The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 20, 1905, SECTION THREE, Image 27

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if . i
if! .
s'l f.
' DXQta childhood the foundation
t future healla ana cmrmuwr .
i laid, and car should be taken
riurlnsr Ihcu first vun Of a
f child's Ufa to keep things aa sunshiny
aa possible. It la aa natural for a child
to be cheerful and good-natured aa It
la for a kitten to play or a bird to sing,
..' a.od when signs of f retfulneaa and bad
- temper arise, it behooves the mother to
" look for the cause. She will usually
, Bnd It In some slight physical 111. which.
Dine times out of ten. has been brought
about by lack of proper cxerotaa and '
' fresh air.
Keep your children healthy, and you
',. are apt to And them a merry lot and
easy to manage. On of the most fre
quent sources of neglect la in not keep -
- Ing children out of doors more. -
Too must not expect them to stay out
of doors unless the have something to '
Intereet4hein, and for this reaeon every
mother should try to Invent games and
- pastimes that will keep them out In the
of twenty-four in fresh air is not
.. . enough for children if they are to have
.'. the best chance of growing up strong
-, and vigorous.
. Remember bow Important Is' the In
' halation of pure air if you would have
pure blood; and remember, too, wbat la
- Often forgotten that children need a
, nlonttful suddIv of oxygen even mora
. Urgently than grown people, and oxygen
. nniif . t'-V7Tt-ffTT" I i ' 'II l .' L' - rrrr D r -c
Excessive Perspiration
V . 'iam a reader of your column.' and' Mke
"the advice ro.lve. Will you plwse tell
what to no for oineaslve . nrBLrti n
- under the armt I nnd ny hair is row-
' ins aarker all the time. Can I uae anr-
thiae In trashing It to keep U from grew-
v , lug dark! Jt la dark re. AM otiise. ;
i Try washing night and morning with
v hot water, in which there are a few
. sropa of ammonia, and, common brown
soap. Thia treatment baa proved suo-
teasful In many cm see. 1 am giving you
; tormula for 'a shampoo to keep the half
trom turning dark. ' '
. - -!.''" ,.',,-,.. Biuunpoo. -"-r
White eastlle eoep, -in ehavinve, I ooaeet
'' watsr, M ounces: ,potaajuia carbonate.
' grains borax, US grains; eetogae water.
.1 ounoes; b-Y rum, J ounees. - . '
Dissolve the soap la the watsr and add
ths ethar Ingredients. Rub well Into the
' scalp, t ."-f
a Annoying Pimples y -y
" ' Tea have been ee swm end kind as w
tilp so many ef your readers, and so per
ius you awy ee aula to biP .
xne last w m ,
. treublsa by a
Lrsaklna out
ao of face-
Blmviae. one artsr vbs otnar, vsrr
it thekin that are nacsssary to op.ii
ba otnar, very apra i
iherafore they never enUrely disappear, but
leave a Syrt ef scar, which remains toe-.
rr.rfc. .ra omv an nix (urehsad
aa around my fcwe. moiMhaM thiit-never 7
turn w
' Kvam
. ae '
. toe m
sva had a very good complexion. I also
re Blacanaaoa. s am uiani . -
much water ea ray laus, baoauae I am "
aiwars washing my fsoe and , hands, al
ways take a bath sevaral turna a week,
?L :..7J . a.ii. hath. 1 ara rl rears eld. : '
KiiTht. i feet I T inches, end 1 nnhM
luodst I am rather light in eompMxioa
Ith light
rnd my face ts
rather clump. My gsnersi neaitn naa ai
, ways bieagoVa, with a headache now and .
then; but lately 1 have b troubled with .
tndlcVstlon. 1 am under the doetor's cars, ,
?ndM is attending to that part of It r but
- ha la of the oid-iasnloned kind, and dose not
want me to bother with my I
Tm teo aroud. eto. po you think It let You '
know I am engaged to oe marrieo. ana I
aver had these things Before, and I do not
want thsm now. unless I have to. We alt
liw- to lank our bast before those we love.
M won' Tou VeeaTislli i met .Do yea think
ataamina my jce would rid me of those
blackheadst tim alee on a ewt efa diet.
Mavm-teaten eandy or eweeto for eeveral
I (ei sure that tbo ptmploa on your
"TtlOff. " Howwver, you- noaa no leer ais.
eouraged, fo If you persevere u ieao
"T ing a hygienic Ufa thero Is no reason
why they should not disappear. ,- But
only simple, wholesome iooos, wun
tolenty of fresh 1ffV-.f.;,..7.'
Srlnk great quantities of wafer between
' meals: get all tne irean au ana oxer
Every night before retiring wash your
face With warm water ana a good, pure
- aoap, rinse thoroughly and then apply
the cream for whici. I am giving yotf"
formula. The blackheads will most llke
KJisappear under Oils treatment, but
If not, 1 obould wait until you have got
rid of the ptmplea before you take more
fcerola measures to remove them. 1 think
Mrtarfui o? somew good blood pur.fl.r very beneficial.- -
t roaaatl Craam rot ifimpiaa.
Lanolin, I stmcea: e1"". ""'Mi
t R'Cn'cCTo VtracCTi pi"APp9
V IvJrj i lit is of the craam , te each pimple. ,
Walt until the plropiee ere. eursd beiure
Jrtn, taee hruah.'aa It might "ata.
Found Remedy Successful
; As I have triad the euro iMonln s) you
recommended tor acne, end received la It
- a cure Indeed. 1 hope that you will advise
uis what lido with my hair. I have been
. lr a hairdresser, who said that 1 bad a .
little ecssma, and 1 took a eourse of treat
ment, but my hair stlU falls out a great
seal. The lotion that ha massaged my svaip
' with hss made my hair grow very Oars,
and I wooia uae it to remain ngni.
1 am also vei
i liable te china, after wnica
under the eyee end yellow
. few dsva Hardly a weak '
I am vary blaoi
In ooior ror
u Leases that I do not have ona. la there .
anything I can do to prevent mem 7 I walk
to school ami back every day, a distance. '
. in all, of four muss. Wherr I ws little, I
bad the Jaundice, end think, perhaps, that
to what causes me to be so pale.
1 am very glad. Indeed, that you found
( ) j t i.
- . m
L . , V j rf : . k
In- a sufficient amount wa can only Una .
. in the air out of doors.
In aummer it Is particularly easy , to :r
manage so that many hours may ba .
. spent in the open air. There Is no doubt
that thia is mora difficult In town than .
', In the country! nevertheless. It can be
accomplished If there la ovea small
', garden at the back of trie-house, ' ; , .
Of course the air In theaa back yards
la not so good as the air to the country '
or at the shore, but It la infinitely bet-, s
ter than the air Indoors. - . - -
A awing can always be fixed up at ,
little expense, and Jf affords outdoor y,
eccupatl-m, amusement and exercise of :a
a wholesome kind. At a .surprisingly ,.
, early age children can be encouraged ,
to take an Interest in a flower bed, the ,.,
digging always ' appeals to -them, and , ,-
' - - .11. 1 A .vain na an trta of DeaU- . . .
tifylng rather than destroying publio or
- other property
There are Innumerable garden ganjea.
'i and . new onea coming ' along all the
time. Quolta. ninepins, battledore and
- ehuttlecock, archery, beanbag, ; are all,
games that will keep children am used ,
' out of doors, which should ba the aim
"of every mother. ,
It Is a good thing to keep a time table .
Of lust now many nours your niumi
spend In the cpen air. Do not punish
the littla onea for fretting until - you
-find out why they fret; consult your
; time table the reason may , be there. .
the remedy for the removal of white
heads so successful. I fear 1 cannot give
you the helpful' advice you now ask for.
The conditions you describe Indicate that
ouaro - very taueh ana dawn. Indeed,
and need sDeclal treatment, and I advlsa
you to consult a good physician aad fol
1 low his advice. ..-.v., - -
, Care of the Hands -
Last winter when ray hands were ra Very
bad condition I eame to you for help. The
preparations you told me about wsos nne,
and 1 never had such nice looking
. in cold weather bailors. Now 1 have loat
the recipes and corns to you, hoping yea ,
will not think It too much trouble to give
,'' them to me again. There were three, one -'
. for eosmetle gloves to wear at night, a
ereem to tshltsn the heads and somathlng .
' to cure sunburn, t remember that It had
, petrolatum In It - . , LUCT R.
1 repeat the formula with pleasure
' and trust they arc the onea you want.
- l am giving you three for eoametlo
' glove, aa I do not know which ona I
-gave you before. They ara all good. -,
, To Whiten the Hands.
' Lanolin. K grams; paraffln (llortld). S
grams; extract ef vanilla, M drops; ell ef
-. resa, 1 drop. ''
Mix and apply when necessary.
a To Halt Coamatto Olqva. ..
TJse soft., large leather gloves, three of
four stars too large. Rip them open and .
spreed the Inside with oae of the following
preparations, then eeW the ripped. up. ,
' jrhe elmplesi) and therefore -the least troe--bleeome.
paste to make la this--, - . ,
Cosmatlc Olora Paita.
Ground barfey,'' the white of ant egg. a
tsaapoonful of glycerin and eaa ouaoe of
. Comutlo Cflov Pngt No. 8. . -
Home-made sott soap. H pouad; olive OH.'
mutton tauow. i ouuct,
Altar OOllina vneea ra'um -
from the fire before eddlng: Hplrtts of wins. .
1 gill; ambergris or soma other perfume to
- an amount o suit tbe taste, always being
en har guard not to scent things u
'coimetle OIqt Paata Ho. 3. - .
Refined pine tar, 1 Isaspoonful; olive ell ,
. Meft in a water bath, 'scenting with reee- :
wetrr or some other perfume. This la a .
The following preparation lor. use with
eoametlo gloves Is slightly more elaborate:
Myrrh, 1 ounce; honey, ounces; yellew 4
Wax, s ounces; roeewatar, ( ounces.- .
Melt tne waa in a waw. wp .w
ail -en and add gryoarin
the tesapoonful until you seeture f jaata
wnion will spreau niOTij.
For. Sunburn.
r mu.' MMtun lu ounces: caraffln
- wax 14 euncet Unikla. 1 ounce; watsr. 1J4
":M7 i rose., I drops; eieoheC 41
Melt the paraffln wax, add the petrolatum I
end lanolin. Stir constantly, beating the
weter In during the prooeaa. ;Add Ute-aUr'
- and aloobol wbea nearly cold. -.,...-
i an.,1 .. i . ... ......y.
. Wants Lighter Eyelashes .
-'- Would yoa be kind enough to tall me
what will turn the eyelaabes one shade
lighter? A lady friend told me that the
laerrae and brows should be ef the eame
shade aa tha hair, and aa my hair Is eheaU
' nut brown and lashes and brows darker, I '
trust jrou will tell me of somethlne harm- -ieee
te lighten them. BROWNIE. . ,
1 do not know ot a barmleaa,-aatiafae-tory
bleach for the eyebrows and lashes.
I do. nut agree with your friend, but
think the eifeot la much prettier when
the brows and laahea are slightly darker
than, the hair, f . . . . , , . ,, v
Worried " About Circles Under
:::;:'V-;.v;--, Eyes :.;: .;,-
As t never asked a favor before, t wis -you
would grant one te me In your east
week's paper. I have dark clrrlea under
- any eyes that are very worrisome to me '
always. As 1 am a subscriber of your paper,
1 wish you would Mease tell me sums sure
and oblige one that Is worried. ( (.
. Dark Clrclea Under tha Xyaa.
There le always, la my opinion, some tn- ,
temai causa for the black clrclea under the
eyse. the tendency le sometimes bereal
tary. but dark lines are usually due to '
some Congest lm of. the veins of the nan. '
and are rarely. If ever, found exconiing
urner one er mora ee tae loiiewiag eueuan-
n the eubjeot
anaamle. and thava
en Impairment
ef tha chemical ennstl- .
satiow at the bkjpd. ar when tbe araaa is
w '
: - r ' '
-. -ii v.. i .. .. -r. i t,
wmmmmm , m fi t
I r ' if I Villi"" c Lai..i
-jrr. . - v.- I, CM(k I'm (M f
1 1 III asp-'""..., U! - , ... ' '1".':. ..,.. ,., -r
h 'eArrW91i 1 ' Formulas Repeated
ii in ii ' iy
Bving drained as It wouM be In nmtnaeeif
study, lack ef slisn, or. dissipation of any
description. Tbe external treatment la some
time effective temporarily, but irnTT be
permanent while tbe cause exists.. . '
Local X rex tin ant.
Bathe frequently with cold water end use
friction A little turpentine liniment or
weak ammonia, one part of diluted am
monia to four of water, may baubbed into
lor Ion A littla turontlna liniment or-
eak ammonia, one part of diluted am- .;
. the skin daily (oiioel.
- be taken that It does I
l.1 dui area vara nua
i not reach tbe eyes, .
r tJtTJRA B.-I am giving you the for
. fflulaa as requested. r'y.
V Old-Faahlonad Skis Lotion. ; .',?'. jf.
j- - rermacetl. II eralnai wklta aeas. la
bum der. drain; white Wax tpalverlxed), -.aria. It euaoe. -., - .,-t,yv;-,
- dram; alntond ell tsweet). dram; Jor- y r . , . , iv . v . ,
M'SSlf.W wTerT. !?7!& f V ?- Badly Shaped Nose -
' fT I droue; oil of asroli. I drops; ee- j , ) f w avtng noted In your' health snd bei
White rose. v dram.
. Wench the elmonde and beat (hem Into
--a smooth paste, adding some water grad
ually to form a thin cream. Melt the wax.
", spermaceti and almond ell togather. and
;. to thia add the soap, previously rubbed
down with, one-halt ounce of water. Te
. this add, . In email quantities, the re
mainder ef the water, assiduously stir-
, 1 ring. Then add the strained almond ore
and Anally tbe slcohol and the perfume.
A littla Df this milk may bs rubbed Into
the skin several times during the day."
' Tbe effect te permanently beneficial.
7 ' Boaay and Almond Craam. ' "
Honey.' 1 ounce; whits soap M powder. 'H i
- ounce; oil of sweet almonds. I ounoes; ell .. .
of bitter almonds, 4j dram; oil ef berge- ,
. met, , dram; oil of cloves. 1 drops; bal-
earn of Peau. k dram; Jlquld potasaa, Mk. (
Vila the nlta with the Balaam. " then mix 1 r
tbe honey with the soap la a mortar, adding '
ot toe potaaea w preauoa tucm
-5 .
Outdoor Sporte That Make
r, K r ' r tlif. . 4
Jay Dr. Mmtna a.iWalkCr :, iMi in i a ' Tisraea a V
vepyngBt. Mta, tvA. '
f P. A. aiunhae of alrla in votrr Set are
athletlo In their taatea tney wm nn i
a good deal of fun la a Mara ana
Hounda Club, when . the weather
growa cool. - 5
' Have Ave or six en a side and choose
a leader for the "haree." Practice dally ..
and you will soon be able to cover long
stretches of country, la your run. . . .
' : ''Hooka. 'u.:
' Hockey Is called tha offspring ef vOur ,
- Lady of the Bnows." But thia game Is
no longer confined to Canada, It la
now played by. many In the United .
fitatee. At first, after you have playel ,
thia for a short time, you will be quite
stiff and gore a proof that every muscle
has received lit due exercise. Hockey .
la essentially a rapid game. ' It ealla -
Into play many and varied motlona of '
ths body as now you skate forward, than ,
backward, than eidewlee. The lunga ara
expanded; the leg and back muscles are
developed, and the trunk la turned and
twisted aa that tha mueclee of tha neck. ,'
tbe aidea, and ether m uaclea of the torso .
are brought Into play.
Its mental effect, toe, la unexcelled. ,
Hockey la an exciting and Infatuating
.game, and gtrla should be careful not
to go beyond their strength in play
Ing It.
..,'-;' Fanclnf. ' ,'
Thoae ef you who have the ci'portu
nlty to study It will hardly find a bet
ter all-round exercise than fenclng.-For
veils awvev enmn an nlwm" fa
a a. . A , - -" ,
Of: -WW-,. :rr
In. lay.'.
'Add this ta the drat mixture and '-
continue to beat until yea have a thor
oughly Incorporated smallksat, .;.- . . - - ,
v. Callous Spots1 on Handsy
Will -you- please send' formula that will
rsrnwvs nara pieces vn in naiiue, a
- e weep log I . nod your V-ge very vaiuaoia.
AirnTMimjs. - it
' X have no regular formula for the re
moral of callous places on ths hands, but
there are many simple remedlee that will
help you. Rubbing pure olive oil on the
herd spot several tlmee a day and at night
before retiring. The following simple mix-,
ture has proved very successful in suea
ceeoBi - . .
Bust. 1 euneei framDaor. M gramsi glye
eolumna of ell the advices you offer to resd-
. .I ara. , wesua.aiso user s sis a saw saw.,
. tlons.
' My nose Is very large and wide, and 1 ,
' Would be pleased to know If can In any '
..iway give It a thinner shape. My hands
, are vary large and Irregular ehencd. due to
. s the fact that I carried kaavy gripe and va-
flsee when my hands were yet growing If.,
( ' vou ean Inform me bow to give them e nor-
5 jnal shape. V would feel very grateful t
9 ml V If.
Much can be oone towara training the
...nose Into a desired shape, bur. it requires.
great patience, aa tne improvement is
, very alow. Very frequently prase tha
f ' side of your nose together between the
thumb and forefinger. -Begin at the V
bridge and press aownw-ara. 'tne nanus
are not so easily trained, aa tha muscles '
have no doubt become enlarged. Wow
ever, If you keep them white and wall '
cared for, It will Improve thai appear ..
anca gTeaUy. i 4',v' :-' .
a gill ahould have a perrectiy souna.
Uouy to Iwgia with, and ba vary sure
' other organs ara Weak
- Kottar mBska and g plastron are oecel,
eree m.
and an -instructor la absolutely eaeen-, forgets all care for herself or for others.
tlaL Learn to fence with both ' hands, 1 do not fee) that the dangers of the
so thst the forearm, calf and thigh are game are compensated by any advan
develored symmetrically on both aides rj tags that may come from It. '
The results are wonderful. Three months , Any girl who haa a weak heart should
of fencing practice will give you a light- ' ' carefully avoid si II vigorous games un
er step, grace of movement and a niore i v less she haa the permleelon of ner physi-. .
agua iurw. h "","'. ',
and tha mind Indeed. I knew . of no
better mental- gymnastics than a bout
with the folia. The exercise la vigorous
and causes profuse perspiration, and If
you are a little heavier In weight than
you would like to be, awathe the hlpa
n In flannel before -your V
r.' and note how quickly,
need. Begin with a thirty
ana noaonien
nrectlce hour.
r. . :
minute l-aaon only, snd gradually length-'
en the time aa your strength increase a.
Lie down for thirty minutes after each
. , i ... la a flnA mm mm
nraCUCe nuui , ram..iia ..uv mi ma '
well aa an exercise, and ana ot tbe most,
fascinating of awTtawty-ti-rv t; -.-j
. BandbalL t-f,-Handball
Is a fine game for all-round
rhysicai development. Kvery muscle of
he body ' Is exercised. It cultivates
oulcknaaa and Dreeiatoa of tha eye. Tha
running and struggling which It Involves
'.are of great benefit to breathing. H la
a most healthful and exhilarating excr-
- ciaa.
- One ef tta advantagaa la that It eaa
be played alone. 11 la the national paa
tlroe of Ireland . - -
..... Baakatball.
' Arihamarh aa many girls are devoted te
- riease pMbllsh ' again four recipe .
for gultana creem snd talcum pow-.
der, 1 liked them both ao macb. but
. nave misuua mem-
: mer.' . a , ,
I repeat the tormula with
SI ensure. Am giving you two for
Ictm powder, as I do not know
which one you wish. .. , ,
' Sultana Craant Uako-Vp. ' '
' " Sweet almond oil. ounces; white wax,"
melted. a grains; apermacetl, t! grains;
beasoln finely powdered). W grains; tinc
, ture ef ambergris, v grains! rice powder, sn
grains; pure carmine, lit giauis.
STin the iiudV5cep?Me of a-r
fi edd ben son Twhlls they era
riee'iowdeV aid carmine while f
siiena tn ISIS
nI.H krlleri
wi mnA ikmiL Mt v and care- .
fully, rubbtna It Into the
getting Into tbe evebrewa or close to tn
or close to the.
eyes. Powder with any flesh .ooioreej pow.
dsr or veloutlne, applying freely with a puff.. .
and after a little while wipe nrt wi n a o
jtf ehamors. This maaks aa sffectusllr as a -
.. Dlaatsr or naetrs and ealnte en snani tm-
,. perfoetlone ef the skin without bsvlng tha
perfection, ef the skin without having tho ,
wnulsiveiv artificial look- which they give,,
By artificial "aM l tmi-ptlbla.
"frZ'T .mV .D'w",.i': -7
. . " 1 . Talcum PoWdei1.
, Rica flour, fs ounces; talcum. 1 eunceei
: axlde ef sine, M ounces. ...
Mix thoroughly end sift tarloe through ae '
bolting silk. Perfume to tests. ; .
HxffldnlO. Talcum Powder. - .
Farina starch, to grama; powdered talcum,
M grains: powdered lyco podium, at grams;
; ealol er boric aoid, J grama; esssnoe of '
'..Violet. M grams.,., .. ., f, f ,. , .. v .- .v
, To Cure Nervousness "...
Can yoit 'give me a trmple core for nee.
,-veuenessT I do not want to take any medl-7
cine, as I do not , isel ill Just nervous. .
.V RRflTI.Fea.'
. Prink plenty of dot water between '
meala It is good for hervouanesa. Bat
out of doors every minute that you pos-slbly-
ean; there Is nothing like blue i
skies, brisk winds and sunshine to do
away with an attack of "nerves.' Go v
to bed early, take a quick bath every
morn leg, don't read craxy, gxcitlng nov
You , Healthy
tne game or naaaet balk It neeme to me
that it ranks wltn football rather than
with girls' sports. In playing thin game "
one ts apt to become so excited that atie
cian to mauige In them. .-,. ,
". . '4' Oardanlng." ; ; "
Bo many girla are dealroua ot getting
rid of auuertlunua flaah that I wonder
more of them do not try gardening. The
same motlona ara involved In this pas- .
time that coma Into many household
dutlea, eepeclaly bed making. The girl ,
: who loves her garden la continually
. . stooping and rising again, motlona most
advantageous for the one who deatrea to
'"In.. Mf.l.hl '
fVimlm elnaa is ' MntW Klfth le a -'
blessing m Itself. ' She loves her chil
dren, and the closer they come to her
tha more freely aba offer them beauty
and health. ' ;
Gardening la a fascinating pursuit, aa
you will find If you once take It up. Be- ,
gin la a email way at first, but do It
well, and It will not be long before your
boundaries will spreed out. The Joy of
seeing the first bud and flower on your
own plant that you have nourished Is aa .
exquLstte pleasure. Not only doee a be
neficent physics, effect come from thia '
close contact with nature, but 1 do not
know of anything that will give yoa
such a netful peace of atlnd aa garden
tnex ... 1 - -i
9 2
m'. t
els and rest all Von can. Eat an abun
dance of simple, nutritious food. Brae
up and say you won't bo nenroua; that
to uijr half tha flght. ,
Reduced, Her Hips.;
' TVIII you Pie
give me yeur forma la foe
aamT I have reduced my
m hv nalnc the eaarclsae
Kentucky cold
a i
you gave me. x wae excaeaiaaTiy aiwv
now, tnsnRs to yeur eeauty cetai
un,M. ,1
.jlender awein. v . . Mrs,. T.
- Aducucxy voia vraam.
v Keeewater, 4 ounces ( ' almond ' ell,
ounces; spermaceti. 1 ousee; white wax.
Orange-Bower, lllso. violet or eMeiowej ,
..water can be substituted for ths roeewaUJ
rat pleasure, and tbe addition ofowe dram of ,
cyllq aeld will. Insure tbo cream tress ee
eoming rancio. ......
." Always wash -the faoewltk hot water ee-
Found Formula Very Satis-
M v J . . !. faCtOTJ
. - -?' " . . '
Hm-uel arl at your nveaertntlono 1
find found them very eatl factory. I
ost the peper containing them. Would
l.lndly publish them axslnt Orange flower
cream, cream lor sorxeoina ma bnib. araane
for chapped banda and corn cure. The pre
scription for corn cure contains eollodleai
tha allies Inaradlanl I aannat remember.
How often should the physician's preeeiie-.
Uon for restoring the natural eolof of tho
hair be usedt . .
Thanktna van In aAvanea.'
Tours truly
a . - l.
it, BJ.
.;,v. oranft-Jiowar vraam, , .
.' White wax. 1 ounce; spermaceti. 1 ounces
' lanolin. S ounces: oocoanut oil. t ounces;
orange-flower water, I ounees; oil at sweet
alrtiouda 4 ounces: tlnotura ef ben sot n. as.
- Melt the first Ave Ingredients together.
Tske off the fire and beat until nearly cold.
dding little by little tbe beasola. and last
t orange-flower water.
,. Craam for Coappad Hands.
White . petrolatum, l4 onneeet ' paraffin
WSS, 14 ounce: lanolin. X ounce; watsr, 1)4
ounces; ell of j-uee, t drape; alcoooi, . (a
dram. . " i v . J
Malt tha earalOn wax. add the petrela
!iim-!ll.I!0?rf5t.,SSL"i.1' AllU.;,
it,:nciSof wh.vrrai,,a -
- P.t. to, D.Uc.t Brlttl. lflng.r .
Tske equal
rafts ef refined
Pitch and
nvrrh. er ot turpentine and myrrh melted.
Mix toael
etner ens spread upon tne nails al
Bight. Ri
morn Log with a Uttie
olive oil.
Sometimes the paste will nourish
lie and make them stronger, ,
i ..,', Corn Cure.
Fatlcylle aeld. 1 dram; col'odlon. eanea.
' raint over tne corn or nuninn onoe a day.
snd serene awsy the superficial growth al
the end ef three nr four days. 1 ( -
, ' Muddy Complexion '
' 1 am a reader ef your ooluma and knew
how helpful yeur remeelee are, so I should'
iirs 10 sea you seout my 1 ahouid
used to have a nice skin, but bow It la -
getting muddy, and doea not look aloe. I
have tried a great many creams and to.
ions, but they do no good. I am In good '
lealtn. ana ao not know what tne causa la. .
would be very aiateful la vou if nu
won 10 sinaiy leu trie -wnat 10 ao, A lea.
what will take away little red blotches left "
rn.m filmntaaT
A muddy complexion Ig frequently the '
result ef a torpid liver. Are you sure .
this is not the trouble In your .caset
Take all the exercise you can and 0,1 ink,
quantities of water betweeq raale. t
Waah your face every ntaht betore tv '
.tiring with warm wr and a -vl.
pure aoap; rinse thoro ''. - I
the cream for wh a I 1 y
formula It will noi , . . , ,j
whiten it, and s'-i ke , 1 r re
moving the biot -s . j .
Ciar ij ?!
- ,
. (
i 4
'lowed glaae. it is a mistake to admin
later a purgative. Instead, allow plenty -of
crackers to ba eaten or thick oaU
meal gruel, or anything similar, so aa
to protect tha intestines.
Persnrrine Hands. PeraDlrinc . banda
- ara a aourca of great annoyance, line
- ture of belladonna applied to the palace
will lessen tbo perspiration. Thia U
Sisonous, so It cannot be freely ueeA.
au do cologne, with I per cent, of du-
luta acetio acid, la quite harmleea. A
convenient way of using thia liquid la to
' carry a wide-necked scent bottle) containing-
small sponge . which baa hem
soaked with the preparation.
1 A splinter ean bo extracted wltfeoo
. pain In this wayt Nearly fill a wiu
mouthed bottle with hot water, plar
' the Injured part over tha mouth a
press tightly. Tha suction will draw t
flesh down, and In a minute or two t
splinter will coma out. , , .
Nervous Breakdown. Nervoua brae-
down ia tftener duo to overworxiner t
digestlva organs than to mental a- -aa
such. Abstemloua habits In oa -combined
with some attention to tv -cle.
make It poaalbla for ono te
tmmensa amount ot bard brain w
without injury: but to attempt anvt-
out of tha ordinary In tha way of ,
while aubglaUng on tho ordinary atu
, latlng diet la to invito dlaaatar. - ,
- Small warts on children's handa, wb- -
' they appear In numbers, can bar got r .
of en lalnly and painlasaly by keex1" i
thera, constantly moist with a ! t
made by adding two drams of
nitric acid to ona pint of water.
In tha Spanish beauty parlora te,
- Will advise you to live essna rereUL,.
oiet wniie you ara taking tha beaut .
treatment. They will tell you that Dv
onlona ara very good, and ao ara a a
paragua, aplnacb and all tha spring ree
etauiee. Ana tncy win whisper that ti
. woman who oats garlic and plenty c4
it will have a vary smooth, very clear
; and pretty skin.
Bad cuts and burns sometimes happen
tn tn h'tchen, ao It la well to
-gr rsr izyspp"
l'gWSffiAfS Z
know e !
be -had. it will aaae the pain of a burn
at onea, ,,..;. '.?'.;.-.'.!;,',
Those who ' eufter from ' stoutnsse
should take plenty- of exercise; never
eat potatoes or bread, no auet er fat,
and never eat and drink at the sam
time. Thin biscuits er toast may be
. taken.,, and. never ,wuca milk or -
It thia is persevered with, a eatiaactois"
result will follow. . i-?
If otie'a face ts too "red." be careful t
the diet. Take no hot drinks, but coo
ing onea. Don't waah the face with eo4
water, nor when you feel flushed. Luke
warm water in better. Wbea going 0
In the aun, wear a thin veil, itot W
. baths are also said to help la a causa e .
thia kind. . . , ;; ,-. .
' Place baby on hie back oa a rug. an
be wUl aoon ahow you his 1 own I
about suaabla. exercise. If hie cur
la not too tight, he will wave - i
legs and arms la the air, and k-
sprawl In great delight- This 'e a
t,,r tha muaulea. and baby wi 1 .
appreciation of It by bis iH-
are to tbe little gyi
LIS S ) miaie " a
Authorftlee d'Ter od the '
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