHtL ' Designed for young men who delight in clothing of precise I -1 II I riir Jlillal " f ashionu It gives them an air of smartness sadly lacking in M.."1" e4Va a- Vaiai iMf t ordinary youths. clothing. Long cut, single and double breasted, with 10-inch vents,-. They come in blues, browns and green fancy mixtures. - Sec Our Misses' TaHor Made and Coals ASPECIAL FOB EABLT FALL SHOES n We show . a large ' variety. HAND-TURNED vici kid, patent tip, mili tary heel, lace shoes for women $3.50 value- Special tomorrow (Tan i son's and' Tan Oxfords this sea popular shades shapes at very' low prices , FULL An 283-85 U0KRIS0N BT brilliant party of ataff officers and gov ernment officials, arrived here last nigh: and were present today at the clvllaud military celebration. Two hundred mei of. the mounted police and fourt field nieces formed the- escort. From the governor-general ana nie party win go to Resins, where the autonomy eel- ebratfon ot the new province. i .To:.:o3Row - to;.:o3rov v n n i ! v fiSl & ' "y ii -ii : On Sole mt.KiRi OaSde I I n m fA I S HPisSir -qJL in miff, ' 1 yy y e uie aw y; jfeTB 1 ' W-ilPPrU nsH- I aaaasaaaaaaiaiaaaaSaaaaaSaMllsa 1 f-' ' I -Tf ateteagaMMarai ehratton- thay-wlll -continue their- tour. The governor-general will take a hunt ing and.elghtaeelng trip through Man itoba and tha territories snd Lady Orey and the - other lady . membere of - the pertt will enjoy a holiday under can vas at, QiTAppelle lake, , where - Lady Mlato-ised to camp.,; , ' ; Eire Kendall Tonight. ; f tfattraetloe at the alarmaat OranS the atreSn MaOlaoa. betweea Rlkth and Seventb irMti. tonlaht will be Eara Kendall and kla excellent eompaar I Sldnty Roeaerrlil's cow. edr-erama, "Tfte Daraatorner.-' . wnirs aae Ita Initial perfarmanoe laat -alirbt and evade a Sr1dad bit. A enrdal prlee atetlnee will be limn teasorrnw at l e cmnii ins laai per will be Sira ronerfew aigaw t: , What about that trip to Honolulu? Tho Steamship Alameda sails from- Ssn Francisco -September t. and ronnd-trlp -reduced rats la 111.: See about It at fit Market street, Saa Francisco... Brighten your horne at" "minimum of expeme. - Tomorrow evening jrou can " getrymyrngTguglharrordinanly sella forI7gQTaraImc)sthalJLcnce -The-reveisible kind that wears for yrararrrBrtgTi into oriental and Conventional designs that are appropriate for any room. r Got any "bare spots'? ( Now's your chance. V iV Only One to a Customer No tlailor Telephone Orders rcsi ATaO TAYIC3 STS. . 1 :m -o) VAV ) Br Taw a f m';: .11